HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-05-05, Page 1p•, $2.50, Yearly In Advance estor 'ter •••50c Extra • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, THU iS'DAY, 'MAY ,5th:,, i949 Buy � How§. n' Home' rO ' •REPAi^ WATERz�0 and .Mrs. Lloyd .Ashton • have.wpurehased the hiring" of Dr. SYSTEM .:WELL, Ross 111 wson,•::which they •lhave �—_- '- tenanted for some time The rest oa The Tillage Council .on Tues.:- U �, e deuce, w'as formerly owned lay ay .night authorized the Inte. : ��� Mrs;.: Allan Tuirner�. Dr. and Mrs.. na tonal Water'Supply Litxiited fo he. north bound C.N.R.,1 ;. When. t. FAILED TO GET W CK mixed tram -"jumped ttn'•jumped the, ''track I 0' E CUTS miles oast ,of Lucknow in . thic.E t a Wc. had planned to carry three !aid aitei ioon on Vr iday, it caus-; � close-up' ." "Shots",' of Friday's. train' •'the_t worst. wreck in,' local his- v,tr• e r •• d., e 1, in •t;l:tis' is'sue, 'hu.:t; tl•te:sterca•- • Howison have (been residingproceed with repairs: to the No•. 1 MAfi.l(NG, NEW ASSESSMENT` i well , of the Water • . London .where he; lla$ .been. rtak i ys�tm, �n an. } ", int; post graduate work We uri ' effort to restore its flew "Ap� • , • .Win: 'Harte- • . ,., Y„ of .W,ingharn ''and :derSt h Proval" , #._ ., .and c plans : to .locate . in h wor� ,cost be rc. _ lt•, T. Douglas of l:,u'eknow •.are', ceivec the u i` . Seaf ,tiff' by .. .IVI n canal Board,, c;uri•cntly engaged in makinga_ 4 1 Gaut •`it is e,xpeeted ,this will 'just: e •a .forrnOit •.-, as' the ,a :°r ).V. 1' . • . ; ,bit' ,a2Vazi 1 :. . enough, . . .tory, .but;„ �' � ,.,typc,i.: to; y,�horn ;the • :xeroses �'�'were:; new equalized .. , P c� u izeci 'assess�rn»exit 'of � will- � F b • t r De artment� p. „df ',Health ' h a •'y alz~ead �Y :been received it is,' estimated '' it will take about five :da s t a da the days ticces-t sary work`on the well,•Som pzriority is - beingven this J '• ijob' and it' is hoped to have •the work sta ted;in iab.out.a month• disru t` through! •train service sent far an, ..•. ;_ ' . age. . l� Sl m ufdct�it e c'resse u ,.. 4 d aproperty. certain nf' • • .:' .�,,. ., " i speer ica- 1 , tui cb.• little :more than _ on y up. 0rl aert.Hobrou h tobk. a ser • ti.'.n •, l .. , ,, . g 1 'sof . each individual' property t °'frau,• hours; By: after: I'll�' . , , .,es•,o: goa�dptctures.:of thf�:.wreck;;,:;are•rccorded uri 'er:'thls •n - d ,.. ft om which. we had: selected`thre tem', noon �atui clay the . line was. c, ear . , e ;ed slifficicritly, and 'some six hon- e�•aluat,ion,','The 'check-up o r for:reproduction reproduction in• The Sentinel, :'also iriclu•des (a" census of the' aura did feo of• new, track laid,. to and failure to'crbt i .the n e cuts was , bey. ,of .persons. under _ ewer}. roof: 'perrhit the' Saturday night !train 'disappointing to both the oto- ; ,. •• .. I` . • , • Ph , Mx, ,Haney, is tine Wingltarn ass�ess- to' go thr :;ugib. Motor'servide had ,grapher and ublisher.' alike.; •i .. p or,- where � theme • �a system . of • ('r-evalliation was,. used:' recently::. been set up .Ln the,meantime to 'take care of the ;disrupted rail 'CURB .SERVICE connectlonS.' ATI . LOC 1 DEPOT': :.OT� Call -School' Tenders: . No. official, announcement had. � � . � , .,IhISPE'CT`. GUIDE • • • Paintirm,:Par • Dig Stri • Work ., i o , s in; pragre�s this" week in aintin i ar.kiii' stri 13 g, 1� g ,. Ps ..on Main Street, "Angle parking Will remain in effect and if Motorists carefully observethe ,.parking stall: 'spaces many more cars: will be accornodated in the Main .busi- busi- ness section. . weak, a:i to the cause of the .wree4 The ,:train included the engine and !coal' Mender , two car s of Dail enrbute to Kincardine, three box 'cars; the mail' and baggage' car • Over.; the signature el Ross ' The.N G R has•taken'another 'retrogressive step ,•in its service the public. There is now n Mart ,n '• I T Y , of the Ripley ES:` THIS:WEEK agent meeting the morning train ,Mr.: A:- W..