HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-11-28, Page 5•u lioyamilu, 28, 1078.. THE i*;1:i`]V 'OM 1.1EW EISA TiHE. 77.7 {777}I FALL AND:YdINTER o- 1818, G: H:WRIG�T & CO„ M1VIENSE STOCBL \ _ CL2NT01V'. .141 • 10 DO IN.S CLINTON, Nov _21, 1878. 'A.T a Call special attention to prices of Second8hijments (JUST A1UtIVED) FLANNELS—IN WHITE, SCARLET, AND GREYS. CASI'IMERES=IN BLACK: AND COLORS -(both in ' Ilnion and All Wool) BLACK •LUSTIi.ES—Oust OWN §PECLAL MARE, " STAR B11AND', DRESS GOODS -•,IN PLAIN AND'PANCIES.. • CLOAKINGS—:InVICTOR1AS; OA1VEL'S. HAIR, anti YARNS. YARNS—IN CANADIAN: AND ENGLISH, YARNS.' FANCY WOOLLEN GOODS -In SQUAMES, SHAWLS, CLCli7Ds; and SCARFS—(our stook of these'goods is the finest assortment of .new and fashionable styles in the counts. • FURS. FURS — THE REST SELECTION DF CHOICE' GOODS in the county—(at Speeiel Prices.) '• • • TWEEDS. TWEEDSIn SOOTCif, and CANADIAN.. AS we are now the Only Dry Goods house in town eniploying:a Cutter,•we Ore in a better position thanever to show a splendid assortment of these' goods. This department -is still nndei MR. 111- FISCHER: Purchasers should inspect' our stook. • As there seems to be nt5bottom to values in Dry Cxh ds ' in the wholesale trade, when ,beady ,cash . is offered ---we have decided. to give our cusomets the •benelit'of these advantages—which ' ia worth to buyers from, 5 to 122 Cents on ever. Dollar. Vinton, NQv. 28, I878. FISHER, nCRAIB •& CO • FARM 'FOR. S•AL . The subscriber offers that conioniently situated and desirable farm lot 81, 7th con. Millett, for said, 100 acres, 80 cleared, remainder good hardwood bush. There are two frame barns and two frame 'abode, dwelling. house, splendid well, 'good orchard; very good grazing farm, and only four miles from Clinton, where there' are two railroads. Possession' given immediately. • "1Vlit. DricartAM., Hallett, Sept. 12, 1878. . JUST RECE:IVED, The JAX2 BEST IP; tleG;. CLOT -HES WRT1VOERS, R. M. RACEY, —IR TOUTER otc-•+ R I,, 0.1\T AND "IA. tyvir.A.rt • ,u CL'1 NTCN Walt 28,1878. 9 STRAY H,EIFE - AME Into the premieres of the sabeeriber, lot 87,13ay- ..field Line, about the beginning of October, a two .year old dark red HEIFER, with. a white star on..ite fare. The owner is hereby notified to .prove property, pity chargee, and take it away.. n•\V1S Rl11iI)Ilt.•• Ctodorich Township, Nov: 18,1878. , 1l CAUTION. OTIO.P ie hereby given that the undersigned will net bo reeponsiblo for any debts contracted in his name, without his written order, except by hie wife, COLOLOVGrI, Sr,. Ooderieh Township, Nov. 7, 1878. . '.MONEY PC) 'LEND.. rAvn nuS • etuount of money r : to lend, good, . on , Improved farms only, at 8 percent 1 charges very *mall. Suno obreet if securely ample:: I domot lend money for any C•ompany. Jozzi, 'S, PORTER, Noe. t:,. 1878. SEA 'pn't•r t. • 46 r�r N OTTC1,i+1«, rllitE Connell of the Corporation di the County of Mi. L ronwill meet in the COMM 1100M, in the Town of Cloderich� on Tuesday, the 3rd December. next. PETER ADAMSON,•Co. Clerk. Oodericb, Nov.11,1878. . . 4.011 VOTERS' LIST COITRT.. '* ow1KsIIIlie' ole" u ULLE r'r. extraordinary k3arr,ains to prompt and Cash Ititiying Puyex's. Goods Of all kinds. Were never as -etreap . as 'they ail • to -day, and clualitae..s in.evei better. 