HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-05-26, Page 4:.PAGE FOUR aa: s • • F i1 �xar • f _ • t • "WANT 'AD'S :RATES -1st •insertion' 2" cents a word,; subsequent insertions 1 cent a word:. Minimum• charge 25"dents:• Replies• care of The. Sentinel 10 cents extra.' Legal 'advertising 10 '.cents pee count line first 'insertion, 5 cents, •per line subsequent. insertions. A THE LUCK•NOW SENTINEL,: LUCKNO ,, ONTARIO PIGS FOR SAterr-=9 little . pigs,, LAWN' MOWERS repaired and just weaned.,'Eltion Miller, R. ,'sarpened. For first' class -,work ,uakflnw_ : ,.see=::or •Ted Rice, Lucknow' R. 2; • phone .'42e-31.' • .. BRONCHIAL ASTHMATIC- tacks.. STHMATIC tacks, • can, 'be quickly r" . � iY e li eved, with, "Davis Asthma Remedy 'No. 7895":: Get a 3 weeks' supply,, at '.owns' 'Drug Store. • FOR • S. A.i,1E..---man's . gold "watch,, open; .face in good repair. Apply at Sentinel Office • ry. �• , FOR SALE—lawn chairs, flower °+arot es,;,and trellises :Hiram.:Col- lisps, Luekno�ir. i FOR SALT , .1930' M• ildet A ; Ford..' • : _ cctaci,. good'' motor. Ernie Crani, BZG-4 CIiLCIS.' Buying now; get 'ford, L these, Chicks, pullets; cockerels. f d, ucknow. ._ Still 4 Wide •assortment. Let me CAR FOR SALE -4939 .Ford de knowchat.you need. S r• . um'tne luxe; ':coach; low mileage, good prices nfake these especially.. goad: buys. Ag-- conditi:on, Apply at Lucknow Sen- 4* tnel. ED V 'EMCEE .Lucknow. r- -BULL! FOR SALE""= .H .0. SE �RSALE-te,emost'w v e t• .Re isteredd:,eel%ngood repair,• 6 roons"hard ISurham. •bull, '2 ''years sold. 'Tbos.;,:,and:snft•Itlateri i plate ':' '. MacDo d . R. 3,L ckno. •d' _ nalu w, phorlP barn 'and garage, . �� acre .of land.. :Ripley- 12-17.. Immediate p!oesession. Ai to Apply Horace Aitchison, 'Box 352, Wing £GARS FOR SALLE 1930 'Ford d °lawn.. .. .. , •coupe, _exceptionally . nice condi tion,;1929 `'Whippet+ coach , new tires,=:1a1 'Vi . Wintersteim " LOST. --,A child's sailor hat,; be- tween Dungannon and tuckYloaw.- Finder please lease , at Sentinel Office: PIANOS - -'' Annual stock -taking sale _of used pianos., Such well known +makes' ,as .' Heintzman, Mason & Risch; Welber, 'Nord heimer, • etc. ;.Special' ' prices:., and terms. diming this 'sale. Write`,for list of bargains.'Heintzman & Co. SPRAY' PAINTING—all t es o Wilted,' 24.2 •Dundas St:;. London y'p§ f _ . .work • `also cellars ` and - outbuild- + , .TE.AICHER WANTED -Protestant in` s' whitewash s 'r'a --ed° prompt . teacher, p Y P eacher for •U.SS: No. • 14, `Dara= service: • Fred • Emlberliri Lu kr ' ra ow motint, zrl t on 'Iii n , _ u Highway 86. Duties ' to: i, ; ` commen'ce. September 6t ►h. Hydro ANC12\TG ON, CLOUDS, . 'yvrll ;• . in : 'school. 1<cation' be ,your tune, i#; :only; you; 'use. ADP s "received'' "'Lioyds Corn Salve'soon 50c:. at tby Orland • Richards, R., 3 Luck - Down's' Drug'•Store.. now: , i • FOR • SALE •— Two panel,: doors, 2 ft .6 ft. '8 in:;.4 sash, 6 lights•to sash • .12: x 16. George o , O.rvis, .Lucknow s r:+ 1 HOUSE FOR SALE -= .Modern, home. .Lucknow' with' built-in cupboards, "3=piece bath, good gar - garden' planted :Geo. - Orvis,. Lucknow, FOR SALE =- 'Chesterfield'' bed'; blue ren, condition like new;: at, a 'reduced price: Apply to . Mrs Hicks,. ita:t' Mrs.Harry' fMcQuillan s, • Lucknow COIR FOR SALE Model• A rord, completely'.,overhau^led, in good shape `,,Apply to Painter Irwin R 7; Lucknow, phone. 