HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-05-26, Page 1•
$2:50 Yearly In .Advance 50‘ E Ctra to UU.S.A, I:UCIr..NoW, ONTARIO,
THURSIZAY, MAY 26th, ' 1949
:, That; .surrounding; ' urlk an and
ruialunicipalities are definite-
lyopposed to entering the Wing,
ham . High School district, was
•°.freely voiced at a public meeting.
the --,f ssembly Roont-
•the W"g of
in ham . Hr School on
.l�fonday :.evening.: is` se�i�tlnt.
was expressed by .heads; of school
° .boards and. r.eeves'of the,.:various
' riuriicipalrtres 'Stile:': supporter ;o
the municipalities „represent pcl•
•wasthe' Reeve of Turnberry; who
said the children in` that town-
ship `naturally {dent. to Wingham
and they' were satisfied.: There
were ,nial'e than 150. persons inat-
tendance et 'the. meeting' which
didn't; cciriclude;..until one a.Rn.
around. Liucknow. The south • of
the -Township is .in the Goderich
'district, afi'd tithe north, has yetto•
•+be placed. They are paying more
in the:.,south for ' educat onai pue-
.poses :and " .are very ..dissatisfied..
'They want a.; Vote•° in . the, south;;
tinct 'one`ccould.'be taken lie°was,
:sure . they wa ote• out .of ;the
Goderich: e' • •
Speaking ..of: Winter road'"
e .condi
tions, he said that :two •years ago •`
on the. 9th Concession,: a school
bus route, there was'fur ten days ".
at:: a tune that the,°road wasn't
even -open,. That made a lot of +.
di"ssatisfactir n•:. he eo•ncliid'ed•,
.Should Be' ;Let :Out C•,
Beeye Everett 'Fir ni•• air of West'''. `.
,. air. '.
Mr and Mrs Murrajr I lardy and:
children who recently lost ,every
thing when: their' home ,was .de-
stroyed by fire, .have ;moved, into,
the . cement- house, north of the
C,N,R., formerly ;occupied; ,and
• The following ' is 'a • tentative
'Program of 'work as 'drawn up by
the Chamber of . Comnimerce cour
elle. Sonne'' of the . itemns are .fdr
imined.iate action and -others
owned by
Robert * Mof fat „ of ''ibe undertaken in order, of
Wingham, portarrcee. or as they—earl, :be
The community has ,responded. • taekled. u
generously to. aid.; the , Hardy
Tamily; The, contplete °.
ro am b 1h Ginf Guides provided;: dealtwalien
the first; ;general
.. RclothingA for the baby; The; •:local nieeting'iorf the 'Chamber and. ' ed . ;Cross -, eu �oards"provided
other...vorthwhile esu eStioris.'exnergency needs'end 'menabers'of,be will .:,.:•
included in this far-reaching.,,,
the the ree .groups• of the Women's progranp.at .that : titine. The. Cham-
Association' donated articles from 'ber., provides • the .medium " for
:pots and pans to household furn-,; community,. service ":,t hr o.0 g. h
• • ,• , united tactiona and rri.u�cYi good can • , .,
There were „many individual be acc:bmplished. bit, such eo. oper-
donations'of furniture, clothing, l'.ation and moral as;: well as fin-
bedding; pantry shelf articles and ,, andel .support.
R• :. cash, .and 1V[r. and. Mrs. Hardy are T3riye Starts- Yiortda.
D T,Od�.e1
Mr. ] ). Beecroft reeve of . East .V awanosh said 'that ..he thought p 5 grateful fol all these• kind
M � Preside
t 1 t }
f th
n -e elect kro the. Ontario• e financial.sup,.port:.
So ':far as tlr•
• the 1 districts nesses:.
Wawanosh and• a me�raber of the•anger is rias, in
were,,the. best thin but that the, 11'ledical • Associ.atlon ;,during ",tee ,
Iiu} an Griun:ty : Cansu114at vee. Com thing .: ••
• ast year, -was elected .president' ... .
.. ' nor thein section . of his township ; p
"m ittee, ryvlis chairman•, ' ,•,;, .•
•••• di n't pt of ..the 'Association .on •Sat`urda .:
d want be in the Winghamy
c• ofe'
is .School n - Y
' in s: Donald E. MacDonald son of ; ,•
wcicorried and invited: ' The' ,fee
Association. wereheld. on Frieda.
Pub l S l ool I spectors J - TUistr ret Her Meetings' of the Coun rl th
Game iiia' J. H. Kinkead of Bruce ley le proceed g
coni. erred, that • cyan +be' given."'
by every,—civic minded citizen of
the Village;anc
`7urtY.Yauxmembership is
'and 'Huron, respective •Secretaries and r an ]wVlrrs andy MacDonald b h' d
• ,Voted . _�:_�genenaL.::�session. •�:runnn _.•from . .. _ .. a.che"d..•ne�ct:�,I1�Wnd.ay, Mau.:;
Monday to.'yV.ed resda , .
the CountyComanittees out P w s into Niagara Falls formerly'
leading up to this The south hall' Y M • d.
Saturday with a three -da , , �s xnerr� ens ,r:p xrve.
of the T wrishi a Y
of St t t b
dined What': been done in re-
e g ford, was among .those. mho sue 30th Don't wait • to a on
M b contacted' •
the,,G•od,ericli Area, -and -the north-
ern ,. a "in o whatever
Might be Tamped" not knowing
�. w t;
'•where• -•it. might' Abe: '` When the
�. 'choo � districts half
t area :cessfu•lly..•'passed:''the : spring ' eX-1, ,.
gpect to High, S Ids cis in haw•ever,• j•orn.' now. The Chamber. .
•`F i
GUTS ounties: 'In' Bruce •then h.
the two •c x e
-has been: little;headway :to' date. . •
Wingham District. took ` sha pe ,
A:: entrap is now before Count P, .
p y Couincil Was Very undecided What SHED.- :AT::,C.N.R
Council . to .establish a Walkerton-•
to do but . ut fin�ally.:went into the +: .
`` Hanover -Mildmay .:area, and :•• a A la
Winglh;am, area ,on the• understand-•. large 'frame' storage . sided,
second request '}itis. been present- i •owned' ,by • the Lucknow Consum'-
'ng that withdrawal' was •easy if
:ed �or a. Teeserater Culross area.. ens. +Co -Or er+ati+ve .was gutted `b
In`the latter 'case 80' ils •w uld
desired. _ed , Y
p o lire on •Monday' everii (haus
West' •� Wnv'vianosh•': Council ' re- �•
be, an OiShnistiC total possible en-' f:
'roilnlentan,d he. added, . LQn• quite
cently received a: ,'' .titian Signed, o the conflagration is a;mystery
.:by 90`•, erceint. of the ratepayers,and' ', had, gained:considei�abl
'sore that. isn't • ibiiig' enouig� ".= to P .headway . ,�when disc red .about
. , , for :withdrawal, ; sand w�hi�cli was .... • .. , . . °� .
fun�ctron�` a.sa' district .. „ eight o•clock. The Fire
accepted by. the Board. I do not , Campari
'Mr: IKiiikead pointed out that:
had to )avP actically every.avarl
. _think they should- be, ..forced to
;Hur`on • *4 ;well 'organized . with able: foot-- of .:
tay, :and 'I'• have ,promised. to :do. hose to retial th
area • centres at 'Exeter, Goderieli, ,. laze. `P
•: b ,ressure: was: low, until`:th
• f _ my beat to get.: them, out ,. saud .. ,.
