HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-12-05, Page 1• r*"..
VOL. 13, NO, 48. ,
TERsu4-01.,30 rep Annum, in titii'anee,
to. gtur clvgVittOtWeltiff.
$10 omtatiiviiipiTig4tiaitnajv,Itzt; Doggy,
•JOSIAU131.117, 8nrun44, 11111..
Goderich Township, Doc, 5, 1878.
'ENG1.194BB, WANTED, '
•••••••••• • •
A PPLICATIONS9 kitating Salary ..ana testilaninials
XV will bo received by tbe Undersmnadi up tea Decent-
ber 28r8, fur au .1ingincer to talco ehargo of the Clinton
team Fire .Engine. ,Apply to . •
• a-. A. NELLE3,
. TOM Work, Clinton..
Clinton, Doe. 3, 1878.
NOTIOE is hereby glven;tliat a Court Wilt Lai bold .
pursuant to " Lid Aar" by otoi lion•
or, the Judge of tho Coutintoart of the County of
ton, at the ORANGE IIALL,,Dayfielel, on the.
'Ii-swettty.Tlitird. Dray ef ilegetober,..,1878.
at two o'clock, p. in., to hear.aiti albtermine the sevorol
complaints of errors and. oudesions in the 'Voters' List
of the Municipality Of :hayfield, for 187$. All persons
heviin; business at the Ootat are voluired to attend itt
"the said time and place.
Dated -this seeond day of Docentber,1878. ,
Clerk of the said Mu eicinality.
.--- • • . .
r PRE Seeond Annual Sale, rtnder the auspicee of the
J.. 'Lyon Live Stook Atmoolatioti,--for Pao Raiment of
thorongh-brekl. and improvcd. stook, midi as Stallions,
Brooding Mares, 110118, Cows, Sheep and.fiwine,tyill
hold in the.• • • • . • .
. . -
- Conuty-of Miro, on
Wellnettlaty, repruriry 1570, :, •
Comm...tieing 4'12 o'olook, shatil. If suilielent steak./ s
effort:al, the eate.0111 bo crnktiquieldte soCond M. All
eutries tor the sale' Must bo made' the Reerotary,,
Jot later thou gannary 1 st,1871.1. • Only sueh entries as,
are thee made win appear in 1,11(1 SOO catalogne.
ENTRANCE 1r411b.-Vor eaell Stallion,S2; for each
More, Sell or Cow, it; for each Shoop orlhg, 25 cents,
The entrance facia ail cases to *Company the catty:,
TEEMS 01? SALM-Nine months' credit will be
'given on furnishing mouthy satisfactory to the owner
cf the a011001 sold, A diseount. at the'rato of 8,por
tout per -ammo, win be -allowed for ensh. - •
All partite enteribg animals 'tor ;isle must•ooneider
thennelves boned by these terms. One per ant will
1.e cluoged by the Association on ell animals. aold.
M. Y. MeLHAN,'Seaterth,.Secreferi.
NOD eiS•011 , .Exator,1?.reeldent,
IRE -ERO,I,XF• FOR SALE. — Aa tbi7
Clerporation o Pluton has purchased a steam Aro
engine, they Offer a,ernallhand engitm for sale ,snitable
fin' smelt villages, mina -or factories. le be sold
°heap. Apply to IL SCOTT. Chairman Vire and Water
Clinten, Oot, 0, 1878.
' aiiONEY TO LEliD.
T '"tunonta of morkeY to. laud, on good,
LI. improved farms only, et 14 per cont.; ollanOg very
small. Stint po objeot 11 H001.111.tY ample, I do not
taut toopey tor any CountellT.
zonx VOI0TX11., '
'Nov, 6, 1878, . ,tinAvoirrile
AMU into Om premises ,of tho tatbscriher, lot of), 0 th
eoaonoatoniship, about the lat Nov.. ttvo
sr old. bay COLT. The ewnor is hereby otided to
p ove property, pay eliarges, and take it awn.,
06,1erialt township, Nov. 27,1878. •
• •. STRA.t. STEER, : • ••
; •
Okmai. law the Prennsts of the subscriber,' lot 114.,
Daydeld Con.; about the Oth Ootobor''white year..
nag swEgu, -T1co owner ig• herebruotided to prove
property, pa/ altarges, seal tato it away.. •• ' .