67=13:Dungan • zori. NOT,ICE.',, meeting • of • the 'Lucknow 'Aglricultural',Society will,:,be held. iin..t a •Town Hall, on ' 1Vlonda. lVt' ., , t•; ,ya . 30th a 8:" . t 30.` f1 �:• 3� A full attend= :ante ''is i equested • FOR SALEcaibiiet radio,. Norge, oil • burner, „cook. ''stove equipped. - "for ,sawdust burner, reasonably riced.:: A to Mrs. W. J. g- ° Dou '. t? PP1y Ids, Lucknow.: FOR. SALE -=2' ' Wa sa less . beds and . springs, all • metal, 1, walnut four'kitchen:: chairs, white Cheap. 'Apply after 6.30. a.m. to ' L. Rider,:: Havelock St.,. South,. Luekilow: NOTICE RE ' WOOD • e are ` `prepared to.' deliver slabs as follows: green hardwood. $4 00;; ..green ,mixed $2:50; ° dry Hardwood' $4.50; dry..niixed 43.50. The Lucknow. Sawmill. Co. JUNE J%iLY ; • BRAY CHICKS. Orders should be in soon to insure reasonably :early delivery, Ask for sumlrnier 'pricelist..Tell usyour requireran•.ents. j Agent• D.. R, FINLAYSON 'tineknow. Cart of Appreciation • Mr. and Mrs. Erward' Dexter and family wish to thank their many friend and . neighborsfor: the many cards, flowers and gifts ,sen.t to :them ..at ;the time of the celebration of their golden wed- ding, May' 16th. ' TENDERS' WA NTED " for the rt.60 feet of St, Tel ns.cUnite Church°•shed,•.50 •ft..wide, less the east: gable end., r 'Tendo s. received by. the ".u1idersigned i until' Juste 2nd1 Lowest , or any tender •: not necessarily "accepted: Lorne Woods, R • 2, tLucknow, TE N:D,ER S.1 • TENDERS will'sbe received by the undersigned until June 5, 1'9,49, for'pain'ting the interior• and ;ex- terior of 'the. Port- Albert school,: S.S. No. 1. For further' particulars enquire.. of w axiy-trustee-or ;the .,.see - retary. ,Lo'West or any ,tender • not necessarily; accepted.. ` ' , R T. Kilpatrick,... Sec.: Treas. Ashfield ' 'Schon Area,,• ' . . I. R. R 7, Lucknow, Qnt.•' TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF'RINLOSS' Tenders will' be, received. by the undersigned up to, • 0,0 o'clock in the afternoon a ossa a of Ju n e' 13th,`•194a �. for the painting' of ,the ° : outside; 4t the : Kinloss Township , , Halt' Painting. to be .a (brush job of two coats; 'w'ith ody and trim ,of mat- ching at- chir 'g : 'colors: Work to ,be. ,done i rght away ' after ' contract. let. Paint. to' ab:e. supplied by` Town= shi p,, 'T'h� `latest or any tender. not .necessarily accepted J. • R. LANE, • Clerk, Kinloss -' Township, R. R. 2, Holyrood' Ont. TEACHERS WANTED ' by West W.awa.nosh T`o'wnship ;School Area Board; Pr'ncipi; (for St. ;Helens1.. ;two -room' ,school, Sr.: room, will be expected to teach one yar of High School work: This i$' ka. mod= ern � choil�withfixrnace n -d • hydro. 'Also a teacher: for S.S. No. 2: This .is a basement school with: ,furnace Apply stating ''q'ualifica-' tions,:'experience•'and; salary ex- pected`.: Duties to;.co7r mence Sept: •••• W:.'•.A:` Stewart Secy • Dungannon, Ontario, ' KINLOU,O:N' • At the A,Y.P,A on on Monday ev- ening Mr. •Freeman Of Teeswator, showed nlpat interesting°•pictures o1 'California and: Florida where he' had visited recently.: Tbe: pie- tures were ,much *enjoyed . by everyone. Mrs,- Ed Schaeffer spent a feW: 'days with her ' daughter,' Mrs., Andy "Scott of Tiverton. A. Minter from here "attend'ed, e 'musical "• festiv" 1 !a't Walker, the a . ton on Friday: evening. • Mr. andMrs.' Jim Burt and flintily have .Moved to, their new. home, on .the ` 6th Con},. We are SQITY to lose this family frons our Mr eor* unity:. o s. Karl 'Boyle ,� •and dau hter g week Carol visited..:during} the weel with her parents and other Mem.- bees 'Qf "her . family atLondon. .Peeey,FIto ghrvs. arid . Miss Doris Barr were in Walkerton attending the local leader •train- ing;s,chool: and on Thursday even-, ing Mrs. Perry Hodgins, enter ,twined a groupp. of ;girls, at' their organization meeting • which re salted as follows: pores., Miss' 'Bet- ty et-- ty 'Gillespie•• vice Pres:, Miss Doris •Barr; sec:; :1Vlisis -Kathleen :Lane; trews., *Ss' Eleanor Murray;. press ;reporter,.: Miss. Jean Guest: It was decided to, ' take turns at' ' being: pianist:. The Class was.' divided in- to Sr;'•'and Jr.: groups, • The. first lesson *as "given,. by the instruct-. ors° " T1 ev': next: Meeting: Will be' held on.:May' 27th at the nonie: of M rs P,erry Hodgins Lunch wa, ; served.,•b :'the•:••hestess.. y On.. Friday.evening May •.g+ y 27th, the pence. • Deanery Anglican Young 'Peeples, Association Rally will ;be held : in; the char- e-. 'at 8.30 ,p.in Mfrs E.', Runchey of ,oronto is visiting with her sister, Mrs:;Weil:: Wali 'and with Mr. and: Mrs. Wm Lloyd at Kincardine. > ,. . • Mr.:.Jam es ;MVleKinne ` of Lucan and Mr,;.Charles, Hewitt 'of 'K•in cardine were recelit.':visitors wit)' Mr.' and Mrs. James' M Hodgins:, The Girls' Auxiliary will meet'. at . the home .of ,. Mrs. 'Howard Thornioson: on Saturday,June. -4th. instead of, .Saturday May 28th TOTiCt: To , CREDITORS persons having c f a 4 m s against the estate of Mary'Twain ley, .late, of the Township of .Ash field in, •'the ; County.';, of Huron, widow`," who died' on'q . about .the fifth :day of May„'1949., are noti- fied to send' _to: the undersigned On. or beforest'hee : eleventh' day' of June, 1949, full' particulars of their claims in 'writing. Iinmedi= =ately after the .said `leventh • da e. y of: June, the :assets',_of the .said . CARD . OF`` THANKS Mr.: and Mrs: ' Murray ` Hardy and' family:, wish to, `' thank .'all' those .:who so .•kindly, and :: gener ously' helped them following :their - fire. . All these': acts were sincerely appreciated. testatrix w i' 11'' (b e • distributed 'a tn.o`:n g s' t, the parties entitled thereto; having , regard, only to; claims of . Which the Executor ••r shall then have ndtice. a' Dated this 20th day' of May, Ai D. 1949. Crawford & Hetherington;, Wingharn,• • Ontario... Solicitors' for. the. Executor.. . a Our' isolorited.ve icks *re., eason to .Croy Strong, healthy, of -low mortality,' giving 100 percent SATISFIED : CUSTOMER -W._ HOW WE DO IT- We—Receive.the best in day-old birds: :_Adhere to.. strict sanitation throughout; '.. --=Place chicks. in Jamesway Brooder Equipment. —Treat birds first five days—Finn's, ,R.D.Q.. tablets.' Follow up' with • Salisbury's. Ren -O -Sal. -" -Feed :Lifeteria Feed throughout.