HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-12-26, Page 7JECEMl3Ea 20,:.1878'.
Itnibov • t' bilt4, :.. .
A Little toy ant .ri. ri,
A little boy, belonging to a Sabbath
school in London, bed.to go through a
lung court on his way it/ school,. IIs
there observeda slop always open for
the sale of goods. Having been ttng'ht
the duty of sanctifying the Lorcl's
'he was grieved at' its profantitioty, and
e 'for 'some-titueseriaitsly.; tatiyj4tii'ec1.:n.110-..
• they it nuts possible for hint to,do any-
thing to prevent • .it. At length he de-
termined on leaving; a tract, . f r On' tele'
Lord's 1?ay," as he passed by. On. the,
next Sabbath, coming the sante way, he
observed that the shop was shut up.
He stopped, and pondered whether' this•
could he Uio effect of the tract ,he hid•
• left. He ventured to:knocic gently at'
the door, when a woman,within,
ing it was a customer, answered aloud,
"'Yon cannot have anything ! we don''t
sell on Sunday." The little boy still
begged for .admittaneer encouraged by
what lie shad. heard, when. tin evonian,
rccolleoting the voice, opened thrt 'door
and said, " Colne in; my dear little -fel-
it W}cont wbo. 'l'eft the .tract here
last Sabba.t,h against Siibli'nth-Breaking,
and, it frightener inti so that T -durst not
keep my• shop open any loner ; and I"
am determined never to .lcoep;, it. open
again on a ,Sabbath wh}le 111Ve."
Very Striking bidden'',
thild,:aru,f tr• Pr•olottpe of the.l2t.4l i•i•rrl+u,Y..-
d Soldier's Story.
In the December Scrilntcr a soldier of
the old Fourth. Cavalry :relates a .very;
striking incident of which .an
eye -witness •in'the winter of 1.3:(.4.15, It:
was to ie com=of'llie earukis ii
the \ alley.of Virginia; and the i egirncne
which was six or serer hundred strong
was on a forced march to meet a et)Itrnin-
of the enemy. A snow • storm 111.1'S
threatening in the•evenittg, enditt 15:
..o bitterly cold that it was thought ex
pedient to dispense with tho usual camp t
guard so as to onable all to obtain w11at-
ever of comfort' was possible. The igen
Yelled themselves, head and eari3, i i
their. blankets.; and. were.. soon soulid
asleep. The test of the incident is -•best j
given in the soldier's nwii words. j
1 hail slept as I had supposed only 'al
few minutes, when suddenly,I awoke ao
consciousness, being: Made at'v.are of an -
immense pressure upon 131Oi ficcompaiil-
ed with almost intolerable heat. Ili at-
tempting to move I found myself its it:
were, packed tightly .iu. rt tiiould, whiohl'
7 fitted exactly, -and l:- was unable to
turn either toright or left.- • 1 •soon•,
found • that .I was: covered with a .very
friendly 'blanket of snow. With rt vi-
gorous push T. threw niy blanket off and
a most :eurions spectacle presented it-
self to my astonished gaze. • The:black'
clouds had passed away end. the bright
morning moon shone down "upon the'
ground covered with a White niantlo of
eight inches of snow. Looking around
as far as my eye could reach. in -every
direction, I saw nothing int the nubl'ok-
ensnow covering what appeared to be
mounds or graves in every coneei 'able.
position. I was sitting upright in my
own grave in the middle of A, huge' co-.:
metery, not a human being cou]d I dis-
cover anywhere, while es erything-. w
res stilt as depth itself. . .
While I was wrapt in'the• ccnte►npla-
tion Of so wonderful s scene the Bugle
at headquarters,.a. c uA:rter.af, a utile .off;
sounded the reveille and lo': ivllfit a
change ! 'En an instant the quiet came;
tery was alive—alt the nien arose at•
once from their snow blave
1, and what
was the stillness of death hilt a moment
before turas now ' hustle and. aetivity•
Instantly the text flashed through my,
mind; "The trumpet: shall• sound- and'
the dead shall be raised." Words .fail.
me in describing my feelings at' the•mo-
intent of the occurrence.. Had I' any
idea of the : time I would ilay.e- called
some of my comrades. As' it was I am
fortunate enough to be probablythe'only.
person tubo has really seen •a'protilitype
or the resurrection. '. '
laughed at the story of the Seetob
housewife tvho, on looking forth at the
Clear sky on tt boatttifnl S.tbbetb, e ,-
`ct;tjTnea; --"3 ity l�lc, }titl>et-daSle,• a,b
bath.; I1l no get my drawer cleaned out
yet 1" and we would be far front supuos-
ing that any of our •readers employed
themselves ou rt wet Sunday in seek
way ; but how do they engage them -
Selves? The rtnswer will determine
very introit the measure and strength of
their piety. :Do they: relish a cii et.honr
ofK•eorulaunion_:.witli-..Cult1 . ,' .1.4, ,, i,a
gather the members 0 the household
together end spend bile iu•tlee.study
of the r,et•ipttn.es•, , they 'any
booka upon the closet shelf which they
teseite'f'or such opportunities as a suet
Sabhatl> otkot ds ? Or is• the hour wast,
ad in sleepy idleness air gossipy conver-
t cation 'i Do Alm/ content themselves
With the perusal of south so•ealled regi-
gious..tioveiotte,, which is' 'made .up of
three paits of Seritiiitontdtt'iif one uur'e-
ality ? • Or, entering fully • into the
tncening of the gtancl old lacriptural
work "meditate," do they take itsnb-
jeot out of tiie ]Bible and hold t1O it at-
tention to.it for a;titno, turning it i•otlild.
and round, and shaking it as one shakes
a: heavily laden bough' ent}l the fruit
falls into their laps i - These are fill-
paten t'questi.ons. • A' Christian is really
whit .he is when- ht is alan(',,end 'lo a
rainy Sunday may be a 1i aVen-sent test
to lead.usto the disco.vely.of•ourfaelrc i.
'•'rhe:: 1 ming s:tX'ettxfi.i,-
I. 0111 mau step hp the •1ltel'eo
1 e
1.1liver in 11'sloop; setae torty yen. •s shite,
WAS p;iiiiatl .shy ' tlie; •:piefauailfss.• of a'
yeetig tilatl, *eking it fat'orabie oppot'
..tnmity; be told. elicitIce , wounded,his.
,feelings by xtdltgu
T=rieiicl-W tete tsvloul+ :1'!1e
young trt;tn
i3lioncd no it leiitrnP,'anf a.t oire of the {
I1arnes, Trur ks, Satchels,Whi
.cher*.AfraouceaxF« kava.t& ivar.rrihccacnuc .R w ... tuahe�a
1 1131, SUBSCRIBER, while thanking his friends for the liberal patronage lntltet•teeA.'orei
•..11..[him,-wouldinforni them that he has disposed of the goodwill, of itis business, ent intends
retfrinis therefrom, but before so doing, he will reduce his stock, and for this purpose will
otter . • - .
Evory�h�g i� ��e ga�ess� lipt very; . . .
TRU. U. S S . (1401 JE E+4C 1AllIN
He; has in . stock a 'number of HAl`
suitable for presents:. which`he will sell f i thea
Clinton, Dee.: 19, 1378.
1Nl)E1;3TI:D -TO 1,WiL .3l'U' T UALL AND
:i l? t'T1<F'__ 1.'l -IL 19AD11J .A'1' 0 P, .AS f WISIRE.`~t''l'O
l c r5 SE, t T' 1-M AFFAIR
J. O.
11ITltON STIt1;1 T:
landings loft`the boat. The clergyman
w:rss pitinOtl, ant}'fears } that hie labors:
Wil; 'i:i:. vale. Seven :.years nfter,::ty,
this-olergytnan went Co'. the (A nei rl As-.
setnbly to Philadelphia, 11 young muir5;'
tel ticcostecl him; saying. hu thought .he
'remembered bus eountenance.,'and asked
hint if hf tvas not. 'on:board a sloop on
,the I•itelson,'llivei, seven years before,
ti �itlt a' profane ;young; ;nate. At length
Elie. otreutnstanoes were called. to it;itld,;
".l," said,he, "ant that young' Mian.
After k' left, the sloop, 1: thought I _had
injured bout you and your S;iviour.. I
was led to Hien-for•rneeey, .and felt
that 1 Must preach , His love to others.
I am • nbw in the ministry,, and have
come'as a representative to thisAssetnb-
ly, A gentle reproof; spoken;in meek-
ness, seldom gives eff'enee and .very
roan hare thus been lead:.td think and
y, .,
'turu..their feet- into the petite ,of poace •
�1.naer.iccyna<eper.• -
Tbc U. S. SCgnnl Service
'Clradna11y, the Wild and ungovernable forced
of nature are,"through science, made of use to:
man, following in sthe .wake of the ingenious'
inventions for.the use of steam and electricity,
comes -he organization, of the U. 13, Signal
Service. Is it not wonderful that a- system
could:be originated and•perfected whoreby an
'operator eau accurately predict tle.weather
of a• distant locality.? And yet o;xperience
prones ; our '" fito1.u1 signals" to, le reliable.
Equally great are the advances imide in the.
science of medicine. __, Step. by: 'step, unce-:.
tantiets and `doubts have yielded, to absolute
certainty. 'Tite,.discot'eries of Harvey and'
Jennerhave, been 'succeeded. by tate r;olden.
Medical Discoverybf.Ur R. V,.•Pierce:. ['Ts
longer.: need people .clesgair• because some
physician has proiiouneecl the lungs'nuioilnil.
Hundreds of testirnonials•aro.on file in the
office of Dr. Pieroe from those who had aban.
' Cloned, all hope, and:hal been given up to die
by .phvsiciaas and.. friends, .Incipient' nen
ptiun, broncltitis,.and scroful'ou's tumors,
speedily,. surely, , and perti attently, yield to
the :healing influences of the Discovery. If
to o c ostittd use hr s
bwc ne u .1'eec
Pleasant Purgative. Pellets; 1' -or full particu.
iars,,sco Piorce's,. Memorandum Beak, given •
away by all druggists. ••
.. Four lines of steamers now ply be-
tween New York and the Mediterranean'
in the finit trade. This trade is some-
times very profitable, though somewhat
uncertain. • .
merchant mere l re
•' A..
Liverpool- 1 a oently .t e.
Dewed a ,£1,000 bank 'note. in. an tin;
signed letter, which said that -it ivait the
amottn•t'ef en old debt'andtaccumnlated:
interest, which•the .sender wii3•'sorry he.
bad not been in , a poaritibn sooner to
remit;" •
While sixrob'berc were betne sentenc.
ed in court .at 'C,ter;entf, Sicily, `oue• of
them, addressing the court retnarlred
"Infamous than ! Assassin I" with
which ,voids he ,toolsoff his shoes and.
.filing them with violence,. bitting the
judge. in the stomachs .and the public
prosecritor on the term. Thejudge add-
ed -five years to the offender'ssontenee:
A discovery 'has been grade which
will delight the hearts of buil'dors. " It
is neither More nor less thati.tho'practi-
cability of manufaettiring !umbel? out of
cheat straw. The followi»g 18 theme-
thod : Sheets tf ordinal/ straw hoard
such as are made at any paper mill, are
'placed. upon each other, the number bo-
itig governed by the thickness 'of lumber
require l,: and passed through a cherni-
crtl solution that softens up; .the fibre
and completely saturates it. the mass
is Oen � passed 1mtween a 'seriesof roll-
vers, subjected to IlctO" pressure, and
lr}ed, iutrdcned,-and 4)phs`llea, COM in
out of the last ones" hard, dry lumber
ready for use. The inventor farther
that thechemical solution. har-
dens in the fibres of tho board, and ren-
ders it impervious to waLet. arid' holt-conl-
bust blc except..und r great heat.
A certsin infidel was ,• in. a pubIie
meeting, urging the people present .to
give up their faith in the Bible and, mu-,
brace his -doctrines. Alter his; speech
was concluded, a C'hristiaruwoman arose
and said :
"'Vhen my husband died; and I was.
left aicnest pennikss, I turned to the.
bible for comfort, and there I; rotted -
what kept up my sinking heart, and,
strengthened me. uritler• •ntr' 1tstresses;
now," she said to tho infidel, " tell tno:
wlinthpve your doctrines done for yen?
