HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-03-24, Page 3[IYAS AX, 24411; 949 ' THE LUCKNOW' OBITUARY Vai,ENIN. E:-WEH4ER . - -� • The death .of a pronninent citt. zen .o f, • the • village of Formosa, V:al. Weiler, occurred 4he .Bruce, County Hospital; ker- ton, ,on, Thursday, March loth, Mr. t Weiler, who• was 50 . years of age, had • been . confined , to bed, . for about a, Weeik, • andhad, beenin POW le Tth ;foir: •thei last ;ye"a Deceased,'was torn at .Formosa: in 1890, eldest. son of the late'Mr, and Mrs.' Chris Weiler. In 1912. he married Rose.Bildstein of Fv ,mom, and. they had, resided in• the village ever since,: where. . Mr. Weiler carried on, a very .success'' full sawmill ;business. His sons in tend to..continue the business pun- ; 4er the name of Val, Weiler Ltd Surviving, besides the •widow, are " two .sons,' Alfred turd �. anc *Edward one : dau ter, Mrs: u Oscar' Heist, ail of Formosa; two bro- thers, Joseph . of Luckn,ow and Nicholas of =Preston; „five gist' Sister. Primitive, of Sty Louis, Mo: Mrs. Phillip :Obermeyer. of 'For mora; Mrs.. 'Walter Tiede of Lon- .. don; Mrs Linus Poechrnan, Carts-. rube;. and Mrs. Jacob Voisin' of 'Preston.— There are 12 grandchild-. ren. _ A brother,: Philip,; died . in 1918: Solemn Requiem High .Mass' was , ' celebrated . in•. r St ": ?diary's Church, . Formosa, on ,M•onctay ' at 9.30 a,.m, ,•by Rev' J. Fischer,' as- sisted by•Father Jordan :•.of Walk erton. Rev J: A . Lerihard, the . parish priest, had ,charge of the committal service in the. adjoin- ing cemetery Pallbearers were' eight sOf Mr. Weiler's••employees,•. Claren&e. Cassidy, '', Cyril:- Boi ho, : M .aNorman ; 'Schnurr, gnus \T'oi�n, . or ;Alfred: Kuntz, Ge'rald.'Illig, Philip ,Oberrneyer ,Jr. and He ib` Rurnig. •There was a• ' very .large , attend ,:ance. at. the funeral 'and'the num " emus "floral tributes were carried by the school children: Frank Heisz, the • elder grandson; was cross -hearer. • Glamour. Girt Exposed! ' Margot 'wis 'the' ' glamour girl you're'always reading 'about., She looks wonderful in :a'bathing:suit! You read that men swoon at, her, •>'feet, 'but Katherine Brush ;gives `the low-down ` on Margot' Read "You Know Margot", in Pictorial • Review, all -.star magazine , with: this Sunday's 'March 27) issue of the Detroit Sunday. 'Tunes. UNITED, CHURCH LUCKNOW •o Rev. J. W. Stewart,. .B:A;, B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, MARCH 27th, 1949 11 a m,: -'The Bible'' Story; "The. House' of Many • 'Lamps".. . Sunday 'School. 7 p.m.: "Three Hills"; vocal'. ,an NTI IEL, 101,CIi`NOW, ONTARIO PACrE eral ,Mrs, Chas. Chin has bees." eon Mr. ;and Mrs. • W W. 411.1.4peni» fined • to Yb?ed' with pneumonia, a iew days '1n Stratford Mrs, R..I' . 7109,1140n and Miss Helen Thompson were week -end visitors • in Toronto: • Mr. 11. S. Lavery 'of, Toronto spent the. first of ..:the week at his. 'hiosrias H%ll of Langside has returned home after spending the winter in Chicago: Mx. and.: Mrs. 'Robert Rae and; Margaret spent the: week -end in. Toronto.". r, Gordon .Johnston of .King Mr, "Jim J: .,Phillips of London. spent a few days at the home of, his uncle,. Geo. Phillips, Fordyce: Ed ..Baker` has,: been off work for' tendays, being. ill with' pneu- monia—, - Kenneth Cameron iS remaining'' in the' full body cast at' West minster 'Hospital;; London, fan - other ,month. Mr. and '.Mrs• Leonard Philli and ,Mary- ' of ' Wi i ham spe Suntlay at .;George Phillip's; Fordyce, d, • • • Ston is visit ngi with Mr, and Mrs . , • C E McDghagt .s nt the Russell Rgfbertson, , 1� week -end art his home 'at Zion Mr: and••Mr.s. CameronMacDQn- .b e f o r e .• returning •to . London , .r -Where'_ he is tak4rig treatment `:to Clear., 'yup,, a' atu'bbor.'ri' infection .of his eyes and face.,, . ` ald were recent, visitors in Lori= don and •Toronto while Cameron wi* .on. holidays. • •OBITUARY. REV. ISAIAH KILPATRICK Rev, . Isaiah William J Kilpat- rack, 70, retired United :Church minister; formerly of `;Strahzroy,' the cognm'uty concert at Knox Presbyterian.. Church Goderich, on Tizesday..ervrening of last Week Which was the. second of a 'series of three 'Concerts, !held this 'season died suddenly Saturday' 'at Vic- which was -a ° musycalr treat . g►iven 'coria Hospital. I-fe' lied at 103 by famous talent :CIn • a 'tour. Bruce,St , London, On Tuesday; night of last Week Rev. Mr: Kilpatrick'; was born. ,t1 the Junior . Institute •met at the in. Ashfield' Township' and served Parish .Hall. ,Miss Jean Scott,. in' nurnierous. 'Charges in the Loci-` home economist, 'discussed' the don Conference. His last charge Progresi made in, Women's ::Insti= was •,Cairngorm, ' neg... Stratliroy.:tute' :work., The' Junior ParmerS He retired in 1947... , rnet in the Agricultiiral Hall at , ; • Rev.' Mr Kilpatrick is survived the same ' time and Mr Heiber by his Widow, the former Agnes Eedy;' spoke. on,,: "Crop 'Iamprove.- ■ Knox, ,a 'daughter, Mrs A. E I -h ent":` At a joint meeting ".after, ' (Margaret) Cooper, Kitchener, wards'rMr. Vin Ditmore,•spoke on ' • • two sisters, Mrs: Agnes McCor- "Radio", Mr, Clarerlce-'Rennie, as- A` mirk, Long Beach;Cal ;.Nand Mrs `.sistant: agricultural represents Anna Hanson;•East'Tawas, 1Vli;ch ,, tive, who., is leaving in A4pril tti ■ two brothers, Samuel J, Kilpat=:. direct experimental work,Alt the i rick, Ashfield and ,William Ka- p.A'C.' until'Septem'ber, was. pre patriiek,;Sask., and one grandson ;I sented.:witl : a set of `brushes in Service/ was conducted. by Rev:.a 'leather case After Septeanber,: ■ S, M. Sweetman, assisted, by Rev ?'Mr Rennie will Bio to Iowa State ...: • G. W, Moore and' Rev; -W. , .41 College for .ay..ear to take posit- I: Hiles,' at the • A 1VJvillartf '.George . graduate *OA. Plans were` made. • ■ ;.u....*..:..I. a. ■■■ .■■■■.t■I .auuuu. I uu■■ s;' opt furter l hoane -.at :1 °30 o'clock,..on, a , to prepare and�present the �pla(y ,■�: - .:,,. . UU■■■11r■■>•11e��■■11��■■t■ ■�■�■11/11�r■10e,■eetti the 'spring, ..: Tuesday 'Burial was rn.• odench "Smoky Treasure in Cemetery..., ;, ucknu • „iD' �nadian t• 0 s.� m ■. • • • ranch =' 'he Loyal Calm Is' Now r Underwa ry�.''. • .. P� .... ,:--rte Leave Your Donation. Today at BAND OF ...MONTREAL McKIM'S DRJG STORE TIE SENTINEL OFFICE: or .at your. nearest URAL: [GENERAL STORE THE WORK OF MERCY NEVER:END• S• T oDUNGAN.N`ON. Mrs..Ward and Mrs: Bell;• 'sir ters, of Mrs, Nellie. Stewart, have' been.:feeling , v'ery` .poorly :lately and have been under the •doctor's care Mrs Arthur Elliott : return ed. home 'after. several days spent. with Tlher daughter, Mrs Oscar • Cuthill; M�-: 'Cuthill and infant.• son. Pahl Oscar' of ;Walton. i1Vir. Win Roblb has lately• been indisposed with an attack • of :pleurisy, but. is' now quite a_lot inxproved Miss Marie Chisholm ; of Lon 'dors is Home with 'iier parents, Mr and Mrs John Chishalni and -:l ro#, " ;thers for a three weeks vacation. Mrs,.: Harvey Culbert.'. returned home`fr. m Goderich hospital last week -:end where ° she .underwent an, operation:: Mr. and -Mrs. Har vey, •Cubb'ert ' have both •'recently undergone illness' vvhth' .Harvey also, ' being laid up ,for. several Weeks at Westminster Hogpita1, L L�otidon We are glad to know'bot1i • are quite •wellaga,in.: ' A nuin+ber' fron' here ;'attended Airaa$em01411; tth'1 shoe Co�r►pa,�►`1 ock`�edge , of v tR tit , a1 Sergi • • a • 4 • Authtrity +'Asti a 1.KnOW!Oa !Cocred F itirw; Oi_ a • Underline . this date on your calendar now, to be sureyou visit our store and.. obtain, the invaluable personal -assistance of this recognized authority on shoe fitting and foot comfort'.' Mr McKerihen can offer you helpful .advice and will gladlyco-operate,, i.rith .your. own physician inifitting'you '" Recent laboratory tests by"professional . authorities" fully crnfirtn the comfort and :, assistance given b�Y � TSR. • M W. -L OCKE Shoes.' one 23,, Winghani n Our , Shoe Department 9 a.m. to 5'.30 „.13,14- „, p iu. All Shoes Fitted By, X -Ray.