HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-11-28, Page 1t !Y' . 7 itOW, • • ",•••-•-t„ • . • • 11011116-10.50 rev AISIASZilni athettnee. VOL, 13 INTO 4 . . . gtutaktivertitiemtstO. • filER•CENTRAI, HOTEL — late Farmer's — Albert J- Street, Clinton. El, PINE, Proprietor. Tide ho- tel has lately heari-greatly improved and thoroughly reftunished, and posseascs every requisite for the com- fort and convenience of the travelling radio, 'Good stabling and attentive hostler. Clinton, Nov. 28010878. • , .„SERVAN'l• 'W.A7TED; TNTANTED, before the 20t1 of Reeentber, ti" good TV Servaut Girl, where a housemaid is kept. Apply to VAS. B aallsront, Stapleton, Nov. 28, 1878.•Brant-mere,. • CARETAKER WA NIED. .--- '17PTANTED, a Caretaker for the Clinton Public Sohool, V V for the year 1870. Portienters furnished on apt n110841°11 to W. H. HINE, Secretary. Clinton; Nov. 28,1878. CA:RETAKE11. WANTED. • ausiewan, a caretaker for the Clinton III& School, V V for the year 1879: Rartionlars furnished on up. plleation • - A. WORTHINGTON, Clinton, Nov. 28, 187e. STRAY STEER. • • • . • (-IONE into subscriber's mottoes, lot 20, 8r0 eon. 4...) Stanley, about the lot of October, a WO year old greyish STEER. Tho owner lo hereby notliled to prove proporty,pay charges, and tato it away. HOGII C. ,oievona. • Stanley,No. 28, 1878. • • ..• • '4' • STRAY CATTIal.. , . . LITILANSE from the sub.seriber's promises, lot- 37, 1: 7 11th coo. Goderich Pownship, some time 'in.i‘fay, A STEER and HEIFER, eighteen months old,,botit red, with a piece out out of Om right. oar, end tho initials J. G. branded on tho nigh side ofeach. Any person giving information that will lead to their moor. ery, will be suitablyrewardett. . - • JAMES GRAHAM. Goderleh township, Nov. 28, 1878. . • . ° STR A.V CATTLE —$10 REWARD„ QTRAVED from subscriber's premises, BrtytielAine, 10 near Clinton, in 'May last, five STEERS %mid Iwo HEIFERS, all two years old. One of the steers is a brindle and also on -e of the boilers; two of the liken' aro red, and one of the heifers; ono steer ,spotted rod and whito, and ono greyish. Any ono giving anal infor. motion as will lead to their Tommy, will'reeeive .the above reward. ' . _ 30IIN 0. ELDIOTT.'• • oderich Township, Nee. 28, 1878.• •.' . . South • Huron Election.' f• ,a • i414. AND CENTAE HURON GENERAL ADVERTISER. • CLINTON, ,oNTRIO,THtJBSDY, N-6VEIVI—BER —28', —1.87 Stlx\g.du$riiotmtut0.- TAKE NOTICE. , •-14i1Uts71re7's etteozt, eta yerktellre Roars kept tor OeVACO. Alt bv$ frOM impOrted ttoek, Terms-, canh. 3. let 20, 1st Con. Stanley, fitailley, Nov, 2811878. ST%ZkY COLT*. 0,4M70 into the premises of the subseribor, lot 80) Oth eon, Goderich township, abont tlio let. Nov. a two year old hay COLT. TIN owner is herelti, 110t10008 to Prove property:, pay thargesittud take it away. 11 COON. Goderieli township, Nov, 27,1878, • . • FMB subsoriber wishes :to intimate to the people of -11- Clinton, that on TRI.111818Y., Nov 00111,. he win 'eennuence the gelling of int.& in Clinton, end will con- .inue oo doingthrougbouf the winter. • .11e orOfl deliver eTel Y702 erniog awl eveniog, Sundays mteepted, and•will ' sell at tte very reasonable at of •Mictil'asera, 3311,0atI Ak• for 25 taints. ` Patronage. re,spectfully •' Goadich Township, Nov. SU, 1878.. • • LONDESBOR09 MILLS. • , . GaTSTXX4 G, GP1STIG- JJN0 tustIlia -rsaphly yet al id 0b,Oo, FLO1718 • Mil L, wobscribers aro nor repot to do- , , GrItig•T'TNtf IN TUE ,P.,P.ST 1\1A1.NE11, And at the efu014t mentrnt. CRUSIIIND DONE •IIT 611,1tillt DE10VI10",k. , cone AND. .S1818 OS, 1 "1-rii•132.1.i8 Minor:snot°r. 28, 181S. • , , •'T 14 • , • .; c • Siien: ice A nerican T re rase-r-rit 1:R11'1X 111%A . ropuict ,citNtlEik bt-the ir..