The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-04-07, Page 3THURSDAY, 'AP. RA, '7tiiI9s! THE:. LUCKN'OWSENTINEL, LUCK:NOW, ` ONTAR,I4. Local FUR COA0:71IU ROOFED for •5years for •Ionily Z5. cents a year. B'erleu Motthspray guaran- tees to repair your coat if damag- ed: by .matba.._!lthin 5+ears ZNM, iMMURDIl'. & SON. Jaek.;SteWart left last week to: resume itis duties on�a lake boat.. . Ow.en Treleaiven , has been, i11 •,pneumonia. . • ;Tack -"Watson frorrk I ondon was. • a :caller in town on Monday : , Mrs Neil Campbell who spent the' winter in Toronto, Stratford and Clinton returned to town ,the first ofthe week; ' •rhere (was , aibourt �' one hundred - 'persons: at 'the "A�IuRninum din- ner" in 'tine United Chuxoh:scl}iool r Qm ori, Monday even ng,n under auspices of:the' • Wot fen's •:Assoc a tiob. •A delicious. meal Was''ser'- vet,. ... ' WINGHAM .PLAY COMING HERE NEXT WEDNESDAY "Nothing But The Truth",-, 'a hilarLous •.3• acct play will be pre-. seated tIby the *Ingham bramati�,'. Society" in .. Luplcnbnnr ' Tovu Hall. next Wednesday, nit. This play has been presented- for four nights 'iri : Wi.righam;: and it. 4s ex- petted'there will, •,be a. sell -but erowd • here :next „• Wednesday. 'Seats are not, ibemg• 'reserved, so it w0). be ' Well. to be on •,hlanid early A dance will follow, the' play with music by Farrier's Orchestra: •.-n o - :. �Yre--event is�-spo ,s red-�by, •;bhp,, 'Lucknow. .'Agricultural Society. ,r• • Spoke At Guelph J. *C. 1VlcNaib was -in Guelph` otY Wednesday at•`a` Ontario:Cream- ery;` managers, convention, • and was one of ' the speakers `'at: the afternoon session 'B:RI_ KINGS DLE. • and Mrs.' f•Jos..":Garvey, arid. „family. it . of • Toronto. Mp�e- . m y, rAnto..ant�: Sunday at the GarveY home. , 'Mrs. ' W711 Clare is. • visiting :--in- ondon. Mr. and Mrs. r Lyal Lannan spent: a. day.:in Strapford. . Miss Edna'Deitrigf •-Kitchener spent the week -end With ,Mrs. Lyai Lannan:. • i den 1 have been ;appointed Rawleigh .dealer. for the Townships : of TIJRNBERRY, EAST` & WEST WAWAN+OSH ASHFIELD • (North, of 'Dungannon). Lorne ArcLeal USS TED :CHU.RCH L UcKNOW Itel. J. 1V: Stewart, B.A., B.D. Pastor ` StINDA1 • APRIL 10; . 1949 11 a.m"Sacramei' t of Lord's Supper" Story "Palmi Trees Reception of; Members. - : _.`Communion:. 4 12,35, p.in.: Sunday 'School: 7 it ni, "Road" Building" :eral 1VIns; -Si- J, .Pymzn returnedlast week from St, Petersburg, ida , • Mr. avid Mrs... T1 omak Sandy 'of •Godez ioh :viisitett. -thee ratter part of the week v i1 h .Mrs, ,James Mc- Donald • Mrs.. Essie Purves returned • re- c.entlyrfroin 4pendingthe winter in Saskatchewan 'w+itlh. her .brd-th:- e.t•''and* othe:►r' 'relatives. She, has: now 'gone to' Strathroy. • W i1,�'er d Black' hap been on the -sick list; and on' Siunday Miss Elizabetth' Welk substituted for, him•e;at , the Forgan in , the United Church. 'Mr. awl. ly1rs. MacMillan, Mr: and,` `Mrs. Pact lylacMillan,, Miles MacMillan,' Jr. andMt. and Mrs . 1.;:.1VMacMillari-attended'the. funeral on on at' PPinkerton. of their . a•unt;. Mrs. AdLar Knox.. • .GIRL 'GUIDE NEWS The. • .re ar Meeting • 'of .. ' the :Girl Guides was 'held' last Friday n j ht in. the Legion Roo ns. ' g ; ,Court of Honour.. was ;held: `at .6.b0. o'clock at :whidh much-busi- ness. busi-ness. was 1atte ded .' to.. Mrs. ' Me - Kim infoimled tus that the Skaters - B°ad, es•,�l:alwe�ar�L-veda:nd : wi g 11 be gxv-en put `very soon.