HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-02-10, Page 2• ;a+ 0 THE LUC_.. KNOW SENTINEL,.,. LUCIKNOW, ONTARIO' t. A family plot • should be graced with the shrine -like beauty of a monument Which will.. be everlastingly• a tribute to those at rest.'We.have many classic styles to suggest, , and: wil work with you on cus- tom designs. ___ EKcepti.onally ` low • prices. No canvassing, which, elinin- ates 'sales commissions.. -Inscriptions. r . Repairing Sandbias n" "Meii oris "s:" 25 Years' Expe•rienee :The Latest irr •Partalsle ;sandblast' Equipment,: �«..T.brk,pers ' y' ona11 •A11, . Bionlie : Alfred St., WINGHAM: 'Phone 450 or NEILMacLENNAN, ; A Ripley, Ontario. 1 I WFSTOCK JxJDGIN.G• BOOK. •/IVAILA.ELE, FOR TSE, 4sKI. G. Al very useful booklet, bearing the title "Ilints on Judging live. stock and "bacon hog ,carcasses", hasd''be ub, lis'hed. by the. Ontario is' DepartmentDepartment.of Agriculture. It_ based on informn;ation prepared•by the staff ' of the .Department of, Animal Husbandry, OntarioAgri. :cultural College, Guelph, The ;• book is: free to _'Ontario fariners'and can boobtained from. •the focal..agricultural represents �tive, Outside Ontario ` a . small, `c1argw-mad e 4.to sinyone. -desiring a copy.;" "Thee,bulletin is presented'`pri- ngf�.:iriarily for,, t he: lenefi t .of . yo tu men (and .iy nwho 4.re inter- ested lu7e skan'd live stock ... produietiori", says Dr. R. G. no:c, • ,head ,oif.the "Depairtment in a fore- word.: `"Shoulld , the inform+ation. volunteered. prove .helpful to ,olc1-• er folk, so much the better, since every, man and 'woman, young or old, engaged in live stock produc- tion;'. ni*.st -be a competent judge' if he or she' hopes 'to 'succeed" A fine collection of illustrations., draws 'attention 'to .outstanding features :of -the' different breeds ,and also • stresses Outward. indica. tions; of . fine `quality.' Points-,' in u g : and how to arrive at them.:.. with proper store credits are also', itemized : in detail: ; There are also •cornplete diagrams, of cat - 'Ile, `: swine and horses, showing racticall: every ' type.. .. Accepted names for various `" minal are given parts .of � the••a, , , along with explanations of : how these ` should appear :and , 1. what; e`lose examination should 'reveal BORN tai' IIJ - At. Sirrncoe Hosp TR�NIA .to �'2n February d� oni Wednesday,� Fefb ary Mr., and 'Mrs. • Lawrence' Tremain. of • Simcoe ' (nee Beatrice Trelea `'ven), a °daughter., Lois Anne; , TOWN '3N• -Len. Sudbury, Febru 6th to Mr. ` and Mrs. . aryWilliam" Townson' (nee, Sarhah. MacIver), a• son; ,a brother. for Ann, Wanda :and Calvert. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME will start ''nn Gdderich 'on Sunday, April`` 24th and ..continue 'until September 25th: P.A. ARV" NT. 1' The Paramount Women's insti- . Lute will',celebrate "their lOth:an niversary._ Wednesday evening• February •I6th at Paramount. School. Ladies, please bring sand-, wivch€s. Mr, and. Mrs. 'CV . Richards:, at tended' the ' ice... Follies in Toronto accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, H, Houston, Holyrood.: 'Mr. Alvin Hamilton spent, ' a `few days at Toronto and attend:- , ed the Ice Follies; • Mrs. J, Elphick' is ,spending a• few days; with,„her sister-in-law,. lVIrs:' ` Pete-.Leesin iss Wylds, Irvin „Aid Glen •Ir - W ` i•n visited • with. . Miss ' Josephine ° Elphitak on Sunday Mr:; David `Elphi•ck: 'isVisiting 'With hia °uncle at Pinkerton. "Mr and Mrs. Jas.,.i etchabaW, Katherine and ' Mae. visited 'a� -Holyrood on , Fridays: 'Mr,' George Wraith 'Spent a .day in Waterl THURS., ` k'ESRLtARX 1Oth :1949' KING SEN, TI14EL, FILES . THRO[GH ... __. 