HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-03-17, Page 47 - e:rz,,Fimd *, rb. • F., 41 '.V 4. !r ,. • Ala • • PAGE FOUR vK ‘."7: :41,404MTOLIII411F7 • F F THE LUCIt,NOW SENTINEL, LUC HJT 'AIS''bcYRATES, .1st=fns,ertwt .'2usrc a azQrd, Sul e u tr it e: tions a cent a word,• Minimum charge 25 cents, Replies• care of The Sentinel 10 cents. extra. Legal advertising' 10 cents per • en;aunt line first insertion, '5• cents per line subsequent insertions: SLENDOR TA13LET$ are. effect- •• • NOTICE ;ivies: 2: weeks? supply $1; 12 weeks; ` $5; at Down's Drug Store,•,.. Re Bruce County Seed"Fairs• 1. Bruce County five Seed Fairs oW, ONTARIO ARTICL S M. OT H PROS FED I. with, B$ e r 1 IOU are gu•arantee l against moth damage for 5.' years.) Dry cleaning :cannot remove •Byer- , lou; Average cost to mothspray • a �" snit or dress. is 8 cents .a year, J! WM. MURDIE- & SON. SPRING .IS ROUND the corner--• get. yontr ,chicks oft your Mind and irut3: your. pens,, ,growing to catch the (better • markets. Bray ,'has im- mediate delivery •dayalds, start- ed; ,pullets, cockerels„ mixed'. Agent— • D.. R. FLNLAYSON, Lucknow.. aHIGHEST' PRICES 'PAID f'o r • -poultry , of . a1i • kinds;.,.culling order s taken .for startedcapons, and :baby chicks, Goldie Martin,• Paramount,. 'Phone lauxigar>.non DR AM _ N" =M M I BUCKINGHAM--In'loving mem- ory of our son, Eldon, on ' he third • anniversary' of his 'death, March .22nd. .AUCTION SALE of farm. stock ' A true Canaciiain,. and implements. at Loit 6, Con. 6 I A 'brave Soldier. • e_ west of • A beloved Sion. . —Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Buckingham. THURSDAY,, MARCH 1741, :19_, __ was to halve ,[been !Presented by. the Lucknow Dramatic Club ung der~'tbe auspices of the Won}en's Associla1ion. Friday evening, has been ipOStponed., •am. FOR SALE --•=-a, number.. of young •an!d Crop ,Conventions will be Kinloss Tawnishi , 1 mil _ York hogs; Marshall Gibson,' R.:3, held • as Kalowls Lion's; Head, . - • p• Lucknow.• Toiwn HaLl, �Man.day, march' 21st; 24th , Ro CCd,' ralvel ort Thugs day, March. i Libra Tuesday,' . . • at 1.0 See, bills..'No reserve Port .. Elgin, HOUSE. FOR SALE= -Seven -room; i • • -} as. farm tis sld, Aiex�F� Swt�tier- ii a4r,ch 22nd; .. 'eeswlater, TaWn 'brick _. _ . e in;'L,u�ckn ..:.Apply'_ . , .• d,; 1'r�op:, . ••• Han, Wednesday March- 23rd,, lan, Doilalcl� B. Blue; Auc, • t;Sentinel Office. E,t ' w•:io o d: Coirmnuni Hall'' F R S�ALF, 00 acre YYf . ..r-.�.-�.-.ter•-.. . r .. .,. ty FARM O ]1 OR ;'SALE • "198'1 P i m. o"u t h i Thursday; . • Manch 24th; ICincar overhauled , and`n di�ne,..Town, Hall; • Friday,. March sedan,, newly x. .Al shape,'' Apply Donald'' Mac- Lean; Lucknow. .4 ' ; 25th, each ;,octfering 'prizes or ' 100. Albs., 'oats: representing 15 • bus. for seed and 'barley 100 1bs..repres- • FOR:. SALE --)good 'clean .barley,..tinting • 10. bus. - for 'seed.. .. The Cron •swutaible far seed, $1,15 a'.ibua`heL.. tionvention :. features D o It g l a s Fred,Welbb R 1, Lueknow, hozi�e Hart, Woodstock, end R. J. Bry- 87 r2: den, :O.A.C:, Guelph.. FOR. 'SALE Warner ''electric' hicken• (brooder, :doulale ele• ment,: 5010 ualpacilty. Apply Ernest Ack: ert, .Holyrood. p I4�O`USE FOR SALE, in Lucknow,. modern conven'iencea. For inform-_ ation .apply at Motor Vehicle Of.; •fice, Lucknow. PUPS. FOR SALE -2 collie pups, male` ' and female, •, good „heeler • strain. Wm.: Staau fifer, `, R:. 