'Our. €`a and Winter importation are now • complete' ;..au the departments of onus OUR STOCK COMPRISES, IN PART, THE VERY LATEST NOVELTIES. BLACI'..and COLORED .SILTS,'FANCY DRESS GOODS, BLACK and ' COLORED -GASHIYIERES,. MILLINERY and . MA.NTLES, READY - MADE .CLOTHING, 'HATS' .and CAPS, 'FURS,- 'BOOTS and. SHOES, GENT'S FURNISHINGS, ENGLISH tin.. CANADIAN • TWEEDS, FANCY GOODS, LL GROCERIES, 1‘,;(0TXCE'1. bareby given, that it Court will be held, LSI pnraftant Lb '' The Voters' Lista Aot," by Iris Iron- er tbo Jltdge of the Connty Court et the County of Ma. ron, at the TEMPERANCE IIA7,L, in the VILLAGE 01' L0NI1ESI1O11O, in the'Township el Hallett, in the County of Hdren, on the $IX'Rifl IoAX (/I`. ' 11> (1;,1XR)Clt, 103/S, •At ton o'clock O. m., to hear and determine the: several oompleintsof arms And moleskins in the Voters'Liet of the Municipality of the Township of Hullott for 1870. All persons having bneiness at the Court aro required to attend at the said•tlree and piece. ' Dated at Mallett, the 1801 day of November, 1878. ,fAS. I11,AITit1VAITE, Clerk et said tainicipii1i(J, OOO I T VVE ECOIVIMEND. We ,believe that_ Goods of all kinds have ieathed the bottom' Deices, •a td ``ve, advise our custofners:.to buy early.,. as we think •by so doing they will find it to their advantage: We have bought such an iiinmense pile of goods this season, at such low pii;ces, • as: will permit of. Us selling them: as such prices as will defy colrlipetition. • So cone along, we ainut your trade and we 'want you to kende-with as. No trouble to, show goods at THE , 6IItE.1T' GIIE tP. STORE of `We will not take, :after this date, Butter in pay: ment of accounts, nor exchange goods for it." CLIpNTON, Oo G. 24, 1878. '4. 'WRIGHT . & CO. Goerai SEWING MACHINE DEPOT. A .splendid aeeortment of first-class. SEWING ']MACHINES always on•hand. NEEDLES and every furnishing kept in stock. O •R:,E .PAIR N.; G S H.0 P , Sewing 14ac1iiies of every. make 'repaired,,ancl new parts kept •on hand.' ` Having engaged, practical machinist, all work done -here it warranted to ,give good satisfaction. Charges Dlt6derihte: };1; NORSWpRTHY Iruron Street,one door west ei ikke'Couusiereita Motel. Clinton.' Ont. CLINiCerti A[A4tKETS.. •• • • November 28, 1878. xi li g 11 Coabout the0th October, lift There is no change worthy of note in g Y. the markets, 'prices of, most articles re- main as they were est week. During the week wheat" .and porlc ''stiffened a., trifle; hut it . was a very. small rite, STRAY STEE1: AME into the.premisee of the aubecrlber, lot .64, ay D On., a On ' a w 0 year. ling STE11Ii.. The owner ie hereby notified to prove property,. pay chargee, and take it away. , As we have previously said, there is no prospect whatever for the "present" of: much higher. prices.. , The depression, which . first: commenced in .the United States,: is affecting all business, and, un; fortunately, the laboring classes .are not going, right awayabout'it. to improve g p gp matters. On the Clyde, in the ship• building yards, some .25,0o0 leen are, off strike, and,, of course, they must live or short commons, • In Lancashire the same titate of trade exists, the operatives re- fusing to work for what -the menu*. tttrers'.offer. " It will takes some 'maths before these troubles are removed, and till that is done business will not be brisk: • 1Vli.eat,:fial,•rett,tt)bus11, SO 75 a• 0 Sm - W1teat;-fall; Whiter -� fY By -fig 87 Spring, - - 0' 70 a () SO life, • - 0 78 a 0 83 .Oats, - 0 25 a 0 27 Barley, 0' 50 a 0 '0G '»embers wislilu3, 9, altar! ttpato will parade at rift ' r t ' wed• on BtoNl)Al, `kist., lretwenri1S iiaon snit' 3 I aS, 0 54 it (1 51r- p, m., Icor their elcofhing and ands.. ' l'1onry W. V. MIIItILtt, JOhIN THTOMPSON. Ctoderitlt 7'ownihip, Nov. 20,1878. 6 HORSES FOR SALE. ' A SIX year old brown MARE, ;eplendfd driver, and d. 21 four year old bayI OltSL, both sound in wind and limb, are o5erod for sale on reasonable terms.. Enquire at NEW Er,k O15c0. Clinton, Nov: 7t 1878; FIREIRE ENGINE FOR SALT}. As the of Clinton has purchased a steam fire engine, they' offer a email hand engine for, sale, suitable for small village, mills or factories. 