••:.Hami fon being -,School • Board, .tenders' have beer calledfor the rebuil o secretorxding' Of the two-storey, •4 classroom' Riipley. Continuation: School T enders will` be received` until M'a 14th.. Y TRIO‘OF Q. _..and lastly' the passenger .coach. notified to•••'adopt that. ,,policy 'ef- 'There were two cars: of .general �ective Past .Monday 2 morning 'merdhandise—one for• Kincardine The C';N.R officials• didn't deem and. one for Ludt toiw; with the ' it necessary to , as ',much as givee third conta x� 500 bags 'sof flour •the public "advance :'notice orf. the and • feed,' f;or , Kincardine. The change, •which cia:n have no'other .contents of :' the' 'feed effect: than toy car werefurther promote , transferred ori ,Saturday,' but the the':interests of "bust ,•and trans ' •contents of the " other two -.box' part lines•; at .the .• expense :of the .. cars' were leftin 4 Pi N.R tact and w,eren t opened ,ant'il ' Under/the. after':b'en,g righted; ,. new set :up we un; `temporarily repaired: and taken '.derstand,, tht ; the d' of `will be • P eP to their :destiinati�o'n. • Damage to: 'rocked and cieserted for the morn= ing 'train.. There '-will.. be no ex-• press 'ser'vibe ,,..The •mail service will . not -ected how ve be:' a r, as I1iaert Garn irnt Will co•nt•inue..to •depot.. •A. abbroken; 'box on a seed, meet` t>he .train as ostial. • Passengers.r l'Ot Toron�to'for in=: stance will • bu a :":ticket from , .y the train •'conductor-but'only to Palmerston, a1 any.; intermediate '. e, oin•t'' wthere an agent ' is 'on ` duty in in• an adjoining... field .to' `from • whom .they could purchase g 7 g.. . the... north• of•. the • track• a w ' a; ticket '•At Palmerston '•:it; Will nd as a>fi . eye ;witness.. to the wreck. Lt ao - be • necessary to ,make a --depot -peai-ec1 to . ;ihim as • if the • purchase of. a Palmerston to. Tor front . r ; trucks on the centre box car'cam onto: ticket, -The' new :syst.ern•::will` ' , to a.. halt• with::the ,ca • .be• of .: further, 'inconvenience• toy o .r, skrda'in�. over; it. until the rear thr se. :who have • c edenitials' for e truck$ were stru�ck•�w'hen •,t sp .cial ticket uur.chases, who will he car •leaped. the. , •1arl`-and ;nu'rtled down' the 10-foot?.find ,it necessai.y., to• mi ke a'spec- :bili' rn :fahtii7,to the d,e`ot. if'the. -wish ba . krnerit. The -first � �artcl -sec-p i Y ond: boa car • to -t- t' el .' on the. mornin•g':,trail s Were sihorn' of ?'their• on ;turned;..over"'on thea .'•an^l • *Iiic •i 'is the;, only, outgbili •r..i sides: 'Between the .'box :ca , Straight pa'��songtr train, and 'as ,rs "arid , the c •' , ` -.,..such is the: c1nr favw:e'd b Y", those trine .,Mere `trig two cars •of , 3,.. coal. •Trac broke' ' tiwfl' el1i:tig lay i nil.: Y th"e� '" cou'pin,gs ,, and,. u` •.,::. , Duran thc'urinter: ' VheI1 :'nail ei c ;both • de:1 ailed , at -dis i. g ' • t•anceti about I travel:. is "'fit ,its Kcal.; : vuu1cI-be i out :fifty feet apart: The 1 • o travellers s won t< fancy y ; standing around in the ft•eezing cold await- ing. the arrival of the; train, nor will ,they :,appreciate.; the incon- Ycnie..ncc, of not being` able to buy' i • ,. a'tYir.pugii t, cl.e,� ,'• The local, 'depot . has long,. .been DISTRICT ',FARM This past, .. e p Week saw,ra • trio ,,'of displaced•. Euro eans locate' : o p n farads in this inimpdiate;:.com m,unity.,-.The''� are. laced through - Y P. 