HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-05-05, Page 3'Tl{URSDAY, .MAY 5th, 1949 -3 .Local and. qtr, John Campbell of Ashfield attended the double wedding of his, two, grandchildren;. Russe1 and VyetIa Phillips of Fordyce. , London nt-: Betided the double 'Wedding of his #wo ,cousins,; Russell . and Vyetta Phillips of Fordyce,., •, • Mr, aid 11rlrs; Lance Morrison attended the baptrsmal service on. Sunday f their :granddaughter, Judith Ann Morrison,; daughter, of Mr:: and: Mrs, . Lincoln,' Morrison of TcQswa,ter.. 11r Fred T11ompson called Ton. frtends:iri town ori Saturday4. Fred' spent the winterin Toronto with Mr, and Mrs. Wm..A1tc n.,' and is r ow Y eoinimuting ' betw>een Itis hone at.',Teeswater,'and the 'ol'd -farm home in Kinloss,: awned `by THE LueKNOW7;SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO , General IF MOTHS DAMAGE your rug within' '5 years, Beflou" Will, re- pair or:, replace . t- withciut cost to you: Buy 1ou to -day. WM. MURDIE; & ON,; ° Dr. and Mrs, • E, J. Robb ,of Winnipeg were recent' visitors with his mother, Mrs; Alice Robb. Mrs, Robb, wlio was° 82 rr;.JanT nary, has been ill .With the 'flu but is now aahle to 'be out '.,again. "lVlrs, It, Hr' .Mitchell ,and Mrs. Ethel Nfjunn'of ' Ripley, Mr, and` Mrs. Donald MacPherson of 'Lon- don and Miss Gwen Colwell" of Holyrood;jwere weekend visitors. with Mx. And Mrs, . W. N. •Bushell. CLOSES SALON, MOVE' TO GALT. 6 . Mr and . Mrs. Sari 'Mc.Quillin ardson John have moved to. Galt to.'reside, They left for their new home ori Monday : • Sarni has ,been employed. ' to : Preston,. for. some .time, 'since the Lucknali, t Indust- ries plant 'closed :here Mrs,; McQuil'•lin's. ;remio►al •.from town meant • the Closing of„ her beauty iparlor which .she operated at .her , Shorne under .the ' name.: of Marian.'s Beauty Salon The Q Mc .:uillin,: residence, just, south of: Main St.' at the :United \Church corner,best known`. to ..¢lei presidents as 'the Tennant preop: • ,'erty has been sold to Dr `F,. Brock Clelland, who ,Will move : here to' estaibliish , a veterinary practise Dr, and, Mrs.. Clelland w'i11 take upresidence, here about the end 'Of f. . of the Month,, :we`:.tt'iderstand, ,. 'RE-ELECTED R A.M. GRAND • • CHAPLAIN . FOR 2nd TERM , Rev C i.: MacDonald, DBD:,: has, been re-elected.: Grand Chap- 441-of hap- lain of '- Y the . Royal. Arch ' Masons• • ..for':his second terra. +Dr:, and: Mrs.' MacDonald :.and Dr.' and Mrs. Jas '.Little: attended 'the'.'convoca- .•tion held at Ottawa wast week, vcthen..the new:.•slate oaf: officers was elected ' . u ciK NOW .. ;Iter 1. W. :St(ewarut, 'B.A.,. B.D. , k Pastor • SUNDAY,:M y 8th,,.1949 MOTHER'S 'DAY .11 a.m..:• Church and Sunday' School under the "direction of .tlie Sunday :School Let • it be Family paywith the whole faintly :sitting to-. gether. • '• 4 Subject:` "In every,...hotne-. ,lesus Christ" Story by W. L MacKenzie. Ba tism n' of 'chi)fdrhn`..be at a later date. '17 p.m.: Evening Service. with:, , drawn, in favor of Presby- •tcriarr` AtlntVersary:: ! ` 'An itein of hews of which we were unaware 'until a few days ago,, was; a business trip which Mrs Sir on ,Plewes 'made': to, Ti ins idadi • 1Vrs.. Pleweas ,made : th'e journey by' air. • FETED. ON :SILVER AR:NNIVERSARY. .PAGE: TH.R ISHOW' FILM ON CONDITIONS IN AT. ' CHINA .. .. YOUTH RALLY • mr tai,:a Mrs, ' Eld.on. Henderson Were ,pleasantly surprised Friday evening upon returning, ' honle from. Lucknovw,:where : they had. •been. the guests of friends .when; they found. their':home occupied by their ,close °'relatives•• who had - gathered to celebrate the'occasion4 of -'their` 25th ,'wedding annivr'• Bary. Mrs., Melillo . Oesoh of Zur ,ich, :Sister '•of the' bride, read? a' very appropriate' address • after which, Mars Ielluigton :Render son: presented' them With a beau- tiful silver 'iota' service. Mr. and Mrs° Henderson• .Very' fitting, re :plied, and after gani,es :and ..muste a: daintylunch upas sei�4ed • On Monday evening , Lucknow, friends and a' few neighbors gath- ered and, had another:surprise party` and •presented Mr. and'Mrs. Henderson with a''lovel.y gift. The. evening was .spent, irk. games and music. after Which :a y:ery dainty lunch ..was'"served„ BRUCE :PRESBYTERIAL'.. CONVENED`;, WEDNESDAY Th 23rd -i i g f the The • r annus' mee in .o Bruce: Presbyterial W MS of the • United '• Church. . convened :..here yesterday With Morning :arid "af ternoon °sessions it vir:as expetteei • that .the attendance would ex A 40'=rninute- moving; .picture,. " China .Challenge", will: '(be fe•a- tured at a Youth or Christ rally in Clinton7,owrl€all, on Satur- day, May 7th at 8 p m; The film was 'taken in. China d`i. ring, the past year a, id will depict actual. condixions. • . This, interdenominational Bath,',. reing of young.