HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-12-26, Page 1VOL, 13, NO, 111.
113111101-11.30 11,er Annum, In allvtante.
AKE; Nfa1,101/
Tokr 13bt) Oeritt partnetwhiP batweeirts expires
• OtiAblerist tit January, we audio all our book tur•
oonnitikeettled by that time. All on' -standing acconnte
Irill0Vbe Bottled at once, either by note or cash.
elluton,.Dtte. 26,1870,
'11114 into enbtleillier's premises, lots :Wand .34,
e ine.ossion StawleYt About tOnr woektc since. 11Vn
SHEE. r, two evice and throe .141Obil. The owner la
hereby netifitid to prove property, pay charges, aml
tom theao away.
A.Mtlt3 EiN 41).
Stanley, We. 280818.
With the close of lle present. vOlicrile, J'iIlT
CLOISE eetupletesAbe thIrtydlith year eras pub tin;
and its contitioters feclithat they ctut bock bayamtth
sp.tisfaction and just pride 11,P. the' part it Aitken,
and the beneficial Inithenee it litts exercise au:the
prominent political movements and eon r good
government since the'iley of its eatoill The
unequalled. ttuctamowervhigoupport it 11 ughout
received aniong all classes of tite,Cenftdia. '
ic is at
once the beat reward, and the highest pbssible testi-
mony to the efficiency and fidelity tet public interests
with which Whaslietni COP011eted. ttS.4 /litho post..,..40
hi tho futuro, shall the 'earnest ettertsof its coricluctorS
he put forth in favor of Whatever tendS to secure just
mid economical government, thc. material prosperity of
tho masses, anti the promotion throughout the land of
aeltelom good momls,-cdocatiametemperence, ana so-
cial nonplus*. . . ,
Ifeartily convinced that Canada coulkhold no poi -
'4011 higher or better, or more'contliteive to materia)
progress, then that idle now enjoys ai; the forenreA
self -governed Provineo-in tlie British Empire; the eon-,
ductors of the Guns Ntill continuo rettlously to sustitin
Whatever tends to the perpethation of the happy exaSt-
ing relation. • .. .• •
Thoroughly believing that the best policy tor remota
is that whichshall promote Mere/sod teethe with foreign
eountries, and tint system of taxation the best Which
falls inosCliglitly on Industry and thesindustrittichtsgcs,
t:te CHAISE will (soothes° to advocate energetically -the
abolition of Custom -duties on saw materials, and the
maintenance of a revonue.tariff pressing lightly or not
at ull on thenecessariem Of life, but heavily en- articlea
(tf luxury. Jt will continuo to oppose the iintisition
of Custom -duties .framed specially to punish ()reign;
(Jountries for actual .or, imaginarY hostility in their
commercial poliv ; or speoiany to excinde British tilt&
foreign manufaertires from iho cosustry ; or specially t6'
keep certain branches of ifulustry in existencethat
r.annot be sustained without forced contributions from
the earnings of the rest of the communitY.•
• ,The GLOMS will chntinue to give :mediai. attention to
the deeply blipOrtattit subje.ets of B,ttropealt lintifigra,
tion, Railway and Canal improvementi the Develop..
mesa of thelmst Mineral, Timber and Fishery resources
or the Dominion, and tho gpectly settlementof our
'Wild Lauds.
, . • .
•Agrieulture, as .tho chief industrial interest of the
receives that construct and anxious attention
to which its vest importance" entitles it; end all nraa-'
sures for the advatittelnent of its prosperity or injurious-
ly affecting its progress' will 1),e watched with care and
hilly discussed. To the manufacturing and mechanical
intereets much space will continue to be ,devoted, and
nothing of importunes affecting them will be allowedto
pass unheeded.
News from all parts of the world; up to the iciest:mo-
ment of publication -Parliamentary .nehateig Federal
and Prov I ucial- 'Markets and Pinanmal itteportsat bOnie
and abroad. -and letters of Special Correspondents frosn
all points of interest- will be gathered wig:All:Dieser°
aId energy that has koptthe tli,onn, for so long a Series
of years in the front rank Of Canadian journals.
Special Cable Despatches from the London.Ottice nt
the GLOM 'will continue to lie received when ineldenth
of hnportanee to ettiludtsetntrispire in any part of tho
British Isles.
The al.011/1 Special Railway Train will continuo to
leave Toronto for Hamilton, and Western. erinneetiona
Pt that pettnt, at hadf-past four each Morning.
Thelipaititmted Biographies of prominent Public. Men
that haie given such general public satisfactionovill be
continued during the coining year by ebio ',and ex.:
porienecd writers. The sketches of Natural geenery,
views of the principal Canadian cities and towns, and
nietvs of the snost notable publio huildingS of the Do-
minion, with b.opious lettbrpress descriptions attached
In each, mid sketches Of the catly history of boo 'place,
111 also be continued hY'first-elass artists.
Ecclesiastical Intelligence, Science SetacEdn
•and ea-
timMI Alfalfa win eputhms prominent features in each
The Answers to Ctittf:RIXilldinith, 011 t'VeyftlkriOty of
'altfects, whieb 1ave,proved's0 valuable and ilite**ting
14 crowds of twirlers., will be kept ap_with-laccessea.
. .
The•aninit4 stib.cription tI Tug Wer.104.' *Lona' will
1.,.nutitt tem heretofore, only 112 per annulii, setit'Postage
irett 1.-1 all rtct Canada ant tho United 'States,
• luvanahly in advanco. -The* • ' •
(1.111' RATES P011
. will bet* follows : - ' • •
cattle., told under 11), itt the rate of --FM; PJ
10 copies anti under 20, the rate of 80 •
20 *mica and titer, it 11,0 rate of t. 1 71
Any one Is at !Pigsty toot up.a club tux -Ids own.re-
tponsibility. Welt club paper iifity he addressed soar.
?.tely, and may be. for any pot office. Parties getting
0p clubs will he ,opplied with spechnusr.coples of the
ismer gratis..
Remittances may be sent by post Oleo order, bank
..r.tft, registered letters, or by expros, SImm risk.
Orders and remittance:I to be eddresied to the .
fro let, a house coutainleg elz morns, newly painted.
Pienty.of bard and soft water close to the doer.
Clinton, Dee. 17, 1878. .
WA ' •
1, OAR ETAREll for the Bible clawless charch, elin.
_It. ton, for the year 1879. t'or tiro scrOces required
to be perfottnea, apply to Mr. 701711,O,I13ISI1O8 or
(TERRY R. :ALICE% by whom tenders wtri he reeelv
(-1 until the 270 of Decemher, 1878.. ,
Clit,ton, Dec. 17, 1878. • .
Tirolti).' h'.D
• subscriber offers% doe rhproughbrei norhani
L Bull Calf f tr sate. Pedigree wod description had
or, application..
dj,fird :con. stonier.
titanky, T)'. 11, 1879. •
amvwon't ftik.tn in etteliange,
\'.'m. nommt co
.3fusie tinpothou,
ennton, Dte'lti, 1870.
VITA I1EREBY testify to the ability of Mon D.
TV • a.Nrimit,.u..ounton, ss a teacher tif Yoeol and
Mitt -tuner fal Mnii. As pw sender to our choir he has
Omin unqualified satisfaction. We bellow 144 to ho
deeply tut...rested in the scone, of:1101416,,,lind &lights
n th
the aancement of htA Ilo is himself' a good
einger, and displays good taste in the selections and
tendering of weces. Wo unhesitatingly:Ina senrtity
commend him as a teacher r.1 slnoing and range to any
family, or ether *.spoetaidc lit,01017 who May require
• eh ins/unctions.
MINNfE, mini% organist.)
tr. a. atin
wrtritar srirrat opa, of chi*.
rtichibli Thorne', 11, C. Minister f Mr winiam Wade
0. 6. :wooer; Mr David TipplailY. 3fr Thomas 018.
bingo, Mt lolux G Whin pa, Anti 1ttWiiIiani o maw.,
(7linton, Not. %MS
• ..,
$140 (lien, enititachass a sotailforie, liaogn : ?I wto cf!,e 4i. , ,
or disks nj ,
• '
yi,, „i
: taanartios. A bargain. apply to • -----
• • Tosiall utrri, summer Ruh. Alt Ottawa, on rriday•civening, the- Go-
• $ •
rioderieli Terp, Deo. 5,1878. 14 . vernor-Cioneral distributed tho prizes to',
the miccessful scholars connected with the
W.IWIGOINT iiliP CUTTER 1001.1 . city schoola/ and made the .folliming excel;
. SA. . •
lept speech. on the occasion :- • • .-'
, . Mr. Chairman, sellout trustees, and pii;
rplitr. subscriber Inca, a. now Cutter and A Waggon
-a- • nearly newt which he effei.S....*-rettle, 'WM tate Pilsi of the city of Ottawa:-.4.1lew iiio to
hemlock -lumbar tit payment. • . .
. n snivElis • tell yon how muelnpleasuro it.affords Me
- ou'uto.,. D00.17, ism . , . . . , Lo be aide to be present. tOinight, and to
. s •
,,...... - - ----_--..-.....,.:4.---s.— 7,---1• ialt each of you a merry Christrutts and a
happy. newyyear. It is, I assure you, with
great satisfaction.' emprotie this opportu. -
nity of ssiying how nmah I admire and re -
Vera the admirable sistent of education'ad-
opte21- in this. great; Prbvince . ?if Ontario,
mid of handing to thoao who Antve been
suceessfulIn the competitiou of this year
., . . in 34,1 ' ' ' . ' .f"
TAKE. -N.01•IGni. , the volumes wbuth they have so' worthily
TIARKsifiRB, in -Y°)''' °lid Y"luddrd '''34''i kQllt i''v ftnillildSiibrete).d.13"01)111Y00.0741f1;114111,:ftrillit9'1:47.fthr3, et:1)1117r
, . . .•
. 'L.", SerViee. All bred irons imported t•toelr. •Teries-
• fin they fitted' UP to the present time; : I
- - . 4. •STANBURZ 140, 1°t c"'''.'""i''Y' ' - know bow tile poptiliWou of this great Pro.
..__'' ._..... • ,..,• ......-------- vi nee value' their systein of edncation, and
, .
L am most littppy to 090 how Well tlfey'
ST- RAY CAl..15411.----$5.00 I-lb:WARD,
Inv to give effect to the. manner in...winch .
they value it. Nothing impreisel ,tne
More forcibly at the, Paris .E x position this.
present year thaii the great show made by
Canada of tbe'farnitere., plans, books, t5r.c.,
used in her schools, It • explained .to ine
at, once the troth of an: observation I, once
heard by a aentlernan . who had received a
liberal 'education' in England. After re- •
OAMTI'into tnbeeriber's Anendace, lots 2:1 suet 2SJ,-.. ' Willing, frOtri a visit -f 0. Canada, lie rem ark-
1-./ B. 8,. StaillOY; abont themiddle of .Novembsr, two ed .‘ If I'cv1 of 1
red srignts; oite•red Mann, awl one white nkirc. ..t. '.... , hid reeied one 7 fon 1 r- i .-- tre.
LIZ all y'ealinps.The owner IN hereby notified to ,eti flotiflon unparted in ibe Public and Se4
prove p:toperty„ py c
sharges and tfo
ake theqi ur. partite Schools of Canada I woold to.day
. . . - • :W4.$114'w 'AT^
PL. 187have. been. a :Wiser -man." • The display
, '• ittirooy, ao. , 8.
--. inade lit Paris was a roost .icidhions .00ei
fl711,1's.3.1.: STEER.... and one 'ealenlated to invite the lit /pnla,ttori
a the aid world to Canada's fair fields and
• - .MONEY TO: 0.1N.1), •
HAAT,a amount of Money to. lend, on good,
A., improved rams 014, At 8 per Pent; iiaigis very.
moan. 8051.00 Object it soo.ydir
lend looney for any ColuptTY- '
ir0tt:.7 POUTX.,
Nov. 7,1878, S P. arowrn.
rpm?, hubseriber vitas tho above reward for Linen in,
• rermatien 0 will.lead to the recevoy of Min red
STREll rising throe. ono bluish •8 117111t,;risiog two,
and ene Week HEIFER rising MO rears old, They
Strayed away (Omit the middle of duly last. ; . •
,,LIENRY STEEP, Clinten 0.0,
tot 00, reel vop.ottederieh township. , • f
• /0,1. e
C1.171110 oilul.t,o0 olhaeelryorlientwi.st hofp?aiettiSuob;etrPowild', birltudt,g,;" vtldt-in,,tililikid lends., atnah to inform the in..
la 'child rah would '
sista:, with a row r,l.ite spots onlho thellY: The tell fig 0 grant f sa
owner is hereby notified in taro properfir, POY oberaos, be as well cared 110111 11 the new world as in -
a"4 tak°'t a,waY' .n.mus itta.1.1,4j)Eil. • . any country bf tho old world,;. 1 atitsfrai4
•,:t4fMlecich:toirnavP Do:14,1878. ''' • . t that if many of our. yeung: friends make
/...s.,,....,„ . --,--• , . themsel yes thoreughly acquainted with the
STBAY HEIVER.' . contents of ' the voluinei ‘0911 , thein this
. • . ........ ,v nin,.„ sii ii ar'Ve nmel,. ey wi a
^et n.rEsii9ititow,tnic.o, atelintlisseeisitel•lhere,•isoostt.sosittesael.ettleg, b..etter lelirtieo, .than yo) who. have lived:
IrsuFEn. with' it 'white spot on'hec tarchaaa. The more years than . they have. MAWS .and
(*tiler is' hereby notified 101 1' ve loroportY,PaY•611arg.:A. gentleman, at Paris it was saki that there
tom tare it away., ' . . • , • • ,..
. , • 3A1111118 ROBERTSON, were abrpe blanke in the extlibitign by Ca.
nodericit townehip, Dec, 11, 1878. • ., nada of ehe wonderful products of jier ha '•
. . , ,., •
vest arid .in . the inannfaCtiirea Of machine-.
,ry, tte.. I can nownnderstand that. yve
aid not wish to hurt the anseeptibilities of
Europe; , for ii pc. had exhibited'our 'fine
wheat, or our luscious: golden pippiii apt. ,
plea, We ghoul(' at °nee have allown the
'apple of •discord and aiveke the:env,y of the
‘1.1.11E into onhoeriber's premises, bit 17, Dineley Ter.
N...1 taco, Stanley,' Sometime during the fall, a Week
1111111111, 00105 two. The turner is hereby notifted
to 1,1,roy: preperty; pay charges, and take her 01157.
Clinton, Deo. 19, 1818.. . . •
• • • Parisians, • (Laughter.). For the same
'00W.• reetron. we _did not exhibit . largely, in the
7) ixi •thadhinery. department. Other. 1)111-1.0118(1,11111into subscillites promisee, lot V3, con.
kJ lett, about the Mot of Nove,nhor, a four year ced filled the. whole building • with great Ma -
red cow, with whit° spots. who owthor 8 netdiod to Ames, that vibrated, sounded and whdred,
Po" P"IrY, raY hation-yggelia:glIntiAm-. and the iyhoels anci pistons of which woro
Dec. 17, 1878. ' . ' driven by steam We aid not desire to
• .
NVe did .nnt . wish to inform the denizen of
ri1,417.1. :NOTICE, that the ammintafent of Messrs. .
M.tHoN Illmsoa, or. lionsall, as gentopt Ins 'Pane or.of. London that if be, Omuta sew
. the Ottawa or the St. Lawrence le wouldMulital: Fire: ;Insurance Company,_feel rilihamed of himealf when he looked
• of the connty oftweningten, is this day eanceiled.
on the Seine or the Thsanies again.(Lane'.
rsq., has beet appal:AO tor.) The exhibition of educational iappa.
Agent for this town and vitiony, sna is now ImPared rates was the .hest -exiiibit the ,Donfinion
to taro applications tor this Company, tho clulapest in could have made. • .It was. interesting :to.
tlio Domirdou, -
By oraor,. onarasEs navrnsoN, *see the magnificent lumber trophy, exbi,
, scoy.Treas. biting the :wealth -and treasures of our for.
ettelPbt 4th'iko . outs, but in °dr' educational', exhibits. We.
'PARM FOR. SALE. demonstratbd to thia world that we were
• . . • apt in enitivattng the ,greateat treasure of
rl'Inl-liOnlervigined, offers for sale his form Of '70 Serest all the re,iely brain an' d 9eicic instinct of
consisouget north:wain/if of lot le, Buren nand,
1-hoyou th of thiseettott.y. ((heers..) Now,
l'ioderich trOwnstilp. ow 00 acres ideated. and in A
Pea state of cultivation, remainder good hardwood. r desire' to , addreis zt few. iverde. to, the
Good frame honks, with stone colhtr. frame barn, eat -•"'" 'Folk a present. •Fii.st of all, would
buoncr,, ac. Two oichards, ono' of trmg, tow)Y 5 -
any to„those who have not been auccessful
pia:amt. Situate 11, milet
s front ',Iinten.
wicitalin Wm, this ynar that they must not lose heart.
. rioderiet Township, 11ec.0,1878. lifi There is • oiie .good„ maxim which they
should remember ; it is, "Better lucknest
time"'.(langliter), and another Still better,
"Never say die." (Applativie,) Many men
who have not been succeseful at firat have.
in the end Obtained more thatetheyhoped
primarily: to obtaht.' 'I need not reeorn.
mend,yon to read One of the meat beamsti-
fol in this century, The
tateg of My Grandfather," from the pen of
the celebrated...Sir 'Welter Scott. In this
work he magrates the story of a great Scot-
tiali king,who in a time of difficulty, dan-
ger, distress, and fear, went. to sleep, weary
with exertion, and hopeless of. suecetai itt
tlie greationtetprise of delivering his coun-
try from her outface.; When I/0 awoke
'froia.his alnalber 110 alt Olt the rafters
above hie head a spider endeavoring to.spixt
ntsx IN USE. • her web. The spider tried several times
to bridge across the .span,bn t it proved, too
wide for her, - She triad, I think, three
times, and fitiled in each attempt, and at
last 13r00e said that if thm . spider should
try another time and succeed,. no would
follow the example, The 'spider aki try
again, and succeeded. Prom that event
13ruce drown, favorable omen, and success
attended -another attempt:, and thee • he
won olir gratitude and roused our pride.
I Will draw the same rnoral from an mei-,
dentin the early eareor of ono of the great.
est financiers of our time., I allude to Mr.
Oladatone. When he was leaving school
- I NIP ouvr, r for college, as many of you are doing to-
night, he told his father that, he would do
!di beet to eneoeed in eleasice; but he (Ine
father). must not,,expeot him to succeed in
figures, for Ito was not good at matireina.
tic& Hehowever went through the Ind.
versify course, and he went out into the
world not only proficient in classics, but
a?11)t. also p'rolloien't in 'mathematics. There is
no poet, at honor in Canada. 'which is not
open tO any peraon present tes obtain,. It
Maybe a little more difficult in the Mother.
land,bitt even there; tbore are few positione
which' ate not open to AvOilt aspirant, In
this tonnection'as a proof, -I can quote a
name oonneeted with p. vessel, the lItoc.,
Priflefly conunanded by IL R,11. the Duke
show "tbein that we had another motive
•power than ateani to drive our machinery.
ID lc::
ertuit en;iycriberviishes to intimate to tge people of
• Clinton, that on TIIIII:SDAT, Nov Sntb, howill
etnineence tate selling of milk in Clinten, and will eon -
...Mae RO dbfrig thronghont the winter, He will deliver
eve; reerning and evening, Sundays excepted,eind 0111
soli at the Tay reasonkble rate of Om ilzegnr.
atriestaht, for 25 cents. Patronage respeotfully
Coderich. TOvn lier. BO, 1878. '
10111ES ..WafiSTGER&.
March 28,1878.
Of Edinburgh, which was lying .at Hal
on my arrival there. That vessel, was tin
by a gentleman who commeneett,et ti
lowest steps in ttle ladder of fetne',•and eht
before he ,died became -one Of the.wealthi.
00t and . most celebrated of Glasgow ahiv
builders--Iloliset Napier. He 000000 0
simply by pnrauing his coorse of 11
unswerving pertinacity, .t.
those who, have beim:success
prizes, and if lieg. to ret
llIn.°)Ye theyu3bi
8-81:v1111 ea
may require Many it -rakes
reach their gent, •' 1 hope
out for'it, and iirove wor
tion they have received
themselves to be Lb
•''1"1!tr-ems' (.° Ptlie
•ne 4 Loltit"..
The .foliiiwing address has bt en
seated' by the D.oininion Gra) e
Pltrns oT4irriblindry His
tbe.GOverhor (leneral '!and the Princess
fonise i---• ' ' • ,•••
• Through tho lI1ediut10o)f t1e 1)bmin ion
Gm ange,- the representative society. of
the. great 'a g rib I ett ra I interest of Canada,
We extend to Hiti ExtelleneY.tho Marc
Rai§ of Lorne and .11. IL, 11., the. Prin...
eess teiniSe the. hearty Ulla .08111,80.Wel-
conic Of the . yee nry.-.. of .this con n try.;
and desire te'.expr.ess onrsmcere, wtithee
'for your happy •.1 if'3 iirOonast• tia;:fild the
suceeketel direction the affairs of the
coin, try in the Iiinfored: Positiort yon are •
called. Pon to fill. . As agricultural.'re-
prosentatives of an i ni portant ind ustrY
we aecept "the' present 'as •a `fitting oppoe...
tenity to give expression 10 0111' feelings
Of loyalty to "the 'British' Thiene' of,lovn.
for. Her .arniesliy. Our Queen -413'd rever-
• .. .
once foe her late honored censort Prince
Albert, :whose .illustrious Mune shines
bright in• the history of.the noTictiltural
terests . Of (-3-' rea t Britnin, a nd whose -
examples: nnd. :precepts have': given, an
impetne to the 'calling of hnsbantleY and
added dionity and honor ttt,those engag-
ed CIS f..11CIS • or the sail. We I epic° to
know that nmid the rural population. of
0anal18 strong .feelings, of•fidelity.. to the
mother conn try exmt, which are "no W.
131;TCD inied 'and .the ljontl of10-e drawn
elope' by the 'presenceln one,midst' of
the beloved daughter of oftr:.noble
Queen. '., 111.ay.., her ,liteS be drawn in.
Pleasant Places, her lifo With us ba such`
that in future years .slio may look back
to, this:period of her life with pleasure.;
terld to Your • E'NeellencY . as: Governor,:
-General of 'Canada .oni hearts': desire is.
that your 'reign' May be .rnarked by, Ca.,.
'unparalleled prosperity,: which. in
years to: Conn) Will be a' sourCe .of pride
and satirifitetion ta you. And ,while we
are .extending ,ounexpir&ions of loyalty
and welcome to Your Excellency and
H. R. 11.,.Wo regret that amid the many
welcomes. and festive .seencii . ttending
yone introduction' into Canada, you are
so soo#called upen, to pietten the loss by
deade :of one, holding a. strong place itt
yone, hear ts' ffeptien.t.,4he Princess
•, .Wo extend' to yon and Her
Gracie:is Majesty the Qneen our heart-.
felt -s7mpathy. ia dila f.seeet' 'sorrow'.
With these expt.essions• of -our, loyalty,
• • •
one love -and onr syttipatby,.weeammend
•you to the care' of Hint whoSe' Divine
guidance SoOthes ll sorrow.and leadeth
into paths of righteotisness, and, if
songlit for, Will instruct you in ' the
honorable and respensible-duties of your
high posttion:
Caktadittn NeWs, "Items.
. Mr. al'. SOutheott., Landon, has an ap:,
pteweig1ing:1$' ounces.
" The triplets recently born at Montreal
hare been Christened Victor,. Lorne, and
Louse. •
. Mr, Lind,.,,,of 2nd con, Westrriin.
is1-er kllIcd a goosc on Saturday whieh
weighed 191, lbs.
The attempt made tet quasi: the eon-.
vktions under the Dunkin Act et,;(10t
bourg has failed. . •
On • Wednesday last, Mr, R. Light,
while in his factoryiput his lettid agemst
a small buzz -saw taseo f it was going,
was. ; • •
. .
Me. 0. Piper' has Fined the Hibbert
council .for $200 damages, a span of
his having fallen through a Culvert in
'that township, •
In a trial with Etlisen's telephone, a
Montroal., en ThursdaY, conversation'
was carried on With Ottawa its if the
converaers WOVO in. the 811,1130 room.
" A. parkY of twenty Afortnons pissed
through Aiontreal last Thursday night,
Thera were two men, the renutinder be-
ing women, principally girle from the
cotton mills of England, and a few
Ameileans. .
On, Satertlay 'last Me. H.
OSROAI hroug,ht to Poet Hope tnaeket
five hogs*, which tt-Yieageci 420 lbs. eaelt
r. -..the *hole lot weighing 2,100. Onp
of them WaS so fat that it had been
blind foe weeis.e.'' They were of tjte
lerleshire geed.'
f idlaiiiii; fell
00 :TI1018 l
0 sever s to cause
ht howl; of extrenie silt
Qti the 121;1 ',inst., Wm., a promising,
son of Mr: :7 Citri.1, ef Miteliell, aged -t7
years mid s' .. Months, feli frem tt fence,
but was na thought to he script:sly in-
jured unt'l Wed nesdiNy waning,when
lee compl. ined of .severo internal pain.i
He eon limed to grow ,worse, " when'
death pt t Jul end to his suffering early
on the sa le eyening. .. - , ".
Three to tk-rnet withat feaeftil fall tit
.isontion, oti the, 2071i,.inst. neywere
standirry;on a".seaffold of 2 inch plank,
in a 'clnmli; hon 71 stuldbrilY:coll.apsed;
the mentiroppibg'aleng 'with ,the wick
.from a height pf nearly 1.0 'feet among
the pews. . Their fall wasbro.keb-by
oltr: s in v ening,. tit th seaffoldirig,
. And thus tbe,y escaped any .butilien..boues;
,but were fetind to. have Eitiritri.inetl.. ruk..
rneeous cuts and ,.•bruises, : •
Two bowling tramps and. a desperate
'woman, on the night of the 161h, enter-
ed tbe Presbytetian China!
, througli the windowand madthm
e e.
selves comfeetablo:.for :the nioitt by 1111
I ing the*stove with :Bibles, Sabbath.
selniol :books quid papers and coal bil.
They were discovered by B. Porter
next rnornine,who tried ' to ..detain. the
tramps; but tbeyproVed too strong for
the .01 man, and .they. finally escaped. •
The Dominion Grangewhicli smot at
Toronto last week, .plecte.1 the'folloWing
officers.for the coning year. ' The elec-
tion resulted as follows Hil-
born. Uxbridge, W. M. ; W. M.
W. 0.; S. -White, Charing CroaS,
w. :i-. ; -W.. T. 1.rassy; 13e11cville, W.
S. ; D. :Kennedy, ,Peterbore, , A. 5, ;.
.T. P. Bull, Downsview,V., Treas.;
P. Page, Fonth ill, W. See,' ;J. :Manning, ,
Schombera W.41: •J. Trull Oshawa,
I. ci. . • .
Weiting.to .tite Montrettl.-Stitr,.tt man
I:sires; Vennor the following rub :--it iS,
n -t truth, quite timeVe had resi; froin
these: perpetual • inflictions emanating
front this so -Called Weather ProPliet."
After 'fOrty years' Obseryitticai and re-
pidence in this Country, I ain satisfied).
know quite as much about these mattets
as41r. Vennoe, but Willett, .aftee nil, is
prealous little: Of 'course, he has as
innehlright-to palm all he ram out of
tbe sale of lila' armanae as a patent -Medi-
cine ma)1 12710,erit of the sale of his spe-
cialties, but, fee . pity's sitle, lot
cOtifine liiinsole there,and not be eter-
nally boring.the public With the 'weather
prophecies, which have beecarai as ridi-
bulons as they .are wrong. The old-
fashioned almanacs of fifty years ago
were more boueit- and, reliable; when
they told us thatt.in ,Tuly wo migr26 ex-
pect libt days, and. in January to look
out for snow-st,plus.- ,
No "itionlco.”
TWo thousand persona Will readily send a
dollar each into a scheme offering a prize of
$1,009, thotigh only one ear gob it, and 1,999
must lose lne,dollai, A publisher pita $2,000
ettlfreolleetinaaturpreparing useful informa-
tion, and offers to every one of 2;000 persons
who eontributessonly_a_dollar oit•so,a printed,
duplicate of the'results, so that each otie may
have the entire,benefit of 'what has actually
coat $2,000 orator°. Is net thia better than
any uncertain chance ,aoliern0, fuliof blank
tickets? !Phis applies to all good journals
and all good books. Here is a good apecial
illustration. The Publishers Of the A merlaot
A grioulturist expend ;325,000 a yertiin gatber-
ing plain, practleal, rollablo information,
valuable to every person, to every family, in
country, village, or city. Them am 100 to
809 °veal engravings in each velem°, winch
bring right to the eye and understanding a
multitude of labor.saving and litter -helping
contrivances, and impliments; for outdoor
and in.door work, -very many of them home -
produced. Thia great number Of nada], in.
structiva, and pleasing engravingai is a most
valuable feature of the 41merleatt .dgrieultur,
making it greatly supelior to any other
source of similar information. Ibis Jrnrnmt.1
constantly publishes miustic exposures of
Rutabaga and Swindlers, Whiell cave itsrcqd-
ora Many times its eclat: ^ Over $25,000 a year.,
foci -aponcleO, 111 collecting and „ppating
formation, engravings, eto,,..giving thousands
of aiseful *Wats aud suggestiotiii. Yet each
atideVery reader gate the, full boneilt
000 outlay, The cost to single au:find-hers ia
enly $1.50 a year, post frau; foto cOPits 0.25
each; and to einhs of ten or 1110rd onlyel each.
(Speehrion.topies 10 cents eaoh, post frea.),
It will pay every one to have this Journal.
Try it, Marshall's magnificent Steel•Plate
Engraving, entitled "Thai, bitariner's Pride,"
is presented to each subsofthin sanding 20
cents extra to cover cost of 'peeking and poet.
age, Orange Stuld 00., Publishers, 245
BroadWity, Now York,
I '
IStanley, li
• .::. tfrIt°1113g'
1i...ee °I :f
IYtIicle. 'S‘twith
-lriii I:)•onagliy,;y7ifo,
Ifi1ton,.0i the 11 t li
. On Titpsday, a lad 11111
W - 40t tiding on- a sleigh: id•
on getting' off 130 • stunt
.A..' tear'''winch was folio.
..liiiiniee4nSitl C.ritI:1, y . n)angl
Mi.. 11. Wil I GI ritS,..of En, 4 a
seeedetled On illonday, in.,,i isposino Of a
teonstee,zinix: :The :10:tinial. was alerrot
to tha ;inhabit:pits of WitwanoSh 'arid:
A1oc1.1. having' killed a bil`go utoxilkiik tf
. :
sheep.- .. . • . ,. •
. -A.s 51.r., j.- Sherry, of the firm of,..
. Sherry tt .liti rvey,i Klippen, Wit/Si eu,gagtati •
in 11110 -leasing a 1100Q.:111. 'Win If,dgars', .
'Stable, he received a Very 'severe kick in
the firee...urbielr ,Wira first 'thought wOuld
.prove fatal, but hels.iecovering. .,...: . • .
. . .
. . The.Ber. ,A. V. 4T2ar1-ley'.intalore,ted. ;.
in- it . call by direction of the Ituron. •
.Peesbytet.y, at.ThatnesiRead and Kirk- .
tan, on the :Hilt inst., ,e;Ilitth.ie-Sillted. in .
21Prlak of thalleV,,Colifi Fletcher, brother
Of the Rev...D, H. Ineteber, of 'Hamilton, -.
, :Conductor Cjark of.the L;,,H. & .B..;
. . . .
.11,,-Itas been Proincitlto the maim lino., .
•and in: his place.Contluter- Itio.....Bitiley. 7
*Will' be stationed.., tionduotor-Dulmago
goes ontho. iiittili line to ruin tbei steel/xi. :
.boa(1 expreas„ and will be szteceetled hoia.
‘ by Conductor Gilkinsen. . - : •-• : ' ..
. . 'One: day ; last. wiialc ,Whilo .1:1.1.1.i.I. we
Ching, of-Hrty; aad a .-411.00 1)1r
. .
&fling trebs: dirithe 'fitette,.'ona of a herd'.
of cows' got too neirr !the falling' 'timber -
an(1'. was struck ou • th8 head,and i so
iiettoPely . in,j ii redth a t . it was deemed' ad- ,
Yisable to hill the•iiiiimal;
A party went!to 13ros1elS:1eeetitly, to
:Aarli' a newspapee • in the interest' .'of .
Conservetivistn.: . ,A., meeting: Of : thci
Lib. -Cons. wit.; called,but the members ,
(0 cculdn't.sed tho point" 'ef Starting, a
num in business. The hat', was. passed ..:-
around: to earty him bitt of •town, Pact !.'
The .falle.wing• officers. were. elected
for' .J. 0. li. 189i. Goilceich Towitelrifi't
It. Elliott; NV, M, ; ‘T. Hareison; D. U. ;
0-. Caution, Tt.fiftS."; • T. Klffott;. Chap. ;
15: Wilson, P. of 0. 3 G. T1aAvioy,.;p0o. ;.
.T; Harrison, L MeNeidy, 1, Woods, J. '.
Elliottnfid A..Ourrie,00in, ; W. Currie',
1-:' T: ; ,T. Weston, 0. T.' • • .
:Ntr. IL Charters,...af the aim Road,
Ttickersittith, lest spring sowed a small .,
quantity of *bite Ilessian..wheat. ife ' '
threshed it a few days ago, and it :goo
tho magnificent yield 'of' VT .blishels tO
tIld ll.Ord. Other varieties grown. along. :
,side of thio did not yield OVer.12i • hush-
eli to the acre. ,ge. Charters imPorted.
the seed froth the States.
. The follOwing, is the eestlyid the rdi=i
VisiOn ,of the GOderioli votors' lit :-..
Convey:Alves pub on, .17 pitefortners
mit on 10; ConservatiYelf strtiek. off, ,
14 ;.fleformers,stenek oft, 11/. Otnitted ,•
by Clerlc:froin `assessment rell,.7 ;names
• ehanged.on, 0.; names :changed off, 7'.- ,
Tlle names thog,ed aro .partiettsstrtaieleti, ..
off and'prit on m in rahvother w
disposed of part of their p1'0per4. ' ..
Oii rridgy evening the keond annual
dinner was partaken. nf-liy-the-botly--of
Pabron9 of • Husbandry, at nIneyale,
tbirtylvo partook or 94, sumptuous re. ;
past, served up by Mr. T. West,. the
Royal Hotel. After 'dinner speeches
were calted far, Mr. 11. Currie, dep. reeve
of East Wawanosh, Mentor of Bluevale
Grange ;.Me. T. Farrow, U. P.. Mr, 8.
Black, Poeve of Turnberry ; lir. Gra-
ham, of Wingtatn GiAnge; 1V1r.
Young, of Colborne, J P,, and others,
wry°o appropriate speeches for the occa-
sion: *, •