`',Hinton;• Seaforth. and ripw-Wing. „ boo ter• +
Reeve Finni an° .:The "want :'out s , pump nvas put, into opera
.hani, . the ,first. four -mentioned g Y , iron, when; the !blaze 'was +brow h
have' o.
s-tney,;never':wanted in but: we re g
sses' tents from 11 /z ,down,, under ecOtroL .. ` .4
• ia little late. i i findin it out",
tae: 7, 4 :aiilhon. dollars. A re a st g• he
q., e.The. fire started :in t e' :ri
is '.now : • e ore
concluded h • . orth
b. f ., Huron . Coli'it• :, , . ,
Y gee end .el the burld•ing, ;arid .noire
f Reeve ;'Falconer •`gave •Culross
Coiincil.'for,'a' -
Bru;; els-Morris : throw
view" oint• and •id• . ugh; tie. frame structure
• . ,. x• , .. .. , p . sae. they. pulled, ..•.
Grey•area: with a 2 /a m,ilhon. dol- .,About•'`fiftv. tons:`;' f';coal..wer
. out of :,the. pro `osed, Walkerton d..
' lar- assessment` P
? - fitored : `n the south ., end df :t
d. istr•ret ��wlaen other' . rural � area , • . .
:.Warder. r�rri$ •.. ,
... A. strop of :` • •anon . .. .,r •.-:.•. :� a : •,' and; the • - ,
g - •didn t,, go in, . that. were; ori r all bui�dm, : and the. fire . didn twee
Co.; spoke % riefly• : •ani ''•as foI- . g rl . .' into it to an extent..
:. t es ex ected' t0 Y
towed bye s .P:..
. e r pre..entatives: Trona. T,jj
• he buildrn ison the ea+st.'sid
the � ar ao.us : rruriic' al' '•
keev.e., B:liner • Farrrsh Qt.' I ov�i- , ;g..
• >ap .; hies• ' •' .'
of the::tracks, and ivas'Mused -.a$
. ,. , ick': said he Wasn't going to; .be.:••
. `..Wil:l F get To: Kee Selo fertilizer .Harkin ';plant until th
�' ., p:, of .•';'. `a` 'ood.+bo arid, i
s de ern with :the ,, _.
Gentile}. Rathtw.ell, chairman of. of i 1 new. Co -Op -plant was bunt on
t c alas. He• .4i:
felt that personal
•ami�nations in the: Faculty of:1p=' president is;Bill 'Pappas,. and the •
secretary,: W; B,. Anderson:: Mein-
lbers 'of' the Membership ,CoTnmait--
tee are, •• Lloyd: Asliton,
plied Science. and: Engineering,
University ' Of 'Toronto. Donald
graduated frena the Stratford',Col-
legiate institute.';when';17 years
of. 'age :and .is . a : veteran,, ,o f the
Second 'World; War. Throughout
the .four; -Year course ,;in:`mechan-
e ical engineering' he 'has' been an
honor .stu•dent.In March ;he:'was
e 'enigaged:.as engineer for 'a'Keno,
gami, Que., firm :'following air in -
Y tervie' w in' Montreal.
.'Donald is'; a ram:Ison of: Mrs.
Ewen MacKenzie `'of town..'
• :; Ptetairs are }:icing made to Dave
Ande;i:son •s hew, : Modern turkey
build n' w'hich:; eras . wrecke • '
e gy•. day
. 'a, terrific:.. `th•at.':swe t.. `t is
he galep h.
di trict on.January l.9th.
:The '1.40 -foot . building d n which:
e was :then iris •the.: course of con:•
"struction, was torn from its cern
�tfre bucltnov�r 'Board of •Education ,• :the, west side;. of the', tracks..; We
he super v lesion ;was lost in ,the larger
said,.LUcknow *as: in 'erested i c _ understand, there.;viras no • irsur
. k ,t , n schoo-Ls Was oppsed tq,, zany act- . • . , ; • .
iteepi ig its school, and enlarging ,tion,. .ince `on' the •.building.. ,.