- , ,—Worm all birds at age of 6-8 .`creeks. Assist purchasers with future problems:. ' $ —Have knowledge of immediate' cure for .Coccidiosis.: ALL THE ABOVE -Chicks,' Tonics, Medicines, Poultry Equipanent, Lifeteria. Feed an • and - . y possible assist-. ance or advice available at— ' •M 165: � .. 'Phone 'S Feed `S tore ••Lucknow, fintario • 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS, IN THE_INIATTER .OF the 'Estate of ',Margaret Rgs1s, .late '.Of ;•"the Township of Huron the • Cbun- t+ of Bruce, VG`d o ' yw. • Notice is hereby given., that 'ail persons having. any' claims'' or de- mends against• the Estate o f : M`ar. garet 'Ross; „ aforesaid, ;',•who,, died on or' about the 3rd day of''April, 1949,' at •Listowel, `Ontario, pre 're- quired to for (lard statfrtnents`:of: their `clainis'•'duly v:erified 'to the Undersigned' executors on : or be- for . •the : ;:15th day of June,. ` 'A.D. 1949. And'inotice isfurther given: that after the said date the executors'' will proceed to distribute, the said. estate'among'the persons. entitled thereto and will not be.respon- Bible• -for. the said assets' to any person of', whose claim, they shall not; then • have received. notice. Dated at.Ripley, 'Ontario,' this. 4th day. f May, 1949'. : (Mrs: Marian West,' '. Listowel, Ont. Gordon Ross, R. R:.3; LuCkriotw,' Ont. Executors. To' Reside in London Mrs: •:Aylmer .Alto Oen a n d g 'Joan: left, • for: London. dau hter " on Saturday where they, will take up residence, and: Where Aylmer is stationed with, the ' Canadian: Army.. _. T LE ..0 LA'D N 'VETERINARIAIN Havelock.' St., ° south • of • • '.Supertest Garage 8. LUCKNOW• , 4 • Telephone 175 Accountant BBuslile "land ; Tax Service for the Small' Business Man, the'r'bfessional Man and the `Farmer. Office: in Kilpatrick ' � patrck Block.. TUESDAY, ;THURSDAY and SATURDAY. '1Phone ,23-W,• Lucknow. u0Qn0ble Owners - Don't •.pay two prices • for • • your insurance. s For ' the most 'economical • nd r liable pr AUTOMOBILE INSURA ;CE LIFE. INSURANCE: FIRE °INSURANCE SWI &, .ACCIDEN'T' INSURANCE . -and . HOSPITALIZATIOI • 'See or Call T. A. LAMER Luekfhow; On'ta i0; . 'Phone10-r1.0 THURSDAY, . MAY 26th, 1049: ¥r� a'ndMrs, John Hockley Toronto were recentvisitors, ,ith• Mr.; and Mrs. •Ed:$chaeffex., • IV,tr, Allan Wall and :Sli,a"ror; London spelt the 'week -end • with his (parents,,, .Mr.'. and Mrs: '{n7; Wall. WESTERN FARMERS Weather. Insurance. • Mutual Co • M•OTTO: i ••' Prompt' and, 'Satisfactory Settlements 'For . Information,, reliable <,• '• protection, satisfaction, conaelt your local ,agent SAM; AUTON LlUCHNO:`1/ . 'Phon . D . . • phone .ungaanon 84-r-4 •:'� F. T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST IN I4UCKNOW FIRST WEDNESDA R EACH MONTH, . from:., • 10• a m. to 6 ppm. WM, SCILMID_S STORE :