HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-11-21, Page 3NavEiu In g1, i;$?$� THE CLINTON J 7 Jt l'Y7" ; IVA,. k` mnoron$ A bosom friend -.-The baby. " It's all very we talbing about .war - tying for love,. but Consider the example set by clergymen. They always Marry kir money, What an eff'eott oliheeto hag: en nattir- al .development ! In California they make al001101 out of beets, . Here' we Make beats out of alcohol, . ' , John'Aeple and Amantha Apple, con - sins livingin Iowa:revere, recen tl y ou•sinsl-ivinginIowa,-.Were,recently married, and the olergyrnan remarked ' Well really, this is a pleasant apple -pairing;' ' Winter is a lai,ean'season,' 'said one pickpocket to another, ' end :very bed for business• besides, Everybody •has . his hands in his pockets. I don't like it at all.' • ' So,' said on old lady to a ,neighbor, ' I understand that your daughter has married a rich husband.' The neighbor thoughtfully replied, ' He's a. rioh Iran, but I'm afraid he's a poor husband.' Au old lady said to a street vagabond ' My good man, where -is the- ' Ofiord Arms ?" • To which the street .vaa-' bond, offering his 'own arms, replied, ' Here they is, mum, a'n' offered freely.'' ' The difference etween honor' and discretion'said a b fly,' t horror z , y, a o ntt ..hwhenb tells you0 0. fb a'tnan be o down, and discretion warns_ yon • tee be careful about hitting him when he isn't' dew a.' How to rise :--Resolveyou will, take in a long breath, kick_ off.. the olothes, and make a bound for the middle of the room, cold or no•"ctlld,—Chico rjo Jour- nal. Tho man who resolves en this • subject is lost, The only way is to quit thinking and kick off the- cover. Little Fred was talking to his grand- ma, who was something of a sceptic., ' Grandma, do you belong to the.Pres- byterian Church ri' No." Tee the Baptiste' ' No.' ' To any . church?' ' No.' ' Well, grandma, don't youth lsk it's about time toget in somewhere'V : Infant . terrible : 'Mamma, what's` an angel ?' Mamma " An: angel, my dear 1 It's child with wings that flies.' Infant terrible t 'Well, ,mamilla, why does papa always call my governess his angel ? .Site hasn't got , env • wings.' ' Mamma : ' Well, that sheet% .prevent her flying very promptly.' An artist was painting the portrait of a person of pretentious piety, who had the mpertineuce to give what ho considered a moral lecture to the painter ; but the, latter, with the "urbane but ,positive authority of, his profession, merely said ; ' Turn your head. a little -to theright, and shut your mouth.' ' I dreamed last night,' seed he -ee her whom he bored greatly by his,atten- tions, ' that I laid in wait for a man with an immense sane of money . aid, knocked his bwains out, and -then. web- bed him of bis wealth,' ' There would have been more merit in the. theft if you had stolen the brains,' replied she; ' Gweat heavens ! what would I have done with them V She' gave it up. A parent who claimed the right 'to educate his own children sent the fol- lowing oowmunicatton to a school board in England recently :—' Jentlemen,^,- am at a loss to know, why the .choral Bord oficer' is so desirous to have toy chiller educated. It is my . alai:. wish to make them cholers. • .There is pl'entey of stret Arabes to look after without annoying me s0 much.— .Yours, ant so forth, The Jentlemen Chool Bold. When the late James T. ' Brady was crossing the ocean, his readinesf at re- , pertee attracted the notice of till oil board, and it wager was laid thatbe could not be caught napping, hut would give not only a prompt but a witty reply,' Next morning Mr. Brady was oiaserved looking through the, telescope, the et-. mospbere being damp and cold. 