HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-12-19, Page 5DFEMBER 9; 1$78, FASTS FOR —7NE MILLION ! Special Cheap Lots AT IIODOINS & PAY'S. BARGAINS _IN BARGAINS IN BARGAINS IN. BARGAINS IN. BA.RtAINS IN BARGAINS IN . BARGAINS. IN. OVERCOATS TO CLEAR, BLANKETS TO CLEAR FLANNELS TO ,CLEAR. WOOL SAWLS TO CLEAR; FURS TQ CLEA;R:.. HEAVY. CLOTS .TQ CLEAR• v .HEAVY- TWEEDS.. TO Great Bargains all round in all Depart dente.. BLACK and . CO.L.OBED :SIL .A magnificent assorttrient:in various qualities and widths, REAL_ LOVELY SEAA DES, AT LOW PRICES. ALL -WOOL DRESS CA.SF,I3YIEES, SERGES, Empress ()orris, Russell Cords, Estamine Cloths, . Sui;tngs,. All at STARTLING' 'PRICES. NOW FOR AS H. HODGINS •&P.Y. MINTON, Dec. 12, 1873. + ar}-,.r �...'..^ f , r ,.,;'r,Y4a W+... ri^,-i _ �-••+�!.�.. '' �. i ..:c.t.:+w 'riles: - ww+,v..wn�rssaw,n+ IfIR'I1mIDYni�s�sno�. AT THE WILL BE CELEBRATED BY A GREG FU .WHICH ARE TO .RE SOLD At a Iteduction of Ten 'Cents. on the •Dolhi.. Every Lady Should see"' our MINK SETS..: We also give the same iscount to . clear the bal- ance of our Winter MANGLES. Interesting to Golltlemen. Ten per- cent Reduction - on our ORDERED CLOTHING Price List for the Next .Four Weeks. WILL CUT, FREE OF, CHARGE, ANY TWEEDS I1 OUGIIT FROM HS. . FISHER..„ .IB Co. Clinton, Dae. 18, WS. THS atglioN 4 EW BSA MAMMOTH CLEARING or Dlry. Goods, Millinery, Mantles, Shawls, jiteady. ` . 'Slade Clothing, Groceries, &e, $16,000 W911111 OF) GOODS TO BE SO . CALLAN DER* GREAT CHEAP D1?Y GOODS STORE, CLINTON, ROM T NOW. UNTIL ist - of :FEI3RTT: "!'E a112f3 4W S[`•LylEp, c AS..R. 187 X71, dim^o decided. n having a GREAT °DEARING SALE for two months, to dear outT very Jar V ..stock'. to inai5y4iroparatipns for u. grand display of Spring Goods, Wo odor EVERYTHID' SOOT, 0 a groat pians tnlit at toss than half'thoir.real •value to. •Mbar thonr. Our Stook is •s age and wc, aa,urtod; Rad •comprises a the L4TEST AND NEWEST,GopllS to bo, found in the' t, 1`.vorybody should tomo and flava a lock through and get Some of. the Bargains while they ha vice, 0.s this is opportunity seldom. (ffarod them, Oo,' xsl)aco will not admit of us enumerating 0 various articles we 'odor at On greatly' reduced prices, but, to givsa.poople an.tdea of what We are Ink, we will quote a .fow prieoa, • IN ,OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT •W' offer special, bargains,' We' have a very large stook. of them in all the ilea, goods, of - nearly every shade, 'at 121 oents`per yard, and upwards. In B1 ACK .GOODS we —show an usual nudisplay, Much as CAMBIUMS, YAnent:aTAS; In,. CLoTap and VIsitNau Ms an os, and in BLACK, LusrrE We can beat anything, in the trade ;. we can give you a nice I3r,Aes ,L'AS.y'na for 11, cents, and a line at 25 cents, worth 40 cents. 'REMEMBER THESE A1tE •WHOLESAL �' 1'RICES. STAPLE; AND ,FANDY GOODS l►2ILLTNERV* at cost for two months. MANTLES at uost'until cleared out. 'SHAWLS at cost until olearea.unt. SKIRTS: in Felt and Fancy Patterns at coat. GIRL'S. PLUSH CA1'S'at•45 cts ,,.very cheap. 'LADIES PLUSH CAPS,•ostrich plume, 85a.. RIBBONS,, almost every sbude at 5 and 10 o, BROWN. I30LLANDS, very nice, for 9 cents. .PLAIN WINCEYS at the unusual priep oc. CHECK! WINCEYS at 15 ets., worth 25 Sts; Good ail..wool TWEEDS at 50 cts., worth 75. Gond all -wool T WEEDS at 75.0; worth 81,00, Good all•wool-TWEEDS at $1.00 worth $1.50, •'HEMP CARPETS only 10 cents per yard Adjustable COItSJIITS for 60 cents, for which' you will pay 51.00 at other places. 