HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-05-05, Page 4t Si P • FACE FOL R b. TI37 WJLTCTOW .SENTINEL., 1.1CKN0W, ONTARIO': 'rH AY, • MAX:- . '1AY • 4, . "WANT. AD" RATES -41St insertion '2 `cents a word, subsequent insertis 1 cent a word. Minimum charge 25 cents. Replies ,care of The Sentinel 10 cents extra. Legal advertising 10, cents, per• count line first insertion, 5 cents per line 'subsequent' insertions :. BUCKWHEAT 'FOR SALE -Wil- fred McQuillan, R; 1,; •L,ucknow. GARDEN 1)I,OT FOR RENT Apply at ' Sentinel, Office.' • • AGENT FOR AVON PRODUCTS — Mrs Cliff Crawftird," •'Phone • 103-j, Lueknotw, SLENDOR TABLETS . are effee, tive, 2 ' reeks'. supply '$1, 12; weeks • $5 at DoPwns' ' Drug.:tore.: :,FOR. SALE --one • new : dao ixble 16 • • Minneapolis -Moline 'disc,' ; George -Wraith, Lucknow.. PAPER-HAN• GING and. Painting, spray and brush work. Reliable works anship, Gordon ; McInnes, phone ,637-21,, Wingham. ' •'TOR:Gliesterrie d : b d goodcondition,;, blue rep, Apply Mrs, Hicks' at Mrs. Harry McQui1- lin's: LAWN MOWERS repaired P and sharpened, For first .class Work see or call, Ted Rice Lucknow R. 2,' Mone 42-r-31. p' FOR SA.+6-piece dinette suite natural red trim, chairs have leaitheretteeat s s, also' child crib., . ApPly C.. Congram, L' ueknow.. HOUSE .:FOR RENT-=.', ood': brick' hoz,e , with: bathroom, 31/2 • miles. west of •Lucknow. :Apply :'to Mil- ton ' Kilpatrick, ; Box 985, 'Goder- • ich. • FOR SALEG; genuine ,t ugtria China •• dinner Plates 'in bridal wreath , pattern. Miss. Ann Mac-. •"Murch ` R ' 3, Goderich tie 66-1.1' Dungannon BARDWOOD FOR .SALE,: bodY - +wodd $5.75` delverecl,llimb wood, $4,75 delivered; Apply to. John Falconer, phone 384-j•'' Wingham, in :at' The Sentinel' Office. HOUSE ' FOR ' SALE -:5 rooms,' ;n 'village of . Whitechurch,. $1200:00 'full • price, also vacant lot on' Highway: For particulars. , write, Mrs. A.' J. Clarke, II,.'R 8,, Loh-' >on,. .Ontario: ' • FORTY-ONE CENTS` will 'protect a • man's or • lady's suit from moth. ' „.damage for 5 years. .One• spraying: ;of Berlou Guaranteed Mothspray :does' it dr Berlou•;pays the ,.dam= age.: Wm. Murdie• &. 'Son.'. •.HEA`TY• BREEDS started. ca &is P '.fro 3 rr to vreeksold. Can; sup• • -' ply ; u.p tQ 2,00.0, /weekly. Queen ,brooder stoves, used one season: •Goldie •;Martin, Paramount, Phone' ....Dungannon 68-r-6 • . •:BRAY''HATCHERY .,has .pullets diayold • .and:' started; &Host.• •breed s, ;immediate .'delivery.: Or. chicks, : cockerels, Better:ke eye k ep , Yo.ur eye on .fall -winter markets, ,-and let us order what: you need. • D. R, 'FINLAYSON, .I:ucknow; BIG -4 .CHICKS ..are now being booked for '-.May' delivery. We ,strongly advise . your Ordering now. They'll .get you fall markets, and these markets' ,loo,k pretty good,, Buy •'' good . chicks', to `Catchup Agent �. D.` V. BAKER L • kn FOR SALE 1941, Xnternation•ai 1/2 -ton panel:: truck, engine; , and brakes just overhauled'. new paint ,q , job, good• tires; in real shape', for long service: Reason. for selling, larger .•size necessary. Garnet, Farrier, Whitechurch, phone 402= s-31 '' W irigham. CRAKES' `FOUNDATIo1I GAR 'HENT CO. Trained' Corsetiere for Lucknow and'. surrounding : dis-. 'triots. ' ° • Pleased to :discuss' your garment needs. ,We guarantee to, •fit ' all types ' of figures at reason - :able. 