` Any Guides : that are sure: they.; will .Ibe.. able - to ':attend' the :new • Guide ''Camp this'' suim+mer,' , are asked to let the Patrol Leaders know: so 'that they will:have some idea how manyR . are � oiri `g.�' The; Guides' trying. the: Hiker's Badge started their'series of hikes last, Saturday.:, The purpose oaf:`hes hike Was to';locate a place close to town and near' a good •w+e11, where they. Might' go :on, future hikes: These' }34.+kes:will e:.aln east- ever °.'Saturda: all summer. Y y After . the- business 'was, discuss ed' the '.Guides took,, ,pencils ,and paper and tried, the written parts: of ' their Hostess •and ., Scribes Badges. The' .Guides :n ho had fin ished .the `-SScrtaP_• ;Book,`for .'the• Scribes :Badge handed' th;em.':into the', tester: The • ;Guides finishing - •`early Worked on their ••sernophore `. As. the time- taken. to ::write 'the, tests varied :the Guides' left when the =majority had finished.:. As' I\nrs: McKim will ,be away, the:. ineetinLg on Friday night will be in charge of the: Senior' Patiro1 Leaders; Winnifred Ste-Wart.:and. Gladys Gibson. W,e "are ,tasking °all Guides itO be .pt esent if possible. OBITUARY MRS. ROBERT` `SPROAT. Mrs, 'Rabei t: Sp roa't, Turnberry to nsl5;ip; dle'd-Sand'ay after .a lengthy 'i'llnes��, 'Born in Turn: berry,' .Mrs.' 801 '64' Who 'was in her '• 7O,th.. year, .was' a -life-long resident sof thatt locality with the c. 4cptr.,n of sever l 'years in thc rarct McKinnon, and was a rne.tn err of ,Wingh.arn' Sacred 'Heart C,h u-rch, ' the Catholic 'Women' League, 'and Altar Society'. Sur - : her, 'husbandaro two ,•h•n , and , at h;u tic fL ur l`''t1 e s. a•7id: five. tt�i A'ng. , liugll "Aleve, •J•ahii', a.11 .o,f Turnberry' tounn5hip, Airs. George .S1,iiYfi;, Winghan;i'; ' Mrs. Peter • t)a:wso.n,:.Ashfiel4,totivnship; Mr's. Patrick.• Kiligon,, St., Marys; Mrs. J. O'Connor, AShfie;lel,' Miss Annie M:eKinnon, Turn,ber,•y. One• si.s ocr, Miss. John Lannon of Tor onto, died two weeks-.:a;;;o. Re- quieth high 'it'tass was : sang': by Rev'. F: • J. 'Bricklin • W<:xinesday tnorning 'at the `Sacred Heart Church in, Wingham: Burial was 'in the. Roman 'Catholic Ceanetery. • PAGE THREI k ; Z I'O ht 'Church .be held at 1,45. an&t Sunday School' after at 3..00 O'clock. . • . . Mrs. Daisy 1eCharl;es visited last - l! riday With Mrs: Susan 'An•• „drew-- and Mr. 'and Mrs.- Gordon Kirkland:,. Mr; and 'Mr. Fred. Anderson visited recently. with . Mr & •Mrr. Sarre ' Kilpatrick of Crewe. Mr,.land MA' Frank Ritchie .$ Anne visited a day with Mr. and. Mrs. Allan McAuley ' of Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McOharle , and John sl ient last Friday" with. Mr. and Mrs.• Nelson Baynard., Mr. Leonard: Ritchie is in Wrngham:I ospitaL' ` MissqDloirothy and 'Lillian• Ray_ !Lard, • visited 9 their• parents„ :Mr. `.and .1VIrs, Nelson' Raynard. Mr. Harold' Gardner visited his mio,ther,,, Mrs Will Gardner, for, the week -end Mr,' and Mrs Jmi McKay spent Saturday ,with Mr.. 'land Mrs: • Wes Ritchie. ZThe missionary .meeting will be held at the 'home of 'Mrs, Wesley Ritchie on Aparil 14th... .Miss Lois `Hunter of ; Toronto and Mr. sand' Mrs. ' John McZin-- Anon arid. family : Q' Tiverton . vis- ited Sunday' With Mr. and Mrs. Will •Hfunter 4aLtid: Mr and Mrs: '.Pim, Huflter. and " Mrs,' -'Wim • 'Humphrey .and Lloyd and •Mr:; and:. Mrs.Hrar old Hiurnphrey 4and Barbara Anne' and Mr. and Mrs... George .Web- ster of St Helens visited:'Mr. ;and Mrs.. Jake 'Hunter .'on Sund4ay. �.; (Intended.: for .Last ; Week) 1Vrr: and Mrs "r`rank Rit• f e:'and Anne visited: Satu'.rdtay evening •wiith Mr. ' and Mrs: Atxley Mrs:.