HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-05-12, Page 7Y" MAY 12th; 1
T,%iURSDA =�
Lucknow Last Wednesday
secretary; Miss Alma Reid Prnit- �' l`
�; a .sec,:. Baby Bands, Mrs, :Frank, ,
erton; cor: sec., Mrs. Geo, C. 'Hind, Mylls;, R. , �Rip1ey; .Associate
Walkerton; treasurer, `Mr -s. 11'..A..' 1VAem)bere sec., lVirs. Alex Sang.
Street; . r . , Kincardine; see. Christian ste'r, Mildmay; SupPly Sec.„ Mrs.
ew+ardship, Mrs. J.. W. e s 1 e y Arthur Collins, Port Elgin,, Com
Thompson, Ripley; sec. , Mission rnunrty Friendship "sec., Mrs, • zl,.1
• «The love of Christ cgnstrain Wishing. t , e Presbyterial God Circles, 'Mrs Walter. G"'lure l'i ' ; `' '
MIc Miller Allenford Literature sec
the thought, with speed; • Follo i 'Annie 5. tern Walkerton
the officers G or 1949-50. L T. Groups Ms. Neil 1VfacLen-' Mi 'World
„ ,.. _. _......., ,, ._ ., , ._. �. . .. , ► ssionary Monthly, and•11Vorl
In • Memoriam . was conducted nan, Ripley sec, -Mission' Bands,'. Friends. 'sec. Mrs. E. Paterson,
by Mrs. F, 'Ulou herty, Tara, ,and Mrs. Reg: vis ' ' Tivert8n
•M .� A.. R. '3; , Wiarton, see, 'Temperance • a• n d
which the president, Mris, G. I.
Stephenson; `openedd the ;23rd an-.
nual meeting, of the Bruce Fres-
. byterial of the Women's Mission-.
arySociety of the. United Church.
Meeting, held in the ,s• ._..y,.
The ►
' newly -decorated United Church
in Luckaiow, en . Wednesday, May
4, .1949, was well . attended 'by
representatives from. the W, M. S.
Auxiliaries 'of Bruce
Mrs...Ralph Elliott of fliethel led
in prayer. After..WI-a .' the morn
irig 1bus:ness Rias conducted by
yrs, Stephenson.'he corr•,espQnd
ng secretary,. Mrs. .present-
ed the year's reports which shpw'-
ed many increases in merriber-
Ship and givings. Mrs. Street, the
. treasurer, reported , an increase
osier our allocation by $1472.65.
er assistant, This wlas• a solemn'.
service. to seventeen departed. We ;, � ::,; rl,+.•�.,: <!r r .il�st! ? y
'have aheritage. Gad grant we• are i
true to:.::::;:•::«•:<.:•:&
it. .
.: Greetings were read :from the
Lucknow 'Guild. Sympathy was
extended to Miss 14a4Kenzie Mrs.
Patterson ,and 1V1'rs. Krug.
Eleven Lizcl novkr.Baby Banderrs.
in • costumes .representing differ
ent mission fields sang_ "Jesub
loves :xn,e”
An open forum =was conducted
by Miss Bo iwick. She led' a dis-
cussion, of'; advanced 'plans,. in :in. -
in; -creasing memtbership ,in the *aux-,
iliaries and affiliated societies:
The . Kin _ dine Ladies . Quart-
, One half of this . will ,go toward ette, ae:om•
pseof Miss` Carlton,
'Kofu:Girls ..High School, • •Japan, I Mrs B."I). Henry;.•.Mrs. Blackwell
. and. the other half • tow°ard'4 iew and ;Mrs.. E. Henvy• sang "He . is
missionary personnel in . Canada Mine" The accompanist for the
The :1949 allocation is • $10;270:00 day, . was Miss E. G Welsh Of
.There were two 'bequests from. Lucknow.' , •
• John and•Mary .. Button, ,Lucknow The special speaker,; Mrs Ken_
of $500 each; Mrs, Hugh'D'. Mac- neth, Wu, West China, in'national'•
"Laren' of Port .Elgiw dedicated.:the •costume, . •(sister of bifiss • • Pearl
• year's 'work with prayer. ; • Chiang,' 'West China);, was intro
duced by Miss Bonwick: Our
tiipations. were not disappointed
in' the' petite China lady . in r the
year, "The ;Story'. of the.United 1 lovely; ,China: gown, With a..':de
Qhurch"\lay Dr. K J; Beaton : , liightful .' accent • and viyaeious
This book will be studied.in every: ::;Manner she, narrated her life
organization of ;.the, Church and story, ,9f 'having ;the advantage` of
living in a. third generation fam
ily of ,C'hr istian Chinese: She: told
0o an ea s wi rs ors about , her five sisters and ..;five
of the past 25• years of the,tchurch, br`others,,of attending the United .d;'•
Church,, sclools :.in'. •Chengtu :and
of graduating with'a' : ‘R.A.. de
gree, majoring rn English and Re I`.
lgious: Education. . Her :marriage ;;
was. ,Christian ,and .she '7has one •
daughter and one son: `..H'er:�de'''
cision to.;become: a Christian 4 and
her 'work as teacher;. and 'tutor:
were .m 3st interesting.,, Her''.hus-.
band, is w;orjting on his :PhD de
gree m a: Toronto': University, She.
gave glowing credit to' the'�work
of ; the Canadian "Mission, in Chana .
Mi s; W: Thompson, Ripley;:
Christian ., stewardship '. secretary,'
more potentialities than :any other i e#rpr'essed pleasure• iridic ad:fiance •
ilVfiss Annie. Sillers of. Vijaiker
ton} ;b'oug'ht , the literature news
She ',told .about'• the ; 'bpok ,•of' the
there should ,be one; or' more trop
ies in each home It is,a family
book d deals with thehi' t
•th.e anniversary of �Whieh.:will be
Celebrated in 1950.
The highlight of the' morning•
session .*as.. ari ,address . by gVfiss
Frances : Bonwick;', the literatjre
secretary: from . the Dominion.
.'Board: She took ~lie' place of Miss.
r. Ida Mackenzie whose ihness'.pre
vented ":her `from, coming':..Miss'
Bonwick in a':very•:pleasant roan.
ner sp9ke on Advance. in' Litera-
ture., The ,'slogan is "Know now. 'then:
•We must have understand-
ing and knowledge of the back
ground. to pronilote. the welfare of.
othei countries Readers • have
people:. The increase • in the
•' cation is 'dire to 'readers. ' She
. urged the increase of ' reading
aanong :all women' or the or
Ili well as the W.M.S. •
Mrs, ` Alex. MacTavish • brought
the report' of ,the nominating corn'-
mittee. The resolutions camanittee
wasl'appointed,. composed 'hof Mrs,
:Vance., Mrs. Farrell and Mrs.:00r.
giison;Miss'' Margaret li:ae,
now, .favored us With : a solo,.
'Jesus in my all: in, all
• ,Mediiatiori a n d.., intercessory'
a`, prayers by 'Mrs.' D;:' P. 'Campbell;
Mrs Hutton. and Mrs.;'Gardner of
Chalmers 'dosed the Morning: 'ses-
sion. '
•Duringthe dinner hour 1Vi s.
B. Anderson of Lucknow' welcom
e4 the • guests.'11Vrrs..W.' Howke .of
'Southam.pton• •replied. ,Rev.' Law-
son • of Presbytery, .thanked the
ladies for their excellent dinner.
'In the afternoon session greet-
ings ,from Presbytery :,W e r e'
-,brought by Rev. J. •W.:•Stewa-rt
famous for
Artistic, Memorials ,
at 'very reasonable .prices.
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of the '.1948 work and 'moved the
acceptance of. the 19.49' allocation j '
which :Was unanimously accepted•..
.Vance then reported the
report of -the Resolutions :Com-
mittee: The :first being .: that the
sale ' of ' certain' 'comit `.Magazines'
be ;curtailed, ; the second that as•
a body •: of . -women; We '.Wish : the
Temperance Federation.- to know
We stand. by .them 'with our pray
ors and wilt help':combat the' traf
fie in alcofiol She, also...reported '
two . anemorials The •f irst, .that
area Where there are
the Nprfolk e , .
1,500. new Canadians that a Chris-
tian wornaii worker With a kngw.
leedge .'of' E;tiropean custoths• and
language. be, appointed bo 'Work
there.. The second .that whereas,
.many 'missioi'iares are Without
;settled horns -,,that the 'Dominion
Board .secure a home where::they
can be, 'made comfortable.: These
'four were :sustained ,
Mrs. Sydney , Smith •• of Park
Head expressed courtesies . to
those wino planned .the day and',
their' ,prayers .for. it and having
made it.'such ,a,success..
The closing prayer • was taken
'lay' a Member of- the Lion'sS:;ilead
Auxiliary..•' :
The. •following :are4fie Bruce
Presbyterial Officers' for 1949=50:
.honorary .presidents, Mrs. Janr.cs' -
Cass, Chesley,'Mrs, J.
toin;• Mrs:: W. Hodgins, Holyrood;
past ' ;president, ,;Mrs. - Walter, -• A.
Krug, Chesley; 'president; Mrs:'
Z. Stephenson, Cargill; 1st vice;
Mrs. R: R. McGregor, Paisley;` 2nd
vice,, 11+frs.I: , Vance, •Chesley; '3rd
ince, l"Miss • Agnes Warren, .Walk'
erton; 4th v!iee, Mrs. Alec Mac..
► --- �:...., .,.... ,: � ravish, 'Ripley, R`.• 1, recording14
Christiar Citizenship, Ms,
McLarty, Wiai'ton; press sec,, Mrs.;
Walter B. Steele, Ripley, , R. 1;
'meaxi(b'ers without portfolio,. • Mrs,
W. M. ..Cameron, Walkerton,'Mrs,
J. D. Little; Teeswater; Mri Jas..
Paterson,; Wiarton members. of
Conference Branch • Executj re,
112rs W. G. Cheshere;- Wiarton,
press sec., Mrs.' W. A. Krug, Ches..'
ley., literature sec,,
• •.
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