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The Clinton New Era, 1878-12-26, Page 5
• :?,(, 187111. Speei t • ti , U.I CIJ.I N FO .4:!IFW . AL1,:. ,. J:LLION Cheap HODGI-.NS & P • BARGAINS IN OVERCOATS TO' CLEAR. BARGAINS',TN BLANKETS TO CLEAR.BARGAINS IN FLANNELS TO CLEAR. BARGAINS IN' WOOL SEEAWLS TO CLEAR.. BARGAINS' IN FURS TO CLEAR, , BARGAINS "IN HEAVY 'CLOTHS TO CLEAR. BARGAINS IN HEAVY ,.TWEEDS', TO CLEAR. Great Bargains all' round in all Departments, BLAOK•an.d.00L•REDS•iLKS, AI» tigtliflcont a&soltwent ill.vatious rjn111tics and(hs wlit, kt1.AT, T'OV 4i.�t. SEAL7Flti, AT TjOWPRIO S. 1. 4`11*IN tori DI *ICiti Its. 1. sti t,, t8t# ALL WOOL 'DRESS' :CASHMERES,' SERGE'S, Empress Cords, 'IusseJl Cords; Estamine Cloths,. Suitings, "• All at :STARTLING. PRICES NOW :AOR GASB •.IiODGIPAY Oee. 12, 1878. r .urn r,viif' II La -AT T 6`,0/11, WILL '13E- CELEBRATE F •BY OP- S II IOEI,''ARt `116 B +.a F4OLD At ni ENIIicti6n of Ten 'g i is oil ' the 1)oilat. •)el. 1 ber r3 ' Wheat, foil, re(1, t 1iuslt, $0 80 a 0 85 Wheat, fall, white, 0 87 a 0 00. Spring, • - '070 a 080 k't4d,• 0 78 a 0 83 Oats, - 0 25 a 0 27 13arhty, , 0 50 a 0 70 • Peas, • • 0 50 a 0 52 bloat, ' . , 4 00 . a 4 50 Potatoes, • 0 50' a 0 55 Pork; - 0 25 a. 3 60 Nei', • 4 50 1L 5 50 Batter,, « " O 15 EbsK, r 0-15 . lia;Y, •• 9 00 Sheepskins .' 0 75 Glover 4 00 Thnotlty 1 75 4 4 0 12 0 111 8 00 4 50 O 25 3. 50 l 50 a 11 la a a a A• St:A'1FI17t11g RIAIitHFTS,. Deeeutber 26, Wheat --Walt - . $0 80 A Sprint; • • t) 72 " a lour, ., . 4 00 a Oats ♦ - •! '0 25 '.a Peas •' 0 5.0 a, Barley - . • ' 0.50 a+, Potatoes ' = 0.50• a BU ▪ • .,.:0 112 a • Eggs, . 0 ' 12 a. 1818 0 85 0 80 • 4 50 0 27 0 52 0'66 055 0 15 ? A .R K I O T F.O fl N.4% '.140 ehotro Park Lutl,rt Vale 5treot, WI; sing over tela uerta,•ttow,Lc11 by Jolla MiiI faced for egos on ldtoilorltte tattoo, Clinton, $apt. 2,1878. • _TEN CENT TRIAL e1cnd top, co.,. in stumps or silver tier tow Advertiser, &Weakly Liberal, London, Ont.,tt until 1st of '('obruary next I . 1.'ha 1,trtlost aIg .41fuoil.r anr1G general powspaper in Canada. Ad Jo UN ciA411,039i\ & ('o., l,ondoe, oat. Cool d44Voo %Va!at 1 ritt]t uphsilitber haa,*oaoived tlitObutraot tot supply ' .fag wood an the Uutfalo anti tletlyrialt district of the (a .1.iud 'T:xtulll... Va l —1/4S-::4uy'' between ltrantforai and' Oodariol),,a3Ii1 fug the oo log whiter, yvill be prepnral'to pu. od toUowhij;ntalkionsi.••- • Ityligh44 °I'uvIHtf.Ck, Sebe; u.. 013e111., Dublin, $unfortAlf, ('!t 0 IO and botween'station,t; an the oris botw Caodoir1ah. Also at Ridder au tb l: 'ay, `8 00 ,a 9 00 ' ' ; • • *.1.03)E1ti0041. Mtait�s�1'ls Deeet,•iber' 20, 1878 WI(tsnt 1?all 80 75 •a 0 82 • Spring 0'.80 a 0 85 b'lour 4' 00'. a 4 50 0 25 tt .0 128 O 50' a 0 52 .0 (10,..;y -t1 70' • 0.45 a 050 • 7, 00 a�' 8 00 4'0 12 a. t) 15' •0 l'3 , a. 0 15 3 25 a 3 50 450 a 600 •''2.50 a• 3 00 Oats, Peas,.• Barley, - Potatoes Hay• t3(itti:r, Iric*i, • . i'(arlt4 tulle ' " • 15 ood . Every Lad; Shbulr •.se Sn`Ta. • i We also give the sane discount to clear the ,bal- ' mice , of ow .'f inter WI- k •�j i # Y. t . t TL interesthia• ®.. Thoaa wl o da1(ter woad o I to tog that no (Imago potty of the railway. A etlattatl•4 to show parttrs w PAYMENT FOR WOOD 4 will be ozade tuouthly,, but to those ,gattiug out largo • r(unntttw; money twin be aetvatrccallipoa (1$livory. Fey iarthrr t•dttir•utai'n npply. to ; • 1: tl'1:.11'UltltAV, '1'asiatoak,1)0- T'ui tbt0Ck, 1111..0, 1.bib: . •OF' eo ls,Shoes oado R(bCS 011WSO W4nlets, c Tllkl s ' sitil',er, .wishing to clo;u' out, his pretteut stook in order: to hake lt)nln . for spring pa; nbuya , will•,ell tlle.balm ace of all nrosl t t stock at very Iuw prices. 'fl ti.. lis a sample of 1111: ptl:es at tvltto!I goods Will .he tti1, •: Men's ''Lons''. Y3ooVs, Leo SV on;taen' ?;lau>livli� , 5 . 60 tiir'ainten's.3'..sice'Boots; .iD0 • l['Auriella Gaiters,. t,.,..' .0 I)pZAen's Ol'ersliee,s,,.. 90 slippers .; Buff to Robes, J.tI.t1'lan. ta3i, from $3, up Horse from. 50"•cen.tsx•11p. ' sit." .111 ,r>ranttx*hihilt;* LU()'1'� AND t,4I0ES n1'1;8:0 if to tic their flit, re -,t to t all unto intpeet 14+!1121(1 pa rt:ba ing. • • M • *MIL', ?gE SULD' A' Priunhoar of in ani goaeral Iti1 Scor TO HARNESS, TRUNKS, BUFFALO I O Iu ► , &o., c. We; announce s.this aorifice :Sale; because we are. 11 ti. i t 1116! (.14 t1 u trt;s1 y, t 1. t,nirl,kk, tul'ul, obliged _ to. dog t. • We will.,be nde `.the. ileees'sits: 1 14#Ib.ttnd. $toond•c1's, III _.l':1',! , irrgln 1:0 o ertl'a I..e •,boio..li;' Ttlr. .o AILT,, .ii()UJ): 11'.019.1‘..siTE.i) ': It: 1_(1i1.1t.:t. DI t.)1,:h 1OE'' H JAMES. iriNIToilia.M..... r ,.i:;i> , i1 ', iii, 10741.' LEAR ill Q4. 4' � ♦�j '•�"r •F t�tl' s�je �"�[ G . .vh4ola'lrlat'ty'�%v, i'i Cl Wil,: �:, k., . b!l lY7 ply: �'',,yyf a. 33. a!4 «id4 LJttta' { l,�q 4ai ©meq" )+ 141 ri�t1't3tal �q �s ;il' y•' of re `o' ing air- Wick of eroods ate, another tore Y shortly,' as we are about'to begin faking. exten- ;sive alterations in our present premises, aid as there is not .another vacant store in..Clintowlarg'e enough.tohold our present big stock of goods. =1( A $16,000 WORTH OF • .GOODS . TO BE SOLD 'I' I.d ;1'l'. .0 F11;AT':.1)il1' fi'•t)1.!'t,1 ;'i'('YII�':,• $$ •��CLINTON, . �j 1a'R(,! 9J, NO* I �1TI1J' is �)fj �IFEB �.riA.. 1870: ONT who ' are waiting up We are, compelled .1 o offer them to ti e people 'at SLAUGHTER PRICES, iii. • order to reduce'the stock, so.that. it. Will. be small enough to remove it to some 'other building. The contract for the: enlargement and other al= iterations ,of the stove which we now • occupy, is let to Messrs.. Cooper & McKenzie, of this :cK: s town,. }� p i 'y'.T+; a.:7!•:. ()IP :4..: 1.141 <',t..r411. Iq;?I; I. rk't ,1,.1 •ta ha% Br; 1 tatti,il ('1,t}.%1 4 4 `;'ii.4• for :rta ol••ut',• i, ._�':!.»_, !n .art 11t„e ' 1 1.arntgoi, for ih7y of -,. l` 1 1 1 1,• 11 ,a i' t 1 nt 1' 11 l �t•n� I t n, h❑ z.( ,e.tgrand •r , 1r i t � t v i r e i tit 1 , t )e•• t i ( 1 X` �' tt .ntteil :•11•1 (l.144 til th1 LATIN 1 AND' 11 5' i >1 tJt,t)l,y t b, t 111 t [ nt fhi•. i t relid} "U%a �1�`tl1`AN''i)% ���' .VOMAN CHILD I ':w a+p„rVtuity Lshbau ui'frr•,ddhunz, tA,r stove 11111 n„t u�ir,it r u. rn 11.•.r,rtati;: r•i1.Gr.; t,ti,,,t+.,thole!, i ! upon ` s to. ��ea � ©.ire' the Goods -0 0 M L,T` f sitpuld tome ;nod 11,11.1 Io. ;t ,T ▪ •,t t a:nn4 ,;et hi:, di;• t:1 i't 0'. "14 400 • (Wave. rte. tld , 4 •. 1 9e t:P,tRt1;r "Mil+• ;;;;• ti. 1'alle•atli.i:, •, I.ti .t, qjt�• p..,n,1(! 141 frit, ''i'0irt;, 440 U1v ;,4.>ur, .ttill,tlu•,tt• v �,...• JN OUR. r"„t :ss GOODS. DEPART .; !"'' 1 %V r t'114.1.j LC'i ll Ir t •.lift, 1•t ttu•.•.! rt ti. rL 14;1 4 til':i f /...lo ll, 11U ! , '40 ! ,It h•� yhf "!, r 7.'4 '4 ,t«at« 1•'4 is r' tr'• t .•• P•'i'I•,• t 1CJ4 ••4Ti Ill.:' -.1 t•. . •: i I 1 3'.11111, n t ttiltt all �: 124 JlAdti'tw 1'+.: 4+'7'e.hi 1.i.A w9 ttr i.uty Ail (4411341n441 !la^I11(Iy, 44..411 1.o51.141 451.111,44.:"., 1'0:14":1", 1,t 14 (•H.%, ,: 04:1,114.• ; . i 1 .;4:•.I It ,i)?• • llltao4, anal in 14 "(: 1,t i ta' fifttf 1.^aft a1,,'t1l(1 11+' 1111 t1 u it IVs ).11 a) tau; 1)1 tr 1t 1.1 ti i'1:1:•lt'I 1.1 '.'i !rt-. 'Its.! a i1,ar rat y , 44104Iu 'W.Ij II; 411 . '0't 1,1:11 f .Nino' (i ARE t' 4'II(llrl.4AiJ' 1'Iti('T"S.' J ►.'IAiL�.� Ten ' per bent . Reduction on our ORDERtD ()THING Price List 'for the Next --our Weeks. I 4L; �0:, .11 t.t,1_>:1 \i 41t ,•tr: t lt• 1;411 13TAN°[I,1.,s:it, t0 ('l.'tIl ('41tt;. MHAt\'1,, atemit. urt1'v11111141 (4114 'SKIRTS 1(41"c1t 111':41 fete! it,t,t. t f.Ii11's 1'41'''4[ ( tis C 4 ( roh i 11 1. 1)t114 1'J f';+1T ('.1l'� i -0'144 t;',111.- I'tllllON$,•411(141•.4 1 t � t� (i • nt re se net 11) , TMI'tAV.Z. II( )T.r 1',1r.,we* r 4•,1411 3eaf PLAIN 11"IN('I 1` t (I r nt.t.•.tr:t. i I r (11IIi(1; 11. I NeliV.rito 1 r 418., n'tg tit (4.'1 '01.1 +'•1 i'W i'11El:v.4, It "n tit. , w .61.14 ?:•,, • (iantl :zll-g1••rt ('1,11;I".'41 77, i•, 1•, r;,, t (:0 .41 •tt!•'t : u1 1'rt•I.r•ia+... 81.1 0 •".' r • .'t :ioy 111.,2,11.„ 1' t' 1 i I.l i `' • 44., ,: • t•,• fr1,1''t;t1+h• (r))t i t r 00 r1 t; -. Io.o' Ji414 4 tit ",Il • 1•.." ii t,te• 01 i ,r. , I -J 't , I tf.;, •44' 41 )t !.t)' (.1,1)51" rte t r 1,, 1, ,t' .11 Sfn1tl,' t ,1 ' Knot( .1. .EattsAt is,�Pt•Li• �ena� ,. - 11 t=t1 i' uurl>t t. s..i Jt•t': i,r mice. / . ^ . • Cob, 011001allY. DMPAATMEMT rT , a.; tt,r,a1, (tnlnizt,;tr, ,(oi1 a, tri)) Win ' t1Jt ul t lu ap-New t tI 1;ego 1!11 I5d N x 2tr loin, for $1, New (.r 41I1Ati I$, 1011)1. Sro•;11.00. 20 i.1t.l.;'() 11.', ant• t+d on,. 1114y`... .1,-:clr4`C'tJiI1:$, d.; eon t a. : SODA •i thin to. STARCH 10 (lents. 1A_ g t ,il S. r- f4 t 1+4, • TEA, 1 -024, for $1,, ITT"1b 50 (MN".J" 'I'1:,$. 18 TIII, MST IN TOWN.. • WILL CUT, '1�'•�!►0y^'F��/1'tO•yF/�• C� �p+A a�GE•�, ANNY .1WEEDS• ,IBOyX47E•IL i�liOM- •LS. G :i. 14 A I E,.r & G e. Clinton, Dec; 18, I87tr. •,,0,•,, ,11.04/•d t1,,!? tlu,^,rle iv), i,t :liu )tip: cliri!01t r• (161. II;v JZrrl,anaoA ••G'i'ereeill# r5"rrlr Mall, id tri', )',,'rllrtrri" Wny.'Jiv,•,'r/liorlr,/ 8/440(4(11 Minn. (NO ar'e;`nreit .though, !hell 1101ilf hr(,/.• li li tit 1711' %('Vito tl:,N(4'i' 10tt tate' X00(104 , •••••‘"",'• 1 We 'lope T111.111121 S? 11 JNC1. �I•.lt"411 I.ti, tleallV tot+fr, a=tlfelt will he sold cheap. Any ,ir4t1natity0E (10()1) • 11.11ir.v 110`,4; I'O'1'M0Ea , tot' gale. t C;t)dii!: EAlthl'..AND C,fJ11'I 0J:'i'1S, IT WILL PAN" VOL'. 1t't,1 NOW I.i!d(TC'N,. TEICAUTRIOTLY CASH spino G TiHSii"LM.' CO. ma�•y. Ti.: (`.3i lei,:\I)a.I "& CO. p '12 1h,o. , ('1,1.47.1. .• r: 1 TC .GET THE: SLAUGHTER PA.RGArN WI3ILE THEY LAST.' THE GOOD MUST BE SOLD:IF PRICES WILL Do IT, BRI G •ALONG" YOUR MONEY, : IT: WILL ••ACT LIQ .4 CHARM ON tT 1 be the order -of the c1 ;y for some time ..� �o ate i • GREATpra�. H..�. STORE W:Ri.GiiT. & CO ;OPPOSITE* osr * T • MAS. irr:.'3))N, J)ct', 12, 1't t p� �+ IK• 0•I