'the National Employment Office: and will `spend •the' next year at • least • with.their re pective em merchandise • in,. th Luckniow bound car :Was: foiui8 to .. bei sur; ri in . p s gly light, when the car was Opened.' p ,don Monday at the loci drill -was the:.major'damage'. Was; .Ari An Eye Witness :•11,46 accident . occurred on ` the ` might - of way ,through. Pharis :first car cif coal sat at, a precar ibias 'a:ngli' and had tis` be chain- edto the u --k• �-� :a'' recauti,oriary �. P y • `Meas ire; to'•preuent: it 'from' '•to• P. p ng4, ov er. after : beinj : ncofipled fromw tlhc Yengilries ,,tender• The tend r• Was:•derailed, ibut not the engine,.' and Was ° soon•.r lacca e'P .. era' the track::• -"; ::The: third; �b o>k cat, containing the 'feed was _ almost ori; • its. side crown the embafiikmrent. JVt reg maineci coupled to the baggage "':Cat Whichalso :hung' ,. ung at `a dizzy thigle•down-the hank 'an ti , d lastly .the passenger coach, the rear `a.ck.s of which remained•dri the• iritis - • ,(Continued' .on Page Eight) To llt?ILI) AT' PIICTON Wrst Garfield battiil- plovers. . At' Wood''' 'field Township. at the• 'Toot of S'' • • e e r ane ss on w ieh is is Jo..jiv Malatestinic,:28-year-old now in the course of construction • •M i s s ' Kathryn ' Anson, 'Girl 'Guide Provincial ` Camp.' Secret ary,' and Mrs. A. E. :McKim, Pro.. vinicial Commi ion. r . #ss e , , of ', Camp-:. in g ,g� • are this ` week=end . to ',,make an inspection of Girl Guide. camp. sites that' will a Occupied this seasonb various Guide.amPan' ies. ' Miss Ansson arrives' `;hexe today p . andaecomPaniedby'Mrs; McKim will 1.$.s nt.7 i~''rid y and pe, ay Saturday •in inspecting 'sp • camp si es "• of the •Windsor, London, `:,`Sarnia And Dresden'com p Panies.' : Thea i t on ' will •'alsro .iri'- � elude the:new carey site in Ash - Lorne• s at t..•Helens ,, .; the exlisluin cacti tiff 12th::`C li' g ,.v�nhich • .re= Yw osl'avian, who arrived at Cod-> • . to. • be in::'readiness for: this sum- JJ : no:.assurance•: that. the' flow.:nwii ,1 be t ed th 1 f • • The No. 1 we11: is a gravel wall well :'th'at,, was originally .guaran •'teed ,•to. • roduce . 1 00. p 1 ,, gallons, .:a, , -minute.. When , it: dropped •.under: • the guaranteed g , anteE�d ,flow.th'e contract� ing . :corn!pa'ny , sunk a rock well, to ,make' good the deficit, •.T he flow. of t e fir h st.well:dro '- ed as: low ` as p ; g ; ns. a: xriinute ::M'r . J: :W. Kirk • of ,the. i, , Dail VWatr Su eery .conferred with Council ,on'''i`tiesda ' ' y� iglht r.. It' was pointed out' that' the drop .i in volume could ibe � ct(ue, to.:'a', chemical. plugging -:of' •.tlie graver wall and and''.' .the � sere', ,by.,.� the 'pre-. ci itation 'of --ma nest p g umz, 'caleuri� -. ,and aro n salts 'from:• the' 'water:''; . his •can. . be; removed• •by:.an';a;cid. '. treatment ,H`owever, the- ,Screen is 16, ears o l Y ld .