HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-12-19, Page 4este4,of the VOA:: comprieed within "of • lIpeon, for the , Will be held at* Piir. all, on Friday, January' • 10 a. in , for the eteleotion ef )dete for: that constituency.- . 't 'ihe advisable, iminedietely, to .ap- e.delegates, hve fixern each poll - 13 . divigion; so that the electort /e •felly represented. : A large nee is desirable. nit?, L1rTE17. Fit.0141 stwatron MMJPJ1ERSON" . , enator Macpherson- has 'addressed another lengthy letter; ostensibly to the, electors of North Shiro°, Grey 'arid Bruce, and really to the eleetors through:: oat Ontario,. but what ie eOntsins very • few of them will ever knew,: for after they have read a coliann or so without finding anything to thepoint or of in- terest, they will throw it to one side as of no •consequence • to them, which is really the ease. The following extract is taken from it, but it wield' be nit - worthy of notice if the subject ,had not been previously -nommented upon opposition journals, and he merely in- corporates it into his letter fee political effect: •- • . • "1t cannot be gainsaid that the ten- dency of that proceedingwas to degrade the Bench, • Until that occurrence, the judges of the country' were looked upon as men occupying a higher. and puree sphere than the rest of the people, ole. vated to that station, remoyed fora the distracting influences Of 'politics and ef trade, ti administer justice dispassion- ately and impartially. I have not: the least doubt that our present judges Ido So administer ib 3 but I do say that Messrs. Blake and Mewat lowered,the THE CLINTON 11E117 Ett,A, DEcarsER 19 ltria, has been 1417flt. iswissel of 1,-Go4ner )0k jo. provir -the part o the neut. der manner, Wilde at Qtr .try to carry ie too, astute n Grip'makes a good peint in a limner- ous and itipposecl conversation between Sir John and Dr. -Tupper, at Ottawa. The scene represents' the two enjoying, themselves, and discussing v'arioits points. Sic jelin getsangry becantie Tupper Cioes net agree with hint on all points, and, supposing his majority in. die House to be so large that they will supert him thrdeigh threk-and,thlie .ex. claims I:— . ff.tiook here, old follow. If I don't know „ Rational Pelley, I know a thing or two any. tain idea ler way. There's a Conservative House coming littee, to some here. Comes to supportSir jolin Slacdenald, Suppose I bring in a Bill eempelling all Ce. action, and though nachahs (except the House) to get all their • ority not e y be tthee, flitore ot ke t at t ...e0ifest , am A would of'effent .sequence of t late vietdoy -ire seine weak nein led Cemserva- *1)9 uP1)q.0,F to thit•the'WhOle" legislation a th'. .alloul.c1 be transferied totheir ha and if net Vol- . mita)* given sheiiki be ,ioien4•taken. We'think itwould be wredom in them to bo rnoderaie; for at.the rate public opinion is turning, their popularity in a few Months •will be ,belosv-pine ae.,e•e- ! • oONTRAST,Ima lam ExPENOITtfitN, - ' An acootutant who writes to the Globe in reply ;to lVfacpheedon's ;on the •Mowat Government, .points, out that the annualincrease a expenditure under, :the Sandfielcl Administration was 114:- 83' per cent,: 'While that' undue Mr. Mowat has only „been 7.52 per pent The following figures, :taken from the, .Public Accounts of • Ontario, should. be ,kept by the electors..fOefutrure.refei ela00•:.• Expenditure Diedomild Coverninent • 1 1888 • • • • • • • • • 81 183 852 . , 77 •Expenditure,•• back teeth drawn, suppose, the House not support rue ?" Tupper.2-4' lice theymreuldri,t,I, John,-" Conservative •ITeese ? They woola ; they woUld" (pitches 'rapper ant and goes eosieop on, sofa.) ' WHEN the Conser'vetive papers stated that their Rotrin" entemporaries res • *COUNTY (10Ingyr, This °Ant °trued ou Tuesday 10th De. °ember' 1878. WadeiviRDonalc1.