HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-12-26, Page 8CLINTON
store% in town -hied(' Il 'MY i'tAt'
pasty • •tliaolayeeF-brei egeedts- e-
VA "s ' a aired the Ytalne of
from n Prince: of Walesa to
fl etch"
oath of 'Mr.' lohlt Skinner,
oat place last week,• wits pre-
y' only avery sheet illness, •
,t.. tten Illi tt 24i, 1$78.
T1tArts firol'P8I) AND 'i'lil:. i+ASs13,10g135
' Sroxena.eED TO S?11fl) kt.[{ '1•Iic m1T
ix, TIIE. (TARS--011iUSTM'AS •1 OT
. • ' A 'AWAY ON'S To 8ANa:,,
The winter entered so nloder:iteIy►that
many wore led to conclude IVAwere
going to have a mild one, but tgeso
thou itsttvo een sucletenly dispeil,
eco, .;lo. wenhall ber OrWyggrtlirtairf
iettaixig to very' different conclusions,
rt commenced Snowving on S:wturciay
afternoon and •vontinuetl, almost inces-
santly until,Wednesday, „Monday and
Tuesday being. two wild days. • .Nigh
wildsacconpanying. the storm, the snow '
drifted, packing like fine sand, and
travel both by reit. end team, was cw.5h.
sequently so newhat.nitptided, On Molt=`
day all the tidos arriving were consld-
eeably behind tirne,4'ancl no. train : was
able to go from Coderielt to 13tifialo un-
til Wednesday. Oii Tuesday the storin
I seemed toihereaso:'in fury, and it Was
Ioil that the railroads felt its power and
yielded 'reluctantly to its influence. . 'i•
f • L train oh the Great Western; .froni
London, that rittould hrtve reached Olin-.
ton at 10:30 atm. on 'Tuesday . did not
leach here until that hour the ucxt..dey,
having been steek fast about two miles
do.w; ii the line. a. levee :ntn lb ll''of pas-
sengers wete on §:card, ••mainly ."of per,
sons desirous of •Ye,ttinr, home or to
friends, for Christmas, and.w len they.
Ieaal'netl they would Nerve to pass the
night in the cats, the: feelings wore ;any-
thing bet pleasant, incl .the. remarks. of.
soma, mo,to poa►:ted tiiali liolito.;: Cato
it night conveyances drove down from,
number of new members admit-
,to the Methodist (3llurgh last week
fifty instead of what we stated,
"eslc,ti Wee 6 avylo cal ala
1^ with oil paintiti'gs o its prominent
esic tints. ' Who will be the first in
';Clinton to have his <e phiz" .on the wall,
WYr. have noticed a deeidecl improve-
ment in the morals of some of one young
men during the past' few days, for eince
Saturclay 'ght; very few loaders have
n) 3A el reet corners.
' fixeren Fai'mer;s,ind o.thetra
itt'ay cattle ten days with-
tJIWII make tltr;utselw ee
, ct ,it is wulus nil, in
tbat-notice)' it,..aiven; fui'
or ]]tenths.:
a: ••--The'''',1,orrio 'sl:atirtj;
eet41'dny, aftlla►Oon
0 10e 'eildid condition'
ries ct'owv, ...sett themselves of tare,
pleasure tl crony afforded ' • them. • 'il.'be
baud will be-.
trosent to-mo
rrov:ev wi
Amine:NT.-On Friday last, Iiilb
engaged in tio 1rt„ George 'Revell;
:step-son of .Mr. Jae. .rre:irn;-,wvas so Oa,
fortunate las to 51)11M his r i ht•foot epee,
inflis;tieg a wound that wwill•di.able lritn
u ittee
without aa_ e,”
having to pay -the) finer
• your obodieu serw;ani
H. Y. (,1l1 %S'1):
INStrlint L Laati tiuniron to.tiu 1Eigh. Mehool.
#3 i
{ •40
42 47
,$101 17.
4,84; Sub- '
.. 110. 84
.1auce to credit,': $18. et7• •
3Oi 's 'W.1/4131)
twork,... a . ,174 14
$11,:3.3S, snt�-
ri; 810, . ., Yon 38.
The 'following is the list of the, sue
oc+ssful cat1di hitt?s, wvltlr t�fre ilt:tik$ ob
tttile(t ° `
,\ins,13aehairan 326 ":room lleoper
Urtiiokdltank 340 '\V G, Jamiesc,n 32;'
�liuuia Lafora 313 Asa ]Mair •, .
Margaret1liillerr 285- Hugh A1el)ougall 2Q-1-
9-Minnie ];,bele, 374 Alex. McGregor 870:
Lizzie 'Thompson ;831.Peteir.lIeIntyrc 301
•Sarah AVatl:ips 880. ,7dhn McPherson 838
'�Telgull Mu.rdook 310
•-1iQt'ert Akiris 405: Mieln141 Murray 359
Dalton' lot "'":1 :fres. ye .ilii
Alex. Hastings 382 Benj. Staubauyy i1S
Jas, S.'Stewart ' :392 •
Andrew Mi;Ueira failcl in ••13iwtory-••.-recoul-
nie tied to Central (otnnlittco..
