HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-03-17, Page 3r r` r vitifogti 1,106 . •. . . .. 0.. •01.1... 4.. • r', w+.s 1. • -. 04.4.4 k . Andrelg .Mart}, rich Hospital, ,with week. e rid with, •11llr and lt2r;; I�ai �i,nanl '... ... • . iV1m.._ Niilce , Martin and Miss "Salty .__ li1 aLsh were.„ week=end' y'ieitors _with Mr. and Mrsv : Nace 'Martin • • this Thursday anorniiil„ Bsop Cady of London swill ,sing. a• So1- enin Mass ' ' 1VIr, Blaine Martin, spent Sunday. in Hamilton, Miss Agnes King re- turoed with him for a few. days. • 1 .LIKE. YOUR; POETRY". A good :many readers, are inter-. estedd• „. in • Wm. ' Buek.}ngha*n's poemswhibch :•hav appeared ttkiin rii me to time. ••in . The.',. Seui** t Since 'his "5''T:Iong„ ::poem • a' few 'weeks ago, he has'''reeeived :the faflowingpoem from an anony- mous writer, 'which We're sure Mr: 'Buckinglh!a<m's readers Will also 'enjoy.. • Dear Mr. Buckie igliasn j ust a. little ,line Froin . me To.: say "I like your thiasday everything .went • 'Until'. I. gat .The Sen biQa.'ei And sJTa�w•your piece yeti . oall S', g• Now this 1 ear,,;you've• : got. all . 'Your may not bean Ed.ia. r ` Guest, A Bobby Burris and •.la1l.• the rest, I blvmauk your ;poetry nage -And •to, thspa d s-lsoune spice. It ..makes Me...Sad to:See, you're :through, • dzi'tI` maul quit •if were You,. And .if,' your pen is Wont and' done' r Wihy dont you. get another one:. You • sand that You 'were getting t : old, a .•I ean"t het dlon lbt *Jl s .that • M r •�-. "J,4.1 4 1 rSR IVIae : � �'�+ �sus>ting in • re. 1•I . 1 eersoi`has been the 00 -Q13 -Store.. iii vwith an a`titock ofikletrrisY. : Mrs. George Stuart. St. Helens,' ',Miss Agnes 1VJ;acQuaig t.s tort. Catherine 1ViagGregor, Ohicagi� ;Ili, 'spent last the en°•d With her srs �? ' ;d�aying with; 'her sisters • Bob McGuire of London,• andY ' a Dave Horne is receivin hos fomite-rly of this-�e,rnmuntty, is�il _--- pital treain t'Imn Toronto In the in Westminster 1astprtal; t h of relievingthe rheumatic' ' Spring selection, shows hats in been a eluf ever, all • styles land colons, Miss : Bell .'Robertson • • Miss Mildred Hor'ne. of,, Detroit is: poorly and is receiving hoSpi', tail care, Her anrother,' Mrs: Walter. Horne, 'wiho S.VaS.,a patient .in Kin- -oardine :H os+p,utal:,• is Improved in :healthand • is it present in Tor Onto.- at home, o ;'iter grand daughter, •Mrs. Ji,n" Stewart:• J • C. -Drennan went,to Coiling - wood on Monday to join, the Crew of • the• 'lake freighter S.S. Burl- ingtan, 'vvb;ich. its ,being fitted out for the opening of navigation. J. C. will be employed as an jailer.. He .motored to. idollingwood with his parents, Mr.. and Mrs Wilfred Drennan; accompanied by Mr: &` Mrs. George Hlunter . - WHICHER •TO • AGAIN' S11ANIh AS LISRRAL -CANDIDATE ,'Mr':, Car1'H. Wbieher of Colpoys Bay; Will seek'. the : nomination as Liberalparty standard-bearer in the forthoo ling D�oan,ixiyon lelec- 1ian.This •;..ann, ouncement was s ,inade last week. nominating vents • wi held in So h con