'The interested party, determined to .'win, touched his arta and asked, ' What ship is that 2' ' Don't know; but I hope it's a Peruvian bark, for I'm in a perfect chill,' responded the witty law- yer. . _....., . - -._r.:�- .................. A ' national schoolmistress ill the country was taking down filenamestend ages of her scholars at the chilli -nonce. meat of the terra, 'When coating iti torn to a little white -headed boy, • she Belted him, I Well, my lid, how old are yet'? ' My name ain't Lad, said he sharply; ' it's John.' ' Well,' ,skid the school.nritt- tress, ' what is the rest of four name 2' ' Why, that's all the name I've gatejust John.' ' Well, . what is your, father's name 1' ' Oh, you needn't put duds na ve den ; he isn't amain' to sclltiol. He`deems too big too to sehoi;l' ' Well how old are you 3g' ' I ain't old ,at all I'rn young.' , It is given out that ladies will weal' vests precisely like the gentlemen's this - winter. When a tnsrried man goes to bed he will have to pet a entitle mark on his vest OC next morning he may slip on his wife's and not discover his mistake until ho inserts bis thumb and forefinger in the right-hand pocket for: a pinch of tinea -cut, and finds nothing but a piece of cliewiug+gittml. and the stub of a short lead -pencil.. Then he will suddenly remember that there Was a roll of ten dcllare• notes in the left- hand pocket of his vest, that is if be is an editor, he will—and be, will run -hack boats in J artts time. , • A. *mew outwitted.. A farmer who was .as. niggardly a wan as ever breathed, contrived by hie pariaimonious` 'titbits to amass great Wealth. He was likewise conscience- less, add scrupled at nothing that would. add a dollar to his pile. Not far from him lived a shiftless sort of a fellow, who loved to steal better than to work, and the farmer seed to trim once, ' Clem, I will give you a shilling' a bushel for all the potatoes you will bring me, and. I don't care where you got them. Clem jumped at the chanes, but ask. ed hint where ho could get thein; ' I don't care' where. Of course you will steal them, but that's none of, my • business.' The bargain was struck, and every night for a week Clem would drive to the fartirer's house with :a Toad of potatoes, carry;thetn' into thecellar; and receive 'his pay • for thea,. At length' be asked him. where he got therm. ' Stole 'cru;' - '`Where did yousteitl'eni, eelein'{' Oh, up in your lido hill'lot,' replied the other, while a grin took entire pos- session. of os-session•of his, face. He got away in time to save his back, but that further hasn't bargained with him since to steal•. anything. Vette nteneereee of mummer' A,rogde. ' ' Dr, 11'Iol,ellen, at. to recent meeting of the . Welland Teachers' Association, • gape his hearers the following reminis- cence of +" boarding around," as prac- tised nearly a- generation ?go ;—When he' first began teaching, ;in; 1849, bis salary was: but ;$180 a•:year., and he didn't -oven' get rill•that to this day -elm - sides ay hesides' "boarding around." I -le related his oxperienco,of the letter to the g1ear anlusetnent of the audience. Upon "•tar riving at hie tirst lioarcliug place, after schoolone day, the ald.lady gently ine timate() to him that it' was custoruary Per the boarding .teacher to lend his s®r.- .vices•for the benefit of the household, and informed him that justthen the old matt and: the boys were mit in the barn killing swine, and • would no doubt be• pleased , to have 'his assistance.. This the embryo ;Dr., on principle,.'declined. to give. ather dissatisfied at this the. thrifty matron drew hisattention to a churnflil•:of . 4i1k. 