• • sonwiritomrstrs.
G011eilit:h'TOWItithIV.N.CIV. 20,11370.: .•." • .
sTRAy sygEtt,..
C./VAIP., Mite the fil.11)Staiber, 10t 19
Buyikuld .crincessiora,. Godoriela ToWnship, anent.
the .7ohlttio • (if 4P9kfinibr,. three year old greyish.
•Steer,with it -white Mark across its shoulder. The
•ownew is herelqpatitlesi tosa.cit.,), property, pay cliargbs,
and takeltawa3.:... -
-,OetleriCh tottnshin, Nov, 2, twat. ••• .•., •
rtoin fine na....piottases utd sub:atrib,egerd.c4. 28,
kJ 13th .ConeeSsIon, Godorich.Townellip; aboirt the
reiddle'of Oetober, a,two year old 'red and while fircr,
The Omer t4 11CVQ1i-S, Ur WINO PrO1,01:7k 941.
. . .
ahortion; and tote it away. , .•
Goderieli teamship, Nov, 1., 1878,
,„ , • . neuvre nom,
TI0AYETI from - the, tatinteriber's preinises, lot 37,
lith tura. tioderloh Township, some tline in May,
Opspin oightcon ruoin Ifs old, Initit
rod,. with a ploce'eut out of the left car, and the
initut,10.7. O. branded onthe nigh side of each., An*
person giVing information that lead le thein'recov-
cry, Willbe suitablyrowardcd. •
;TAMES 1.4raTIA)r,
- •
Goderich township, Nov.28, 1878. ...........-
'bab 11 built two-stor aw 11'n containing twelve
. , A, VC • y e F, ,
• . • rooma, on lot 724 Spencer ldree•to•with geed garden, sin,
ehon.building, oceupied by S. W.'
C IrtlIA' )t-9 latch -ad. Clock. Mak
et l'"""ken
mouthlyinstahnents, if desired. Apply to the owner,
• • 1,ii...Tosephliowell, OrtQ
11. uAr.,rs.
JENVtLii.1114; •Clinton, Sept; 1878.
. , . •
public generally, that he has annoyed. into his former
Won la rospectfolly at noun co tti hin miktoner a and tho p A RN. '- L () I, I? 0 It. s'.A.I., E.
. , -
baDding, on• • -
ALniniT tiTtiltET, OPPOHyilt THE .,N. 14.1titrr, '
Whore be will keep on band a select asseiim'ent!I
Clocks, Watches. Jewelry, and Silverware ol.all liinile:
Which be will sect at reasonable rates, Itopairjegtof
every description promptly attended to.
• S.' 13/DDLECOMM 5'.rItLET,
Canton. Dee. 5, 1878.
wANTED, btfore th6 • 20tiv .01 Deemohei, b Pod
Serve .t Girl, where a housemahl is kept.
Apply to 51108. IC. NANSVOrtD,
Stopleton, Nov. 2i, 1878. SpirorstoN.
rANTE1), e earotaker for the Clint orrPtildle School,
Y for the year 1871). Particulars furnished on sp.
I Teation
Clio ton,-Nev. 28,1878.
. .• • • .
Thocliottn Path Lot on Vide Street, Olinton, °Omni.
'bred for sale on raoderute terms.
sing over ten acres, now held by John 111strO9011, 8f3 08.'
•ClintOit,Sept, 2,1878.
Thoi:Ott,ii'l -bred: Ccitiiki-ii146.;
vibe saber:Sher oilers for sale rilltil3fLtili)g,DWO-lnA36,
and aged Ilwoo, of tlie Cotswold breed, at pleas. to. snit
the Wars. •
. Lot 20, lath, Con, Tfullett.
