HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-05-19, Page 6{ ?i. t. TB Testing commended as forward step in. Agriculture but Farmers' Compensation for reactors far short is °claim of •ArNDY. ROBINSON ere is the .Hansard OFFICIAL RECORD) ()Utile fight that Andy Robinson has been: making. for greater compensation inkeeping with the. times, RCH. 3, 1949. Hansard nage 1085 • . ,ROBINSON (Bruce): • '; , • *. 1. Does the Department of Agriculture pay compensation' for cattle .that are • TB reactors? 2:.If .S0, what amount do they 3. What steps are tbeing taker': by the government, towards raising the',aniount of such; payments? MB,• GARDIN'ER: stat d, MR. ROBINSON (Bruce); Will the minister •take another look atthis question, with a view- to making an early 'answer? The farmefs of Bruce Countyare in terested in the matter; several: of thein are losing heavily. The question• is important, anal., an: answer :should ,be given.. . . MR. GARDINER: The <Matter is • receiving 'consideration, but the point of final decision has not: yet ' been reached. MARCH 7, 1949 Page 1192:.• "' • . ; ; . Re:,. Cattle •s. CoMpensation. •for TB 'Reactors. . ROBINSON (:Bruce)"- • • , . °• • , 1. Does the. Department of Agriculture pay compensation' for cattle 'which are • TB reactors?' 2. ":Ifs ''What :•amount ,do 3.. What, steps: have:been taken by the government towards raising the, amount 'for such payments? M111:'0 .. •. P INE , : .{ ' • . Alm �T ll.. MayJ, • be.permitted to ansivwer• the question orally? The answer to Part I is yes. The • answer •to' Part II, is. that: themaximum'. amount, upon Which the +paymentis basedeis' $60 for, grades•'and `$150 per head for::purebred :cattle. , As to Part III do, not , think it would he possible to give a definite:. answer for some little time, 'MI, I can say at the moment is that a recommendation has been -Made to the government legislation, in respect to the matter` is; under consider • ation.. ' MR SPEAKElli Answered • MR. ROBINSON (Bruce): Could I .not have sor ie more •inforanati"' n from the .mini- ster? If 'the government does, . recognize .that these amounts.be increased, will :• the `• higher rates:' be made retroact Ve 'MR: SPEAKER'. Order 'MARCS • 7,..1949 Page 1205 MR.. ROBINSON' (Bruce) :' •. 1 should, like' to direct 'a. question to the Minister: of Agriculture of an earlier answer t6 g core drr�smg out the question mine, Will tlie�Igaverrimentsonsiider: making retroactive. any ',increase in compensation .which may 'be ...�.....,.:...��...w� �, ..- . ,� inade__for_.�urber�culosis�.., 4-�-reactors;-in-•order-`tow cover .the heavy Josses sustained • iby •.owners , in the last: •couple of years:' MR. GARD INER . I think, my;. answer was. perfectly' clear on that int nam that :a recommendation has gone:'forward,,: and of course the re pOH would not be: for .anco�vimerLdatmon. would' . anything. other than a possible increase. The' question whether there e. will be any increase•and;i!f• so ••what .that increase swillbe; is a`matter ' which will be decided .by •the.. government. when the legislation comes before it. ' MARCH 8;'-1949. ` Excerpt .. Made from ':. a . speech ' in..reply to :the ' . Speech From the. Throne, made 'by.•Andy.IL'Obinso>m We ,in Bruce 'County are'progressive and, thanks to the' Minister of A Agriculture e ,(Mr.. Gardiner) that is now a restricted area and. TB testing 'is .be" carried en '.> which is a • wo.derful • think,. It. is • not sogood : though,, to h ve -, doing:.;tle: ' w rk Which. i ,a . such .a small staf • wo , hi ch ; is proceeding very slowly, 'About : a year and a half o I :made the suggestion that they, permit local 'veterinarians . to take•'in ,half " ro ' part,the •'pro :.; ' gram but apparently • there :Was one reason : why this could '• not.. be • done s and it is not being `don a now to any extent: I should• like:t' o o read � a ;resolution which was passed by' the electors of saugeen Township at their annual meeting. `.