k •Lietii " afte'r the.' Royal •
to better.' serve, Kinloss
•Town- mission report, and qu, otedfig
'OA]. , s
heds.: lie to both the
shipadsections of Ashfield:ares ..to:: illustrate the,. nano fh•and south •ofthebuilding;
West ,Wawanosh
a n:ci ego ` .and fortunately the' cumin •.was
i4,! . of assessing the costs" of g
which had .expressed p sed` th'e wish to thes �' ; l i• • . calm •. or the flames • ni+ight edgily
s.• , ,e tinge districts. '' 1VIr Far-
see this'.s ,.have .spread to. : create , a a'
chool .•continue to rishr felt 'the. Departrnent hadn.tm
•function, Admitting.. ..corifla .ration in the de4 of yards.
we were: not :.an: set tan hatsoever and g P
lar a .eno y .. i? W Across. the roa,dw�av"to the west
•.g . ugh to set • :up an area cited the fact that while Kincar-• • • •
'as' a p roved by•- :• •. the Herderson•, Pla:nin Mill: an
pp the Department, dine .had been. proposed at,•one . g
Mr.-Rath�well `stressed Silverwoods: plant ,would have
that they .time: as `a. district � centre, .•th'e De- _:: •: .
had- no •chi ~; . iv been eridan eyed: ;
p; "ori„ :!their shoulder; partment � had .recently..• 'given .• g •'
hut 'wanted 'facts and:figures •-an
. 'fight ,, .. _ .. Authority to rebuild a new -Con- • : - .. .: • . .. ,::
would fight to keep our school". ,ti•nuation`: School: in R i p:1 e •: I i:ll Lloyd Sel•1's :Busin
Mr M' Tavis ,, • chai rn- an of , " l'h .y ess
the . There s.:something': Wrong .some . ; . Wm;:,•.L1oyd of Kincardine and
Brussels. Board .Stated the ", ..
�. were ace , she added..:
x�pz�essirig. public� ' iiiron in hold- p�. �' � " fc�i�xrierly of : Lucknow, •has . sold
in ,,°p• •. .ld. • Reeve'"John: McNab of Grey .End
g out. to, keep their school. A his. $out: grocery business
snow made quite ;a 'speech con tending. ,:
plow in. front of every busto 'Gesrge l- H. Bell 'of'Kincardine:
wuauld' be required:.' Y that;the public • should' have :•.the
in the average right to. _ say, .what school .theY•
Thompson,; Chas: Webster ands'
Bob McIntosh.,':
Suggested Frogram
Commercial phase :(a) ade-. •
quate parking space for shoppers;
:'(ib) :Proper ,by-laws, against, -
dlei s;, (c) • 'Organi.zation ' of 'good
•will 'visits to Surrounding areas'to;
•visit folks:Who o: trade; i • our :corn=
r nfi
: manity; .` (d)• 'Efforts' for 'special'
sale . -
es ,by all .rnercllants;- (e)
'the reason, why people buy
where and! remedy; '(•f) Develop -
tourist trade •
� 4by: '1. Signs on
high -Ways", Pointing to Bucknow: •
:.2. Aggitate for Netter ,roads :lead-
i , rig_
a d froi7i . they lake , 3;Have=
thecal' restaurants give particular-
:care. ;and s'ervice 'tc tourists:.
i, Industrial Phase (a)': • robe:
P. 7c'
into: condition "of: local factory-
1 corni ttee ;.to deal with. that elan
•'mediately; (b) 'L,•ook"•ii to 'the s-
Sibility . of more'; industries'. (c).
Use .:of raw materials' at.:hand.
d. . 'Invest' ate-
( ) • g possibility � of : �.a
pro,,essing plant locally, afor:local
• pr.od'uce ,•
Agricultural. Phase - .(a Est -
abl;sh • a'sales exchange; for live °..
stock,•" (b) Make': farm 'folk vvel>:: ;
come and' "at home;: (c -Organize'
short:educational courses.on
. g,
cultural subjects for farmers;'
.Livestock and croli' competitions.
