HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-05-12, Page 9„$DAY MIRY 12th, 1948 p; : • THE LUCKNOW S TheatreLyceum, W I NIC HAM . r Two 'Shows Each Night' FIRST SHOW ,AT 7.15. Thursday; FridaY, Saturday '.... . MAY 12, 13 .14 LOUIS HAYWARD, JANET BLAIR n. :The llack Arrow atinee -Saturday;t.P. - Y Monday; Tuesday,, Wednesday , MAT 16, 17,.18. EDMUND GWENN,, LASSIE, JANET. LEIGH s Of Hoe t �••The�� Nell, , . • .s --= BITTEN BYDOG ': bav id Wall, two-year-old : son' of Mr. and Mrs; Gordon Wall, `R. 3,; I-lolyrood; , rMas bitten: on the • face by'the family dog last Week: e k:. :The child had often ,played with the dog .which was not ,cross, so '• that • this: ' was . hard, to .explain. The lad's tate was not torn, how- ever, altlhough it bore five "gashes from: the, teeth' and ,stitches were recommended Co prevent the,. .`,chance of David's . face being. scarred. He returned • home'. after receiving treatments in, Wingham Hospital.::” • BOUNDARY. EAST Mr. and Mrs. John MacMillan, Miles, Lavergne ,and, Patsy were .in. London. on: Tuesday attending, the ceremoniet.,of the graduating nurses of St. Joseph's Hospital in. the H. B. Beal. Technical School' wheR t h e i' r• eldest daughter, Yvon e;, ..d graduated, Guests • of Miss M:acMiillan. were served din- ner at the Hotel London and after the graduating • exercises; a, party wjas (held in 'her,. honor' at •the borne of her. aunt,'" 'Mrs. Annie Works Friends and . neighbors wiLht•Yvonne much success in the future.: , : • Mrs., ,George Fisher and Mrs. Ranaid Forster'• attended'tiie, ,fun- enal services of their;'mint, ,Mrs. Lulu`.Colltns'of Huron Township. last'Wednesday G•drdoii Fisher, vv, ho has spent the past .two • months in bed, is able to be up:: naw a shorttime each -day: • The annual Women's Institute rally for South° Bruce .is. id -be held in, Whitechurdh on .Thursday, May 25th. ,All ladies .are welcome. ,;The regular meeting of •the Whitechurch'. Women's 'Institiute ,opened`'iwitk the new president, Mrs:' Ernie ',Caseunore, "presiding.. The -Institute ode • :vias . sung and the Lord's prayer repeated in- uni, son. Arrangements were. made .for the 'district . annual being held on :May 25th'• ;in the. ;United, Chu=rch. Co unit g $in in. ' f .o. llowed: y......, g .; Mrs ..cep • :Earl Caslick: read a poem, "1( Mum,Mrs. T. 'H. Moore ,gave the .motto "Are parents mod ern" Mrs. Russell Gat gave• the• topic ori 'citizenship: Mrs. 'Mac Innes 'read a; poem,/"Joining ; the Institute"': The meeting closed With the `National Anthem :, . A TAX INCREASE of `1't mills is looked for in Port Elgin .this year. The 1949 rate is expected, to he'struck 0.65 millsY / . : ais■esearl!aaniuaarfau■rei4nis■iiUau.asiis%. HO.G■ CATTLE : AND POULTRY • • ■ .