`ti2qt • —044/ it, -;•1 r, 1001 0Ui1flfJ potage— . iready—,•71 tub( iv a ;Orr •—...y/00-710Ok • E X P ENSES OF CA NDIDATES: , The Seie,,tid eluToa large 2rst-o10tne WeeklY, , IISTRACT"ol detailed statements filed with the .L Returning Officer (with vouchers and-reeeipts) of ' all election expenses incurre8 on behalf of the Candi- dates at the Election for the Parliament, of tlac Domin- ion of Canada, held on the 17tif of tient., 1878. Poblished in accordance *Tat Section 123, Dominion. Election Act. • IRODERT GIBBONS, ' • • Returning Ofileer. • • ON BEHALF OF 'AL C. 6A3LER000, ESQ: • Livery • .. $100 50 Printing.111 20 Telegraphing 25 07 Paid Agents, Canvassing,bc.' : 1000)0. Paid travelling expenses, esnof halls, &e. .... 107 00, Other personal expenses . 44 76 tfiignech ON BElIALF OP Printing, • Livery Personal argcnset of ea • ,i4V'M 88001 17 J. T. GARROW, • Agent for M. C. Cameron, ROBERT PORTER,' ESQ. • . 48 26 4 tFilgtied) nditlate 8000 820.7.88. GLEX.N ELLIOTT, Agentlor Bobert Porter, noi•simper of ...sixt ton pages, printed, in Abe most boantl, Ad Style, profss ly.illustritted With splendid engravings, representing the newest invCntions and tior west recant advances* in Cut arts'snd 80e00ne01 including new and interesting nista in agrierilture, horticulture, the home, ireenh, Medical progress, scent' science; natural his- tory, geelogy, estrononiy., The Most valuable pratical peers; by eminent writersin alltlopartounts of science, will be found in the'SciontificAnielleam , • Terias, 02.20 per Yea r, SIAM' hat year, whIaltiricluda postage. Discount to agents. Single aspics, torcerttn. Sold by all ninvadealers. Remit by postalordor te Miami & Co. publishers. 117 Park 110,0, New Yoik. • _ATENTS. sot.. trAtifincis'zi:E.1h: mmin Co. are Melichor$ of Americal and foreign'int- tents, haro htul 34 yearsexperience, and now hare tba: laNt•st entahlislinuent in the *Mid. Patents aro ob- tained on the beet tering. A special notice is nude ht Ibo Selentilte Amorioni, of all inventions Patented tbrougit, this agency, with the name mid residence...if the patentee. By.the Iranians° Circulation thus (Oren, public attenm tion directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or intranotiort often easily effected. Any person who, Las Made a new discovery o0. inven- tion, ran sseortnitl, free of charge., whether a patent co= probably he obtained, by Writing to the. undersigned. W*, also amid freo liond bank about the 5010040 laws,' patents, caveats, trademarks, their reale, and how p0)- (000001, wit h./lints for proeuring 0010,100 001 Invention& Addres's for the never, or concerning patents. 'MUNN& CO 87 Park Itow,.New York. . . "Itranch Oilier, &or. fit* Washingten,'D. t "14 No - • • Canada's ,New Governor Safe Arrival at Halifax: „ THE Vtil'AC413 ",/i.C1110..S8 YEity. Bova 0, Ario p,r) 'dressed in eountless bright -colored flags; the calm water, jest ruffled by the breeze till the little wavelets looltalitce flashing through a eea- of the deepest and brightest astir° ; while on the othee aide were the cheery -looking homes of Halifex and Dartmouth, gay with wreaths of fir and flowere, and' ;OM. TtinrRAcEP.TlEfIrs [-bright steCamers floating from eVery af I window, Cheers rose ?owl end long . t ecLIF.A7t: item either shore, till the far-off -voices were drowned by the cheers which burst from all parts of ,the Blaelt film stem to stern, a`ntl front deek to toYal Yards. Then the bands et the Bleck •Priuce and Bellerophon played 01 God Save,the Quaen;" and cieteewsorde 'The .voyage of Se alistingeislied 01 party across the Atlantic, as that of the 1Illerciels of Lorne and sOtte,. coelcl not be Without incidenta of interest, and this one was rendered particniarly event - fel by: the extraordinary ebaractev of the.;„,eather, The. stn,mati„n carsied .1° The CatepWle are Coming," as the her listed clam° and the mails, but no 8,1•911-13•tikni Passed on The slandi-cl- evA- passengers eicept the Vice -Regal pattYtit fr°m'1:)9th !1!