1. . ..._..�.w sixty Year S s Ago I. MrS• Petex Scott died n .North. t X hoid fever; She Dakota from ty`p *. M, • Corrigan was appointed con, was forMerly, Florence Love rr g, e•': caretaker of town hall, terson. • They ;were married Chir- stool ,. .. street .inspector,; as -sensor, `collect teen years before at. Lanes: Be- or and 'warden of fire connpany sides her husband Mrs• Scott •was • : 'at, a-: salary of X325,, .Hi}gh Morri- survaVed by four .chi.ldren, the. ourngest son. 'vas appointed .rvlillage clerk.. y being ten months, .- ale : n sold . his ' 100 -acre 'McDonald of A•cnb r y D. -Johnstti Ronald }�. attended. the 'funeral- of his brei -•1 farm on, 'the.1Seconid to. Miles Mc'-• • flier, Jaifnes H. McDonald, lieu.. •Millan. • • Iririio s ” • bme es :•Foret 1y1ns- sionar Society,, 'Mrs. MoLehrian Y • was,.presented'. with:' at .life: bersirp The .folg.o�win ' Students :were•at g t "� ramoun ,.14 'P ..S. o at a tendi;n S N,. g M, :Murray, , 4 ''Clarkson, : Z. Con- gram, R. McIntosh, L. McDiarmid,.', G.' sn)it�h My :McInnes, M, Clark- • son, • M.- Pickering, E. 'Smith, '' E. ', Towle,: E. Clark, F. ;Clark, 'A Me Kenzie, F. McInnes, 'L. McKenzie, M. Clark, G. McDiaruiid, • •c.. Towle; , L. Hamilton, E. Header= Rita , .: • " .. oub Constables, for; Kinlosi :SOLI, E.:Andiew,. M. McDonald, R. and •Miss Eileen .Wallace: were C � ' • •, • overnor of 11!Iichi.l an 'who At theannual meeting of •South was killed in. a railway accideri Th . Amberley correspondent , e 'reported 'on F'ebrr ary :8th , that 1 open :arid-: fit for Lake Huron was,, ,y, , Y 11`e` navigation wiYich.�cnidit}on t nt • d' never before oldest reside la,a ,, t seen. :. • James Miller, ,one of the oldest settlers of .West Wawanosh, 'died in his 69th year'''s, The. School Board accepted R. • T ,. . McCarrolhs tender 'to supply KINGSBRIDGE. • school ;wood .at $1:25 a cord for • I 27- nch wood. . Miss 't Wall and friend' I,. week -end.. visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Jinn .Wallace L Smith, J Andrew, S. McDon Mr.: Bert ,.Martin : and Miss B. A t ald, ,J:' Towle, ' J. Ketchabaw, ,R Kirbyahed on soave of their • & W J L r,MieDiarmid, IL MlcDonrald: The friends, .on Tuesday gonald.::. . teacher' was C._:McD. ° Quite . a 'number pare • .Laid , � up with t lne'. flu and'Lucknow were, Arch:. son 'Whitechurch: .JohnHo'dgns, •Kinloas` •Peter Corrigan,• Holy- rood; Ta for Teeswa er rood;,. •�' Wzri... y . , . Michael' Corrigan , yorisr, Luekinow,; Scholars at - S.S :No, 9, 'Kinloss;: Dawson , L.' Murray'' ,S.' Were �A. , ,� Stewart,"C Crowstony J , Murray; Patter McInnes,' B. Clarkson, A.,keke;�c. Ing, F. I et ba'w, E. Webster,, an•.,Year .A o Mr,. and, Airs. Ambrose-" eHart=.. 'twenty $, . man of • Kitchener ' w. ere' week -end' .visitors with:Mr, and Mrs. Clifton Austin. ► S ' Congratulation.s : • to ,1'4 r. , Edwin Myers on the:.arrival . of a. Oung sol in .Goderieli :Hospital'• on February • 3rd.; R..•Stewart, K.:;Murray, K. 'Mc- Lean, G', ��G•illies,;. J. � McKenzie, G. Tiffin, J:, Gillies, D; ` McLean,. A: Gillies,.' R.. Cilli s, M. McDonald, S: MicCorvie: G.MeKay, 'W'.: Ste - Wart, J. McCorvie,: G. Gillies;,' M: •Mirehouse,, McLean;• K. ,Barr, Pearl Nixon._ centered Victoria Hospital •as a student nurse. M+ifat, M•P. for: South Bruce secdtuled �4ihe:P' motion for •a, reply.;:.io" the speech from the fth4one.. • 4 THE CHRISTENING, OF PRINCE CHARLES ptism, •of His Hoyal High- vwas coni ducted by � Grace •the'.