`We'the rate- ,payers of Saugeen Township "in Bruce'County TB testingarea :fin' compensation on reactor cattle too' low to allow for replacement, and.k: the'' Dominion enepart m�ent df' A ricult ,• , . • ..., p, ,, . - . • , ,ask • : Dominion Depart•• g.i • Agriculture to make adjustments in .line With present.. rices • I• amp quite in a reemen 'a g t with that; resoiutiori; I. hgpe'that: rt,• together. with the > manyother 'resolutioiis •that'have'been for g . wlarded on '.the' � same' subject, • will . bring ' about some results. I have in my hand an' itemized° account of one' man who h'a herd .tested; and these.figures` show thathe ,000 , � the loser.'by approximately. $1,000: ; • That is not an isolated case, either:.I: suggest to the :minister .that i rn considerin the . compensation. • for cattle• they should try to arrive. at, somethithat man • who has a great many ' of his . reactors!'.' "will ting the tliere��should•,be higher pricesgo. to:the tank. I.ani not advocating that , ig' . for those" 'who are'able. to sell their beef cattle on the market `after they . are. turned :down in., this ;test,; but: I . do !believe, ' 1 , something should be`'done'for °thoAe who are: so 'unfortunate las: to have a"large numiber of animals`. not'.; fit for beef: purposes: A. couple:of days ago I had a• question on on the ''order. paper in this ;connection; and • the. minister Was a bit evasive in answering it.` I' asked ' whether, *hen/ this compensation was .raised'.. he Would consider • 'making : it retroactive. to : cover the heavy loss sustained:by some of these 'people , during the last.coup a• of': • years, but; the minister did not':' answer my question. ,, , ; ' APRIL' 7,:_ 1949, Hansard;: Page ,2403'. MR: `.ROBINSON • (Bruce) .' . i • 1 When did:TB : test nig. tp establish. a /restricted area• .comm 2 What . ronce in 'Brute Co.? . p centage f the cattle' tested to date were reactors: to the test? 3. What ,p rc of the cattle which . reacted were. (a):dair- • c and: what pore age of each of the above types'yam'' g. ; were sent tthe. tank beef) t •MR..• GARDINER .• 1. • Septenilber '11; 1947' 2 5.23 • percent. . ' 3 Separaterecords.: are 'not . kept for :dair bee ,, y and beettype cattle Tw+o hundred: and ninety-two carcasses Of dairy, and beef ,type percent' battle,. or :9.25;f reactors: were ' sent : to : the tank o eactors APRIL. 29; 1949, • Hansard Page 2737 . K.' Rr' DANIEL' (Oxford) :I, should like to address a question to the• parliamentary .,assistant to the • Mini ster of Agriculture:' In view` of the• statements made by the :Minister, of Agriculture (Mr::'Gardiner);'.as' reported on, Page 2239 of Hai'isard concerning. increases in the compensation paid • farmers who:'.have lost..cattle' under the 'area.. TB`.tests, is the minister's, parliamentary assistant- prepared to say thatthese payments will be. made this year., • MR • ROBERT MoCUBBIN'.(Parliamentar assistant ant to the Minister �.o+f A •I -s ouTd�.li�k �• � �: . � .. • ,y. .. � .. .. griculture.)•:- b e to. thank the: member for :giving me notice of.•:his question:' In 'reply, may reach bet at it might, hot -be :possible to . reach some: of the things. five: should like. ore'' the end of, this session,. but : I can assure the: Member it is the in- tention• of the government•.to• increase the corn ati : ' compensation on paid ., to � TB ..reactors, and •.. also to make it retroactive:If If : it is • not done before . the end'of. the session it will e' one, of the first things done by this. government' after, the election. •e 'MR: ;ROBINSON (Bruce): Through you,'':Mr: ;S 'Speaker; Ishould p. , ; like to !direct a' question, to the' parliamentary assistant tthe Minister of . A' riculture. He Agriculture. has.., 1 t now stated that this iii�crease in compensation will be made retroactive:.'Wi �s govern'm.ent make, it retro • i11 the active fback� to; the .time when testing• startedior when the velar ended? MR..MaCUBBIN-: The hon, Member for' Briice, can rest assured. t ' tion' wvi11 'be..made ret ' ' .._ .:,hat •this.