Civic` phase -- .(a), Institute a `•':,
small bark;• -(,b)) Beautification orf
village g , through. horteniture; .(c)
A, tennis court
• _
E•duaation—(a) :Course in }land=•
• ent 1b'lock foundation•and exten
s+iv°ely 'damaged. To .faci.fitate ` re-
pairing %the' ,aluminum
: pa ng . h:.:•sheeted:
b,t ildin� the structure has been
split • in three . Sections:•
Erect'Huts `Af .Guide: :Cam
7 p
Work is'progr'ess+ing well at the
Girl Guide campsite in -Ashfield
mfp s reld
Township.-- F o u:r. 'prefabricated
staff •'l uts have now, been' erected,
• and work- ori the dining ,hall • is
d; ,proceeding:: ' .
I .
Winter, and hemstrongly 'Urged no •
g attended A section of Grey goes
action until the g•a ' ` .
y�al Col-1'114)sto Listowel a 'ainst the'wishes' of
'• g
snaps , •report on education was
t I1 y n 112r M �1ab 85TH ANNIVERSARY
prat rca' Y ever o c A
swbri�rtted. •
stated.' ;concert and social,will be
Chairmen_of the ••Teeswate . and`' ' •' A
W • . • . r Reeve' Jack ,Reavie • and = John held in' :the Presbyterian 'church;
roxeter Boards, both •stressed' Hanna 1VI P.P: spoke briefly; Whitechurch;. on Ivr. nda'.` 'Ma :.
that. j' P Y, �'
public opinion 'teras' strongly
Mr.. Grey',: Inspector.: of '1 -nob 3.0th at 8.30 perp. 'A'd nission 35c
cehrnd ,them in .•1tedpin thei
:' • schoo •� • P 8 Schools,:' : pointed,�: out• how voca; : children 200.
ls,,. Said, :Mr` .Munroe' of
.,, ... tonal :.training had been, added
:Wrbiccter RECEPTION .
tire• one t • (Continued on '.page 10) • -•In St. Helens Hall, on Wednes-
:day, June lst, in honor • of Mr,
. would hate to 'be
•• o make the motion to
Need. 100:M.
More• Students
Mr" French : of: the 'Win harn
Board said they had'accorno�- a' n
for 300 iu:.. d • too
l Pils,, with.: 200. , on he
'at Jre'scrit. ' ,.
. l � 'Their dlStric
,gess • ass
mcnt. is 6' ;'r ilaion, but too
small tip keep,, up commercial,
home• (" ;i)oniieShop
s and,
3'or wilie'h'.
•• they are well equipped:
., We need ".
those extra 100 pupils r.
he sand; Th
. f - . r• .mill rate;. wrll; climb
nom 2.1 to close to 4• mills' •this
Year, and he .a:dded . "1 .s•
to.:think of the shudder
to a costs: to smaller
ntrc�s if they proceed with.'these
Special- , eou rs'es"..: .
Ashfield Very Disaatisffed •
Reeve Cecil Johnsto
f'eldfield sale} his . 'o n of .�lsh•-�,
E t unship was 'very
sted iii. ,• , what went oin
"Mr. Iy.' A MacDonald •of Ltich-
alsh showed us a.'sarnple of. fall
wheat, that for Carly growth tops
anything we sever. .heard
of, The
on- .ay •20 ., rieastired 34 inches.
c M Y ).
jti:st two rnche5 slioi tf three;
feet: -Mr. MacDonald has over 1.2•
'acres of -this' new "no sfriet"° v i`r-
iety 'known aq Fa.rrrel1', Howevcr,•
of stacks h'e 'hi -ought in
the. entire acreage ,doesn`t .stand
at nearly that height. What' he
'brought in, grew :near pie barn.