Londoeboro P. C., Oet: 10, 1878. •
. .
22Z.) er fr, I 1\1T
T...TAXING• just thotoughly ed their IfL01.111
MILL, the subveribera are Ili/Vt. prepared to do
• •
j ANTED, a es retuker for the Clinton. nigh Schaub, a ••,
IN for the year uno. Particulars tarnished cin ttp. .ti 31.1,..1•1.1 ,131Atilast
ritooatoo to.
C1fntonr Nov.28,1878. • • And st the earliest taw nt.
1...)ERRSTIlltE, Sudo*, and Yorkshire nears kept for
.1-10 service. All bred.fi ont imported rtook. • Terms -
91 cash.
.7. SThItI3TJIIT,-lot 110, lab Con. Stritp4f.
Stanley, Nov.28,187.8. -
I 3C.J
imtyl eubseriber Wisbes to intimate t tile people of
-L Clinton, that on THIINSIbili, Nosh 8811x, he will
commence the selling of Intik in. Clinton. and will colt.
tinuo no doing throughofit the. winter, Ire will. deliver
every morning and overai g, Sundays excepted, tnyl
sell at the very reasonable rate a Hilt
AY. Ant.tsont, tor 21 cents. Patronage respectfully so,
17.111. AVE/11, '
Goderieli Township, Not,130,
calm iiaND 82111 UL -
tArizfizollo 1111,1.a, Nov. 21,1,1117/1,*
••••fo" °TICE is hereby given Cott the' tehlorstoitit 7
--11 ot bo oriel/do ler any debts eoffitscte n I
name, without his writ tett order, except by lt,s Wife,
Goderleh Tomuship, Nov. 1,18-76:
THE I 1 hold ot the tongue, and anti a goat
namber, of eitizena imatediato.dlyt•sei,zed
lieering drew the 'Carriage up Beaver
'loll Hill. •
- A Err Oil . The most no000'010-oolt oft the route.
VICE -REGAL PAIR. : of theprocession watt ono formed of. la.
. -.',--=•-,-- , . • erosse stieks and suow•shoes, When
-NcIpiaY1.14 ON- fritE ittAXIMP--,altRIVAL ! the Windsor liotel, was- reaelred, the
am aloamrtRa.L.-ENT1tusirassaf0 P '., crowd was immense, and it took SO.370
014814),?1tMliAtION. - ' time for the procession:to force it waY
.. - "--''''°— . 0 ' to the ft ont entrance .of the Hotel, where
- A11.7..ttleng the Hue from Hoir,,,, thorp their excellencies alighted. The ,po leo
appeared :to be, oto prolongerl. demonable to control the.vas•Verowd,
stilition in bettor of the. Princess uoa svtio4 Obstructed' the procession con-
-the neW Gove.rnorsGeneral. gi!e iiii. siderably, Bocoro • .flis gxeoueney
w38*(H11ilellsaa; but (3".PY° .1)1;t- 4411ttlii, he thanked the gallant citizens.
form 'Was crowded with people tnxions for the Prompt manner in, which' 0160
been furnish
definit9 tutifor
drab on the otl
• Mr, G: Smith
ewe to Mr, W.
village! which wet
sod, 175 pounds.
Three aportsmon, o
0(1 ,•to the neighborhood
aaeccialed ip securing si.
atonkhree hours, a fe
A. fatal disease of some
has ,made its appearance thno
poultry,and numerons chioken
'tiprkeys two dying throughout the w
A.good deal of dissatisfaction exists
to catch at least a glimpse of the ,Y1ce- had drawn tile carriage when the horses .among the oflieids.of the Montreal Om-.