-0, Seeger, Jr,, Counsel forPlatnti. ', W, Johnston for PI. Without Joey.This was an action on • Bill of costs. Verdict by consent for PliLe $105; Immediate execution granted. • Breckenridge vs. Wright.-eAction prOrniesorY note, O. Seeger, jr. counsel for Plff.,E. Campion for Dft, Verdict, by censent for Plft for 4123.55 on •th& first count, and for Dft. on eecond count, Ap* plieation ferimmediate exeetitien- applied for and reaerved, 10Jury. Worthingtoe vs: Hille-e•Aotien on war- ranty on horse, B, L. Doyle for Plff,, Davidson and Johnston for Dft. Jury case, Verdict for Plff. $40. , vif:osloelry01:0...Key. II, --Action on Pro - Campaign for Plff. J. T. Germs" for Dft. Missiny note, M. C. Catheron ovithIL Without lery. Verdict by consent for -Crerar vs. Smirfo—Actioo on judginent (assessment) .L T. 04arrow for PHI, Dft, not.represented by eloueeel, 'Verdict 'for Plff. fpr $354.40.,,and fall costes • • Hineks Ve, we;by. —A cti on of replevie, .11; T. Carroiv, for Plff. K 0. Oarneron, • joia6d Oyer the of Mr. Tilley, in .4:1.10ci;oforarti:efet:VrWseitey17:griYn'ent'jr7edsgerinveendt. reserved.. - , • pluming MS lean," they deliberately said, Queen Vsleswis. preteacee, sent what as false for no Reform paper in bnPuhYMr . Barr14' 4:P.'"nf Bru88618. In • %. • the Dominion did stick a thing,. They Qneen vs: Menzies.—Aggravatecl ease:mit, exfiressed regret because he lied not' sue- Tiavereed from last A.ssizes. IVIr. It ii•Le wis • kir the Orinen, assisted by Mr, Flohnsted; ended as' well as anticipateq,' ,,but said of Seatorth ; Mr: ' M. O. Clameron, Q. 0,, • that the cause of his -failui'e" was ON and Mr. 3". Benson, of Seaforth, for the v defence. The Court decided allow this to the Uncertainty in the minds of Eng. ease to stand, over•till:the next •A•ssizes, as . . , fu -the indiottnent "vas found at the last As- liSh capitalists as to what Canada's tura poficiWould be, and also because Calloway, • appellant, Bathe respondent. An apPeal from a judgnient of Mr.1):".11.- Ritchie, T. P.,of Bayfield, on e'chaege of tintalIyinjurrng the•J'eputation of. Ca.. assault. Conviction quashed. with Dosts, nada by declaring that it was on -t&;' Mr. M. 0. °41usi'ss,Q. 0. f" aPPeri"t' •the ConservativeTarty had been con- • verge of bankruptcy." The' Grand Juiyinede the following pre- , seutment ,Inrors for our Lady the li144 ItIoWAT 'AT VV-00i.IST0Cli... Queen upon • their oath present :-,--That . ' theyhave ceamined the gaol and lied the Thifraday last Hon. Mr. •Mowat ap- prisonefirrdnrteen in number, •contented. peered before his constituents at Wood- The rooms clean and in good order: There stook, the followino•is a brief summary of are two insane females yfhoin We would his remarks' : • . • recommend to be sent to the Asylum. • It alluded to seme features of oier is really, a camps fer congratulation.that an atitution and sketched the function's of theea County so large as Huron, there is so Local as contrasted with those of the Do= little (crime) 'to 'come before the .El•rand m'inion Leislature.•He-describad the, Tiny and the Comte. All of which -is res. sources from which the provinoe obtains peatfully,inbrnitted. ilacdonald . its roverine'and the exteet te which they • •, }rave, Forethari. . •• 1,816,856 78 • Increase in four years. $ 033,014 01 . . Expenditure, Mowt aoverenient,aa72 Expendlture,:idowat Government, 1877, • 1,874,936 57 -excluding surplus distributien, dm, 2,308,315 44 , • Increase in, fax years.: ...; •$• 820,388 87 frOL11,thi8 it will be sen that the ac- tual increitee in fpur years of the Mac- donald Government Was greater. than ib has been in six yeara of the Mowitt Ad- ministration. •• • • . • • • . • • ' , •—•••-• • -.0 • 4141 AFGHANISTAN. ' The British troops apPear to nedving on rapidly towards the capital of Af- ghanistan without meeting with aiiy aeriouroppesition; in feet it would . al - mot appear as if the Aineer had with.: drawn his troops and left the road open for their advance. : That England.• will gain a- military +loftily in this anatter there , is not the slightest dOubt ' but ivhethet she will gain a moral one in an open question, and will require. a flinch mere therough'and searching in; vestigation,to decide justly. than has yet been given to it. The feeling is growing Bench front the elevated plane it had_ previously oceepied, down'altnot to the.' in England that the war partakes, in level of ,common life seine respect, of an aggressive: ono and, hoped for the sake of ' and it. is .to be the country, that is, therefore; not just,' and Beaconedield'e the precedent set by Mr. Mowat will , populiir'ty, in consequence, dealining. net be followed, lint will receive the condemnation of the peeple, and. that • EDITOR, •TES. • every effort will be made to restore the Bench to the eminence on which Messrs - Blake and Mowat found it ' • . • • Tan stateMent er Hen. Mr. Mowat, tlicit.through. the ectinoinic management It does seem surprising .that a person theaffairs of ',IiisProvino, they have possessing any degiee of...cotrinton Se17.50 now a surPlus,/cif over $4,000,000 on could give utterance to such silv. tWad* liond, is aefl‘otnal reply to the eharges of " mianietnagement and eine:a/Aim" that are being mrideagainst his govern; merit belthe Conservatives, • dle. Degrade the Beneh, indeed! So to become •a maker of laws instead of an administrator of love, is to become degad' sgoingQwL,iaih&innra1 - scale? We-do-net-see-it-in-thatrlight-- •--1.,V, ,tr•-the--Eiceter--T-ivica-clairned-that- by any means, and hive noiclea that it s in had been reado to the country the moral status or conduct of the man b thi; dismissal of Mr. Buckingham, is or Will be changed by,the position he • 0 pointed out thelitet that our edtein hada'. •f t a man Wilt,make a good was." straining a point," as his successor judge, morally, he Wilt be likely to Ina • had been named. . Bang caught in a a good and. conecientious premier, a falsehood, the Tintqs editor gets his 'den - vice Vend. The talk about the el.& ated der up and uses language far from be - place occupied by the Beneh is al 'rot— coming. Will, seeing that Mr. Buck - they are not demi-geds nor -an: ,ls, nee ingha0 place has•been filled by a Con- do they occupy any higher m -,ral plane servittiVe; lit the same salary, 'will our than the thonsands througi4 lit Canada cote7. express its opinion on the "eeono. who have to pin' their ling by trade: my inauguratedby Sir John se They have been' eleVated. O' that position • A new industry is being started in London because they have 1, al. attaintnente, East. A. number of capitalists are about to qualifying thetrito 4dicilt, ancl rum the eatable& a gristmill, and in connection there. with to go into the business of fattening,oet. duties in connecti96. with it, •tle for the English market, Several ear loads The inference' that --- be truly of grain have already arrived froth Toledo for thisesurpose.--.MOIL drawn from. Oa precious paragraph is What 1 grain coming in, front Toledo 1 that the deyIngs of Sauttor Macpherson, Will Sir Alb permit this 1 pia he not Itncl !Ile /of thOge who support him in tell the farmers that American wain che, actor, and will not bear inspeection, price of the home grown article, end te," this 1 tter, are rather of a questionable coining lute this country reduced the le no upright portion Ould thus talk/ yet Ito perralts the foreign grain. to come. it is an insult. to all honest people WO' Oh, well, ''' by-ancl-lay," when he has a engage in trade or take part in. the po- little Mote time Le will apply the reale- litical affairs of.the country. . dy. Deul,btless. . ' • • could ti affected by Legislation. .` He then. —Signal, • : •. .;',/ - ' ' r.• " • ,• took.tp.in detail the question eif. govern-. . • . • ' . . • y . : • ' . eie, . . • mental,. expenclitoee and . made •a trium- .• • • • ,•• - ...• - : phant defence. of. the woy in which his . , . ' •iviatilitobli -"Iglus. • . . ... •. • . ..• .• Government ' had disbursed the public • •---- •, funds. ..tle discussed the great legislative Trains.are now ruueing regularly on questione winch had been 'dealt with Batts-. the Pembina .branch, and the time to Termite has been reduced:to three daYs." !The Duluth Ti.ibune. say s that -4,$7O eons:- of -freight for Manitoba were re- Ot pert during the pest season, . faatorily sinee the Reform •party assumed, power in Ontario; and allowed that while his Government had to,deal with quedions• of all kinds thet come within the province, ef, a leoal legislature, it had done so in such away as not only to excite the, `admi- „ . ration. of theirfriende, but to give Betide°. , A petition of the Postmaster -General • Hon to their opponents;who had offered is in cirnulation at Selkirk, Praying for little or no ''apposition to most of their a daily mail between that place and measures. Ele alluded to the great peen: etr„, enmpeg.• omy prat:timid by the late Sandheld Mac- • , donald, but showed that the present GP- •The residents of Winnipeg are chiefly vernment had been ablest° be even more frem different parts of Penedo, but, as economical and they had got more for mo- Would naturally be supposed in such a neg.. expended by there than their prede- s .' • 1, :in,g e be cossets.- . Still, aif ter- their .enorrooms A•Igrowteem are. to „ expenditure ip.opening up the coontry be, found people from a Parts of the knevns miens of railways, etoo,..and, in carrying world, even, ". from Greofiland'S icy an the affairs of the Province efficiently, mountains to India's coral •strand."l they had a net. surplus Of $4,700,000 on In Winnipeg t• here are eight Churches • heud at the present time. Iris speeeh was a cleae, jedicious ad exhaustive review iz Church of England (3), Presbytert of the' policy of his Govertinient, and was an, Methodist (2), Methodist Episcopal,' listened to with tho. closest attention by Baptist and Roman., Catholic. The ell -present. • ' • 'resbyterians• are. now hreting. a; meg- '• latficent „white .brick church, Political aucl Personal Notes. *old do credit to :toy city. F 1" • ather Chiniquy is ustra la. , It is said that the Marquis of Lorne will vieiteWestern Ontario in the spring,. • Min. Mr.. Tilley is expected to arrive in Ottawa from England about the 22nd of December.. 'For the Local House, James Livingston, of Baden; has been •nominated by the South Waterloo Reformers, • The Donsinion Governmeht is reported, to have, decided,. at a Cabinet meeting or Friday last, • to dismiiis Lieut. -Governor Le tellier. Within the last year Queen* Victoria has given $25,000 to the teniperancei ousts. Four Members nP. the reYal homsehold are , 'Every year furniehes additional proofs that Manitoba and t.hb Red River Val- ley district will ultimately , betOme one of the greatest wheat 'growing .seotions of the earth. The °eons grown in the Red River Valley this year amount te about three million bushels, while the land broken and ready for crops •next spring, is over three' hundred thousand acres, and should produce upwards of five million -bushels of wheat. This is •the country for- exterisive farina. At one of these, 3,500 acres in. extent 42,-: -000 blishels of wheat and 9,000 bushels - total absteipers. • , • of other cereals were harvested last sea Their Escellencies the Governor-General scin, the machineryused comprising for - end the Princess Louise have Sent $500 to ty ploughs, Isixteen, seeders, forty! hae- Montroarand $500 to Halifax to be distri- rows, Sixteen harvesters,' three steam •bated as charity. • • „ threshers and three poitable engines. „An_tae,,,ComeresithAxtemhareLef_t_he,,, toiluta. -ntreout44 moo • notes of Legeslatare of Quebec have eigtied a pod- tion'praying for the removal of Lieutenant a"bieb 5.'600 are ready to be sown with • Governor Leteilier.' wheat next spring. The largest farm in The Princess Louise is an early riser, the valley containa 33,000 acres, liaving • and- immediately after breakfast sho goes •a frontage of four miles en Red ItiVer. •for a walk. Thi ir accounts •iti some mei"- Over 4,000 acres were in orop this year, and produCed 100,000 bushelof cereals and potatoes and twelve hundred tone of hay. Both in Manitoba and Dalcotali increased attention is being 'given Us, Ate& 4 Americanifruit to the value of overs$8,006,. 000 was exported last year. Iri 1862 the entire proceeds of such exportation amounted ta. but $269,000. Thelptioe of bread in England is stud to be preeieely what it watt 111 1770. Beef, at its present retail priced nine pence, is a great advance on the thro anct three.quarter pollee per pound of that day; and batter has risen nem six penee to twenty palled, The Montreal Journal of Co nzrco reviowe • Princess Alice, of England, Dead, • DARAraTADT,.. December 14. — The Grand Duchess of Hesse Darmstadt, Princess Aries of England died at 7.30 o'cleck this morning, of diptherik The Grand "Duchess Was born April 25th, 1843. Her father, the • late Prince Albert; died on Saturday, December lAth 1861—a remarkable coincidence Excepting .110 irreparable logs of the Prince Censors the Queen has been very fortunate in having had very few deathe ht the'lloyal circle, • Mother of a nu- merous he is 'now called upon for th(e flret time to' mourn the loss Of •a oluld. The Priecess Alice, was born On the 15th April, 1843, and was eon. sequently ovor thiety-five at the time of her death. She was married on ist July, 1862, to Frederiek William Louis Charles,',-Prioce of Hesse Darmstadt, who was. bern on the 12th Sept., 18.37. On her marriage the.Princesawas voted, •'by the English' Parliament an annual alibwanCe Of £6,000, which will cease With her death, and a dowry ef30,000, • and the Queen, granted her husband the prefix of His Royal Highness, and eveated him Knight er 'the Garter. Thearriage of the roy.elspair lais.been bleeded with seven chtldrene And has •Peere.a happy one, • Apr untimely death will interfere to sciate extent with anti- • cipated...festivitied at Ottawa, RS the • t'rin'ees Loitiee Will deeply lament the. death of a favorite 6351, • •• Her funeral took place. yesterday (Wednedday) the:„ Prince of Wales'" Prince. inc.7hristian and Prince Leopold at- tending, at the request cf Queen Vic i , , ' • ' CO2PfP0.844'1' .4V07',48. ' • [Zile istew ERA deo not mmossavIly entlorao every- . ---.• thief; appearing Iran time to time under this heading, the opinions being given as a matter of news], geld us up i There; we're all right now. We almost felt like feinting with surprise. There' e a country editor in Clifford whe ad. vertises that -he has money to loan..=-Bresseis :a • il; aer:NguemweYntosrltoregit/tpioliocalszrrtells6es.iriraefrtaht , Demi:nen :— „ "Lord Lornebegine his administration at an impertan b epoch in the afthirs of the Do. annion, The political revolution by which ' Sir jelin Macdonald: has been brought into power is to introduce a new policy which may cause morelnisehief than Lord Lorne eau ao- omp is o good. I -Le appointment is ex. peetel to etreegthen Canadian loyalty. bind the Dominion,mdre closelt to the Mother Country: • Put Sir John's policy of protection, though aimed against' the Ueited States, will equally obstrect the trade of 'Great Britain with the most important of bbe coloniee, and ,. 1 by 'producing separation of interests lead to `L. e alienation of feeling. Canadian manufabtures cannot be built up by a high tariff against the Unitery4te8 lOne with the free admission • of British god.' The Canadian manufaetur- ers do not want toise iindersold in their own matitet, which they *would be j net a; eertainly by England as by the United States if the Same tariff is not rn,acle against both. • Now; •. as the only benefit Great Britain derives from her colooies consists in the extensioneesf her, markets, they will does° to be of arif.advant. : . age if they shut out ber goods by a prohibit* •' • tariff. If Sir john Macdonald carries oat this liroteationiet pelicy-whieb he promised inthe elections he will driee a iveage of separation; • .._1 between the Dominion andthe Mother Coml.- try and destroy,t1ie cementing effect of this fresh awakening of loyalty." , •. .4:1,0'• .0eich"Rgel:'°.:,_ ITT:. •- ' I • • ' ................... “ . • • • • ' • • STAire WilSOZ1. of Blytlishae Opened a bank. kr. • M. F. Mckinnon. el Blyth, is bout,, rernoving to 1Vingharn. '•. . • . The Wingham Times hes changed. hands, Mr. 8. W. Gailbraith beconiing the proprietor. * Mr, James Holm, es ho.n sold his farm of 6 acres, in Hullett, to Mr: Win, Cowin ,.. far •Mr. Hobbs, teaeher, pf . Bay field, has been re.engaged . as •teaoher .far the Ailsa •Critig „. • , recAenvtelyry,,larg,e wild..c. ay was seed a' mile and three.quarters .Eorth-,ef 131$11,, one evening , . Mr. W. Fenwie% has sold his flour and saw mill he Exeter, to Mr. Thomas Fenwick, for Burp for her good looks. The workingmen of Ottawa,. on Wednes-- • day, presented addresses to Sir John Mee- donald,-Hon. Dr. Tupper and 0, "}L' Mae. intosh, It was a "cut and dried" affair. Pol. Macpherson, of Ottawa, is at pre- sent engaged in organising ,a companyof ohes will be accepted, ;and the calf O his Highlanders. No roan under 5 feet 8 in. leg must measure not less than 15 inches. It is rumored that Mr. Wm. 13ucking. bam is to succeed Mr. Dymond. on the editerial etriff of the Globe; end that a ro- unnentM, P. is about to suceeed the on. George Brown as Managing Director at a salary of $6,000 per annum. •. It is rumored that dame over -zealous Conservatives aro attempting to induce the Government to dismiss, not only the Lieu, the coremercial outlook, taking the ground. tenaht Gevernor of Quebec, but those of that although prospects de not very eneoure Ontario and Manitoba, and that charges aging, the indigo, of things in. Canada is are being trumped up against the letter multeefaatelriatebe,le, than in- elth" gligland. or ill° gentlemen for that purpose. " There is one thing that can be said "for the (reentry editor(' at any rate, and that le, that they show a great deal Mere riuttilinete3 ,ttnd independence in diem:5011g political questions than their (welkin up city friends of the Otobe atid,lifait do. The mod tabservieot party hacks in the Dominion are the leading organs of the two paetieber-Toronto re/won. Dr. Schultz, M.P., and Heti Drello wen, • of Manitoba, on Monday, presented, an ad- dress to hie Excellency the Cloeernor.Gen- eral, on behalf of their lqartitebri constitu- ents. His Excellency made is suitable re. pip The address Was aCcOmpaniect by a basket of buffalo tongues arid titbit. , 4 • s •• • 41W 4011/11tercial.. l'otatoes are herhafter to, be sold in Rings - ton by weight, as the citizens were being de: heeded. by short measure in the bags. , NEW. ek, Dee. nomi.—Gold has just sold at par—the first thne it has touched that figure singe the suspensien of spegie payment ill.;6:cier, date of the''5'lr inst., the London, • • Brig., correspondent of the Cnobe' writes as fallowsr--A,large consignment.of tukeys, sent •• from Canada by the Sardinian, arrived in' ' the Mersey. on Monday last. hi consequerice - of there being no appliances for refrigeration on board, they were shipped in barrels as or- • ... dinary freight, Very mild. weather was..ex- , • perien-ced oa, the passage, ,and the ship, with. , only decked on Wednesday; the' turkeys; •' however, wore in splendid -condition, leaving nothing to be desired. Thiele the first` don... • - eignmertt prepared:according to the sugges- • • tions in•Mr. Dyke's eiroular sent out t ' • Canada that the birds should be' packed in • their feathers, arid in aceordence wipi a par- ticular method whic.h assures their .arrivel.in this country in good condition, and in such a ' Mr. Jae. Hill, •of Hibbert, last week sold. to Mr. Gr. Case, of Seaforth, five head of ewe - Year old steers for $42 a head. • •' The Standard planing Exetet, owned by Billet W. X. Howard, and under lease to • RossBros. it Taylor, harbeen sold W Mr„ • Floyd, of Exeter, Hon. ReJ. -Cartwright heti become •a. life • member of the Brussels Young Men's Libetal Club, Thomas. -Gibson, 111,P.P., is also an • honorary member. • • The Varna Lodge, Union Temperance As- sociation,' intend holding a fruit lestival in the Temperance Hall, Varna, on Christmai Eve, the 24th inst. • . • , .At the regular monthly meeting of the Bruit:role Fire Company, it was decided to ask the Council for a grant of .$50 for the purpose of purchasing ueiforms. • Mr. M. P. frays, formerly manager of the Consblidateu Bank, Seafprth, has been tip. pointed manager of the Canadian Bank. of Commerceat that place, It is the intention of the members af Leba- non Airest Ledge & A.M., Exeter, to attend divine worship in a body at the Pres- byterian cit3reb, on Sunday, the 291h inst. On the 7th ihst,,.on the farm 'of Mr. 'Tames 11,1cOldfirm, East Wawanosh, Mr. 'Richard Leishman and Mr. John MoConeellthreshed 100 bnehels of oats in the space of 30 miuutea. Mr. S. Grant. of Bruseela, has entered a suit in Chancery against the Reliance Mu - t nal :Fire 'neuron e tIonsp any, ofiTorouto, that institution having refused to pay his claim in full. sate as to be readily markeeible here at gooe • - prices. A Canadian gentleenan, who has ar- • . - • rived in Londeia this morning, has brought 4.-- ' with him about 120,000 Canailina eggs; for whichilwexpercts to find.a remunerative mar- ket in London. I have rib' doubt of his true • - . . cess, as a t la time of the,yeali eggs are very • daar, but they mast be very good if they .are to compete with the :French, Italian, • • and Audrian eggs, which aro now reaching thisesountry in large quantities. The gentle.' • man. above mentioned informs me diet ;his 'eggs are in such condition as to keep the • • spritg, which,' of course, will enhance their': • value. -Most of them are pickled • In con- • nection with the object of Canadian 1i:reduce, I hear on excelleat authority. that two new. . . steamship lines are about to be started for the • purpose of engaging in the St, Lab/rime° grain. • and castle trade next season, end, with this ;abject, three first-class iron steamers have • been already purchased. To this I.may add" 'that Tam further in formed that the experi- meet is to be made of running three or four steamers between Livered and Montreal for the purpos ef carrying only perishable goods, Canadian meat, poultry,'oggs, fish, and other • such produce. es, '• A few days ago Mr. Thos. Carter, of the Maori Road, Tuckerstnith, set on his farm with a common sawing magleine, is dry rock- • elm log, two feet throagh, len cute, in eight minutes, Mr. Thos. Trivett, Div. Court Clerk, who now resides in Centi•alia, is expected to locate in Exeter, about Christmas. • Ho has pur- chatted the property lately owned by Mr, G1 Sanders.- - • In the hock ofEnglisb sparrows which have takee up their quarters in the, rod of .the ,Goderich Court Iloriso, ia one with white • wings, a thing, so far as we know, never hoard. of before, • At the pigeon shooting tournament, which commenced at Woodstock, on Tuesday, Mr, John Evatis, Vice President of the' Wingham • Gun Club, won the first money in a purse of • 8200. Mr, Beane shot ten birds, that being • ethe nninber shot et. " About a year ago Mr. Peter Thompson, Brussels,. lost a valuable ring while handling hay in his barn, He warched for it long and. in vain, and looketi upon it as totally lost. One day lad week Mr. Thompson was de. lighted to find the ring ia the manger, Mr. Damian, Seaforth Town Treaeurer has succeeded in disposing of $5,000 wort'', of i,own debentures issued us:eh:wee loy-lati for tures have been pureheeed at par by the Ca. nada. Life' Jew:trance Company, cf Hamilton, They bear 7 per cent, interest. I 11. McCartney, formerly of the town. ship of Grey, and who two imirseigo purchas- ed the Brueefield cheese factory, has succeed. ea in working the bueiness up to the extent of being able to n3anitfectine 85 tone of cheese this season, his fall meke having been sold at the respeotable price of 9e for Ang.,10e. for Sept., end llo for Oet,,s,eud he is eta' in en. ticipation of inoreasink his business next year, On Monday afternoon an accident bf feme fill nature, anct ono which may deprive va child of life, happened to an adopted eon of Mr. George Phippin, of Lower Wingham, named Adam Henry. It appears that Mr, Phippin'e daughter had left the child in the kitchenewhile she went to get some household aetiole, and, on eeturning in a couplerof min. ides, she found the ehila in flames, After considerable difficulty the ilamectivete estin- gniehed by tolling the child in the snow, but riOt hefOre its Artful ana taco were burtit in a dreadful manner.•• I 60 •a 76 •Ttn2othy the erection of tile High Soho° . The deben. 1 , * OlhlifIroltf 410.11tItETS1. . , • ". • BC:.IR ri,.. . • . • Ronsorr.—In Clinton on -the 8th inst., the wife of gr. Robson, of aeon. COLOL'Etf011.—In Hulled, on the tth inst., the • • wife of Mr. Henry Cololedgb,'of a son, Ross.—In Stanley, on the 13th inst., the wife • of Mr. Donald Ross, of.a son. . MARRIED. RC34e564 —14"*TZ*ort,—At the'residenoe of the . brides father, Clinton, on the 181h inst., by the Rev. A. D. McDonald, assisted • by the Rev. A. Stewart, Mr. W. Rob- inson, to Janet, .second daughter of Mr. . Jas. Howson, all of Clinton. ' • Aeeratom--rBserszv—In Clinton on the lith inst., by the Rev, R. Fowler, Mr. Itobt. • Attridge, of Milverton, to Mise Annie, , • Ramsay, ot Clinton. • SCOTT--Srobnira..—At the 'residence of the • . bride's father, ,Egenoudville,*by the Rev.• . WeGraham, Mr. John Scott, Clinton, to , • Johannah, fifth (laughter of Mr. John MimeSet°--dIdIastilt'stoens•—•On the eth inst., at the • residence of the bride's mother, by the • Rev. 3.8. iFisher, MO Thos. J". Moore, • of Henetill, to Miss Emma Hammond, of ' ViteSnstaxifslaTon'e:—At the residence of the • bride's father, 011 the 10th inst., by the Rev. M. Denby, Leon loillien, of Miehi- gan, 1LS,, to Sarah A. only daughter of • Mr. *Tams Todd, of Stenley. • * DIED. Serraceit.—In Clinton, on the 18th inst., after a short illness, John Skihnee, 'Need 41. , The funeral will take place fronfehis reg. donee, Dinsley Terrace, tomorrow (Friday) • . afternoon, at 2 o'clock, . ' • ' • • Beser.—In Winghara on the I6th inst, Maude ; Willson, infant daughter of W. 1', Brass • Esse aged teis months, Ana five dam w.-0nthe llth inst., in 'Osborne, ,TareeS • Dew, Esq., Justiee of the Pea, inethe 74th ear of his a e. • Wheat, fall, red, isbnirh, 60 80 a 0 85 ' Wheat, fall, white, - 87 a 0.90 • Spring. • - 6 70 a 0 80 Fife, • t 0 78 .a. 0 88 , Oafs( .• * 0 25 a 6 27 • Barker( * o go a o 70 ' Peale e 050 , 052-. Flour, . 4001 450 • Potatoes, . . 0 50 a 0 55 Pork, . 3 25 a 3 60 Beef,. . e . 4 50 a 5 50 Buda,0 12. a 0 15 Egge, . • . •.0 12 a 018 Hey, 8 00 a 0 00 Hides, * .' 4 50 a 5 50 " Sheepskin(' 0 25 3 0 75 Clover •.„ 3 50 a 4 00