4,. Kin y ..1F eardiiie' (Blackhorse). •Y 50 �bushels of':wild ,FOR :SALE ---1,. goose wheat, grown from regis- +tered'seed, Ap�plyHoward or Earl ' Harris,' 'Holyrood. • FOR SALE -•-2' : young, cows; T.B. tested,: one just' freshened; other n. Waliber Alia n 0 td � freshen : so , Phone 67-15 Dungannon. FOR SALE= -Singer s$dng°mach-' •roes,' electric portalbles and 'cab ink Models,: new and recondition- all guaranteed, time, pay-. rnents:• •For inforimation• • write• e - ne'' •Siz>egerSewing Centr Centre, 403, :Harxover, Ontario; •• •SKINNY "MEM,''WOMEN l- Gain- 5, rte ••,15 lbs: 'Near `ep„tool, Try „fam- p ous .'Ostrex Tonic. Tablets: for`. double resuilts; 'new healthy flesh new vigor.' New "get : acquainted” -'--7-size only 60c. All druggists:• '. NOTICE Would those' ` who can , do so, Who; were employed at the' Luck - now Industries. in 1948, regardless. of how long employed,` please call at `the plant 'between 9 and* .12, a.m. on Friday;` March` '18th; arid, 'pick `up their: earning slips; re in- come: tax., TE N'DER'S TENUERS..WANTED 'for 12 cords 16" elm; wood 'nets less than 6", nor more than '•10 inehesdia- • meter.. Wood ,to be delivered ;to • the own Hall;' Lucknow, before 1st; 1949. Tenders. to be iby` tile' 'undersigned • I y of the` Au. g ireceiv April 5t • Joseph Agnew, Clerk .Village of Lucknow. :'NOTICE TO CREDITORS... • '"A >r1 . (persons having . ; . claims against the estate 'of r Holly Man, ;late' of'the' Village of::;Luck now.in.the •County of Huron,. re- tired' Baker; 'deceased; ' who: died; on or about the 9th day,' of Eebrr- thy,. A.D. 1949 are --notified° to "send. to :the' undersigned• on or :before the 26th da • of Murch 19.49 ' fu i• • plarticutars ' of "their ',claims in wf'ting. Immediately ;after" •the. said ,26th, . day of ' Marah, '.:the � as sets ,.�'' the said. testator will be distri�buited' amongst . the'parties entitled rtliereto; having regard. only,' to claims of which notice ilial), then have ibeeri' given. Dated. this fourth . day of March A.D. 1949.: ANNIE W `.HOLLYMAN, Lunknow,'Ontario, Executrix. • NOTICt TO CREDITORS ' '• ,AND OTHERS In -The : Estate'';of Doha ' Charles McKenzie, :Deceased: All persons havrn ::an claims 'or ; demands aga%rust the estate sof the' said. John 'Charles Mel entie who died ' on : or •aaibou4t' the `T•went ieth day of 1Decernber,' A. D, ;1948, are required-' ,on• or•';before' , the Ninth 'day of April, x,1949, ';to•' send their ctlalms, duly troved, : to the. undersigned Executor ' of '`. the estate, • A ,. nd_ thea take-''heti ; ce :hat after such; last mentioned date the, said executor will proceed to dis- tribute : theassets of ;'the s�aid'.de- ceased, having regard only to the. kindnesses extended her during claims, .of ,, which . he shall then her illness. Many ttl anks''' f or Fall have notice and that •. , , t the �.•said � these kind and: thonzglitful acts.'-. executor will i . not be . liable -for • • the.:. Said. ;.assets or any part, there_ Bet•ty H.abkirk wishes to thank: ° ' all those :wliio have so kindly re-• of to ay person' or persons of whose claims notice 'shall 'riot membered her during her sick have been received by hiin at the. , n'ess, a•nd to • especially thank the time of such � dis�tri�butionw .. � ; • Brownies,` for the• ir kindness,, Dated the Fourth day of :March, NOTICE TO CREDITORS d 1949'• • TEN• DERS TE14DEIRS •`FOR' GRA,V Tivp,, of West,. Wawanosh farm rSealed tenders plainly. Marked; signed until :std. o'clock, < 1Vlonday;' April • 11Th, •,1949, • for crushing . and hauling '4000 `'cudbie-' yards gravel.: (3/a inch size) on•,a fiat rate ibasis, gravel to be'pinced: on: roads any=t where in •Township as directed by Superintendent •Contract • must..be.' • finished:by 'Octdber ,1st 4 mark ed , cheque. for $200x00 must' ac: company • each tender. Lowest of . any tender not riecessarily •', ac:-' buildings have good roofs, •3 good' ce ted. : wells, hydro asses lath; 100 acre Lorne„ (vers, Road Si 1. grass farx"n;•With•springwater and, Dungannon, Oii'tario: hard. ,and softwood. bush, `Will sell • together or separately 'Mrs.; Ethel 1 J tirnes 'R.: 1, •H,olyrood. in ',Kinloss Township, about hal 'will'be .`receilvied 6.Ythe ; uride mile west of •Kinlou�gh, clay loam,. -• 80 acres workable,:.balance..bush and pasture, good 'buildings ;,and water supply; close to paved high- 'way, $3,500 .:ForP articulars _apply 'to 'Reginald. McBride, R.-1, Holy - FARMS: FOR SALE. -- 100 acre farm,. 7 -room • house, good barn• With cement ,stable and water.• in. barn, driving'.shed and. garage;:all DON'T.:GUESS--'Tie_'•sure-bqut the quality of yo{tr :chicks.••Maybe r Chic thari you. ,can '.get. ch�eaPe c • , ks • Kiltchener. 'Big -4, -We don't' know. We -.do'know: it's hard', to ' equal them :Early hha+tched:,pullets and cockerels can•. Ibe marketed' with deinland; keen . 'and prices ' )ugh:: Canada Approved, backed by a breeding '.prggram on' : Hiaitchery's own :farms.. Order now for profits later, agent- • ED. V BAER. 'Ln know F The ex ressions of . s Eby oardo, ' .letters, Calls and in Other . wa , since'' the_.passing' of •rs.` `Bower's 'sisters • have been greatly: greatly appreciated :by Mr. and :S • OE LENS Mr 'and Mit s. Neely; Todd and, •children of: .Strafford. were .week-. end visitors 'with':` Mr. and Mrs. b. :Todd. ' Mrs. George Stuart, spent a few. days theguest, ori'' her sister, Miss Catherine. McQreegor, Lucvknow 1VIrs :Stanley: Todd�;wras :hostess tor 'the April meeting of the Wo-' men's Association off' the .United sd afternoon. .n a Church o Tivtir y• .a rn . The president;' Mrs..S..'Todd,• was ;in ,the chair and the theme of, the 'worship service' was . "Responsible. Parenthood" Mrs: J 'Cameron `read the scripture •lesson -and Mrs. W I. Miner, .the lesson ;thoughts.' The roll _ call' was: responded to by. :.a•`verse'o'n "Home':•.Mrs. n .an`_article_ori. "The `�' n�D' . I . t. i 1, IMiller„read. : Wbme rd t ..A . easari sec a ,.p.. time was spent, sewing quif t ;•blocka'. after. t which • lunch • was. served... ' ;Owii'ig to illness in the'east,, the. play "Busy -.as a Beaver" whish' • Mrs." G E. 'Bowyer . Miss 'Helen;Hamilton wishes to sincerely` 'thank ,everyone .for their.,many kindnesses'during her illness '` and to ' especially thank her'. pupils •and ex pupils for their • thouaghtful' remembrances. Mrs..Harve. Treleaven is'• most Y . sincerely appreciative ' . of the 'flow'ers, : gifts, : cards" ` and other' McKenzie, In' the ''Estate of'Allan ' .Gordon F,canrk P. Grant,- deceased. • R. R. 5, Lucknow, Ontario.: •All persons having claims :Executor of the said- Estate by. against ..the estate of Allan Gor- his; Solicitor, P Stuart' Mac,'don' Grant 'l ate of e Township Kenzie, ttention WE OFFER YOU .'f New Life, Lifeteria Feeds, quality throughout .::Free ° de.