HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-05-26, Page 3IlipBSDAV, MAY 26th, 1949 IC110'01 SENTI14,EL 14.161NOVIT,i, ONTA.R10 • 4& EN'S & BOYS Work Clothing, Shirts, Pants, Overalls.•apo :11n. derwear. Special Prices.- oTHE NrAWCED..Pallg' . • Jim. IViatherspent .13y-rm. the week -end at her henie. Mrand gig'. Horace -McGuire and Shirley spent Sunday:. with, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Cook, • , . • ° Miss. Bertha- Stinisen• of • Tor- onto Spent the, eek -end at her . • .. , borne. • . , -ooen,- .001 the pulpits of , Whitechnrcl; wioside and.palvin on Stuiday,,• Jas". MacKendriek, of•TOr,: onto called on %Miss Margaret, - Murray' of,toWn 'cat Friday.... Shirley' ,Webitei. epent.,the ' week -Pd. with .Mrs. Annie Jewitt Bill' Bolt .,6f Atitchenet spent the week -end at .the home of Ms. Russell ArmarOhg. of Humber- stc;ne sp•ent the weekrend with and. yrs.. G. 'Armstrong. .• „ „ 11/14C*Dona1d' of Luck- now.dectipied the 'pulpit of; South Kinloss "church on Suriday4nOrn :lag; la#, it, being.. corruntinion, • •rs LOttisa-Naylorhas return- -ed after; visiting .fer two.weeks. With- Mrand -Mrs :Harvey..Naylor. . , . . • . 7: • ,Aivhie Graham o f LondOn. " 'spent: the„ week -en dv „With!his slather .,•and ".otlrer., relatives. .Kiziloss in Mr • • • . . .:•• and.; Mrs..1\1: H. Hecliey and. lent pent the '.1week-end • in • Brantford With ••• Mr , and ',4Mrs. 'NelsOn He1ey' and Mr.. and ikA.rs,•..r. Albert0VerhOlt, • • • .. enera I,Mtie Armstrong of Lon don-as—been visiting with, Mrs. Macken0e. and Miss Jean „ • Me, and Mrs.: C.' .T.O.ImstOn .and potig(las •Sernia',42d*Miss, Flora Webster of Kitchener. ;spent the .'week -end; with Mr: • and 'Mrs. Jtichit!4":WO'st!r- • • , 'Mr. and .MrS, Itabert• Elliot of :Hamilton. and Or: arid: Mrs", .Jcihri Frederiek, of 3eeswater, spent Sunday with Mr: and Mrs:Albert Little. '•• ' Mr, Finlay Maicolm,%has'returw • ed, to' the `village for' a Sh,(nFt stay, , . • , , • after :spending the.... paSt , few rnontbs ,iii,:;.Strouffyille With Mr Mrs,. 4: A,: Grafton and datigh- toy Mary of • Dundas, Dr. and.' Mrs. J.• G; Ross • and, bytio children of 'Kitchener were visitors on ,the 24th '.of. MaY ,:*-ith Mr, . and.'Mrs. Donald "MacDonald at Skye -Croft.' • jOhn "McKimiori, .who Was •in.• Calgary for the winter, .has re-. turned tO spend the stimaner ,with his ,brother,• McKinnon. John motOred from London:with his sister, J. 1...et4114.• • , „ Mrs. B, Sangster and sop Allen, of. 'PorOitito SPent the, week -end and holiday and •arbund Luck-, as te ' mother, Mrs. Duncan Graham and, sister, and '''brother, ' Mrs. W. MacDonald and Douglas Graham, Mr: and Mrs. W, A, Porteous, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Anew and Miss'Marion..MacI5onald..atte.n.dea' the DiTay Festival at AlmaCcillege,' St 'Inomas Mary Porteous was one. Of three , students responsible .1:or the,:floral designs and setting,: in. connection mfith the 'event:. COUNCI41.. MINUTES • KINLOSS. foyiTiOliEr Council met' .in the Township. Hall, May '16th, 1949; as per .:•adr., ;journrnent. All members„.Present: •.