HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-11-28, Page 2-
of warp'
reit wheel
t er. rhiting.
th t e had just fin -
o day's , ut it was not the
of my father that ceased Me AO
r at the window ; I heard kriles
rich and deep and clear, and •I
listened to his words. They were of
taifling.impert, and yet they caused n3y
heart to leap wildly as tbought,_tif_n_
dashing rile over the prairie with Eric,
in pursuit of a flying herd. of cattle, and
with a merry laugh I bounded down to
meet him. •
No,. no, Clara, not tp-night,' said my
lover gently, as he exchanged looks
with 'my father.
' And why f ,
It is getting bite, and I may have
to go near the : womb. 'I' will bring
your cows with mine, Glare ; you hail
better not go.' .
31y father expressed himself in. like
manner; but when did ever 'Clara Wilde
heed persuasion or command
belle, darling, I Was a wild, headstrong
girl ; do you Wender, then, that:1, aada
died my fleet: pony, " Stu.' and over-
took my lover, muclatehis surprise and
annoyance?' •
I see how it is,' I said, tauntingly,
you do not %visit My company; ter-.
'sooth, you •are waiting for setae itair
maid, Bessie Mervineaaperhaps.•-yOu
see I have ;thwarted your designs, Erie?
and I laughed heedlessly. .
He loolced straight into my face. 0,
howamblerand handsome he was; and
when he said, No, no; I.knew
he spoke the truth. ' •
4 Then *by Were:you so delOrinine'd
I should not. acoompany•you. r I asked
increduloasly; .•
Very good faasoos, 'my little"Claiaa
that clerk, black wood is no plaee for
you.' . .
I an no coward. Erie Swartz 10,0
where you will, I win follow.' •
You are a very brave,. Courageous
-girl, _His voice wis as wentle ae•
if he addressed ''an infant. '137it'--and
be stopped his horse and held'the 'bridle
of my pony—, had rather Pot go tban
have you expose you'rseltiig-you are
about doing, Clara, go backi you know
. I like your company; but not enough
•to have you risk yourself thus.' ,
What risk V X asked, giving the
bridle a jerk that freed it fermi his grasp,
and ctirling my lip set/totally as I spoke;
tell me, or-'
touched Star lightly with the rid-
ing whip and started-foiward, but again
he grasped the rein,
'Clara, Clara; for heaven's sake,•stay!
—Thoughtless gill; Yeti knelt not what
you are doing!' ' • -
' Perhaps I don't ; thank you for the
insinuation ; let go my bridle!'
Clara 1" • •
Well ; speak if yeti have anything'
to say—speak! What are yet:it/taking
all this. fuss on my account for?'
'For your geed listent'-ns tam
your fatheiTiiiiiiiiii,haTeleetritilifernif
for several days, and we fear --2
What l'
'Humph l' I ejaculated; impatiently;
4 some old granny's dream, /Yoke like;
but I See you are afraid.' Valiant
youth, follow and will lead; fellow
and I will protect you a'
' I struck Star violently, and with a
- bound he freed hinatelf .froin
grasp and galloped away. a
Clara, Clare, if you will go—if you
will net listen to reaSon—T not
follow, but accompany' or lead,' he fiaid
as he reached my side.
I struck off fterosti thd ii'rairie with a
merry laugh, and a eluillenge for I, race,
and almost before t was aware of the
fact, darkness' was falling fast around us,
and close befOre us, only separated by a.
dark and 'deep retitle:lay the Wild,
black forest
Now you will surely atop,' cried
Erie, AS We checked' our foaming eteedi
upon the very verge of the precipice.
We had gem nothing Of the missing
T tell you What it is, said T, impa•
; you aro
e, Star,'
Y2 •You uud
find nothing
der—over, <sir,
ims, the noble
21 had told him
he understood
110 vfould bate
bat bang, terrible,
ember it, and my
ow -as I think of it;
adt'in and vve ehortid
down into the dark,
; but We were safe,
tit laugh floated back to
cempanion, who, coin-
oded, regarded toe with an
akin to terror and despair.