•cornpensa- ; �; . five, %Lit to what. date. I am not' in ,a ,position• to 'say. right, roa�c •. , _MR.-'-ROBI-NSON :.'Bruce )=:_ L she %ld 4ike to direct pa liamentar ss t n a supplerrr tart' question tO the: ya is a t to the ;Minister of ;Agriculture, ,.My, question arises tut of the last answer he 'gave. Has the 'government not as yet •dedided to , make a .. ehts • retractive. to• the fall of 1947 for.: TB reactors? p Sin MR. McCUBBIN: Mr.. Speaker,. I think :the Ghon. member has the an, ought down•I;•know the; good people of. Bruce wf roe `s�at�ed.the'' amendment is • �br ARMER •BENEFITS.' E WHEN The F VERYONE .BENEFI`T'S The farmer has had to accept a set fee for TB reactors found in. his stock, Ing' words, although aiming other. g . g •at freedom°from disease he has been financially 'penalized • his 'income has been jeopardized+ through his willingness to co -o er.ate with Department of Agriculture. co-operate the •..A • FAIR DEAL• IS 'A S UARE` DEA Inc ' ` • � . .. reased toinpensation for TB reactor ' • i n i ' • s �s in.:keepirxg with the. times , ,. , Increased coin enation mnist be retroactive to the revival of TB 'testing in Bruce : in the Fall of 1947 to be FAIR AND JUST • • • •')C—ANDY ROBINSON has' been working for the ;farmer. X :ANDY ROBINSON'S work will; brlug resUlts, Give ANDY. ROBINSON A " Chante To :.Finis "ONE OOD' TERM:DE,SERVES ANOTHER" • .I OBITUARY . JAMES C PURDON Janes C • Purdon,, a resident. sinee,�ohildhood, and a prommerit. g h Luc• , citizen 'of West,Fas nosI 'T.own- l! I idaY ship, ' passed away suddenly in , The president, Wil, .i Wingham Hbs'pital •on 1 ondayt 'May 9th, 'atfter a brie# illness.'He th h n con- j had entered the hosp3'ta1'the Wed- Opening. e, . and' nesday: previous, Death was .due buszness details The tirug de,. ceded a p t p to in. to pneumonia .and a heart condi- t t follows: d' tion.. ' acct, personality in Dress; lode , l James Chalniers ..Purdon Was leader school Sa1Fa l within a month of his 74th .biOt.: h. ', ds the .Year. } yRound' short, courae, 1Veectic, d'ai r. He was barn in Lanark Point h,andcameto .•West WaiwanZn the',matter of 'the". fal+faik> Township at,the.'a�ge of 'five years . sexhibit i w'as deeded• to sub, with his parents, the, late.. Mr, and � g Mrs.. Robert " ts, t n, who settled fa tote a. mother land dao titer set for th..e. f error thousedress arzd an Concession 12, • child's. dress, ;Also' the.'tam''is to: In 1898 Mr, Pardon married be: • replaced , by ,..a : lady:'s °,xiight o p'rede- dress.' Those. in charge: Barbara Jane Stein, w�h ., g of the ex.': h,bit and quilt . are`.. Mrs, , Jo • n` �. '' y.t,. Mars, Eoacl • and ,Miss Margaret .0 : A 1 .:11. ae,� • `Miss, Welsh,'' and "Miss MacLeod'.` took::charge of the pxograin, After lor•;,and reeve of. the Township for community ,singing, Mrs.'. Jo ht a"� period 'of, eight years, and for., and Miss .Welsh, favored. -with •• .. fourteen •:years held 'th'g post.: of a ,;. 'duet'Mrsi. Wilson )gave a:report of road suPerintendent. the. conference at Gue1 ph: Eae • The, furierar Service. ,was "held; ;, h speaker,` she. said enyphasized, the on ,Thursday afternoon iii Chal'� • � '' xnexs Presbyterian church, White- • importancee ' wet) balanced pro, grams, .. g rd1. church,', of` wlhich Mr,'. Purdbn was thought :.wlas. carried . out each an elder for twenty; years:. The month. ' It was'' indeed 'an, fnspir ; C4111:16 was.: was'.fiilled, to overflowing ativon, she said• to.mee�t 't ose• by,. sorrowing. friends" and tela- : h tel>. fives,' to wvM m ,Rev,. W,' S.` Suth ented` women at the head• of- af. eralnd '• spoke •�w!ords of 'comfort, fairs and.;catch something •of their. The' soloist was Mrs, Ross Hanii.l spirit along Institute,)lines tori sof Vtingham. . :w'' The motto ` for the day 'The smallest (good deed is better than Inte�ranent was n.. ingham the- grandest Yrr e - ti- --- - _.._ • Cem�eTery w itli' six; nephews act -1 g" • t n an , was. -dept f' s iLearersHugh David with by..Mrs. W MaoGill. 'Tho a.