'We' have somaof those Two -buttoned KID. GLOVES, : slightly' damaged, at 50 conts, worth „$ 1.5J+ •.• q i r 1VIen s,ICmtted, SI3TRTS A%D DRAWERS at• 'Allcents each All other• geode equally low in price. OUR . GRODRRY DEPARTMIENT Is, as usual oontplete,•aud we will.ecil them cheap :---Neat Valencia RAISINS 20 lbs, 'for 81," New CURRANTS, 1616x: for $1.00. 20 bars SOAP, for $1;00. Eddy's No 1f MATCHES, 1121.: cents SODA 5 cents.. STARCH 10 cents, A good Young Hyson TEA, 41bs., for SI: OUR 50 CENT TEA 1S THE ELST IN TO%3'N:. ' .Don't forget that goods Can be • bought cheaper" at this Mammoth Clearing ,Sala than rt' the 9•e ulcer It tyl .E erybotly Should Ooze and see, even though' they' don't bug.. :We think. it :no trouble to slaow goods; . . We have THREE SEWING 1t4ACHINES, :nearly new, which• will be Saki cheap. Any • quantity of GOOD RLY. BSE POTATO S for side.' COME, EARLY.. AND COME OFTEN, IT will pit. XOU SAT,E:I QNP EMT. TERMS • SThICTLY GASH- ,DURING THE SALE, R.`: C:AL+ANDES; & CO; CLIl T01, Dec. 1:1,18i8.. • • Rave now the pleasure of calling the attention of'tho public to their arrival of 'PTTTTTTTTTTTT• .TTT; TTT TTT TTTTTTT WHICH A.RE VERY CIIQICE:. ., o00 E 1 EEEEEEEEE . EEEEE , a . EEE: EEEEEEEEEEEE. AAA •S SSSSSSSSSS. AAA AAA �. S,SSSSS AAA, AAA.' ' SSSSSSS AAAAA A AAAAA ' SSSSSS AAA : • AAA.. SSSSSSSSSS OUR STOCK OF TEAS IS CYIPLETE, and We have a`large assortment, of this. season's 1tfoiurrn, YOUNG HYsoN, I fI'>;ItIAL, GvxrowDEit, and 'do loou TEAS. , Our 50 cent Tea, is the bast value we have ever offerer, arid have mote to arrive' in a few clays. To TRY IT is TO IBE CONVINCED. WISH TO CALL' . SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUlt -OOFFFES,, Whielr are .soltsted andgroundan the pretaisea,: FOR PURI'TY. AND It RA. GRANGE TREY CANNOT ISE EQUALLED., ' The demand for otic Co>r'>•>;t; has increased so 11111011 that WC ni5 compelled to roast t' we .a week, therefore `it retains its full flavor OUR STOCK OF GEiIE RA1 G flJ ER IS`PYLL'! ASSORTS]) AND COMPUTE, W EVUR'Y i ESPIIVT. • •' OUft•' STOCK or. CROCK. IRY CHINA & GLASS'WAR: • ° .> - n LARGI+E AND WET aft SELECTED.: :S. PAIJLISER & co;, sv. oLES-AL.,R.AND RETAIL( GROCERS, 13R OI] 't3LOCK. ICLINTON, Nov 81,187 WTLI. BE SOLD AT . Paces �h�ard of � y gea�xal Re�i�S � Ca��d�• 0?,INTo] q ., We announce this Sacrifice Sale, because we are obliged to `do. it. We will be under the necessity of removing our stock. of Goods to another tore shortly, a.s we :areabout to begin waking exten- sive alterations -in our present premises, and as there is not another vacant store in Ciintoii.large enough to hold our present big stock of goods, e compelled We a � to offer them ; to the people at , SLAUGHTER. PRXCES, . in . order to reduce the stock, .so that -it: will be`small enough to remove it to some other building. The contract for the enlargement and other terations of the store which we now occupy, is let to Messrs. Cooper & .McKenzie, .of this town,y who are waiting upon us to remove"the Opds. p p SO COM E L.0HGI. WE WANT 'EVER;'' MANN, WOMAN and CHILD TO' GET THE SLAUGHTER BARGAINS 'WHILE THEY LAST. THE GOODS 'MUST BE SOLD IF PRICES WILL DO IT. -BRING ALONG YOU STONEY, IT WILL ACT LIKE A.' CEARM'ON USw. a BAflC:AIN*'ws BARGAINS. Will be: the order of the day for some time at THE GETAT: "OIIEAI STOEE: RICHT co., OPP si ! E ..THE C;I;INTON, Dee. :I 18/8.