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The Clinton New Era, 1878-12-05, Page 5
l" O :CElID,NR 5, 1876, E CLINTON'.• NEW ERA. 111 H IMMENSE STO EVERY.0:E.:FART WAN PON, Nov. 21, 1875. .-•r.- ,;•..:,1�7r i,'�r�rsw�.',,.,.r+;r.tr:t ».:15,-� ..:'�•;rwa•::y-�: ,.. A T • P.. . O GallspecialatteRtipato pri:Qes of Second shipments (JU$;r .:rztivED) FLANNELS—IN 'IVH IT.E,.,SCA:IILF.T, ANI)' CASIK' 3lMEII;ES—•IN •i;LACK .AND'' CQ.tAR1S--=(Both ju Luton sial . All Wool) R GAM . LUSTRES Ou1t •Oisw •.StrmaiAt, HAKE, I.)RESS GOODS-: IN . PLAIN AND FANCTErs. CLOAHI-NGS—In-.VICTOR1A.S,, CAMEL'S 111:AIR `'..aind CHEVIOTS: i'V.IOTS. g'AItNS.. YARNS—IN GANA7)T ,` ANI) 7�NGLTSIi YA'T NS FANCY •WOOLLEN GOOt S -In SQUARE S IA'W]a', CLO.OI)S, and SCARFS—(Diff stook Gf these �,`accls,is tlie;fl est ;issortirient of now. and fashionable styles in the county, FURS. FURS 'T'II.E BEST SELECTION 01? ('ICICI '-GOOD)S' in the county ----(at Special/Puces.) WEEDS. TWEEDS^ -1a SCOT(.H, ENGLtSU• and CANADIAN. As we ai o now the only DO:Goods house in town ernploying•a Gutter, we care in as better position than' ever to show a splendid..assortment* of these Foods. This department is -still under MR, 111., FISC'TT1 R-=- •Pnlehasers should inspect .our stool, STAIt BRAND.'? yA a As thea e soeins to be 110 bottom to values ill. Dry foods, in the wholesale trade; when ready cash is offered --we have—decided to give our ens' o nets the benefit of these advc ntage4,--lvliicli is worth: to buyers:'frgln Clinton, Nov. 25, l878 lo 12 Cents on every I oIlar.'. FISHER, CRAIG .& CO. The Tosomo3'.. Sir John and Dr. Tupper went to Iialifax to meet the Marguis, alitl; Grip gots off the following as the supposed reception they recoi.ved.:•-.-• ,• >iiai fax, N, S. (Sir John slid Top- per on train). Sir John--•-Thele's a deuce of'acrowd waiting for as, ,What are thoy :mat- ing? 'I dotlrt bear 'ern cheering, (Yells from crowd, "WVlhai about the National Polioyl Bring on your elephant! 'What, aro you going to do about it V) Sir john=• --(aside)•- \Vhat calf wo, do 1 I I can't explain that we've 1'io Wen-- You nten-You speak, Tupper. Dr, 'Tuppoa I' can't. They know Ise, you know, and--(Yo11s fromcrowd, "Pull'Ma out Ma,k e. 'sin say. what the tariff's to lir,''): Sir John--l+ar'lleav'eu's sake, Tupper! ' Dr: Tu a,pei--No, yon huow p about P.retectionr' It's an -Ontario move,'of courso. _(Frasilyells fi•omcrowd "Break. the windows l") ' John --•(to Tupper); -I know nothing uncut 1t -a. mere election ery not niy p1an---T threw the author over- beard first .ciinuee I got. I don't know, really. .You know how a,tvfully. T bltm- tlered itt t1ie,Arnphithoatr©.., , • . • Tupper^ --•Fell, tivoll (goer to the plat=, form) --Gentlemen, On this --in. fact Most. •l lomentonS 'occasion_ ioya1 pva- sense. preponderates—see 'yoll sooli e pliiiri' all•'-avliele; .seheme of tariff N.P."•--general prosperity,overyfhhig: Tlic;Blessings which ; ire about to pour, etc., etc., 'etc : (Eut ithe et'owd lets them through, - and. don't•11n1£ like'it:), Tlao NNntimina 11'olic. c The 1,Ts v Nev.' 30, 111. its_ correspondence fi'oni tho,..L• ord Lov'n)o Our •gives the'following, which may taken for. •wh tt it Worth • While the'train was passing up this to iintltic vatll y, and•along the.':shoves. of ., this 10 w1 y lake; i n ' interview wig taking .place iu the Palace carr which May bo fraught .with important come, cj ueaces to Canada, :-•-Sir John A. Mac,= donald, the Premier of the Doiuinion, had for the first tine ati opportunity' of holding a lengthy conversation With the :iiarcluis `8n(1 of expIainii]g'to hiin the peliey ivii'cli Il(i proposed to Carry.: out 1t 'Canada; '•especially with. ,re„ and Co the -tariff.' The cccact' text of the 'intervieW not transpired ;, but. .itt:is protty-well understood:that tha resitlt was very sa- tisfactorat, and •that: the. Governor :incl Premier are in perfect 'accor'd. with re- spect to the futuie uelioy of the Cub• inot.:. Apropos cif this,, 1t May Am mentioned that 'Ion. Lor. Tapper, Minister of Pub- Iio Works, in an interview with your cot respondent • to -day, explained that the Government did not intend to enact a protective tariff pure and simple, but to modify it, so that a 'higher ;duty would be placed on some articles, while others would bo relieved, liesaid that Canada had never had Free Trade, 'and would not hereafter haye a .protective'. tariff; but such it, readjustment as seam- ed necessary to revive the iitclustt,ies .of the country, efilt rottilX incl OirA>!lll'lllea >4llx.:. k : A ootnt)any cif capitalists has .teen or- ganized at. London for the purpose of ex- porting cattle to Britain, A telegram from:San Francisco; states' that trade is almost' at of complete stand, still in that city. .Beef by "the carcass has been sold. on markets arku• ets this eolc for centsWOWOth per • pound and pork 'for th•reo•cef)ts; The steamer Polynesian, from Ilalifax on Stnrdfay; teek-to Liverpool eight Cir. leads of fresh beef incl .mutton' ,from the, Upper Previous.. . Oi a httnadrod and sevetateeu horses were purchased •in Montreal market last week and'shipped to the' United Status. They averaged $05 each. • 4ilirl(N'l'11Ztiil., t'$. o. ]December; 5,; 1878. ` There is but little change in prices to noto,; Wheat being the inly'article that has altili'enecl . as trate. The reads rare so sery, had that itis almostimpossible for fanners to Colne 111. Firewood is -getting scarce and much needed; ' Wheat, fall,•red,i4lmsh, .`TO 80, ati O.85 Wheat, tall,.\vhite,0 87 a ,0 00 • , ;Spring, 0 70. ;s 0 80 1. , 0.78 ';a 0 83 Oats, 4 • • . 0 24 R 0 27 '. Barley, : 0`50 . -aa Tb.60 Peas,0,54 a .0. 50 Pleur, • :•l 90 a 4 50 • .Petatoe:s, ' 1.0 50 a 0,55 Pork,. - 7 50, a t 00''. Beef, .. 4. 40.a 5.50 . Butter, . 0:12.* a '0 15 Eggs; •: 0 .12, u b 18 • .Hay, : 800 a 0 00 1Iidcs, 50 ar 6 00 Sheepskins - '0 25 a 0 50 . •. Clover _,, -• - , 8 50 a 4 00 .Timothy • • • 1 00 a. 2 25 OUSE AND 7:iVTIOTS'voit,`B-A E. • Tho•subsoriber being about to thrive from town,' afore- Ibta ;co. 625 and 626, corner of A1311 and Mapleshoots, for solo, on which store is a good i'rnino 1)tvoll• ing nail stclblo. E0_tETIT mmtI Oi7., (Iiinton, Oct;,fat, 1875., a. RBI A. WE•STIN(PS L,TFER ,LN7) l31/JI04S , Alodicing is fur ilSIo `at,7. II. Otunbcia, ClintIm, ' •ami mannfaoturT1 at 209; wellington street, London,- Ont. 'This medicine 3a highly spokou of and'room:a molded. fo)''}Iilious and Live' Complaints, audit 1001. also proved LiglOy beneficial for Ithonmhtiam. l ; ) FALL AND WNTH I C� ZrT'''t 1S Extraordinary 7l ar aiits to .prompt and Cash : Payiin} Buyers.' Goods of 'all --kinds' were >< every as cheap as they a, e .to -day, and qualities :i even. 