Sere the* soil was 'particularly
and 1Vliys, Russell 'Phillips and Mr.
and Mrs: Irwin Reid.. Farrier's or
chestra.' ' Ladies - please bring
• 'craft; (b) W.elfare•••of.,6tir• teach- •
ens • • e Pa' -
Clifford Wagner, five year=old ..
( rent teacher
twin' son.' of Mr.. and. Mrs.. Gerald•.: tion.
Wagner .of town is• in ,Win :ham Transpoi tation — (a.), Demand
' ft reopening of local t
:Hospital:with a :fractured.�left leg/ • d,eip'o. • .
as the result of a' i hwa Social Welfare (a) Encour-
. h g y. acci-
dent at the Eastern • outskirts oaf ". `ag "of • Boy; Scouts and . Girl:
the. village in •mid �afternooin on Guide orgati.izations; (b) Need for:
'Monday. . Clifford will.be six' in sinall.'hospital. "
Public Utili1i s--- a Look in.
November, . • •( )
• The :accident occurred at.,Dex-. tci .the „rate tr acture. :
Health' and .Safer ' a' Fire-
ter's Corner 'on<:Highway 86; :near Y. ( )
=fi htr ui n .......
the.. • . g Ti•g eq Rare' t"'and . ro erl
Wagner home. Clifford had- P P Y
crossed the 'road 'to see the fish
in• the';c-•eek, and 'started : back
again into thepath of` a;''west=
bound .car//driven ••by Carl Hem
erly of`.Elin'ira, Cliffed's twin,
brother was on the opposite: side
,.of the 'road,: wild :' the' driver : of
the car , aid he 'could not avoid •
hitti :' o e.. of the other of the SON' OF `5..B; STOTHERS:t'IN
-+rained' crewts; (b)". F ire4 preven
tion; (c)' Police' protection-; (d). '
Participating in:; Natioial
paigins n ,.
General - (a) Acquaint people,
with new •street names.
• S,
t.v^ins. liffoed "was sideswiped b.' GOVERNOR-GENERAL MEDAL:;,
'. ' Ni01'4�L°'il'rTG MEETING.."��
ovv'n •
'11 e L, d • ,Bowlers .will hold ,
arriiiial re, � organization ; to, the pavernent, . . S: , C..Stothers, son of Mr.' and
:'their ,
_ was ..rushed to Dr, rias, S. B. '; ,Stothers. of Arthur'
•irretgtiz�g ern the Town Hall, Luck- • .The clrid . , .
v: Governor- .
,now, on 'Tuesday, May 3,t (l0, Johnston's office and then taken captui°ed the coveted'
ri'cloc°k A•ll interested `lad%es :arc' to Wirightim Hospital. by Leonard Generals medal in general effici-,
MacDonald wlio had s
. witnesed ency:'in the fis
koolueste`d tai a:tte:rzd: .,.,ret two years a :the..
• ,• the accident: • The fracture, be- degree' nurse at `Ontario ti•ri"-:
ANNIVERSARY SERVICE:'' 1.tweet'. .the knee and the hip, and `ctiltura• College, Guelph..
"Anniversary servtiesk will' be bruises proved to be the extent} fath.eri,i'S Wellir ton County., a -
held in ,South .Kinloss Presbyter -;'`Of f the injure ies, The • led . was 'set.'cultural ree resentati
o p vee .
11 00 ',a.m. and 7,30 .irri,° Rev. limb cant • beput in a cast. It students `th., ', 2.07
l ,. ., .. • will (: • •�. : al of 250 r:
at p wr a tai
,r _marks out of a .possible 3,000 to
Win. A. Henderson of Walkerton! lo'expected'that Clifford : be gain
. •. .: • , . ^ ... ^•
will be ,guest s alter ,at`:both ser-', in the hospital for about eight} gain, also the general: proficiency
d orning, although theF, Stoth'cr�s led the. class of 182
ian Church on Sunday:, May 29th on ,Tues ay m
Weeks price:
* •,
• 1'
�� a