•,and `to prevent; the' ' oss:able` •c p ollapse and loss of' the .,well"it.was `rec .. oxn>rrieride that. a: 10 -inch liner. e, Tac b p ed inside ,• quires :pulling the ':pumip.:.There each on . Tuesday -of last. Week• with eight of his, fellow" c'ovntry risen, who fled to Italy .,because of the: infiltration of Coimmunists into their country': J•osip :worked in " „Italian viney• ards for. four years: He ,sp• eaks. very:. little • Eng- lish,..:buit :is already; situdying%'tai Master + the language. and indi cates he':is well pleased with Can-' ado so far, George Kennedy ,has a- Zl.-year- txt�er canrip ,activities. • :: drilled l . • A. wirer was ` recently completed at: a cost of over $800. The ".well' was "sunk to 216 feet, and,/ a st n • head - a ,, ,o g h ad of water �ob' tained whi'c�h :has., tested' Grade :A for . urity.: Foundations will be., P • laid sh'ortl '..for ' the . ` ermanebt'. Y p, buildings'"which .:are. to be erected. .oldCzecho-Slovakians Frank Ban- DEC I D E': ON' • F „ 1 eai.,ryWe met Frank last week, and: he 5 ,';a striking;. lad' who speaks -fairly good English. Hiss. home: \� pis in P x'gtte, but :he forsook his' natio e Iazd when Com,iiitihistn_' sw-cpt �n.ancl ;spent the past year• in the l n tc�i 'States -section , of German Bob' Hein•'of Ashfield also_ hTas a , ycacin Czech•o-Slovakian. who i, 19 ye' - of ''!age,-.btit whose aaiite..x c. were,unable to get over ,the' phone:;, It isn't as',siin:ple as Baitcar The youth at the Helm f arni . a15 t "• ' `speaks sortie English: These 'boys were 'two :of : a' group' of • seven :who reached;` Goder:ich• noted 'fat :handling 'a ..compar.-a- last' Wednesday :ta,vely large' volume of ,business, oil this branch:. line • • The '•total • • yolume . of . business handled •,,•last COMING '• EVENTS" year, •e 'ceeded' $150,000, we un.= <derstand; and it , seems ; to!, us, DANCE' • would ,be ''voi th' catering to, and local : oi•ganizatiois `may .see fit to protest this lastest' curtailment t of se'rv'ice by the'C:N.i3.. LOCAL: COUPL•I?.. MARK. 4,i✓iT$f ;ANNIVERSA'RY,:� .i: TRU - t�.WEEK � • i W h u�ckn w in the mar •� t . L o • ket 'fornew; - t. f e ruck• ` write .a n , i• a i „q uri. her: of l, cal ci izen s w erin teT_ i „• e• ested•n ,..the pumper •.de1nanstia- tion, , on Monday night ':;by .the, Hickey' Fire , •Equipanf n>aGo `. o, vc .1 The O .e �. Sou�n'd. , . c pumper,. pow- bredby: a: Fordcacti.dropped its ,suction., tubes intothe river a 'b•lock south of ain 'Street, S reef and a. in gave e an resstve ' deinonstra P d r tion; • u i v , sing a ous nozzles and at one; tn'ne had :faun streams' .of wateris ing at -once.:' p Y Last Thur .as ,sday • cerrening. mem- bers of the -Fine Company saw Teesvva ter's 'new truck a B fickle- , eagrave: p'ta,rrilper, � ill: action.in the Culross Villa e, 'arid prey loris= top. ' res or as a vo u,me o Naiater may. not now exist: The av,erall .dost of 'this , this rwoik will ibe about, 2100 • $ , , with a :new.: pui p . coS in g' P ..t another. .$930: ,R;e airin : ' to. P the. 'old 'it . . P .nap ;.uToulc:' run .r to $700. Sanitary" ,.Ins Pector Reports: grebe acSween :. • �sanitaiy. inspector • .of the.: Bruce ' FH‘alth Unit ' i eported to Council: on decal conditions: -He said•the'.,. epi sanitary; conditions of the . Vilage,• e;i e improved• considerably, and • on jratutated 'C•. ' ounctl;• on adop t- inbt,a::vear' round, ga� a ecidle - tion -system, The •::1. c Zief � Problem, obleihr lied=; .M, M • acS��:ecn ..t_.c,,,sed «.as .sewage.' ' dis t . pcs�.l. He, cited .instcirtces ;of t' s'e��• g - a e. di•aiiii : g n 'int'o rite• ' g , ditches: ssp. . .1 es. cesspool's,: .oils p and ' boiling ' (Continued'.on P`ge Eight) ; : � •; :� MAKE LA ST RED CROSS S E W1t1111Yi, 15 ofth: 0 e b` $o lective $1',•000,, the Fit anc:e ,Committee of the uLuclknow&` Vcinit• "; Bi,•an'ch :is ni�akng a ficial appeal in order'. t ; , uut, the ca'mpai . y, , p ,ign over the.:• The : C"m r i •. 