'betIel,. Our Fall and Winter importations are now complete, in L ��. r • �,.. ' EEL'S.. NI THE' fri PEST. f'u•tf1'� S:rOUlt IlF' 1)1tN GUUUS; . tEADV"-M1 A1)11 ULOTItlNG, 'TWEEDS 11 ATS A;E,T3f, CAPS, GROCERIES, BOOTS -A.NI) SHOES, 'FIJE , ET(.'. • ' 11 n•ili bo to the aalvantaqv of )rrraiw; who wills to supply- themselves with eheap goods to can and FI'e toy stork before ])nrehasiug. 21he reason why 1' si=ll, goods SO much lower th gra ofla r stores, is 1 do 0 'ready -part, business,—and ' ain e?ud1lec7 to petj. dash for my Goods, much :1 buy match eltea))er tlrca» .Z' could Cl() if I had to buy them. On time. T can. ,sell goods •with, half the profit that credit stores get, ry7, do. 'r t' praying harsi»,ess, A call from inton1ing porehasera respeotkly No trouble to show Moeda, Clinton, ;ept• i), 1878. - -all the departitliients of 0111 business. 01511 S'J0(k CoM1'Li.T..NE , TN 1A(11, *Ig VLlf 1 A'll ;'C NOV.L1'1'1rS I ': BLACK and COLORED SILKS, FANCY. DRESS 00®DS, 'BLACI' •and COLORED CASHMERES, MILLINERY -and MANTLES, READY,:$ ADE ..CLOTHING, HATS. and CAPS, ' TRS, BOOTS . and SHOES, GENT'S . FURNISHINGS, ENGLISH and CANADIAN, TW EDS, FANCY. GOODS, GROCEIES,c., &.c. .. •WHA ` ' ;•` E , RECO ,'; .' ME D 'eVe beli-ve that Goods of all kinds have'reached the bottom prices, alul.,we advise our custontersrto buy early', as Svc think by so doling, they will find it to their ac vantage. • We have bought such an ift;tftcllse ,, pile of gooey this season, at such low prices, as will Permit of us selling them as. mud! prices us.WM defycompetition. •dao' Come iito33' ,- rye %vaatlt 3'0)11'- trade and we want yolt 10 11`0.1110 %vitt* acs. iS(0 t.i'ouhle' to ' show gaits alt hf'ffl. IlitI:A'r cif)i.Al': 'STORM 06' r We will not take,. after this date, Butter in jay. •" .l meat of accounts, nor exchange goods far it. E. l . a`[u NIST •.ET.WRIGHT C l3Ittct llLOCI{, -OTANTox; tl'Ot. 24,1978. 1 A RC 1110'. ESQ HIF,DREN ;Clinton,. Nov. 21;1878. and MISSES, • Hat•o•now the pleasure of calling the attention of'the public to, their arrival of : `LTTTTTT tT TT'r TTT ITT • TTT.• • TTTT'J TT' 77.1TWI,r.17e :«TIII011 ARE VERY ,CHt)ICE.'. j4 •doO E.EEEEEEEEEEE. _ • AAA •SSSSSSSSSSSS4 • EEE • A', AKA SSSSSS EEEEE AAA AAA SSSSSSS • EEE AAAAA A AAAAA.... SSSSSS' EEEEEEEE ' 'E1 AAA e AAA .. SSSSSSSBSS OUR STOOK OF TEAS IS C0 .tPLETP,; and we have a large assortment of this :3eal ion's :MOYUNE, 'YOUNG }IYSON, l•SIPERIAL, . GUNPowD7s'at, . and Cortaotr Tofte: --^_.-400 50 cent. Tea i the best vattie we leave eves eied,. ncLhate_ llloro to arrive in a.feiv darn. To TRY I'r IS TO BE CONFINC 15». WE : WISH TO . ,. CALL qpECIAL Arr,TENTION: n • _ • . TO OiTfl a Which, lii'ti 1o,'iste4 and gl'Ound on the 1)rcil.t'isesr F'OI.i, PITI•'i'.ITY-AND— k- GRAXCE THEI: VANNO'1' BE FQZTA-LLBD. The donntlicl for our COPES . • has it1Cl't1aicd so ntucli that we aro compelled to i•ottSt fwieo it week, tllot'efdre it '• • retains its NI fl-tv0t•. O lJ R S J 0 LJ 1.< V F GE E GRO.P.EFIIES 1,''i" l+'t"1.,I2II ASSfi.1Ii.1'I411) ANI) 1'ttIPLE'P1' IIV'' 1)1171';lt t I1Et3PT+:(11'. O U R .STOOK or CRO CKER :; C PJ.a'II `. ' •GL. £'a. WIZ RE Cl.flToN, 1's 21, iH7 Yl LL1.1C1i AND WBIL SBL1IUTE1). • . ALT & CO,,. Wtl0LESAI, I AND RETAIL t 11,00EitS, 131)IQ1t 131,OO1C.-