HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-11-28, Page 4•
no. And
ntimio the
ti,„ country
entry is con-
utirely put of
aloolous. True
would feed, ope
and perade as
oth the Marquis
weuld rather be
Ice of these Drae,
A meeting of the directors •of the
ebove-named association took place at
the Oentrid Hotel, leieter, en Monday
last, for the purpose of deciding upon
-the time nod place of holding the. next
annual sale. The meeting was presided
over by the president, Mr: W. Hedgson,
aud there were present Messrs, M,
Y, MeLeen, Sece!frees„ J. Masen, IL
Snell; T. Mooe, J. Cloning, Oake,
,anadians we shonld L. and S, limiter, M. •le'raggert.,
ect ieseitutions, and Hohnoe, iL Love, Sr, J. Biggins, We
,eririg of the thin. end Diien, T, J. poll,. C, Mason, D. Me-
. Standing ,army; The Naught, A. Mod. Allen and W. L. For-
. t 1194, NI 0 an know, is peon.' At the previous meeting, a
committee had been, appointed to await
d, except they are to be upon thee.coudeney. hetet: keepere and
kind of /on e: for the large others, Of ttedorich, Seaforth
nd in the piece ofehe mounted po. and Exeter, to learn .what Eunount of
aesisteeme would be rendeted „the
.1VIOITitOba. Bat, as an Emile: f4
• • " eiationeprevided the sale was. held AC
defence, they, Would only ex- any eThe ()Canso places:, Aftee the read-
mitthe It liag'beee stated 'that if ug and. corifirnettien of the
o mounted police. or martitota wo.1;0 the members of this. emmeattee, 'wee.
videallye gave. in their eepoets from tho
:elder militare• diselpline they would lie. several ; Allen gave
Mere effeetetal, ie poeseiblee but' the a' gearantee from. Goderich ''ore$26.5 ;
OCCitSIOUS 011 NV 110 t ve nee ie rv
1'1 11'1u " ' • '
Afeilaggai pionneed $1.11 flow
, . . ' • e Clinton; Mr: MeNtneeht, $205 for Sea -
u° ee rare that; we can .rely upon the forth; and Me. Hedgeon $150. for Exe-
velerateers for all eniereencies. ter. Itwas understood by same that
, ."--.--e•-etee• the placcohat raised the most money
oive eon- Tim .AirOptivjetievite eltounix.: had the best claim for the sale; provided
epoft ,
euen speo wai, in India, altheugh• as the, facilities possessed hy, 010 /Mew'
yand if we atee .0.f• a an .1 ., t ,• .t- • .4 • -• . , ,
• gerous c mac; t oc.s no . ap- place, in eonbegnenec.of. its location at
..otheir ae truth, era e sup- ,.
peal t.o extend en. dieriensiOns, bat; on the crossing of two railways,. was. veey
, .
1 oi 1
, .
the atnonnt was inetch. beyond Clinton,
Politioal an& Personal Notes.
Langevin wits elected by accli-
mation, on Thursda.y, for Three Rivpro.
The mute of Lieut, -Col, Blanolet, M,
P, for Levis, is nientioned in connection
with the Lieutenant Goyeruorship of
Those who ought to know say that it
is pieibable that Hon, Mr, Morris will
lead the Ontario Opposition and,yet it
Is metered in Niagara that 3. B, Plumb,
ex-M,P., is to be nominated for East
we can do no • ether, as: they lteve w 1 ti be taken into . account.
the 'coetrary,. baiting:Its Loedees Mora griiab.P31'
. .
