The Clinton New Era, 1878-12-05, Page 4821. rt eends , c.ete ..ereised ri iJ1 emu:: who are Vet.: text L° ions of rity thatueot here, bike who W1S t1.1(1111, ote are Unwilling to thrust them syl ves foynnird and 'seek tiler)). Again, titer° are others' Who are totally, linfit to have placed in their hands poever. -h,nd huthoriiy, but who wilh the sterile, and, unforeenately; these, are. 1.10 back: ward in 'Taking' known their desires.. As -it is in 'the pewer ote'verielepeor to nominate .a drily coronae(' Person to . . . ciyieeliair,. all should tale intereet in striviug to find otte and nominatethe best. Those who hare:during; the.past,. or provioue erten% given. .evidence of en - peeler wisdom or maitageinent while oc. cu)ying a seat at a...councilhoarel,.. should" be again returned, as they. have .experi- ence, and know' what is Wanted,' and - when e person is found to -mauve his. own affairs weIl,that one should b� made a Tanager. of public' Oaks.. " For thie town it wenla be,welleif meeting was. called, to discuss reenieipal. affairs and make selectieriS before the day or »ennination ; say Some. evening: • e when most all could-ceneeniently:attend. n epeolts the ti time , epeett. W. Th direction postpone ud pleasent tee brighten kept to the e ants a railway f possible, . It oth plaees ; you th the lake, WO ay j it WOW 114 tiiid it if Si OX. e(11,1ip and ran it -- ay. Wee,hail a large -sclay to'agitate the else us you r nig bey - locality, would make A ter. iesort fbr yeee people "he might:come ; no more, ei in Cenada, no -typhoid fe- rptheria, or eny suc1. dieense own here ; land cheap, n� a all that fine seetion free; Olintore erkbill neer the lake, •Stoplien, Hiry, enleY; Rayfield, Gederiell township, &re, Please giee yelp? views,i» your p4 - per, er otherwiee, as yoti think beet?. A .vountittee hits been appoiuted to-aot ir -the matter. . • Beyfielde Nov. 2S, 1S7el. AGRICULTURE IN TRH 111.,:g1YED ETA,1.1,Eta. The importance :of encouraging' by all possibje means the increase of our earieuf. tural productione tiles been ecknewledged• and urged upt:n the, attention of, Congress and the people,, as the 'eurest. amtreadieet means of increasing our substantial arid .en- during proaperity. ; • * " * About onebalf the poPulation of thoUnited States is engaged in aericulture. The value • of the agricultural products of the United States for the year 1878 is estitnated at three thousand rnilliens of • dellara. The aknorts of agricultnralproducts fertile year 1877, ae appears from the report of. the Bureau of Statistics, wore fi h o ndred. and twenty-four millions of 'dollars.. " Tho above extract is taketi from the mese sage' of-theeleresident-ofetheelInited-States, which wart read at the opening of Congress on 'Monday. The first sentence. i based on general obeervation and common ,seerse; and cannot be eentroverted. The 'second shows ilia etgrictitture employs tts many hande as .all tho other indastries put tfe- - latter. The other • portion of the ,extmet shows that theee Were produced froth thief' soil about $75 worth for everY man, WOtrait; and child in. elle Union; andthat the ex- ports of farm produce were niore than two: thirds of the whole 'amount, Tina .proves as °kernel ritamidaithat the ;American far, mer is not Ilenelitte'd by proteetfon, only to 0 very entail degree tigni homese'elreep and barley, the latter nob growingweII 1'11 the United States, The price of theevirele • 01000,000,000 worth is, geverned. by ihtit portion . which is. expo tear:Odell: haseto- -compete in Liverpool With that trona Cana- da and othor cauntriee, --- TI CLINTON NEW ERA, dressee ; unleiss they present A dootor's eeeleil eeeasions, Their hist() i the ceetifloate of ill-healtle it which caee 1 teatime of milirtery leis ever been admire they tuay •eome with, the front of the -I ed by English visitors, It hes never dress met square ; but hi nio ease pre bei impugne& they to appeal' it; highoneeked dresses, No such ukase limited the nntnber of 6.svitt.i1114:: PogeT"ilititseitilatiaulnsit7b:tell:::ti7sUttatkle 717):6;i7on. deeirouS of peyiog their respeete we venture to think the restrietion will there also be dispensed with, The Mr. J. Ryan has been elected for Mar- fashione of lite in ()anode catamt be gust° by a"lanlati°°' • . changed at twelve hours' notice, tend Dr, Sloan's expenses in the North millieers cannot furnish new dresSes Huron election were $445.12, within that limited space of time, II) Ikel, K. Ririe is about to ieaugurate one eetnitey it is the fashion tie etttoe, a teMperAnce movement in Regale, in another to wear tinge through tho The:flood Electiou fore -East Torontc) noee, in a third full-drese is a mere no- takes phrase:at the 2Ist inst., nomination mine" addition to Nattne's covering', or weeeeeeenee the. vital organs, while olsewhtire the • ladies et the top (if soofety prove their number of skins prpal 'Writer'on the G/otee has reared loft? rank by the front that journal. Me. A. 1)yaionel, for yeere the they can add to • their ohVU. Olitn4 .te . . has lenelt to de with tiro prevailing It is underetood the Princess Lottesk eeefeee tie heeeeehee ; the etiolate has inthanitted her desire- to--restile in of Great Britain- is ae. aireVtqlt *Old FfidifilX ii itu timer time. • that Of ti,enada ttki film cireunistanbeslind - The Conservativee Of M.Onek, have • conditions souiety in Cenada ave from nominated Mr. John, 'le •lIefrelipe, of those where QueanNictoria Wollandpoet, for the Local. ' holde eoine, Meer estimable ladies,The °filo oe Seliefeet-Geeeed hi tele wivee. of eine tiMst proueinent 'citizens,' 'Quebec. Goi'ei•nment, is abodt. to •ho ha e`e never ehowii 'their shoulders in n abolished as a ineasare of economy. drItwilta reem• ; and ilearle' all (leneilian aerie .Rttekingluttneheving -declined to It'llidetiPrsP13)'17("1:17:sivneg(1.1;orQ:•:ntalicint;101kive'txclYritpii-1 bsien.11,c,i°117idi i;b:ne.olchinubti°3, agc,d)°i7ti'om,i'0,711,tncall6ils'Itc); time ef the human" form d1iyi.iio ;es aro eettee • • - • • too often seen at evening pi rties in Lon • - Rev. l)e. Cli'een and wife, of Toronto., , den. . Geo steugglo more and I: ein ,good okt ..fagiioned meihometa, have • EDITOL NOTS. tAr Uouseevatives of South Waterloo hex() notnieeted :ate Keibb. for thLeeel House. Very po6j. chn'ice. 'Why Be- catme the people' derf?t:rtea;tt, any Iieibb- •ers thete, • " THE Exeter Arze.e grows veep indig. tient becattso one or two of the county papers intimated that Me :Robert Porter, (late canditate for,Parliament), was writ- ing the editotials for its colturne. If the statement Ware Ltine, (which the Times denies), it would ifinlY show him tel be devoid of intelligenae to a geode): meterit than most, people thought, for such a lot of rebbish never appeared in any other paper, than thaewhich has re- cently mod the colunine of the !times. tkiowever, tho ;Poles denial to the con- travy, notwithstanding, it appears an un- usual mini:3111mm that sentiments should neve be used end aegutrients expressed • in the motet language used by Mr Porter,. white on hiS CanVASS. . Tetoeielleformers throughou Onla tie, - who, in 410 hope of gottiugbetter times, • lent their assistance towa re is erepht ei tg the Conservatives iaower,t1stLegin" to'rue their; action by this time, seeing that thine are: actwallr worse -than be• fere the •elections. , • • ANY newspaper that get's ohditd oftho London Advett(see has .got to iunko art early start; as witness the following neet ire an ore) of our cauTity papers :--- No respectable Conservative journal aPproves of Mr. eckingliam's dismissal. --Lonr/o0 Acleertiseie This is e miataki. The &pr. does:— [Goderie4 ]3u t we said respeetabloe-•-Lontion -4,(2= etertie'sr. • • Tnii (JOIISOIvittiesareeaneistentwhei it will suit- their -purpeSetteeed's only •then. If e, Reform 'candidate far Par. liainent happens te reside • outside the Constituency he is amiteeting, hizi.Oppo- nentS are the' first. to crv'out "Onfsidr1 .Outiider,° bo t jUst let et Censer Illative be Placed in the same peeition, end there is never h weed. of ebjecticre to it. P.feire forinstance Sir Joint seeetingeell to Mare enette, or 1.3ritish' Colatnbia,, •Langevizi to Three ItiverseMcDortgall to Haltert, •and the host of ‘c lesser lights" that weee 'sent here, there, and everywhere,, at the last'electioe, 'and Compare this with flip iso1ated...01(sta witero Reformers led to seek strange conatitueneies. And .now the antbitians yeSident Conservatives of East Taunt° are 'cruelly "sat upon"lby _the wirepullers of the party notnittatifig "flotteAlex. Morris or the Local House,' who may be described as having' "no' local • habitation," but settling clownee- for the time beitig-wleeee eiretimitaneas require it. ' free," was the legend under a picture of ,o' elated the. fiftieth vent' •of their mar - the belle of the period .dreesed for a'4 . • . • . • • • einrt ball -at' Buckingham Palace e and 1:led life' .•. '•, .: : '•• it Wtie reekaecaricature. . There' s eorae- • Mr. Ch°ries 13elf"d7 . who I's b°e° ,thing repugnant to .many of our ladies chief editor a the ,,iiiitic eince it started, Le takine the first. step to int:modesty, is s° ill tbub hehas Isui"jt° (lta bi-' 1.n."' •aud eve hold thue eu ill inch matters bors, AN: Oe Iwc"1.1t*•. . . . imniodesty is a relatives term, A Man ' .D.- MdCraneee',111.".P. Pe wee chosen Who las nevee before appetue0 • in ally-. ley the Liberals ci :Kest Kent to bear the thing lent trotisers Weeld .feei no more standard of thepayty-at the approaching eetoeished arid shocked .at being told he .eleelien fey the Local :Legislature. . mnst don kilte'than many ladies 'Most .l'e is seated thee ,N6;, :Tilley melt re_ . slur* to the public gni° elierres Intherto. •turn 'to Canada with an additional title, reserved'. from reatt'S Pohl' &Rainy. :and M. langevin will • at the same Onetem ie -a second eature, and first, nee time.recnii'e an additional honor. . me a Solely foy Baty puremeesee-To- /*Mae 21e/egrain. Th'e,werst thieve that etin happen the poor farmer or mechanic s the forma- Umt a rings, of either pordueer or Mao- ufactUrev, and that is just What the 4 National Policy' will build up. Rut. we feel sutisfied that the same vote that put tleern in power, will, as goon as the holleerness of their principles aro die, covered:put them out; then, we trust, men will be put into office upon their merits, and not upon protniees to de. possibilities.—Hrteristoe Tribvne„ Bro. Alick Simmons, of the $tar, last wook got elf a very poor joke at the ex- pellee of the editor of tho Clinton New ERA. The jeke was in bad 'Wrote, whilst the eainfen editor's (leery was a perti- nent one.' ,We fancy Unit againSt the time Bro. Alick late reeved as large and rote rue table a fin ti as Mr, ',Holmes hue tte wine just eshaxierta aboat the peace of bread au& meet ; and we also °pie() that before that time the gloss will be Worn off his shiny castor, the imp off his A R.E.31 ItICA ULF, titre would of c.ourse klIQW tioelling �f ' :,-,Nri% dbas. :Aloes, brether of the Chief . . . . . ,eoneoalnient e but • we repeat .thie the Jastiee,, eee been Theietteetea e$ thole,. eustom is riot one to be learneel'at twelve . . fanners of ' Rest Toronto, ta contest ft hours' netice,,whale the actual,. abatitlene for .the :Locale' .. [He has sinee declined, ili°•fi of it at tiali, q"Plcd `vith :it's 'and. Mr. John efteys* 'etbroinaited in .his proepeetive ' absence Poet the ;futuee fetiii.e..• ., tereinettiel •at • Witinipog., proves it to . :-' • . . • .. , ' In the event of. Mr. Afacdottearl s ac- be'enchntiored in the bretrell or observ- , ' , e ance:at pleasure. • We- liaiPe, purposely e401'ne° °f he'SP"Icers44"f.th° 11°'8°. been eXplicit as to the 1)0111 and date of • ei. • ,e ' . . , . .e.,... , OcifeyOotoen.inniniesispizte itSo levt4aitteolgttliret plioe4.1Vcial LI. thcreceptien front -Which ladies 'iii•Idol dresses ev* 'banished. The season cfat .laistoe* of Canada, 'froth the •unicin of 180.tYlp to the present time, •„ • Montreal 'on AndreW's Day is geeer. The following artiele 113 eo thoroughly in 'keeping NI it.11our ideas liven the sub- ject that eve gladly -endorse it, entd we are plittitato see o the' elfail, a paper that did at ono timo. attempt to introduce the hishions and cashew of the aristoceatie eiteles elf England. •Wo crenate tee strongly con- demn the preetiee of wearipklow neck dreasee by women, We think- it •fa, trio some degree, e remnant, 'of yarbariten. We hope, before another reception takes place, that the Marquis and his wife will leareethe feelings of Carl ad Ian people, which, we feel onfident, is opposed to strait regulations •An advertisetteene in. the Monereal papers of Saturday furnishes the Calm. direr public will]. ,some grounds' for ie. election. At • tho sartio time, unfortu. irately, it affords our Republican neigli. bore no little material for ridicule and derision. It is by jusb such character. isties that an insignitieant circumstance may come to attaiit an importance out of alt proportion Wits intrinsic freight). • Col. Littleton, of the Governor -General's staff, appends his name t� arr advertise- ment which annetinceS ibat ladies de.• sirens of being admitted to tho recop. ally unmitigated wintere and put' 'flee. .The late 'Government is .sitid 'to 'have Patches interne us that they 'eveidee ie Centotiaplated•the eitabliehment of a go - question Was foster end- inclencent, ''For vernineil€.'..deteetive, force ' ,had . they eve niained • in poiVoe, snail' action having 'theme. therefore, who' never; wore-ae low -dress:at it perky, the experiment ' Mast b°el'• tleces8itatPtl, 1./r.' the :it1..6r!°-`'?''. 6f . - have been attended with. risk, atei we Counterfeeting in the country. ...,... . . 10,Cy'rest assure(I'Very mitiryt.Were kept'', •,.. Iteie reported ' that several .,'ITsaltoix. .ewaye by the fell decree Which appear- farmers intend to enter an aotion•ageinst ed in the Morning papers. • We weruld their repisseneative, Iron. Wen. Motion- Taither pee.s over, the. ortlY Condition 'on gellefor rase pretences in 'promising an which the wearers of Square -cat dresses increased 'price fee their them prOduee.if were to :be admitted... A . deetoe's• cote; they voted foe Ole leTe Hanel •Policy •ettet. .. . . tifitiate.is. beci suggestive of a yeeent tent... elidat.e. '.• .• , . , .. . ' ' . . • troversy,itt eve11. a' less ' delecateeliattle. •. ,neeeetleeian now it ;Ottewo, who did field ofeweinen's riglits ' If a-ie.:ladies of .eeneromeeefilee. on the platferei 'foe the. Montreal, who', by -the -bye, mig14' have-eCeservative ...cause during the recent •be!en PoliPelt r6C140sod (0 come, in: 10* eatnpaign, 'expresses 'estemeliniant that. dress, submitted to Compliance with tlifte” the new Governirient Slionkt; in snail a unusual, arid, in Canada,' linheerd".'ef.. Shorb space of tienee haVe areitsed such • custom, the .doetors • of the, city Must- enieteust and want of ' confidence. ife have reaped •ii golden htireeste' 'The xPresses h fear that the GoVernMent price Of certificates we Will net guess, . eannot•oritlive its feral' . and is elle eere but 'when theY'Jtaro been duly illed,und thin thatethel Provincial Government of seheduied brae A. D.' a in waiting, • Ontario will bn.sustained. we should like to see thein. • • . ... . • Mr: IP. E.. Cornish, it prominent. laW-, • .And now ,a tepee te ridicule. . tf feont ver of. Winnipeg, died on Thursday.— hisesmalleinclicietionewe aro ' to eviller Deceasect lefe_Londoneforethatsome_ that our view rulers Mean to Surround years since,' And toot a leading part in _themselves with theetiquette and para. the .affairs Of Winnipegeind Manitoba. 4pherna1iq! of a ' Court, • then with , all generally. -. While' in. London Mr.; Cene *rasped we express the fear that a great nish occupied a Leading positiott. At the thietalto ie being made. 'Front all. That Iler, he lield.the office of 'Mayoe for four hes appeared in the preas'of the gracious yeare, and unstrecessfuky contested' -e, • 'condescenelon and unaffeeted simplidity" parliamentary .tlectioti" 'With the IIon, ef her -Revd- Ifip;linesS--Weitee-cereetneec olneCtieling ' ' - - • - ••• — that neither•she nor the GoVeritor-Gere. 'An Ottawa pap.or says .,:e --Sir John A., end .setiottkly considered the. ..c.freCt of 'Macdonald repeetodly annonuerd'cluriug en adVintieementwhich witS 1)..robtilikr the campaign; tl%t his return to 'peWer oomfo.etod, by tho ladies abiT ' oilers at- Would be the eignalefor a general revival asb1"1 1:°' tiila-elqiu-sq•kokb---r-f-is- e''ee-of-triule,. even befeee the " National leedy ie of.too 'heady and robitst, a tem- Policy" was pet in force. • The fbilowing perainent, to tolarete—much less initiate is tot an overdrawn pieteiro of the stttJo ----.0 Police' of Books'', eoex'ojoh, But We • of business in OttaWnee.' Thdre.ate n ,. rly are told that, ofileere 'of nrevietts experi. eiee theeseeet Lenses eelpey in e city ; mice in the Ways of Canaditere stteciled the &intends on public and till ate Cheri- te his stailf. expressly with the vi* ef avoiding such etlrorsetk the one eincler discussible Re that as ie may, we see 'iti it ine lose.reason to bud that for the Satire hie Exeolleney will take the law into his oten. hands .and regulate the conduct of his stileerclinates. We ere a loyal: people favorable to ineearchical institutions; bat we „aro. far iumovcd from SI. James's, and, a eourt can take me rOot in :foil where 1110 echo et' tho axe and logging, chain of the beekteueds riugs with xto uncertaite sound through the streets orour commercial tie political inetrepoliS. ., We LaVe not the elements to constitute al' 'reel Conte.. 'A. mock emir& would bo a deplorable burlesque, from which the 'good s tse of all goo: - corned wilol,:t.afa feel kin: happily de- liver ute 'WO ha..0 unbeserned onte selves, because) tI - . etirlfeel; seems the best opportanitrif Caning.' httention to the presence of, a . difficulty. And ente plettically we add that tho ladies of Ca - mule, not being iteetuitomed to unbosom ' tion hold byheriloyalliigimess at 0.30 1 theniseIvee, Shotild bo allowed access to p, ut. on Saturday, November i 30th ..at the daughter Of their beloved Queen in the Windsor Ilotel, Wig •Wear AOW . ilite dress bitherto' worn by them on tilt O1isJi qlF hill tselol 'leatvItel ii lute will trouble hinalees:er--7.1reeese/sirost. In Caned() •the movement is bekingee elearer shape in behalf Of .protedtive tariff, although sucha twill is intended there as 0. retaliatory measure againit the United States in °Mot, to • force Its into a treaty of reciprocity., llat in this counteV not only is tiler° no eltenend for a higher tariff,but the effeet of the hard times is in precie9ly the .opposite direc- tion. Men are asking themeelves what 'good years and yeare of high protection have done for us, and even ohl protec- tionists are coming to regard a reivieion of the teriw with complacence, ---Y. y. PoNt. ' ' • DRomvamt 5, 1878, • COUNTY 90111,10M, • Gaderiele, Dee, 3, 1878, The Council met purenent to attiourinneet from last meeting; the Warden in the chair, ana OW following members present ; neon& Wehster, Henniker); Coanor, Clegg, 0bidleY, Menzies, Xonag, jewell, Hardy, Garrow, Yohnstou, Martin, Elliott, Whitely,. Stemmata, Geiger, Ronnie; Keine, Coek, Weir, MoMil.' lao, Mason, Hoye, Kerr, Johnston, Gramm, Castle, Coughlin, Yearly, Welker,. Hanatah, Black, Henning,. Hunter, Millar, Potter, °liege, Qaunt, Willson mad ' Gibson. The painutes of lest day of jape meeting wove read approved, The Warden then briefly addressed the Council ho referenee to the. Persertal interview he hail with the Wardon, of Larebton, and, tubseeeently eeveral earemanicationa from him, insisting that the Council of Huron should: erect an iron bridge ab Grand Bend; which requites the attenteon,OF tbet Coeueil at its ,present sittiug. ' Couaronninations from the (minty Clerk of Latebtou, in reforeece to Grand Deed Bridge 0w:11%1;04f:4 refereed to theelload and Bridge • Itetter froM ett, itispectin, A gylluos, eece•fra refereece to additione to the gaol, \VOA road (1,ncl referred to the Gaol ttitd •Court House Committee, A.reeolution °retie town Council 0 '1Ving. ham, in refer/moo to Itockerelleidge was rota nun ordered to be Wet% . By.lew No, 6,. 1878 of 'ilare3ownship of Stephen wae•read :anti orderocl to be 'fyled. A "fetter, in referenee te the same, from Beadier, Street t.t. Ilecellete was read and ordered to, By -Jaw ..11o. 3, 1878, •'1.t meanie wee read, On motion of ',Air, 'alker, sec. by Mr. Hannah, the elerk was instruoted to draft by.law to,conmen the Saia by7laW, to stop up the road ;1110in:floe in the front of late 0, 10 au( 11, end and 3rd uoacessious of Tuck- ., eriatnith, H. L. ie., and that the saide eriginel road allo%vaece be vested. fn,Consfauce Louis: VanEgnieed in lieu et 'the read allovvatice . gave te the corperetien Of Tdot'examitir,-- a..4,'111,3t.16()M.)eil th6'n' liourned till Thars;ley: 31 et lift o!,00; • The Mat:pie ef..Loene awl hie Royal consoie,have•paseed.threfigh- •their fleet severe ordeal :iue Gamiela, and done it, with gretifyingsucceas. . The position in which :they • found, them sel , t air lateling in was by no :means an easy 000, ' ThegeodenaturtetentlinsiaSer of the peeple found vent in it, reception ispeleue no new Neter hae •ever befoee met with in Canada exeept the Prince .of Wales and -such, as only a member of the it Farnilyeeteld forth: The: grander the reCeption the , more' 'difficult tho' Pert. assigned. to the Marquisand the Princese, end the -fad- thet •they bore ..thetuSelves so well when so much • was required and expeeted of.. them augur's well for their future sneeess (le the heads' of society in tho Deminime.407obe.' ties Inc tnor0. pressing tit past. • Alm number of, si Stiss'ex. etrent is so laro fear that tho dark br aks in the lino of day nightevill spoil we preparations are esitients in thecity aud for years ant stores. on at; to create 11 illuntinatiofis on M the eftbet; •exte being mad° by -vicinity for a holesale exedne to Mani- toba and 94 Northwest next spring; a •soup kitehen is being established foe the relief of tho poor, and coneUrts and ba- zaars for el:miler purposes are beingheld COT Ritl'PORARY ArOZES. i'rho Naw Eat itooa nob uOrossorily onaorso thing apporning from Limo to timo nutter fbiolioniiingi the npitionit Ming givon ILO a matter of,nbwo1. There is no little anxiety ' among dio Redeemer's to know what ME; Tilley will. do when he goes before the • English people and tries to borrow money. They say le xs in a dilemma that he will either have to admit that the Tory representations of the distressed sand& don of the country :Were correct—in •whiel ease he will damage his own pro- spects. as a borrower ; or he fling ac. knowledge them to be felse and made Tholtieeepike in the Pembina branch was- driven Menday lest. A party r. 4 • • rliVital•01106ta Weill' south .50 miles to Witness the ceremony... •* • • B. Thompson,. of -Winnipeg , is advee. tisieg inthe • St. Paul paper f'er a wife, e •, wire must be good. houeekeeper, not over tweety..five, with somietefinement, and Woli not less then $11,0b0. ' ilintrettl °our neneeial taterellet 6, named Murchison, end Peek, narrowly , ;•eseeped. drewning while crassing the Red Paver in a buggy, ..en Saturday, ' /through the lee brealcing with them. . • • It is 'andeniable tint all oyer the tountry •the farming portletion, who were led t� hope am' believe in a ceps- ation.of hara times the moinent the Glrits . . were ejeceed front office, are oxnrieneing rude Awekening. Agricultural pro- duce of, every desCriptio.n haegone clown in peice, the grey cottons of Corn- wall, Dundee, and Hochelaga, liciVo ad- vencell In per cent, end the White cot - tops of Viideyfield. ten per cont. The 'woollen mills nee also asking highee rates for spreng goods, eed this at ft time when cotton and woolen, goeds have declined 15 per cent in the States t Refere Par- liament meets doubtless the farineee will have discovered some other thingein bonneetioe with the National which was t� have produced such magic effects evert in advance of its crystalliza- tion into An ad of .Parliament, 'Mean- time they are watchful.eind if they finti they have been deceived their retalietion bids fair to be prompt and decisive.-- • Ottawa Tree P2'e88, The Detroit Tree Prey O11drI3 0 word of advice to one new Governor-General in the following straiR:—" There will likely-lanr-greatileal of style and:pourp, and etiquette.mni gold lace and bending of the supple hinges of thelenee. There lingers a hope that the sensible people of the.Domittion will put up- with no such nonsense. This sort of thing can nevea fleurish on ,Atnerican soil. ,M.r. Lorne is the paid servant 9r the taxpayers of Canada, and, it is to be -hoped that if an honest old farmer waatsato Ito Can welk right op to tho Governor, slap Itis ser - Vont on flife. back .and stiy, 'Campbell, my bre , you're deing first-rate for ti yQiustor, new to tho bneinees.' If :ming Campbell will miss, take advantage of being 3,000 milesettv4 from his mo- theteinlaw--who, We tuiderstancl, Whet- ee interfered with his flintily. Arrange- ments—and will put Ns foot .resolutely down o5 this court' noneenee,' he will bo, fellow, well met,' as- Ditelbein was; be will pray() liimeelf the sertsible yortuee man we 'take hirn to be, anti any time ha, wants to air his opini014in the Tree tress: a reasonable amonfit litspace will be placed at his disposal'. Lorne, we're lobltiv, at you " • NOTICES, • ijIMPFAT AND Beet—That wondetfully goptilar paper, tile Sietem Sear= teeteert, egins its seventeenth year with. 1870, redeees eta price nud increases its tumorous attract.. them. • Always a favorite, tbe flee:emu is now the cheeped, as well aa the bent paper I» tlit world, Its eighb largo pagoa aro literally overflowing with Cheer/ring