HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-12-05, Page 2it •o, • k. slang td. old days and young •-• ,, old:fashioned is novel' RACHEL AND RUTH • • ' And yori really, fancy. yourself in. love with this fair-haired' ?' ••••--Mri:Meredith, tall,' uoble-fetatitred.. man Of fifty, looked rather ,-strilly",at .his, •bath usia s tie- y elm g -nephew. ' . • Fancy, uncle That is', hardly •ari appropriate word. to' I . a rn .quite certain. otthe I suppose you Will, eonsider. no a very had judge of the, human character, if T tell you' that I like,. her little Cu Sin's demure face the best. .Believe me, Harry,' tbet•e:.i.e. more 'real liter:eine in Ruth Durr thee :le her ...pretty'eensin Rachel.' - . • •• • • ' ' .• • • "There,, *shy answered'. I-Iarty, *reso- lutely, ethere I . must .beg; leave to differ midi you.' • •••' ' Well, my • boy, 'yen nmst.elmose for nt• yourself. Bemeher,.it is no:question' of a partner fora -u or• a pair -of- -bright eyesAirbese :Witten, to amuse 'for one or two. :evenings. The women m. - whoyou pow. Select for .your. wife must necessarily .exere-ar more or less potent infienceliver ..your whole lite.' • I .know it, sir,! and Harry's tnirthful face becanie. for the moment almost grave. • * • . •. • That she earns her •ow.n living behind the counter of a fancy.storea•-that they both do—is no drawbaek in tny .eyes. Independenee murself-reliance are. it' rue cardinal virtues, and. .eyen .thnugh. your wife will d raiaeinto an ?Amos.- phere of comparative., wealth, . a few les- sons taken- beforehandin the impartial school Of worldly exPorience will be . of incalculable use to her.' , Harry.3.reredi% sat.long , that night before the snug, bright:fire in his snug litlle ; bachelor • apartn,len•t diniing• over his uncle' S words. Ho had met the two cousins, Rachel and Ruth Dart', at a - quiet little birthday., gathering. at the house of a Crtend, and had instantanc- ousIy •fel 'drawn toward the elder en-- elder by eighteen mon tbs. . She was' a beautiful blonde, while the Other • Was • rather Of the .brenette type: Daring. °A dollar a pair,' • the three months 'which •had. followed :But I P.m a -peer ; have you nothing cheaper 7 • . . • 4 Nal' snapped Rachel, rl• tot& you to gcrelsewhere, I've no patience with paupers.' • 'I beg atom: pardon, Miss,' said the oldfartan, on not a, pauper.; 'Well,' observed the girl,. scornfully, yott look like one l', fAppearances are , often 'decaittill, Did...you tell me you had. 'Cheaper gloves • . . • - 'I didn't tell you any etaili thing r . 1. Rachel I' remonstrated her cOUSill. ',Let me show. you what you. Wantcair,' seftly, turning to the old ciistoraer, We, have some very nice:gloves at •severtty-five, cents.' Seventy-five cents is a,great deal of • money to pay. ter a pair of gloves,' wild the old man, looking sorrowfully, down on the mended fingers of those lid -w , ore- " but the weather,is getting very frosty, and em not so 'young as was.' • - o TI -IE ()LINTON. NEW ERA, 11) uot3113.Eit 5, 181. 8. d clown bow. of , of me,, rialiant up the ers, it so pa- t vexation for some; re ist! 4ling us' ixen Rachel ang Ruth into hael e, • you re pranctual,' said eing xfp• her mouth e fully• five minutes it was just se ,yeeter- ..-- NI,- and went to work la-. ox pf neW-arrived ribbons. are. Wickes had never agreed imoniously, nor did he affiliate' . the shep girls. • ' stuck-up, im- ertinent. thing,' they 'called her;. while she. from the serene•heighte of the•pos- mibility of her soul° dear becoming Mrs, Meredith; treated them with a clfsclain which was Anything in the 'world bnt agreeable. • • . In Vain. were Ruth's .remonitratices. RacheLhad always been wilful and in- elified to superciliousness, nor would. 1 She listen to her censin's fered advice. I It's yeryvlt for -yen, Rath, yott'iegot to spend •all your. clays here, but,' she said, etrelmg her • 'pretty hps, but I shall soonhe lifted out of the grovelling etruosphere.' . 'It ie by n' memo. a certainty,: Yes it, ie,' laughingly answered Rachel 'Yes, like a damask rest.. And ,Ruth would sigh softly, ' and think howbright the future was un- relline its vast map before her pretty' llffltl consin.' Rneliel Darr Witited railer 'languidly ripen oho or tWo customers- that iIi.br1.1. ixag, . Bizidently her heart was not in •her w ork,, end Hrs. Wickes; front her lurking -place behincl the 'casli-box, .cast dovetail enVerioniecl glanced., toward .her, premonitory of a homieg'Storm. . greatest fool 1 ever saw I' she cried, while the old, gentleman bobbled ontof the etore. I weal:1.119Ni) seen hid to juice before I would have given hint anything ?---Whrdeesn't he go to the poor homier The days crept on and. one day Mr, Tlarry Meredith astonished little Ruth Darr very much by asking her to be his It Was as if the gates •a raradisa had been suddenry opsened to her—the mo4est little gui., secretly worshipping IlarrylVferedith in her heart, hactriever drearned,of the possibility Qtsu�h 000C/` The Felatah ladies. in Central Africa spend several hours a day over their toilet, ' In foot they begin ovee night by carefully wrapping their lingers and toes in lienna leaves, so that by moui. lug they are -a, beautifel 1)11410, The teeth are stained alternately bide, yel, low and purple, one hero.and there be. ing left to its* natural color, ea a COD frost, 's0oco.N, OievraverawnCoatrorerleve -,-ul3y a thorough t II0W1Odge of the natural laws which govern the cperatiOnit of digestam and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties A well -selected cocoa, Mr. Epps ha provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may luck being in store tor her. save 'us many IleaVy doOtorte WHS. It is bY .That' "evening she told her cousin. thejudicious use of suel; artielesPof diet that Rachel listened in silence, The ,prize bad been very near her grasp once, but at:000w it bad slipped away. a , think' you must be mistaken, Ruth,' sho au11, acrimoniously, I. think Mr. Meredith never would— fled with -pare blood • and:a properly nourish-. a constitution may bo gradnally built up un- tilstrong enough to resist ever); tendency to dibea se. Hundreds of subtle maladies are - floating around us ready to attack wherever, .there is a Weak point., We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves woll forti- • She Checked herSolf, foi at that in- stant the domaapened, and Harry ,dith was. announced., •• , Well, Rachel,' he said, pleesautlY1 'are yOli ready to congratulate Inc upon the oWeet little wife I have Won Rachel muttered one or two formal sentences, but Site was xery palo; Mere- dith -observed her with a smile.. • Ruth,' he said, turning with a smile,.. I have sereethifig to show you,' - • He put• -s, tin parcel in lier hand. She opened it and outfell a pair of Woisted gloves: ad 04014 k. 'errcs Gacette.-, Sold Only. in raohets•labollea--" d.,vasS Errs t4..; CO., Ho, uneepfithic Chemists, 4.8-Threadneeillestroet,. and 170,Piceittlil/Y, London." , • • C010111541 cough • or: .coltL shwa' it never . be, trifled with, ften When neglected it is. convert, ed into a: ;serious Mid, generally fatal 'pulmonary dlYease, The . Tame prinient,.. aware of .•this,. .proroptlruse Bryan's Pulmonic• Wafers". a*, cu- ..!ativo whtcit has • sustained its .reputation .for Ove-FtWerifilt years, they are always efficacious and exert a Most beneficial- influence on all the. 'Bronchial mo pulmonary -organs.' ' -Sold by .all druggists and conntrt. dealers: Rrice. 25 Os, ;per box. • .. • • Evsaynonr SAYS S.-Thatall who have •aithei used the arable t1u0Inse1Ves orwitnessed She looked ‘yistfolly :into his 'face-- its ei.rects when used by others ; all such, and then the whole tide of Memory Came I they aye, only lit to judge, aro unanimous in • ` 1 the eni piop that "Darley's-Condition Powders back upon lir.heart. • • 'Harry 1 were c.,yee the old mato, ,411n, athArabian Jia -ave Itemedy" is superior to ing of e kind heretofore or at present in use for coughs. °Olds, thick whad, andall diSeases which affect the 'wind of horses. As D. condition medicine it has nil equal ; there. is': nothing hi it atich can Mit:recta horse wIMther sick or well --,nor need the horse bo kept frOla working While using it ; it is just the article whict all who own horses require, and which they should haVe constantly on hand. Tie= member the name, tind see that the signature of 4nrct and Co. is -on each pa21ca0c. NOrtli. rop & Lynian, Toronto, Ont., proprietors for Canada.. • was the ,old Man, my clearest I' • And then Rachel knew' why itwas that the. ship 'freighted with all her hopes' had drifted. away, When it was so near the haven. A Woman's Logle. "It is uieless to tale medicine. I shall feel better to -morrow 'Besides, I netid the Money to get that lovely new hat, my old one is such a. fright, and Neale will leek mere at my bonnet than they will at My face. J will Wait :bur/ feel 'worse before lapond any money for medicine." The new bonnet is purchased and fifty other feminine necesSariei itt tbe form of ribbons, lae.es, brooches, etc. Mehuwhile the lady's foes becomes evory day Paler and thin- ner, and her body Weaker, nntil diseaso has gained so firm a -foothold iz her sYstetn; that the ,most thorough; and ofttinaes a lona and tedious ceurso of treatment is necessary to •-•Pl'eseatlY.ft new �ust�rnet babbic't in, • restore her 'to health.: Ladies, attend to... yont ,benv.and,:.CrOOked,.. 'find Made.. his way .healtli before you even:think.. of apParel. A directlyfo. the .:.couti tee whore .:Rachek, and Rath.' huge•cOt- tea_ ambrella., ,protrudediin• . Warlike: 'mannerfrontbeneath•• his ,arms„ and • .mended l'eottoa gloires covered: bis,harids, • a • rttsty yea wig was.. half conceelecl. • pand tan .3.41y I..Rtith;.what ti figure • :A Wfrican. • frosh, blooming face in n plain bonnet is much handsomer and far mole at tractive:to . your gentled= friends, than a pain -worn, diseased face the most elaborate and elegant hat Your injlliner could devise. Dr. Pierce's Fa- vorite Prescription ia everywkere acknowledg- ed to be the standard remedy f female cam- smltn iclweaesses. It is sol bydruggiets. by his, battered hat. • - I - ejaculitad :•Ra'ehet: in. , 'very. audible ..,••••••••,0 • voice. What can that old bundle of • Livingstone' was time bitten, when .60cm:id-land clothes want.,here I' • half asleep, by ft light-eelored spicier. 'Hush said Ruth, almost sterely, Feeling something running across his -he will hear you . .• • And what if be does? -What do *I carol' • '110 is .old and infirm, Rachel, and •his age 41001 icrider hini sacred i.11 yout eyes.' .• . . • . ' Rachel tossed ber head sneeringly.' • Ruth, you are too absurd • for: any. thing. I won't wait .on hirra' • But the old man . etsered resolutely for Rachel herself• . ' want to bay. some . gloves,. Miss,' he said in a feeble, cOaxing volee • You'd better go somewhere oleo,' • said the younglatly superoiliousfy p oar store doesn't keep obenp goods' Pleese let MO see -the articles.* • Rechel tossed a box down on the ,cciiiiitcie; the Old mitn berithis speetacled eyes flown to survey the goocrs. • How much are therm: • upon his fitst introcluetion, :Harry Meredith bad contrived to see the cou- sins several,,times n week, ' and, conse- quently, fell deeper in love with the. golden -haired lassie, even while be was qnite conscious of Auth's deeper ehar- actet• and stronger intellebt. Sometimes he was alma% tempted to waver in his allegiance toward the elder, and the he took himself with very unnecessary sternness to task. To:night, kwever, he passed the whole of' the fast few weeks in review before- his .memory, and decided that inaction wag the very worst policy in the world, . This suspense must be put an end ,ejacalated our hero,, half aloud, and then be smiled Anischievously to hint - self, ae an idea came' into his head. • I'll do it,' he thoughtebiting his lip. Of course, its merely for the fun of the thing. have not the shadow of a doubt tha t she is all she seems, t He wee, silent for a few minutes, and should think that was quite OVI• r then mese to prepare for slumber, dent,' said • Rachel, with *a heartless They are polite'encnigh.to me as time titter, • favored chiM of lux*. Xow I will Ruth bent toward tho old man, say - take measuees to learn whether this ing in a low, sweet voice: courtesy is genuinely from the heart, "rake the tvaira worsted gloves, sir. oe merely' born of empty form and lulu: The price is seventy.five cents, but you lotion to wealth.' - shall have than for fifty. 1, myself, So our hero, laying hishead-on his will make up the difference tethe store. pillow, dreamed of private masquerade 17011 are au old fieab/alnay, and 1 am parties all night long, youpg mid able to work.' Rachel Darr and her cousin Bath were shoplitis in Savery 84 St. Olair's great fancy store. . Oh de,ar 1' siglied Re,01141, one in Orn- ing as she took off her bonnet in the little dressing -room at the back of the store and shoOk down her goldenshower of curie, how tired T am (ff this horrid drudgery. Row I wish "Barry Mere-, dith would propose if he's going to.' 44ttit1 arts. DE . APPLETON, - OFTICE at DAIL timo end NAGUT time -r,flie Begins over the Store Cunningham° st ‚4jke 5450-t140 Square Alitit en, 'Clinton, Deo. 20,1877, TAR. PENVE, Physietaii, Surgeon,. ilotod•cg_oreocujIrlovofo II COIIty (4.1.1100/1. 1108140LS t, and Albert and Mill Street 8, Clinton. August inh,1869. • r-tt ("1YOUNG, (Gi4ADITAT.91 TortorTro • laioraity,) raysicion, Surgeonyeko., residence at 8X.aiming's, three doors east of the Temperanee 10201 ,nLd eosubtlooisubevyruo4, 001118,, esitaactlea rmproved• india Sublior Porous . , • ;. ,Plaster... • . • • .. • ' • There neyer'llas beeu time when thebealing of so many different • diseases. has . been 'owed ' by •outwarit a p plication t110.-proeut an • undispnted fact that . over, half Of the,entire pitlation ..of the giobe • resort. to the. nSe ordi- nary plastery, - - • •• • • :The 'principal:ingredients .used• in Making 'these Plaster! are -Oulu Olibanurn.•:•.or hefts*: known. as tlieb`ritultitictinse of the Bible -410.. ber,- and Burgundy Pi tell' ;. which, when Selena - {Melly compounded, le full of electricity, and. - when Combined with, the 'pure•iffedicinal gunis, is found to be One "of,the greatest h.ealing iiingeverbrofight before Weinman race.' • , • • They.tirs' a•eknovileged by all -wile • hai d used k P t ' • thein to act quic t any other las ero %W. ever •before•tried; and that ono ttf those nsif •nousn, VLARTON, ON., iliteSUNBUIllt, GRADUATE Or THE unnican pepartraent or Victoria Univeroley, Toronto, far- morly of the, Hospitals and Dispensaries, Now Torii, Coroner for the COUT3ty of liuron, lisinnzn, Ont. 41uly 20,187i. . • . TIOWSLES: tti. GIBSON, rilVSICIANS, clions, Aecouchours, Ofnceovlbert Street opposite rair's 511110. .• 1). 'II, Dowermr, X. 1), A. 31, chases, X. P • °tattoo ?Say IQ 1877. e. , WORTHINGTOIS, 9fIII8ICIA1, SURGEON, .13 Aceoucheur,Lleentiatt of Alio •Cifillege of Physicians and Surgeons of Lower Canada, and Brovluelal Liecnti. ate -And Coroner for tha County of Unrou.. Otago end residenco,-The building formerly. oecopie:t1 by Xr. ,rlawaites, Huron. street, . canton, Jan. 10,1671. igisttlitnitoits arbs. cre 1 • The undertignell °Nero for sato hie two se$Ilitiribr two ;Log efr.alktri.oil.wstlittii4rD-h, else: s, ou Erie Street, not tar li 1. Rouse containing eitting-roorn, dining -room, kit- chen, and four bedrooms; good btable, iroodshod, pump, and garden with fruit trees, 2. Douse containinekitting.room, dining -room hit - °hen and three bedrooms, with, good garden, and 'fruit trees in bottling. Terms 'moderato; part credit if reoulred. Apolylo Xr.X.Eralo, or to the understsned en -the promises, DAVID CoNNELL. . Clinton, Sept. 8, 1878, 8 PER OENT. To Farmers tt 14nd Owners • IVIONZY '11. 0 • LOAN a At the LOON° low rate of Lutenist. PAXNEINT,9 eau he Made almost OW . the borrower, p to oft ' INTER,E$T 1:'4able Anatlally, or am, sum mile paid on the principal at the end of any your. , Vert urtherinforma Gan 4PlY, to • • A, S.:FISHER C14,30011. Clinton, No,. itist,1878, — • HOUSES POR Til-ONEY Td. LEND, IN LAR'GE OR SkIALL 81111S, it32,ta.a.030. gir.thit%.•ttlage soenrity, at moderato rates of Clinton, Augnst Oth, 1802. • • 741 nnAttxxs minus, PROVINCIAL LAND SUR-. V vitro.; Valuator, Bud Laud Agent. Old pldne street, Winginun.. • ; A. 2,1877.•' Ate ARRIAGE LICENSES ADD '11ERTIitICATES.,- .CEI. Apply at the Town Irall, or at tho residbnao of the sabscribor, uoar the LOndon, Unroll it Bruce Railway Station.• •J.kitIES • Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Clinton, April 274.h, 1'876.: rfuln CENTRAL,. HOTEL late Itarinor's - filbert .1, Street; Clinton, S. PUKE, Proprietor. This ho., tel has lately baen greatly improved and thoroughly refurnished, and possesses every requisite for flib corn - fort and convenience of the travelling public. eoea Stabling and Latently° hostler. Clinton, Nov, 213t1i, 1878. 9 liZAJTAT020 84),N WWI:S.019j !I ;.• 13AR.RISTERR, • . OTANi'.011. ANT? GOTYPRICIT. • , aBoiON A. W.A.I'SQN:, "Fq lt.ttett14801i, (411.1tOn. ' W. It 5.1CPAnnEN, '• Onderieb. son be in Clinton every .Fritiax• CIITC'AC-10,3X1V1110 IT.L• purchased the (liar Dressing business latslY car - 'lied on by lin. l3olthere, desires to intimate to. (Inc ob.' lie that he will continue:me same at the old eland, and IdiPcs tereeelye a continuation ditto patronage acted. - cd. his prodeeesser. Ladies'Ilair Work a apeenilty, ' • Climen, Aug. 8,1678, • • •' Auctioneers, IIP:ii°rtilleu4i141fej)?..1?tiN'TrancAe and General Commisition Agents. Iimoraisce, two -third eheaper than 'ordinary, cost, and lIest-cla SteeIr and XutuutComPanies repro.; . .toiiry to loan, , „. Irougnt did sold. noderattr onwttes. t BALL. . xeizet tmtsos, • • • Jossrq; Punsex, Ceormissioner end !setter of • COnveynn cer. • :Us:Triage Licenses. • . is ,Plasters roormreg seri-ice than at lum. drod of the ordinary land, All other Flastere arc aka Of autioni and 1.•conire..0. he Worn Elton.. tinuallv to effect a cure ; but with these it is en - Delmore, proprietors. Miff lmtel has been on-. larged nud neyglefornished. and now offers fitst•olass accoitimodation for the •gencral travelling public. Or- ` dors far teems by totter or telegram,earefuhy 'attended to. Good Sam le Rooms Y. =non I most bea tirely different.. theInstant ono is applied the • • 11 , s ally situated en Culpey's Bay and the sit° of this patient will feel its effect. Nous° has been. care.fully selmied. Tim house They possess all the soothing, \Yarning, sup- 4' tenr14 to supply a wan't long felt by the •tro,volling porting and strengthening ; publitiesof all other .1 public, tend by tourists; sportsmen, and. families' wish. .Plasters. Many Who have been relieved of log a Pleitsant summer resort. Stotuners call dolly, RHEUMATISM, TIODOLORBITX,"and va- • • 7.- • fotebead, he put up his hand to wipe. it ,,;„,,,, „am, in the KIDNEYS, BREAST off, when he, Wats sharply stung on. the I WI', -a-'Ifill.21ain6 1,11(3)rioduone by the hand and head,. and the pain was Very electricii 'ilijild'ittie,,Tiictl8t1:1 I contain, and which:is imparted to. diitt isYl•as;t4tecnirs acute, but it ,Ceased after tWO 110nts. i tbu,s ley;stuort,•ing• them to a healthy condition. ' .1 The' -natives declare that there is a ethall '1.11 t au avt4.1.7u irtiflitarcifilftitlpSillary ad- 1 black ispider .in the country whose- bite 'Iasi" - is fatal, 'bet the great tniveller did not PAINS 1X-PHE SID" A:\TI) B..tEA.S.T(1.21 ' could b'S traced be titre insect, though lie SaW a very larg03• !deck, hair,y spider an inch and a quarter long, and three • quarters, of afa.itieh broad, which -bad illa01.0 lt,co atthoc .,:ettudthoef eirtids forfottloclsacs:sr;sioinnt " al„,.11)ellaalmts „ r.r..,.. ..i..r4a... braositoneos gteeleaS- anti : , ; fio invaluable to those .who have a • (10L'D ;if • • meet with an instance in which derith i'll'f, te, standing, audefteu iirevents OONSITAIP-'1. • ION. Softie even -toll us they believe they wdre euth•cly curedby the uoe of thorn of along- , Seattle; i...o. nsumption, . . , , f • ' Prepared by -0EGILGE E., ' MI TCHELL, • •• C -IG 9' ' , ,seof)70 , • 0.11.14g.1! ..ef • • • • C.-Z....r-a(9.24T4 ,a E tail. When these hooks were pressed ' • ' • -elite- • ..., ., ...' the poison came out. There arc spitin•re 'he 5444.04.11'. that these ine,licines have Me1D .11.E i ' .1,TOUL51'1,:CTIo'CL-LY xx•re4-41.1. •••0 a.ur, 1 14 South Africa which seize their pi ey With Sitter! their intredifctien to the public some T 5 . tetddentir.of Clinton and ,Yieinity, that, lel dug rtheilt les pi COtt404 on the old:mind, '1-, . - by leaping open it frotn a distance. of ... several lathes. • When • alarmed they can spring about a foot away from the object of fear. A large reddish spider obtains its food in d ifi' erent inaunee from either by patently waiting in aro- buSh, or by catching it ,with a bound. It runs about with great velocity, in and out, behind and around every ob- ject, searching for. Nahat it may _devour, fend from its size and rapid. motions, excites thehorror of every stinnger. It does no harm to men except to make the nervone and 41os° that hate spiders very imcomfortablq; • This "active little insect is very clever, for it itnitates the mason.spider, pad makes a nest in the earth, lined with beautiful, eat tOvbroa With a nicely-fittitig' trap door 'about the siie of a shilling. When thirr is shut it ZS so closely covered *with hard earth that it wind be distinguished from tho rest. In SOME) parts -a the coun'try there are great numbers of a large, beautiftil, yellow -spotted spider, the webs of which are about a. yard The-lintrzinvIricirthatrwel 'aro spun are hung from Or10 tree to another, and are as large as coarse thread, the fibres of the web itself aro so thick that it is a common thing in walking'througli theforest to get one's. face bettered by them like a lady'a veil. Another kind of spider lives in society, and forms so .great a collection of webs, placed, at every angle, that the trunks of trees cermet be eeen ilirougli them A piece of lietho branches are dge isitivofistiebnies,e 114idndoetlitietthaits seen on the walls inside the huts of the But 1 inn nothing to you, Miss.' • • natives. It is .round in shape, spotted 'Ruth folded the gloves neatly in a piece of paper; and handed the.m to him. • 'For Pie sake of the, dtar father who died a Year ago, old age orm never be nothing to me, sir. Please don't tharik Me, indeed 1 deserve no gratitude.' And Ruth drew blushingly book, while Rachel burst into a laugh, !Upon my, word, Ruth, you are the .4 brown in color, and the body is half an inch across, 'The spread of the leg is about an ineh and a halt, It makes a smooth spot, for -itself on- the wall, cov- ered With a white silky stuff. There•it is S80u standing the whole day. It has no it web, but the soft silky earpet, and is ahoy:Mess though an ugly neigh- bor, —Pardo "Ifrzca. years tign, proves plainlyto the mobt skeptical that they arc medicines that perferntwhat they. are advertise& to, -The-virtneis- of theye meth. eines have been well tested, and Imre withstood theinn trial in a moot satisfactory monitor, For diseases,of the :Blend, Liver, Lungs, &o., they are Unsurpassed. "We ItaVo testimonials of mi- raculous cures of these diseases, and of Many otifers, If any one 14 afflicted, let him try a bottle of, the itetnedy and it box Of Pills. No injuriotts'effectS"will followtheir use to the most delicate. person,. Bfl they, are middy vegetable; there being no mineral matter in.them. The cost is small, while -the advantages derived front their use will doubly repay ;nu for your ex- pense and trouble.. the medicines are widely known throughotit the Dominion. and are for sale by the principal medicine. dealers,. Try them, and be convinced that these .medicines dro no liumbrig. No one who has tried the Shoshonees Pills has over pronounced An un - •favorable opinion of, them, no family where they have been used will be without.them. Fall infOrniation may belted on all particulars touchittg the itse, and the experience -of those who have used them, by securing the Treatise or the Circular from any druggist itt the :Dominion, .Free. Price of the Remedy in. pint bottles, $1; pilio 23 mato a. box, • Trill; URBAN FEMALE REMEDY, vssatioDICAL This well known nu:albino is no imposition bat a sure and safe remodyls,lomillo DIIfI- otilti0s and Obstrnetions, 1 rem anyeat1lna1--- over ; ad although a powerful rOtricdy, it c en. tai11.0 nothing hurtful to the comaitttion. 9 TO LADIIZS It is peculiarly suited. It will , elmt t time bringer' the monthly period with regidarity• In ellearses of Norvonsaml_Splued AllectiOnt, his in the Ilaek and Limha, tigue on slight oaertiehi Palpitation of tile heart, Hysterics, Sick -Headache'', ,Whites, and all thepainful diseases oceastenad by A disordered system, these Tills will effect allure vItee atl other meats have failed. Those DUD; have never been known to fail where tho directions on the 2nd page el paw- phlet, are well obecrvod, Vol: fullpartieulara4,goti a pamphlet ,free, of arOnat'Al0 St' S ,1111W YOIIII-Sene. oeureeert, $1.00 and 12i eortES tit postage, enclosed to Northrop & Lynntri, Toronto, Ont., general agents for the Dorainieh. will inserts a bottle containing ov'er 50 pills by rotarn mail. Sold in Olintort 1y37 T. H. floret o seul George.. Chidley; 11..ltidlasen and P. fiinin, Sea. forth' 3"..Eidd,0arreahreekr Parker ta Cattle Anati;retool", (boorish. 71!. GAMMON; Bay itoldaits.tlenthron,liea4rvilleiandallrciecli- Victoria Street,-Cluitou; ItO Mit° W ten bend a larMd yoh • ALL XI:WS '1" TY 1.1V1 T UP. 11, Snell art Chairs, Tab:Pail:61.room Sete, Lounge, WIVE. Nuts, Sic" of ;feed material, excellentwort:m.00,in and finish, and which Inc will yell at tht lowestsernonerative •• retb REPAIR12,ic r,,..6»ivtly A TTEX .1.3,471 CANE MATES RESEATED, AS GOOD AS NEW ' iC .141 • (5 Itezearaber ,he Place - VICT01tX4-En. Clinton, 'March, 8,1877 ocionotostimages. • rtliIII-SUPSCUTD111113VISr.r.'Avn TO STATB • to Um public that he keeps coubtently 00 lend It largo end superior class of COFFIN'S ,CASIETS . •-•••••-•.(110--- Cofftn. Trimmings and 'lobos opletylid IIE.A11811. ()tint 001.1•185 always oil hand. Parttime:in be supplied in tote hour, at . any.tinre, at . . • N 11. C 'Clain can ho procured at any other Place. i,----•it — A full stook of 111.11ISITURE I,• Atwo ft 1=41. , • , lleS. SPPtVt148014 , ellotoe,Iltsx10,187t t . atmoiwarraatsvnaracbst.ty'sm REAL ESTATE FOR, SAIJE, '1 Farm Lot No. 134 in the First .Concession (Bunn, Rood) ',realm:Smith; coutalua 08 acres ot ilrst-class land, about two•miles from Clinton, board fence in front, good - hardwood timber., 4‘,1ay llamado o..suporior dairy fare). if. West Half of Lot Eight in the Elevonth..Conees. dolt of Turnborry, fifty acres, good wheat land, SiX Mika • from Wingharn and, one mile from tbo Glenanneer Sta- tion 'of the Toronto, grey end Bruce Railway..• A small (learaneo 00 tho front,. balance hardwood timber. Would son Cheap for oaoh, or orehougo fOr town Proper- ty in Clinton. • Apply to the owner, Samuel Thrower, at ' Beir's Itilis, 011510001 to the undersigned: • , . 'Elia Ierg�nadc?eveiilfu! 3;1ucSt°) i ttnAl b t oroonpedb1raat%Licoabe. . 6. Lot 200 on. 'Victoria Street, Clinton Ouliolnin0 the Queen's Hotel/ witli two-story framoliouso and preen. 14 Lot 89, ;fames Street (Goidou,Estate Survo)).iritla • 0-reemett oottage, good ivell-antl garden. Apply to. Jas. Alexander on' the memise.Secutto tho undersigned, • 7, The largo factory building and tot, atijoinimi.the• „Grand Trunk Station, formerly occupied by It. Bel:. • Ir), witlt engine and boiler. X,romines well•suited for • Iorii•Peokib41 tlio: • ' ' manntaeturing purposes, • 8, Lot 0, onVictoria Street, (Gordon. survey): a. ehoice buildiu4 lotlietweou the G. T. Railway end the River well.feneed, rdanted With trees, good wen, ` Clinton, ;fume 4;1137,s, • " •. ' •• rr f oru any eafiss, oda bah - ;Erysipelas, scrofula para., aseneYoulhoZninail.;grulai"otu71. dred other diseasee are caused by an nem ,ferment, 'which produces inflammatory acticit. .13runton's Ab- rthrbent will positively effect a cure in a few Lours, by absorbing tbo acid poison from the syetem. Sold by • druggists. rrioe, 60e, Advieo in particulareases free, • • W..1. DRUNT0.14, • Landon, Ont. • -WHY S OKE ' A -common tabaaceo 10rXIES1'.. for•tho swim irlee Yon coo lot too 11YRTIE NAVY?; SEE IN ILT- LETTERS 041 IE. A.4013E% _NEW TAILORINVESTABLISIIMENT. J 0111N PH; kil-ERMIANT .TAILOR, frosion oreded o• af a slii:p.ou iiiiron Street) glinton . . . • .t.i,a procured. a ' WELL - ASSORTED ST0CIC Or GOODS suitable for his business., will be • pleased to nee Or MI old Cubit:oilers laid aa cony nevioneo as may foyer hire 'witIn. tifeir patronng ... CLOTH 1 el MADE ox SHORT 'NOTICE .1A83.Avr.n.00Ittni:11 XiXTBS, tIlf(Ala ALES PIE CIVUL LA" Soltitei TED. • goniiillor Oa' Stand, locond dar bolt• Pishor'a Clinton, Nov. 7, 1878. ' P E R 1 N S Gl'OCOOf Food S10116 IfilrOn-St1 eet,. CTintoni St. Louis Pearl Hominy .•AT PIlltitfrO STORt. sty; Tikuis initut GRITS, MITtINIS STOItt. PATENT 1;1160030 'OATMEAL, made from poro White „Oats,• Also, XITCRELL OATURAL. wenx 001110/MT. Park. Puts, Corn, 6g Prow • tletiiero(1. to any peat of town. A•146' an 'aka -otal ,of BMW OS 1(101). COEN, COHN. • CORN, Corn sold t rl'atiliers in large lots of 22 to lon boor - et very low prret!,t. Also, Corti' doliverod by the Ca load, at iny atittiou rn the (1,,r. or 0. W,ltettdo, ‘Vvfl. PEItRZN. Clinton, 1ov•I4t 1)370. ."-"''N;