■ Pig Starter, Hog' Grower, Hogl Finisher ■■ Dairy Ration,, . Steer • Fattener, Calf Meal ° .Chick Starter,,Growing- Mash, Laying Mash• Turkey Started', Turkey Growing''Mash ■ ■ • i 'For :the feeder • who ::wishes to .use phis own grail we cs •, supply Protein „Concentrates for 'all''classes':of Livestock and -Poultry. ■ : i ,■, ■. • , PROTEIN CONCENTRATES A11 Feed Supplied Sacked or Bunk ° SOY ' BEAN &:` LINSEED • OIL . CAKE & MOLASSES. Treleaven Milling Compafly TINEL, LUCKNOW, ONT,ARtQ ST HELENS Visitors,. for, Mother's Day- in.. eluded 'Mr. and'' 'Mrs. Clayton” of Port Alma with Rev, and Mrs. M. G. Newton; Mr., and. Mrs. Neely Todd, David and 'Pat- ricia of Stratford with Mr: and ,Mrs. b;.'Todd; ,Mr. and Mrs. Wnci. Dougherty„ arid' Even and Mr, Wilson Woods, of Guelph• with Mrs. : R: J, Woods;; Mr,. and,Mrs. Geo, Walker, and. sons .of ing ham with Mr.' and • Mrs, , W'. J ..Humphrey,, Mr. and. Mrs, William Blue, Misses; Helen and. Margaret Blue of Detroit with Mr. and Mrs.. :J, D; Anderson; Mrs. Alex Murdie ,=arid Bobby ..and,Mr. and Mrs. Mel `Brown c t Waterloo with Mr: 'and;). Mrs 'K.T Mist Zona` Newiton,. Reg.N„; of, London spent Friday at her•home here Miss .Mary Wallace• >s .a Visitor with friendds.'at,gWalkerton.,, • • Moother's Day will be .observed in the• United Church next Sun- day with theservice cornmencing. .at 11. a.m. Mrs. Johne iller and ,Mrs. Fred McQuillin are••: visitors in. London with Mr. and .,Mrs. John Sparkes. Keep Saturday, ' May 21st in mind as the date for the bazaar' !being :.Yield by the W..'A. of. the United°,'Church. ' • Mrs. Gordon McPherson *as hostess for. the May meeting " of the. Women's Institute.; • when•..26 ladies were • in attendance Wand' Mrs; S: 'A. Todd was in the chair Plans were made for the district ,annual `Meeting to: be held here; on June 2nd Donations- of :$5:00 to:. the Cancer.; Society , and of : Al() to the Red Cross were made: An. invitation froth the Lucknow Wo- men's Institute for 'June .10th :was accepted. The'.'report of the treat-' urer 'shoved: ;receipts ''.of' ,$664.46 with expenditures $511'.94, leav- ing .a. -,balance •$152,52. $150.00 had been :received • received from: the'' pro- ceeds:;of: the play "Uncle Cy hitt a, new: high".:., It ; Was 'decided • to ■ hold the, next 'Meeting 'a week earlier on'May 26th. Mrs. G.. Mc;••• Pherison presided; for the election 'Of: the following •officers:.Pres•:, Mrs, Ellwood:' Baribour, lst 'vice,. ,Mrs.S,tariley.. Todd; 2nd vice,: Mrs.. .CBaas--McDoniald; 'secretary, Mrs E. •W•. ltrce,; assistant, ,Mrs. Fred` NficQuillin, pranast, . Mrs. Chester. Tay'bor; 'asssistant;.Mrs.: Wm. Ruth -j. erford, , district "representative,1 Mrs. Gordon• ;McPherson, audi-t tors,:Mrs. Harold Gaunt, Mrs, Jas. Curran. Mrs. Norman Y McDonald' ` agave ,a reading' "Virus X"'rand llllrs., Andrew Gaunt sang a :solo "'Twilight:on :on. the :„Prairie": :Miss Margaret Brophy of OK N• X ,• Wingharn, :delighted ,the ladies with her talk on Fashions At the. conclusion.a social; hour, ,was en joye'd When �lunch•'was 'served. by the hostesses. Mrs. ; Lorne Durnin .and Miss Annie Outrun ?Mr. and' .. rs. Robert - cQui1- o e and Marilyn, . Hamil- lin; Georg• • • • PAM •N114 -X The Presents . Thursday,' Friday, Saturday, May 12, 13, 14 This is the picture the whole family has been, waiting: for. A' heartwarming story. See how a dog• ,brings together a father'and son, in a truly great picture: ForThLovefR, ��o ust. e Folz' your added enjoyment -2- L�►►TEST. NEWS ,.. and' "Flat Feat', A Stetting : Holloway :comedy. S atturdaY Ma inee ,' tP•16—chaPter ,' 3'Rof •h e...the 1atinee, and Evenirig` Monday, Tuesday; Wednesday, May .16, 17, 18 As a, rule,` we • keep 'away, from' mysteries—but here is one that is really..worthWhile: bringing.• The' book is at our lib- rary: ' here and : many' have enjoyed. •its --and• now', on our -screen with, academy award stars headed by- ARRY F,I,TZQERA : D • ,nil Then -There.: Were None" A story, of ten strangely ,assorted people, unitnown to etich other, and tricked into into visiting a lonely house on an island somewhere in England,to discover that each is marked for ' DEATH: Being a 'm , ste that's all we can tell you, See the'. rest for yourself. ■ •, :Phones Day 9,; Night ' •123. ■ n ',S BABY CHICKS■ SWIFT• , ■ s • .11.11■■■1111■1■■■.161110 ■111■■1111'14*/11`�■.11�0f1111/1011i■■ ♦\%\0s♦ ♦\\N•os•\ ♦•`•e%• o%o ♦1 ♦‘N\•• :You Are Feeding Better Feeds. When Y r. n NNS 'ry, ;These and You Will` Like. -Them PIr . STARTER HOG GROWER, , SOW' RATION l• HOG MINERAL. OG. CONCENTRAT SA it DAIRY'' CALF MEAL • CONDITIONERS. >,S . CHICK 'STARTER, GROW .MASH LAN MASH LL .OYSTE'lt SIZE ,t.G1tIT : • ' DAiRY:. RATION CONCENTRATES 1 CATTLE MINERAL . TONIC. 'WORM MEDICINE' free delivery ,service on ton..and half -•ton -lots.. uckrolw Djstrict (o-Operatve SHOP THE CO-OP WAY- 'PHONE 71_ ._ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ pro IR HURON .NORTH ressiye W1 .onservatwe ss�o,c be :held in 8.30p• ' • GI JEST ;SPEAKER EV•YEODY WELCOME ed... Fea �'$an ,; Pres.` hys :Pollock, 4 M}..M11,eI4•10Y01./141111•}I41111./° O!°°4111111P1°4U1111.I)41M1 °I4.1.°ii°/4111111.l>•O41.l Qta11NIO,�f - ton and Mr.' Charles McQuillinuuuu u■u■uue■■e ie' ■■■a ,ai■nsussooi.■auac:i®a■■r■non. 'were week-endvisitors with Mr.. '■ Wm'. and•'Miss.:Beatrice McQurl� Mr: and . Mrs C.; M. Teeter of I • Oshawa : and •'•Mr..and''Mrs.• Jas++ Larnpman of Hamilton :were visi- •,tOrs ori Mondaywith. their 'sister, Mrs, Nf. G. and 'Rev. Newton, '1Vir° Eldon.Miller is confined, to bed suffering .with .a. sore •baok. His:many . •+friends; Dope for- ' a speedy' recovery. Word of the death • Of Mr. Jas." Purdori in the ,W ingharn -rospital ori. Monday: come as a " surprise anis "shock to. his many ',friends, here, MARRIED,. ,STEVENSON-REID--0n<• Men- day, en. day..May 2ncd, 1949,•at 3400'p'clocl y,1 in 'Guelph, Ontario; Jessie Louise daughter 'of 'MrY and Mrs. 1Vianson Reid, Ltickn osw',' tai Warren Lloyd Stevenson, son•of the late Mr. and Mi s• • Harry Stevenson, Mottnt Forest, Ontario:. Available For Immediate Delivery, se 'ra tO1 ...J -...NO. 30 ROW CROP ' NO. ,22 ROW,CROP ti ■ Also ;.._ Y u„■la '. 6 -Foot l -Horse 'Drawn. Moweir .: 41%2. Ft. ;Goble Disc ;-:''''';/:. i : MAS;SEY-HARRIS WAGON with Tractor arid , horse hitch and; 6.GOx.16.rubber', tires t ,i''''PURINA-FED PULLETS ■r , ' ,�. ' PROVEN LARGER " ;. : ' ' ` :, A test taken ;on 108,000' birds showed Purina -fed pullets', , I: ' ▪ averaging four-fifths lb: larger than'those fed on „other feeds. ■ IT PAYS TO FEED PURINA ' GET IT AT . i. ■ x w14'S , .. W. GIBSON .� ■ MF .,'Phone, :59 Lucknow w ■ ". ° ■rrar■rap■satiaas■aru■aauala■uiiaaaina■>waaaat, v}, } •; • It '4 . • !i � dl •: