HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-05-12, Page 6'f • • PAGE SIN, IALD.INNIE' BEATS - RECALLED • A ,January • issue of The. Oban. Scotl :di: review's lsairau °: , the feats, of strength. of Donald Dinnie, the 'strong man of Sot. laalzsl'�."I1is-"name_ is . a; Ibyw' rd,, in_ Luci 3W and District, wherethis, brawny Scot performed at the. Oaledonian Giames More than three -score years ago, He was re, garded ' as the . world's'greatest athlete, • Hrs., likeness is still to be;. seen; impressed in theconcrete side- walks :of the village,. and` `Guts" of this r uacle-roan; are used for:::adveurtisin' , oses 1!?. A miniature is ,,used ' as a ,-crest otz The CI liu , s `station - The' MKT q y The' article. m. The Obai Tiiii s reads:as'follows ^- ' DMD DDNNIE, The W'orld's greatest Athlete,. 'There are :People livinlg who .taw �a •, ' were • thrilled • with .. the won denful athletic performances. 'of Donald Dinne; an athl'ete a outstai.diog` ;ability': and strength, whose fame spread not 'only in. Scotland,: his niative land,- but all round the.',' English.' . Speaking world, Many who ;did riot :witness ham have heard• thrilling accounts di Dinn,ie'S feats titan older :Pep- :plc .Who did,` anal .even yet his panne :as gree as super.' roan,'• ..especially • e .: strenuous -con- tests at Iig!hl' Games THE.' : WCKNOW SENTINEL, LUC,i NOw,.ON''il'AR14. ods, were: ifulfil the trmend,ous task before: .At Coupar• „Angus .: Arugus ., in, 1868• he iwssurig tl,e Challenge, • ki'ut. a 24 lb. ball' 37 ft;, 9 in, and a 22 1b, ball' 39 ft, 9 ,nn,' At ':Stone haven .in 187,3. he threw a 211/4 lb. ha _ er ,10 n 7: ft;'.7.,.'and.'a 22 lb; ,hammer 104 -ft., with a 4 ft. 2 in. tiff. handle; also a• 4..: lb, han±ner with.•a4 ft, stiffrhand,le't.. 56.1 ft, • ,'• , K At .C9upar • Angus in 1874 'Ile threw (a 16 lb. 2 oz. hamnner. 138' ft. • 8 .in A,t ,tossing the. caber, which is lifting at the thin end from.. the ground' a long tree trunk weigh; ing, ,apipryoodinately two cwt. 'and, throwing it forward in. a. semen., Sault•', Dinnie was generally in `a class, by hiniae]Lf. lit" was quite a usual intg,for.him to togs the T Caber -which the ether • corn, e ti t- Ors (all„men of ;:surengii)` 6014 barely lift• fromthe ground. : Two .Toni Lift Ills; feats a. ski11 and strength 'Were ` not, lacking izi ° variety. In 1884, •When 47 ' years; , old, :'D;irnie put .t ;p. a deposit ::that 'he ;would t�.`:.o tons: His; challenge- _a w,s ,not'•taken;. up:. In what method he .nterided to lift this weight is not ',ercor d', • but...rip p doubt” Din _..de rile • Made ..sure 'he ' wvvas :able to lie lifted. two. 56 lb, 4urnlhbells, oiie :in eachMand., a1 v e his head alternately no:y.r iWer than 132 7 t:inies He: sir a ted •.on -the ,paln;l. of one hand, farm arid: hand" ke .t hori zontaf;' a 56 lib4. Weight for• 45 §ecorrrig,a : 'h.hEKld Wit.., stretch. of arm at ri • :. • :4rng1es with: 'his eci 112:lb .. _ fair several seconds. `• At home' and _ albrolad Donald Dinnie had . no equal,. ,and his, fine aehievernents were :'always ap- preciated arid admired..' This great' soz of Scotland won among his izes over 150 medals, the 'mai- ority of whieh_':we for chain ionshiw, He , 'Was: a ' handsome; 'Min, of S � '`x`uottractryeiersonality;` quiet ,and unassun}ing, ,and' a . great 'favour- ite •evy rwhere' he =went. -Despite