HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-11-28, Page 3Nov AR. 28, .1878.. she Toot the Prize. ur unfit A'llt Z rn�r. Snnda"a£cerngon, while three or four p. . hundred sight -seers were loafing around To find a girl out, you must sail the entrance to the State Fair Urounds, when aha isn't in, a lonesome -looking covered wagon, ' Take away woman,' asked.. a writer, drawn by a faded old horse nod driven c and what would follow 1' We would. by a woman, hove in view on the Hold- Give us something hard next tine,j en road, It wat;•plain enoui h that some ' This razor of mine is a'•'4011 as a family was on the move, and it was hoe,' said a husband crossly, and he soon ascertainedthat the family consie- yowled all the more when he,found his ted of only a woman and Om children, wife had boon hoeing her corks with it. The wagon stopped as it reached • the When an absent=Mined man mean- erawd,'and bending forward to look on every side the woman briefly inquired: dere up the church aisle, and has one bin a fact. baro? suspender dangling at hie` heels .from A boy answered her that' the" State underneath his coati he becomes an ob Fair was about to open; and she called ject of unfavorable criticism, to the children under the cover The Horny -handed workman calls .it Sam, .you wake up, and • Mary, you `pay,' the skilled mechanic `wages,' the wake Y, for hors's the biggest, crowd city clerk ' salary,' the banker `income/ of folks you ever seen t' • a landowner,' revenue,' a lawyer ' fees,' • No ono in that crowd had, .ever seen: a burglar ' swag a' but it'comes all to such a homely. woman. She was. cross - the same thing at the end of the week" eyed, teeth -out, nose awry, and Mouth Old people are notoriously vain; of big enough for two, , A man in the their age. There isa story of .a very crowd stepped forward, after a long venerable arone, the inivato of. a poor- look :et her face, and said house in Scotland, who, on beim; asked '' ' Madam,; we, are offering " a premium how old she was, exclaimed with evid- here for the homeliest woman in Arne- ent feeling, ' I dinna ken, but I't>x a rice. Do you wish to enter for. it ?' thoosan' an ony rate:' ' How much is it 'I' she asked. •'. Two dollars.' • • And how • muoh'll I haveto pay 2' "Nothing.' •. --' I'm in America cow;. ain't 1 1' An exchange gives direction for ' a good way to build a chimney ;'. but. every body knows, that th&best Way t;o build it is on a house. A .chimney built in the lower part of the 'garden,. one hundred feet from the house • would prove a ridiculous failure.. Thefinest tattle to a departed wife •which we have seen for many • a •year• was that engraved 'on a tombstone by a broken-hearted husband, who can never hope to repair his loss :-` We were married twenty-four years, and. in all that, time she never once banged the door.' ' My freeus,' said .old Daddy Flock; hart, the well knopwin. and eccentri9c street preacher in 1 inburgh one.night, while relating the circumstances' of his conversation to his sparse congregation, ` My heart was as. black e . a sweep's' face; but noo it's whiter than a washer - wife' thoom !' An Irish editor claimed the inven-' tiou of everything;'"froln potatoes. 'to potheen .for •the ,Green 'late, gravely claims the' pianoforte, and `'he ' does 'thus : ' The 'pianoforte of the liresent day is simply the Irish harp,• placed horizontally .in a long box, Wand played' by machinery;' Dr. Johnson had a habit of eating very fast, and using his fingers instead of a fork. Ono day the cynic was din- ing with a company, when a -young would-be wit remarked:. ' Doctor, you• remind me of Nebuchad.neYizet.' ' Neb1t- chaclnezzer ?' replied the. doctor; his mouth full of victuals, ' Ah yes. That is because I'm eating with . the. brutes.' ' How long have you been in Eng- land T was the question put. by a young Englishman to a young Americap at a public dinner in London. ''About two weeks was the reply. = Really,' was' the rejoinder of young Jolla Bull, ' encl. I notice yeti talk our language as well. as we do.' ` Yes,' was the reply. of Brother Jonathan ; I have not been here. quite long enough to forget how to speak it.' An Irish discussion -.A. contractor who was building a tunnel on a cetitein- railroad observed ono morning that -the face of a member of bis gang' was ilis- fi ;urea with bruises and plasters. . Halloo, Jimmy' said be, ' what have yon "been doin' ?' ' Not varey much, sort,' answered Jimmy ; I was just down Et Hill Mulligan's . last night; sorr 'an' him an' me had a bit av a disc0oshen wid sticks !' It took three men, two boys and a brindle dog an hour and a half to drive a sandy pig a distance of two blocks down to the freight house the other day. When the wearisome drive was ended. the dog was bit in three places, the bey had sprained his ankle, broken two windows by throwing stones at the pia; distended. "0, hew .dry .1 was In re - one of the men was tired to death and the other two aero drunk,_and .the pig 'pea Then dr ti the f," sc a me gallant. was two miles back from theshed going n pr a ed the ,hallant north.• ' g. g old gentleman in the upper berth: Slle l People ought to be careful how they (lid at once. asic questions. A gentleman who suf., A. correspondent writes a,letter from fared terribly from the heat died. •' His the Valley of the Red 'River of :the minister was not aware of the eatastro- North to' show' that the great wheat phe, and, meeting the daughter of his fields of the future will be located in former - t•`seetitltr-of''"ther-crllnttry. -"3ia says f-on--otr--ana71--Atlnclst-`ti1� , and- aha thinking tOJ3ave a little .banter, said the wheat raised in that valley this year -' Well, my dear, I hope your mother commands the highest priceof any rais= is well, and your father --by the. way, ed•on'Americatl soil;; that all along the how sloes he stand the heat now•a-clay4' line of the Northern Pacific .Railroad is She was compelled to confess the truth, .one continuous wheat field, and that be - that he was dead, and then the question yond is still a better soil and a more seemed to the clergyman to he .a singu- congenial climate. . This year more Tarty inappropriate onc'. than 8,000 farms wmre opened. up, and A very rich old man who had irrittl' next year it is expected that twice as , tied d a young wife died suddenly, upon many will bs settled upon '1;he North - ' widow raved like a, mainian. ern Pacific Itaicroad will extend its line and exclaimed to the doctor who stood at local, fifty tulles this coaling "car:, by the bed -side of the departed, 'Oh I Free or Cost, I'll not believe that my (tear partner is I7r, • ateea New Discovery fn ' p •Coin bs and Colds y r on hitis, Hay dead ; lie could not die and leave m0� Fever, ,Asthma, i3roucliitis, Hay the's Fever, etc., isgiven•awayin trial bottles free No, no ; he's alive. I Yl1 silre alive of cost to the afflicted. If youhave a,severe Tell me doctor, dont you think ao 2 cough, cold, difficulty of breathing, hcarscnesa Madam,' replied the medical m'an, with or any :affection of the. throat or lungs• by all meamuch gravity, ° I confess that I hct've you vas lueeyo your existence this wonderful youmcan not aft it As 'o d t the mane by which lie May be re'rived. let this•opportunity pass. 'Wecottld not afford I will apply tbe galvanie-battery.' ' O j nets tmenti ggcivecompltailtsremedy wawayyo caiurn fonionr rte. . no, no 1' cried the grief-stricken widow. • Thousands othopelass cases have already been ' Hard as it is to bear my fate, I will . cured by it, There is rut medicine in the world that will Cure 'one.hnlf the cases that Dr. ICIn 's have no'experimentsagainst the law of New Discoverywilt cure. Versate fly nature. Let hitt Leat in peace'l" la on. Then' set me down as the woman 'who's going towin that twodollarsor. die ! Here, Sam, you hold this hose while'1 git dean what' thq jedges. kin have a faik look at me'1'• She got' down. They crowd roared 'and threw up a hundred hats,.: but alio drew herself"up and Solemnly remarked: ` When they offer a prize on the homeliest woman' in America I'm going up to the head of the 'class like a :four- hoss team !;• Whar's the jedges 2' `'Madan),' said the man who had pre- viously . addressed her, ' you are' entitled, to the prize. I believe you are. the homeliesthuman teing ',wirer saw. I •don' think you'd look any worse if. you had one eye out and wasbaldheaded.' • •' Hand' over: the cliink,' she 'said, holding oilt her hand. He placed a two dollar bill on her palmy and said : ' Champion "homely women ofAlneri ca; accept this premium' 1' • ` 4 'You :bet I . will !'; was her healthy, reply, and in five: niinxtes she had four of five dollars in change tossed at •her, When the shower peased,'she made•;one step from tbe ground to a seat on the, wagon, shook up the old: horse, 'bowed right and left, and said : . ' Now Sam ;• you git back than', and Mary; you bit back thar', and we'll drive along to the first vacant lot and go into camp;' for if T. kin take a prize here 'before' the Fair opens, what kin we hope fur when the performance gits under. full blast !''--American :Tape) Site Dried Co. In a. sleeping -cap on 'a certain railroad, the other -tight, a ladyexclaimed in a. slow'and.solemii voice, "Oh, how dry I am ?": There -was 'a 'moment's 'pause, - and. again rung , out, "Oh, how Miry I am 1" 'Another moment passed; • and' the. dozing. 'sleepers " were once more startled by the .exclamation, " Oh, how ryI amt" • " Won't somebody get that woman a drink`?" howled an old gentleman; who,. being rheumatic and occupying an upper berth; could not very well .do'it himself. Tfiie demand. was complied with, and. the grateful sound, of gurgling water Beard. 'then "there was a •moment of •silence, and following: it camethe same solemn tones, •" Cy, li.ow. dry I,was 1" There appeared to be no doubt of it by the_oocupants of the car; and if the truth • could have been known,: they were unselfishly glad elm bad found relief; and they composed themselves afresh for slap. Then the voice again smote the .alt`, " O, haw dry i was-Ecerybody started' and every eye was niE CLII3T13N Miff `fid TREASURER'S ALE OF LANDS 715DIR, . 'COUNTY Q1' IIUltQiv, To WIT c By virtue of a Warrant,, issued under the hand"of the Warden of the County of Huron, and the Corporate Seal of the said Oounty, bearing date the 'Fourth day of July, A.D., 1878, to me directed, for the collection of arrears of taxes due on the un- dermentioned lands, 1 hereby give notice, that unless. the said taxes, together.. with all `lawful costs and charges, be sooner paid, I will, on . Wednesday, the Fourth day . of December, next, AT THE HOUR OF ONE'O'CLOCi(, P• M., AT THE Court House in the Torn. of Goderici Proceedto sell; `liY Public; Auction, the: said lands, or se `inu4h thereof as may be sufficient to discharge sucharrearsof taxes and the charges thereon; Name Lot or part of I. Ooneession'or Street. I Acrea.',unpatapted. "l J J J J Y • Costs TtsvCom Total.oae mission• TOWNSHIP OF' ASHFIEI,D. 15. pt of E 2 1st L Division .... 50 '' Patented , . 828 72 N pt 1 .. 3rd W Division .. , . :4O Patented „ 22 08 7 $ 4 8&h W Division 100 thmatentotl. 49 08 TOWNSHIP OF' GODERIOH, , W. Collins ; . Part 3 . 'Maitland :use II, Xing,.... Part 3 . , . Maitland m. Miller .... Part 4 .. Maitland W". Collins fart 100 :. Maitland isms Craig .. Part 106 • Maitland.: W, Collins .. Part 107 . Maitland. ehn Clifton .. Part i07:' -: Maitland • E part 5 ., I3ayilold. W part 5 81 80 $,30 52 .1 63 23 71 2 33 '^^ 51 41 10} Patented :, A'03 1 20 }.. Patented •- 1 56 113 Patented 1 50 1 13 ''2 Patented .. '.3. 10.. 1.'18 8 • Patented 3 09 1 18 3 Patented _'6 28 1 25 •Patented . 0 35 1 25 3, Patented 3 75 1 18• 43 Patented tet 30 • 1 70. taeyfleld ,, • ,,., 42 • Patented , .21 04 t,^1,00 TOWNSHIP OF' GREY 2i ., 13th • . • 100 .110 -patented. 2.) 01 1 80 28 ...13th.. • 100 Unpatented. 20 01 r . 1 80 20 , - 14th 100. t"npatonted.: .31 57'. 1 88: •.2r „ 15th • „ , 100 Patented 32 00 1 03 TOWNSHIP'_ QF HAY 11 i• C, 18th. 50' Patented 0 32 1 33 10;05 l of N:3 9 Lake Road East 327 Patented 13 05 1 40 14 45 • VILLAGE OF .ZURICH, IN HAY, Knoll's Survey ' 1-5 Patented. ., 7.0 : 1.10 • 1 80 • 1- � .'Patented ', . 70 1 10 1 80. 1.5., Patented 3 34 1' 18 4 52 .1.5• • •Patented .3.:44 • • • 1 18 4 52 1-5 . Patented .. `3 34 ',••1 18 4 52 • 1-5 . Patented 3 04 : 1 16 • '4 19 1-5, Patented .. 3 04 1 16 ' 4 10 0 18 2 00 2 60 4 80 7 01 760 20 OD 22 04 - 30 81 30 81 38.45 34.88 ,3a0 .43 44 40' 4t 44 ' . .<! ,1 • Q• <1 TOWNSHIP OF HQWICK:. 1 drt 30'='` 3rd .: - '} Patented .. 10 , .,;A ' 103 Patented • 37'30 2 00 - 30 42- • VILLAGE 'OF- GORRiE: IN TOWNSHIP OF; HOWIOK; 215 1'-5 raielited 183' .113•.. VILLAGE OP MANOHESTER; . IN TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT. 9• ▪ . 1.,i' .'Patented ., es 110 2 08 TOWNSHIP OF MoKILLOP: N part1 :., 14th`• 50 Patented . 9 01.. 1 33 10 04. TOWNSHIP OF. STANLEY.: ' bouth'Part 8 .,,, Day/field Road lr"orth.:.'. • 75 Patented ,. 47.44 •2 :28 40 72 VILLAGE O.F EGMONDVILi.E, IN'.TOWNSHIP :•OF: TUCKRSMITH. • 10 - 1 i,rst St } Patented , 2 51 1 is VILLAGE OR HARPURHEY' IN 'TUCKERSMITH, 23 1.ovidencl'Cait's • 1-5 Patented 118 113 24�; ,:.'Surrey. r ., , 1-0' . Patented 54. 3 70 25I •• 1.5 Patented • 54 . 1 10 ,VI LLAGE• OF GLUEVALE, IN c TOWNSHIP -'OF• TURN'BERRY: 11•.._'Cantelon's Survey. t 3 • Patented - 3 17 1.18 43 • -... Duncan's Survey. .., 7..Pateuted • .. • 90• ': 1.10 VILLAGE -OF WINGHAM, 'IN TOWNSHIP. OF 'TURNBERRY. 2 e8 3 00 ' 2 31 '1'04 1 04. Pai k 37.' •Village. 152 Village 107 .. Village 171 .., Village .$ 3172,... • Village 231 4 35 2.00 . 53.Patented ': 13 77 1 5a 20..82.. .• Patented . 4 47 120 0 07. Patented 10 74' i' 35 12 09 Patented 708 1 28' ; • 8 30 -Patented ited ... 4 01 • ' ..,. i 1 18 510 Patented •, 0 27 1 55 • 7 52 • 4 Patented 0 74 1 25 7'00 Village 315 3 . Patented •93 1 10 2 03 Village 11 .. Fisher's Survey 1.5 Patented 4. 70 ;...1,20 y,00 ' TOWNSHIP. OF EAST WAWANOSH •34 382 -: 7th :,:. 100 i'atentcd :, 53 39 g 42- Sn at TOWNSHIP OF ''WEST WAWANOSH. " N , 1'•) . 1st a. ..... 100 Patented ,. , 15 57 , 1' 53 21 17 11155. 13th 10D Patcnted .. 18 30 • • 1 55 `- 10 00 •.VILLAGE OF DUNGANNON, IN WEST WAWANOSH.. 52, ,• , . . McMatli'sSurve'' ,,, .3 Patented 1 17 119: . 2 30 e W ltii 374 211 948''• •..., 25.1 382 385 ' 380 070' 711 732 779 777 7778 7717 780 751. • 782 ,• 4 oVo VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD.•: T Patented , 1 01 1 -13 7 Patented . 3' 01 7 1,1 c Patented.,, 32 1'10. "Patented . • 3'. • 1 10 Patented :. 2 01 1 13 : 3.14 • • Patented , 23 1, 1O 1.33 Patented .,. 23 110 1 33 pp Patented., 23 1 10 1 33 g . Patoiited 211 ' 1 `10 i ?3 1 Patented . 148 1 15' 3 33 . 4. ,Patented h • Patented ' • .1 0y� 1 13 t 05. Pnte,Itetl 1 1,2 1 13 13 05 Patoittt{ 1 'l2 •1 13 . :1 l':tto9tett .- '3 110 13:33 Patented' ., • 23 . '1 10 1 33 Patented ,: 93 1 10 113: 4 l3itontcd '3.11 1 19 11 33 Patented one , 2 i , 1 T0- • 1 33 Patented' 2 74 4 10 1 42 1 42 - Stented :, -.-21-.-- • .'1 19 1 133 ,,. Patented ,. .110 "" 1339 ,ie, , „ • 7 1.'atonted 23 .110 1 3:3 •:f 13 ai43 ., , Rouge 3 .... 4 V atemed . 1 10 3 50 p b P irl .. &0 110 1D0 • VILLAGE 'OP BRUSSELS. • "18 1 Itateutut .. 950 18:3. 218 Patented S f 1, 30 025,. Pnteitecl 1 .. 1:3 1+t3 1.:' 13 VILLACIE OF EXETER. w }att. 31.. 11 Taylor's Surrey . , 3 patented 137 ' , ,... 1 rancesto n Survey. ,. g Patented . 3 20 1 is • VILLAGE OP WROXETER,' .... Ilonie::Strtet, l:mt..,. ,, l'a'tented. ., '1137 1 08 VILLAGE OF '.WiNGHAM. Park l; J41.400911° Street 2 Patented ,. 0 11 Park 25 .. Less 11allw.ty portion, ' 5 Patented .. 3 0!) Mill Reserve ,. 7 Patented ., •i (35 Village LotM.-.;(151ertnnentSurvey.:'. ' Patented .. 700 821 .... Shutter Street ..1, ', Patentcd „ 9 (1:3. 883- ' a..• Francis Street 7 • Patented ,. ' 1 49. 15 , . , .. Sndlei•.s Survey .. 1.., Patented .. 9 do 3, . ..•. lrledlttll'8. tirvoy Patented ,. 2 05 A ,r ,.. Pafeitteti 2 09 '7 rr .... Patented 0 .. 00 lr Y ...,. Patented { {}yyC 2 0 3 r t 3 '� l'dtented .. 2 aa. 10 �x .., 1'atcnted 2 65 11 ,;,, 3 Patented00 County Treasurer's Office, • Gaclerich, Jnly'lt1i,1878. f 3 53 1 lit 5 5 1 25 1 19. 1 20 1 28 1 35 1. 13' •1 15' 1 15 1 15 1 13) I. 15 1 13 1 15 1 115 10 80, II CO 15 00 • 4'74 4 47 ;;3 05 7 42 ;17 r, 8.55. 0 27 4 08 2 50 3 81 3 881 g A 81 3 81 3 81 :3 81 3 81 A. M. ROSS, Treasurer, County of Huron. A "GR Having determine --FOR Tk 13463E I3►]Et rts. WI3NI)O. • . UI3LI�+ EinvA.75/mn, 131.4.A.W3Eat 130 SlaftijinFOINMaR, AND . _ .__OOD A►T COST AND :VNDERm Remember the` Sale will only b continued for one month. • DON'T MISS. THIS CHA.NGE. The goods must be sold. as 'Z am positively going out 'of -that branch' -'df business; Note tie Stand -Next doom to. Ri.•Callander & Co's.... A.v-=I.lz` Clinton, Sept.19,- 1878. MST EE ,xx HEADER C R THAN. .'i',HE•.CHEi4 ��ii�EL7 ■ T a. FULL STOCK oP 'DRY .-GOODS, READY-MADE ' CLOTHING-, • TWEEDS, 'HATS . .AND CAPS, GROCERIES; BOOTS - . ANI) • SHOES., FURS; • it Wilily) to the advantage' of persons who laish to supply theincelves. with cheap goods to call and sot my stook before purchasing. ; • • The reason yv7zy I sell goods so. much lower than other stores, is I clo.a''ready paJy ' business, araci ccrn elaabled to pay Ca'sh •. � J for my. Goods; zvhic1c I buy incl cheaper than I 'could - do • if I had to 'buy. tice77a on ilius. I can sell .goods with half the Profit t7iat credit stores get, and do a Paying business. A call frons intending purchasers respectfully solicited. No tremble to,sltow goods.''-, • Clinton, Sept, 1;,1 7.e,:• PLUMSTEEL,. BRIO LOC'C. CL TON EVRNJTURE WA.REROOM'. - 1011. 27 AL13EIV10 f'ti1tEE'C,, 11111CD ' FILOUK. ' BB.OA.DE'OOT & BOX, ,OF . SEA11 ORTH, • , We would call special attention • lk•g Rave to state td. the inhalf. 17ui12ri,olilt1Anna&sutrnnn<l • • edabranch htis aliey)iavestart• ' fi[gcouutrythdt t dssinthe piase - ltq }ifl rt p 1tm nt� lately oceitpied by i41GS7,r1:s rC Mil Oi YW 1Ug �B ��Y11fRii(( 1VnT;rNO, andwnaldreHl'oetial• sit,- t-7,71.." 1y solicit the public to 0311 and „`� P examine. their stock, which 18 • "L lvhfah is ving ptd to none itt the. complete in every department.__..."`....• e town,. Ravingpnrehnseddlarge - a p .�., and nor stock Coalns,aasketa ur, crier h Bedroom Sete Ore . ",,,,44, }�',- acoon<itencneiuthaooantryfor a�1';%at141t! d t �. :gy Robes ndTrnetings,oterery design and finish. Baiting every ' : description, and lltted up a new improvement in the Brio of new r ' rind ellegant $RAnss, we are maohlnery,wonidnnrantnreoar 4 ._ +reparedtodo•Undortakingat own goods and ban sell them at' the lowest romnno;e tire,pricea. prieod•that' wilt astonish every Streemhor th0 lace one alio nrn r P 77 ibeat n c iia ed .-with those Street nett door to lir. 13.111.: ' e rmerly paid for same geode.. liJoey'8 Hardware Store. I)z connection with t/ieirmictottc7Ginsybus•ial s aaiCJ arse 1198 lfNTI.,SLE,Z1'C Ti1;IITD w/eieli preserves au boar, destroys 411 ol'jensive odors, and prevents contrrgio�t " «risin;/„front dead bodies. �,-lisiiiriN, 18, 187& , Clinton rano _. MONEY TO LCA l�ftll EASY TERMS, lty 'Which the i>t rilrclpal be Irepaid..1n part Or all at an Hint- darling the refill of Loan. . A lan,I f" fro Ts 1� wY rY r i!t/ r PAii.RA.W Clinton, Mdroh,1870, , f ,4oaa.• • C. C'ARTWRIGHT. CAR RIGIfT Tw OPi S ' `113A it n , T Alt WILL 214 1J mm l E at the ao oroia Hotel,Clinton, the hat Thurs. Clay and lTriday Of every month. Teeth inverted in the iateet style 'Teeth with. expelled neryea treated, 0140 and made as geed 80 sound ones, Canada .Company' Lands 1;IST Ol` LANDS I31 Ittllio2 E'O1i SALE nr th8 080e4800rn38ny mn' be 800 51 the ethos cit bhoundersiguoa. • itAtalk'` Cliltton,Jan.17,,1871.