• The ,ininuteS, of the April llth • meeting .4, read Were -approved and signed• .A petition for munlclpal" dram • *Nage was receive lifonr Earl ./Iar-, ,,ris and. others; On: Con. .8, ..„• • The *clerk. •was 'instructed" ,to • *ritethe engineer 'regarding .re- pairs on soinCTnunibittal, clrsinS;!: -and if Unable to look 'after .thean,, .endeavour. to Contatt Some 'other , ;engineer., 0, • " I •, The ;.account -Of • Joe. Scott, . Of Riplerfor,„the;construetion of ;they John Emerson Agreement Drain!: ,amounting 0 to $255 was ,..Ordered .paid,. the Township assuming one- lhird of the total cbst . land the. balance frothe other pattieo in'- terested,.• ' The, •Clerik ,was instructed- to write the Drury. Construction Co. of Arthur °regarding. the ' unfinish7. ed Sectidn of 'the Ackert Drain. Ay claim; tor 'loss due . Wer,b].:e 'fly. spray.' -m*, he, endors- ed by a, veterinarian's certificate: .Counail stipported a .reSolutiOn,' favoring a7•High School Area in. Luckno*, Providing such a :area Was eStahlisliedn'there. ' • The.elerk was insthidted't�ad- Vertise or., ilhe painting of ..the Otittide of. the hip 'Hal .( ,Council then 'aclic, 'ned,t6 inOet' again on Monday e 13th day, of June 1949. ' '- Cheques isatied---.A.. G., ,ThOmp- son,. on . accottnt .'spray $590.00; Donald -,MacIrityre,..•.on, 'account pray .inipeator, 163:00; Donald 4aeintyre, Apr•ay' inspoctor,' 97.25; Jckq-.-.1501t.„-_.--.6ohstruction -Emerson drain, 255.09; ,titicknoW Sentinel, Pax amount Women's . Institute held the May Meeting •at, the,home ,Of Mrs. 'Robert .Hamilton With 23 present.' The -president had charge with Mrs R Re1d, at the piano. Mrs. Fred • Martin ;"gave a .talk .ori.. the 'conference at. giielPh. Mrs. Dan Nicholson gave a„.'papOr On 'perennial, gardens,. Miss isobelle Scott gave a., piano number an readings by 'Mr.S.. E. MacLennan and Mrs Reid." WS, A,. Irwin Conducted a, •conteit. The June •ineeting is tolae held at the hprne of NIT'S Win Sta '''alli11”;11,111"'Iii6"...".."4"..6"*..1"..,..7.7.'".1.1"...4."."!...."!4,48Ral,d0g**,..:.01.1•41411..000.11#1114)4110.. UNITED .CHURCH 4,U.CKNOW Rev, StINDAY,.:MA*. 29th, 1940 Rei. .0.1 StephenSOn of Cargill, • ' •• • 12,16. p.ni,;,Say SchCl • . . Pastor 70.P411.z Rtte.. 8.'18. Stevenson of Ga1 0• , . • , 1 LESLIE' SINGERS VOMIN9 WINGHAM • The lAslie Bell Singers,' ac- e,laimed by leading criticS. as the Continent's .fit ..,girl chorus, are corning to Wmghain on'SatUrday,'" June. '4th." • Orgni4ed ten years' ago as . an .alumni girls' ,"chorus, . the Leslie B€U-Singers have • since "earned an' international reputation as an caPella" group. ritics ii(Nin- .4da and" the United States hail 'then); 'as Nimitivalled" for 'their. )54iper6 ensemble Singing, beauti- ful •voices, versatile repertoire, and fOr the freshness and charm of the choir. itself. Indeed,.1;the, remarkable .co-ordiira,tiOn • of the, lie Bell. Singers and the, gen,: uine . pleasure each inernber'de. rives. from .particiPation *tin' the singing group add. to :their overc:, Whelming popularity.. A STRONG and Dirsirm .