HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-11-21, Page 6re - The nded nethr further axed, it Will ,rtgage which farm. tylia from your rnind, ge and spirits be - • • - Do, ,, favors„with the .rich or • the gree . If yu mild do something of the kind, just curry your horses and cattle. This will do. them good and benefit you also. . Whefi;by reason ofinclement weetti: er, you can not pultiyate the soil, it will be wisdom on your part to ciiltivat.6 the inind.A. valuable harvest will reward all earnest and faithful Colture. • '• . . Never allow .yourself to be inveigle into running into debt,' . When you are tempted tod° so, go into your field and plant an acre with some edible, crop: The sheriff is an undesirable acquain- Jame. Avoid him as you would a pes- tilence. This. can easily be. den:ie.:by paying cash on the soot fer everything you purchase. Remember that everything 'of valne. we honestly obtain is the resnit of dili- gence and intelligence. DO . not there- fore expect prosperity unless you are. willing to work.for i., . 'Make the collection and tonipositing - of fertilizing materials a constentem- ployment. The • odor of your,.manure. heap should be more attractive than the smell of the whiskey shop. Of course yoa will 'become the owner and raiser of stock. No farm is oom- pleM that ignores stock raising. Get the best, which is always the cheapest in the end: . Give Bombs a wide berth. Never purchase farm utensils because they are cheap.: Cheap tools are an un- mitigated. nuisance. The hestworkmen in the world cannot m.ake goo' a job with them. It is economy to !my the best, no matter what the.price may- :he. Do not unwiselyimagine that you :will be able to get along -without. books and papers relating toagriculture.. Successful farmers read extensively and consider the money they spend for the purpose their best inyeetment. Occa- sionally, some ignorance gets .rich by main strength and iWkwarciness. This is au exception to the rule,. hoWever. Read good agricultural books ' and sub- scribe for at least one agriculteralloor. nal, but it. will pay to take seVeral. THE CLINTON NEW ERA. • OViVBER 21 1878, go still higher The couple Want levier. 0.ONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANA1Th. b3until.•the reap There is no medicine prescribe1 by plied - ming embittered 14:7 oleos or sold by drupiets, that carries swill continues 'his Stank- farM conjointly with erbrother, They live t will notaeingle with at crop throughout the r is 'unusually good. $ of Sage reified this sea. at 13ristol, Pa,, •realized evidence of Its Bacons and superior virtue 55 330SOREE'S GERMAN 8Y111.1P for severe Cough?, COMB settled 'on the Breast,, Con- sureptio,n, or any disease •of the throat and lungs, A pieof of that fact hi that any peraon afflicted can get a Sample Bottle for 3.0 cents and rits superior effect before buying the regulareize. at 75 cents, It has lately been introduced 3n this country from Germany, and its wonderful cures are astonishing every one that uses it, Three donee will relieve any case. Try it, Sold by J. IL Combo,. Third Assistant Postintister.General Hazard *repcirts th;to82,060,000 letters o were mailed in elle 'United' States end' ee of ituto the last fiscal year,. - ...onnainsimannan 'SubsCribe forilio New 'Pa! CAPITAL, $4,000,000. CLINTON A. NCY ur interest from Foto Five per colt •aliceired ea Deposita. Aseut. ()Union, 1876, 1.y ere. It furnishes the means ,O Applied to anything now will the plants know beforehand received from foreign countries..during mess is•going to be laisk next faniiring in'the fall has the effect upon perennial vegetation a stable currency has upon -trade, ...a. farm sixty• Miles long and ten miles aide, in one tract, meetly fenced, is that of Miller & Lux, cattle 'Dollop°. polists of Jalifortha noy have 80,000. headof stock, own 700,000 acres of choice land and are. rated as worth $16,- 000,000. 