Regal pair:as they passed. It ts., hardly falW theta: The Marquioand his royal , Poration at not, having
wife. ton entered the lioteli and iiioceed- to the Governor-General- mut Princess
been Presented
to he sopposed that ,. they socce&led .11 t
all cases, but whether they dui or We .43 i nee to their apintments.
they all-chocred .very lustily. Some of About 7,36 Fri,iay ovonino His Ex.,
the habitans, hoWever,tappeareds' to have i
_very mixed notions 100 the great per_ cadency and the Princess,. with many
sonages contained by the train -real y others 'of the klistinenished party, left
pure bred LeiceSter, ram fcr
W81 orte of them at St. Minim lemon- Ii3irtSeli7ni,IiiitQri'e*eft,°sro.f3t,;(:1;c4ivt°3,.. thialgyl:Iwtolg- ‘bv°11.4ile'thi-fg110 WS3 Paid a fe'‘i Itionth agO.
_ , ,. ., ,,,
stiP•ltiOcr Wirn Loose who were firing It '
' 0 ' • 0 cheered repeatedly by the ttousands of '. Mr; .D. Brock, Of West Williarns, has
-salute on. the ground. that the .11.Qiieen" sold his farm for the' highest kignre for
a 100 .acre farm: known- la these parts,
The - farm is a fine one and well fa: -
gel.° "nderi3tand.wilet it 'di nimant-, 17; was exfierionced• in )naking : room for proved With superior buildings, and sold
. • •
did mat dotract [rem their enthusiasm 11.4o.h,Exconolioio8, eiriiages,, -Howevor, for $0,000. . . 1 . .
in tho im'e.„•liest (.1-egreP; Whether rigitt nieSt. of hr rnme waSpasSed over 111.7 fl •At the Ciourt-of Revisien held in St.
by the Mayor.
. .
A rain. belonging to -Mr, O. GormelY,
of the '7th CCU" brolict into a,
lield of Mr, ;Jelin McIver's mid killed 4
citizens assethbred en the streetS., When
the _carriages reached Vietoria SonareSO
great was -the crowd that mach difficulty
(!) would nob like to hear such a noise.
But it' some of the habitants did not
0.1 1.-°°0 •"1- e t'sto 3°- rrood pace, . and. they soot), returned to
cecupii.od the „palace ,car, they wer° t'their (plait))) s at' the hotel.
cionbtIeas prompted -in' their enilinsiasta . •
a feeling of a free-W.0'n administrit., , The clevortior-Ceneral attended: . tho
tiou 107 thE tbicen. • •• , St, A nthew's ball on Friday eVeningr.
.14 „tha..day time.,0,07 i otdss 113' 01 "ant 017 'ata•tt day (.veino
adrawinga-vete, and aecordng 1.'I MS Opinion he
room ecaption the'gi-and ,Sulto of 1 property' must be Worth $000 to entitle •
1101, IcitH flIVniMied, its quota a imiabit.
-mits-to &mar the train 't 1 't •P'11'1"8
$pe,...on $ strOtel.' • F.Clifi Ofiti ti>
.1.1ary.s by As: Honor, ,Tudge..Lizzars,
he held that a piecd of prepertyworth
only •:',1300 'and occupied. by 'a tenntit.•
entitled neither the. owner or tenant 'to
118 marquis \ma dresaisl in the official fl0i 'rite latest swindle was 1ierpet1
way, every station bas been gay .11.1 ever, romn of green goltt, the'. Princess
greens 81)11 1;1:lilting ; le: 1.tt 1144 Ai,),)e;fthi.ilg in a gm-geons dross Of whi.'- Kincardine reoently, and consisted in a
tonfires have blazett_ at every station, t
and oven eirmany n bleak • and lonely ' §orat(idne'alui:t\i'vv•-•t•ctil,i1,,IssA":d_Wq
gentle- -a, 0.90 1 salesman, etna.,i4e.,b°ra° beijag
tiittmgetthig out tiekets for a.raflie. of a
horse ; 50c each. The 8‘,1•0,11ger tni§
hi*'111)1)a11541•7 fr f1.61)1 an, viRvigo or- Melt, ptssed b0fore Excellancies„ .exiiibitcd; tickets were soon:clisP6sed of
station. ° :Nor- Were the distingtuShed
it was •compututt, thclt eitogetla1r more to the tam of about CO, ,and the ratIle
recipients of cal theSe-konors at all in- ..
sensible to the loyaltyind gelatine-lovtil '4i 11 1 ,5 90 jiltscittations teak .1)1•100, . - sr f1;8 to take place _at one of the plinei,
••te ...
fgt., MO Thretuv that 'prompted all this'.
On Solidity Morning the Princeiis re, p:ii hotels- on Tuesday evening last. Britt
entlinsinsm. They. 1'mm:it-kcal:wain and e9ived it t.ele;eratit from the . Queen,. sta. the horse and owner took "Iteir depart,-
again open the hearty 2:,,eor,i,i,,,,i• •<iiven tmg,that Silt17 yral.8 "...deli,gliteti at , t..'ecep. tire to parts, iniknewn in tho .early part
therd:everywhere it'y 'j.1111 classi;„t
e. Iiie• martian they attended 'Of the afternoon,
ally notinthe 'patient loo of pur. . . ..
.i.St.'7011ui..01) Cathedral, and in ' the 'A fire 'brelce out in London, on ThurS-
g y. - . .
-pose that could' keep people :waiting lb?: afternoon Sit, :.?,,rull'.ear's. .Peesbytei•ian day; in an old *Mite house on Colborne
hour§ ia the cold,•cut.tiniv•Wind, for ' the Chereh:-.- • ' . *`.. . st 's t ' 1 ' ' -
. i e ,, comet by tlje overturning of a
-sake of giving thorn a litOnleaftry greet- "At half -past nine, on -,1Tonday morn- lamp by -one of the inmatei nained.Me•••
• •
ink• mg, •tlie Govcirnor.General and 'suite ar- Donald,..who was &link.. Tlte tenement
AutavAL SIONTUAL rtt: ed • 'it Bomtventnrc station to take was completely destroyed, the Man be-
. •
their departm-e, for Ottawa. •. itigigot out with 'difficulty. It is clan-
...• After Lite ti 7111 had, passed -clear . •
.Vietoria•Bridge on Fridarinorning,.the At the statien.the" Chiefs of the:fro.ed that.in his, Wild intoxication he. at
(pais Indians, froth- (!ittighliawag,t,,' pre. tempted- to coramit 'art outrageons as -
scene was such' as fairlv defied de'serin-
tion. lilvery window: was .th-rust fon. scooted an addreas, whieli was ',read in Sault on. Ilia mother, and she 'fled front
"zt)if,i,011.10eutt.s4(1., haB:weiolp16,1!0. nwetorei
Ackeb- fences, English..". The, address was. expresSive
s- ktuding .. on the :native tongue, and inbseqttently in -the house. -
. . A 'held robbery. was' pet?etrated at
. •
Alld putting tterneelres into ill Sorts
of the loyalty aral.dei•Otion-df the tribeaAtontrbal; on •Thursday, in .,111r. "Stod-
-. t
of ancOmfottable positionsfor the sake to the 'Queen, and congratulated:the dart,'s jewellery •stere,. Mr, ' Stothlart
of catching a glimpse. Of the train as it Mariptia and his Royal Consort on their has adjoining the store a' reoni. contain.
His Excellen-'- ing sewing:machines for, which . he is
weeded its way tewartirtheBorinventure- 'arl'ival intim I>olnitlions
neous sa„e•enb. -' A. sneak tftiof went into theStation, Those fortunate 6W:ions' that, 0 i'n'i(firrel)lied in an e"'teniP6r4
.114 olatahted .tickets of admittanceto. addresa., Tho train; being in readiness, stove and asked to see the sewing Ma:
their Excellenaies eatered ttmiclat the ohines with a, view to purchaeing•one.
the Bonaventure Station were till 'with--
when:al° hearty ..elieera' of the tuaienibly and WPM.: 'Mr. Steckler t. went with him to the
in the depot at ten that day.
.g.ates were closed 68,t0,3•,.,vailotlie space ing of adieu. Before' leaving Ifentreal room, leaving no, fmie_to guard the jew..
svtka aaaapiea 1,3 a,Orto 12001,k, itsetnbi,od •llo exprimed to the Mayor and others 'ellery, mui while the thief engaged . him
'Within. . • • • .. the pleasure whi:e17 . he amt-tbe P1'1110043 7itit acoomplice 'came in and seized . six.
Attel, iroisaf,v,laiii7pm.inurth, felt with their reception, and ackuow- gold watches,, and several diamond rings,
Ic-diedlit -6-graat personal kinduogg igia mut ituumber---or loekete aunena-otin'
statiou, au. taltiress of welcome was pre, consideration which had been sliciwered value to about ,92,000. '
sented and repliedie. The Afayer -alert
08[)011 them. - •
introduced the 111(1.CTItia,11 and several of
, • '
the city. officials. .1 -lis Excellency shook, • AT OTTAIVA
hands eordially and the Princess bowed Although a drizzling rain co 'tinned
as each one was presentecl. i'tom early ntorningaintil the ar -ival of
atbVirgal ti, it ld nteceerantiot 1at nye
itThe Procession ws then forma
and in the. slightest degree 't110 enotions
stinted on 21 'round of tbe oily.At in- arousecIT:iiiniearts of peopliir
tervals cheer after cheer., greeted the
honored party by the immense concourse Ottawa, Valley.- The city was fair of,
strangers, who floCkecl in from' every
0C 1300P1'2 along the ren:te• *tart of the valley,- and with citizens of
The windows and,,doors of the buildings.
were . crotvded with eager .citizens. Itis 4'11 ,.chisses, irrespective of creed er na-
titandity, joined lit one. grand ontburst'
Excellency ack.nowleclged, tile waving of enthusiasm. The Mayor iitict pro.
of handkerchiefs by raisiug hie hat and
bowing, while Iter Royal Highness claimed a half holiday, and invited the
, citizens to deborate theit. places of bitsi-
bowed often to the people whet suarouno- ness, Sze. There 1,V1tS ft hearty reSponse,
ea the Carriage. Frequently bouquets for Wellington, Sparks, • Rideau, and.
WOPO titre/Wit into the carriage, 13(5tne other streets wore profusely d0.
iEST. usz The first bailding of any impoltance 'dorated with evergreens, inottoes, bunt -
passed by the Vice-Reival party vats. the ing and a, -variety ef -other rymentst
• • . Witness printing -house.. A printing Thom; were seven areliesis ono et' them
press Was under a oarfopy :outside of the costing as 1)111011 as 1...pL900
second story, windows, - wore •
F-Altikr-r0-11: 7S -A
The subscriber offers that eanienienfly sitnato% and
,Insirablo ferns lot 31, 7t11 con. Ifollett, for•sale, 100
ares, 89 cleared, remainier good liardwoed bunb. There
are two frame barns and two frame sheds, dwelling
house, splendid well, good orehardt Itry ;fowl et -axing
fano, and only four miles from Clinton, wlinre there Alt
two railroads. Posseaslon given immediately.
wttr. 1111/017A31.
17011401, Sept. 12, 1878. •
11-()'rEItSt LIST:
TOWIrgiIrP or-Iritnr,11not.
t.,,OTIOn itt lareby given, That a Court wIlt be had,
;. pursuant to "Tbe Voters' Llstadet," by Ms 'Ion -
or the Judge of the County Courf„ef tbe County of Mt.
ron, at the asurmtitiacn ILA.1.1., in /he VILLAOR
OV LONDV.SlifillO, in the Towt.shlp of Iluilctt, in the
Comity of Huron, on the
At ten o'cloek rt.1,n1.1, to hear end determine Me several
eomplaints of cook% and omissions in the. Vetere' Li•.t
08 111' Municipal' ty.of the Township of IIttlfeit, for 1873.