Stories, Sketchee, Poetry, Mt, Heftier, and genuine Fun. As. for yearite its Itague's Corner" •wtit expeee every Swindler, Quack,. Ilenneurenta leretul. Xi; has saved thousandieatel i11 SAVO 13111110118 more, For 170 it will .centain Illustrated Stories, Iturnerous Boerne, and Mtreetive Rebuses, national favorite, it is bow cheaper than ever. Only 50 acute for a tebele year, or 'with elloice Of AIX fine premiums, only '/5cnts. Oahe ot 20 meet receive it ter only 25 tents' ti yeer, Address, Sex 8pantifed lie nor, 1findalo, N, II, . St: John's.Ladiee:Coilege, Winnipeg, which is a, nuienifident structure, narrow- ly escapedd4truction by fire, last Wed- nesday night, Irora the furnace: ,The Ramo were • hover, . discoVered •in tithe.. The foss willbe about $100„ e•nee. Mr. Robinson, a elergyinan of the Methodist emelt who Was- some years ago etationed at Poplar Point, where he ere& a large eireloof friends,. has left for his home in Oetario, being in the last stage of.consnrnption.' The Sta. nclard Says' that typhoid fever is raging' among the Mennonite villages 'west of the Red River,' and many.deaths have occurred lately Of this ,dread dis- esse. Some few accidente have ale° . happened, by the 'Parakeet management of threshing machines. The Winnipbg Free Press hak.the fol- lowing : .A couple of enterprising spirits' from Western, Ontario, stinted to carve out name and fame in the far west the other day, 'eettipped with it parasol,' a box of blacking; and the saddest looking equine thet...has been. seen in theecOuntry for a year, • -What they proposedto do With t4e blacking and the parasol doe% riot appear, unIeSs theY were intended as presents for Sitting Dull. However, the horse gave -bet four miles .on the way, and now. they aro baok itt Winni. pegeWaiting-foe-the-nagetereget upbis strength again prior to making a fresh start. • • . mar MARRIED. BittIlli—ai$DER.—Ift °linter), on the 111d . inst., by the Bee. It. Fowler, Mr. him Breen; to Miss ,Amelia Ginder, both of Colborne. • CoeneeHocentremeeIn Clinton, oe thd- .1r& blab., by the :Rev It. Fowler, Jr. HOMY Vole, of Goderich township, to Atte. •E. e Hockridge, of Hogan. • ..Melvele-nieseresti...e.—On the 9.8t1iNov, at Inr the Itele Me. McConnell:Ur: • David Alefvor, ea ?Mee Flare Jane Daeid, • son., all of Clinton, 1tn-e:111cDo1(ar,r0.--Oe. the 3rd of December• ; ab the residenee of the Iron. Dereile • McDonald, Toronto, by the Bev. Peef. Gregg, the ).Lev, Itobort tire, 1)..1)., ortioderiele to Ataxy, widow of tho late Sheriff Afelionttitl, and third datieliter ef , Jelinee Fialer, Esq., of, riiverneea, Sent. • land, . . • reneustner.McCeeette--Ort el the ." residence of the 'bride. in the village tif 13ruseele, by Ileet.-G, BrowueesSisted by tlev..• S. !limes, Ildt. John Ferguson, to • Mary. AloOonne1, widow of the late Alex. ; ,NleConnel, inerchaut. I Ceetunoe—Iletinee-At tho lositletieci of the , bride's father., tu Stanley, • ou Nov. e27, i by Rev. T. G, Thompson Mae .7. (Jame - roti, to Mary, deughteehiltr. '1'. Baird, 1 , all of Stanley; • Hewree—Cteint.--At the reeidence of the bride's -tether, mettle 23rd Nov., by the A‘ McLeaii, -Wrn,' A. Howitt, to l' Lizzie, daughter of Mr, James Clark, ear- ' • virago mantel', all of Blyth. DIED. Chmintere—ln elinton, on X.ov, 30, Emma, 1 'wife efeetieeohneibbings, Aged, 37 •entat. 1 illueatcrtx.—Tti great peace., in ishi 7915 year, . on the 7111 ult„ at his own residence, . Ohorie/ Oreek, Toweeltip of4Innisiii, Co, e ' Sinmee, Mr, Robert Milliken, Eli`., native of Belfast Ireland, the venerated father 1 of the Rev. .A, Ittillikein. Methodist Minieter, of Aelideld, also Grendfather, of ;etre. A. 11. Nesbitt, 10111 con„ (lode- , e rich Township.