' The infidel commenced to slay, "My
`good woman, 1 don'twant to take away
yonr comfort, but.—" . N
Iere she inteernpted hurl ,.tvitli 'the
remark, " T asked you, what your d.ocK.
'trines had dont for you 1"
IIe did not attempt to reply, and the
audience broke, out with applause at th.e
Infidel orator having been• dilnibfounded
by the Christian tvatnan'e q testikln,
items Si hhnlhs. .
Rainy ',Sabbaths test the mental"anti
spiritual rescurses of those who remain:
et home because of th:e• storm. lTow
do they spend the tittle which,. he other
curcuthstances, they wool(' have given
to the house of Clod l - 'filo have often
real • e thou ^ Sale
T�;$o, It: and Shoes, Oro:1;0014nm ttlc
,!+'fill CSA ti t>1\ljY A\11:.:.11 J:(ll;lA'AI ''s
On account ,if one of the members of the firm being aboufto retire; from business, we have
deterniinerl to se11 off all onr Pilots; Shoes, crockery, and Glassware, .and•itt at der fo.:earry
out this we will, front dater
As the entire stock is new, and Nos' in Biased from first-elit.ss. wholesale houses, the, public
•, . r..• r r 7, v i 'OUT ,, ,1,.
msylool out.ior bargniirts•. ' ALL DTLD1b,T,T,A (a()U1?ti lAII1; Til• 5r.11:,I, Ol. I' A COST.
This `:. ` .genuine,
And therefore trill offer'1peat;indu4oments to purchasers:
•a. DO iOT FAIL TO COAND SM.': tis.
Come One' Genie Ail . and Secure the Bargains.
As we intimated •shine -Unto ago that' 'se would render•all rteccunts"tip to the let of October,•,
enc; chis having been done, we hope all parties indebted *ill call` and settle the i me at once.
Oluiten, Oct. 17, 1475.:
A splendtyassortment ntfrst.olass SEWING . IVMACH NFa :3lway a ou band, NhEDL..N
and ever'futmsbing, kept
in atOci..
ALSO, .firE .,.A:l'RIN-:G.: SHOP
Sewing Machines of:evers, plaice rsptiired, aiid new parts kept en. band... Having engaged
Ziacti;a] Machinist,. alt;viork done here sw iranted togive good satisfaction.'
Oharge8 Moderate. B: NORSWORTE1Y
ItUnroti s,treet, one. door West: or tLe Comsn.r+elai IIotel.Clinton.:grit.
The nnderigned ofrors•fur safe a beautiful farm oon•
twining 88 acres, 45 cleared and in a good stato of calcl..
vation. hover -failing spring creek running' across the
oentro i 'theca is also a splendid well, orcbard',buiidtnga,
&c,, on the piano. 11 is,wen situated, being lot 85, pith
con. G$derich.'Township, and is only half a mile from
the corporation of the 1.'own of Clinton, and has a fine.
view of the cntire town. For farther partionlara apply
to VIr. T.I. GORDON,
At Gordon d; Einlayson's Grocery Store.
Clinton, Jiffy 11, 1878, -
The undersigned, while thanking hie oustemers for
the liberal patronage extended hila, wcnidlntimate
that he has decided on reducing the price of bread,
Which hd willhenceforth soli at TEN ChNTS a loaf
cash: •, Or TtyELVJ1 CLN'L8 Credit.
• wSf.'x:Ela,
:Victoria Bakery, next to Printing Orme.Clinton, Oet.17, 1878. .
Veva on 11114 as large sn4 welt.aclectcd a• stock of
A,s ever eitored-
. 0 IL. T N .'1,' 0 N
'Ars particitimly,.invlted to INSx'h 1T OttIt STOo2,
and eompare•ifriccs before purchasing elsewhere~: .
Wefare ceiling 3 Blit, ivied Ten, 131.00, ane
other goodie In proportion.
Crockery and Glassware a Specialty.
CrtNI170IIAM11. 86. AIN ENXI1 AD
N.11,, -"A fine set of BragaCoainter Reales for axle. t
Clinton, 7a1y 18,1878 •
.L sincere thanks for the liberal eharc of patronage
affdrdod him, an d world also intimate :that helms, dur-
ing the past winter, laid in a large stock of first -ohms?
material, and la now prepared to make and put in, the
Of every doserlptioaon the
SnomrnSr NerzCE, and
• en thdmoat reasonable tertosi .,.
Remember the place -•-next• door to A.
Matheso1Ps Blackstaith Shop.
' Al11iS kr,u6usou,
dlintoir, Apri110,117i.
01' A "
C t1�S )LI � •
OArITAL $4,000,000..
Interest from foils to rive per teat Quowed
• on 1)oposits
?i. I,O1i01I, Agent. -
Clinton, April, 1873. -
11HEUMATISM and nny(thor lhllammatory
dieacsa cnrod ih a fow hotire.
Erysipelas, scrofula, parri-
ego, akin irritation, ulcers from any aanao, arida huu-
circa other diseases aro caused by an gold ferment,
which tiredness inflammatory„act-ion: Branton's Ab.
Acrbent will positively effect a onto in a few hoard, by
absorbing t acid poison front the ayetem.. Soli by
drtfggista. Trico, tae. Advice Irl paeticalar oaoee%roe.
`1'i.),. OUR
\Vlriah are roasted and groundon the premises.
has increased so nnieh that wo are compelled toroast t
retains its• full 'flavor:
O; U R;• STOCK :: O
OUR St601( OF
•GL• INtia*, N cr
Oanacia Oompany Lands..
ALIST OF LAN1)8 I1Y 1111110N voIt an tt' tit
. thepanedaCompany maybooed( at the ofed •01
.'1ho andorafgned.
LARCI+ ::AIM WELL 15I'af.EOTPIt).: ,
;s'VIIO1.E51?:ly _A\TD l;, T ILC1 fJC It •131tTCIf.'13L9CI%.. .•
81,4137 ..
..R' . :a:. AU, .Il.,.a,7 ER HI.i....
To 1)ec,leal:ed ou 1i ..J� nua1 . est. 1879' anti.. will be.
�% '1,,.Y z 1
SnIRTTN(f—Pri'e 40 cts. • Reduced duced to''.-83.-cte,
EEAvY (i1ILEY FLAIP17IILS, " 40 Cts. 1f 83 ct8. .
EA V it GREY FLANNELS, • 'd71 etc. 80 Cts.
iVI13CEYS, 'i 10 Cts, 'r 8 cts.
„ : �tVINcEi�s; .f.i ' y.fi et. its 2, eta.
WINCT> Fs 20 eta. . 'i 6 ccs. '
TWEEDS) y 'r 11.00' ' ir. 80 rCtb:
TWEEDS, •" 85 etc. • . '} 70 etc..
TyWE>✓Ds, « 7:5 etc.. It 66 ets. : •
-1OLI;ANDe,. : '25 Cts, .Y, - 20_ eta,
• RoLL..LNnS, rr 20 eta.
r, ' 16 etc. •
... WINCEX. tSHIRTINGSL it 2u • cts. ” ' . " 17 Cts..'
FELT SKIRTS, . ".. 1'115 cts. . _a . .: , • 90 ets.
CORNWALL 8 1*v r BAGS, 3 50 • t �3 00•
GUERNSEY SKIRTS AND DRAW1 Ice 40 cts. and npvard. CLounsi men Woof
Chris, 85 cts. and upward. BoeTS AND gallons at prices much reduced,.
TEAS G etsand upward, RAIsr1s 5 et
, ,` d . p ,, e, per l)otlIitl:, CURRANTS, 'eta. per
pond: Suo,Alts,1,0;11,10 pounds, for a dollar, $d.P, 26 bars for a dollar.
We cannot here give • a complete list' of prices, but an inspec.
tion of stock: will assure you.that'you can save 25 per cult by
y - ' purchasing from us., -
Frt)imt good parties, puriihetsing large quantities, zue will talce deet.
Note, at three nxo,ttlhel, otherwise no goods Wilt'be charged after; date.
iv, CO.
a .
T,iNn'ESnol1onGt, Oct, 81et,:1878, '