410 perttons bating business at the Coral, are require4
to attend at Hut said thee nal Orme.
thitecl nt if, fi;o 18111 fa" of November, 1878. •
;TIS. nnArritwttrrn,
Clerk of said Mnnit•irsfity.
t,, r
• ,
crowded with fair faces, and ' under it • Canadian litiOWS 'ltents,
the motto, " The Press weleomes you!' ....,..
ltere a pretty iucident °warred. As Diptheria is still carrying oir many
the carriage passed it was greeted with, victims at St John, N. B.
a Ported show;ar of bouquets.A Wit- A. 'branch of the Dominion Temper -
am employee, a Pretty little gitl, then ance Alliance- has been established in
Replied forward to the- carriage, and Nava Scotia,
handed the Princess a copy Of 1)10 after. . A man named Moorchouse was fined
noon's Paper ptinted on satin;with gold -
ea letters, and a bouquet, saying as she
, male • lier boW, " The latCdt 1161VS for
Your Royal Itighnesslq The present
was heartily, acknowledged, and the
Vice -Regal carriage, -which had stopped,
thou drove on. When. Victoria Square
was reached, the jatn in the Squitrc was
very great, mid the procession at last
came to a. full stop, Repeated Worts
were mado by the officers took:or a space
throngh the crowd, owl tho General,
finding it imposeibie to proceed, ordered
the 1101:1P8 to beotalten oat, they having
become restive, El the meantime a
.-..rstrofrrim 0
X -31E _AAR 1) WA it
March 28,1878.
,$'2, for driving through a feneral pro.
00881017 in Iramilton.
,The Mayor of Palmerston has given
away- in marriage three daughters with-
in the last °Hit months 1
Small -pox has developed itsdli` inthe
northern part of London to such an ex-
tent that on Monday the Rend street
school WAS elosed by order of the Health
Inspector, Tilt children belonging to it
househo the neigl7borbood where the
disease is were forma %tingling with the
pupils at play, •
The gaol prisoners At Loudon. Jim
1111118o4,:bi oi re
• Mr, 11:c.
Liston, „lost: a
day Morning, lot..
Pears, got to al o
to. the owner, and ate h 1D nth
(yeti next illOritrilg. .
- Mr. T. 1-Iltnilr, of Port Ifope;• diecl
on Saturday. A ftsw days ago he ..was
So unfortunate. to lose, one of ]iis
-fingers in a 'straw cutter. On Thursday
be was t;tkon With locksjaw, and died at
an early lioto; this morning. •
noW. Miles of theta c.cre almost intritt$-.
sable, owingto the rotut,•, and those .•
Which aro still practicable'are in clanger °
of being completely blockaded any 'day.
Five years ago Mr Tbomna
late station- tt,gent "at Poui1 du Ohmic,
bet Mr. Robert Moffatt, of•.'Dalliousie,
B.; $g that the not Governdr Oen-
('1.11 ooiild eitlieris-i,Ve*:.the :Marquis of
Lorne .or seine liiember: of the royal,
faintly. The, ineney Wati paid. ,ey,er...ar
few (lays agd,' with. $2 interest.
A youngsunui named B10rnes,'empley7
ed- of Savage • iir',....Duggin's-..saW
'Brigden,, left- the 1 nil almat 9 O'clock •
on Wetinesday,mernint( for the purpose
orchtting a stick of, timber. -He Was -
found soak hours later quite dead, his
neck, arms andlegs broken. by -10 tree.