•Cameron Mc - on theoccasion Of "Mr,. and Mrs McAuley's 3Qth' wedding;.,a• niversary 1VJr.'and Bob.i chi tc a v>5 - '. ited Sunday with .Mr.'.arid.,Mrs: Henry. Gardner Mr.`' and Mrs Bob . Irv! and. Betty' Misited >S nda :with Mrs; and :Mrs: Nelson'Bayslaxd • Mrs,: Ivan ''Papernick•;and Larry and Miss • Dorothy`:;Ha : Yn `'ard, visit .y & :Sunday at M—r.",an:d` MrST, Will Ri'tchie's..' We are: sorry; to hear Mrs, Cecil Gardner is in Wiragham Hospital. Poor Syrup ' Season • Indications, are tlat,local maple syrup .suppli• es ate going to be: a, bit short. ••Tihe season isn't fav- orable to a :igiood sal run,..and. well.' there doesn't :ap r ;to he as many as usual engagedin m along ; syrup • New Postal Stamp To •mark the 'reception of New- foundland' as 'the tenth province of ' Canada, a new four -cent, post 'age stamp has been printed, ':The` new issue was received last week at the local' posto1 i,ce: WHITECHURCH. -(Tao• tate:'rfor LastWeek): Mr. Robert .'Hiitdhisox► 'has bought the farm'•east of the; vin.; age , where James :, McInnes has` lived fo r a .number of years and :' is: moving there, this, week.,' Mr. red 1Vfrs,=Merrrlesadfl :have moved to .the home which. they. recently purchased, knows as the Clow ,home • Rev. Mr:. Watt ' attended the :. funeral of the .late• Mr.' Cooper, at .Hanover last :week. . Mr, Fred Newman andpona1d and Marilyn spent 'a :feu •days in r Hamilton last week.;• We .are.' glad to. welcome Mrs. Joe Tiffin, Sr'., back to her' home after being more than 2 . months' in :Wingham' Hospital with a frac- • tured. hip Mrs. Lorne ' Drumlin. and ,two sons spent -S iiiday afternoon With-- her'another, Mrs;.'. D; Kennedy Mr. end Mrs. Jack Bayes of Detroit 'spent the week -end with Mr. Aand Mrs. Ohaiilie• Tiltfin and Mrs. it. Tiffin and other relatives. G S • In, • The. Town Hall, 'Luck low at 8..0.0 O'Clock sharp.. , Election of ; Officers -and Executive of .1 New Chamber Will Take •Place. ;, This Meeting is of interest ;to bath,Urban and Rural Residents 'A lar a turnout is; requested. The . Y:. P. of Chaliner . churcoh' : last ' Tue• '' s ., sday even' m Ghalmers visited.. the Young .People of .,the, church 'wihen .the: pastor; Rev W;: United cihiirch .last Tuesday. aev S •Sutherland`;ahowed.pictures An: ening., Mrs.• Groskorth, the ipresi- :overseas work w•vhieh. dent,' 9 ened the`• meie'ti ' ' With ,a. -interesti and :instructive;: mg song ' .The worship '''Service,' Mrs: ' Lorne;' Jel mstc n; Misses • was..conduct d .ns b ' Clarence Mc-. ; .Grace' acid Jean MacKinnon and Y , Cleric after which a . social `• Ltheir'. mother,, 'iMrs:. iMacKmnon . tiin,e;�w,�as :spent with ' elan•nes:: ani` also M�:'''Ben McCaenlaghari, mot-' contests Lui'rich,. Was , seared.• :A' ,ored to .London on Sunday' and. 'very enjoyable' time was spent .by .visited. with Mr. Jotriiston •who Alt • in :Westaninster:... itaL;:; He .isr ' Mr. and. Mrs. Victor. Emerson nunpraving teas weI1' an can be ,ex and 'Mrs: Geo: `M,oClenaghan and . 1pebted: Mrs Plunkett who has Ronnie Ry :miade a tripto G!0'd- �beea :. ith ;Mrs: Johnston for some' yylan viii 4 • 4. 4'1 4, if .4 1- • • 11! r;. erich on Monday: tLme went with` ahem and went A :odd . gas resent to her home in Torontoe .g attendance'w , p • .r (MATS WNY T410USANt)5 Or - TIRE 'TIRE U6ER6 (%% --- „n' AR/ OR/ZIO Raab? and, ie` World's Finest . rtes ELECT tl RE'5 TTNAT ARE: WELL, KNOWN, TIRES THAT HAVE PROVED THEIR SUPREMACY. ON>' EVERY .KIND 'OF "ROAD 'AND FOR ..•,... •. • Aldiee 4,afriee.y . ` The White Rose Station.- .' r �4r •