• nes Prince Charles of,Eeiriburgh, Archbishop'of Canterbury. The the 'r Fant; son • of 'Their Royal •` service was . attended ' by Their Highnesses Princess'Elizabeth and', Majesties' the. King ..and,` Qiilaeeri; . the, . Dukeok of . Edinburgh, tomembers' of th'e. Royal.AF'amily and ., place. in I the. White and Gold: a .few of their close friends. Music Rogm.of Buckingham Pal 'These pictures; the first' to ben; ace; " : �.: ; seen. of the itfant Prince;. were The irtf'ant' Prince.. u as given ", taken `immediately, 'after the ' ' the nacres of. Charles. Philip At- 1 christening ceremony; and Show th.ur":' George. and the ceremony the baby wearing the` Royal McKinnon; N McCorvie, 'R: Gillies, W.: Tiffin, W. ,,Barr,'J. lies,. A: Gillies...• A::puibic ,ineetirig' favored, the building t f Cost. . was a new arena here , Th'? Gil- estian,ated at:.:about: H:. Smith 0' headed'''a :of tWelVe to 'tbtain. fulliin f o rin at i on orty dears.: Ago: $10;000. O. committee. Modrehouse.'Mitchell purchased '.::•The conibirie,was making a b,g _. a Mill and 7:00 acres of : tim,.ber htt••:in; the : West 'Sam •Nicholson near,,: Flesherton:. ,, had . one:' of these nlew arvestcrs• --1-� Jahhn Littler Bounds. a oalais.,far-in • at Trixford,,._Sasb, was advertising.his farm for •sale: Gordon Johnston was. teaching Walter,- Murdoch severed his ,school at St'. Helena... , iconrieotion watt W.: R:: Brock' Co., te:�o,t with. the intention •, of. starting in atHarvngy-,H DuanTnonaeleavto Senam Swdls staa`tian the general store business in Bri- ;: e^ri ,e Haldenby, had•,h s Orin tisk ;Columbia. . Y - broken�'vt,hile�•r working ;'in til -• Luckiiow defeated Listowel 1.5 chopping mill:;.Others in the K.ir-. to 2 in a hockey gar ie The local—rugh-1-ftlyr�aod district sufferio;n lineup was .goal, G McQuaid, injuries,', were Mrs:, 11f : Hodgini3 point;:- X:. Welsh; 'cover, point, Pelt e a 'Vt fractured ankle;', nn.ifred Mc wing, R,. Johnston, left wing, A. MacDonald; rover, • J:- Habbick. • Coy; eenlre, W Johnston; right Ackert a broken arm The .trustees at'S.S No.,, 4 Holy; rand were having view scarfs ah4:•, Slate. blackboards installed ATTEMPTED SUICIDE At S.S.' No ?, Kinloss, (Second --- I Cori.), Annie Johnston was .teac'.i A retoort from Goderieh states Ling• .. Veronica Gaynor, A l: i.c r' /that Marjorie'. Williams, 21,' at- i,Thonison,, Jin .sM�eNall, —Air o1c1' tempted • suicide • by allegedly Thomson, Robbie Campbell, Mary, swallowing poison'and then walk- I MdCorinell, Ellen Burns, •Grace Mgin front'M a train, Which "was: McLeod, Jack Gaynor, Lloyd M ;brought. to: a:stop.,before striking Nall, Lawrence.. McLeod, .Marion •, her: Campbell; Dorothy,' McDo gall, Miss Wi1lirarns was the lone sur- Calvin. Irwin; Lorne' Sills, Donald ,vfiivor of'`;a ,car -train crash .near. Thomson, Winnie 'Thomson, Mary Kincardine two. 'years ago, • in Carter, _sJirnati a .Burns, Millicent which her ' ,sister ' and.:nePhew,•.!Carter, " Johnny Carter,' Clifford Mrs: 'Allan Grant and "Larry'and ' McNNall, Laverne 'Gaynor, :Freda.' t 1ierliance, James Johnston, were- McDougall, Margaretomson, kailed ... George Carter;, Rii,th gland r , " christening robe of white silk and Honitorflace: Made : for Queen Victoria's children 'and ,used since by the •Royal Family,• ' The baby Prince is thd.. centre of adrnir; :tion in s this happy f aim- • 'ily, picture• after the christening ceremony,. Where in the arms 'of • ,his mother he is seen with, 'his father 'and, grandparents. I $ponaored 'by the . uckipow Branch 'of the Canadian LEGION ; ROOMS, LUC;KNOW Grua!; at -.8.15' `p.tn' ., Procc e1 for. the Christmas Seal Ft 7'H1 51 nov to kee. the the' • Fri( on: wor Ke, • p.m the • ial ber clue Cls gin` 11