• • embership Campai It is impossible for the volunteer canvassers to -contad. everyone. They are busymen and you can save them valu- able time by , joining this week and save them' making a personal , call. 'FILL IN THE A PLICATION BELOW and mail or #ive it to any of the members of ,the member- shq, committee. Lloyd 'Ashton H D. Thompson, Chas. Webster, Bob 'McIntosh.. , .0:THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Lucknowi Ontalio. lease enter my application for membership in the ow and District Chamber of Commerce. Fee, $3.00.., ccupatiou , A Telephone: Bus. ddreis 'Rea. • . , ignakurft: • c.; Mr. and Mr Wm.. Sihith ofi Dungannon rspent Sunday Nvith Mr. and Mrs, Walter Deicter.. Alvin and Lorne liarrilltori at- tended the calf club ,Convention held :•at: the .0.A.C.; quelph; . _ , • . O -ENGAGEMENTS . , • . Mr.-. and MrS.-' Albert. Wesley Magee of Dungaimon, announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Beatrice, to Mr Ernest Edwin Hilt, of Lon- don, son of Mr. and Mrs.E: Hili ihesinarri age AO_ take pIat e-on-Sa urday" June 4th at Knox'United Church, London. 'Rev. -Parker Inducted , ...The induction of •Revi. "Harvey L Parker, B.A.,Lth. as . rector. of .the. Tara:-Chealey parish. Was held .in; Tara • last week.41ev, Parker was a former Curate at $t; Peter's Church; Lucknow, Stipphe.'s,). 15,05; CtilrOss CO In:�n Ilan,: 6,30; , ',J. R. Lane,. freight .on, 'sPray. powder, 5,80; Mrs, . jarnes, Smith, caretakingt - .4.00; :George •Tiffin, part atary, H 25.00; D. ..Cartuthers; ,part .ary, 25.00; Harold Percy, part sal.- ary;', 25.00; Dan -1VIaKinnon, part' s4afy, '25:00; Harry, Lavis, ,Part salary, 25,90; • Frank Thornpson, part s.alary,' 25.99; J. R. Lane,,p.art salary, , 100,00; 'Harold Percy, „ warble fly. canvas's, .15.00; Migelrityre, wa,rble fly- canvass,. 15,00; •Frank Thompson, warble fly canvass, 9,00; .Vtarik.,Thornp- i9n, frtfokink Safe; 3.0: Harry .! LaviS, 'Warble fly canvass, 1500. Highvvay ;cheques No, .5, • $422:25; , Ronald ..Forster,• ppiis;7;00; kr Porteo4,1 .bolts, 2.43; C; E. McTavish,. fueIt 81.78;*_:Dom,injoy), Road- Mach- inery' to..,7repairs,. 39,91;:,Q. E. I Stephenson, surVeY Ati1 Con; hill; 1 • S THREE KEY yylogos. nity, Security, Freed�m THE LIBERAL PARTY BELIEVES I UNITY So theindividual co -Operates with 'othersto keep our luitiai.free. SECURITY . • ,o that a inie nation may 'develop maintain-. „ . , int our historic privilege.. REEDOM, . O So that our associations in hmily an may sponsor a fuller life.. thur DONALD BLUE LIBERAL Candidate For: , BRUCE ' supports and endorses the . policies of the Liberal party which protect, sustain' and improve the mdiyidual . . 1 T h e Liberals face new problems of a new age, O able to adopt new methods O guided by a tested philoso. phy. Wigthc tegatiinia fireoung ' after ••• 17,00; Harold Kerr, tu.tting 4th . .eVen lilt , serv.; ce. • Con: hall' 120:40; Alex Ai en, . . Published iiy -truce Liberal Association / . . • . snoWploWingi '30:00; . .: eimaimoommoimmoolorosemsompoolielte•motele is • • • elf ; • 4 I 0 ; 4 sri • D. • • ss