on+. llibe.. cwt • t n' e.. tai. o n xt rri<on A few days earlier,; at a meet in :of the Bruce riding eXecutive, g g Mrs, Harvey Treleaven : Was able to return to her 'borne at Dungannon."last ,Wednesday after several Weeks. in Wingimam Hos-, pital. ONE SPRAYING • OF'' BE.ALOU stops'., troth • damage 'for • 5;` years or • Berlou; pays 4ihe 'damlage.:Pro 'teCt your; ;cl,othes, furniture, rags,. woollens 'w'ith' Berlou. Wan.. Mur= die &' Sana • Mr. 'and Mrs: Robert. s1VIo'wbi ay and Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordan, ; Mac- Kay of. Wingh am aocompaf ied by Mr Angus MacKay ;who is:•home on•furlough ,from • t mission. 'field in. Jliansi,. India, 'with: Mr. and Mrs. 'Alex Pardon on Sat urday. ' I,Judge, a breeder of fancy fowl,: 'was aassessRr of Hallett for 'sev- eral years, vias keenly interested in . •'sports, epe�cially the—'local •:bowling hockey. and Oban leagues,. and :was fond' of • young :people. These te stn • made lihn many. friends. Rev.: S. • H. Brenton • of Londes. baro conducted the funeral sex- ' .vice The pa11bearert .were:. the xz embers of the Hiullett council Of course ;your faCe ; I1y,e nom` seen Bat your seinse ;of.'humor sure keen:. •S s'ne'er: a soul to • you 'expr Haw •,much'kola- lanes to thein amp: Sed A. nearly every tiro you'1_a see' • IIS done: but , untntentlifonly; But a little• tr' ; e makes them spat A sim le •thi liutter 'fat,. p 2g k�. �u. if',tthey won lid ;just come+ down 'to eartl, ' Gare not. 4thait 'they creatn is lworth, Suit mare ia1powt . ,their neighbor friend ; And litttle boys he.tries. to send, What • a,'.better ;p,ia�, ce this `,world • iwoiuid ,Arid yeas,, such ilaetter company. So , p1eaSe• do •, ncit lay down :your. pen, • • "Think Twice" and take it ttp again! MakeScralibook •' See' "The Drarna of the `Bible':' unfold before = your `eyes!', Begin ''The .' Drama ' 'bf•'the • Bible", ''a series of' five Savori'te Bible :stew- - ies•:fuustrated •,with magnificent color • paintings• " by the faq•'ri'otis Br tish..artist,':. Clark •Fay,• • start :the :American Weekly magazine, • W th•• this'. Suhda: 's (March .20) issue• of "the. Detroit .Sunday UNITED CHURCH LUCKNOW 1Zet4.'.1, W. Stewart; Pastor, SIYNDAY, MARCH ZOth, 1499 11 a.m.: •,'The Church" Story; "As Y .pari, 1215 patri; Sunday School. 7 1h+1>Y ..,t•. "If We. Only Kriese, • PAGE"':TI3.B r , i tS.� P �i IP, STEWART, :willopen herr ei'ora.tin IN LUCKNOW, OT SATURDAY, MARCHI She > has received her stock ahipnient; this week. % and' will beP _leased. to show you LPAPERS.:' : PAINTS ENAMELS • or anything : you may need i#. the decorating: ' line. with, ', whom he - ': had - -worked •'Messrs ; Jack Armstrong, Ira Rap- ' so Geo 'Browny. ' W. J Dale,: Wm. Jewitt. and the ;road superin- <tendent, Leonard Galdwtell: The: fi oiverlbearers : were Messrs. Clar- ence, . RoY, Cecil: anti Harold 'Con- nel1,: Joe''Pearsoz and Harold. Via - Corin. Interment was in ' Clinton Cemetery.on Monday March. 7th.. W. R. Tmlinson, _miayor of Port e•i■■■■■i■riaiae■isssisiamm••••••i 6eeisa■•e••••sis■ ii a•••u• Elgin, stated.risintnrtionf con- �' , • •� to • the nomination. mien, • sting. � Boith, ■ ' s sought �bhe ;n;oaninationri or to the last election, With Mr Which . s Ja• er, the suvicessful• Candidate, ; but. ,■ • ; - a wiowas tef ted :for seat n ■• . the by. Progressive Conner ; ,House ; vative candidate ,' Andy Robinson !''• ■ Darice :'Vhasn-tr Profitable.:.. • : 'w~ ' Thlit e Lo La . Le Club ran into a ■ •• Et i and k.■ SAVE _ MONEY •'4 M NY I PRODUCT t• orr7u h#J'ast Thursday a -- _. • N he sdance ,they were sponsoxi?;g ; ' u t ' ou't broke ' even. The' girls: USED'; REGULARLY ':.IN. `.`: THE HOME J ua alb girls. I. had the hall decorated most :'ate •.1. • ttractively , w•i•t:h . balloons a h d Ill ■' streamers :for' the o"ecasion,; and .■ plan to repeat the event at••a later .date when weather,:conditiM1s are. More, , favorable. • ■ ■' ■ Fined. FOr Hunting Deer • •• -For hunting deer out • of season :in: a ,lunnber.camp -'in the vieinity. of Clifford;. Grant Riley• of. Eden Grove was : fined. $50; and, costs in Magistrate McClevis' . court; in • /Walkerton ,on• Thursday, March 10th. ,Charges were laid by •Pro- ,vincial Conservation:. Officer :W. H: _Catitelon of Wingham • OBITUARY of Waterfl; `Bottles Reg. $1.2 Toi1etPa WHILE THEY ■ WASH, CLOTHS ■ iiSoft : Knitted • Cloths ■ ■ 9c ea. • ■ . - 3 for 25c WILLIAM• CARTER Ori Saturday, Map& nth, 1949,; .Ii r. William Carter of• Londeslioro passed away, In Clinton, shortly .after. being .'admnitted; to the . hos= n't l; -after= .e trad stiffer -ed a - stroke• 'While sitting tin the .store at , Londesbo,ro, • MIs. Carter, sonof the late John Carter ;and Ellen' Thompson,.' was "born on December 10, •1865,' ori. Lai 14, ;COs. 8;: Hullett, where he lived his entire life of 83' years, 00n• April. 2nd, 1890, he married Elizabeth: Connell,: who survives hinn. They ;had four children, Mymytie, ' who, died in infancy; ,Irelne.(Mrs. D.: R, MacKenzie), of Lucknaw, George, on.'t,he home farm wtheie his parents .liAhed. and Charlie; Who(lied' tin 1929.• He is. ;also •survved by' ''t Mt tgrariddt ild- -ren, Mrs:. •Watson:-R,eid .of—Blyth,. and Glen, Carter of Londesboro: • Mr,' Carter was a . rrite+inlber of Can$taniee United Church, was. road superintendent of littiktt for 2'7 yetarsf >a. Provincial poultry 1 ■ .■. �' Milk •:of- ■ • ' Magnesia • 32 oz.' •• TOOTH. BRUSHES Nylon: 'Bristle 11...,35c, • 4n Sale 2 for'25c HEAVY GRADE ineral : Oil ALTY' 40 Oz".: Reg. 89c •: � WAX PAPER' In Box • With• Metal Cutting. Edge 100 ft. Roll ' �. �..:.... 27c ritig • a� 0 14 1,0 •i G 'ads ito a', ■ or. 15C is ■• 3 sizes:.._ ■ 1 '` R .•r■ PCS E OLIVE OIL .' .• eg. 29c' n Sale 2 EPSOM SALT 16 oz. e..:15c.' Ile POWDER PUFFS -2 for 15c I. D. A • MOTI KILLER_ 49c PEROXIDE. Reg. 39c On Sale: �. 23c HIS WEEK ■: LUC1CNC . DRUOGiST rrrrrrrisr rmr a ia%rraaraitaiiiaaasia>Allis aaisaai tiaastiiMaiiikaa stain i. goo ..a***:110714v41//WalkeeillItAl-.1.- faioasst • . 7K• • ft V . ■ ■ ■ a . ▪ ; • 2 Ilt�y;' • 1