1 . •sorn•e of the• bo an 'had seen � n fief. Dints:' ` Y any p aur. that . . Iii Lari..side Mall .under 'aus ices � • . . . ,. tlier•e ale .a good...,many .tri ton • . •g .. ' : �P, Duih.am s,. LaE'i,ance o.,utfit in o� �: _ . •> Of. ;Langstde t Athletic Association. er•ation: • and•,cQurltiry N,ylio are regular Rcd on Friday, May .6th. Tiffin'S . or The ,Village Council has' given, o.s .cc$tiib t't rs but. •a yet g. ... p r ,s hay>s neglected!' cit; ov,erlo oked 1nakin .their donation to the' cult- lent drive: Alio', council ositipr•witli:'them: at • The •Contniittee is reluctant .to o,1 ,meeting next; •Tuesday. •slight, have' to'clr aide a persc na•1 can filial is \:a-' in'' 01 •toi ,: t � t C decision: pis IS. ,lei teac,Fll the cblc•ct to• by 1eachd oil.which, fire titick .y. arid h' opcful that :flits is i:;•;e i31 do the trick. T'rt' cost will' be, aroutm �t000'0 • T�t1 �nnntif ns ri„.:previously' .'7. i s : t raCnw•, ehc: t •a; Lunch' counter,: the Fire, Conlpany the eco -ahead signal in• purch.asin,g, a;; new' truck,, 'i)FANCE • ':. ut the. C'oiih �an� wishes' t have I�1 'the A ••l•ieultur-il Hall Dun b' p Y r~s. $have C iiincitt . oil Friday, : May, 6th, un, �, • :, ,. �1�i: i1U:;uices ot'.Dut)garrfion Agit M1: andMr sy 'Charles C oitgi• n't citltut •iii ' Sot''ty, Ciirruher's' niversary • c,elcbrpted t}teii 45th •tieddiiv n-. ', 'i S .. eht,,emiS.ts' on 0 -. On W'6dnosd�ly, A.l)i'91 t . '� I IZ ,E1.I1,Y 1CRVLCC ' t f w days recently .at 27th, A N>l'� S S S h' "r , ..lt.ctc they ,plan to make A family gathc:ring:: was rte] 1. �1 c,1ldiiii 'iiia itattoti is. extend tl1t il' l ., • , ., 1.,tlic• atiring their- visit' in-th it ju)liotir at they hc)rne ,,f ca it attend annivcrarlty services i.;tl 4a .f,. . :• "pi r:. ala ,• a teic ihty t>ur°chased'. a liwfaiil '':Mt' an'd , NLrsr • t'iti,ti"lr�,s Sltle]1, in • the . Y uekric-w PY•esuytori n. and, wIll 'shortly. cOinmenr« Wint;f ata wi'ictire 1VCr' wird Mi•s. •c hul c h on : S•unday,• May' 8that con,trtic•tion, of a hew house;; They: •�v,ili ' icy;,V ae tar' Pictoii later this iWnontli , and will ,reside with ,rel— atives tt:ntil their 'horiie is ready` for, cc'citpatirsn' • ,y .r: , ,e , • t , in and: 7'. t.ti1': Rev. R. Doug- Congt<tni were ltresc.rhtcti 'With a .11 4a 1 Doug; floor` t r•• Maelian,ald of St. Andi•ew's • ». .la., Mrs: Shiell is i,daug°ter:. There, Cliurch,• Til otbuig, will 'bfl the are two sons:'.Harold of'Holyrood west 'uiea:kor, at _both 'services. And Cliff of' Lucknow, Special music by 'rho cltoir: with the '.inu'nicipality' elig ,bleu fear . now. l'eged iiic ht<ie�i a . 35 'percent prc•tvirjct i1•••; grartt., W. N. Bushell.5:00 l deet 1:t ' l ' �.ts:lat• i,- v R: It te-h:. > - .W l tg' trite `lecentl 4i`t'�l„ .... ..�::,• 6.00. • enacYted• Deliver Of Ein•: ci tfit' J. R Latae , i ••. ;.ctoat „t b.cguaranteed 'until .rat., Donald ttl;l McK:in.nGyii ' • - .?.•.0(?.• August, at which time the new' Robert 1#ae• :,Y 1'0;00 ire hal ieril' W. f 1 ,l b,. i.ri re,adit t J. Brown 4 : o se the u me •t. Thh found ,Livingstone: � Menary o Y ,'tl p g Y Y, 5.fi( ation•'was laid ,last veer. Roti:ald' VatiCam�1 2.00 • • •e e • • 1 •