I3 lance short, '$ 50.70
�T. t,F,da01':'. W4111.). . .
awl work,., ... 1123 8
elation, .. , .... •128 37
,l.k 1anco to credit,, .S, 4 Ol .
itura,�larnber nnctbails 6aot 03
tarn for gravel,..,; J.., rill 00.
'taro for labor, 720..18.
.Ter: ;, -. •
. ° Total, ... ;1845 09
The report t'ecemrnet7d'od -that items
of lumber used : in weeds be charged
aga;,inst the different wards.: '
The balenco of this year's school esti•
mate, and '400 of -estimate for 1879, ,be•
passed to the credit; of public •Schoo1
On motion of Conn. Jackson, see.: by
Conn. Cantlon, the. -street corilmittee's.
report was . adopted, and the :;amounts
overdrawn be dediucted-from the .eppro-
priations -next year.
The report of the Charity Committee
was seed, showing an expenditure of,
$19 for the year. Adopted., • ' •
Tho following amounts . were then,'or
tiered to be paid.:—Cooper d Mackenzie,
lumber for • streets, ':$18;30 ;:• freight on
ltm1ber, $8.
On motion of Corin. (G.00pee, t,h
speciesj., coininittee oil Fi a slid, \Vater
was discharge i, and a eommniittee Coni -
posed of the Reeve Deputy Recite, and.
Cour. Seott, formed; and .the applica
tion for •enginee.`Was referred to them',The Council then adjourned.,, •
I11;Nic IPAIe, :ft„v,:r'1!I41ti .
The thin) has too far advenced, for the
ratepayeis to have it public electing pre-.
semble on that morning in' the town
Mayor, and .12Y Ot'-niutual iniserehange
of thought, and rt, littliefree diecaseion,
- arrive at some understanding as to who
.is an important one, and. it's •ocettpant is
in a position to materially. influence the
nianagement of tewn affairs for good,. If
the- ratepayere are BtliiggCLI with tile
course of the.present ineumbent we have
ne doubt he would .be vied to hem^ thorn ,
say so on that occasion, arid if they
think otherwise it svonld he , well for
them to give. expression ' to. 4their
thought's that an explanation might be
elieited. It is.. altogether' likely that
the present Reeve end PePtity • will he
re-eleleted, as they esttisfaetorily do their
.dtitie4. What. changes, if any,:there
• will lie fUlly one-half new members -re-
, the evening of .• the nomination
af 1.30 p. a public meeting wilt
be held, in 'the toe' -n -hall, te. give ,adop;
:express 'their Wow; upon municipal -Mat-
ters. It„is desirable there should be a
large attendanee foe there 'IA no doubt,
but what town torittera will •be. consider-
Romeniber that' the norriination of
Mayor Reeve and 'Deputy Reeve takes
pleats- n't the tewn :hall on Moedaynt ten
0. in. 'and fot,the,several. e,ouncillors in
the respective '''Sitards at: twelve, nootf.
, the right persons. aro not nomleated
and elected °teeters anti only .'bItirne
themselees, as the creittiort or a new
emmeil le note iti their hands,.
De our last inns' We stated that A
hotise had been sold by Mr, it 'Vox .to
Mr.. W. Bowie -4 ehould linty-0.1nm to
4.0141 DoWie,
for soine .tune,•.
PnE:sisatAT1oa,--Ou. F'iday ereiitig
last, the:: Sabbath School pupils of Mrs.
O..'«. Ros$, :Waited -n on ]ter` :at• It•
.r9siden'ee, lama .presented her with• eu
:address. ipd- L'vety handsome Allenti, n
• i`U '1:iSaltl.---The . anniw e•rsary ' of
the T3Lble.Christttin Church will lno,bold
'on Now Year's eve. 'feet Will be served
irorn 4 to 7 o'clock, 1' iia , in the hese-
Tn mt of tho' dierch, At 7.30 P. !II, a
public redefine', will l)e ,held, and Iid'lres-
ses''delivered by 1 eee. Mesarti's yewleie'
Thames, Terry, and otimes; -The choir,
under the leadership ot. Prof D. Salter,
will render eharee Selection of Anthems
an'i-oilie{r alioccs of \Iitsic, rt�iekets `2n
FOa'rueetxt. ESCArI A- fe w days ago
a farmer'and,his wife -were in •ft i t'ooery:
in this towt'rr• doing- business,'• and. the
storekeeper had ' occasion , to go in lite
ee11i i',, }which is entered•by.a trap' dwor�,
and While it wars. thtiS. open the good
lady, weho.lirings downthe bean] at -225
lbs., had tho•enisfor -tine to stetu:ble and
pitch Headforemost down the shirk, :lint
oot`litottomleie pit, : The husband,•.svho.
sawn lie' catastrophe, concluded at':once
'that 'nothing "short:.of a Broken, neck
world be -the result. utterd w' wild ex-
clamation.; but, 'contrary to all antici-
pations the only breasting' was 'talc cel-
lar steps, whirl► fortunate lyy broke hoe
fall, and she only received, some slight
'ben:ise6 13y tho(�,a,iid of three men; and,
a'rnber oty.Rsiox s; the fortuna F latly
was lifted to. daylight. • • ' •
' . anti, tcit °\to r s •=-Owing to the illness
of Rev. :Mr. Fowler; his ,pulpit was •oc-
.cupied ou.Sundily: