HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-12-19, Page 3. q DI�00147il.lt 2 t1, !'t;1 f ,Y; I1t ne17eue o i*mn,. �.r �2! Ur Teacher--Wh:lt gender is• xf egg?"' Soholarr ffew oatil ecu 'te}1 till_ it's batched, • When`" ay a tnttls's erienris naturally Suppose that- he has gone a -missing' When he has. gone tt•cou.rtiug,• Surprise is one of the principal ele- ments of wit. This is. why it is alw•a's makes 0 gran laugh when. he sits down on a. pin. • • A pretty girl down Eastrnind- reader.' She said to a bashful beaiti the other night., `'La 1.I belie' yo.0 are ga ing to kiss met' She wiry right, • Nothing can exceed the intense affec= tion which a girl" cleaIs ,on tato her earlier •for a day'or•two before the ':tirn t.Alien she's going to'attic Lor a new dress. Presence of mind is agreatthing. A man 'whose wife wad attacked• by a glad dog • promptly crawled under ;the steps Of a cooper's shop, and did• netgethurt.: A company pf settlers;," i'tf 'naming then new town, called it..Diotionary,' .because as they sail, ' that's the only place where peace, prosperity, and taap- piness are always found. Remember no now,' Snug iln Indiana bride at the altar, ` we • have separated and been remarried fon times, an'%1..1ibL?Itt. once more Will convince me that we can never live happily together.'•'. . • ' Mike,' saicl,e, brickla3er:to. •his hod. man, • it you meet Patrick, 'Cell hint to7 make haste, au we are waiting for. hien,' Sure and' I «;ill,' replied Mike r ' hu't what will I tell lain if I don't '.mato him 7' - A. common clash or o.alifoshou d •never be trifled with, often when negiected it is, convert-• ed into a serious and generally fatal pulmonary. disease. The more prudent, aware of this, Promptly use Bryan's 1'ulmonio \Vafer "a cu- rative which has sustained its reputation for over twenty years, they are always• efficacious. and exert a most beneficial influences -on all the Bronchial and .pulmonary organs. Sold by all druggists and country dealers . ?rice. 25 eta. per box. Mitchell's Belladonna lavished India Rubber Porous Piaster. There never has been a time when the healing of so many different disea s has peen -caused by outward application as tho present. `It is.ati. undisputed, fact that over half of tate entire pot, pulation . of the globe reso>at'to the use,of ordi- nary plasters.. The '. principal ingredients used in .making these Plasters are Jam .better' known as the Frankincense of the Bible—RSb- . ber, and Burgundy Pitch ; which when Selenti- fically compounded, is full cif eIeotricity.. and when combined with the pure medicinal gums, ' is found to be one of thereatest healing 'Ascii, ums ever brought before the human race. They are a.cknowleged_by, all who his e• used. them to act quicker than any other. Plasters they ever .before tried, and that one of these Plasters will 'do more real service•than a nen- dred of 'theordinarykind.Aloth r Plasters• are slow of action, and require to be wprn' con tintyally 'to effect a cure ; but with these it is en- tirely different ; the instant one is applied the patient will feeits effect. They possess all the soothing, warming, stip- porting and strengthening qualitiesof all other; Plasters. Many who have, been relieved of RHEUMATISM, TICDOLOREUX, and va- rious other pains in the KIDNEYS,' BREAST or SIDE, and •believe it is solely done by the electrical qualities which the Porous Plasters. contain, and which is imparted to the system, health thus res„nrrm; them' to a condition. They hey are verys ft and pliable, still veryad- hesivo ; and a sure cure for WEAK BACS,. PAINS IN THP,SIDE AND BREAST; and. are invaldable to those who have a COLD of long standing, and often prevents CONSUMP- TION. Some even tell us they believe they, were entirely cured by the use of them of along-, seated Consumption. ' Prepared. by CEORGE E. MITCHELL, Lowell, Mass Sold by all Druggists The Went tehoechotieen Renally and fills: . The success that these medicines •have met' with since their introduction to the public some. years ago, proves plainly to the meat skeptical•., ;that they are medicines that perform what they C are advertised to, The virtues of these medi- cines have been well tested, and have withstood their trial in a most satisfactory manner. Frit diseases of the Blood; Livor, Lungs, &c.,they are unsurpassed. We have testimonials of mi- raculous curgs of these diseases, and of -many others: If any one, is afflicted,' let ]rim' try a bottle of the liemedy and a box of .Pills. No injurious effects will follow their use to the most delicate person, as they are purely. vegetable; there being no mineral- matter in them. The cost is small, while the advantages derived•frorn their nab will doubly. repay .you' for your ex- pense and trouble: 'The ineclieines are widely 'known throughout the Don -Anion. and are for - sale by the principal medicine dealers. Try them, and be convinced that these medicines are no humbug. No one who has • tried the Shoahonees Pills has ever-pronnuneed zui un fworable—opinion—ofm thenh--acs—fauiil3 etie ,11 have been used will be Without het.. I u they t ut t 41 information may he had mi all particulars touch-' ing the use, and the experience of.tlt ie wdio' have used them, by securing the Trtatit;e or. the Circular from ari , druggist in the Dominion,' Free. Price of the Remedy in• pint bottles, $'i; ['ills 2.5 cents a box. • THE GREAT aFEMILE REMEDY: JOE MOSES PERIODICAM MIAS This well known medicine is no im ositioa but a sure and safe remedy for Eomale Diffi- culties and Obstructions, from any oausowl' at - ever ; and although a powerful remedy, it con- tains nothing hurtful to the constitution.. TO MARRIED LADIES It is peculiarly suited. It will, in a ehorttimo bring on the monthly period with regularity. In encases df Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pains in the Baok and Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the '' heart. Hysterias, Siek Eeadaohes, 'Whites, and all the painful diseases occhsioned by a disordered system, those Pills will effect acute when all other means have failed. These Pills have Bever been known to tall where the directions on the 2ndpige of pam- phlet, are well observed. For full particulars, get a patnphlot,free, of agent. JOB MOSES,NEW YORK SoLnPRorarl;hcon $1.00 and 12,} cents for postage, epcloseed to Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., general akents for the Doinittion, will insure .a bottle containing beer 80' pills by return mail'. Sold in Clinton by 3', PI. comboana George Ohidley; E. Hickson and F, iaulnsclen, Sea. forth; J. Kidd, Carronbirook, Parker 4 Cattle and P. Jordan, Goderiolil E. Cameron, Bay' fleldt ins.Ilonth}•on,ttodgertille;amdallmedf- eine dealers. - THE CLINTON X PER CEN T% 774 To Farmers & Land Owners 1$1.0.N EY, TO L.OA:N At the above lulu rate of lntorest, 11'4.11(11IT1 'll'S own bids almoab am war to cult the her -rower, . INTEREST Payable Annually, •Or may sum can he paid on tiro principal, at the end of • •any year. Ieorfarthorluformationapplxto , A,. S. FI,SHE, , CiLIWION, Cllaton.Nov, 21st,1878. • ..i'til1IS. A.:WESTING'S LIVER AND BILIOUS' 1.Y.ir.. Medicine is ter isle at T,,11. Combo's, Clinton,. and insnufaotured at 200, Wellington street, London, Ont. 1'his 'medicine Is highly -spoken of .and mown.. mended for Bilious Liver Conplsinte, and it has also proved highly beneficial' for Rheumatism. .t, common, tobaacoo' W TEEN fsr the same price Yoe%can get tai MYRTLE NAVY SEE I GILT. LETTERS. Olt A.CI-. Plug. Nov. Serd brv. LDNDESBORO G•RS.STiN.G -- AVIl OE Jeat- thproughly rArauol they FLO.tjE A1tL1,, (he,subsoribers ere now l repareri to do • GRISTIN& IN TIpIE BEST MANNER, stud at theesrliestmoment.. 1 1 N i i,R SIiI UDF `G H' t U Nix , , AT h. Ct AT RE U TION: COME AND SEEUS.• : FIiTI3• 11R 13ROS: LOVotaaoxo l<liits; Nov. 28;1878 EIVIOVAL J. nIDDLECO-MBE Watch and Mock Maier ker 1. JEWELLER, &c., . • would respectfuliy announeo'to' his etratotners and the public generally, that he has removod into his fanner •building,. on ALaERT ,STREET,.;OPPPOSITE' Lein'"141AtREET,, Where he wilt koep.on. hand aselc;etassortmentof- Blocks, Watches, 1 avoirY. anti Silverware of kinds; Which he will, sell atreasonable rates. Repairing of ovary'doscription proinptlyattended to. J. IIIDDLEGOMBE, Alum's STaSET. Clinton, Dec. 5, 1878. • •v TAIIIORING STABLZSHMENT JOHN SMITH, MERCHANT,' TAILOI., Raving opened out a shop on Huron ,Street. Clinton And' procured• a IirELL-Al3SOETED STOOK' OP GOODS'suitable 'for his business; will be pleased to, see all his old Customers sad as (many new urlos, as slay laver hinirwith their patronage. • • CLOTHING. MADE ti ,SBORT NOTICE Atcn Ai' its soeAnar Marls. tT rt'rmrfr. Bunk tho Stand,"second doorfram FishOD's • Ciititon, LVdv. "1,1878, , I?ET. RI1''8. G.Pecol- Fd X01 Huron Street, *Clinton. iri .om.m.. St. Louis Pearl Hominy • A1' PERRIN'S STORE. ST:LOUIS PE4.11L AT pit.ntIlfj'S STORE.. PATENT PROCESS OATMEAL made from mire White Oats. Also, rliTOBEI,L OAT8IIIAL. ilALTimORE 'CVif1Tt1 COUNISIEAL. Barley, ' Oats, .leas, Corel, and Plow delivered to any part o, f totes:. A lar aA and elcot otock of otoosi IE Aaw.ivs on' nA O. CORN. COuN.. CC fN... Corn sold to inarniers iu latge loll ot• 80 to 100 Weil. els, at vary loot prices. Also, shorn dellvote,kby the Oar load, et any station en rho . T.. or 0, W.Eotds. Wr II. )4.ltt'liE14 Cllntsn,Nor.14,1878.• D !1.1OLUTI OF PARTNERSHIP. (....121 117 C • To be cleared out by January 1st, 1879, andwill be 2 at :Cost for Cash OBSERVE THE REDUCTION IN PRICES: • HEAVY F.LANNEL'SHIETINO-Price 40 .ets. HEAVY GREY FLANNELS, 418001. . cts. HEAVY GREY 'FLANNELS, Cts s' 30.'Ots WINCEYS, • On .t . CtB.. ec 8 WINOEYs,; c<. 15. ets, �' WINCEYs,' " 780505 5 20 et9 rc '' .t. 85 cts.cts .. ' . 25 cts:- " 20 cts ' ,25 cts ": 17 cts,.. FELT SIgIRT8, " 1 1.5. cts. ' " " 90 ets.. CormwAnr, 8 PLY BAGS, r' a 50 . Sr' $3 00 ' GVERNSEY.SHTRTS AND DRAWERS, 40.Ctsc and upward. • .CLOUns.AND`WQQL. i` CAPES, 85 cts.: and upward: BOOTS AND SFIOES at pribes' much reduced. TWEEDS, TWEEDS, TWEEDS, HGLLANDS, • • HOLLANDS, • INCEY aSTiI1tT1 iGS, • 0 cts 12 cts 16 etc • 80 cts ; 70 'ets. • 55 cts. ,! '.' 20 cts. cc • 15 cts. REDUCED PRICES IN GROCERIES •.,'. TEAS, r35.Ots. and Upward. RA g'TNS,'5 cts. per Pound. Ct1`RRANTS, 6 cis:per pound. SUGARS," 10,11,13, pounds fora dollar. SoA•r 25 bars for. a' dollar.. • We cannot here give a complete list of prices, but an inspec- tion of stock Will, assure you that you can save 25 per cent by purchasing from us. Frontgood partiies,u chasin `lar' e uarititi • 2'e•will takce their Note, at three months,.othertrvise no large will ie' charged after date ALLACCOUNTS' MUST BE .P. PAID �AT ONCE,TO SAVE COSTS Hr WALLAdE 4 co. LOl"TDESBORO110, Oct.C1st, 1878, F RUGS, . HORSE BLANKETS Bic. HE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST, RECEIVED A SPLENDID ASSORTMLNT *OP Indian tanned Buffalo Robes; from the• Northwest, which are.of excellent quality, and offered at very low , rates, .He . has also ori band RUGS, . BLANKETS, •&c of a lainda OAs,L AND INslsikCT TEEM. " • • -• !!TEL 0-�d In this department artni nt f his business he has ore than realized d p e o a m al zed his anticipations, and ,xt= tributes his success to keeping a well -assorted stock, and selling at low rates. .He has laid in ,a good stock of BOOTS and SHOES for PaU and Winter wear, which he. will sell it veryreasonable rates, His stock consists of ] Boy's Lathes and Misses SUM, Children's Pants and Shoes and • HARNESS of: all kinds, TRUNKS; VALISES, &c. First and second•class SHINGLES,.from'40 cents per bunch, up, Rooms to let in the fiat above shop, Victoria Block. ALL GOODS WARRANTED. VICTORIA BLOCK SHOE STORE JAMES;:. TWITCHELL. Clinton, Nov 7r 1878. JAMES ' Boots, Shoes 'cruergraiterg, ' • scat Reduction Sale O1• ro��r� s 800ts attd Shoes; Crock��s�Gl�ss��r�� E��, - FOR 'CA.Sii •.O1tL '' Alib I'C$ EQUIVALENT. 0 0• . On itCoount-of ono -of h members of the firm being about to: retire from business, ess, weHave determined to sell off all ottr Boots, Shoes, Crockery, and Glassware, and in order to carry ottt this we will, from date, OFFER' A DISCOUNT OF 10 PER CENT OFF GOODS PURCHASED FOR CASH: As the entire stock is yiew, Lind waspurchased from firat•clase wholesale houses, the, public may look oat for bargains, ALL. PRUNELLA GOODS WILL BE• SOLD OUT AT COST. or FLA CLOT Boo RIMS aid OR ATM A er Than 'the yfare at those Sham' Clearing Salfy rlof a CALL"L •:.AT�11' S UE. Clinton, -Deo. IC, 1073V: Ill1ortI1t . and Taludlo. imprompollts I'or 1$11 • GLASGOW?, TWIG M C,PHERSONI CLIMAX ;`'THRESHING MACHINES VISR?1TOR'`'I'TIRFiSHIIV, MACIIINES, PITT'S Iffi'PdtOY,CD MORSE POWERS, AGRIGULTITRAL STEAM ENGlli`ES. For the coming season We are introduoing' manynew and valuable improvements, which will. place our machines FAR IN ADVANCE of any others manufactured in the Dominion. We es- pecially call the attention of threshers to our CLIMAX SEPARATOR, with the New Enid Shake Shoe, which; foramoothness of running, capacity and perfection of cleaning, far sur pasties anything yet produced, It has been thoroughly tested, has proved a' complete success;• and is frilly warranted.' _R2�A D Z'E3 F`OLLO WINGf' ' '337STIMOT`TIA.I, ' Bitca mELD, May 11, 1878.. It; is with pleasure I testify to the superiority of your Nfsw END STIAKE CLIMAX SEPARATOR. I tborougbly.tested it last season, and Can say that :it 'runs' the smoothee&t and; lightest, has Ike lamest capacity for separating and cleaning, and does the best • work of any machine I have yet seen. It is quite unnecessary to brace the machine. All that is. required. is to set it hi -place, when it is •ready for work, and it will run withoutjar or noise. I would not have any other than the NEW END SHAKE CI ISIAX. • JOHN A.IKENI3EAD, .. i'lANY OTHER .IMPROVEMENTS,:such as lowering the front (or C 'oder) end of , machine,.. adding a tightener' pulley to Fanning -Mill' Belt, windlass for raise the Straw OUR FIT TS POWERS have, been t n r velin various Ways, stillfurther adding to ;worth of machine. Carrierso i m reved Concave Adjuster," etc„'have been made, hiehavf 1 add 1 e1 to th e their durability, convenience, and ease of running. A • LL MACIIIIIERY IS Rrn; ARC OAREPULLY TEETHE BEIM Unlit. THE FACTORY. we solicit inspection of our machines Wore pnreliasin etsetuhere. g. • •' GLASGOW, 'IVMACPHERSON &- CO;.: CLINTON ,Actaxot. ,TL'11AL Worms, May, 1878. General SEWING MACHINE DEPOTI A splendid assortment of. firat:class SEWING . MAOHINES always on band: NEEDLES' and every furnishing kept in stock. AIA' .S'O •R•EPAX RIINT GI. SHOP, Sewing Machines of every make repaired', and.neerparts kept on hand; Having engaged practical machinist, all work done here is warranted to give good satisfaction. • Charges Moderate. ' ' . I3: NOR8"9VORTHY ; MurataStreet, one door west or tLo Commerciallintel, Clinton Ont.• s E ■ s JJ :h. iV Vr Harnes, 'Truitiks Sach1s,Whips,te. CURRY COMES, B1 1TSHESr HORSE COVERS, ` BLTPPALO ROBES, &c.. 1III: SUBSCRIBEII, while thanking his friends for the liberal patronage'hithcrto�accordc& !,him, would inform them that he has disposed of the good•w'ill of his business, and intends retiring therefrom, but before so doing, he wi11 reduce his stock, and for this purpose will offer• '' �cc�y�hiag i�tho�aocolia �� dory re�ucs� prices FOR ' C1Ai.SII 'IVA THE NEXT SIAL WEEiiS This is a Genuine Sale, THIS IS: A 6ENEINE CLEARING SAI. • THE STop* *nisi; BF SOL, And therefore will odor greatin ttcenents to purchatera, ° DO' NO ?\ AII. TO JCOME AND SHE US. '. Come One, Come All, and. Secure the Bargains. M coo inttiaatedaaotne titne ages that we would render alt accounts up to the 1st of October, ani` this having been done, we hops all parties indebted will call and settle the tame'at oaeo,, t 01ld�wtC!`91�s= �B`aP6pp'i' Clinton, (sot. '1I;.1876 coy • 'H'e, has in , stook a number of END -SLEIGHS suitable for presents, which he will sell very Cheap. N0T-ICE AELLLRTUS Sm4E 3AT' NCHI A ME lvtsLiEAO ' CLOSE UP' I5 AFFAIRS. V r C, N'1 Erre R, —HURON Iul r,„ Clinton, .Dee, 12, x878.