- ' roll call .was answered 'b 'a ar-: Henderson;: Lawrence Henderson, , y g ;'den.:hint.: Margaret: Rae sang and •, Wesley • Tiffin, .')elicit Laidlaw, "AtloI Purdon.. and A1di•n Purdon. 1. .Mrs. , Clark gave a reading Miss Mr.. Pardon is survived' by, Welsh closed, with, a potato -con. three sons ,and one. daughter, .Har-_ test At the .June :meeting,. Kairshea,'. ris ; on the hinne tarn', • Elmer; •of:; St Helens,VV'hit r- . W ngham, William ,.of. West Wa= ,. ,t• ethu c'h and Dun-. wianosh'a d Mrs: • alvin " ' gannon `',societies •.• will :..be • enter n .,C Robinson tanned•1Wi�th Mrs. • ,.Wm.•.; Douglas (Jean) of: Belgrave.• Three broth ors and a sister also.su ' `v and.. ;Mrs'. Gordon.•.Fisher-as dor- t r i e, Alex. ectors. and Mrs: 'Jo grit Mrs: And - E. of LucknoW, y , d William of White- l rent• :Mrs: chrur�•? , ' • elicit Henry of Sask• , Elmer Johnston and.' etch an ' : rid' Mrs 'Wm. • Da .son Margaret, Rae as hostesses' e) ::Whitechurch. An- ether sister . i r s - Ripley visited Saturday' . with ,. s Thomas. Hend�er son,. predeceased shim: Anne Ritchie • THURSDAY,. MAY 19th 1949 TO ENTERTAIN DISTRICT BRA,NCHE.S. AT JUNE MEETING The May ti.eetin • oft e now W', 1 was held on May 13th • with an :attendance of e , , Mrs. Wil- son, was. vin ._e chair ,1a d ducted; enfn exercises mnee theroj s o en .: i u es aS, o .ows; istrict 'pro - ceased him iti the, summer of 1946. All .their: ratried lido %vas spent. their farm • on Concession '9 Vest Wawanosh, ti . Mr. Pu:rdon .served " as council Church' will 'be `held: at '9:45 with'; Sunday School:' at 10;45. Z:I'O`N: • lVriss Lillian. ' Raynard :s ent• the Mr. andp' Mrs Will a,.•id;: week -end` with. her •'parents 'Eldon visited 'with Mr. and "Mrs. Mr: and N Mrs'•..Joe ,Freeman and Jim Smith on Sunday. •_1 family visited '°;with : Mrs: Will' Miss. Dorothy. Raynard and • Gardner Mr. and •- and •`� Nl .... rs Bili:I•iun- ci s ';Larry Papernick .are ter; on Sunday.' i ' iting 'Mr.' and: Mrs. Nelson. Ra. . , . ,... ,. Y.. Mr. 'Leonard :Ritchie spent Sun-: d. :•:. I day with ,his -•parents, 1V1r, ••.anti • .John- and. Dianne M Aul • c ey of Mrs: Gordon Ritchie. WA' - - New Schedules. `in _ effect':' 19th of May,; 1949: Time tables are available -from Motorways Bus Drivers and from your local 'agent • HALL'S RESTAURANT 0 avoid disappointment'please check with your local agent before planning any trips as most of the times :::have , • ; been -altered ;slightly. The• Western Ontario Motorways :Ltd. ".. Over, $30,000 of Choice Furniture . gree Delivery To; AnY 'PointI :' . n 5outhein: Ontario DISCOUNTS U ' P . TO .,���50 �� PERCENT SALE ENDS MAY 28TH FLOOR COVE � R1NG Congoleum :rugs. 9x12,'only: $10.00; Rexoleum'niats, :18"x36";' 19c. Large stock' of Re;coleutn deluxe, reduce •-.' in . price. d p ce. Also ;'inlaid linoleum. ,WASHING MACHINES -8 kinds. .0 to .525.00 iscoiint'.on well known Makes, ' p $ ' d CIES.TERFIELDS-large 3 -piece, all . velour, 149.00 ' .and $169.00,: 12 other beautiful' suite ., , e :r , beautiful' , s including • Kroehl , !sectio'nal, Fry, 'and Blackhall and other.. good brands. 16 BEAUTIF'III,'BEDROOM°`SUITE 89 $139 154;; •etc. ,SEringfilled: mattre§ses '$19.95; Simmons and Marshall' mattresses .$26.50. ' PIANOS—used at ,579"• up, New Pianos,• '$495. must be sold. RADIOS—clearance of 40 radios: at: drastic reductions. They 5 During Room Suites, 4 Kitchen Suites, 10 Electrie Ranges; =: Paint; :Wallpaper,: ,Baby' Carriages,High h . Chairs, W ' • • Cedar ,Chests, Refrigerators.. . ETt'an 1VIILDMAY,: ONTARIO M fami McG " •day ;John Jean Ines len Mr$. Mi °Mr. card on, lr1n Ti Bold mday. 'rig nie.` Win .dee, ..�TFerc Star , 13ari Ivan . :dire, sup( Tee M. G.ral and. . •,Cc Mr. of.1 boy, was sella �:. Ti Sat' of',I tend was .. The • the sen( title Gue Win Gue repc Pitt'' Ceti Harri oriel The -. 3atti ''ofJ will wor sere .�:• gave gins don- M ,bon • Mr`.. 'Shat -Note Ti Ont May, Hol± coni and the as • Tl on' horn a gig, Gral tore gins • l�J'Z) call' '•cope the • ing `'The The Titer sere Mee rrii cntc fain day lieu at ton' ivrti the Thee hi, rs tern ,'•11!1 Mr; tete f, tuM rr • trice