•?d,...sher.e001118.17101. Thefirst day at sea the psineess ed till the Sarmatian rouncledto at the• snhined below, but LOI a Lorne was oil north end of the line. Here agairi,the &et:. dining' the most pi'. the efternOon, new from • hey deek must bttve been a talking freely,to his Suite and the offi- heautifol sight, • From the right, look - mg down the harbor, rose a tzerfeet foo 011)11 of the ship, and proving most- aff- able. He expressed hireself 'hoe' much est of sPlArs and cordage frete seine 240 pleased with the ship: At 6;30 on pri_ vessels.now lying in port, and each ves- day the maile were ou board from Mo- sel Was evidently flying every thread of bet elle did.,not leave until 11:30, huutikl: she Pesseesed, • Tho ebrnial landing, of the Vice -Regal when the gale was thonglit to bete abat party wee made :it ft tin). On landing, the llarquia and Princess wete received by the' and-nteval thgrn Levies, and a guard of honor from the • .66th Regiment. A beautiful bouquet was presentetlanILR,IL„siremediately on her landing. . The proceesion, w'as then forted, 'aild passed out of the doeleyard. All along the route the side- ivellts were crowded, there probably be .20,000 potpie on the . Streets. The 'crowd on foot kapteep almost contine- ous cheerina alone the line and the At Test 00 Oesissm WAS SigAvn, . The best - el' 0idet: prevailed. • When the party arrived at the ProviteiarBeilding; the Marquis-ewastevern -in, - the cereniony being too long to •transfer le our col ed. Lee."Iiing Meville the engines were putat fell speed, nel When the.thip got Clear of the land, the nerth:east wind developed into. a gale • •sv.hich. old sailors characteeized as feareel, end the sliip la- bored heavily, • ''.0-toLtlic felhaving day: there was a heavy.sea,mid'ilie Princess• suffered. dreadfully • from: .sea -sickness, and was enable to leave her bed: On Stanley 0 he 'nether was bright, and' gave 1)1 oldie of a; pleasant day. Divine serViee was held in the forenoon, and late in 111(1 'afternoon the Princess aji:' peered:PA deck,. but se.ented very Minh Shaken. She rettred early. Lord 'Lorne Was on deck with the other'ledies Of the spite in--thinifter •part Of the dayTand seethed to have suffered little froth the - 1700.1110. Nearly•all 'the ministers of the effects of the weather, •• " , During the eek a fearful was. Dominioa government being prezent, w encountered.The shiplabored bard, Sir John. and Dr:. Tupper.in-courtalreess- . , - no was. 117 7010.1intr.,deeki being. ThePrincese was .attired in a blacks Sethi dress trim:died with jet,- a satin bonnet, swept -by the sea, :M hieli ran mountains trimmed with 'ostrich • feather pudjet to high: 'Part of her tipper decks were stove he by one' trememhem wave.. The mr"sPbud, And it Yea—. She held in her hand. the bompet presented to her on patent beds .. from Which so Mack:had been esi,ectedwere then discarded; be_ landing. The Duke of.Edinhingh wore g fauna quite •nseless. They lyere no fallnaval uniform, ‘Vitlithe•Order of placed by berfei... • The princess sweep: the Garter, and hie breast covered with the insignia of the 'tithe Orders. with ed 'dreadfully dining this awful. storm.• Her sufferings were such as' to excite: •which he has beeu invested:: 'The:Mai-- alarm eanong the suite. ' She atterWat,ds quie•of L91110•WOre ot da.rk•eolorod court :f3uit he looked exceedingly well, and is recovered, .and the balance of. the week a considerably finer lookieg person than paSsed without special. incident. . The .Satioatiart arrived -at the • en- trance te Halifax harbor at 0 o'clock-: on night, but a heaVy feg prevail' •:ingzied to pilots being et hand she put to •sea, again entil 9 o'clock, when her captain decided to tun the, risk himself, of going up the harbor, which he did. withoet mishap. ' . . . 