5. ••••••••••••114 nimciety an churning.: ' -- • • • Cream geows-rare-difficult, to churn - as distance from the time of calving in- creases, and the difficultyls enhaneed by feeding late cut or ripe fodder. If early cut hay and roots are used for 'winter teed, there will be no trouble with churn- ing in the winter, though it will require a little more time than when cows live on grass and re nearer the time of com- ing in. Tho easo of churnin4 cream de- pends chiefly on the size of the fat .glo- bules of which the cream is composed. These al-qv:gest in the early part ef the milking season, and grow smaller as, t e period of milk -giving is prolonged, iThiiiiees being equal, 'Elie • ,fat globules are largest when the cow has food ricli in fat, such at corn. meal. They are small when: cows are kept on straw, died ripe coiastalks, late - out hay, &e., especially when they have been hi milk for a long time. . • An Excentrle Vneiner. • One great•leale on the farm is found in the way steak is kept. , Some try to stop the leek by seeing how small a quantity of food will sustain life, and of- ten succeed by having their stook al - Most matirely leak away; • while their •neighbor who feeds bounteously - does nothave this leak to dentend with, but generally has a profit to apply to the stoppage of other leaks; . .The sheep bites closer then the ox. He was designed to' jive where •.the REDUcTION IN PRICE„.. ¶friuL IN . BREAD. ' • . • • The undersigned, while thanking his customers for the liberal patronage extended him, would intimate that he has deoided' on reducing the price of bread, whielihe Will henceforth sell at TEN tJENS a loaf cash; o eweeve oarr$ credit. . . WM. LEE, Victoria Bakery, next to.rrinting Ofitee. Clinton, Oct. 17, 1878. S-4 3F-StO • W • . . • • • 1110NAIR 'IRS' IT THE SILVER CHAFF other would starve; he was designed in . many places to follow the other, arid to 1 VICTOR, . gather sufficient nourishment Where the ok *Alia be unable to crop a single blade. - Two 'purposes. are answered by this: all the nutriment .that the land produces is. gathered from it, while the pasture is Made .to peoduce. • more her. .bage thanby eny other means it could be forced to do; sheep, by his cleats bite, not only loosens the roots of . the grass and stimulates. their spreading; but. by cutting off Vie ghortluckeri causesthe plant to throw out fiish, more' nu Mor- ons • and stronger ones, and thiis im- proves and increasesthe 'veldt of the crop. . Nothing will More expeditious. ly and effectually make a ,rioh, perma- nent pasture than its being occasionally and closely eaten down- by sheep. . . . This year's apple crop is nciw. gather - In Tritan township, about four miles above Doylestown, Pa., is the4arm of Elias Black, composedof 133 acres ()Ivory. fine land. Sing) 1862 the crops have been harvested and staked up ii tbo fields, and what hag' net been mistimed on the farm stanch as it Was left at the close of each