HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-02-03, Page 3• UURSDA ', EBR J nUtS;. THQS' W !.°SONS +' The death of 'Nis: ThOMas oc+Zured in Goderieh ttal, .67). Monday e've ting,, January 24, in her 88th 'year. Forinerly etta Huston, Mrs, Wilson was a native of. Lamibtolit: county . and ` had lived in the Port Albert iris, trict before •comin!g. Ito GAderich` t.hilt,k' `Years ; ago. Heic l u;„band P"redeceased her,;25•'years.;She is. sui'vi"ecl. by one son, Norman, of Auburn,•ana four daughters, Miss' Ida Wilson , of Thistledown; IV1rs, :Albert .,Cook. gf Lu,ekndw; Mrs. Herbert Gilbert Icif 'Point Edward • and Mrs.al Y 1 : Stanley nle eevle. of Sarnia. On. .W'ednesda'y aftertnoon ate fu'neral''serv.ice s chi du ted ' at 'the . Braphey fiiineraI honfiekby 'Rev. ;R. +G MacMillan of ,Knox. ,'Presbyterian,,ChurcliBurial Was :Po. r rt r :The` . - < Hilbert: ,.�cerilete Y. ., ..iri. 1lbeariers were_ • ` S.tan,ley . sand' e ,Norman •3.Reeve, ..Sarnia; Charles. r , Larder, - Harold and auley John, GLax • and Edward- Gower, -THE' LUC,KNOW SEN.TIrIEL; 'LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • •UNDERWENT, OPERATION • Miss ,illian• Raynard, daugh ter of-Mr..and Mg's: Nelson' Ray- . 'Hard of Ziti ,.., under i rent. an ap Ipendeotomy;iri. Wingham Hospital. 'last; week. Lillian has •. been *ei• n played_ •'at °the,•:hdine of .Mr, and ..'Mrs. Charles Doyle, which house- hold 'has been•caritinually dogged . • by illness ,.fors some time,. Mi pole.' has • been; in hospital. •Toronto for a `tune,: wheredoctors are :puzzled ; to ' diagnose ' his. ail • Ment • ;TEDD. CHU'RH LUCKNOW Revs: J . W Stewart, B.A.,. B.O. Pastor SUNDAY FEBRUARY 6; 1949 a rig: "Christ,. God's• Story "Keep. On Going 1215 ;p m Sunday School. 7 p.m.: "Reliance on'God A:family:plot should 'bei graced with ,the : s'hr'ine -like 'beauty of 'a monument 'which. will be 'everlastingly.a tribute to those at restWe have many classicst les > o =su st and ggg ,, will' ' work. "with' youon cus- tom ,. designs,: Exceptionally ' ..low prices: p 'No canvassing„• which 'eli'rziin- 4tes :sales commissions.' Inscr.iptions:. Repairing .Sandblasting. Memorials:" 25• years' Experience The. latest in .Portable .• SandblaatEquipment A11 work e'rsoiall ' exec ted Brown e Alfred St:','4 WINGHAIIZ' ..'J'hone', 450 dr' NEIL Mac'LENNAN, Ripley, Ontario. E.. Agnew • of Detroit: }s. visit- ithl his parents, Mi and Mrs. Agnevlr. Harry Sultan, yeti necl•' to Chat- ham HoN&pital Last - e k for J.. -rays of ' his. fractured ,leg. • , -Mr. Peter 'McCall visited 'last week in. Listowel.: with .Mr., and Ml s: Jack. McCalla Mr. J. R. Treleaven of •. 'New Zeeland was ,a vis'itgr at the .Tre • leaven horneS'her.e olxier-the week• end,. Mr; Charles, S_tahle/ and .da'ugih-' ter Filarenee of �Ve1�e Yeyhen ed the . funeral '°of., Miss 'Mary, Christie ,oin Thursday: Y Maoponald of Nia gars Falls':has beenissytiia+g 'with her .mother, Mrs. ,Eiiren .MaeKen zie and her sister ,Muriel • Reg,N'.• of, Owen Sound attended ••. Mrs; .` Norm,an McDonald and. the' funeral sof` their grandanother, ■ Betty.. and. Mrs Geor -spent Sunday with M"..-andMrs: Jake Hiuiter; tl 1 Mr, George P ,fillips ;of Fordyce spent ;a, few days' in Toronto, Alex :¥eCarroi. 9f Seaforth is spending the winter with Mr: a;id Mrs. W: R. Haniilton. in Huron. Township, r . i • W. B A derson was in Hamil- ton. at the ' .eek -end'- for a' re'- uni~an' oi• a number .of formes; ' aassmates at University, Mr. 'and' Mrs',. `Pat 'Wilson and ,' bbys of Toronto' spent the week; p end with Mr. and Mr& Joe Was= ON 'Plitt .4 ney and Mr. and Mrs' .i.'eBob' �Arm; .•ry •--.•�-■�' :,v ', strong, 1 . OP •.ism luuuua■uiisimis■IA■Isomen nnimmi ■■•Rm•utu/ino ■ ,TW Tl icmpsor a_rld'A•Mrs D, Thamson : i sof Toronto ••'att tided .� TT the honer ',on', .Tuesday'; of ,the latter',s• sister, Miss'. Catherine MacKenzie; • •Msse's'' Edna /.and. Eliza Cook,: �l• • '" Women's Fleece Lined Snoboots fur cuff . ti•s Mrs. Thomas Wilson `of. Go ast 'Wednesday:and also •:atatheir home 'here. ■ erich . i ited, ■ .' , ■ ■ . ,' e ... ik .■....: M .: n� 4 . buckle Rubber Uvecshoe� TOo Late To Classify BUSINESS: MEN'S'MEETING "The.' regular meeting of,, the Lucknow Business Men's .Associa t on.' w be n e owli Hall,. £ueknow, • on.,, Tuesday, Feb ru.ary ' 8th at 8 • O'clock.. Please be present: T.O Hour). •BU C E HOG PRODUCERS' MEETING SOON IAt a trecerlt',iineetiing •'of :'• the, Bruc 'Count •'Federa'tion of Ag ri- eulture held in Walkerton the ex ecutive• planned; o1 holding a dir ectors' meeting . soon The direc►t- ora 'of tine ,,counity.' organization are the'chairman ,and secretary of'; the • KINGSBRIDGE • Mr Mike/.Martin Was home for the"week-end. _ ' ' Mrs. 'Stock from the. West ;s. •`visiting .• her: 'sister., ' Mrs. ' ,Con to wear ,ower. shoes; . black, browni. Re 5.7.5. iClearin at . g � g Reg. ` $9.50..:Clear ng' at w _.. $4.75 ■ Reg:. $6: 5.`~Clearin , at _.. $5.95 ` ■ ;7,50: s $3 hal:. " ■ ' pec Za ■ 4. ■' 'O'Keefe and 'family. i Mr.: Clare Latin : and 'friend Spent '. the' week end' with his par: � ; • Miss Helen Murray , has ..been. up., laid` up with the 'flu, 'So there has, been `no scl oot; BORN—To • Mr;.and: Mrs:. Wm., •Hogan; a son .Congratulations Ed e `n 1 and. Teresa ,.Ms R,yods spent 'a few days with; Mr,:' and Mrs, '•Nate . Martin Men's.Felt Top Rubbers, en's. Felt. Shoes At '.Reduced: Prices. • Or •:■ is • i• ., • ` RED.'CROSSANNUAL.: : ` D.uri:ri During, the tl • . >g a .year, we Have ship - (Cont ' . nuedfrom page •1) • : p b� Toron+to. 371• pieEes of• sew•... Financial'; Statement` iig acid '91 knitted;'arrti,cles:.S'ome. F'olr . the' year, ending December df this'work has been done in. the. homes '`and. .we' are indebted ;to •, 31st; 1948'' township' 'crjrg!anizations, The Fur' Boys d Giirls Receipts, an, , e i will be to i Balialnce.on` Hand Jail: pose` of this m eit ng Fun Galore for You • ° p rogam anti ndscet:SIewe:See .h. ethe., ;:se• ct-rhe: eet , m:es• sac ge c..o,de, .. ' re.c, :8 76325 ..551r21 bsard for the-Hc� 11_fiagr mstaiy,S� `• :62 and CreamProducers ':in: Bruce toloinComi,Weekly CampPai County:• J •'. ';.1' Ib: and:. et vour:lbYrize,pack'-`• Tate,'' President, Lloyd ,Jasiplei, age filled,with• su risen. 