'Che Deled.of Edinburgh, who all day' had been anxiously expeeting. the ar- rival Of the Sanitation, as soon as she was signalled left the Black Retace .1n the ,A.danralty steam.' 'barge and went' clew n•to ' Meet her: The sallar ,Prinee themselVes asmonth pleased at the grand o reception they met with. ••• • • ediliboarded the'steamer, and had h • To -morrow (Friday) they will be feted at llontreal,•-• whore they Will 'remain Until Monday, when they are to proceed to Ottawa, where another meeptien awaits them; • The New York Piniesays. it is re- ported that the Duke of Edinburgh will visit New York Harbor with his ship immediately afteeeloaving Halifax, no will also Visit , WaShington•as,,a, repre- sentative of the Rhyal Family? and as such be preaonted to the President by Sir Edwina Thornton Whose guest he will be. [Since the above was in type he has been ordered boatel . ins picture would Indicate, . • . . Addresses, weee afterwards presented Ot behalf of the ..eaperation. of Halifax-, to whith-thellatepois yeplied. . ' .• • , The Marquis,' Princess, afid the Duke of 'Edinburgh dined witli Lieut-Goyer- - nor Archibald in• the evening a drawing - 'root) reeeptioe being afterwards given by the Princess, when several hundred la. dies and gentlemen' availed 'themselves of the -opportunity of being presented to her. . . . • The Marquis and :Princess expressed . pleasant interview with his sister, whet was none the less - glad to find so near a member of her family awaiting her ay; ____LAval in Canada. _ On Sunday mooning, in answee to monitions from, the Sarmatian, the Dulte-el Edinburgh, the General, the Admiral, the Lientenant-GoVernot; and suites went pit it steam barge to the Vice -Regal 'vessel, and the Princess re- ee.ived thdiio, he looked uncommonly wall, having recovered rapidly from the effects of the voyage, "Ile -affair was a very pleasant one. Lord Lorne did not - look very welkiiis cold affecting Lira somewhat. At .2:30 pan. the Princess Louise proceeded in a barge to the iron - 'clad Black Pritiee, *here she lunched Veitlythrt-Dalte-of•-fltliabergh-,-a-etteatitte about 4 to- the Sarmatian, where the party 'remained .011 board during the evening, the Duke of Edinburgh dining with them. . • VIE RECEPTION' AT ItALTFAX. tval 441P'l '''' 4 16:-'-•,:Nstsreterr: Akikk1141-:.1--j,"%i;1;::") r, 10011 the immediate remora -I of sedimott from steam hollers. its to in SR it la soparat.al from the Waters, tinnily L. preventing the accumulation of .sediment, the found' on of 1300 thio c (nitrites f risk oillorninpriloiltri. It prevents foaming. it preeervds the Boiler and Engine, end saves its cost in LTA it short time. SEII° L0''44"2 AvV3P,VV:.k*Io'iyE;14111:7`1.'11•tit'otrtati%onftii411.11ov. , 7 , 7 0W:than. , " Yorir 1k,l1 i cleaner applied to our 10110.11th Au.2cal, 18780-0.11m cleaner you attnehm ea to Y boilor gust Iast is giving the Moat 'Torrent satisfaction. Since last August bag done Its mat Po well that wish yeti its application it has taken 10000 10)111 a fin/triton cl full to put one on my othtr Intik r, cay altut the Ilth or of Refitment ont of the water in ,tho MAW: It has kept 12th instant." Tt ate., tbc water clear and free from sediment. It is doing all nacoatitca. you claim for it, and I take pleaslY0 in. reeommending It to all uses Of atom, *0 00 will primate° tho boiler Mid pay for itself in 01 short 11180 to the Saving of fuel," WM. J. TIANNIVAN, Engineer for it 30. Nettie, Patrick McCoui el, F.t glum r. We ePPIY this ll• di V ton n expunge, sae feta on monthte tad, tool if it does not do Knit ia ainlined lot it, VIZ., remelt., the ve 11111010, tee agree to remove it 11.8 111011 own orig1106, tied not to nlinw 11 13 cogt yeti a cent for its ti 4or remora/. • London, Oet. CAUTION. "'Emir cleaner applied to tho bona" ordbir. j• MeCor. rola hero is giving attire satisfattion. In 014 month 'rto arti fjv, diguent paroal ter rernoaljit Poll It took from the Water in the bora rimer a biteltri of meta hom viatev in steam boilers, and ltitand tog Omit Sednnent. On opening the hollcr after 4 welts inn 0hem to tbn utmost; and Nvo hereby notily all pa eons, fonnd eleon and tree from nelihnent anti the water has thst ace, tv.Ilinet Rate imits for in;nuction' and &mangos been kept else r and free from sediment sittee1t srts- sitarist All infringers of any of the patents owned 1)7 110, (mine. tt is tl4ng ali y, to &aim lb it. I takeloloso Ire end the public aro particularly cautioned ag•tinsi, apply. In rceoromendirg Otto ail 11.00 of fifPf•ht 10 ' Ing or using tiny boiler 01(0000r 0110111111 hes pipes passinff (I. 0II0810114, Throgtglt the,Ate it Mt tatting rlatotter dotal* boitsr, V. ngintt 1.44 ercept ptIrehasod 111010 011. • Per ftirthor partierdart'apply to A. 8. 102011800, C111111001 NOT. Milo& I001)1.11 -1r DOWNS. • . , a Canadian isiews Itenis. • 0. totegbui7,01---i-o—oripee'rsa of. York County, died at Toronto on. Toesdtly. • • . 'A company is projected at London, Ont., for the nianutacture of rubber • front mil W00 d 117.0413'011 51011401Y 4n°131mg 1marIY It is' statedon good authority that everybady "in Halifax "%YRS astir, bat it ei1111ianj s rt 091.1 from a New York Wog not until about ono o'clock that th.be ! oat buil ev to go to that city aid miter Sarmatian left her anchorage and steam Ante business, ed slowly up the herbor. The fleet was. I drawn up in the folloWing order :— t has been thscovereil that malicious First came the Black Prince on the east 136M115 11"6 "MGVed. SeC15ral 1111f3 11184 he Illackeriars iron. 'bride,p: ,line, and tho Argus on the west, then bolts from t near London, thus inipairieg its strength the Contest and Bellerophon end, lastly', the 'Pert and Rover. As sho neared At the raising of a sawmill, three there, the yards were manned to the miles west of Mooreford, on ThursclaYt royals, presenting a splendid appearance, a former named IV. Finlay,' was killed. the melt standing erect on the dizzy by a beam ok tizttber, in the net oflein,g heights,and toOking as lima at yarns raised, falling on hint. , and at ease as if they were on deck. A. 'Thompson, of Sciehero, took it kilter sight woeld be difficult to pietere load of grain and sold it in Taranto last than that which met the eyes of the week, Ile then proeered a loatlorlime, Princess as she approached the landing filled himself up •ivitlt whiskey, and where she'teas destined first to sot foot (darted for homo, On the Way the on the soil of her new home-41ze sun. waggon upset, he was buried in the lime, tame, The chtld•rentaine in custody or light falling upon the great, war ship a and smothered to death: „ the mother. rt . Rer'glers entere t. ,Itsectb$, Thema the safe, and got aw , •A. Thompson, -wli 111ontred ft couple' of d is eighty years of age, 10 O,ixty years of his life in g Eii'eouraging accounts are c 'being received in Montreal front ous settlers' in Manitoba, whole -eity during the year te try their fe on. 'Government- hied in t)ie •Province. .„ ' • • Foar sub-contractots on the Act portiezi f the Southeastern Rollie have swindled their laborers out of - mouth's pay.' Tho ,Men, have taken possession of • tin, road, and trouble is .apprelienclect. _-• - , • , . In a row at. Embee, on Tuesday, P. Mitchell, a hotel keeper; inflicted SOY'S - rat serious wounds .on the head of Allan McDonald with .ato • iron better -tester, McDonald is aCcused of gouging the eye outof Mitchell's horse. • The price of'inatelms is geth-g up like a flail], From $2,89 per doz. boxes they have • Ascii to $5.- The Eddy hatch Woekg are said to have feinted a com- bination. At tlicnew figure it will pay for grocers to import 'American matches of better quality.• , When people pay' good figure they will. like it good article-, • jilie ?father rie A Labelle, ,Iiine,years- -of age,• who. died rather sculdetl •Montreal on the 1,001) lest., from fever 'and • sinall-poXk has .- takenproceed; ings iitho Pollee Cotirt against a friarenvier:el in the St. -Donis street Acadetey, who, it is alleged, ehestised the,yoittle who WAS a pupil ,unclet bis 'etre, so severely sonte. tithe. before .his• death is to haeten the led's. ead.'• , It is stated that the Dominion ernmenthaire given orders to stop the transportation of reile to Yale, • on 'file Mainland .of British •Celtimici, the terminus of the Pacific Railway selected' by tho late Government, thus tinlioating an intention :of adoptingtheButa Inlet route, which would. costo r•thirty million dollem more than thatterminating at. Berrard , • T. Dynorn, or London, on ,'Weclizeo- daY, attempted' to deadhead a passage on the Great Weetern. He was -arrested and temporarily lockedup• in a' room at the station, *he/melte tried to force hie way out., and failing that set,fire to .the furnittite. Tie was fined $40 'by the-Po- liee,Magistrate, or .three months in gaol. He hi it noted d8)i3perado, and was lately tied'for burglary and acquitted by a• •jtfry bn his own ,plending, against •sttong evidence. • • • r , ' ••• A. few days ago the teacher 'of York r AWN' S'eliool, • CuMmings adminie tered to a pupil 9 years old; named W, Forsyth, it thrashing for having fought and ill-used a companion alei- the way home from school, complaint having • been made to Ititn,by the inother of the 011JllrOd child.. The father of the by thrashed, an viewing, his son's hock, hastened to a ,Iiistiee 'of the Peace, and laid his complaint -of ttssaultagainst the teacher. The caso was tried on Satur- day at Beatty's Hotel, -111glington,. bat judgeaent was reserved. MI-. F. Mc- ATeDatigail appeared for the defence. -..S.OStrentrartis- the feelieg Against the teacher, that ,some ofthe people nn - screwed the 'nuts on tho wheels of his lawyer's carriage which, as he droeo to the city collapsed, the home running tt*ey, end Mr, McDongtali narrowly es- caping serious bodily injury. Tile men who tampered with the buggy are_ ar- rested. • . •A sad ease of cruelty end neglect has just been revealed in a suit for alimony Iri the Court of Chancery, Permit°, It sechie an accountant in It' law office, named Itichardsqn, married, in April, 1877, the daughter of Rev, Mr, Gibh, a Vargiararignister. -Tinmediately after the honeymoon, he gave himself up to 'Violent fits of passion, during whieh be would beat anti,kick his wife in A, 111080 tnitnerciful and cruel manner. Two or three times she left him, but each time she was persuaded to totem. In d'ami- ary host, when she was enceintd the brute kicked her in a most brutal man- ner, and the laid. in hysterics all night. After the child Ives born he one night, -when it was pouring rein, took the poor little thing, under Ids arm and carried it round for some time in this manner, followed by his vretched wife. At length unable to bear shell treatment any longer, she left the man for good. He the accused her of infidelity and all tort of improprieties, and wrote her a lotter o that deed,' which was pro - &teed in court, when the defendant had to acknowledge that it was all untrue. ,The Pourt made an order, empelling defendant to pay plaintiff $150 a yeer out of a salary of $350, which is all he a co $25 A Ai West Vial jemin, &els, together, arid•nit, hotiSe was broltei, ty• wing Masked' men, who