, Clara, come back; ride along
e the chasm is narrower,' and
deed I shall do no such thing,' I
ea, disdainfully, 'if you are afraid,
And allow me to essort you if' .•
looked op in .surprise to encounter
brilliant paie of black eyes, and o till,
elegant form in hatter's Costerna. In
the person before, me -1 re keel a
young man who for a ght partak-
en of my f er's ho i ality, and de-
parted one morning with a farewell to
tne soundly musically upon his lips:
Who or 'what he Was I did, not know,
but fear was a stranger to tie then;
and thinkitae only to vex ney, lover,
replied merrily that I should, under the
circunistances, he provided for, a.na
bale 111r. Swartz good evening.
'Clara, Clara, I cannot leave you thus.*
Clara, do yon know what you are deingl'
'1 trust 1do sir,' 1 rePlied haughtiy
Goa. forgive andlielp.yciu 1' It was
too dark for me to see his expressipu,
but he turnedand galloped madly awaya
I did not think he would go. I fan
. -
died he would stay and amuse. me with
his pleadings, but I was mistakein.
And then for the first time, as Localized
the position, in whieir--1 had pieced my-
self a chill feeling of Derwin -a fear stole
over me,.and I turned my horses 'head
down the ravine, for nOw the excitement,
Was os'e 1 had not 4he least desire to
attempt another leap where the chasm
was so bread ; het my dark companion
laid -a baud Upon thebridlerein and a
strang,e quiver in: his voice filled' me
with alarm. • .
' Not 'so fast, lady ; and-
eeizing ..tar's bridle, he turned the a/1i;
mai toward the.forest.
f liands off, .sir I what do you Mean
.„„a •
^. •
see their 'glaring eyeballs and NA their ianugd, woo; boslidugittlIdayslygturiaankelfyerts.eltoonwbrieti:.
hot breath, came the panting pack of
hoe etareed, animals. . bonnet, went across to the bank-aaa few
,Itihi)etIlt,).1/11taatgtgeemrcprl wwoiuldlcilyItmo make
ft:let:1y 0iifnee: dhoeeerscielp—siatucl, Fdirveew ipOitiptt, :et° hateyvborlelbeef
How many thoughts will pass through etivxapS r‘eVsistil tiA j.t,ohheerresati4ofothelue iiitittile.,:rittre tionmitiy.
cied rottymirnarbernatio%inrioafmanoTehnotir!„,,,rIv;thaeni; norm words, „30121t 0100a.,,, .
they should know n3y fate; my lover's
'Sorrow and despair -,...end to 4ie thus 1
With one cry to heaven, toeirg I tot.
tered onward—staggering ever. fallen
trees, lacerating my flesh with brambles,
yet unheeding 00 pain, knowing not•
whither .1 went, only fleeing from the
destructions behind to the ,linknown
:dangers before.
•ottwarti, stilt onward, gasping -for'
breath, with that Strange feeling of in-
ability -to walk or run one often experia
encee in a disturbed dream, groping,
and grasping, ,and shrieking, though
my'vOice seemed JO iisa-no. higher thou
my throat, and t6 die despairingly Upon
my .lips. . ' . , . '
.Tust then I heard a shout: Only 'a
few feet behind me were the,foremoit
OT the wolves.; hut that shout , seemed
to Startl6 even them for an instant. It
was Brie's voice.; 1 -•knew it in an 'in. paromptly ow- Bry-an's Pulroomc Wafers" a cu-
stant and answered with a shriek of jOi y. ' oo tive which has sustained its reputation for
The next monient't was clasped in his ver twenty years they are always effleacio
arms, and his voice eried cuff-- anntamieziatiaaillosptuaroariyaloirligfianuseneesodind ttil thei4
' Cling to MO; Clai,'a ;' I have beenall druggists and country dealers *Price 2rY t'
.this time refiehing Yana -ageing' round— Per box. ' ' ) c 8..
' Eviiminonv SATs So.,That all who have
up in. a tree, quiekar ' ' .
either 'used the article themselves or witnessed
.,' And you?' I. gnestioned; harriedly, itte effects when used by ethers call smelt, arid
as be tried tO.assist me in my trembling they are. only. lit to judge, are onanimmis in
and awkward attempts to:ascend a 'small the opinion that "Darley's Condition Powders
tree, 'scarcely agile 'eta/sigh fu bear t Y
and Arabian HeaVe Ilemedi' is superier to
1 anything of the kind heretofore or at presenot-
welebb . ' ' ai nee fel, c rh 1 ' -
"I. rievet..heard. his .voiee. again; save in e- i ii..a.isf.'e 07 the' Nts!lilat oTelor'se4sn. d .k.'
in a Shriek of raortal"agonY, as he Was .(algiaisdistilevnlimieldieine it lias ix) equal; there is
.• °rile. down by hia terrible' foes. My liething io it which can in pre aborsewhethef
sick or welliior. need the horse be kePtfroni
worthless life was saved at the expense
Of hie. I would fain sometimes hate h
mw,orkiogi:whilo using it .; it is just the Article
shared his fate that long, desolate, ter- thZtLitirdig: choonissesurequirea and which
tittle night,; but life is sweet, and I.was morebei the name, and et tflira"t'llilea:iid_n__. Pure.
so yOurig, so•ffill of life, to die stiehae of Hurd. and CO. is on each pealtage gNao the..
. _„, rop ct Lyman; Toronto; Ont., fr.oprintrors-
death. . , • ' ' . -
. -for Canada. : • . ...
Toward morniug the mites d.'eparted, — ' "
and I descended to filet routid. A few ionetetrs.tailiadOnna Improved India Setter Perim
hairs dabbled, in bleed, a feat bones and , Piaster. • • •
bite of clothin were all that oe Ma ined There'oii.nne; ediiilriearsehiiner.fte listen: il.efflrnb !line heeaenlistada
Of the Man that I bad really and, iruli hi.outward application as' the present, It is an
loved.- . - ' • • ' ' ' Undisputed fact that over half of the ehtire pii-
,.. •
Ajra . yet / am ,mar?..ied 1. Ab, yes *dation of the globe resort to the ii2e of orcli-
that is My ,boy •• I'eall hien Erie-for11°TrYheilsrtin"esiPal'iniredients used in making
the one who caed I—and Ilia father is a these Plasters are Gum Olibanum --or better
kind and: tender. 'husband,. though -he known as taaFraracineense of the•Bibli-ltub-
ber; aud Eurgtpidy'Pitall ; which, when seienti-
Uovor won klly IMArtj YOU Offn,see)iite. fieany compounded, is full of electricity,. and
tit ere c 8 ming up 'the garden walk.
You know now howerring. and hew'
sinful I have 'been --how 1 have 'suffer-.
ed; 'for' God only 'knows' what my hear,t
hae endured since. that fatal night. '• .
, •
teas calocon.- CleuvrartingenCestrowrnio
--"By a thorough 1, 11OW1.04V of the natural
lawswhich govern the cperationaof digestion
and nutritien, and by a careful applIcation
Of theline •propertios well-tatleoted cocoa,
11/r. Epps ha provided our breahfast tables
with a delicately flavoredbeverage which may
save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by
the judicious use of 8110it articles of diet that
a constitution may be gradually built up un,..
til El.:Seitz enough to resist every .tendency to
disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are
floating around us ready to attack wherever
there is a weak point. We may eseape many
a fataribaft by ;terming ourselves well forti-
fied 'with pure blood and a properly nourish.
ed frame.P--Civi/ Sei•Pice Gazette. -Sold only
in Paoltete labelled -'s Ja.eige Tilmss & Co., HO.-
meeopathie Chemists, 48, Threadneedle street,
cud 70, 1)1.0041113',Londoo."
A oommon cough or cold sliou'd never be
trifled with,.often when neglected it is Convert-
ed. into a serious and generally fatal pulmonary
disea'se. The more prudent, aware of this,
ebtad VOL
FUt APPIXTON.,- OVVIOZ - at nAlt tune ano•
_Li at Nxerir time- The Remits over the Store of
(4flatinoharatit Aiken/med.-tiro sguarcsolinten. .
olintom Doc, SO 1877.
flR.ABBV11, Physlelan, Surgeon, etc., Coroner 'fo
County of Reran. uosidencgand 0111cc-,Corker
Albert end 11101Streets,Cliaten, „
August fith, 1560. • , • ' btf
n voUNoi "4-)1,) ttiltAiMATt OV TORONTO
nnivers ty,) /Vivian, Sargeon, reshlerloa
et Mr./Inning's, three deM:0 Oat of the Temperance
Londesboro, dune 14,184 .
'NOVIDIVIBER 28, 1878, •
To Farmers & Loud Owiter$
110ti EY TO Lais.A.N ,;
At the above low rate a interest,
PAN:MEP/Vs can be mado. almost eth,1 'way to Suit
the borrowef, • -
INTERES1r. Payable Annu,ally)
1)111,:beSTANBIlliT;O•nADVA.TO OF TI1E MEDICAL Or any sum van Wield on the principal, at the end f
uterlY erthr university? Toronte, for. any year.
Coroner for tho froagttylof 1111).1'''r1(3') '"`Y
AY tE1•451 Out. POTPIXthOFinfOTIllikfiOn app17 'ft)
• Ally 22,1874,
- ,i ' • ' .A. S. FISHER; CLINTON.
.1.4 Mamie, Aceouehours, eo-c, Odlee, Albert Street
opposite Fair's tains. Clinton, Nov. Sist,1878.
B. ii. Dowenir, lid. D. ' A. M. Cirnson, as. D
Allinton, Nay 10, 1,877.
. , irousg$ FoR qA,LE..
-LI Accoueheur,.Lieentiat'e of the College Of Physicians
and Surgeons er Lower Oanadoonel ProvineialLieenti.
ate and Coroner for the County of Ilurtni., Oftice and
ssho undersigned diem for sale his two Superior two.
story frame dwelling.houses, on Erie Street, net hte
residence, -The building fornierlY occupied by Alt. from G. W. It. Station, vtz.
Tliwaitos, Huron otreet. ' 1. lipase containing eating -room, dining -room, kit-
clinton, an, 10,1571. ehen,and four bedrooms; good stable, woodshoa,PumPt
am/ gar4ezi with fruit treeti. •
Ailxceihnteolas qttrbS,
.11,19Nongotoi2d inort'gage seou'rity, at •ra- aerate rates of
D, IN L 4.11GE SMALLS -011S,
Interest. 1Lttn. ' •
, Clinton, August Oth, 1889, • • *71tf •
vurop, Valuator, and Land Agent. .001 ,
phine Street, Wingham. , , , • '
Wittgbana, Att. 24877. •
AIMIAOR tICBNSte. AND onaseriixaams.-
ainey.at tho'ToTA or at the residence of ths.
sabseriber, near the London, •Huron Sruceatailway,
Stafion. ' XAnnS SCOTT. •
• issuer of exerting° Licensee.
Olinten,.Afir11.27th, 1876. •
house to- situated close to the 'station, mad is thor-
oughly renovated throughout, and now shovels good ac-
commodation for the travelling public. Largo stabling
and good laostlers in attendance. Choicest liquors in
the bar. Tues. LAnt, Proprietor. , 19
1)41.1tItiSTERS, eze.,
°LINTON AND aonimion.
ecciscv A. WATsen, S. Mar:dome:I,
Clinton. ' • , H. lifolPanntn.
liEr.hlaleoinson will be in Clinton every Fride.y.
LIL.pluchased the Hair Dressing business lately car-
ried on by Mr. Delmore, desires to intimate to the pub-
lic that he will cOntinue thsi same:at the old siand„and
'Ames to realm a continuation of the patronage accord.
ed hie predecessor. Ladies 'Reit Work a specialty. •
• Clinton, Aug. 8, 1878.. .
"ltriseN •.;:s HUDSON, Accountants, ArtetionCers,
LU Fire andLife Inapianee and Genera:1 Commission
Agents.' Insurance trio -third cheaper than. orchintrY
o'ost, and arst.class Stook and mutunicotnpenios repre-
sented. Money to loan, and all kinds of property
when combined wilt the ptire medicinal .gums 1 bonnet ehd sold. Moderate charges: Oftlee-hino ST
is found to be one. of the greatestilealimr•merlf I
ums evey bronght before theimman. ra,cex, e ;use • a"caalcmstoroftongxeor,rycamtstier of ; P'assc•C.Uguilcvsseyaccivr:
'They are acknewlerred by all who (.1
them to net Onio‘er than any other Plasters
they ever before tried. and that ane of these T.:?IISII HOIISE, "MARTON,
Plasters will do more real service than a him. Belreorc, proprietors. This hqiel ha S been en,
dred of the ordinary kind. All other Plasters lancie•goeiltanorlantei4whiytofiFiriinoishgee(utegaldt,naretion4ger;nibiruset:Isra.
ders for rooms by letter or telegram carefully ottanded
to. Good Samplel,toonnt. • Wter:on is Most boo-att.
fully situated on Colpoy's-11,ty, arid -the site of this
noose bits been; carefully adopted. hottse le fl1
tended to supply a want long fon • by tha travelling
public, and by tourists, Sportsmen, and families wish.'
mg a pleasant summer resort. Steamers Oull asity,
are slow of action, and require to. be worn con,
ejaCillatted . no quite elite/net] for • Retituale We insurance Policy.*
tinnally to effect Acton; lnit'with these it is en-
.n,ight.was- feet dosing - in, unit the man's . We..take pleasure. commending to our tirely different ; intitant one: is applied trio
expree., i readers a thoroughly sariand *reliable patient will feel its effect.
'face grew ..fitirly sinister in• its
surance a'geney, when funds or: assets aro M. They pOssegs all the sootianr. wamning,.:s111,-
perting.and strengthening qualiticsof all other
Plasters. Many Who have. been relieved of
mous other Tains in the laiDNIWS, BREAST
er alDla and believe it is solely clone by the
electrical qualities whieb, the Porous Plasteni
tontain, and which is hnparted to the system,'
.thilsreStoring 'them to a Imalthy.coxidition4-• •
. TheY are -very soft ana Pliable, still very ain
hesive ; and a suise tame for WEAX PACES, .
are invaluable.to •those who. have a COLD of
long standing, and alto' preVents CONSUMP-
TION. -Some oven tell us they bellov6 they.
ware entirely curod.by the orb thentqf ft long -
seated ConsumptiolL • • • .
'Prepared by GEORGE „E. ati'reffALL,
l'Jeiveli. Mass • •
'Sold by all Druggists,
?ion as seen by the uncertain light.
lIe laughed low and eieltinglya•
• Wliat do I mean, fairest maid of the
prairie'? This only, that You are vety
toreson3e, fearless, courageous, dating;
but that Clinton Hight is not a whit:
behind you. Pejo:lady, I love yOu'l -I
„fathees 'door—when I bade you adieu ;
but now that fate lifts kindly thrown us
'together, I take it aS an omen for good
that you will net regret my plea.'
He tuned his face toward. the light'
lets (which, if tazon as directed, insure 'the
coristituted agents. .
under tho,joint title -Health.:, Life policies
Medieal Dilicovery and Pleasant Purgative Pel,
system against disease) Upon payment of a
exhaustible. It is a stock company operating
are isstiod in the form of Dr. Pierce's Golden.
very small fee, All the principal druggists are,
lOVed you when I first met, you at yaw
%Ow save the (hies that Get Mph.
It tenet true that IV gnat tiittorii•a
eflife are to the sit fop egiiiitinaoral Mao,
aa.it rule. Here and tliere, by sherpeese
'and .cunning, men rifle into , Wealth i''ho 6•
of the purpling; sunset—the' 'brilliant, thrt.•
Alth not .of .kind -to remain,
a 86"46' b•Mlicletilig self-denial, of morality,, lay • up and
18 EUmiihhirg ls'3inatiffg eq" •N"re. flI9C/ 9/1'iniuc It fakes eertain: aineunt of virtue, of
IlvasIt‘.ru'g'gled. against it, fearfully, 0,00- IreeP"mu°k• In the hives of nearly all
hiiihtsy_let the meek. eyes Of . rieli'men there have been periects of he,
roic orpatient hadustrya of
stranger held me as with a hand of iron. "prnglenclireti roe tan ces
I falt-that-ahre--was--pos g
of my will, that he attuld• soon use it 11u4t make thew theh rich' The hilzhe4
. „
as it Oiled his designs, and yet as thd moral PrUdelloo.toodo them rich. While
. bird; charmed falls into the jawS of the their' comppions were dancing Away
their youth, or drinking away their mid -
serpent, I was as helpless in the power
.; die age, these men were clesoted-touniall
of my stranger adversary.
But hark 1 one sound brenglit kack econotnie—putting self-indelgeree
en -
my powers of speech and metier': That tirely aside. If our cerrespondent or
hideous sound, ,.notbinks 1 hear it now, our renders will rePail their cculPanioui;
We' think the first fact they will be int -
bourne, at first faintly, then nearer, and
sem pressed with is the measure' of equality
still nearer upon the night wind
which they started in the race for
times in a nightmare Inae., this' scene with
and that which follows over again in its 5°11113ete.nce 'or vm.olth. The next 'fact
,herret. / fed 'the hihelchees of the they Will beainfpressed. with is the,
night around and ' above nte ; behold reguiatitY ef• the "d' Then" •it tileY
again the deep, dark forest; the dread- mak° an inquisition 1'10 the °au" of
yawning chasm at my feet.; feel the the widely varying results, they wiil
touch of that magnetic- hand open toy profoundly inapressed with the insigoifi-
fingers---and see those dreadful eyes cant Port "circumstances" have Played
•looking fiercely, ..strangely into mine in those results. Circumstances Why,
Tlso (Arent .eildtos1sonects Kdesiterle tuna
PiI/s, : •
The success' that these medicines have met
With since their introduction to the public seine
years nip, proves plainly to the most skeptical
that they are medicines that perform what they
are-atIvertised•-to. The virtues- of 41,tese-medi-
eines have been well tested, and have withstood
their trial in a most sathifuetory manner, Per
"diseases of the Blood, Liver, Lungs, &c„ they
are unsurpassed. Wes have testimonials of mi-
raculous cures of these diseases, and of•mo.ny
others. If any coo is afflicted, let -him try a
bottle of the Ifemedy and a box of Pills, No
injurious effects will follow their Use to the MOO
delicate person, as they are purely vegetable;
there being' no mineral Matter in them. . The
coat is Small, While the advantages derived from
their use will deubly repay you for your ex -
pow and trouble. The medicines are widely
known throughout the Dominion. and are; for
sale by• the principal nictlioine dealers. Try
them, anti be convinced that these Inedieines
are no humbug. No one who has tried the
Shoshonees Pills has ever pronounced an no.
-favorable opinion of them, no family where
they have been need will be without them,, Poll
information may be had on all pasticulars tench-
ing the use; and the experience of those who
have need them, by securing the Treatise or the
Circular from any dmiggist in the Donfibion,
.Free. Price of the Remedy in pint bottles, $1;
Pills 25 cents 0, box, ""-"
--4"-D671iii-1140-1110-1-1t0 etied. syith-
strenge eagerness. Wolves 1 girl, be
mine, or you are their prey.' •
'I lashed my trembling horse 60 a fury,
but a strong bend held him down. t
screamed aloud in my terror, but echo
only ie1mhicd, and, tearer and nal er
eettie the. maddening yells, tip along the
ravine.'Monster, fiend!' I cried in
myaageny and terror..abitt a sardonic
Ittliglt answered rae.' .0ne glance into
thti wild, fierce, blazing -eyes, and I•
knew' the ,tnan beside 'Me was a maniac!
God only knows my terror at this mo-
ment, for around a bend in the stream
dallle the terrible wolf pack;
Mine 1 Mine I Will you be mine
shrieked the roan's voieo in my ear. .
€ "%tours r ., • • *
Y.08? Mine in life and in death, mine
,forevei and ever.'
