HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-01-13, Page 5•11 DAN, .JANUARY 13. 0' calm. Theatre N t GHAM Two Shows Rich Night 'FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 TO -NIGHT .:DOVOL.E.I41[4: —IOUISIANNA.• and. • Stahl:nit' at MidigI • itilky-44.-SATURDAY 'igNeARY, 14;,15 -ROBERT -FORGOER:1TE: Vii-Airaims RELENTLESS. Matinee Saturday at 2.00 p.m: ..140NDAY • ',JANUARY:J:7, 1,11 • DANA ANDREWS, .6FNE- TIERNtx THEHIROK...:CURTAA 7 WEDNESDAY /i; •THURSDAY "..:141!1:0Alt.*; 1.9; 20 S#ENcEIV. .:KATHERINE HEPBiURN TL01..... • 'Ircit's burfriend in the hos-, "Ile took a turn for'. the nurse". :4 • .P,X.Y,C,KNOWSENTINEL,CIAJCKNOW, 4 ,The anntial naeOing: of „ the vhurcll was held.on, -.January 3rd: Rev. W.,S,,• Sutherland was chair- nafl Ant' reporta :Were 'very enpotiraging. GOrdon Wall Wa.s, re -appointed as .,treasqrer, and - Graham Moffai as secretary. ,El- met Scott, Was, appOinted.,:ehair=, ,man of the,Managink Board and managers atIPOinted 'Weve, Gra; ham • Moffat, Frank Miller; and liarid &oft. • Farrish Moffat was appointed • to "fill the 'vacancy' of James . Macintosh who resigneict- 'due to his leaVizzg the communify in the near future: Mrs, „ Parish IYI,p4at• Nyap ,:re-ppointed leader f Ahe-MisSion Band Mrs. m. 'Scott assistant leader. Th.,2 WMS is to help 'with the, Mis- sion Band work,' • .* • • •• .7 - The. inet .14. the '-ehureh, On Monday ;evening,. Elmer. ''Seott presided, ';Mirs.-W.rn. SePti • read' the scripture and Geerge Moffat' gave the topic. The...election of offiCezi,,was held' ,With the,. fol- lowing jarnes 'Richardson, • vie prea•„ eo Mot," fat; , secretary i,- Helen -Donaldson; treasurer,... James Moffat !4, new program schedule was planned; The :.riext 'Meeting wth'behid at. the, hOrne. of: Mr'. and 'Mrs, Far-. ish Moffat -1VI6riday'eVening, Jan= tiary 17th at 8..30, pnl The Ladies Aid - held-, their. soeial., in the church on Fviday, evening.Mrs . • . Evans presided Farish.M0f.E.. fat' read.:.the .scriptureand Christ:; Mas carols Were Sung, ;Mrs. Wm, :Scott read 'a,'.story on 'ChristinaS,- Mrs. aristoid of her trip .;tp her horne in England Reading Were given by Lois Crowston and ..Betty •Copl6y,and''A.,trio. of Myrtle `CroWst60, Bel-f.y. Conley and Loi, PrOWatOn .:Sang seVeral',hinriberi. Contests were then conduCted:a44 .41rAch served. - • sissrsosamaasussialiaisammassomaiaiiimeniiaas'saass , • ▪ ..WE AJE AGENTS F , & .1-11(BRJ . • A. TRIBUTE, To -WW1:717;GARpNEA •-P E FIV .• • `!'- January 4th; To, the Litor .the tiuclinow„ '6 Ashfield Township ahd Luelic now, neighborhoed• is antely• the Poorer for 'the passing of Wm. T. gardnerm0 is What so many of , ns felt when; le succumbed so swiftly t9. the tragic fall that be- . fell him a, little. While' ago. •Et isrlot tOo /Mien tosay,•• in New Testament ,langtiage„ Will • had "a citizenship heaven", but friends and a.siociates, lknew that "he-...--had-Ta-sterling, character, a. long. reeord firrri •Integrity, 'and nObie ideal of .,earthly eitizen- Ship; adorning the ;•cornanon • ,Way Of., life that made hirri!!otempiarY i,.h.:wttie'Octohuilndg ss pt he :Its toefa rnhis f aaittthefrt:il • • his loyalty from beyhoTodto the .last days, to: the . Methodist and 'United Church : fellowship; ;his. Sunday School' interest and labors- •his . . , 'eldership' and stevvardship, to, which be brought fihe'eonviotiOns and ,becoming grace. It is not for *us to forget that for many years he was recording steward of the Ashfieki charge and frienkin the , truesense; to all its ministers, as they were ready to fbear witness, who.: knew- him as- 'a 'devoted • •staridby. . . : . The°. Orange . Order always .e found : him a. loyal fellow: The temperance *..tad. every other :good • canse would getbirn, to -held their banners. Neighbors. and ...Olen& at rind • him. :knew Qf his.solid worth as he; appeared with .ready .hands, to, help • and .;serVe, in•:days• of stress and . strain,' And when . sickness and difficulty . appeared. He needed no prompting:. •, „ His bereaved,.-wite,and children know him aS- a devoted husband arid father' WhoSe.. daily task it, • had 'beep to keep a Chriitiari hone ; and maintain ....connection. with.....C.,ristittn things. whatever .betide." -UnfArturiatecirettinstariCeS . known to. him (and he Was not , . , immune ...tO.,thein), spells f di -s- tressing sickness, having having to; carry. weary loads '.un and down the heavy ° :hills of. life' were !never • alioWed to dim the radiant viSion THURS.; .FRL, SAT. JANUARY13, 14, 15 k.ROURS 41 IC C tit ' potose - Saturday.ir.Matifitee.. • • 4it 00.pitil • • Nt .arEvmS.OLOONOWL4 Bog NOLAN andike SONS or nit PIWATELIIIC owStarts at 7.1 N., tUES., .JANUARY . &Wel PZort0d.hv SAM Pill Mr. Eliner. McKay • rb at 7. Such was the Wm T....Gardner we • Thursday with. a kriew• ,- We exte our A Ctititisrn,.. Of. recent .fiction Mrs Claucl,..Dote that came .etit.' of ,,•POstan, Mass he •th0 Iite • is that . it gives.i•the .impression nett.. • . that New England.,territory, ,is r and *rs...,,Isa -opt-ilated to a Iprevailing extent ianu1y visited.mith by : shab y c aracters, • :leading erson on Sunday. he 'cherished, or slacken his feet ▪ • on that tOad we, have come to al call the Way of the righteous. • • •Like many more • tiathonored • and unsung - citizens he nocr sou,ghtadvertisement. or pubhc- Was-eentent to .be,:the un-, •••:,•c- known soldier .of the cornmon '-'• a .,good,, who, unostentatiously dis- , a . ' • • • charged, to the best of his ability; ' - It a giO.Od ministry to shiny the art I of *go6d livirig, and, 'contrntinity --.... ii service. , . • He chose .the honorable Way of • • life, quietly arid. ModestlY. • He „ , • •,., wcni 1 d , copseri t to no roll of •sth-- a' II Phones: Nii/ht 113. ' a '' :ring drums 16r •himselt. But every .. r'"••\. •,7\•___- ' •., . C bell in the belfry Of his life was , mommailsommam, esamiumensioneusiasiiiim•saassamisa rung., no for sheer: gladness .at ------- • - . ... , -.---;-.-- ' - ...: et Our Prices Before E!uying... ini I CI -som•e ernergenee vpuibii,c g6,00; Or,' • afr'h.is: :Prot6tt • against. •,sOrne CL,Ii1:11TIO•11'...SOCL41 evil thaethieaten,. - I Th 1 it'n6h.ght he dal net desirev- •i..;the in a iad.y0fpiaforndsm riever got hini Hi wis not found, sentehing •-foi••••ConspietraiZS, honors and 'attention:, sensed • there were ..ris,kbl:er things than ch air- • and • 1,residerices of,,, this and, that, 1-1-aopily,,tlic,, rtiral life ,• bps:. many :.gentlqn,en;'A''harneless who are little -1flh OIt$ilt theii own. ',neighbOrhOOd'' •• Nylu) do not flash ,hko. Meteors. a. t'oin,Porary but innn who i..know:thore are ',6,4.-qtei thhlgs than the•-:ennwd and t1 n of t 1)0less":forttinaite. They dotheir bonding Ole' knee to:no idol', • fusing to loweyone's' self. that ; .the'y 'may c‘i.nter,sin„nit, earthly,liar: ' • .ntthi( or, gain. sloint.-.• hoii:resliect unfropakied..to .re.C4,44• theit utisulliohed, a• gstaffe MARMALADE .24 PRUNE.PLUMS • '207' ••• Medi. . . . ..P.EANOT.•,•131aTTER, .4:4; OlcISo'oth Blended orafigetereipt.00.4t. • • ••••4:'$ • • • CIAESE. ,Baby IIC eliVery... d:attendanCe. , sympathy the loss of rs.. Will Ben.. e Nixon a r. John ,shalhhy. lives; .6utWardlf, respect- Mr Curriel'OoIwei visited Wit able but inWardly' 'conditioned. If Mr Don McCpah on Sunday, . the:StOry hadto be tOld in Ina-, torieal ,paragraph or :in readable• . I fiction of Ashfield Township and , adjacent distri•cts, •there, wo•uld The Missia'riary neeting is street, ' cOncesaion. and ' sideroad• Int 1.1e1C1 t4.4.aY (Mil ..claY) at if. stand -out, some nobleman, of • ' -home of Mrs. Jake runter. .t • We are ' glad' Mt. , toear ,: ., . w,h6rn•.. the':.,wiord "shabby" arid. .”,ilr-e6nditioned" : 'as related: to character.and•spitit.'and.high Set - Vice ',Wotildnot fit, ,and :WM:. T. Gardner ?Would (be in' the Shining and, esteemed, grpirp, z yours, Mr Editor, :sharing .in a real :.bereavement,: • „ ',4rth-Pr W. Brown, Princei:s Brantford:, 'RpL.g cRoVg -Misses lettie--,'Apd-.Ada. 'Gawley. Of 13:ipleY', Visited' with Mi; Victor Gawley on Sunday.- . ‘' mis.. Tom 'Quigley 'et; I..aickno,W Spent' Saturday with Mr.:. :Ralph. • Mr'.. and mrs. SamEmerson and 'Mt., aricl.MrS. Jack 'Emerson spent' Sturdy evening with lV0..Angus . aharri...4 Lucknow,. • „." • The Institute met tthe lion* of Mrs. HativeY th`oxittison:, •pri hg b There Were . eiyiees '- • Sunday On aceetint f Mr. Woo ey e ng .wel . ; :Helni an iamthirlY '••slandenMt fs$.1111B41.4';' people in Clinton. 'Mi. and mrp. A't•oll an boys visited Sunday , withMr an .Mrs'. 'Nelson, Raynar .Mr. and .Mrs. Joe reezWari an fam,I1Y and ..MrS.. Freeman , Sr visited' -Sunda.y Gartner and Mr.f and Mrs; Bi Hunter. Miss 'Moriorie arid: Betty •A §toc) of Tees.watei. • Visited arid 'Gordon 'Kirklakid. ivery Wilite Made TviCe- eek by Truck from Hatcitet7 to Customer. . • arge Variety uNs Helm is f ee i er. !•I no t.''b i • .• • . • , . • plc). ,sT.PHEN' P'917014' has .signed fromthe'RrOvineal--qyolip force, to bee'onte. manager of th Toronto., office . -HanoVe , , l'ransportz. 4 'Phoe .27 FARM .SLEIGHS--t-Ouilt bi R. 'Noble ..and, Son ,GRAJN'GRI NDERS—McCormick-Deering. 4ti aCtorLdriven ,grain'grinders, v' and selling cit from $78 -$8 • , • , 'plates, and selling at $88.00. CONNOR TFIERMO 'WASHERS— ' Guaranteed for. four Irears; Sold By NDREW an etas for cCo.rrnick-Deering Farm MaChineS • • • 0,