'requiring a• metiva power at the dasher, only again to meet With the Doctor's dissent on ptinciple. (Laughter), Well, then, if he wouldn't help to provide' the winter's pork for the family, nor evolve the golden but- ter from its "creamy bed, would he ( hold '•the baby while Sal chuned'1' (I. aughter). This he could undertake without sacr'itice of principle, and forth- with did; but -before the lapse of ten minutes the. 'uppermost; feeling in his mind was regret that he had not,helped the' old man and the boysin the barn,' exercised on the churn• dasher, . or un- dertaken any other job in, the household econotily, ringer than that of relieving Sally of the baby. lie had previously passed very fait' examinations in pby- •siology," anatomy, and the mechanical sciences;'"but never ' uu.til'then did, Jae learn that. a baby lied no' bones in its body, and for the: lifo of him lin \vas un- able to discover the infant's centre of gravity, soplewbut twits cringer and the family discomfort generally... (Lauglii ter.) • • Queer .Perioiivaneee. • Stage performances have of late been varied here rand--therefrom what ' was intended: Joe Rainbolt, ono of the sharpshooters of the variety theatre, shot off one of hiswife'a angel% in Cin- cinnati, instead of hitting the potato that site; was'}soldifig for .a nark. In a pathetic scene in ' A Woman, of the People,' in I3aldwin's Theatre, San Francisco, the wooden head of the baby that the 'agonized mother was holding fell off and rolled noisily to the foot lights. • The actress coolly picked it up and put it on the body again. Ada Cavendish fell ill in the midst of a per- formance in Baltimore, and wee com- pelled to,withdraw. Two young.aictors turned a mock tight into a real' one i11 a Houston theatre, and would not de. sist at the proper time. The stage 1114n, ager was coln1elled to drop the curtain. atl the unexpected scent,. ' A phono- graph was part of an exhibition in Cairo, Ill. • A. Sheetof the tinfoil had been placed riethe appttt'ntus.reedy to be used,'' lent rut cheery of the manager replaced it by another, and' leen the crank was turned the pbono 'i'atplt said : --' This show is a fraud, Itnd the manager is ` and et that point the man et the crank stoliperl. A policeman a rent. on the stage of a (;llinesc theatre to stop the performance, whish hail been extended beyond the legal time of I1ight. The indifilnitt audience tore np the seat& to fling at t',ie intruder, tuid dial d11tilsgo nmoulning to $800, • A Mmildew ' Death .•• ;Chore is eonietltin � terrible itt the thought of having oar friendil stricken clown at our side, without a pe.rtingwort of endearment o1 consolation—one moment at our side in the llaeh of vigorous life,cheering our hearts with their loving sympathy; the next at our feet, pale with death, deaf Wear ^,rtes and heedless of -our tears. Bvory excessively fat person is in instant danger of such a death. Seven - tenths of the victims of obesity •die of heart disease or apoplexy: Allan's Anti -Fat, the only relned3t for obesity,. reduces the weight by regulating the digestion aridassimilation Of the food. Itis perfectlyllertnlese, end -Hansa will ineatre,' in cyery Instance, a reduction of weight from tom to flee pounds a week: ,.TR4ApvitER.28... . SALE -OP'. LAND$ 4,444144.,44,44414,44 COUNTY OF IJURON, To Wrr • ley virtue of a Warrant, issued under the hand of the Warden of the County of Huron, and the Corporate Seal,of the said County, bearing date the Fourth day of July, A,D.,1878, to me directed,: for the ebllection of arrears of taxes due•'on'the un- dermentioned lauds, I hereby give notice that unless the said taxes, together with all, lawful costs and, charges, be sooner paid, will, on , •Wednesday; the 'Fourth• day of December., next, AT THE HOUR OF 'ONE O'CLOCK•, F. M., • AT TIDE o r House in, the Town of Goderioh,. deroceed to sell, by