HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-12-19, Page 7• a TAB OLINTON NEW ER.A. ; See,'' 76, and 8 4 Ti.c. t Clhap. 27, See. $... Retilrnea b Justices of , the Peace p•I11 and for the . County of Huron, far .,the Quarter ending the'1Qth Day..of Deoeml?er, • • y • 0 Name. of Prosecutor, Lewis Elliottdo. 3 The Queen 4, do ' 5 do'• 6 Michael One 7 W. Williatns . • 8 Joseph Golly 9 Isaac Cassady • 10 do 11 William 14IcIiltyre 12 John Morrison 13 John 13ates 14 Isaac Laugsteet • 15 Christopher Dale 16 Arthur 131easdell;.' ' 17 do -. 18 19 20 21 22 23• 24 25 .—_ 26 27. .28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 .46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 56 56 57 • $8 69 60 61 62 63 64 65 • do do • do Mrs, Elizabeth Fitzainion Mrs. Elizabeth.Sgnire Mrs. James Cook Thomas. Jackson, Edward Newmarch Luccrs.Smith • • Ada Miley Ada M'iloy W. J. Mcutcheon Q George Churchill • do • J. Pearce A: IVIeNab • B, Allen W. Higginson 11. Cameron E. Seale • H. -Chapman H. Fingol - Constable English J.. Green • J. Love Constable Erigiiyll• T. Seale • J: Rands J.• W. Carson \ V:131ashill John Carter John Heman Alex. Wright • 14Tilton Hughes Henry Orth Daniel Steinbach'` Henry Brang' George Bates jr• Donald McLeod do EIlen Holt AO William Taylor do John -F. Schuttler • do Pettypeace and Black Andrew Arthur s Natne',of )')efend ant. Robert Thompson Robert Thompson. Robert Robertson Philo Noble William Jesso�p James Mitchell Margaret Ilibbet John I'JcRoberts t John.IUarkle j Thomas McCue George 13idduiph John•Smith Patrick Griffin Charles Milton George, Jackson `,1>bos. Hodgins ' Earnest Houghton Ned • Foster A. Foster W. Walker 0, Vandelip ;. Samuel Fitzsimons James Scott : ' Samuel Cook Joseph Smith William Cowan Henry Willoughby James Tucker • John Thurston Joseph Campbell Wm.. Birmingham • George Hockridgo J. Henderson . J. Rairden • W. Tiernan •' W. Higginson W. Hogan • T. Seale; W. Whitford•, J. Merrpfield •: Henedy and Dunn J. •and A. Lowry J: Young • N. Little J ,Sr. Thompson Mrs. Hannah W, Blashill J. W.` Carson Jolui Laird Alex. Ross Lewis Redd. Milton Ilughes Joseph Rose, ,, Chas: Smith Henry l\7i1d• Peter CarrlView John J. Schuettler • Joseph Pittatn Callaway Jphn A. Young .. Benjamin Kaiser Daniel Mclsuac' Thomas Rourke William '\Vinson Charles Willson Kasper Wepfer. Henry Brang John Doran . George Beadle. • Y Nature of: Chargd, Assault Articles of the peace. Stealing'.• • • Stealing Stealing Assault and batartery staining it Taking letter from p; o, and de - False pretenses Assault and battery' Assault and battery ". Assault and battery Assault. , Assault Assault ' Assault •- .Ly Larceny Larcenyarcen' Larceny Larceny • -- -' .Assault Assault Assault- ` Isstii'ng• coiri ei felt. bank bill~- • 18'' Assault Dee 9. • Malicious injury to.preperty Sept, 21 il:Talicious'Rimy to .property," Malicious injury to, property'"' Assault - Larceny Misdemeanor • Assault and battery • Larceny • 'Assault and battery '.: Assault and battery ; Larceny Wife beating False pret,enees • False pretences Larceny Assault •False pretences Burglary. Indecent •assault Libel . Assault and, battery Assault'and battery • Assault Assault and battery Fraud • Stealing _lrtieles of the peace. Assault Assault and:battery' Assault and battery Assault Assault .:.. Malicious injury : Assault :Malicious injury Malicious injury Assault . .. ' Assault . ITheft .IAssault afro battery. Date of Conviction.. Oct.'` '8 8 19 29 Nov. ,5 Sept. 23 Tov,..8 • Dec. .2 Sept. 5 '12. • Oct. • 21 21 • Nafiie of Convicting Justice or Justices. S. P011ock and P. Adamson J's P., Goderich, S. Pollock, Esq., Mayor of Goclerieh ' do clo. • . do do' do do iso d0 C.{ Crabb,Esq.,: J, P,, Goderich do,::.. t. - do do:. do c16 do T T. Coleman, . Esq., hiay or of Seafortli Colemau and Strong„Escirs:, J's P. Coleman and McDougall, J's P, do +Ela o3 do ' Sept.19 - John ;McGarya , Escr,, J. Po Gliiitou • Oct. 22 l(icGarva and settle, J's I' Nov. 14 John �llcCTar1 .t dq�. 3,IcGarve. ani!• Searle, J. P. •Willson and Dickson, Esgrs. J= P. 'Neelands and Willson,, J. 1'.: Nov. _22 • • .Oct. 29 • '29 ••. ' Sept, 14 Oct. 1 ••. 7 •- 7: 92 Nov. 1 • 2 11. 21 ,3. Dec. :3 Benjamin Willson, Esq., J P.; ..Wring -film: Neelands rind J's P. ;. •. do do W. Harris,.,Esq., J, f'., -Brussels • do . do:: •. do • do. • do? :'de • db <lo do' ' do ''' do fro'' 'do . do clo, iia do do Harris; McRea, and'Straclian, J's P. Wr'Ilarris, Esq, J 1'; ' do do. .;p• • , do Ang 7 Andie v Goven1otk,„T.•P. Oct: 31 • 25 Hunter and Thompson P. 1 Ha,leivoodt Yotuig,,aud Williamson, J's P „j July • 4 11I. Zeller; Esq.; J'' 1?:;/.unelY Oct. 12 ° i do' Nov: 16 • Zeller;Gidle 'Geiger, and Fee, J's P. } 1; Oct .S David Hood:•1?iitehie, Esq., J, P. ' Sept. 19 :. Wni, McMullan, Esq., 3.„1”, 19 do Nov. 2 Girlle .and McPhillips,. qrs., J's P:; Exeter • 11 11 • • 1 . Aug. 23. Sept. •16 dp do do do • do do do: do'... Willson and Dickson, J. P. John heruighan and'John Washington, Esgrs,;,J's P. A;inounFot Penalty,Piiie oe 1)antege, 2.00'. 10 00 1 0 40 ' 2 00 5 00 2 00 4°.00 9-00 0 00 " ;i00 1 00: ith •. 27,• 1$78' tllwith. :do i do do I 8 Treasurer Clikito Left town 1 is4,d: 2.O Forthwith 2 0A �.'1~ orthwit1i lth 5.001•For sv. 1'.00 2 00' _000 1 00 1.00 • 10•00•; • 1,00 1` 00.. .. 0'7,5 1 .00 • 1,90„ Forthwith' Forthwith Ten 'clays • Forthwith . do Ten .days, .` • I' or..thwith ,' : •� dd rForthwitli :.` do Forthwith. Treasurer Winghiiin do. _ Tres -surer. B.Jyth Treasurer Morris Treasurer.DTorris Treasurer Brussels Township Treasurer do• • County. Treasurer '. do, Not paid Treasurer Tue▪ kerSin}tri .do To Prosecutor County. Treasurer County Treasurer• • • "8 00. [Sept.23,1878 Treasurer Colborne. Not yet ; still Warr ant issued for lir Not yet 1.' iic1: Net paicll• Not.yot palid, Committed for 'trial.. Dislnisse • and posts. Committed for trial.' Dismissed. ; Committed -foe -trial. and costs, Dismissed..' Dismissed. Dismissed. . Settled. Dismissed. Dismissed. Committedfor trial.:.' Dismissed. and costs•,. Disnnssed with' costs....: Dismissed.:' tr.r, ecutor absconded; Committed for Want of sureties: slid costs $4,15; apliealeil. • and costs. and . costs. Dismissed for want of proof..'::. do • do • d0`. do and costs: COM witted fol trial. I hereby certify'. the abOve-to be .. _ .. the of L. ' knowledge a>stl lielief.; RA Clerk of the l'ease's Oflroe-Godeiioh, Deo. 16, 1878, :' LEWIS; Oerk of ; the Peace : and , C. county of .liuron. A Fantastic Thanksgiving Screams. In 'the New •York churches, onThairs e day last, the thanksgiving services fur- nished abundance of material .foresti- mating the'poculianties of .the leading divines who participated . in the • exer- cises p cises appropriate to the day. Mr. Tal- mage, for instance, appears to hitrve• led• off with a theatrical display. His am- bition was ' to .gather: in hischurch. specimens of allproducts' of the 'gaited States, in order that his 'congregation might have before their, eyes sensible representations of the bounties for which they were to thank (trod.' 