his lQng.' and strenuous` cia•reer Donald ',Dinnie lived,' to a ripe old age. , INF THURSDAY, MAY :12th, 1949 • • Mrs.;xt might do some ;good for wives to go out', on :strike :some- time. • Mr:: Go' right ahead. I've :' got a peach', of a strike-breaker in EWE (intended' for Last Week); The Crewe church are holding their' anniversary. ;services on Sunday;::.fune : gth,.'Rev.4 -C :W. Downs of,. Exeter will be gyest speaker.Misses Norma and. Shir- ley lVf sS ley Sherwood will 'sing in- the:. •'afternoonand the , Blylth . Enal ff quartette will sing in the. even- . Master Bobby. NlcHardy .of God erich ,spent ,the Week -end with his great uncle, Orville Durnin. •A 'number •from .here attended. the W.M,S.' Easter. th.ankoff<ering :service an,d-lantern: hides .in Dun •gannon United Church " Sunday evening; . " 11i r and.; Mi s, Charles Nelson. of:,Clinto'ns Spent Sunday' with here sister, Mr:.' and;,'1Vtiis ` 4E. G Zinn and.;boys. " f -Mr' Elliott Rivett : of Goderich palled on .,his brother' Norinan on Sunday., Sunday. • a ' RIPLE:Y..,BUSINESSlVIEN are to 'regtiest the .Canadian. National Railwa :s• tohave.the Ripley oper • ator. resume meeting the early I train. A' farnily ,plot; ' should be graced with 'the' shrine -like beauty of a monument -which will .be everlastingly a tribute' to those. at.. rest.. W'.e`bave-many Y classic styles to suggest, 'and will work with "you on Ow tom ss, Exceptiodeignnally ` low prices. . No canvassing, which` elimin- ates sales commissions. Inscriptions. Repairing Sandblasting' Memorials " 25 Years',Experierce The: ,latest •in Portable Sandblast..E •gui' tient . , p All wort.'•`ersonallx c p y ae e utocl.. .w r.�o nlie' Memorial �, m aI '`.AAUred �S"t., WINGIIAM 'Phone 459 ° or. NEIL M:tcLCN.NAN, Ripley., Ontario.. NO AG:I., EMENT can be reached• rieihborin municipalities by g g' munici pal for the formation of a • C es1 e h ey High., ol District.' ,.Soho ., :. • Donald, the winner of . innurn-• berable icontest,: rwtas born,, in she little :village of -Aboyne, ..Aber- deenshire,.. in • 1837.. He first: ap•- 4 peared':m public Highlaxd Games w1h ,:he visas only 16 ° yek rs s of age; • and :even at that age he won prizes ' in'•;contests' in which -was.pitted, against men of experi pence 'arid fame For,T•`tnore "than `30` yelars• Dennie aip,'peared' regularly • :.on sports fields, not only in Britain but in '.the .Dominions, in ,Aanerica, .and other .�ountries He proved .feria=; self to' Abe among • the.- best round .• .he . the ' world;lead. ever seen. Over, the .'whale. of Scotland his name was: a' house=: hold :word; • and, criowdt flocked to, witness his' aahhev+n.ents ' There was .nothing cpartic;ular Iy outstanding in Di►n,ie's . Phys icaI build • or appearance.: In, his shoes he, stood 6. ft 1 in ,; and in his .iprine he Weighed. 220 Jibs 15 stone 10: lbss ; Ins Chest meas- •uremenu was 48 ins.,' biceps '16% iris thighs •'261 in. and. ' calf 1.7.1 ..ins• Amazing. Versatility -The athletic versatility :of . Don- 'eld Diniu was amazmig, consid ering be Was vv'hat is called: a heavy: • event 'athlete He did the 100 yards Suint,, in 10.2J.5 SeConds :and. at hurdle, racing he had• few equals. .In the 'sixties he- often cleared 5 ft. 11 sins in the 'high j urcnp;, and 20 ft 1 in.. m: the lonig jumr►�. • Even: in, the harp; step arid- leap,: which 'is ..'particularly ••unsuitable for, the 'heavy athlete, he: could easily''reaeh 44 ft: At , the. age of 45, in 1882, at ;an age 1gng . past• the time , when both Neatly 'and other, athletes, . • leave given up, he was,tri Amer- . :lea, and Won the all-ro lrld. open championship-, there, in• a contest '..:,. of seven 'e.Vents, the winner of the majority ,,to be champion: On the same day he 'also grained a gold Medal for, Winning.'a :sprint At 'Melbourne; Australia, in • 1885, when. he was 48, he won wrestling contests against first-. • class, men in silt styles out of seven, tacking a prize of ,150 pounds, which: in those days was," looked upon as an outstanding . amount "to be won in'. an athletic y contest:.• ' •d Some Best Performances; Some of XDiinies 'best perform i r antes, • all done ,on level ground wtitlh correct weights ,andwithout the p4van,tages df m''odern, meth.' ere s For 34 years, Canadian . motorists', have preferred.; Goodyear tires over any other. knid. `� and backed up their preference by actual purchase! That's ; berfaiiae. they've ' learned -from'' experience that Goodyear tires give them the most for their money! The new : Super -Cushion is the latek reason for `,Good- year's- tire, supremacy. It's the best of the new low-, pressure -tines for super comfort, super safety, super r mileage:. Remember, only Goodyear ` builds the Super- Cushnon. See your Goodyear dealer about Super -Cushions and get the softest, smoothest, safest ride on�the road. toiveitioaii Tire :Smaller:' Footprint' • .Ordinary Ride' Larger 'Footprint' New, Sifter S. 1P p'`GOODYEAR !" when asked "What Make of •,'r,: Tire Do You . , Pre r?" in a recent Dominion -wide poll by an. independent survey, orgGoodyanizatio. .',HERE'nS •:THE.'SC-ORE: ear = - Second•Tl're - Third Tire ' - - Fourt Tire %,Fifth Tire .- All,Other Makes - - 53,6% 19,9%. 6.6%• 4.1% 3.9% 11.970', Super -Cushion .runs on '24 pounds of air, Its bigger "footpiriut "' .: • on theroad gives greater stability ... q.uicker, safer stops , easier steering, especially on corners. Let your Goodyear dealer ,ppieuper- Cush �r ions on your car now=they 11 'snake' it ride like a new. one! More People Ride on Good ' p •. , rear T�res� Than on An ORDINARY TUBE LIFEGUARD TUBE HEN A TIRE BLOWS' OUT awordinary"tribe' collapses in- stantly, But LifeGuard's,inner air chamber allows a tire to deflate Slowly ' :. , . permitting complete, car control LIFEGUARD SAFETY TUBES . • - MAKE BL..0 WOUTS ' `HARMLESS:': LifeGuard Safety Tubes prevent blowout accidents.. They often 'outlast several sets of tires. See your Goodyear dealer a tight away! ` i can't, get better .protec "'tion t ' ' o save your, li}"e. :: • Other Kin AVAILAILE' IN ALL-WEAT$ER OR RIB TREAD • BLACK OR WHITE '.SIDEWALLS • N492•D• ` Y r w IE/tD ..�•FF :BATTERY TROUBLES NOW: ,,For quick, sure starts and • an amp power ample ow reserve for :;everything eleetrica1 in your car, equip it, with a new : Goodyear "Factory- • ;Fresh", Battery !• eth whi Stel nuai ar ThEy ' net in• 1 4, rep] Au] 119 in 1 iqg.. j'V'frs in edt • ed shit trey Q47t'> 0zi Kole •arid mss: The The Joh of Lar yea av She yea aht .Thi Qrg' thea ies poo 'of t ;the cele •T. Suess Fra seci `Boa Ida. vet Bon nes. turc Act' mg groi othE mor peol cati u�tgi aa.( as :� the' mitt was 'Van .gust now "Je$ ,1V1 pra, Mr's ,Cba slo11 B.A s:1! el Ss' i�nn br�t�t Co