Ho.was still.Oltitching his axe. •
A correspondent asks how .the-
500,000 fishery award will be disposeh
..of : will Ontario receivd a portion, or "
the 'whole aniotmt go to the Maritime
Provinces, which are especially conaern4'
ea'? The 1-ep13 is that the amonat will
be -divided in doe proportion between
tho' DoMinioa• government Mid that ef
A brakeman named Shaw, Mille eo-.
gaged coupling cars in the Gnuid !Lair& .
yard at Stratford, at an early hour
Friday morning; 4c:cid-Fatally fell be..
tweon two of then). .and• wits. run over,
the injuries sustained causing his death
shortly aftcrivcirds.- Shaw was.a nati've
of Toronto, and his father is one of the
checkers in t1i'O.P.1t. freight:depot
011 the „North Shore Ilailway near
After the Vice:Regal festi.Vjtiee took Ott:twa on Saturday night a gold watch. .
place at Halifax km, week, mr, Luoy..- valued itt`$1:50 was stolen ft'ete a pala-
ce the London flaili News, moved,
seconded by •Mr. Dwelt, of the New
York Son, that the thauks of the. Eng-
lish and Ankriean 'press were tine to the
gentlemen connected with the local
press of Halifax•for the efficient way in
which everything that could expedite
the corrapendents in their work had'
teen managed. Several of the cores.
ponderits stated °that never in their ex. -
pet -knee° had they been 'so kindly look,
ad after as ia the city of Halifax.
An'affair'imeurrecl eV Toronto, on
Thursday, which will probably result
in the hmiging of Frank Churchill, a
colored man agvil 28. • 611in:dill went
into',,the grocery store of J. Grimasen,
aged 00, and 'asked for some grocericS;
whieh WOPO Servoil Out to him, and then
asked. for credit. This the ctict- num re-
fused, mut Churchill at once snatched
up the goods and -Walked olE f4rima-
18e12 got an unloaded revolver and fol -
)wed after as fast as he oeuld go, catch-
ing up to Churchill. The aged St0133-
1t0Cpar den111.114(1 the goods haek or the
money, and ' exhibited the revolYer.
The African, without a moment's
tfttliQYt, drOpped the groceries:and grap-
pled with the old man. After a brief
stret;gle he succeeded in t)ettine. the W.
velvet-, whieli was a largo weapon; out
or Grimason's hand, and he then struek
man named °mitten. Almokt every per- ,
sou on the train excepting Sir johns A.
Macdonald and one or two persons well
known, Were searched, The Wateli -was
not found... It is believed the thief UN -Mt
into the closet and threw- it • out of the
car. •
A Mrs. 131•0w1).,Istol1kiN DU 0101;11014 •
of the •Northern- Railway., at Thornbury,
Wedneaday„ itt -crossing tt cattle guard
got her foot fast in the grating, andbe-
fore she could extricate it ' C44110
itt sight around derti•ve. She threw her -i.
self 'over the rail. • The . engine.driver.,
did his best to Stop the train, Inib in
vain. . The onbeihe and part of the train .
.] . 1 b assed er ter log, eovering '1 • a tri••0
knee, and smash'ing the thigh hone bad- .
Dre„ Hunt, Moore and'Hurlburt
amputated the limb, bat Alio woman
died during the operation, • Slie 'wag
06 years old, and highly respeeted. •
Me. Joseph Speck, sexton. of the ge-,
thodist-Tabemacle, Whitby, WfIS caught
hi the not of Stealing &Oat the collection
hex hist Sunday evening. ; For some
time past, it appears,there were suspi-
cions that there had been stealing from
the 06114a1ions. A watch 07118 kopt,.and
last Sunday morning Speck was known;
to have taken sonic of Me Small on-
velopes enclbsino offerings. lie Was
also detectod in fits o,vil praetices after
hint several terrible blOws over the head the evening soryke. Inforniation, Was
and face, felling him to the earth- and
makind a number of, frightful, gaping
outs. C.11nircliill thewthrety awdy the
revolver and picked up the goods and
Walked off. Tim Amon managed with
mu& cliftimilty to rdgain, his feet and go
to.a policeman who SON 11i111 id his
home, where he seen After died Ohm,
chill was subsequently arreste&
laid, and the prisoner. was brought be.
fore a benCli of Magistiates ea Monday.,
Tho priSoner pleaded and was •
committed for trial. Speck Woe tried
summarily before Ilia IIonour Judge
fIX Oil Wednesday, plead6d gnilty
to stealing $2.015 and was sentenced to
one month' with fiord labor in the county