-• serVice,`two 'da s notice . . : I'ndividual'. account book livery' days • for' your convenience "space in • oilr shop foradvertising your saleables' A"warm .`fire a cordial welcome; f ome ,: at .:. i'AWFOIYYS, Feed. Store W. 'Phone 1'65, Lucknow, Ontario. 4. THOUSANDS OF BABY' CHICKS. • Day oldto mouth old-RoCk x ,Legliornt N.H. x Barred Rock, Sussex x N4114, ' White; : Leghorns, Brown Leghorn,; White Rock,, Barred Rock. • Pullets, Mixed Chicks, Cockerels 'of Ashfield,*' in th `"` Coin ty ,of. -Hit i Feed°'1Vlercl7h t; decease , Who. ' died .on ; t r about the . 28th day 'df *January, 1940,:' are hereby notified -to Send in to the under. 'signed ' Executors,,: ori '• or before, the `31st day ,of Marchi 1949, full full particui�ais „ of their claims:. • Iininediately, after. ;the said 31st' day 'of, March 1040, 'the assets of the estate 'Will be distributed :in.ongst.l ;the ;parties . entitled theereto, having regard only to claims" . of ,which , :the Executors' shall then have notice • Date) at Lucknow, •Ontario, this 2nd day of. March, 1940, Frank MacLennan, R.. R. 3, ,Lucki'i* "Ontario, and Benson R.. CIhishc hn,' R:RF . 3, . Godericl ,' On terio, Executors. • • i •R 'W: Andrew, +thein Solicitor.' "herein: • ;PYMM ACcenntan t • liausirr iaind ,,'Tax. Service • for Snx the . ail Business Man, the• Professional :Man and the Farmer. .:Office in Kilpatrick 'Block ,TUE`SDAY;� THURSDAY n and: SATURDAY: :. 'Phone' 23r.w, .Lucknow • Automobile Owners ' Don't 'pay ' two .prices for your insurance. WESTERN FARMERS Weather Insurance MOTTO Prompt..; and :Satisfactor, y Settlements ' For information,, reliabfe. protection, satisfaction,' consult Your local, agent' SAM. AL,,TON '. LUC.KNOW. 'Phone Du ngannon' 484 -r - • R T �N� T EM S QPTOIVIETrRISTT t I JCKN•.-W FIRST 'WEDNESDAY r•, YACi}I"a�`MONTR;�' ; .,•" .,from ' 16`' a.m. to l. P.u! ; •AT' e. WM, SCihl!MID S STORE. Insure,' I u Sure ` nisura ce. ' • I >n ConfederafonC Life WIND, .CAR, FIREPreferred ;Rae for preferred ;risks. •IDo '•ACCENT & SICKN.ESS Consult. '.. .�� -FAR ;I JOHN A_RSH •. `(".hone 71-r-15, .,Dungannon,` IHSU4RANCE: FIRE, CASUALTY'. and • `s' AUTOMOBILE To Protect Your Jack Insure With Jack ; Today • d-A..McDONAGH R.R.-3 Lucknow, Ont., Phone' 61-5 :: Dungannon ANDREW Barrister. and ''Solici for ;•LU•KN . .C. $•W, ONTARIO Office. in the. Joynt ;Block Telephone Office ,135 ' 'Residence For the most economical and reliable protection .in. • AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE' • LIFE INSURANCE EIRE INSURANCE Shrli .& ACCIDENT' INSURAt4CE • 'and 1 IO5 PITALIZATION See or Call T.A.CAMERON Lucknow, Ontario. • `'Phone Dungannon 704-10• i tuart MacKenzie BARRISTER & '` SOLICITOR: • Walkerton, .Ontario. • LUCK NOW. ' �-Each : ednieaday • -,OFFICE IN HENDERSON' BLOCK; -.. R S.. Hetherington, ICC• ' Barrister', ,Etc. Wingha and- Lucknow, IN LUCKNOW Each Monday:* Wed iesda fir. Located on the • ground flour in the front • of John , Kilpatrick's Builtliti . • 'Phone, l'Vingha,n' Offlce 48, . , Resitirnce