, logic of filets on their gee, the -lee ' . b • . • • I • • But this 'view "not 4 being held. by al
. . .. definitely defined. Now that •the Eng- , ., . .
borer has been gathering, for his own eausee :a lengthy disoussion nee to which
liel.1' ' are ' on- their' March towards the
. ,
use and profit,. the Ideate arid the farm&
the chaff Now that staling- op :time
. ..
has come the proprietor of a farm finds,
. ..
that it Would' have paid hem better to
• -- --- have cultivated .less lend than be has
done. The result will -be that next year
the wages of firm laborers will ,be con-
siderably emluced; for it is 'beyond the
power of farmers. to • pay .theetemonnts
they have been deluge Tire average pay
. of alarm laborer in this. tountry is about
$1.00 for every day that' he works, and
tepay that amount •this year .willeectece
every atom tho farmereeellgeover and
above the necessaries purchased for the
support of himself and If•
1 has interest on mortgage to metate.or any
other debt of any amount,' he Will ,Isivie
to postpone their paytriont. for: another:
year. We fear that next year will wit-
nees the foreclosure of many Mortgages.
If laborers will eake these fectsinte con-
sideration, they will submit to a:retitle
tion of wages without 'much 'opposition,
er loss of time.' A reduction muet be
made or farmers Will have to .give• up
hired help.
• There nothing compulgoey about it
on either side; theefarmee finds it does"
not pay to, work so much land thee he
has to hire help, nt the wages that have
been paid, he, therefore, refuses to re -en --
gage at old figures. The, question foi'.
the laborer to consider ese "can 1- do
. hatter anywhere else thaw accept . the of-
fer he makes e" If he finds mit that he
cannot kis wiedem in him to yeeragage
till he can do. better. ., e • a • • •
Any young man can soon' pleat) him-
self in such a position as not to be com-
pelled to accept less than a just remit-
neration for his services, for if he cannot
get wages that meet his ideas of the
value of his labor, there is-abundanee of
wild land for him to take up where
would get the whole prom:ads of his la-
• bor. For some this would be the best
thing, but there ere others who would
live--meefecomfortably autl save moat
money if they were ;laboring fot• a good
It is to be hoped that the enthusiasm
in the reception of tho Marquis of Leine
and the Princess lieuiges who individtude
ly aro worthy to receive it, wilinot lead
our people to commit the folly of intro:
clueing and catty/lig out the expensive
000rt establishments, of Europe. There
is already too much motley thrown away
at Ottawa iii pandering to the pride,
vanity, and gratification of the pleasure
loving, and ;thoughtless throng of young
people that gather in that eity. •
There has been already it small com-
pany of Dragoon Guards formed to attend
and do supposed honor to our' new Go.
vernor and his lady, andthere is some
talk of making this a permanent insti-
tution. The cost of this company. le
the country"wilt be proportionally very.
great. The aceoutrements of the horse
will cog, about $60', and the nnifortn;
eterof the men as inholi Mere saeh ;
capital of that Country, the uotive tribes
coutigeoue are giving aid to Britain, in-
stead of to tint Ameee he hoped and
exposited. To eel Appearance, the war
will not have a long .clutitition,. and the
tonsequenees wilesiot•he very serious,
• An extra. session et'. the Belden' Peer-
liar/tent will' meet to 'discuss the tittle.
tioneincl vote the .requisite supPlios, foe
even if the nation were to condemn the
Government for their conduct in this
affair, supplies must he furnished: to
bring it to suchan issue as evill rephold
the prestige of Eng,land;
There is no denibt. but that Russia
would be eid to see England in great
adiffictiltiee in India, but, we helieee'ehe
will be disapemititede
. :EDITORIAL .110T$S,:
FennoWdenies that he is
about to be made Collector, at Goderich.
• Reeratuneu to the dismissal of Mr.
'Buckingham, the Exeter Times. clainie
'credit to the Government for " epplying
the pearling knife and Savieg Lis sele-ree','
• • • ' '
Oulecotern. 'surely egad not be igoorant
of the fact that Mr. Buckingham's place
was immediately filled by a Conserva-
tive, at the genie salary.
. "Nobody expected him(Mr. Cartwilght) to
place the sale should bo held at. -It
was finally decided' that the scilosliould
bo held, at Exeter on the 1,2thnittl 1,3th
of February next. e c: • ' •
lelthough there is no cioubt bet what
Canton would be fae the :best place to
liold the sale, non -that it has been decided
to hold it at Exeter, we licep,e all con-
cernedwillelo their utmest to make it
supeoss, as all are more Or Jess inter-
ested in it. If Mr�hange should teke
place:in the running of the teeing, the
parties that live .east Of Seaforth, and.
west of . Stratford,. who, wish to be 'At
Exeter on the morning orthe first day,
should eome to Clinton on the day ,pre-
viotte, whieli they can do even as late as
.9 nein.They ..can then take the first
tectin going south on the Great Wester:a,'
and reaeh ,Exefor aboet 9 •
Paties Who wish.te becotrie'reembere
Of the essoitietion can de so on applica-
tion at this•offioce. and ei the fee is only
fifty cents we hope alarge rieniber will do
• so. Farmers, , who are the pkinciple
oneS to be benefitted by.elle sale, should
not fell to put (hewn their names,.:
Those lieving theroughbred stock,
sueli as cattle. .ttlieep' and pigete.mitiree
horses audg�ocl mares 1oiesale; eni iteW.
-eiiteretheineWittillie••.eecretery. Mr Mce
Lean d Seafereh.• • •
A.fterthe •appeintraeittfof r1 It 1
:son; .aaatietioneioefor the sale,' the nieet-
ing then.adjoureed
Manitoba items.
Mr, W. • H. Leech, of Bluevale, is
• .
quite ill,
Mr. S. Rennie is going to erect a
foundry at liensell.
I, Cook has sold his farm, lot'
20 7th COIL; GOCIOriCh l'etivoshiP, for the
$ran Of $4,100,', e
Professor jams et' Toronto, has ace
°opted the precent'orship of the Presb,y-
terean Church of Seaforthe
For stealing a fat. hog from A. McKay,
Toronto, and is to succeed M. 0, Caine. le, Raymond, .of the 901 con. Tucker -
d • f I 0 finith, has been etonintitted a gaol.
V as PI
Now that the'nicipel electione are
approaehing it ma)! e interesting to the
candidates to leare bat a mart at the
Toronto Police ()meet last Thursday was
charged with assault for " button hole
in," aucithet in the street: The ,Police
leLeeistrate declared himself erilite opin-
ion that button -holing was an assatilt.if
the pe.eson button-helcl objected to it.
The Hon. H. LeLatigevin, it is stated,
• will :tot as 111inister of Finance during
Mr Tilley's absence in. England. , This
news is not at tili reassuring, as Mr.
leengevin's ability ae, a financier is not
considered as of the highest ordete the
city of Qiteleec to this very clay, having
a lively reemenbeaoce of hie incapacity
daeing the tireehe unfortunately aeon -
pied the eivie chair. :-, . .
A. petition was fyled on ThuTsday, of'
lait week, in the Common Pleas by A.
Gunn,of' Kangston, prey•ing that Sir
john A. Macdonald be declared gaik
of'persoual bribery at the late Kingston
election and that he be .disqualified to
take a seat in the House of Comthens.
The petition already fyled ageiest Mr.
Gunn does not , claim the seae. for Sir
• John, and the charges of corrupt acts
can berbrotight egitert Sir John onlyeby
means of a separate petition against him.
• The expenseof elr..David Glass. Q.
ia the recent election in East Mid-
dlesex, were $343.93 and those of ins
opponent, Mr:Duncan Macmillan, M.P.,.
.$;325.25 •' London .Hon. John Carling,
$1,138.66 ; Ninth Renfrew, Mr. Petal:
White'$469;02; East Elgin; My, A.rkell,
$186.35 ; Mi. Macdougall, $10.49; St.
John ; N.B„, city, Hon. Isaac Burpee
and 11/4r. C. W. Weldon, $1,556.7.5 each;
Messrs. king and Palmer, $663:58 pack.
Sb. John, city and county, Hon, S. L.
,Tilley, $154.56 West Toronto, Mr.
Thos. Hodgins $554.55.: •
work niiraeles by a re -adjustment of the tariff.
* * And nobody, so faras iva
kuow, ever thought of laying the crisis at his
And what was the entire cry of the
Cooservatives during- the electon cam-
paign_ hue that the Liberal Gpvernment
was responsible for the financial crisis,
and that a re -adjustment of the tariff
would work wonders? lIehy, even. the
ICarainisticp tie, Goderich harborand steel
rail -matters were all swallowed up ie
that 0110 great cry about the wondrous
things a re -adjusted tariff Would. ne-
complish; , •
George AugustusSinctethewell.known
author and editor , of the (Eng) Dady
Telegraph, intended to. come here 'as
special coirespondent for that paper, but
it was found that his health -would not
admit dins enduring a Canadian winter.,
accidenb of it serious nature oc-
curred feeMr. WineCatei_og, ofeleketer
lafit week. Be as chopping wood,
when his axe slipped and struck him on
the cap of the knee, splitting it open.
On the evening of the 18th, inst.' some
/tenor:: stole from the store of 1dr. W.
Hill, of Seaforth, goads to the eamoinit
of $35', along with a robe from Mr.
Henderson valued at $10. This was all
,done betwteei six and half -past six in
the evening. •
Five years ago Mr. Bedford, of Cre-
diton, bought e two-year-old colt, which
by Some means Cer other•had received. a
Sever° wound in the ehouldor, whieh,
defying all efforts of surgical skill, con.
tinued to discharge offensive matter,
until tired of doctoring without °thee,
Mr. 13edford glut and worked the beast
moderately, thet wourld continuing to
emit offensive matter. A feWeclays ago
Me. Wm, Sweet, V. $., of Exeter, Was
called on and, making an incision 'into
the sore, eucceedeeliu extreceing a, black
ash splinter about five inehee in length,
coated with a thiek iuerustation of ientid
•. A sportinotn, a few days ego,killed, a
moose weighing over 700 lbs, Within
twenty-fiyo miles of Winnipeg: .
Winnipeg has grown a great cleal this
slimmer, and the ntimber ofbrick StOrea
in °Mine of erection is partimilarly ne-
ticeabie. . •
A large, number of eul.• venire ellen
have been deem e( East" • thisomminer
tot wives, and from the number that
heye arrived they seem to have lad ne
trouble in finding thorn.
: .
The 'following joke was phiyed at.
Winnipeg recently on a newly -arrived
Englishman E—A friend postede.-gottie of
the boys, Euid toe& him to re back -room
in rt hotel, where they found the boys sit -
tin, around ..eloen one of them said,
Let's have Et game deeeds," and they
eafelown to the table each drawing
a revolver -end bowie•knife, and laying
them on thetable elortgside his pilo:
The fun then began, and as some one
would say, '" What card is that I" melt
wouldley a hand on his revolver till
the card was, 8110W0i and i1retty soon
that greenhoen waited Weave. ,Nftere
wardhe was taken outelot 11 buffalo
hone -back of theecitereeende-hadea. good
time chasing a blecic 0X•
. •
Mr. 13, Willson is neaudidte fot. the
Mayoralty of.Wingliatri ; 1)1. McDonald
and L. J. Brace, the Reeveship.
Mr, .11,, Fj.slior had his 'right hand
'badly stimsbed on Saturday, while cut-
ting stave bolee fie Messrs, Alexander ee
Traiges iidfl in 13lyble
,G, W. Field, of 'Neeindsor, has
been engaged as aseistent teaelier Per.
the Seafoith High Scheel, e et salary. of
$800 per ennum. •
'Railway matters Eire exciting tit)) us-
ual amount of interest in Manitoba.
Now that early oornentuticationwith the
outside world is assayed by meNns of the
Pembina Branch and its connections, it
lute become a praetical necessity to have
the capital of tho Province placed in
cotranunicatien. with tho fertile eerie -
toil to tho west of the Red River. At
ltiti.public meeting in Winnipeg tho
Colonization Railway scheme introduced
last swim:. itt the House of Commons
by Ilfe, Mills ,was eordially encloriecl,
and a rosolution was passed urging the
City Council to sabmitt a by-law for
$300,000 in aid of the lied Rivet' bridge
aficl the. Western, Railway,. It is al-
together likely, judging from the action
O the western pare of the Provinde Vise
winteie that if a bonus is voted by
Wienipeg other lecalities will not bee
wanting in liberality; go that ti road
projeeted trone the Red River to the
Little Saskatchewan may soon be under
The ffiem held for sale by Mr. Q. Mote
iow, being lot ?Jean the 12th eon. �f
Hallett, hee been Sold, to Me. 'F. 'Little,
ear the stun. of $5,100e- •eee-
Rev. ,Mr. Butcher of. Fader, lute sufe
fidiently -receepred his health as to. tellew
Mat to eppbar on the steeet. He will be
able to. ream:6 his pastOral eufies. • • •
A7yoeng, hul nemed em.
peoyete Weth Mr, H. Crich, en the 4th,
eon'.; Tuckeiemithe mei with :a painful
accident on Thursday. Ho eeveg eleep4.
ping -id tho hush, when the Axe glanced,
.etrilciug hem in. the foot' with' such. force
as tette t hiejEtegetee neerly •
meeting•of the Presbytery Of Hu -
will De, held in,Braevale in the Pres-
byterian Chitral, (teeley) 28thinst,, at
'2 o'cloole, for the. purpose of suatLtining
call to W. D: 1VICItay, and ifneces-
eeary, ennally jawing it ; oleo pf.grant-
• •
ingenodeeation to Seeferth eon-
ereeation '
• . . •
does net noceueitiily endorse 'every-
thing appearinglxom tune to. time:under thie heading;
the opinione•being given as wraritter of newel.' '
Ter:pare and unadulterated:political
ponodtoutstet..eltl.ip Exeter 2,time.s...
Thera has been a fraidenessea
nese,' end an independence „s.tbout - the
utterances of the Liberal.. eyess :61' the
country eine° the 17th •Of Sept, that are
pregnant with great reetilts, They. are
hoppyeelnieury for the future. We
believe:the :time 'has ,foi•eyer • gene. by
,Wliete a political dc!epot;eby the influeitee
of newspaper, .can central a political
pliety-e Lauf we. hail: with eatisfaetion.
the "hew departure" of the traly liberal
and independent section of the Reform •
press.erernete,eNeyreten. •
- An exchange ;gives the following
Two fanners from Godeeieh township re-
fused feona dealers here 6.1e, per bushel
for barley, preferring -to hip to. Teeonto.
There they sold,.when, after deductieg
feeight,_inspeetion dues, ete., °they 'rea-
-lized'about 50c., per bushel—lesing about
fifty dollars by their speculation.
. The first fruits at the ".National
-Cm. Friday morning last e nember of
the neighboring farmers gathered on the
.farai.lately seld.by Mr. J. Sruallcombe,
Of Usbornee to Mr. Williams, of Logan,
for the purpose of timing owe some of
the soil -by wayof aiding him in his fall
plowieg. - -Mr. Williams was en the
place plowing, his family not yet having,
comete:theirnew home. He was -much
pleased at the. practical expressions of
goiedveill of hie neighbors' and received
them With kindness. Before night the
sixteen: Visiting teems : had 'ploived
NOVEKUR 28, 1.sle.
but from a frieed I oue who loudly °Jahns
to set °auntie One, to use auch expressions,
to utter euch orrutba,u to eolemlly
declare "be did it, with pein, lei it was
trut4 l" betray of his &Rept:ice were re-
preoentative men .from all perts of the
Dofainiou, and knew that during the paot
years, under both Conservative and Re.
form. Governments, and particularly the
former, einigrante have been invited to
oer country, and that while here mid
there one who had. accepted the ineitatieu •
may have regretted it, there are demean&
who have rejoiced that they (mine, hey('
found it as a promised land, and by their
energy, industry and sobriety have aseiet.
ed in eeattering plenty over a cunning land,
There is one view of this which makes it '
really serious. M. Tilley, our Minister
of Finance,very properly goes to England
on sundry matters connected with his De.
pertinent. Debentures falling due shortly
have to be arrauged eor. Ile ha a tp
into tho open • money "market to -borrow,
and certainly all desire in a patriotic spirit
that he shoeld have every Chance to. do it
te make thebest arrangementhe can.
Borrowing in any circumstances is; iii one
sense a delicate operation, and a very.
slight' causemay make a favorable impres- •
sion for Mir oeutitry or otheiwise._. We
all know the securities-eCanadaes bonds
and honor—are. good; and that her re.:
source s haVe been, on the whole, eceeetni-,
cally nursed stud oared for;
so that with
very ordinary ability, suchhas been the
opinion hitherto of the integrity and re-
sources of the Dominion, on the money
Market of Englatul a neighbormight have,
, had a fair chance of geed. euccese. But
whe4 wonld 'we thiek of the mind. of the
Merchant going to his bankerto arrange,
and partly, - Perhaps renew his notes, were
he to, begin Its application forerenewEt1 by
saying he luta in the past, in stating his -
staeding,.,lien ," lying' as to his position,
but thathis intentioti, wasto adopt en en-
tirely iiew system, •which- bad beenrecom.
mended to him. lib bad t•-iever tri4it
before, but- :he 'hoped it would evened,
kte. The proverb says': ," It is an ill
birci that'shils its. own' nest."„ -Verily, it
is so. Tilde is no doubt but that emigre...?
tion a gen ts have ' at" ties overTainted
things so as•to mislead, but the statements I
which our patriotic and good-natured
friend Criticises asuntrue are as_,gefieral-
propoSitions unqueitionably tine: We
,enaphatioally declare that Mr. lioWland's
tostiinony that "Canaitivhad been a land
of tvent up to the present time, and there -
had not boon employment for the peer
Wretches when they came here," is utterly
and entirely in old. wife's fable. -• • •
Policy" etre appearielgee Tho ,11,forietaiy•
Times• makes:Abe,' ,ffi,01.0W,,,im`eeeennetiele&.
niefit—‘qe is 1'61k:deed that - the .cotton
manufacturers of the Cornwall, Iloolie-
laga. and Dundee mills have recently
•advanced the price of grey cettone about
I7i per cont. -and white.- cottons about
10 per cent., While, the. silo° class of
goOds are sad: to. have been I:eat-teed 15
per: tint 'id the unitettWe
arealso advised that Canadian woellen
Menu Etc urers are shading prices en ei-
ders from .wholesale 'dealere.' for spring
'goods." Thu geode .evetich the fermers,
ha•veeto Iray•nee rising in rice almost
from the very day the" National Police
was adopted, while' from that very
same date the price of „agricultural pro,
'duce eranineeced t� rapidly decline.
That is "Canada foe .t lane dians."--Ara-
penee .e.vpre8,
It is needless to re'P'eat, what has home
already ram* than once discovered itt
theee,miese. of this letter, the new 'Gov-.
eernoreGeneral of Canada thares thee Po!
eitiecil vides of his fiither, From: hie
very oarlieSt yeats he has beeweducated
in -the liberal TO -feed;
career' in -the House of eon -Mons linS
not shown him 'its skilftil in • debate, he
heir, neverthelek ,done good service, es„
eoneiritefit suppOrter of Mr. Gladstone;
Following so able ait administrator as
his kiestnan, Lortl Dufferin, has proved
himeelf to be, the Marquis of Lorne
may find many cliffieulties • to contend
with at.the otitset of ,his • new career;
but his previous record gives abtindarit
• pledge thet he will endeavor. to master
them all, and to do his utmost to secure
the pod will and eonfidence of those bye
whom he wilt be surrounded in his work
of government. He hoe already meperi.
weed the friendship'and.hospitallty of
Ameiicans fla hariewritten of both in
terns unqualified appreciation. It
Indy- be safely inferred- that he pos to
Canada resolvieg to maintain to the ut'•
roost good feeling in the relations be-
tween the 'United Steites and ,the
minion governments, and not tho ,least
energetic /and generous auxiliary in this
task, wilthe the PritieeSs 14411180, &nigh.
' • , '
about twenty acres.
• On Theedey morning, -T. McRoberts,
fanning mill pedlar, well known in Ex-
eter, was arrested in Berlin- by, Oonatable
GUi of.Eketeieat the inetance of Deloug
of Port Albert,: township of Ashfielde
for Conspire -city. ite was found by Mr.
Gill, at;the, American Rouse together
witheMulloy of Clinton' and Brock of
Waterloo, All three were arrested and
ealeen before a justiceat 13erlirr and. on-
texelnination were committed for trial at
Goderieh. • McRoberts lies in Goderich
jell end Mulloy -and Brock are out on
bail. Thee° is little doubt but that
should McRoberts be set at liberty he
„ .
would. be re -arrested Orr a 'suenlar charge
at once.• ••
• •
• . •
ProtOction atriotom,'
•' From ,:ti4eihronereat •
. liespOn.dipg; tA °tied the many addres-
ses made tcreatii during One of his !'. pie-,
.greseet,"' theough :the Derain ion a few yore
age, the Earl of Duffeeie spoke ecif our
country as well suited; for the initoy who
left themselves over -weighted • with the
-burden Oa large family. On more than
ono occasion he referred to this. On the
Whole, he deera-xed•that though, �f course,
sometimes the.round Peg would get into:
the more leaf°, and the square peg
,Mto the round ' one, .still to ney temple
Riding to be sober, industriois and Cane
ful it was a land, of plenty, where none
need drone additions to the numbeed the
house hold. That's what I've been toll-,
ing Eutily," Was the answer from a heaUY
young Englishman in the assernbly around
him, who had not a few' tiliVe branches to
Cluster amend his table. Thi o is Ulm, as
'Vetralleireeeeit iblt Steeli-Weee tlibeephiten•
of our late„re8riected, • Gov erook-Generat
Xf :Atm 'then with real pain that Wo pekused
the wordsof Mr. W. X, flowland in hie
.opening. address as Presideet, of the Onta-
rio. Mannfacturers' Association at its soy,
enth tuning convention. Hew some of his
audience liked it we cannot. tell. Dut„
certainly,,his words contained a question.
able compliment to his own country?
"With regard to another point, !eo haci.
in the'past—and ho Bahl it with pain., butt
it was the truth—been lyibg. aboiet .xnunie
gratiott matters,. We had been Sending
agents to Europe to tell the people that
this was a land of plenty, where there was
abendatuee of emplOyment, where every-
thing was cheap; and where they were
sure to get. on. It bad been a land ot
want up to the present time, and there
had not been eiriple3 ment fot the poor
wretchea when they came here. What We
were going to de by the new pollee? wet,
to make this „e land wherespe people emild
come, and wilier* employment would be
provided for them by developing various
We cart isearcely imagine that anything
worse than this could be said by an cne,
my of Canada. Had it been from otich
ter of ()mem Victoritte—ir. zrelratd, a eource we might have thought little of
7.U4 00 411a g011tnerriat•
In last Saturday's issue:. of the *Ontario
Gazette there are over nintY notices of. in.
solvency. .,
Fifteen-Uniied States banks failed dur-
ing the Past yearpandforty-one yolentar.
ily ceased business. •. . ••
Honey sent toEngland in the comb from
New York a .nrittah ago for thefirst: time,
reacted Liverpool safely on the' 5th, and.
-the experiment is pronounced successful. ,
Cannot our Canadian bee -raisers take. a
hand in this trade • The Poll Man (4exette-
sa:ys quire is no limit to the demand. for
honey there. ."
..The most extensive "corner" .ever• -
knownen Chicago, jut -now exists in spring
wheat, Ode operator, a Californian named ,
Keene, having purchased over 5,000,900
bushels at an average•price of about 81
cents. As it is, generally, believed that
breadstufle have touehed b,ottem, the plerk..,:
who have engineered the "'Corner" expect
tonet.an enormous profit.
last letter of the. London coresponcle
ent of the Globe, contained the following e •
—Canadianesheep arriving here recently
have blian of extra :good quality, and have
realised top prides= tho market: Cattle '
sale:Rime fntho leading centres ofthe pee.
pidation have,beCome so eatiefied-eidth the
success.of the Canadian eattleteacle that a
large number wile be represented in Canada
next season.. Altogotherthe pre,spects
trade are most encouraging, and it only re- *
inains for.Canadian breeders to improve,
their -herds, and.thile lie in a position to
meet the heavy 'demands whichwill surely
honied° upon them. • A. few. -.Canadian
hereea are arriving at Liverpool and .04133.,
gaw, and are realising,fair prices, thinly •
drawback being. that, :they do licit' reach
this countey.in greed orioug1 'condition.
understand a contract' bit'd,been'aignedthie
week in Liverpool by a .gentleman. whose
natio 1 ant requested not to make public
at present to supply 400,000 lobsters from.
the Maritime Provinces during the coming
season, nonetef 'which is to be of less
weight than trieeepoonds, atfourshillinge
a dozen iii Liverpool, This points to a
late trade in lobsters,groWing
Canada and Great Britain. • A lobster
of that size in good:condition id werth three ...
to four ehilliege. In the lobster seeSon,
:011ie Present dine it sebuld rvorth
nitich more;
Clinteneen the 24th inst., the
wife ofMr, It. Wisenian, of a eon.
efcCeieente—In teeter, on the lath inst., the
-wife Of41%410ea1lill12,.-tatineriltrim --- -
• of Clittote ef a soh •
Mon-term:A-4N, Millen, on the Ilth
inst,, the wife ()Nth.. W. '‘Ifetitherstone, •
ota on.
itheciceree—en 13lyt1,,,en the 20th hist, the .
wife Of Ati:, II. W. 'Mitchell, ef a, son,
Wingliatn, on the 17th Mat, the
wife of tfr. S. Dodds, of a daughter.
Skett—Coox.•:-At the residence of Mn 'W,
Shobbrook, on the 21st initt„ by- the liev.
Caeweil, Mr. David Snell, to Miss
Louisa Cook, both of E. Wawanoth.
imintsoN—NArsurrn,—On the 20th inst.,
at the residence of Mr. (1. Crabb; by the
Rev. 1)r, Irre, "Ale. John C. Idarrisonl to
Miss Isabella Israysmith, all of (odcrieb,
Moons, --In Clinton, on the 28th inst., jaunts
, infant son of Mr. James Moore of
the Commercial Rotel, aged 13 mcititho
and 4 days.
Funeral will take place (0-tiTh1row (Friday).
afternoon, at '2 oieleek: •
Sor.—Or: the 20rd inse, Hannah, daughter
of Mr...4Tolin Soy, tendon Reed, aged 3
' monthi, •
Timone...4A Italma,svilio, ert the 25th inEfit,
Mary A., infant daughter of Mr. SiteM
Ttenry, aged 1 month, • -