'Ac- cordingly, corn and oranges, wheat, rice, barley, oats, cotton and -pears, rye, apples and canned• peaches decorated Mr. Talmage's Tabernacle. •A row .of.. yellow sheaves of grain was set up all around the front edge of the Dlatfb r m r likea bristling stockade. Ears of corn hung . to the bindersr with the crisp basks stripped up to the butts. One ' very large sheaf had been bound right around Mr. Talmago's little speaking desk, so that when he laid his notes down upon it they were buried out of sight Ily the well•fil]ed drooping heads~ of wheat and rye. ,At the end of the platform stood two tall palmettotrees;. and between these and . the middle of the platform were two live orange trees with growing fruit. A buslrel;;ba'sket 'full of oranges and 1enlons and another of apples wore on Elie preacher's right and left. Corn lay about on the ear - pat .in' lieeps. The organ front was crossed by a ribbon of, ears of -corn plisses, and a big yellow palm -leaf look- ed over Talmage's shoulders like a sun- burst. The chandeliers were draped with moss from the. live oak trees of the South. : Mr. Talmage seems to have cgnfineil his researches and orders chiefly to the grains and fruit of the earth. He did not bring fishes from the .seal or ores from the bowels of the earth.. He had not a single pieeo of machinery nor a wooden nutmeg on the sanctuary's plat- form. The sermon delivered` under such appetizing circumstances is thus epitomized • , Mr. Ta1magis's face was pale compar- ed to the rich colors of the friiitsof the earth, .still it smiled on as large a softie Y. RS ever. He took a text fr to d ,, but diel not.stick to it pictured 1 He used. n a r dinner -table str-etoh'"olea1 acro s thee Continent and resting on the mountain tops, with barbecues °MTexas'beef every half mile and long-legged. Ytlnkees eat. ing. All the States were ,allowed •'to contribute something to :the' feed'. except Connecticut, which was directed to keep its cigars' at home to out -stink its onions. The waiters, such 'as were supplied front the East through 7,'Ice.,Trorld Employ-' went Bureau, were to he coolies from California.' Having get his 40,000,000 guests down to the'tables,'11r. Talmage began ,to discuss the different dishes, beginning oddly enough with rice -pud- ding and showing several •ways..of swil- lowing. it. ' I toll you, he said,11.l1 the French tnelaiigos and all the Span. ish pastes, . and all the .GertJian and Italian cheeses and . sweetmeats 'can't compare with on•r•-dish of rice -pudding, with nutmeg apiinkled o11' the''"top. , Thank Gpd for rice ! Thank I3im very often !' ' Thank Godfor: bread !' was the next' order. • Then Mr, Talmage reached. down find picked a' • !greening' out of the baskets that stood near him, wi `ng it, off with his coattails' and apo. r Mang it; ' Sweet fruit of 'the '. earth, 5olden •and roseate and green and. brown ! Who does -not love apples'! Solomon thought a good deal of them. " The very. sight and smell of a''ripe"api=.. pie calls up to my mind whole :world of boyhood' teminiseslrces.' Then'fir r. Talmage helped liimself to an immense ear of corn, and said it was beautiful and round, and described a,dhusking bee' in this wise : ' Jab 1 rip 1 bang ! whiz l and the golden earsgo fl in out .. L o Y S_ h right merrily, ,,Thank God for corn . He wound' up with . grapes,. but said nothing about turkey and crap..erry Sauc4'. 'Temperance and Intemperance Ameng air the teeming millions who have inhabited the world, 'history does not tell of one who regretted having led a life.of total abstinence, Cardinal planning says a. " It is mere mockery to ask: tis to put down drunk- enness ,by moral anti•religious means, when. the. Legislature facilitates the multiplication of the incitementii,'to in•' temperance. on . every side," . It is stated by a Chicago authority Oat 30,000 boys and ,girls of Chicago are' patrons of drinking saloons, and many of them are drunkarcls. .About are Of these tipplrn„d children AY - rested atini- llfor drunkennes aud tos >a ,yf one species of crlm8'and another', and many'. the ii'aloons could not exist if it were not for'these uven ,1 jile drinkers, ix There was a city ordinance prohibiting the sale of liquors to minors, but this. 'was declared invalid through solus in- fluence. - . Alfred Fournier, in,his''" New French Dictionary' of Practical: Medicine :and n .t -i 7," soar -"Alcoholism is a•so,. y b J "RJ clal; :calamity, one of• the scourges of modern society.. It is incredible for what a loss bf power,' •intelligence and vital , strength it is answerable to hu- inanity—from the moral °roint of view, it wounds the organi r. in '1`: principle organs, and in its r foal fungi aons;' as regardsthe species, it. 'debas ': • it and renders it barren." • Lord Coleridge hide c .• rging the grand jury, at the a. sizes' - tely held in Bristol, had occasio is 'efer. to two cases of murder 'n th, `alendar, and. did SO in a, -Very' iolpre SI Manner. He pointed out that hi both ca. -- ,the real source of crime was intoxicating drink, and he thought that persons siting in his position must be. tired c ' eying what was the veriest truism in . eworld -that if they .could..make-Englaand-se- Der they could shut up •lune tenths of the prisons. ' He was satisfied:that a iarg 'ni1*joiity"ofµtho criminal -cases be= gen or ended, or were connected: with. the public house and drunkenness... Not an hour' ago I' Met one of the brightest men •on the motropclitan press, 'twenty years ago he was "'odic princeps. Ten years ago he was managing oaitor of a great daily, To -night be begged a drink from rue,;, and when I tendered him a dollar he 'thanked me with tears in his eyes, Make no mistake about this man. He is on a tear now, bnt in less than .tett days he'll "be making his, $ltJO a week as easy as rolling off a log, The bane of New York life is whiskey. They all drink it. Actors, managers, critics, dry goods men and everybody else are slaves to drink,: It is the curse of the ago in whish we live... A goner ation of bright fellows die oat there every year, iresu fork Cor, Philarrd. plait Times, is soar Lilo worth 10 Cents?' Sioknes3. prevails everywhere, and every body complains of .some' disease during their life. When sick, the object is to get well; now to say plainly no,.persouin this world that is suffering ,with Dyspepsia, Liver Com- plaint and its effects, such as Indigestion, Costivenese, Sick-Ieedache., Sone Stomach, Heart Burt), palpitation of the Heart, Depress. - ea Spirits, Biliousness etc, can take Glitch's r , AtJGUsT X? rowan without .getting relief: and cure. If you doubt this, go to your druggist Ala rl et a sample le bottle for 10 cents, and tY rg p it. Regular Aize 75 a cents, TWo doses will relieve you. .r 1 SA S- TJ T RUS THE ROYAL :BAtM'is a more certain reme- dy•for pain, inaw•iderrange of cases, and amore• agreeable Medicine than any other now offered to the public ;even though we do say for it what no other manufacturerwill dare to say` of Ms preparation, wiz::—It absolutely will not cure everytliitig from a corn on the toe to a dislocated neck. It needs no highly exaggerated, puffing, being one of the few things which sell on their • own merits, Xie a purely vegetable production, and Ie porteatly safe for ;an.inlant of any ag's. It is a perfect'apodfac for Dysentery. It cures Ouinsy;Vlcerated SoreThroat and Diphtheria,l3errous IIeadacho,Neuralgia, Tiedoloroux, and' Sciatica, Cholera, Cramps and pains in the stomach and bowels, Inflamt$ation, wounds,.. Bruises, Sprains, Burns, Scalls, ]•'rest -bites, &c. Pelee, 2i5 Cents. 3.. • 11. (303111t, Druggist, homeI A(6EN A', CLINTON. 20.6 ,,THE ALLAN LINE E OL -LO • a iR Liv RPo �aaN E� x GLAsIowr SEO'RTEST SEA PASSAGE. Cabin, Intermediall a rind Steerage Tick- • , ets sit Iiowefat Rates. ' EVERY. SATURDAY FROM HALIFAX: OM -it �neeeiTeiiiii (�i�$lie4 T't th41r Ito duced. MOIYAV'iAPt 21sti1Dee. PERUVIAN ....... .... ...... ....28E}Dos. BARDEN/AN r..... 4th item, POLYNESIAN 11th Jan. STEERAGE TIOEETS TO Liverpool, Londonderry,- • Olas.,lr ow, Qua,*Gown, Belfast, London,X3ristcl, Cardiff.. 'ertbrongh tickets and every Lionisation apply to A. STRATTON, G. T. B., Agent, Clinton. Clinton,ntay 80,1878. Ciooks,° Watches, Jewellery c&c s o Iry E rt Desires to roturt hissincerether* to -his nurnerov friends and ens4o mers,tortholiber al share of potion. agethathohoe re oefvedwhilooarty ing or business in Clinton,andhopes bye strict atter. tion to brainea'a, and using. every effortto meetthe• wants tibia many friends, t000ntin- ue to retain their patronago. 'Ile would also take' this opportunity sr stating that he has taken his son into partnership, and that the Dual• nese willb000uduetedin Attune under the style of B. FOWLER & SON. The firth : will keep en hand Watches, Oloakez JewellerSpectacles, • And all other nrtiefe c s inth ir'fne Atf ided's ti Pipes Repaired and MOunfed.. ' Repairing, cleaning, &e., done en short netted, is a w8rkmatIlke manner, and on reasonable torms, Ar ltitT 8Taist±T, Norecer or~'rua 111Anasm. elinton,Doc.6,1677, ' , •.,C L X N'P O 11T: .. - : MP.FACTORY.• THE suBSCILIBER nnsiriES TO RETURN ITIS ••sincere thanks for.' the liberal share of 'patronage • afforded him, and would also.intimete that he has; dur- ing the past winter, laid in a large stock of'eret•class material, and is :IOW prepared, to_m_pke and.put in, the •SUPERIOR PUMPS) MOST , of every desetipticio, on the Sa anTEST 2voTici:, and onthomost reasonable' terms, . Rein tuber. the place -next door 'to A, Matheson's Blacksmith Shop. . • TA�IEs FERGUSON Gunton, April .19, 187V, ' • ' P BOOT .4.:1411.)' SHOE STORE',, W. TAYLOR CONSQLIDA7�'ED BANK, (1F CAllAPA CAPITAL, $4,000,000. ,t 7' 1� TON' �, ...A. G L•1�T Y LLI 0... interest from Pour to Five per cent allowed on Deposits. S1, f.Oi;(r.H, Agent: .Clinton,. April, 1576 • :1-y YGEOU.DI HL -•wonid take this meanaot thanking his' cnetomcrs for the liberal patronage extended him' while in bnfnesa hero, and would alsoinform'themr that,"having Purs phased the premises Lately occupied by Mr, Goo. Chidley; Un the oppoeite.side of Albert Street to his old stand,• be has opened out therein a large and varied steak of BOOTS, AND 'SHOES, �Vliieh he•of'ers ntreasnnahlo rattan. '.. He fools aneeredthat, from his3noreased facilities, ho is in a better position than ever to meet the wants of all his onstomers, Especial attention paid to Cvxtant'Work ;Q' call respec fully solicited. ' lvnl:'rsTLolt. Clinton, Yana 27s 1878. 1.,. GROCERIEL CUNiNGHAME & .AIKENREAD' Aare on hand as large and wen.ieleotod a stock of GENERAL GROGER IES ' As ever offered in. a'1aX•rIo•z7. CASH• CUSTOMERS Are partleutarly invited to =NSrn07C ova STOCZ, and compare prices b0 purchasing elsewhere. GWeebac reax illatgt 1h ttpod Ten,S].00 , a nC •• outer. propoXdou; • Glassware >lspecialty. 1 lt9. ' ' GUaatXNGTIAnt2 ATItENHEA1t 1i.13, -A fine set etBraes CounterSake fot,safe. Clinton, ;01)+16,187S NDERJA.KER. y •. ---A L6tcox siocx or- .Caskotsf b ,,Cof6ns :Codin.'I'rimf mings Roes f • t LSCC.; ETC. PsMaiSupplied with theabeve at shortest notiee,aiid at Ole VERY LOWEST RATES Alga a 'DOR HEARSE smiled, e., , h-e� place—O CTORIA R meaaber tb . I street GEORG1 "DIEE]i • Clinton, Sept 6,1877. • .BLAOItSMITIIWG Iteniomber"t`hat the plata to getwork• done fiat ROWELL'S OLD STAND, 1 i?RON STEDEZ,. CLTNTQl.t. XIC1`ISL" SIEO11LW0 A 8.15ECIAZ17,. and dose ea the latest veterinary principles. � Iiavingengaged T. J. CnVItCtTILL, V.S., ouuetoinere will have; the benefit of his advice, In all eases, free of •chsr e. All kinds 62 Gtt*E nr, locums dbno promptly t 1y and on reasonable terms. . ,L%it;inp procured 4 SAW' QU111:3fli7. , f aft prepared to rlo aitythinry ii this vine. A1.151114 CA MANDRIL °•c'lSbton, Aug 29$ 18113 . • '