HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-12-26, Page 2VIE CLINTON NEW, EAI -migiumpiprirr- • b es ()bolted together just behind who had escaped them by P to one Side. Then ensued the .Adjutant was' konieti to tem, and Belivar was bOtilld Ole Adjutant, Tile letter eated rushes at his little mini. id hottilde hinges at him with t bill ; but •the 16,ntsois eesily by darting bet 07)en the long f the adjutant and ataoking him rear; Finally the bantam, just ping' an unusually ir.iciotie attack, into the air, lighted on the shoul- rs of the huge antagonist, and with 11 the strength of bis little tiody hogatf to peck the Adjutant's Mild head. The 'Adjutant could not disloRge dihn, and, furious with paiii, rusthed wildly about inseum, uttering the most discord- s.' After thee attendants f pttniSli Odithey tway, crowing ' with tri - 41. the A cli await within whe'eeeeritit 1 iooiiy 111q3a- ese he barestoodeon ono ated'' ever. eince.—Aretv •••• f.efbee t Br' eeidei Temegt city, while purehaeing ti lediee, was relieved of •wat6h. 0 'the time thi,re „were prd pers at thetick et.wCgeon,..namely eh MeyerS of the 1:31:ideeptikt pohcc, Wo ef his suliordirates,the cletectir e em- ployed byRitiitiiii,the ba4er, a stran- ger, aria Johnny.' 'Whee the banker diseoveed -hid. Meyers we§ ; deeply mort died, fur he had been at the' -lienker's elbow 1111' the Lime, The watch wes. snlisequently• recovered by. *firdetecti re, •whe g.,a 40 it to Chief Mey.- -maj nho returned it to its. eiriner,, end r•eceienel the 'reward -that lied been offet- . . • m- ot! 01, hiding •al khotigli 111 1 IUI i4p lace Ile and.- the wak7tiot; whom, t hey ...refer - t that onlv -to - toM•;; 11.y. ffin t.t 11/ • II 1116 L the y within tho t, Of °fatly the Greelr,' 'York piekpoeltete, who for inore th.11) six ;vale tante 1 Teoolt . thelef is a whale.' ate 80111.0..Sorvi1 1'• eei)ger, 'and wes :catiglite with •• the. ',hole' of :nee eLne betnee' tlit jik..!4 could •• boodle' fm hiM. 116 was .takeo to. 'neve seat they Were tot.' '1 t The elso• ' the prin. eiipal 'Western, roil toads. and the • O. W. 11. line, between 'Poronte Red-. the- Sus- ponton 1I L it()tie . day he took a t leaher!' ewitaiIiing r fom A pas - sh past - Wholes bsen seen spelt ting.ff :O an :4; and. the . ecarcity of email- fish has .beenstatttilinted to „ dude peesence. On Fridaylast-three or Nur large Mies'. .wtme .seen three 'or font' miles init. On Saturday morning, (rept. Wifie the Ainericent.. }Intel, Rarnuel, Macl no, Dathel..Wright and Martin beinglereee the three latter old 'fielierMeneeestarted. out fishing in it boat abetit" twenty feet lang.•ee.They bad arrived onnhe fishing. ground aboutell ree miles from .t Shei•e, ..had all their linee out, and .were, having splenaid luck II kt 1.1) 0. in .codtish,' Then' Wright, .saw the fin .of ,e. estrans fish .and linitiediately the boat began to 'around. Wrielit Sholitecl to -the 1111.11iiionother boet; about 100. yards dis- • , I 01. Oil w AS u (Well iiit : 1 ' f " h " 1; to sea et tbe rate' of: twent,v-fire en -bout% The maitstee lied become: en- -tangled in theieng towhee' rope of boat. . The pull: an7thle: beet was sg. etrong."thet the men thought the timat go nVer evely. secoode.: nien.say' they ..we,re ory; lunch frig liteneiti.• find' the sensfition , was trio queeetSt. they ever knew'. All they:could die. Wes to hold on and lot herege fora 'few Minn. tes. Then they crept for)v,eeti and. cut the rope.- •,..;;They--ivere. a'. mile further -Out to see., -The 'fish kept . right • on, .end they could:'see the wake: he :made for sonic distance, as. he kept nearethe eurfaeee The ropewasa sto.ut.If elf:inch o,ne;'-emd'attitelied to it was. an -; t 'Per . o ti • ti "et ed • -"'1.1 n • ' ;tie 1011110 11 01o1 3 n in souo Way- he tretnagysli.,to transfer t1ie. oiiI 1,1 ooltml' member 'Of' .st,Olen money to Al," 4110 SU bUtit.11" . . 1S f1111111Y,ftlJil 1101. bsiug thii.t� walk 1. Led ;$50 of his own.' .Befere' he Was in the str'aight opatit himself -be did. brought up for heaniongehis .t'riends. lead . . .all he could•O shield his 1 elatiane 1z ow . induced the ‘.1doe10.not.to appear hguinst the odium otl.his calling,' Only ;two, 'Or hip,. ...W,4en 111S Op.SO ' Wag called) and . , . _ . at the Most three, datective.s'iu the, city.' there heing no coMPlaint, the magistrate' .• knew him exeept by •.reputatiou, end siid ; ' Whoever yon ore, 1. know yea none knew hi I .N10 name.' lie:passed are athief, hut I have to let you go..' for years under the,. aryellations '''Thank.you er ironer,' replied -Johnny; O'Kieffe, ROhillS011, lir? v1411 .11.11a . others' The .1;olice lniVe lawn. On the lookout for itim since the .fall of '1872, but owing to theh• already alluded to, with his the'r did not. hoceeed in finding him.. .1t was . in Se.Ptember, 1871, that luCivas 'caught 1: Urn ninchobliged to, 3 ou for your kiedneee.' • But there is et:la tiff:: magistrate,. 'whtit. shall 1 .do with . 011, split the difference,' was the .reply, dnd give me $25.'e The, ineistret eedi des o, rinyep a s. and out of the eonet-toom with his $25 e gold Watch' on a: F.ourth, -he lifted'. a gold-Watch...from., a' prorei- avenue car, and fin. this 1.1.! cot. three • tient citizen who lied gone to the'cOutt yeat's and six months yip the rivet. fie *to•kiee'tlie &inane 'Jenny the .0.reek.1 served one year then rtlade' 1111. E,scape; York Seal', ;.: ' ' • and took refer: it) this city. How be . A 'rig! r 1..1-m/red ak a llorisp.' • escaped, and hoW Ile lived after owning here, his.pursuers never cotild.discover. inspire1,f The'story'still retnaihs Us tOld, and ' 'Ulittraettlrs ti -a• • e" ern" selves are often afraid of th,ings ridien- lja as it can do the poor fellow no borne; i t, I. . ' • lonely beneath 'them. NaPoleon dread - will .he told here. ." ' . . ed n at, and probably to hiin there was 1 Johnny' _made .oyertnres' tti. one Of 'something uncanny about the *orea,thre the Sing Sine Prisen-keepel's. :: Henske Doubtlees.n mouse .can •iespire a .tigee , ed the ,hec'per to help him °out, and, . . • . . . ' . . with -a Similar feeling. _flewis, an after cpnsid et able nejgotiati0"; li. ba-rgain ,tiumiote• of tiger lent at the British was* strtick. 'rho rceepoi wag 10 Pt' •resideney at °islet -ate, bulia. What - $500 and 1 Johnny' his liberty. Before 90.0yee maifar ingre‘ than poking: wm. the arrangement was finally carried. out .up.with ft.,Stiek,.o1. tantalizing -him with the keepit c:tme to the earelesion tleit shins of beef or logs of mutton, ' WO8 in " - he ought to have tnoto money, and so tiodueir,g a monee into bir..5 atip:No be ' k coked' for S1,000. Jolln 0 y's flee rade eeee 'exhibited moit) terror at frieuds.emild not raiee- only 8000, and this sum was feted uponjolipey be- came a from man. A. reward was. oiler -- ed fon his recapture, but although be lived under the very nose of the police he was never taken. After his retutet to the city' Johnny lived for about a year tit' a boardieg, house on Third avenue, between Nine- teenth and Twentieth streets.. Then, he went to Fifty-third street and Ninth avenue, where he lived for .twO 'yam, He then travelled through Canada and, planned the -robbery Of. the Halifax Bank, which was 'co.natnitted inlice' summer of 1875 by Big Bette, diet, 1 Little- Horace' Nicholas and 'Georgie' Carson. Afterward he made a tour of the west in 'compsen.y with ;)yeter Jim' and. Mollie :di -latched!. In the fejt of 1877 he agaili ',took tip his ale* here until three days: before his death, living; with the exeeption a few weeks in the summer, .svith aunt. in East Sixtieth street. Last spring Johnny Was seized with epileptic fits, which paralyzed his'entire right side, rendering the further pursuit of his Vocation of a. (fingerhrnith' im. possible. By advice of his physician he ' went ,to Europe. last jurte, where be was under treatment of the most pro. minent medical* practitimierg,' without receiving any permorient tcliiI, howevet. Johnny. was twice tarried, his last wife %leg a first cousie.. Of _his first marriage two children were born, whom, on. the death of their mothers, he placed' in the Convent of the Swett Heart, tft Sanit Ste. Marie, Canada. Last spring he took them from thilre, and they are itOW living With their stepmother in' East Sixteenth street. When travelling with 'Oyster olio)? and Mollie Matt:bete' the party nit:idled iteelf in ante capacity 'to Batninres„ 'Tho London,' or Forepatigh'seeireuses,' Changing frOni 9ne tO the other as mite', cumstanees male it necessary. johntlif always carried an Umbrella, into which. the sight of u SPider than "this magnifi. eat t royal tiger , displayed on seeing u mouse. The plea Was to tie the little animal. by a string to the:ged,of a long pole, and thins t it clese to -the tiger nose. The moment he saw it he leaped to the opposite Bide; and whenthe mouse was made to run near -him he *jam,. wed himself into the cornei, and -stood ;trembling, roaring terribly; in an cestacy of feat. Sometimes ho had to pass over the spot where' the unconscious little remise ran beck:ward and fotward. For a long time he would not :movei ti, at length, with the help ef a squib, he was Obliged to Start ; but instead a of pacing leisurely across 4k -din, or mak. ing a detour to aveid thci -object of his alitrp.1, he generally took a kind of flying leap, so high as tidally to bring his back iii ernittiet with the roof of the cage. .• A Battle at Barman's. An interesting leattle took pines in Barment's ideeettin, at Gilmore's Gars den thootheit nioening between Bolivar evel the Adjaant. Bolivar is a dimi. -nutive white bantam rooster, Who roams about arnon'ef the waggons and over the entire evelesure at will, the pet of all the attendants. The Adju• taut 01 1113 goat long-leeeeed bird with the bald head and litigfear;that genee- ally stands ,with eln.seti ,Yes on one foot beside the cascade, behind a wire fence. The -Adjutant is a MOSt Voracious 'bird, and as he stands some throe feet high, and has a capacions new, be will at. tempt tee devour almoet anything Meal", er than himself that ray comd within his reach. The other day be escaped from - the wire encloeure and set out. upon a foraging expedition. He had hardly started when he 'came aeross vtlio was strutting about the elephant's eneleStlre, 'Tlie _Adjutant stalked up to the unsespeeting little chieken, the huge bill was opened wide, tinned for some awe, the long nook thot forward, and the • At length S00.10 one Opened-tha apop . anchor of about, tW.ekty• pent)* weight. Thn fishermen here think tho I1261Mter waS• aftet. the cod5sh,. and that, he carne up to the anchor line with, his, mouth open and got the rope in Ilia 1110Ut11,: AO 80011 it felt, it he 010Sed hi$ Wheyare very softand i)Iiable. 021111 •verv ad- who. 'wee unknown'to Mr. Dean, When he 1:11ieldit ear?, !old • Moo, •switlf Pinet. itil4-011 old white flon't know —look for yourse1ve0,..' . The %Mg:rogation WIM cured. . Km% KlecOA,-"Qmitsretaxneemeongig _,,By a thorough tiowledge of thellatural awe which govern the eperetlintstof digestion endnutritieit, and. by a careful applieatien, the.tine. properties .tf. well -selected ewe, Epps ha: provided ear break -fast tables. with.a 'delicately Uavered heverago which may pavo. us:many lieevyflaters'..bille, It /4 by the judicious( use Of such. articioe of . diet: that e constitution May be gradually built up un - tong enough te. resist every tendency to disease., ...1-fundreds: ,of subtle )naladies are fl9atiag 0.01.414uo ready to atta4k wherever there is. a Weak point, We .may escape many a fatal Shaft by 'keeping ourselves well.forti• fied with mire blood and a properly nourish- ed frame."--Civi/ Sei•rice only in -Packets labelled Jen ee Pees Fs Co°, , ntempa,thie Cheinists,.48,•?Oreadneedlestreet„ n Lonilon.n. • Bwintyacer sAi-s'se...That all who hare either uStia.the article themselves or witnesSod its effeote when. nsed by others; all .sueh, and they are .only fit to judge are unanialotle in tho'opinion that "Parley's Ondition Powders and Arabian Heave Bernetly&? is sn-Perior. to anything of the kind heretofore or at 'present' in use Mr cOuglis, colds, tluck Wind. and. all disea'ses which affect the Willd'of.liorsee.As tanylitionuedichiti it has no. opial;•therelS. nothing in it 'which 'eau injure &horse whether sick= Nimll—noi. need the horse bo•kept'ftem workieg while• v.siug it ; just the article whice who owe horses require, and which, tlicyrillOnld Inionstautly on hand. Ite- Member tho name; and see that the signature p f ThIrd and0o. is On each lia4k4ge. WOrill- rop Layrnalf, Torauto, Ont.; proprietors for Canada: ' • ' • 0o1111000.d006h (a. cold slum ti never be trifled with,,often Isintn. neglected itis convert - 'ed into a Serious and generaily-fatarpnbitonury disease'. TIM. /Imre printout,aware of this, promptly' Use Brykie. s Waferh" 4 cit. ratio f5ustained its reputation for over twenty years,. tbey are always .eftteacions and exert a most, benetWial influence on all the . Bronehial and.pulinonary organs. 501d by all druggistS find emintry dealers, otS. per hex. • " • • • • • . • - Mitchell's fiellatkeina inpreved India Rebher Porolis . Plaster. • • „ There n'ever, has been' it thorwhen the healing' Of so MOW different diseases. has been &awed by outward appliec.tiimAtii the present.- It is an undisputed fact that over half of the entire po- pulation ,Of the girdle. 'resort.to the use of ordi,, nary plasters. • . ' , • The • prim:Jed ingredients • used in making. CARINET WARE, FURNITURE &01 these Plasters are 011111. Olibetalln -or, better known as the' rrankineense of the Sible,..-Rub- ber, and Burgundy Pitch ; When.scienti-- Gaily compounded, is full of eleetricity,..and• when combined with the mire medicinal ,gums, • is.found to he one.of the greatest healing medi- ums ever brought liefore the }Annan race. • r.1.'hey ate • acknowleged by'h , all at e used them to act ((0301(511 than. any other Plasters they ever before, tried, , and that one of these. Plasters will do more real service.than juin.: tired of.. the. ordinary kind. All other PhisterS ate slow of action, and requir:e to bc 'worn con- tinnally to effect a cure ; hat with these it is. en- tirelY different.; the instant one applied the patient will feel its effect: They possess all the soothing,- warming, sup- porting and strengthenthg .ffuttlitlesef all other* :Miters: Many. whO have .been relieved.. of 1111E..11UATISIg; TIQI/OLOSIIMX, and Hints' other pains in the KinNinrs.4 BREAST" •SIl)E, and'belieVe itis -„solely done ,hy the . electrical qualities which tlid 1?orotts. Plasters Contain, and which is imparted to the system,-. thu:s restoring 'them to..4 health .condition, mouth and swain off, towing the heat. after him so fast that (be codfish lines that were banging over tho. boat pulled straight, out on the st LI face,. end heavy • sinkers weighing a /foetid ,or mor1. apiece were on the t013 el the. water,- - Few York Sm?.i. • '."" hesitT and a sure mire Mr WEAK BACIs.S, IN6' IN THE SIDE AND BREAST ;•and are invabuthie to those who have a COLD of long standing, and often:Prevents CONSUMP- TION. Soine• even telt us.they believe.they were et Only eured by the ink: Of them of a long,. seated Consumption.. • " • " • • • Prepared by , CrE0 1.; . )1 IT("I 11; , • Sold IA- all 1)ruggists SadHostile of a PraCiical : •Mike,. . . • ---,-- . . The (ll rent. Spronhoisees )tent 4;413, , awl .. . . . , . 1111.0 pradieftl joker turns up egaiu, 'but this time he is hinseelf the:plump:11 'I'lli suceeSs that. 'these Medicines haye :net Sufferer from 111S tnourrfithisituess. A. Y•eari ago, Proves with since their introduction to the public sane plainly,to tire most skeptical . . , . , . , 0 young men. in Central Pennse'lvaiiiir that they are medieines that perform what they are advertised to... The virtues of these medi- left; Come alew evenings ago _ t.o..jfitton.r1 MIOS have been well tested, and have witirstoo 1 were to redraw ti pelling-chool, and as 110 warned them his tlitt.4. sisters their trial.in.a. most satisfactory mant n . li'tr alone dbteases of the Blood, Liver, Lun.•s &Le. thl s • , Pills. ' • are iinsurpa,sed. We liave testimlaiials id nn - 'Nair* tromps who infested the , neigh: raculous cures of these diseases, and Of tuallY horhood. Later in the evening , tile nt'llow- If any one is ..alflieted, let lrim try a butt le began to bark, and one Of the li: (if the itemetly and rt. hos. of PiI1St e NO i girls; on going to the door to ascertain den unotts effects will follow their tv:e Utile most licate.person, rot they are purely vegetable; the.cause, saw a num, with his habil-nil. there being no •unnerai matter in them. The. led down and his coat ticost is smalli ghtly buttoned while the advantages derived from towards ber. Thinking that he/ their use will doubly repay you fer our to- corning3*pense and trouble. The medicines are widely might be her brother,. she 'asked ' tioe, gitewn throng hotitl the DOnlinion.dealersand areTy for ,, sale by the principamedicine ' . r is that you ?' ' Reeeiving no reply, ,S110 them, and be convinceil that these medicines repeated the challenge with the stone are no humbug. No one who has trica;the result .and dim], Seeing him still ad- Shoshonees Pills hag ever pronounced an un- vancing, she raieed: ft loaded gun tfhme•yortaihmvieeboepeinniultedef them, ,no faintly where Wilily:I u.ithout thent. Frill With Which She had ptovided herself infernos -60n may be had on all partieulars torch - and fired. Her brother fell dead almost ilifaig the_Use, and the experience of those 'who Treatise or the. at her feet. , The young. Irian thought airt'ullalf_lekaf::it•molittieril_lin.17 IsiPrcmiallisiOlilie the .3)otnini on ,- it *mild be intere'sting to test his sis-. Free.. mie of ttioueedy in pint bottlen; 84 tee's courage, and, he has lost his life ring 25 6eut8 4 box'. as a penalty, while the girl who fired the shot is likely to4lose her 1.1 4',.., THE GlIEAT ti'EMAL11 SE1111015Y. the shock: When afe hear, of one of jou exosfes t;ratifoxexceix, Aquae those practical' jokes' which yesults in This well known inedicia is ao Imposition some good we shall he ead chronicle but a sgit, and sat° reimaY icir Vernal° DWI' it. oilties and Obstoctions; from any dattbOthat: overland although a powerful remedy, it eon. HOT Perin Cured Them,' taint; not133ig1ih1rtfU1 to the constitution, •.IVIARRIED LADIES • ratly. congregation inae-olt irptt.rtit 11itJtstrited. It will,in a shorttime • . of their religion to twist their necks out of joint to witness' the enteanee_gf every person who imaged up the aisle of the 'church, . briug en the monthly period xvith reenlatity. In :tile/teas of Nerve/matte Affections; .L'aius 111. the Beek .and,./dinie,. nkeinese, ratigneffslighteftertien, PalpitatiOn of the heart., Hysterics, Sick, Ileaclaches, Whites, Being worried One efternoon by this mini all the painful dioceses occasioned by a turtling practice in. his eongregetion tiwegi°0nrciaefieedtt'e'setnemio'aetileteringinleff°6"iire Mr, Dean stopped in his seining, anti These rilItehave never %eon known to tail I Said : • .. , where tint direetions on the Entl page of pain- s mid. ren, phIcit, arewell oleserved: - - • • - 4:-- . sou who the people arc Its each one of ror full partieulars. get a inimplilet.,free; of He then went on Witli his discourse tin. 81090 end 1.13 emit!" fer Postage, a701)11:)10feBS,141e'lg VOltX Soeir ritbriffieoe. Norehrop ,e, reyineee. Toronto,, Ont,, general thorn celnes in.' ....'"-- .... enelosed to til a gentleman enteredwhen be bawled out, like an uSher r , • 4 - agentefor the Dominion, will insure 13. bottle 'Deacon A -•-e.-, who keeps a shop conteit=geeyer 50 pilts.by return Mail. Soldin emitby J, II, COmbe ana 'George 'over the way., 4 G1E0- • AX'Toutai sEspgcTrilLLY INTIMATE TO SnzA Y V._ residents of Clinton and vieinity, that, having robeilthle pritioliSes on. the 01(3 1(1111111, Victoria Street, Clinton 511, hoe new on hen a large clad select stock of ' ALL XINDS Z7114111 T 71,14E Such as Chairs, Tabl'es/130/14/une Sets; IfeUnge'S.;‘yhat hots, dm., et good location', exeellent worlonanship tUld at the lowest remunerative .• • rates. . . . .1?rintiptly A.,TTEST.PEP TO CANE' itENEA"rED., S. 000D. AS fiEW P1'13,1(...11A1 Eligi;eioniilibmeifreh'i18,0187P7lace -C7' BLACKSMITELING i.hwummtit 26 1878, ebtrai arbs 1 DAPPLETON.- ORPIC1.1 - at DAT time and -Li at NIGHT time —The Rooms over the Store ol Cunningham e Alltenb ead-tho Sena re,Ciintf n. (31intan.Dec. 20,1877. DB. ICE/d IThyslciun, surge, a, ont,, earaaar tc) county or utuoa, noBiaansaaaa .nts oil- corner a mAt\c,tettitaktotht,itlitisoti )4:to canton. • /41 O • Z.t7outatzitlytkro, janly-btirasiitaitinsUilAr gT 040 Or!! joite :coo at Pr, ?donning's, three deers east of tin; Temperance Mall, Londosboro. out. Londesbore, .1nm; 14,187 , 1 , GRADUATE OE TRE MEDICAL Department of Vieteria UnteorsitY, Toronto, for- merly Of the Itosphals and Dionenearies,,New York, Crwerter fertile County of Iluron/Exinftex.n., Ont: July 22,1874. 81 DCIVSIMY & GIBSON, PHYSICIANS, SUR CEOS8iAe.ceucliours/ &F. Office/ Albert Street (;)P,P11°9,1tReoIN'v4s1441,:•/171,11)418;1). " A, 1‘1, OwSow, D ' Clinton' May 10 1877 , wonvusuwor., mixstcLi,n, „Accotichefir, meentiate ot,the College/ of Physicians and Surgeons or Lower Canada' and Provincial Ideenti. bot,toilltid.:11n:RVIPerniatYer°1ty illicer°071.1cd°11biy°° "Aalir4.1 'tliwaites, Unroll street, Qlieloi, Tit Mistoiltinerrito ar.bs. Ai" ()NEE '1'0 1.41illeD, IN LARGE Olt WALL ; -LT-A- en 500(1 mortgage. security, at )Anderate 1:Ates of • Interest. II. • . SlintoU,Augest 9111,1809, , . riliAitt4nS F. MILES, PROVINCIAL LAND Shil- l-, var04, Valita;tor, and Land Agent. 0111 nitine street, Wingliarn. . Wingham, Ang; 3,18777 " %4 .41111IAGE LIGENSES..'AND Apply at the ToWn. Hall, or at the issideneirof the v sabscriber, mar the'Lonclon, Huron 4.11ruee • litatiOn.' • • 'JAMAS .SOOTT, 2701, 1670. Issuer, ,41.klarria Denit:!mber' t the $ 0 $41,!$,,. sr01.1: Maio 14 FlowELLys. OL EN STAND STABIET, 014INTODT. HORSE Sir()EIN(7 A SPECIALTY, and 'done ea thf toipst .P(1011)1011 peincipies. _ haiing endued T„ J. 0111111011ILL, costomers will have. the benefit of his advice, in all eases, 1100 01 'charge. An kinds of G4Inniitf. /Tounrso done promptly ; • and, oil reasonable terms. ,ria vino p 001(1(1 (1,.,94 )1' 11 U.:111tVER, aeh : )3 /10; (1(141 anything tn this ltize ciinton, Au 20,1878 .t rPHE SUBSCRIBER ma's nnavn TO STATE :a. to the publiothat he.k.'seps conititiftly on Lend . large and aupei ler class of • COFFINS,. CASKETS Coffin Trininlings and Robes, Vilfli a 'el/lend/a REARM PnAIN Ceifiirfs always en head. Parties con be filuppliod, in One hour, ap . . •inly time; at 'LIEN' 1.1.*..,11, GENT - LESS *xlein eau be procured at any ether place.. ... 1 A full. stoeh of FURNITURE i .. . . Akt,.,..yennh.,i, . . ' TEIQS. gTEV.BS-80ii. I :ednt.tai, Ma., ill, wesieCans;wwilocrapcseowwwwwece-anwcummaseas• Clocks Watches, Jewel lery,. 8ie S. FOWLER DeFlirOts t.0 rottut hiKtlinCer L thank to his noluoros friends and elute luers,fortheliber al share ofpatron,' agethathelmaro coavedwhirecarry 1011 9? busineseie Olinton,andhopes by a strict anon, Wm to business', and •nsing every offortto meet the • wants °this meay Mends, to CMS tilt. MI 10 retain their patronage. He would ids° take thifi opportunity of stating that lie has taken his son into partnership, and that ;he bind- tleaR will be condnetedth Write under the style of S. PoWLIMI & SON, Tho firm will keep on hand . Watcheti, cllecks, Jewellery,.Speotaelett,, _ . . • And ;ill 'other ;IA10013,113 their line t All kinds of Pipes Repaired and Mounted, ' .11opailincolcanhie, &c., 111110 on Anti make, ro itorknianliko Cr,1111$1 on reasonable tering. 21 MEAT SPIISET, tiO11111. ,yr M 1111(1,1. Q1Inton , Dec, 0, 1811. , • • .. GEO. ,.D. 1 E Fit . IXe then went on with Iasi sermon, when presently another man passed into the aisle, and he gave his name, rcsidnoc anil occupation ; so he eon.. Oblaihy; t..IIiekson and L Lumsden, Sea - forth; 3. Kidd, Carrouhrook; Parker & Cattle emir. Iordan, aodericlu It`. Cauroreri, By 1 fleIchIas.tenthron,ReagervIllerandallittedi. einedealars. • UNDERTAKER. orewr 5AD411.1iIt VICO, E.4411)11 5TO.4N 01 -.a. Caskets Gobs, Cokr(rimminms Robes , erre, eere. .re r tips aturpliediMth. fho above at shortest 1101100,584 at the VERN LOWES'r4RATES. Algol a god HEARSE soppliod Remembrerthe I1aceeeVieeroltY4 Street Subscribe for tte Now Era I Pirmon, ept DIErtt, I II1E CENTRAL IIOTEL Isis Egraaer's •-•Alliert • _A- $troct, mitten, S. PINE, Proprietor. This ho- tel, has lately been gretitly improved and thoroughly' raurnishect, and possesses every requisite for tbo com- fort 'and convenience at the travelling pone. Coed stabling and attentive hostler, • - . Clintrin, Novi -9.4t11 1878 A 1411DOJISONd WAVES0*.: BARRISTERS, dm, OLINTON AN GOREIlICH. G Simon A. WATSON, . 8. MIT:COlarto$,; 4,44,fraon. W. 1). Gollerleb: m11.31alcore8on will be in Clinton every •Eriday.e,/ NT 'LIVINGSTON, eeteg 01? OHIGAGO, HAVING ale einclumed the Ilan Dressing 'business lately car- ried on by 1$tr.20111.1ore, desiree to intimate to tho pub, lie that ho,will continno the same at the old stand, and hopes to receive a continuation oi the patronage accord- ' ed 1110 Predecessbr. Ladies Moir Work a epecinity; Clinton, Aug. 8, 1878.: • , ATASON & 'HUDSON, AceountaidaTitt-c*tioneer-s-, JAL Fire and Life Insurance and General Commission. :Agents. Insurance two -third cheaper than ordinary . cost, and first -Mass Stock and lunthal Verupanies repro - Vented.. Money to loan, and, all kinds of property . liougnt ILIA sold. Moderate charges. • Oftice--Ena. str Jogs. iuktoill • , . .!.A.3,14 Runion, Commissioner ainLiSsuer of Conveyane,r.. Marriage Licenses. .18. 11017.5E, WIARTON, ONT,; JOLLEY & • prorrictor. •T ii. his lotel his •been•en largodand newly 'furnished, end now .offers arat-class accommodation for the general travelling public. Or. dors for zooms by letter or telegram carefully attended to. GoodE3aMple U001115. Viarton .ie most teauti- . fufly situated on Colpors Day., and the OW of this Houee bas been carefully selected. 'the hens* Is in- •• tended tosupply 0(1081 long,feit by tho' traybilIng * , pitblic, and by tOUriste, spertsecenould' families wlsb- • ing a pleasant snreine'rresort. - Steamers call daily. C. CARTVVRIGHT. CARTWRIGHT, or STRATh'ORD, WILL BE • at the Commercial notei3Olinion, tbe &1st Thum-. day and Friday of every nninth. Teeth inserted in the latest style Teeth with exposed nerves -treated, tmea And made Or good ag sound ones. MRS. PESLEIT'S MILLINERY 'Establishment .. A large' assortment of FEATHERS/ .11.0.viEris SILES and RIBBONS-, in Ole newcat shades. Also,a large stock of EMT and STRAW VATS, 0 tb.e latest styles. CORSETS, etc. Agent for Burriticit's PATTERNS Of garments of an descriptions ; large stock kept on hand, • • Felt and Straw Hate cleaned and altereel Largo Assortment of Ladies' 1Iantler. Minton, OeL 18, '1877. IVIONEY T LOAN,. ON, EASY TERNS, Sly which kbe.plincipal.cao be 13,Paid ..in part Or all at .. any 1111110 anying the torn, • oi Ai.PLT ;re , . -vv. W FAR.EAlsT. Clinton, Atarc1t.1872. ' . • **.• i*Alffi ro 404/yo . MORTGAG.ES, e NOTES, AND 7 ' Good Seeutitles Purcliased. CONVEYAVCING. • • ' W. W. BARRAN: Noc.iir 1871. . 47 '• VirISEIVIAN 13R0:1S., • )8 BOERS,.,, INSURANqE NoNzY liANT Ott MOR.TOAGO 8 PER CENT. 3,r(iitTuAGEs 13QVGIIT, 1...1‘laTIllc4 01? IIAND Di8GOUNTEDr1m iNTErtiOrrAILLowEo ON DEP4,'N1T15.. Pint.class Floe, Life. and Areirknt In.syrenee l'ontpaitite rfprePetrit it. A0PN15 1.11 111141 CANADA. L31•11 ASMIZANCE Capital and r ;Ind . . .. 03.760.000 itinhoti ti t. or Assurance ° 160412.907 weet(13, ...... 13,000 notes, lower than any other Company in this country • rASS,ENGErt AGExcit rog Ole Cunard and Inman Line f4 Steamers,. The oidef- roul 'in oat reliable linos crossing the AO antid, Ticket?. issued at lowest rates; from and to elintonpto andfrom Groat neltnit. OSire Ofl Kiir. pS'ireft, opmIte Me post 1111,C)S OilutoNAptil 5:4,100.