'See the $1'665:1:3 Expenses' the' seeretar , Jim ` Powers, Dins y, • � uorcrLic � Weekly _:.Corner:. in ;Puck . ;' a •::' iaavis Andrew McTavish and -t.he. he• Comic 'Weekly, rthe big chlor' itted.to Dirviisilon ',othex Rear , .. Austin •Martinwere .,aPPoiritecU comc magazine ne • with this Sun,: c work with :' Gear in;arran ing. counts :rendered; $:; J16.a:5. : ? g days (February fi) issue of, Th,e Lor •theHog Pra Juicers meeting.:Detroit Sunday Times, •Materials purchased ; from ometirne in ]±soros division `' • At, the meeting the 'insurance 'Workroom', supplies BELIEVE,I1 OIt NOT; TWO Transportation, etc.,: •comlmttee gave .; their `report. on p , , FEET OF SNOW IN JANITARY'.•; Blood transfusions the Co -Op �autg•• instira.nce meet- : / • '. inl • in. -Toronto. 'Ste s were, taken . ; Civilian belief .:': ....., p Januar as : snow^ r • Ve think oi. Y Miscellaneous. expense. ense ,..:.: ; '27.06 to ,have • harmers 'ear •insurance.: ... ' . , p, , leas. It wase t . uite The weather; . . ; ..,: . � q: ..Balance .ton .lta�n:d .Ostein ' ri'tten un . whose' f olalcies ex il.e is r ,neat rnan, 'says; '24 cinches • fell 'during' 'bet 31 '' 1948 .iri, the' ' 'future. 385:3:2 •' 7:2.45 2 lin. 20.00. 55.'00. HELD SOCIAL EVENING Lucknow Branch of the Can 'adi.an Legion held "L ad'ies .Night". iri .tire Legion' Rooms :'n ' 11.onday: Cards. and ,dg ancin" were enjoyed - . with a : sumptuous ,buffet supper served at eleven : :o'cio!f k, ` AS.F 'IELD' CIRCUIT 'PASTOR' ,• ILL 'WITH PNEUMONIA Rev. C. B. Woolley; .,minister cif. the Zion, Hackett,' Blake , Circuit, ,c ness is",convales�c�ing�'' .from•. pan i11 with ;prieun`ionia ' U•nat le 'to-, take services''ori Sunday.,'Rev.:.J W. -Stewart suffplfer;for, : Mr. .WOO l ley ,by pre:ac i'ineon Sunday af- the month,'_bi( it' came• at, the, L , '. start and' the :• tail end. •,Rainfall. totalled. alt,, urrusual: 1::76 inches: Wannest. dlay of. the rrionth was 586..95 $1,66a ?3 J. A. Tl onipsion, on --the , 17th with the. , tempera -l Workroom; Report u�k- ture 'soari'ng to'';51: degrees. The President and- 1Vlemibers of L c ,, andVicinit Branch, of the �:' 31st '.'when` •.' now 'Vicinity coldest day Iwas ;•the , R ed Cross • • Iit dropPed•tozero. This aiirival eport seems to MARCH OF; -TIME FILM TO have • become a .' bit. As: my re ati nv' .l e r was' not' ac - BE • S'HOWN HERE•,igrxa o ., ...ast y ce ted `1. a sin •f ve': my re'port., P. > g. = arris Corn+ h `'s 1. It :'bee rinses: ,i.nci,easi'ngly• ' diff'ij The Massely .Ii Pa Y .N x°.oil 'l fish •tli amount •:,yf• '`March of Time . ;filth Will be cults to: act, p, l e Mae, presented free of charge.Tl ' r�, xk we •would like or that Playhouse Theatre this Friday of heedqu•arters'ti'r�ges us to ,do, ''al- • ternoon a. 2. 30,tY rou,gih th "co is = though e hive' alway's ni�anage'd, l'' eater Mr; S. Viw;` •to': compete ,our quota 1 mu:t esy c�.'ih.e iota, dearer; p Gibson. ,•.. 78 . frinir• de ices" �-10!1• adm.t:t tl�at i•ha, .e••+v ye.lars of ''Canadian • growth. artd onto .that: owning to the limit -ed ui ch', do the.s rogi°'ess, and is highly ,inter est num'bler° wttho /attend bur, wo'i•k- in �e o ternoon ii Hackgtt„Ch, n • the `• vari;olus' •6 , izations .olf, the i• • United' Church, :Preab y e -Mrs- •Yt . x'ia�i. sioniary Soc eeties, S►t Miary Altar Society; and ;t}�e SO 5 Ijoca1. 'relief , ns becoming a .tbig4. ger factor This year. five'.farnati:cs; wer•.e pelted.- This :a]so 'means`, more w•ork'''.for our "workroom as •t'he. sewing must be done for.. • these farri-iles: Our ,loan cu:pl`board IS .still: riot pepular,:so far as loaning,`its .con tents • is ,oc+incerned, •but ; a7n ' glad to say.: we had neither an .: epi demic or ,disaster.' which Would . '.: make our lawn cupboard :a =must However ,this,. year 'fwo i wheel •chairs were added ' a•ud;: as these are' in .use that alone' makes Out. ,, : loan cuandfi ' °/-This year' I1uctriow has been • , alone ' as all 'the' units have' lis ecntiriued ':Isending• ,iirr Work' ' ,Or donations.' . We •are most gratetui to: then �, for their .generous ' hel ' p„ im,,the :'Hast I• cannt.t give; 9u much praise or. ;apprec;iation . to ` (the i,faithful: few who borne' to` 'the' workroom.' and do such splendid. 'work • To ', the various :orgar"izations who have, helped; the lathes wh'o' so • kindly, sent urs ..afternoon: 'tea.. •the 'tpre , and. the • president Wand' • offi:ceis icf. 'this worthy. orgahiza'• tion I'.give my heartfelt thanks. • j =•ATI is' humbly•. Submitted, ResTiectfull ' :-.ours Y Y , `Katherine Hornell, Chairman, 'Women's' Work , corn- three :;orn- t.hree�,'con'gregations.. ling and. educational, r..00ms, 'our, quotkinust Ibe lirriited. mittee '' :' y • 4,•* • , IGI olilllllilll Illi:1111'I!111tIIGllll!IIIIIRI1111,1111ii11111111!IanolIIIIlI1tIICIIll1111111111� 1111111IIIIIIIIillll!flll!I10111111111111111!IIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII l+i (EN'S 'AND :BOYS' WORR CLOTHING , •UNDERWEAR, SOX AND MITTS`. • rNINIQNIIIIIIIIIIImllhll�lflllllllllllll,�llllllQlllllllllllllll111tJ►IIIIIIfIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfIIIIILIIIIIIIIIiflll,!IIIUIII,IJI1111i1J111'ulil IIJUIIII:INLIIINIIII I,II l,l, IIII1116h I, • •t 1' • • I. t I i” I it IIIllllllpll,l Illlllllpllllllllllt!Illlll�lllllidlllllllllllll,lllhl!fllllll.11ll,l lllllllllllil011.111 LIIIIII(IIIILWIIIIIIIIIIIIl11111111111111111�}4111111114111 Ila.lglllllllillllll , I. I I II i I I f( ,ll6lJlll. 1 H .. EDUCED ,PRICES - ON', SWEATERS FIR Ls THE THE FAMILY. r SIN' I •' I I I r I I II I t Illl!IIILL IIIIJ i i 11 ...II III,{ !.I Illlfl illl'IIIIIIIII,llihl,l ll ..,ll .1111111iII11 iIII,IIIIJIII 11 IIIIILIWI• IIL.lill Il , 1 Hl.11ilillll Is idlll,i11111IL.i111,111N1p6llll,ill111n 1111.11 �. II J I ,I„ t.. I • r. e. ., , 0. • N; :,T 4r r,; , °`04 .l StOC • • • =r� 4, • t•. • • t3 •