'tvi11'•be sold cheap. Apply to 1 . SCOTT, Chairman Fire: and 'Yater Committee.. `� Clinton, Oct. 8,1878;,• .,� Thorough -;bred Cotswolds I'Oi-t SALE. Tlio anb,Otiber.aerator sale Ram lambs, two larubs, and aged twos, 'of the Cotswold breed, at prices to alit 'the *nes. ' J, OW,tIER, sot 2s, 111th Con. Hallett. • Lonaeeboro P. 0., .Oct, 10,1678. ` 'UiTs ;•AND TWO LOTS• l'OIt SALE. JI—L The eubacriber being. abeat to move from town, ofi rs Int er s H No, b�., and 620, corner ror min tt t 1 an, Maple 1 Ntrcets, for Halo, cm which there is a ,7od trams b'wrll. ing and .Stable. It0ItIIIT MARLOv. .dlinton, Oet.21Dt, 1878. . .•.* NO, CO'Y, 331zu 13A.'L"TALION. • •• a 1.';'1V 11 IV'' 1 a N 1 HIE Annual Shooting Match of the Bement.; will be hold Over the Atholeeot Manges, On T]1kltili4DAYy 111011;lilliEit 'Afire', 4 00• 'a (1 50 a 400 av 4 50 a 0 123 n 0 12 a 800 a 450'rt 0 25 a 8 50 a 1 CO *a 4 50 0 65 4 25 11 50 0715 013' 0 00 0 00 4 00 2 `t5 Potatbes, Ital. ami Caiit, t:omnunitling. Perk, - Clinton, Nov 20,1y8. Beef, Iluttot, « Eggs,- Y, hides, Sheepskins -'r Clover Timothy - A FARM V.0 I* SALE. :ti' (400.il!RIClft TOWNS iliie undersigned offers for sale the south part of lot No. 12, Unroll Itottd, Iodorielr Township consisting' of. 00 aorer,inore or lose. About 80 earns cleared,' 1aorea slashing, and balance timbered land. On the premiers is a frame barn 20 x 46, abed 40 a 12, good young or. shard mauve failing spring. Will bo sold enteanon- able tenter , Apply perSonelly or by letter 5, JAMES I;NTIORNAt', 211 I5'fatr:svrr.r 17.11. est $11I3'lic" STEEII. VA1t11 into the premises of the subscriber, Tot 1St L J Ila) lteIil oyneossicn, Cloderieh, *township, about the middle of Stptomhor, r. three year .11 groyinlf Steer, with a white mark eeross..its shnutder. Tho owner is hereby notifcd to peore•prleperty, pay charges, and take it away. • •TOIIti MARSHALL Cotier:elh township, Nev. v. 2, 1818. w� Writ ck:17 SPEER., • 1 klitE into the* premiers of the subscriber let 20 �J 1515 reifies:den, Cloilerieh'Iownslili), about the middle ofOrtober,•atwo year bid red and white Steer. , ''rho Owner Is hereby notttit,1 to prom property, pay charges, and tate it away. frllbtiflq 1tttCtE, Clnderich township, Nov.. 1, 1878, •' • .m l It9 A.�IVI;STINU1II LX'i7;Tt 4Nlr .fILIOTts JCL brediotnfiis for recto- t J. II. Comb*,Clinton, otaninaufoolood, at 2O0, etlington street, Londort,1 t 1 is big option of and recto Ont. Title send a ao g l ;r d u4 t , mended for Mittens amt 'vet Cmnpleiut*t, end it has . eke proved hittitty11 nrOtialinr iolmtbuttisur. j CLINTON, Nov, 21, 1878. .4 MARiC:HI:ONESS. For CBiLDREN and :MISSES, Clinton, NOT. 22,1878. AT Have now the pleasure of calling the attention of the public to their arrival of WHICH :ARE VERY CHOICE. TTTTTTTTTTTTT' EEEEEEEEEEEE TTT • EEE' • TTT EEEEE TTT EEE TTTTTTT EEEEEEEEEEEE AAA SSSSSSSSSSSS • AAA • AAA SSSSSS`' 'AAA • AAA SSSSSSS AAAAA A AAAAA ' " SSSSSS AAA'' • • AAA. '• SSSSSSSSSS • OUR STOCK OF TEAS IS COMPLETE, and we have a largo assoitment of this season's 'MOVUNE, Youi cf IIrsoN, IMPERIAL,' 'C+UNPOWDJ E, and CONGOIJ, y-: ---- '.1'EAS.. Our 50 cent Tea is the best value we have ever offered, aid have More to arrive" in a few chtys, To T1V i'r IS TO DE Co'vrNCF,n. •iTE •WISH ATO CALL SPEGYAL •ATTENTION TO ODU ! • O.F F F'4 ..S Kr al, ; aS Pvi -E S y_ r ,� r n; cMIL r,Il'S�. AND 1 RA• �Vlticll ff1'e'roastctl and ground on the lfrefuises. O PURI.Pt 'u-P.A1NOi TI'IEY" CANNOT RE, EQOE&LLED. Tlie deluttncl for our Cons , ilas iiiOreased 80" Hind thin we are compelled to 1'Oa8f twice' it week; therefore it retains its full LJlivor. • 0 OUR ST•O.0 OF: - �GROCERIES GENERAL 18 L WTLII°k ASSORTED ANI) COMPLETE IN EVERY RESPECT. • OUR STOCK fah 'ROCKER Y,C HJM4 & GL4 a..i t , WIZ RE • 18 LARGE AND WELL SELECTED. S . PALLISER Sz 004, WHOLESALE AND U 1TA'L GROCERS, ERICK REOCItA • Yj