p'nblic Auction, the said laatde, er'.so-mizch'th'exeof as may -be etifeeient to discharge suc11 arrears of taxes' and the charges thereon;. • 1I,ot or part of Concession or Street, Acres, Patented or Amountff&Cu-Totil.Nem• lot ;, Tnpatpntea.otTaxoso mission,•• 1 k • TOWNSHIP' OF ASHFIELD, 4a plot L -- , 1st EDivision 50 'Patented ,. N p 1 3rd W Division 40 " Patonted, • N ., H41t W Dtvlsion 1f0__Unpatented • •W pt 18 J. W Colin; „ Part 3 Isa,aeU Bing ,,.'Part 3 Wm. hiller ,.. Part 4 '• J. W. Collins ., Part 100 James Oraig . Part 100 3. W, Collins . Part, 107 John Clifton . Part 107 • TOWNSHIP OF GODERiOH, ,.>3 .. 10}; Patented ., •, Maitland . . Patented ., Maitland 2, Patented .. , Maitland „Patented , .,;•Alaitland A Patented• r, „Maitland • ;1' Patented • Maitland' v •' ' Patented , Maitland Patented .. 10 part Bayfield 43 . Patented„, Wpart :, ,. Bayfield ' ,,,. . 42 Patented „ •• ''TOWNSHIP: OF GREY. 27 ,: 1311: •- 100 11'niatented, 23 . ...,131h , •100. Uhtpatented, 20 ..., 14th, 100 Unpatented. t ,...100 Patented' ,; , 'OWNSi- IP .OF; HA TY: - rj Cj' A GIEA: _44144411,1444-, Having, determined to go 7-FOR0 THE WI s 3r2 • 01 $Q F9 05 99- 22 1i, 2 rI-, 4008 , .. 33 $ 41 1 4.98• 1 20 618 1 30 1 13'. 2 09 '1.50 •113 209 •3"19 118 4 37 3 60 1 18 4 86 0 30 1 20 7.61 0 35 . 1 25 7 60 3 73 • 1 18 " 4 01• 24'30' ..1,70 20 00 21-04, 1 60 ' 22 64 29'01 20.01 3.1 57 82 00 W'}, 5 . 16th • $0-” "Patented 9.33- S *of N 1', 0 .. • Lake Road Past' ii' Patented 13 05 •• VILLAGE OF ZURICH, IN HAY... 0 •30:, '48' '44 • '43 40 • . l(neli's Survey 14 ,i • 180 ' 1'80 1 88 ,103 30 81 30 81• 33 46 34 88 1.33 -__:Wee 1.40 14'43 1.5.' Patented .. 76' ' 1.10 1-5 Patented' ., 76 1 10 1-5 Patented ',,, 3 34 1 18 • 1.5, Patented ,: 3 34 1.18 1.5 Patented 3 34 .. 1.18 ' 1-5 Patented 3 94 1 15 • 1-5 Patented 3 04• 1:15 TOWNSHIP OF 'MOWIOK.. Part 30 3rd. . Prltented ,> 3 70 " 1 18• 4 94 19. A . 103 Patented t 37'30 • .. " "03• " 3S) 42 VILLAGE OF GORRIE, IN TOWNSHIP . OF HOWIOK: 215., • 1-,5: Patented 1' 83 • 1 1:3 2 08 VILLAGE OF', MANCHESTER, IN TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT, I..; ... I•5 :'. Patented 08 1 10 • ' 2 06 TOWNS'HIP. OF .MCKiLLOP • \r part 1 , 14th " , 50 :Patotititil 9 61' 1 33 10 94 TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY • South Pari': 3 . 3ayileld Road forth 75 • Putentod ••17.44• ) 28 40 7` VILLAGE 'OF EGMONDVILLE, IN TOWNSHIP OF . TOOKERSMiTH.' 10. . kiret ht ' .. 1 Patented. 11 51 1'10 3'00' VILLAGE . OF HARPURHEY, IN 'TUOICERSMITFI; `23). Lewis roil Cult's . 3-5 Patented,. ` 1 Is 1 13 S 31 24'• Survey 1.5 Patented , 84 1 10 1 64 2'.73 I.5 Patented 54 x 10 3 1,4 VILLAGE' OF •BLUEVALE,. IN •'i ?WNSHIP OF TURNBEBRY. •11 ('antolon'sSurlot ' } Patented 317 118 4.35 43 Duncan's Sitrve} ,.. ?, Patented 00„ • 1 13 2 00 2x6 8(66 4 52 452. •452 4 10. 4'19 VILLAGE' OF WiN,GHAM, lid( TOWNSHIP OF .TURNBERRY.. Path 37 • . 'Village 152 Village 167 Village 171 Village S *172.. Village 231 . Village 293 Village 315 Village 11 '. k'isher'sSurre,i1. P t t a t'1 ' Patented ... • 19 77 ' 1. f,5 f• Patented ..4 47 1 20 Patented .. 10 74 1 34 . Patented . 7 981 2(1 Patented .. •i OT'• 1' 18 Patented ., : 8'87.. 1.23 Patented"... 6 74 1 23 Patented 93 1 '10 , sane .. 476' 1°d TOWNSHIP ,OF EAST WAWANO.SH. Xi. 118 . 1th ., 100. Patented „ 53110 TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWiANOSH, h 119. ... 1st 100 Patented, . 111 59 1 At 1. ¢F 22 . , ., 13th. ; ,.: 100 Patented , . 13 35 • 1.43 VILLAGE' OF DUNGANNON, IN WEST WAWANOSH. McMath s Survey ,p patented .. 117 1 VILLAGE OF BAYFiELD. 1atunteat .. 1 01 Patented• . 3 01 ._. # . Patented • -32 t'atehtod • 12 l'i. Patented , .r -01 .. .1 Patented . , 23' , }' Patented 23 • ••• .i Patented .. 