'prices. Mrs. WM. •. Kenriedy, phone 509-w, . corner • Minnie. and. Patrick ' S'ts., Wi am Ontarjo. CARD OF, ,APPRECIATION. • It. is :,within s sere:appreciation. that . I' acknowledge :the : generous patronage. of :friends'•• and _ •custo •avers, .and.' regret' the severing . of these. Pleasant '':business and social relationships .Many •thanks. Marion's.Beaut..Y Salon,_. M. Mrs. i. Sam c � 1' Qu.n NOTICE Ashfield Pastoral 'Charge. ,United• .Church Until further ';notice tunes' o service shall be: Zion -9;45 'a.in.; SCS: 10.45.,'a.m. Blakes-11,00:' a. ' m ' � S.S. 10 a +m. H•aaketlts-3..00"P :m ,.S.S. 2:00 p m,• ' CARO. O F ' THANKS* Mrs Cecil Gardner 'Wishes.. aa'cknoow+ledge with , sincere ap- preciation ,the ' cards, fruits and flowers received:twhile•in the 'hos-. pital and, to :. especially ': thank •those who.. were so kind and help-; ful.In -Other ways.. The family of •.bhe late'Robert' D. MacDnnalid'take this opportun- ity to•: thank their' good'neighbors and ' friends, for the kind uels. shown and the man r express ons: of sympathy, • in their recentsad bereavement. .Fixers Ex sed po by Dan.Parker. • Ace: sportswriter'' Dan. Parker� turns • the spotlight On 'big tirife. • • garn biers . 'who, are ': busy giving • sports a. bad., narn.e by throwing -- gatmes an d eorrwpting•.athle tes. He names names • in The ;,American Weekly magazine with this Sun- day's (may- 8) ,issue .of The •De- troit .Sunday • Tirnes,;':Be.'sure to read, Dan Parker's,: dynamite- packed ,article...in • ,this' Sunday's Detroit Times, to • Yor. Are In DANGER of Being WITHOUT BABY CHICKS. Better :to place yourorder now personalii or by phone' With R. E. CRAWFORD 'Phone 165 F; •Lucknow; 'Ontario We can also shoW Your . STARTED' PULLETS up, to twelve Weeks,,of age p.. For Quality,: 'Yet Economy, Ll(FET ..ERIA FEED _--. 3A'MESWAi EQUIPMENT ` Cartage Free U'NGAN'NO'N MILS. HARRY COWELL Mis..I-Iarry +Cow,ell; •Pickford Mich., formerly Annie ,Marsh, daughter of the late• fife'.; and, Mrs George Marsh, is rel reed' having passed away in a 11nspital"at'Sault Ste. Mar ie; U,S,A., . on Sunday► April '24th, • Mi s: "Mnxiie Jones of Dungannon has returned from the S'oo after nursing .her sister at the hospital during Mrs. Cowell's illness.. Deceased was 76 years of age• and came to .Canada ' iron' London; England'; -with her par- ents at the gage bf: ,teri• and settled r1 the.A•uburn district She wvived by 'her husband 'to whorin she was. 'married• 45:years• ago• To •thein wask, born aSon,,:.Arthur, who passed: >,away : exactly seven. tmjaxi'ths'to the day:. from that ..of mother. dVrrs. Cowell had been •en+joying• fairly good•.hea1'th'. until 'recently • hind. paid a • visit to rela-' 'tives in this district- last fall.'Mrr. 'Cowell who •hays resided.;tat Pick- ,ford, N>+c!h., u*as, buried' in 'the Ifatnily plot of. tlhe' cemetery- of • t'hat dace... •on .Tuesday of.last week. •, ' MRS.. •THQMAS WIGGINS Mrs.•Thoanas .Wiggins died Sat- urday, at her.;;hom , nortl.?of. Dun- gannon, a few ,hours, after suf .fer g, a, paralytic stroke: She was. in her 79th year.. Before her anar,;, riage 56 ;years ago, she was Sarair Jane Par daughter ..of_ the' ate. k,. g late. John; , Park and :.Miary. West Park Of the' Diicngannon ': district. ' Mr. Wiggins. dlled three ' years Three. sons survive;; Bert, a pi blit school , principal : at Brantford•, Parkie, at home;' and .Will, Duna 'gannon.. There area: two.'• 'grand Children, '.The,; funeral was held from, i er home on Tuesday 'after - Y noon at ;2.30`o'clockw'ith Rev: C. I� .MaaDonnicl of Erskine Presby _. teriari Church, in -.charge, of '. the service: Burial,was'.in Dungan non ces'Yetery.'• Joan; Rivett after being ani ei•ously 111 with pleurisy''and pneumonia at' Goderich ':Hospital, Mad, e'.a 've • . ry good; reoclvery• and Was able :to .return' :home to her Parents,:, '' Mr: and !Mr's. George Rivett,athe the ' end of .t . • . week , : Mrs.: Richard Gardner : returned home after a `tisit with herP•arkie, ' Mrs; R. `itiger ald, Branipton. Mr. Elmer ".Shackleton accomrt pained 'by • rhis .•daulghter. Doris. (Mas Wayne Kay !and .:Mr Kay of :Detra i't), visited Elmer's ;moth er,`:Mrs::Ellen Shackleton: at' God-. erien Hospital, who 'is recovering; from a broken hip.: • They • also visited :: M arid: Mrs Matthew Sih'alokleton • of ` t'he • village: . Mrs. Melvin Reed' on ..Sunday. .visit " her . ed , aunt, Mss. Frank Johnston' of Oshawa. We, •extend ,sympathy* farn!ily:.of :the 'late, Mrs,- ',Thgmas' Wiggins Who passed' away inthe early,: hours : of Saturday, Morn-. Mg. Mns.Wi guZsbro er-in l� w. the :late war: Crddfrey;111ai11, ,passed away and was.Iburied•just a week before •Tl e Uinited, Church W.11/1.5', held 'the Easter, Thankoffering'service on -Sunday night The interesting: feature of,' the evening , was 1 terve 'slides ,"Out of the Overflo :classed: as foreign rnissior slides. These •were shown ;by Mr. A. W. Smith .•assisted by'..Ross , Rivett: Before the closing .hymn a' •trio composed of Edna, Ross and. Billy. Rivetlt '.satn�g "Now :the Day is Over": 1 . Mrs. tVluriel Smythe,• employed; as"asear.etary .at Brantford, spent the' week -end with; her parents;' .and: Mrs: Albert Qrser' and arranged to .have her household effects' moved from Carlow; to. Brantford. 'Her daughter Elinore entered training ' at ,::Brantford General Hospital last September,` Mrs, Smythe has since that time, been w',atching •for laying quart . ers to se.t up' a home . dor 'her • family. • ' NossFerri' Rabb, ,w e ��. C.lilodeeick MaoKe'nzi ry FEDERATION NEWS Been 1111 With Pneumoiva i�a1 e i(by 111 V,, RVY? Huron County is heading • the ,province in the number of policies Co,cperative •:.Automobile 10 s urance,. with Grey County run- ring second, after leading early in the campaign. Keep,. t p ,the good work, Huron, .• stipport and insure. in the:•far,,melrs• own conpany.• =Farmers are good risks. in 'car insurance. Other'. companies. `yea- Iize that and don't.. want to, lose, the:farmer'se . 'Ibusir sse. Up _to last Wednesday' our new company had ;only . paid' out • $50.00 in claims. 'Our.sloga0, "Insure'Co.-cpera tiye •l 'and." drive Carefully Ever r farn family iri our Coun ty should now. be: receiving. The •Rural ':Co operator,', regularly,, with . the W .possiibleM� exception• of Hay Township who were late .in forward* their ,list: of namiesi• if you' are not receiving. your -'copy. and dare a mennber' of the Federa- tion . please. communicate With' your tow'nshiip or CountyF secret iary, at •once. Read' your Co-op•. erator• and'' keep abreast' . of.' farm. developanents • and ' the , work' of your .organization. Your Federation `is'very grater ful to Ontario Sugar Beet Grow= ers for 'a • donation of. $50.00;'re 'ceiued recently,,,to, further our vnork: in your ,i<nteregts STs.`HELE;NS: Miss s Doris : TaYlor, w, ionie ;• from. London for week-end. Mar purdon' ,li tle. •, , t . .. daughter of Mr:: and. Mrs ,little,,, PurdOn, is a ati .... a . ' ` pemit 'in' Wingham'-Hos-. pitalsufferin from pneumonia Mrs, Mel Brown,; Waterloo Was a week -end• visitor ,with Mr.. and Mrs.-R.'.Woods M i's,s. Margaret Brophy o f C1KNX Win' arch will 'be .' :the. guest :speaker • at' the meeting, of t ih 'e ` Women's : Institute t.h i s. (Thursday), afternoon at .2304; The pupils ,and •toachers attend- ed the ;musical festival;:in Gorier=' ich this :week When quite'. a, num,- ber of the .pupils cot'npeting. Fi1msP were shown in the school 'here : on Monday afternton by a- representative • of *the. Federatioi ofri cult e. spending. this:Week with ;her •sis ter, Mrs.: Wm; ; Sahib 'and visiting other,' relatives. Accountant .. . Business n eels and Tax Service for the 'Smail Business Man,'. the 'Professional, Man • gip,:.. <t -.2• and • the ' Fanner. Office : in '. Kilpatrick Block: • TUESDAY, .THURSDAY 'and •• • SATURDAY. • ' • Phone 23 w 1Gu ckri ow .. A�. utom wners Don't pay two prices '. for your ° insurance.'°' For the most economical and reliable protection in. AUTOMOBILE'•INSURANCg • LIFE :INSURANCE • FIRE INSURANCE , •.' SXCK &'. AC'CIDENT • •.INSURANCE ;and. :.HOSPI.TALIZATION • `'See or Call' T. (AMERON. Lucknow, O'ntario:. .'hone Dungannon 70446 Toronto;. is patient in. Wingham Hospital where he is convalescing, having 'been ill with pneumonia, WESTERN FARMERS , Weather Insurance Mutual ,Co , MOTTO: . Pr ompt • and . Satisfactory , • Settlements . For information reliable • protection,•, satisfaction,' .: consult your 'local agent 'SAM.. ,ALT.ON LUCKNOW'. 'J'hone .' Dungannon : $4 ; ••• , Y ,' T. AR1VISTRONG OPTOMETRIST IN LUCKNOW • FIRST WEDNESDAY OF • EACH MONTH R` from ' 10 aan. to ; • :ATh WIVL' SCHMID'S'•'STORE :Insure, In Sure .. Insurance: C)nfederat'on ''Life •'° WIN D CAR ` •FIRE Preferred :Rates.• for preferred ;risks. ACCIDENT &': SI•CKNESS. • •' •Consult . JOHN:, FARRTSH . 'Phone. 7=r 15' Dun anon' - • :�' IE N ;R A S FIRE .CA •UAL S. TX• Anil. • Apritomopmg. • i To Protect : Your' Jack •:° Insure With Jack Today, McDONAGH. :RA... 3 Lucknow, • Ont' ' Phone' 61=5;. D'ug .n g anon': . 'NDREW Barrister and Solicitor • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Office in the Joynt - Block Telephone: 135Re dence Office i .,g. Office • P� Stuart MacKenzi . BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Walkerton, Ontario. iN' LUC.KNQW i • *Web,. Wednesday •E�P 'ICE, IN HENDERSQN:BLOCK -: • R.S.' Hetherin.. torr 'K.0 S , . Barrister, Etc. • Wingham and. Lucknow' ` + IN LUCKNOW Each Monday` & Wednesday Located on .the •ground • • floor in the front of John Kilpatrick's Building 'Phone Winghim Office : 4$ Residence 97 ly • • H • JEA RWL` 't Is 0 Rev. pastor •'ted Years, efe f cti'. •Cor ilbs� drew's assists is exp partur and tv On.. :exons ef'eanc ,so ' •■u■,■I ■ :. ■ • •■' ■ • 1 ■▪ . •■, ...wa ..■ • i ••■. ■ N . ••''1.o: 5 ■ ■ . • ■': 5' °I ■ n.... 5•▪ . ■. • ■•:, ■ 5 • •• •r ✓ 1 / / / / / / / / •/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / T