HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-12-26, Page 4-141.11111111.11.1.pvrr
rday tho Meal elections for
Kies bt these conatituenoies
Mr, Morris, Conservative,
oted for East Toronto, by 43
ority, and M. Harcourt, Ile.
for Monok, by 110. The strvgth
9 two parties io the ilouie is there.;
bo some as before tinction, bo.t.
result ht Morris'. cites i 0o0
docis note.admit of muchrejoioing,
predeoessor •abt.ained 250 of a ma
sority; •beford the election the
Morris flitellIti bow, 500, anti eviry pos-
siblo effort WAR put forward to mako
ity A largo ouo, hu 1, not with -
foot dolt the party worked
0 option of the. city hild
ity nt tho Deraiiiivii
A commY.A.TAVn of. Oita town haviug
bus sS w (Wows, wont down there a
short time Blotto, ood writing to a person
in this oeighborltookbe*iiiit "./Tt Was
no use papers soying to tho cOntrary,
for it is a positive foot thot the•Oabinet'
Ministers aro *Qt workingharmonoue
.ly ; the differencoe of opinioo existing
hetweett them alreadicausing trouble
We givo this os tips opioioo of a friend
of the vomit ,.(31)Verninent.
• noroso• the •electious the fold
tits workingtnea that if they would Only
return Sir John tospower; there would
at once los plenty of work, yet we find
the following in tolettee in its columns.
of last week
• There will' be a.otarriblo 'arloo'nnt. of
suffering this winter, and sono n Steps
people. soowoo t4togy• should .be taken, tit onco to givo theta;
tio•tlinnextfint.,•111 fins (the Workingmen) , .for thei
and for the liVes of theio-wives,
by voting .foo o and children, who:aro:willing t. wok:
,st Toronto- sibs, .het e. ate nuntheds of moo and women
rtady .to do so.otAing, irt4t.somexhing essing many more •Conser'vattio",es: •than
s- • • • • °mild otily be•fosinel•' • ' .• •
Nol'irieosers, -ThoolUit, endeavoring to: • • .
• mitke.t boo.inost 'of .the• Altair, stated that, .• Week, A"festi via • in coonee-
monoy svos •ltbotolly • nooiCao belealf of Om ,with•tho Ottawa MeillOdiSt
MroLeysi ; tho same. might ..be • soid. in anew. way of rafiino the .wind
.reforainie to 'hfr. Morris, but to •pkve it tredtMeiL ' • A platforat Settle ;WilS 'taken
-trite i$ itootiter thiug., on .010m...sides. into othe church; And all who ovished
Trott/ever,' we doubt if •money • was used were WOiolted pt tho rato of to) coots a:
at all, ot hor • than foriegitimo to Our- head'; the sepert Of the olfoir.siatoethat
. .
Pesi3s; beeausesthe. Spend log thereof is sO Oldie su n Witii 'raised this eons.,
setteilystlieeevoredottokwettmlithtte--plooee pre'somo that the' mi.:lister` in obsosoe'
Mu101f n thoweereooSttnu to'do eoclorseil -Use offitie, and.if''sct„ it ,is natio
•any thing • to'bis 'Credits' \*Srliile this System is
,' littre'Sverse then many others. resorted
f,Anon irtio-usotoi4
o. NI
E:LA:34.•• • ° • • '
,. • • • -to: for ilia stiniltilni,rpoSe,. it :is one that
ThesfollowionSo• wb kb • we 'copy ,froitt; soolloo 'bosomy eosoy to oss istososotiy
the. Mail, suuiid kiplet1ing..4ke Coinotoir oop too and ministers,Should emphatic,-
sens°; b.ut lg. "(4111 ke'2Ping 0Y-Ith.l.t.gr.4". silo* 'their disamitostil et ito1 un
deal that it utrored doping antiSeloation'l gine Ipho N'Yeslev' telerating Anything
Limes,or. co:ill...What it now •aoys when ,
• • • • • .• woarover.of a.Sintilar ehnaltef
. Ol'.
.talks of libiglood returning to a protee- ,•
tiwo i)elley.., 'ir,oeely. -suffering ..that• • Tho hard' tiurotoltie:notott; hatoo,ltitd,
will 'bring; the OperntiVes:'to eenseo tlieSeffe.ot to losseit the,nutither of wed-
-, • ' L dinoe.in Various. ports •-of , she ,cOotite3o
and make thein. WideratItif .1',1 tat te •
_Merely sellotn of labor; on/A thoir :moo teen
buyers, tend othe lotto's are mulee sto..,eles
ligitttetk:. v er to :Pay, 0) 0100 fee tho
labor, Mos tilos-can make. out of it, nth;
artSthe fora*Afo till) 61 to sell 'at,. leSS'
. . .
then theytlsiiik thoir lottor worth ;. cinlY
Isi;essose •thtsv imoct. Imo-teal:Al to •
•otheotiodyce's in a :1.)1)f•ij.ti.ulf Where4“, they',
8. flae.§140.a.
ft= 'tile. Ono'
ku A few. :weeks,.
1t14 boilY will Cont-
e that has -boon Om.-
tehoe. 1 ghitu yeses' Ghat'
buitue to any yei-stin
start the'. ‘Pirowinl-g of
etlot porpose of. Making
mid the eroction of :At-
• • •
r that purpose: •
writors. tho subject
sallow great igisprance as to the quantity
that can be geown on 'OM 'intro' ond 'the
• cost of produoing Thoy.tslksOf on
average crop of thirty ten8 to..tho acre,
and a profitoble crop ifthey 0E01 soot go'l.
per ton for thou, t the factory., dalivor-
ed. .They moot notyeokun upon abovo
one-half that; and then the grOund twist
be.good, inogOod order; and move Aostti.
vatiou b;stowod tipon thron7 thou ,tho
trio j ority of fa rot ers con • n Word 'to give ;
and if On footory emotes :drool to give
more thou. four oollars a • too for them,
the farmer coold do better 'by feoding
tf •
t'iem to his cattle than by selling them.
It is time.' that ovory 'Ono:Who had
any iit1ueuie i 11 sloping tho manage-
nient of :dohs inthis prOvinee.„. Should
thoroughly understood that the,ro is
scarcely any mote • .wisdoto itt tuivoctits,
ing the mantifieture of boot root. •frotgar,
than there would befit urging .firrtners•
tepreservo the. maple troo whou they.
,are clearingtheir landS
to plantsthem for the • poppeise or sugar.
.•0 •
So loog os the cane ean Ito grownoind
there aro pooldo willing to :manufacture.
sugar from it, nod soil it at theo pelt -nit;
is now offered, formerfi Ilt this' country
would commit the mostegregious. folly
by turning their attention frent tho col,
ivation of crops that .are adopted to the
soil and profitable, to 'flue that lots
been ti ied mid' faded limo ford-soos-Totn,
It is to be'lappod that we will hear n1.
more about, beet, root ougar nontufnctoro,
for if it was made it tonild not compete
in n free 'market with pano ettgow. •
ads. Wo 11
constructed., hut sot in clo poi IgO 10
tonstruet het% for IhI,. or, ip.
1 11°'*
%POI:drip glectin g to bukild. thein .and
then call upon the governoC-to bona
oserottro seoltootts.
:Mowitt, in his SVcodetock :Teach,
. foreshadowed the distribution.of a very
„ • •
large sort:lit:I by the Ontario Logislatiire,
in a short time, which, by the good 0101
economical outungoinent of. tho pretiont
ilk 4-,
govornmont bus boeit acettmulated. As,
the diepostil of the i.rovitsios 6"81.plu5 was
in accordatica•Witlf Alio wishes •tuni the
best intmesits ilto people, we supperio
the presorts surplus will be disposed, of
in a similar' monnor, with the exception
of subsidiziog railways, ns it it helieVest
there :no :Already enough railwaya coo-
structed for ilia wants of the country,
Although tho provions Ba1'1)1118 WAS
'wifiely disposed of, Wore 1,tre , ridt woot-
ingovidoncos that atle.ittpts. will 1.m.tirtade
to disposo of tint present one." in. ti .tv#
that will not be just to all portions of
the province., The London .Proa
of last Thurfoldy, not only chalks out a,
way of disposing of° tho• surplus, in the
interest espeolally @f tho citist hut says
the last ono "was scattered • among the
. .
them. ',Ultis county„..At st 7l.t i largo' mu-
loy,.has construCted gobc1:•;,.gra'),slel roads
in all direction's,: gtr• that no ,,i,rinet , is
very fat front a g6ed road that tvill. take
Into lto. a tolerable good cortutiorolol C lin
Te• :
.1'1.4•6'• : There ore :Ot beto'eAutios no ite , as
Well.' able . itsothiS tlitit.''ho've. oot difty.
Milo; of' good : groo,el I Or `11n1ondain1ked7
mail ;in, tsots.... 'soy . ore in Wont of
good .roada; and it svOold Toy them well'
to impose •sisilleient toxes -on thethselves
to. have them. constructed ; liot :is the
surplus toibe exotendodbr otaking,these
roods for. them without giving the peo-
ple) of thiA county nu equivnlelit, .to
utied as they. should. think: tit 1 •
....TIM ;money svOs.,"`corttribtited by' Lilo
people; and therefore, belongs'tothe
pie. of ontnrio, •ond 'as. they boto local
bodies for the. inanag6ment 'of alllocal.
it is .certain.:thOse•.bollieo a00 41.
•the' best position'. to :exPend .svisely
judigionsly alt morues fitat,..-Mity lot No
proprinted for local .intproveinoots,
also' what improyemetts ore most werst-
'eds; consequently, the •best. way .to dis-
pose of tlte 'surplos 'is, to a pPorrion .it
pr.o..rata, to 011 .the 'municipalitioS, and
if they tvialste build roads owl bridges;..
Ins invest oo sety (le.bto with it, let 1i 111
• .. • • • :
•• 1it0'...tr 0211.41.0 N s ett.
W•11411 any :Reform journal 'gives (ix-
presshin to views the' dirty 'nut le
• -
'strictly tn.Or Or the :01.1tY,r
the-Ctioservativii•"papers lit • auceosolze
Otpon the fsct nod Wtito columns upon
4/ the dissensions in the yanks," ond
• What 'appoars • to be, tb thorn, ott
ovillinioness to follow the parto deadeye..
Tho-rercoon �f thissis that- thestIonsers as.
tiVe papers are stessooOotettatd to- follow
a, drawn line, and do mi they aro bidden
that they eannot toulettand how others
.can expens their own convictions, irres-
O peetive of °Oleos or Whether they aro in
harmony wall their party or. not. A'S
are glad to find howet-or, that Oloiro'.is
int exeeption to the, genorol- 1-1110, ano
while Alm Ckinservattyes, as a ;tarty,'
• . . . •
the result of the late •eleco
wog condonligs of the inis-dttalal
, of Sir .J.ohis .:Nfite(lOnald, tliospiontreal
(Conscr(tive) is sufficientiy lode-
•pondent to express itself as :follows itt
tho ex(otet 0111)1)0(1 fioto o Isola:into a.
• .
few days sitit'e 1-- • , '
' We deify that in any sensa the oleo-
• thins of September lost were carried upon
of,liet.1Y11111.13r,•prinoipluo, although itA 00po.•
pular cry tho Conseryatives-hnd taken up
t he Protectionist fp:cation which, Sir joint'
Macdonald:had .crystallized .b)to the :no
tient that ho bad offered at tit° last .nession
of Parliament, Me. Unolscuzie rbfused to
accedo to'any choose of policg. It was
hoeause of this thot the Lateral milk and
fyle. supported tho notional .poliesi that tvas
prosentcd, and yot becatuto thio, was 'clone.;
for this one roosott only., We aro inforined
that tho result..eof tho contest ooto a emu-
efiltiTTY atiVo
pat 1,y's• past 'career, as directed bySir John
ftlacdouald. Haoitto, howov4r, gone so
far and thrown off tho mask; it woo Only
to be expoctod that theyoshovold U n step
further nod nook, if need be, by folso pro-
toticoo, to Room a. so bstailLisl' victory, by •
means of which they coilla, atrengthim
their hand's andget instil() beat possibly
position to da 11 May be, the least pos.
sihio towards redeoming their ploilgoa.
• Upon both sides thorO havo bean loud do-
elamations agaiuse tho intim:rialto, of a con-
nectititt between Federal and. 'Provincial
matters; and ;18 ill pifcets we hove all of
its exporioneeci,' Lot Sir John Macdonald
shod upon his -own ineritse let Itir.:Joly
do thoSalop, and let Mr, Mowat, or who
over shell bo ealled upon to succeed
puratto tho eveit touor of their 1Yrovitioltu
wayoregardleesoof the.,pplities oe another
,DEQEmDB4 26; 1878,
*Tit • t 401 le rioir &or takes up tio tits,
quarters of n column in 'entutenting
upon our :natio a week before last of
the Boss-Compion Affair, which wo only
notice new toitay "that *rfleas had no
nsore to do. with the article than the
editor a the Star had, °We wero, the
only publitlbers that happened to be pre-
and especially ittSMossoohntsetts, where
tho retorns, for lt7rio'SboWn smeller to-
. ... • , sa . • • •
ha to Any ye,ar . oinct he :war,' • or. 'i;veit
during the. wet st...osciStr of: the war -*but
fourtoon persons marrying in Op thons-
ialtd.'f.:. otin; Ea jiall.ringp,. ..,.. , • . ' ' •
. .
The- evideooeS• of bard Shoes' in :the
. .
17.15ited StitGeO appear- to be "elidleSs and
:Universal. ,I,p•seeins- that iii) matter in
what direelielx ,WO: t1110;;• 0'1,..:' 800. the
in obt do •ii 11'1 in withont snlanrit tin,' -•
• . . . • NV14.1,:k invi ruin entailed, upon•the coon.-
-to 1.1(01,• beneath thole value. Their • . • ' ..
only ititio itati ye Is to ;Inbuilt ifeW 1111(1 CCU": try 1,3:. tbo: ,war and prolonged' and. to-
.. . , lonsilied by tlos.felse" system of pelitleol
• is . . ,
. • • .. . .
,haososossesn ,it ss In.w.0 in domain,: . : economy mlopted, arid the oniy remedy
• ) • • • ' 2 1 /I '''-1 0 - t I '-•-1 . 1 '00.10011118„ ..,..,
.• of brine•eino• back a flourishind
• •
poligtirriti liv,Irtti)!.1::30(ttt:,;i•'''t 1n1 11 ft'iT9t)11c(I11131111:1:1datt; 61-. 01)14,nereitil !trot:Verity. Is • the
(1 1,0,1,11 have rOstonod work, the oticisseS,.. :abolition of -protective duties,
disph to hotween , oaf plOyers 'And hands ro- . . • :... .. :” • • -----.-1,ts----
• inatitiog for. flooprosent- iu abeyance, he
.rt. eliljutoto o'.re; a •, "' re. at ina.t• peo,
holk if the wokioplo, .howvor,salre. • • • •
oiso toossotne operotions unioosatex• ooslY looK114
for 4w1 (''7';•Ire:1-11.1ts" th.°
Lion of live per cont'in wages will ut;t be •Felou..1.1.1.o.f .111° J.e'`Yi' ti" I'aliitstili.°' es'll°c. i..
'prat:sly :ululated that the ptoosod.reduc- .
further proSsedo • Their action Is staple ally . oott. that the country bus lxim
tutaltress in viow of the oxisting trade•do.
•prt.:ssi,on,,and the vitTrous..efforts thot ',sot tit roll °Oen testlieopurolotse autT settite
. •
•obooctilitgrentilais(1,1.0,1,76,,gOitiniOLtier!lituetianoliteiret,otttlogolonoto. meat of that people. PrOM Cho IfilOWa
110J411115011 by British man ufactbrers, But charms:too'. Of 'this .singulats people, rot
Laucashire• faotory operatiyea Aro lunoo4 mon:y, lemters and traders, this.. !t4tut.8
•iho most ignor.mt (4 mo vorkiDg cht3SON is not likav to over .toko photo. Their.
ono know notloug. Of American compel). -0 " -• '
tion or Stosh,questiotio.:. While thousands 44;°61•410." :414 1'01 i-10-.11n-ve Iwen:
of , worUiugnien: 'in every mandstetoring :formed in other•spheres, and it would do
nothiso mid °save,' and then earry their
tho Spookership, otol,osithsequently, of a
seat, lo the Cabinet; Hot Str John re -
as pronto say ho will, what will be -
001a0 of So: John's rolaite tt is this
Consideral ion whiell is just tioW vilaturbimy,
the impose of some of his prinoipol tato-
A.routgemonte are being made At Winnis
peg, toe.art 01)aaerVatiVO d lily newspaper.
• . HuLLINTIes
sent,' and we gtoce a tVathftli Sfatera0141'
of the whole. Affair, and .which. can. bel C''''''''"' 1‘1'3'""'—ik ""°°41.°1 th°14"i'''
verified la, y. the. members' of' the county' -law°, oil the 1.0111 bait- '. All tile mambo's pre- • • •
• 1 eipal opuocitof Hollett wits 'held at Itondos-
.00101. 0, as .fleady tit() who., of . them 1.s4entt‘t.00:11iritn(notiets iTimfoovretudebryoje,%tirnigttowne,reeeor.ery . .
wet'Q'there.•• J. fiowsoo 010' the followhig goo:unto be. '
paid : It. IL Knox, plank for oulverts, §11) 20;
s‘vYa. Dwat$1111,9.5rioli:afi(rIngogmrealp,e7.1,)$;1:A2pro•j•I'lo`ilriatztany-,
gravel', $0 ; J?. Brown, gravel, 18.49; .1;1.
Stolotes sc Son, printiog. awl advortishig,
$58.00 ; W. Aiken, 'gravel, $10.70 ; J, Collis;
warp', .S.O4,50; J. lryle, gravel and damages, •
-$20;25 ; F., Yowler, gravel and damages, $10 1 •
J. Churchill, gravel anit opening pit, $4..LIff ; ,
asp (Mork, expenses to Goderiolt to (Maio:
1.1garadviee re, ,1, McLellan, $3'; It, Downey, .
grayol anil damages, .$7 ; 1), Vreser,' gravel, ,„, .
11, ‘Vallace, postago, p.92 ;• W. 43,11.,'
• &Arson, gravel, $8,85 ; J,-Muzalocilt, plankrfor " ' •
bridges, $17,92.; A. Reid, gravel,. S4,3 -0,o -Car, ,.
vied.: , • Moved by J.:ilia:ion, seo.9iy 4., Brit, ` ,
tui), L'Ilat el . , i fo wv cm 4011 ,1. Losition be ou.
thorized to enter' into an agreenterit, 08 1)8111111 -
of tlii- con licit,. with -John $(1ii,tb, for cloariog
'side road 90-214 °eon, In.—Carried, •• 'Moved '
• itintr11.11itilew,147-fiui I'v '''oeftl'tlile're• niMitstiai la '6e1' eteltTtrts.1.10"fi '''.•• '
this teiVreliip,4"for tho purpose of nominating •
candidates (or. the ..61Tioes of -Reeve, 3.),3puty- ••
Reeve and three (lonnoillors to servo the umet
cerrent year, be held iti the TemporancOiall,
iirttio *liege er Ldestao'; ow Dab -nil -ay, the . .'
•,l'altli day at Decomber,.1.878, at•tioon, and ie ;v -
case:mitre Mau the noeossary number of tan;
AidateS. be proposed, tunt• a poll,dernanded;
that the ()teeth:Ha:for the said'ollIcers'be held V.
of 'Bulgaria. ' ' • • • • 'division No. 1, in 1110 tsinperance hall, • Mu.- •
11)0.141; st(ilffiN° oe I', ...4-, ifbl'... 11,1'16;tilli )., ;RN, ootitet.t.:Inftigr!ohl.c'ei; ' •
burn, end that J. FOivlor, be depri.tiri•eturn."
.at the folloWing placps., vizo • Pol., eleennalos' .
. • .• , Ws. N.Q. 3,• iu gebool hon.ie No, 2, C.' Melo.
It is
101)0111(1 114411 (Leh 0 rant Will be ';:t.o*Itt 1.-1• •11. ordoor ; i4'.1,1017. div• 'No: 4, in ,
-r.(t initOorridiliiiitkatet,,di for, tho. presidetioy ,..o.t. the.. nminsaon'ti oirrragP sig-k,s,•IT, "'athlee, p• 11-
• eillecr ; for eke: illy; AO. 5, in tomperaile•3 ,
hall, Londesboro, j. Campbell, D. ;It officer ;
at t Milit.; ;1113rictilitl,bolfa.3di• eur%trii,Pli.tivf°i.tti.g(j,lillirolti'vvof'di',:t.blo.4 f',\()flift3lioen•6;1;111;v:Di. C.h.6.iitiliilecsi,?1•;1911)11111.11C)1,11115aet XZbyg-'1a4o.'• •
last, rites of the olturch. • • • ' be prepared 'mid passed to •Oonfirrn Alio same.- .:•,
, . , •
,t4.Qptirs.1..1.1A1(111dartieinvo.cais:i.rfli,.)v•tecoi:,,,,i)vnalva,,f1.16,17173.(1)‘•1(4,1:10..e. '..•-•.Carried. • • .1N:toyed by 3.. Britten,. see, ' by -4; • •
Ilosysom that dog • taxes be retunded. to the • t °'
e„.8.1-4„eia. to catiada,.. . „. , -. . . :f011owtbg parties', thoyhavino, beonivrongftilly •• . -
( .. • • - . - .. ' ° '•• Assessed, viz : J. Mitrilookr$1; \V L5.11 $1; .
. Mr.'.Y‘''. 0, Caldwell Wss been choson ;as. J. ('eateS, :-; j ( in 1 877),' .0. Cockerlins,. $1.--:, •
the 'Reform Standard bearor ii North I...tilts:. thirri°d• s'sli't"'11‘:.5.1 5.;:11;1;1:::t:)1\1.,1:11:5-1(1)iisfdPe 0' ,Ifeejt.'. .: ..
ark; at the coining L000f dice' btu.- ' . ' - Larihalo.•
.Thd retool; going .nromitt. •441..Mv,. ,.,? eel, i.)„_;10' t8)6)1, ho ,eKtoutleil to the 3 latteemberl, .
1,-,078, ari4 uo wager.. %Oafoie.l. Moved .by, d',.. .;
'Brown Wos• to retire from OW mailagenterii Britte,i si„.. bv J. Is swsois , that the, sum of ,
01 t he -0.10/o, tifrors.,00t, tit lienuirne, ' , • .• .,
•-1:$. be (0t p1 1o601.'.C. •2,:le Donald,' as a full
,s The cost of 'ite.'iisStv eclobr•ated Lincoln setticluent of his share of (lot:sages 011.0801100.1.
olectom 00031182, 14. ' Messrs: Neolon of•••1, AfoL311an•fal)ing• Co bnild. bridge •on, 0411; '
1 arilct llykorfi ,pp to. thiii . rt.r.o4ou,t. limo, is r011:4 2.3, 1ot-2; ill illik atia•thiit• the 804d 0••• •
• • NIcbmald, get a receipt •in. ful1, ralievinow,him
!.1;'1(1)0i)91;' rii-a,,08.0.T:oeist.3. 101'1 ., a 5,,,,as c)la 11 afim•monivri4;•b1:_o 513,411intil,;(i.01.1 ?)tyls).1;n1 of tho =tibey.o..• .•
(t3tholdth,of i.ext Mitielo . TheliforqUis of ftee, by ,f, Mosois, that.1\111%,c1(,1011bnYeitiliii,'bleghpatitnid
••• .
Lorne iv:is.lx,, years ,o1,1 bn theAtli of 'last for their scilicet far (lapse -lout cur 0(11 5111 -
'Aiignst: • •• • - '•' : ' ' • '•• *.• - - as fell twit, viz: jMoNlillan, for 2.1.cly,?4, at . ,
The •itoforta C'noivention aG'Plotint 'tine.- els 7`...' P.." ...11? -3'' 8..12 i" 'Y. -•-•'''S1•°"'"';';')•,' "1.'13 da`3.:,si 7'51.6 '
. . ,
,irnously. ssohootootoo...,nr,,,:,,, „,t....x.tt,..e/;,;:in :s.,..,,10.7.):), r,,,139..„T.2!ls:11..tit.n.,;:rsirittyi,s!.4.(13ffr1,5t1:430;,25,1,,,,,
Pp, , ow their condidoto for the Died I.i.t.-', y root.... os 1 oo st 441 r1,5 9 ity 0.5.. total • •
gislatrire: - •• . , •
• . A ; on ......; 13. , . • • .4 e i • o e0 , , ,..
•• ;TAW CI De ni V ilk', lli. .1";,. While skating; •Til,ji'ti"'.\eld°Uti-olineera!tr11.•:°Ig°i;h4filiTtli'.(2(titt°111(.isnbtloill:ot,1)11.... •'
on the Kennebaccasis river at; lit, jolirr, on• '.Ninuday, the' liOtli• J)000mber, 1878,• at tan
• .. •
• : ,
Saturday night Tell on thei.O6 and dieloca. Welecl.c.ii,tir. • . . " , • . 0 . • •,...
• ' . . .•' :'..LiSiEs•t,It..f'_ITII1VAITV,I, vnera• .
tea his elbow. . • : to i_ •
• • .
11. i..11. the 1.)akcoof Co othorlitiol,'of .• , • .... • • ... • •
P000l:titclOton of tho. 1114. (1,10,, 91:tIltliovol't • • ',:;,-!illalttiitt -.1-141 Olt) ill Illtt!.-(1.41:
Wil ' mori•ied at Christianaberg ,Clisilir On Din .1-irm.'‘A•iit.„6, „f.,:j.ret•t li„ve clot 11
.Saturday,. to the Princess T'hyria.. . .•4i..g bestta a or dleet, 1.8134'6(4 has. Al pped
• • ln -the. 1, "John . ctty eloction cose .ors trolls shot, port do-ino,the.proaimt poason
1. Thursday; - prolialinary .. objeotions .werb:- .fvo,,til tho(oiand Sheol) aod lombs.' .••••••• '
, heard, and Mr. rtlley a c000ssiluo tni-Oned •
1 ' tit0000nti filth:71 objections raised( -'•• - 1092131i:1.. P,,,'Ititilc.t.)Eit,'30.1;':.1:1„fi'iN, vki48°0-net,;(1101 ololl'Srli,'(11t.::..:' .
:ltev. Thomas Mitehellopastor of a chiirch 1 she -e) to J iverpo;d The cattle oto Ijift. •-
at Brooldyn, 611 SiDidaidd`voto:1 0 sertimit 1. ham grodtis of the best totality.
in opposition to llep.clon-'s teocltingeo ' •ITL3 1 • A farmer took a load of butter tollrotl;•. '
said, " f.J'ed, help the...Plymouth pastor.. '.'• i .viti,., r.t.,e,:altly.t.„1; „„1,,,. „id „,,,,, ,,ir„(t: the,
, J. Sulity, editor of the Welland. l'ii&j,00,.., root imerati ve prie•t-mf ...kwo ...(vot:3,..4_,01111%.,:1"
was liersetiiiiipped-Ton the -public .str061:flit Mr it, :Ho • woo' so a ist;r051 of t 111t.:1' ho
Vt'idnY, for the Pabijoation of a atatkazitit odinuped tho • wfole. load in slit. O',t; Low- .
respecting:the Mayot•,, Mr. Abraliarn 14.eu• re,,, . '• • : ,. . • . • •
. , .
., . . A emiiparatiedy now method of carrying •
:It is stated that • the Ki112, 1,1 Detirmaili • on, illo frnit trade, was 80811. at this Grand.
'Trunk (141.t( 4 11 1:( merning. rime cars
furnished. with- t.tovi.s, 8.11(1 loadeil ,vvith -
8.panistrticiiits, aire.gt from llalifax;v pa4tiett.-: --•
through 111 :•) 30 a, to:, stopping 'long en.
ough to allow iiirielnrata to make their
loetions , bo, • the liolidas.,-..-liroeke/17, •
Perortler, „" '
JuSo tio'W several of our Reform co-.
temporaries aro denouncing what was
knowo las." tin) soling giAlt" in the Le-
oal •Legielature. This hos boon tworigilt;
ahoo,t, we presume, by finding, that the
peoplo tire opposed.tolit, hod. liove
• no fault to find with our editorial frioods
for their position in the mattoe, eVen at
this 'late dity,"..but wo would hove. pre-
ferred to ."See them 'glow. their opposition
to it at ,an earlier stage, 'Tho Now Eno
dOnotnieed it limn the. viirY 11114, and
subsequ9t events have only tho more.
firmly fixed our then ootivictions, that
the affair wes eertainfk illoidvised And a
stop rthat Would not mee1. the oppeoVol
:of 1 he:electors. - ' ' •
. 4
Po).iticEti Stso:nal $ot.es,
centre. of Loglond. • uro .itiontiployed, the
bolls of the Oldhath strikers refuse to ac-
cept nuy compromise or arbitration.
douldedly, theiraction will materially tend,
to lessen the public desire to extend admit).
ing diand .to the unemployed vl,ttring the
,'l (10:1'
Too editor of a Welland paper' Was
horsetvitippod last week, on accounts er
SOMOthing Wad it) reference to.
tho'l1fayor, .Viro don't think Ivo. havo
said, anything. -t?ith • roferonce • to -our'
-Mayor that Merits similar treatment, if
we have we take it 511 1(8(57. . °
haVo heard of a it timber of (lode.,
rich township. farmerS, (Conservatives)
who sinceroli sot:petted their, car:distal°,
atthe late election in tits:belief that the
1e10111 (.4` Sir john to powerovould bring
itnotodittisti,etter-4-1. totee-hototitoling t
1110111. isoch hos .not been tho ease, have
Vbwed they will nevor ap,ralit ...vote that
Lord .1•1,3a6Mistitild has.recci•ed, testi•
' Monte' froaf firitish residents ;1 (Palatal:pl.
It is reMbred• that the :Cliait intends to
. ,
propose' the , Niko. of IF: Unbent,. ' Prince
vielenco to their maitre! to Migrate
thinker, and if. we look to lihirope WO
find tho Jowo making no pl-opitratiou to
that but, ottthei oontoory, oding
as if a cheap Wtft7i nevor tonded. At
Warsaw...a int* Synagogue, Said to he
ono of the finust of its kind Ettrope,
jots just. boon opitimd, It e082 $220i0011,
eXeittSiVe of the.cost of the ground 0n.4,
which it is built.. • 11. 18 said that limo;
drods ofjows 00.0 leaving Palestine. for
llitssia and other countries, and that .the
streets of Odessu•araful t ofjewa..
.1.3itzvtot..4 to tint election, and itt the.
distiussion of the trade •gnestion,'
l'oi.ia papers. pointed .ottt that the present
00111111 1011 of the 'United Herttes,r (tiot-
%titbit:Mailing that it had 'protection to •
the- folloet extent,) wits for worm • then
that of Conada; but this wits Omar:007-
ed by thotlensorvative proso. ,To show
k1.4 • that tho stotement WitH trite, We SabIllit
Oa, following peirogutplo clippod from
With tho aaveut of winter 0011103 fa- the Scritoton telegrams to the New York
creased tomperisto intuit! taidets--MeJ. •
Won't smelt* inform thesliall that
there loto lately boen a change of go vern:
moult, and paupers have ceased to exiat;
that the uow gOverninont has' dispelled
tho hoed timea ; that everybody is hap-
py and. contented ; and that there is
Work ondsplenty for all, that 14 if you
don't edre. what You say., What a dif-
feront t.into tho ilfait sing' s to that it
did a. short time. Ago:,
.O'rot of the co'lst, both, and Whiek Ova 000
pleased to ooy is it state not yot reached
by- Canada
These aro dismal (Toys 10 tho eablus ol
tit ohsan o f tho Peunsy vania coons -liners.
The .tvolf crottches nt every door, and if
tito coudition of tho companies outlasts
:this t»orith the minors eau aco nothing
ahead hut 44Ettrration. Those words fut.
nigh strange Christmas -tinny rending for a
eountry whim() barns ittul granaries aro
bunting with tho ,grontoat harveet over
knownon this teetning new world."
has mice' ved ic number ,ef letters threaten -
'in him with assassination, and drat 'a box
anitaining• Ci,oini 1)110.11,1. has bsen.
at the -railittny statioo. • •
• , Mr. ..lfoneO, MiLurg,' fiirnferly 11,-1;0406er
in '131ausliard,.. 106 been -r.elappoinfcl a8.
hea1 thastor of (he Poblio school in ,Petro-
lia at a salary (if $850, whieh is an advance
of $50 00,1118 present salary, • .
11 is 'EXO011etleY' the • Clovernor.aottoral,
hewing • that n. pumber Of poor ,families•
were in destitute eiremnataneesin Olin wa,-
recently handed •a- premineut eitimm a
cheek for 8100 for their relia. . • .
Thb Conservatives of Cardwell have re.
nontitrated Mr. J. Moller 'for the' TrIcal.
Al, the conventionMr (koro81(410(1 that he wouldalso loin,- whether he
received tonninotims or (tot.. • • . • • •
[tis• said. that there :tre tri totter--
taint/tents given at Richton sltall for- siX
%socks, and Olt the citisnisOf Ottawa are
reqoested to wear for threo weolts it, badge",
rie noMroing fn s the late Princess Alio.
For ?mine weeCs• past,' forkoyi alive by
thouatfil!ifi florl dwtamy tnfis 113ro
limit 5111(410- to °(lrotil. 1111(1.
,Utiile.(l States from points oloog thoCrond
Trunk itoiltvoy frOut.S.truin, Brooltvillgt
awl tilting the Ghat Western from • Wind. • •
sat' ((4 Toronto, Shippers -5'1'01n rjobourg,
1)0 •Nsipanev, allory Own; I3rocle--.
'Prtaientt, • Morrisburglt, Cornwall,.
Lancaster and • the Pooltern Townships,
hue,. cootineiteod oend fog consigoinents of '
t.,12811414,01111ry to Men troal 0014111111440e-
hot6esi 51.13 bIt lyttro 6)olii1 1)0di•gloohy 111
working°X good st, at. very fair rates, •
Several largo sliipmet of'drossed plotitry .
Were finwordtuffron onsollo to St, .1 olln'tt
X11(1, last tvcolc, 110q4 will be. float on ,
111 [Cf:; 118y."1,'
Mr. 0 ladst(mo's aixty-ninth birthday 00- ,eisseicAterban.slaissFiaa-r--tvortisnitm=ut,
. r •
etirS 01I the (20111 inst. and a few of his ad ' - " ' -
. , • f3011N.
torrent ore thintino about cmoribotino a •
shilling eaell and. presenting him with an ,
i -n•mi. , .1
.1 Gist; 001 1,1xtf,b•ilr011.:the 14 11
axe, asasYtabol of hiiusofal old.vior.,118Ner, the 11.41e a Mr. Abs. 114411,,ef4•t tI f• :
sir Jolot trorin,,t 31,111,011110,.11 that ho
ivotilittiof; tiejinhvyledge nity--apoolootototo
made by his tirodc'eessoni' (in 101 v17):(fi11ie0.
Spanker Anglin itos girett (silois. to the
Clerk of tho floiroo of Commons to see that
the oppointmento litteTy made by him ere
corned (41)5. . • . .
Tho tifystory • of Sir '11olot
acceptance of tho nomination nt :Viet:aro,
D. C., has been solved. 'Tito Vanilla Pro.,
vinco was to havo., a ropresontativo in tho
Cabinet, and in 'ooloo Id keep' Amor do
Costnos out the Premier bestamo a room-
scutativo- of Viotoria. • , • •
At fins WeSiAltirhant Itstform Conven-
tion on Wednesday Mo. llorls choorfully
resigned hia Ent foe tho °motions. but
deolinod to atcopt for tho . Local: [Miler
these. circumstances. the Cenventhi'n, di11.
trot ask his resignotionsand Dr. liTeLaglilin:
was selected for the Loeal House,
11 1* tiow statod that, the Iton, Woo Ale-
Doi:grill has Sir John's written nromiee of
. . l'e°2 s•A Fs' i1 iiiirsli.
looso, o pros '..t. tho rosi toms. ef 'rho lohle*,-;
n,, (1,1 the ;25th 0 „:„1:, by itp-• 1kv. A.. .
: .
,t,4,111 i, 3. 1'. \Vt.1. 4 1. 11.swil,1 fo,;Slitir.r,it.,
1 ..t Wert dearodoer of oil: Joh,. T.1p4,, ;Ill of
('0,1100.. ten. . • •
, .
8 rxr,) 18)4( • -1),Tet.•,.1 3, ,•111:V. -Ai S ;, Twee:is,' ,
clurreli, on tilt; 1,4:11 1:14 ., by Cast item..
M r. Oomph:41, I Lobos t ') 1. Noodle -m. om to
, ".Cloro Ja.no MOUlibelloy, both of Stanley.
t1;tittv,•-•s -11tr.t.r1n1,..,-At Codorieh, 'Oa tifO
1,13111. ib8t., at Ow t'es;,1,,tice ea' 'Min lirirla's
• ' '1511)3,', by [1r. (1',4. PreAt01%,..N11-...I.. C.
itobinson, of tito flank 'of Comniorce;
Saviii:,, lo;Aritrin F., eldest; daughter of. •
ND'. W. 11. ltilliard. • •
--Tat thslcrieli township, at
, the residence -of the 1.81;10's father'„ on tile •
• 1 lth inst. by the floe. 111y. *Allison, IN1r.
,• Wm. Parilitt, ' tin,Trohh, or Wroxoter, to
toissisolt, lisitgliter.of Sir. it. Nose- .
' fixotoso. -On Saturdsny, 1411t boa., tho infaut ,
8011 01 lir. A. (Who, .',t Stalorth,.•."
• 0, • .1