%people will.. be 'addressed by Dulan Hedley, outs standing youth ' leader. and 'exe- cutive :secretary of •Youth' .For Christ International. -His. wife,: Mrs. Jean I-Iedley, is lyric soprano and. will ,assist on the program:'. If the you h df• the. ' di triot evidence sufficient interest in this, moVement° ian organization r eetirig ;Will' be ,h04 . -with. a vieW to holding •monthly; meeti s OB'ITUARY.: ROBERT -..D. Ma*DONALD.' Kintail .community mourns, t'he l'o'ss of a highly esteerried resident. ih the death of. Robert:, Duncan MacDoh,nald whic•• occurred at his home on •.April 26th• at ithe'age of 78 years ;'Me had,..(been in- failing .health. the "hast two • years ' as . he suffered a. slight stroke: H'e'ws always able: ''to ibe -around ' .and whilesitting' :'at breakfast `he suffered. a . heart .attack. -God's 'inger: touched::he • slept.' He was 'the youngest, and last 'surviving Member of . a family` Of. nine .born' Ota the...late Mr.' •and Mrs.>?anal + :o d`who'set-' d.•MacDnal.. tied near. Kintail in 1844=inheri- tors. of'm.'ucli: fine- family ,tradi tion >,ILe 'had` spent ,-,all." his life, here, engaged in farming and cif es - pecially. Interested raising cattle',' He as;• rnafrie twice fLrst to Winnie Johnstonwho died' '191 and o:'•this :union., was in Q :ito horn- one daughter, Isabel,. (Mrs. Emil '. Norgard) .; He was 'late married • to Sarah Machtutyrewhd' survives with one 'son,�: uce,,on the homestead.,;' He was amem.�be.r 'of the - Ashfield : Presbyterian .Church• and iii politics a Liberal- lie',was a, fine• type of neighbor, ,always; .interested .in 'their ': • wel- :fare: He had the, respeof and ;con- " ' • r,. ►read no ►1so Various Other ' Delicious ' Baked. such as :PIES;' TA'R' CAKE, all flavours, • FRUITOAVES, E. Etc., SCONES, 'E :WEDDING CAKES e carry a full line of groceries:: ,.Delivery service on all bakery goods • and groceries fid"ence '• of :all: His standard a. of• "•living':,w s ,based,: orn • justice, and; truth,. and possessed kind 'and un assuming;. disposition•. The' 'fu :neral•; service was ;held at his late residence: on Thursday afternoon•, eondu�cted by Rev, W. 0, . R:hoad 'assisted :..b ,Rev. R. , y. Macconnell, . Mrs. Duncan Munn of Riple sang''ve appropriate. Ripley 3' r'3' • e'circle One �; by� • One g . A filar c cie of friends : and relatives gathered to,. pY niida a' their 'last . respects. a sP Profusion of floral" tributes.er was borne to his last r estirig place; by 'Bain'..1VDaeDonald'::'Earl Mac. Frank • Moran,` Jo Donald, hn bato1 n .'Joe Maclnt .re. and Robt. ,... y ,. `Sinnpson Interment tookplace, In Kintail cemete ceed 200 •• :The guest spaler at the morn-'• ing •session `.was .; Mist:, Ida Kenzie, , Field •Secretary of the. Dorninion; • Board; ' Who spoke 'on "Advance• 'and.•r : the Horne Front" At the.. aftern�oor session •:the''spe=. sial'. 'speaker: :was . Mrs: Kenneth` . WU,',.of West 'China, In national Costume. .' The men's 'sessions .of . Presby-• tery '7Were held' in the Presby- :terian church.' GIRL•,Y GUIDE.. NEWS The regular meeting of •the' it l` Guides ;'was held. `in th , lon R'onms% on.. Friday' night.' A note trail Wasartd• followed be - ore the began. f. g g Aft-er:the ,attendance was marl,= ed': and the,' biisi►i<�s� discussed,' I,thr GUid-es went. outside again ti) practise seniophorc: The Meetirig c1ci ed . with taps;. I -A'• hike.was held on Saturday afternoon when the Guides'built' a .stone .fireplace ; on their cannp,. �s "'--/ ams. _ �S oun� • � Y ds: an had supp -.:er there.'.�.. REID's, .• • UPHOLSTERING CIESTERFI,ELDS, ANTIQUES, ~THTC.: RE-IIPI1OLSTEREP• •The store. on the Square, Ooderich. OUr 25 Years' Experience Your Guarantee. Large Range of Quality Coverings. .SEE .Us,, 'PHONE: US, "• 'Phone 80.9-w, Goderich Ont. W R.IrTL us Estimates Given- No Obligation. • • Your efforts. can ' help provide better - hones for more Canadians The . Progressive-, , Qnservative `Patty has already accomplished :action through aggressive leadershiMuch more can ,he. accon, lished with your hel . Your membership in the Party is a,step , to speed up home : production .:` to 'rCduce;' housin.g'°'costs.. Act ` now! Work with the Party that works f you, Mail' this 'toupon :.today! . CLAIM, K:C, "Kincardine,, Ontario 7. wi$h to lorn 'the ._- 9r 2 Progressive . Conservative:Party. 1 lV►,ME....:. ..... ..1 ...,.....`.. . (!'Kase, Arnie). 'ADDRESS..'., . « .. • :.•...:. . i .(We4se'pr ale) CONSTITtit l`CV • • .. • • ..:, 4,4, ••••••14:p* (Preferre i, bat not ,eseietinl) . TI-I,E, PEOrsRESSIVE CONSERVAtIVE .:. i,. 1 • • •1 • • ,P" 4. �t. 1! .