' What I said I do not now remereber,
but it Tenet have beenea decided and
bitter refusal, fpr rtite tleXt Moment "I
was torn from my sodato and thrown
violently upon the ground. And next
r heard the 'soiled of my horse's honed
dying away itt the distance, While be.
hind me, so eleee that rtrtneted I 'could
the rich inan'st son who had all the "c[r
cum/strances" pof the toWin lift becOme a TAB'
GRT FEMALE REMEDY egga. The oor, quiet lad, the only
.. ---- '
eon of his motheraand she a widow, who . J4DE1 IliSISES Pit1111100DICAL PIET.11.0,
ProThis Well known medicirt; is no imposition
00111(1 only earn money enough to ' '
cure -for her boy the commonest educe.' but a sure and safe remedy for Female Di01-
tfon, is a mail of wealth, and has become eulties and Obstruetions,aram any carts° what-
ever; aryl although ft powerfulromedy,it
a -patron of his native village. This con -
roan, who pOSSea$03 and pear/gees virtu° 4tillenel'Sh4fatn,gi-t]lete.ktelatien*
makes hie own eirourastanees. The self! Itis peouliarly suited. It will, in a ehort time
denying*, prudent man creates around bring on the mofttlilY period With regularity,
inal Atteetiotte,
himself an atraoephere of safety where in alleases of Nervous and Sp
the Back and Limbo, Lleavirtese,
wealth naturally takes refuge—provided PIIitnigsnienon slight exertion, Palpitation •o/ th
ol course, that the man has the power heart, Hysterice, Sick Headaches, Whites,
to earn it,' either in the production, or and all thopainful disedets occasioned by a
exchange or any kind er mannal or in- disordexed system, these Pills willeffeet acure
when all other mane have /ailed.:
telleetu al' s_eraiee.—.Seribnci._''.1 viiretgiiae, Those Pills have never been halms% to fail
where the diroctionn on the Ilnd page of pain -
A, trite Olit Lady. phlet, 11M well obeerved. ' •
The broken Glasgow bank -
had --a art!"tr fllit'ettiee'ar'' get a l'arsPnlef,freet'oef
branch in a medium-sized town in the ' 30111.3'11OSZS,NtWIt011itgotatPitorete:on.
north of Scotland, Ina to thici branoli $1.00 and 12i cootc for Postage, alleles d t�`
Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., general
ordees were telegeephed on the morning agentsfor the Dominion, will insure g. bOttitl
of the failure toot mice close dm doora. 0,„„Atorliaaiinagazirontsebt,ilje•piacethrion mali,,
But in this term the pest and telegraph
office Wail presided. over by a Canny old Ohidloy; 11. aliekscia, find P?mr.meratthder?8g-regae
/toy, whO vva.s assisted in the hate,. au_ forth; I.Xidd, Oarronbroolq tailor .t. Oattl;
bdAand P. Jordan, Goderieli; .B. Cameron Bay ies y her au, ecordinglv
. 5 field13'ae.BOntarron,liedgervillma ha taimeal;
when tlna.attouriding tilissive arrived,' eipeaetaera,
:4*aaltl; afertgealt53
ea,`"?..•ka. ""
I' residents of Clinton and vicinity, that, having
rebuilt his prcinices On the old stand,
Victor4 $t feet, Ciltb.t.chy,
Its liestai* On hand e-ittrge oral :elect steel. o
14 !atIADS TI 'it It.E1
_ . •
. .
Stich as Chairs, Tables, DetWoom Sets, Lennges; What
Vets; dm., of .good, material, eseellent Workmanship rind
,11 oIsl,apd which bc will sell at the iowt s troratin c ratty°
rates. •
, .
.11BPAInh.yd Pt:onzpillIATTES.DED'
CANE maims ansnonn, OOOD AS pmw.
•ON11 EfOJlt eo,r.r.ale
iteM0111-ber ',he Pitted vlorinftrik-sr.
Clinton,Idarch 8,1817 •
D5171117105P11117181.1LBAVB TO frr.i.TB
te the miblic that he keeps doubt autly.on hand
a large and aurcrterel ass of
• 00111111I11$1, CASICETS
Coffin Trimmings and Itobeti,
With a cpisudid RBARSN. Prate Comes always
()aimed. Parties 8.158 supplied in ono emir, at
. any time, et
'101,11N PER CENT 1..,:ESS
Than can be proeutSeit ny other Oast.