carried gavot.: • • , 111 casio. Whist tho e' child was en route for the Roman Catholic cemetery , at Ottawa on Friday, the horse attached to the hearseheeme unmanageable and, ran away. The hearse waS eapsized and the co.'ffin so itally damaged ;that the • ire fell mot •unto thennicl: . . "A•auteber of passeiageM• on the .tt:.ain • 'pone' Toronto, • which arrived :•at.,Mon- ' treal . on Sunday morning, liacI• their pockets picked,: evidently by prefeSsion- •••••• als going to Montreal. Ohe .!.,eentleman , "lost 4 :vauttblc matteh;• whiUt others • were robbed of Various 'sums . of :Money. ' • Ry the report of' the Ilegistert4eneral • •• oe,the :Prilyince of Ontario,.. it Appears there were 21;308 perions married. last • • .,year, Episcopalians, 4;443 ;,Pres- bYteriatis,•5,0,65 • Baptiets, 1,344 Con- gregationalists,.2'16 ; Catholics, ,•3',.395 ;• • Lutherans; 0150-; Methodists (inelliditg• the Bible Christians),, 9,095. • • . . A fire broke Out be Friday morning, 2,3t1 inst.,' tho eaten of, Won. &fifth, • • horses and font% te'en Cotes amongst Whiela . • • . • . , near Iinierkip,`ilestroyme the baro, Cent , •taining '.100 inisheis:eer wheat, 'seti'.ert ' • *ere a neither Of thormighhred anknals and a large viantifi of pats , and peas, • Mr. Smith 811(0 Jest his tie:. ricultural „ plements. . :While the Rev. B. Clement, of Wa- terford, was helping a tramp to SoMe- • • thing to eat the ether morning,. a -chute of thelmtgry Man made off -with; two overcoats. , The piPperty being Missed the reverted gentleman and it oonatable *Awl in pursuit, caught the thief, ra- cevered the cola% and lodged Mr. Train() • • lit Simone . • • : ' • A bold robbery was 'perpetrated. at Colbornitvillage; on Saturday moraine-, the store of 3; G. :.Webb •being enterecd, by supposed tramps, who cast on -their • bld clothes, oebstituting. for them new • c`lothing to the amotint of' four. suits . each. After .clething themselves. eom- fot tatty they-peoceetlad In carry-, off rasoM,Inives, coats, shirt, &at., to the. val;..edoifri$n4g,010).t.irgi•ltry 'Ivas attenipted last' Saturday nightby some tramp at Ociod- • hotel, Itagersville, • Tito Proprie-, tor had pieced his milts Unice pil- • . 'low, and. was an;alcellecl by. Soule orle drawing them ditt. He seized themoai, and IA the atroggKi the money fellte the floor,. unobserved, in tho dark. Goodwin pluckily held on, and fallen -ad into the , back yard, and was. getting the better, • when the burglar .shot Mtn, Goodwin lied in a precarioue condition. a'receht viat of '141t.,t)r. Thom* . of Clileago, to Toronto,' he we'nt.into a : Y.orkville thug store to bay a couple of • cigars, • His moveniente appeared 80 Statiieiblig that the proprietor of the , prirerfaide strer vv-ifil---ht• -urger pro- specting, and that the purchase of the cigars was a mete blind, he iiifortned the police of hie Saspicions and•had his , store watched and hiantelf watched and himself shadoWed tho Doctor for Some distance, A Sunday Or two ago the suspicious apothecary attended the Bloor street Methedist church, and, 10, and be. hold i• there Was his barglar in the per - eon of Rev. Dr. Thomas occupying •tho , • Hearing the story, Dr. Themes enjoyed a hearty laugh. NOTIOnS. A GREAT Parse.—On most pothlic mattere now.a•days there are great difteretces of opin. • ion, Telt tho people of all classed soem to bo quite united oa one question. Every person, who brie seen it admits that the Family fier- old owl Weekly Mar, of Mei...treats is the very best weekly towspapar in the country. ltzs really a publication that no man cat well at. ford to do without. 'rake it .411 ill all, it has to Oital. The pried hi only $1 a year, atul ' eturvaasers got splendid commiesiont, t publiabed by tho ranaiN licraktPnbiiehfng Co., Nlot treat • ,