Incited gement. Li all that time not a ton of hay or a bushel of grain has been sold from tho place. By actual count the stairs now number 103, and are in all stages of 'preserva- tion, from the bright once of this year's down to the rotten and Vermin -eaten ones of longer standing. The motive which actuated the farmer first it flits stacking up his grain was the hope of realizing big prices (hiring the war. 13e. who is not a teetotaler. •e'd, and it is one. of the richest the conn AND THE CLAWSON • Also, rintethll: Seed and :..1?ye, try has ever had. T In Some regions ap- • pies aro so plentiful that they are fed to pigs, cows and horses, and the cider mills are everywhere pressing'init more cider than they can readily dispose of. This very palatable an1iealthftlTdFinif maY be. bought in .the ceentry at one dollar arid one dollar and b half .a bar-, a -el, and it ought to, he on draught in the cities•at i'prica which Would tempt the poorest customers. • There is no need of anybody's drinking sham cider this year. The real juice of the apple is plenty enough for any demand thereis likely to be for, it. : A splendid apple crop can fortunately now be disposed of to much better advantage tlian'formerly•. An extensive European demand for our epples has grown up within. recent years, and this autumn we are export- ing more 'of them •thtna ever before, , • though the prima are very low, running from '75 cents to $.1. 62 ba 1, accorc 1 . ang to quality, sti'sreat is the supply. Vast quantities of apples are regularly shipped to Europe by steamer. If the fruit is carefully picked And selected, • and well packed, it reaches Europe in good condition and brings -a -fair prdfit to the sender. • '• Free of Coes. • Dr, King'slieiv Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, etc., is given away in trial bottles free tzmitirthe afflieted, If you have sr Bev cough, cold, difficulty of breathing, hoarseness or any affection of the throat or lunge by all means give this wonderful remedy a trial. _AS • you value yotir existence you can not afford ti • let this .opportunity pass, We could not afford and would. not give this remedy away tinles we kneel it would accomplish what we claim for it, Thousands of hopelesa cases have already been cured by it. There is no medicine in the world • that win ore one.half the cases that Dr. Rinteii New Discovery will cure. For Sale by ()CUBE, Clinton, Tenip erano e and Intemp eran.ce In 1873 the Catholic• Toth' Abstim- eisce Union. of America, comprised 200 -societies; now--itehas-grown-to. bership of nearly 600 soeietieg. An investigation has Iroved that 30,000 boys and girls are among the patrons of Chicago saloons. Numbere of miners are found drunk in the street' every night, • An Irishit. C. Bis1Wp, Dr. Warren, signed the pledge a year ago, and 12,000 of his co -religionists have followed his good example. • Dr. E. 0. Haven, writing of temper- ance in Europe, says : 11 am inclined to think thet were all the. filets collect. ed and claNifieci, most natiens, geeing the -enormity of the evilconnected with their use, would, if they oannot totally suppress the treffie, still greatly reduce .t., n English paper 'writes Since the sale of wines and spirits has become a • part of their otherwise salithelenui trade, the rate of mortality among the grocers, as compared with other classes, has Undergone a decided increase. The atithority for this statement is Dr. Parr, • • , At his store, Hamilton Sired, G- mu "R.1 CE. Aug. 22,1878. Wm. G-ray'S Speafic TViedieine • English Remedy, TUB GREAT is especially re. • commended as au • unfailing euro fbr .• Seminal Weak- • ness, Spermatorr- •hes, Impotency, . ,. and all diseases Before ikakingeAfter Taking. hat follow atuno,as Loss of Netnory,UniverealLassitude,Pain in " a • sequence of Self - the Beek, Dimness of Viai072, Premature Old Age, and many other diseases that•lead to Insanity or Consump- film, and a Premapnre Craveall of which as 5 rule are fast caused by deflating from the path of nature and over -indulgence, The Specittemedicine is theresult of a Iife study and many yearsof experionoe in treating these special diseages. Pamphlet free by mail. The Specitle Medicine is sold by all Druggiets at $1 per p aCk- age, or slx•packagest or 85, or will be Cent by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing WM. GRAY & CO., Wiedsor,Ont. Sold in Clinton by J. 1i.Combe,aolafl andruggastseverywnere, J•. BIDDLECOMBE Watch and Clock Maker JENVIILLEIt, &e„ ' Wonldrespeettglly annotineo to his customers and the public generally', that Once the le, e disastrous Oreille — has scoured the Store lately °coupled by Messis 0, Vailfser & 00., Whore he will keep cm band a atilect ksiottitteilk of Clocks, Watches, Jiivielry, and SilVerware ol all 'kinds, ,Scottish Commercial Fire Insurance QF GLAZGOW. . Capital', • Two Millions Stirliwa. Aeneas, -• • - • $1,500,000. Income, •• - 1,000,000. • PitoVINCZ ONTARIO BRANCH, • Head _Office —.7 Toronto Streit, 'TORONTO -seam) tontE.CTORS : /mix L. Marian, Esq., Oltirm.an, President' Canada Landed CreditCompany. :r4not 8.T.r.a11sAin, 1102., of Bryce, melturrich .8.: CO, WItLIASt ALEXANDnai viee-Presideat'.Federai • Dank of Canada. • INSPECTOR—ROBERT MeLDAN. RESIDENT SECRETARY LAWIIEN'al 111.ICHAN. Deposited with the Government at Ottawa, ter semi-" • rity of Canadian Policy Holders, 811)0,000, • This Company Wilda 2011610 of Insurance against loss or damage by Ore or lightning, en meroantile man- ufaetuting, farm and household risks, at curreneratee. Toilette are iskuodtrora and lessee settled direetly by the Toronto Wilco, without delay. • All Premiums taken in this country are invested in Canadian securities, .• JOHN ILIDOUT, • • - VOlt CLINTON Axil irIOINITY0 • mutat, Sun, 12, 1877... Which im wits soil at reasonable rateo. Repairing of over), daseriptionproiontly attended to. • . J,•:111D1)LECOMTibl, At.intur Szu•ET., 411ideu4zail, 24,i87. • • , • •: • NWTIEORD GEO. DIEHL UNDERTAKER. •, irt.TsT nitcintsvur), . 04.1: ai" 11111 1044 23 .40 0.- 4•44.4•014 GRAND TRUNK . RAILV(A.V. Gb: .AND AFT.S33, 1VIONDAT, MAY '.271"1-4 ILL • 'READY-1VIADE CLOTHING, • ORDERED CLOTHING, TWEEDS, • WFLIANNC4NYESL'S' • COTTONS, " TIOKINGS, 'DUCKS, I1ENIMS, SHEETING'S, • SEIRTINGS,' • UNDERCLOTIINGS, MEN'S'. CA p8; • BOY'S CAPS, • LADIES CAPS, . . • HOSIERY, . . CORSETS, MEN'S, BOOTS, • WOMEN'S SHOES, :." •' • 'CHILDREN'S SHOES, • GROCERIES, : 'AND EVERYTHING ELSE OIIEA.PER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE M. CLINTON: POE :THE • MONEY.. .PLEA.SE:DON'T BITY• TILL 'YOU SEEITY, .NEW: PRICES. 'THEY -WILL ASTONISH YOU: ALL . • 0 Gri1J1Z07r • . • • • Nov, 21, 1.878. " DassenioniTrains win leave Clinton station RN !QlroV7B • Clots° ham —Erpreis 12,80 p. Uslic--7. 27 it, I t •alld Naillaji bil111141 s • or 1878 2.40». ; Mixed, 10 A.m., •, 545 p.rn„ %se p. m. • • Saturday EXCURSION' tickets • • m., 10 a.. in., 4.25 p. m.•• — • To 'London, Goderieli aStretford, good to . Muni oa nd Monday, at reduced rates. GLASG01/17 MACPHERSO • HICKSON, General hlanager't .•• • A. STRA.ITON, Agent at Clinton. ' •, Clinton, Blay'28, 1878. . • •• MANOYAOTtlitslis op --.. GROCERIES OUNINGHAME & AIKENVIEAD Have on hand as large and weU.,o1eteda 'stook of GENERAl GROCER PES . • As ever offered la • •• C A S CITSTOIVIERS Are particularly /rotted to INSPECT OTT& STOOK, • and compare prices Were purchasing elsewhere. We are selling 3 good Ten, $3.00, nntt ••other goods in proportion. • Crockery and Glasswere• a' Specialty.. • • CUNINGIIAME AIKENHEAD •NB.•: -.A furs set of Drams Counter aenlo sor ante. Clinton, July 18, 1878 • •-•• • • THE ROYAL BALM 15 15 more certain roino- dy for pain, ina widerrangc of cases, and a mole agreeable getheine than any other Bow offered to,the ptiblic ; even though we do sayfor it what no other mannfaetnrer will dim to say 'of his . ., th' m• f o • i — ' Ymiz.a:-Joirn"t(brisofilliettfeclye4lwislidnicoltcu c c . , . ,. ..- . • 0 LAs.Ggiii4 17,1:7_7.11E. R s. oN 4 Go, beckIt needs no highly exaggerated Puffing cferee CfsiisTot.. Am.tioni.iunm, Woims, May, 1878. Pevreop,yaraitiin.n • being one of the few things Which sell on their •.• •,- • own merits.. Diphtheria.Neryous Headache,. heuralmarTicdoloren , Pysenterv. Ib cures QuinerturatettSarerThroat and It is e purely vegetable produatiou, and is perfectly safe Car ea infant of Any No: It is a perfect ovoid° tor THE TROMSOlitlILLIAMS111111111CTIIIING rit • .,.. and Sciatica, Cholera, Gratin's and pairefintho stonmch• O O • and boWels, Inflammation, Wounds, firuises, Spraine,• F S..A'TFRD .ntirns, Scalds, Prost•tites, &e. Pride, 25 cents. • • .•T.R• . . • /NOORPORATED 1874, Snoceisors to TholD8031 &. Williams, or notene•n, • . CLIMAX THRESHIINIG PlIACHINES9 1VIAJOIIINES, • RITT2S IMPROVED HORSE l'OWERS. AGRICULTURAL STEAM ENGINES. - Fortho coming Aragon we are introducing many new and valuable imPrOvenleiate, Whidll •place our machines v$3.11. I* ADVANCE of any pthers.raanufaettired in the Doininion, ' We es. .' pedially call the attention of threehers to our CLIMAX, SEPARATOR, with -the New End Shake Shoe, which, for smoothness of running, 'capacity and perfection of cleaning, far sur- passes anything yet produced. • It has been thoroughly 'tested, has proved .4 'complete_ ._,: 4Y0, success, and is Jully warranted. • , • • , - aELTB , ::— • • • . —RatTosFzEr.A. May 11, 1.87& . It is with pleasure 1. teddy to the superiority of your Naw Esti SuAtcx OMmAx SnrAnAToS., I thoroughly tested:it last season, and can say that it runs the smoothest and • lightest, has the largest capctOty for separating and cleaning, and does the best work of any •• machine I have yef seen. . It is quite unnecessary to brace the machine. Ali that is required. is to set it in place, When it is ready for work, And it will run without jar or noise. 1 would not haveany other than theNEWI7 SLIAKt 0MA/4; • JOHN &1EENHEAD • MANY OTELOR IMPROVENIENTS, such as lowering the Trent or •Cylin er) end of machine, adding a tightener pulley to Fanning Mill Belt, windlass for raising the Straw improved. Carriers, Concave Atlinster," $ ete. have been Made which will add largelyto the • worth of machine.• • .• OUR PITT'S POWERS have been iMprovekin'Ytirious ways, still further , adding to. ' their durability, convenience, and ease of running.. • • • • ' ALL 1VIACAINE1IY IS.RN AND 0AltEPULLY TESTED BEFORE LEAVING TEE FACTORY. • • . 11 ooZjcil invection it our madines klo7.d paretic; sing eleetv' her •:••-; • J. If. COIII3115 15 ' Drueroist SOME AGENT, (IL1IIITOS. 19.6 Clocico, Watches,jewellexy,8cO • - S F 0 E R. • to retort • hi osintorethank • to his nanioroir • friends and oust° al shareofpatron. —MAN TYBACT7nBBB-`01t• Johnston.harvesters, Single. Reapers, Mowers and Combined Machines, agothathohaore•• Oliotoo,andhopeo by a strict atton- ti011 to busineee, and using every effort to meotthe wants Olhla loony • friends, to oath:t- ile torreotnIga. ntheir i,st Agrieulturai Engine Works •• DIROTORS : ROBERT THOMSON, PnEstninzi; A. It.. WILLIAMS, Vton-Pas, ALEX, GRANT, Sece‘Tuaiti. ; J. REpEORJ), AV. MOWAT, J, CORCORAN', IV:MARSHALL. $1,„cit . .1,ifivoytilininAttake opportuniky of eating that lie • has talon his son into partnorsTaip, anitibal thiiBii • 11080 will, be conducted in future under the style el S. • CalSkOtS) Coffins, Coffin Irmn(PRoes FOWLER#SON. Twill keep onimi&bhand ler O., nee. at the vnit'r LOWEST RATES. , • I 'Watohes, Olooks; Jewellery, Speotaelee, and on other articles In their rine An kinds of Pipes Repaired and Mounted. Also', a .goad HEARSE slippiieti, II:telTlember the Place—VICTORIA Street, GEORGE DIEHL Clinton, Scpt 13,1877. THE ALLAN JANE LIVIRPOOlr'-;4011101DIRW—ILAII0Wi SVOliTEST SVA PASSAGB. iab1ii0 Intersuettlate Sind Steerage irto1c- • cts at Lowest Itritos. Every Saturday from Quebec. Cabin Faroe trona Quebec; **tither Ito duce& Sardinian (last kern QUebeel. ,,,,, ...... ...2ord sitrtAttt TICKETS. TO Iiverpool,• Lonilonderry, Glasgow, Qumne. • town, PeVast; London', Bristol, Cardif, Tor through tickete and every intormetion apply 80 A. tiTtlAtTObt, et. T. l., Agent, Clinton. Clintemlitity 00,1818. •.• • Repairing, sleazing, &e.. lione on shag neltiaTin a ivOrkinanlike manner, and en reasonable terms. A 111831'n STREET, Oh' Trill •lktARICET, Clinton, Dee. 00877.- BLACKSMITHING • ••• 1.sy • A' Ilenonnter that the place to gef.rorh done la at ROVVELLiS OLD STAND1 HURON naanT, ciaNToxs. 11011811 SlIONING 4 SPECIA147and done oa the latest veterinary prinetples. /laving engaged T. 011U1101:0LL, enatomers *III have the benefit of his advice, In oll eager, free of charge. Ali Endo of Gatinitar, Innis° done pre/aptly and on reasonable terms. !luring procured a SA. lir G011111.671, lam „ prepared to do anythin9*n this line, itrs7,44 cAttumbitx, con ton Aug 20,1878 • Broadcast Seeders; Seed Drills, .1tokse. Powers, SaNiing lacco•oilines, chitin Crushers, Straw Cutters, PlOwS, Guilt Plows, dzd.,' , .Builders of SteamEngines and Boilers, al) sizes, WATER WHEELS ANI) ALL KINDS OF MILL MA.OlfINERY, • COlitrairtOrn fo73 -Oriet an& Saw tomplete,----AiSolOr—Ifrateri--11lorkefor4itiesrtoon*.and • pillages, on the Holly System.. ur Gheme Factory Machinery a Specialty, • • Address, TEL113040111' di 1V/MLIAUS,J1Inintlitettaritig Co., Strailord, that. • Feb. tI, 1870.. • ODF anufb, eturing Company, cl-olD1arcx--1, 0 !NI IC'. I Boilers; Engines. and 111111 itfachinery of I..attest-Styles . Middlings "Purifiors, of Xrxxprov-eti JiAltIGITIATURAL IIVIPLEMENTS,,. STOVES o va,Tiowi; kinds Brass -and Iron. Castings, 2.11010TLY ATV:N.1)ED TO. FOR SALE ClikaP—Secondhand Engines and Rollers oft 10, 20 and 30 Horse Power ; also, Stave Machine, Shingle and Heading Machine, and, Ifeadh2g • Jointer and Plainer. 0.0151110/t, Veb. 1, 1877. • 1