A fail otook of FURNITITRig
THost sir71I7BNSON,
.111 rrattaws sTortn. •
,PATENT PROCESS OATMEAL, Made froth pure Whit°
natarratonn Win= oomilizAt.
!Bewley, Oatg, Peas, Coen, and Flour
delivered to (caw part of taunt,
fronse-oontaining sitting room,' dining -room hit.
ellen and throe bedrooms, with good garden, ant:titian
trees in bearing.
Terms moderate; part credit reouhod. Apply to
Mr. U. Mae, ox to the undersigned on 'the promises.
Clinton; Sept. 6, 1878.
FarifiLot NO. sd in the "Elia Ooncoaslon (Huron ..
Bond) Tookersinith, contains OS acres of first-class land„" •
about two Inilefi from Clinton, board-fancein Milt, good , .
hardwoodtimber.• Play be,medo it superior dairy farm. .
2. West Half of' Lot Eighb. in the Illeitenth Golleea-
mon, of Tuthbatiy,..fitty, soros, good. whentland, ini tee ,
froth Wingham.and one mile from the Oionaanan
non of the Toronto, Grey -find BiTie"ci Railway. Aiinia17.-
clearatuer on the front,balance hardwood timber. ,
Would soli cheap for ,cash, or exchange for town proper-
ty in Clinton... Apply to the owner, Samuel Throw er, at •
rairsatins, canton, or to the undersigned.
4. The largo and convenient Brick Store, to tlf0-21.
• bort S trod Block, now occupied 14.31r. doe. Eiddiecombe.
• . ,
S. Lot span Victoria street, °union (pajoinhig tho
.Quedn's Hotel) with two-story front° hipme and garden.
. •
G. Lot.S9,1Tanies Street (Gordon Bs6te Survey) with
2-romeed cottage, good won amtgarden. Apply to Jam .
Alexander on the premises, or to the undeinigned.
. 7. Tho largo feetory bPilding and lot. adjoining .the •
'Gland Trunk Station, formerly °adopted by J. 11, .Bel -
Ay, with engine aud boiler. P113111180 Well Stilted for,
rnanphieturing purposes, pork -packing, dm. .
8. Lob 6, onYi aerie, Strad, (Gordon survey); &chokes
Witting lot, between' the G. T. Railway and the River
'well -fenced, planted with tree., good m•ell, .
. . • 17. HAL;.
Chilton', ante 4, 1878.'. • ' .
. .
rystp•olas, scrofula,. Petri- .
dga,•0);lii irritation; liken from any cause, and a bun- •
droll ether diseases, aro (mused by an acid .Grment,
which produced inflammatory action. Brunton's Ab.. •
sorbont win positively °sot a cure in a .few beers., by
tkbeorbing the acid. poison -front the system. Sold by -
droggiste. Prioe, 60e. Advice in pirticular ca.sess free. .
• ' .• Y. 1;:t1lJNTP`•,
London; Ont.
4'cm:town tobnacco IVIIES: for the same price
YoR can-ot filo MYRTLE NAVY ?,
Wee.112111 *eV
IN GILT • I.11111:TEES •
Nov. 2:3r5., ' •
" j 0 11.• 'SNIT
Huron. Street -Clinton
noo n1)8":"„r1tetillai teirvhEite Lb; Asi8e6ec°s11, iTricastireedote
see till his old Customers and as Many Sow ones as
• may flivor bit, With .their patronage, •
AtID AT n£20014A111,11 BATH'S.
A kittfAL ILESIsECTFULla sietnerristi..
Itoritmbor tlio han,. socontl ioor fi litet
Clinton, NoV. 7, 1878.
• PER11,1.1•1. S:
.31.1(1 'FOR' Sit
Huron Street, Ullatob.
St. Louis Pearl Ilomink
loge _ad allot dock af GBOCIIMS
Corn soid t•I Partners in 1ittr,6 Ws of 801* 100 bush-
els, at very low prices, Alm, thun delivered by the
Car load, st e,nr station rn tho T, or a. av, mettle.