23 Patented , L; ' Patented ., 214 Patelitafl• 23 Patented 192 Patented 192 ! Patented •. 1112 ..., Patented . 23 1 10 Patented . M; l l0 Patented -:ted. 11:3 l 111 Patented 20 t r IS . Pnteiitctf k • patentcd . 23 23 4 Patented .. 23 patented :'•r 1tan10 t'' : 4 , Patented VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS. 2 42 W itis 174 211 248 251 002 303 ;383 186 40,3 11711 711 7:32 «77Ar 777 778' 7711 780 781 782 784 705 • 786 ''r It; hart., 84 218 :r9: tV hart 31 :37 x 1. 13 1,13• 1,10 J 10 1 13 1.10 1 10 1.10' 1 10 T. 15• 1 1.0' 1 13 .13 2t „,, IPatented Paten Patented VILLAGE, OF • EXETER,. a. Taylor's Survey .,.• , Patented • t rancestou•rt Survey.., Patented ' VILLAGE .:OF WROXETER. • Park r a:... Park 23 ' .,.- 5111llieserie ,... Hilae Jot 330.... 1 8,83 1;r ' "ft' - 40, )lowlek'Stroct, ltavt..,, }• ,Patented. VILLAGE OF WUNGHAM, Josephine Street ' Les; Itattway portion..:: tiorernmentSurvey .... . Shutterstreet ,,.. t'raneta Street 8aaler's Survey Ultsit}11Ps5urvey .. rr yr 44 ., County Treasttr is (lft(re, i' 'Gocler ch, ,Tilly etlt,1878. y • I+ . . 114 4 9,; 1., ta; :3 ere 11 57 Patented . 6 17 Patented.. 'f 90 Patented .. 4 '00 Patented ,, 7 99 Patented ,. 2 93 Patented .. 1 43 Pa•teltterl .. 2 013 Patented ,. 9 1321 Patented .. 2 08 Patented ., 8 09 Patented 2 60 Patented 9.613 Patented 3 66 Patented 2 20 1 •11 t 39 • •1 40 1 1r 11.. - et 32 507 12.09 8 06 5 10 79,2 7 99 2 03 5 Ott 36 :}1 21 17 111 0 2 30 2 74- •410. 1 •rte 'A call .from intending purebuserrespectfully ' ectfully solicited, ' No trouble to show . goods. 1 42 p w g oda. "3 t'4. 1 33 133 1 33 1. 1 :T3 33 1 33 3305 05 3 05 1 33 1 33 1 33 3:1 1 33 tea Beg, It•ano to state to the inhab. • 1 a3 !mute el Clinton and surround. 1 $ iugcauntrytltatthcyhavestart, • 13:1 edit branehbnoinoae In thepiace 1 00 lately occupied by lilsrares 4t; Wurtrao, andwouldteepoctfal- ly solicit the nubile ' to Call and examine their stock, which is 10 89 complete' In (,very department: O nr Parlor & 13eilriorh Seta are 7't' nr ece4vtdtonone inthe countryfor design and finish. llaoing every Improvement is the fine of new reachinery, we mann(anture oar 4 73 own geode and eat dell them ave .1 4% prices that will astonish every sine when.,eernpared with those AT COST AND .'UNDER. Jtentembale, er lhe- �. �-. ill ,only y .4 , � � a���l ; be � . continued for one I10nth.•. DON'T ; MI§aS THIIS CHANGE. The goods, d soil, m gmust ,be: sold:. as I •am:positivelyoily out_ot' that .branch of -:business, Note the Stand ..Next door to R.�a lYa nter;.& GOS.;. diatom, Sept.19, -1878. • FA PLUMSXX: CHEAPER THAN . THE CHEAPEST. k'CTI.I;' STOCK Ole • DRY GOO»S,READY-MADE CLOTHING•, Tw•EEDSp • I-IATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND 'SIIOES; FURS, ETC. I.t,wilI be to the advantage of persons who wish to supply' th.maelvair.w'fth eheap 'hoed» to call and an my stockbefore purchasing. '1'7cereason why I sell gods so manc1 .tower.tltam 'oilier store's,. is.1 iso a ready -pay business and am 'enabled , to pay' CasT,t • for 97ay Ooods,.witic1.1:buy.'ntuclt cheaper •than I sound etc) Lf. ...had to' buy ti ern on time.. ' c l .o. n -_fit._ �o c�.� with half the _profit tinct- credit stores get,: and' do. a paying bu$iness : Clinton, Sept. it, 1878, H .L L W IV1$.t•E.L'1L, 13IRICK BLOC1t ` INToNJTTJR ..URWAREROO Net TV At)i'tE1tll' S'I'ltE)v'1', ItltiG'I WARM. BROA.JM OOT & BOX, Op' EAFORT I ' WO wants 4411n sl d al attention may Undertaking : Boartmod, . nmolly pad for same goods, • 1 ;t'8 1225 >~If, 110330(913013 with t113'3,' 11)U6) (CIL3J!L, IOltieh p)1'(i41102'ee- the body, destroys .arising Clhltun, Jana 18,1878: ' 1 20 1 11 I a) 1 28 115 t 13 1 11 1 15 3'10 1 18. 1 15 115 r 13 110 7 42 »1 11 r -85 4 08 se est :3 81 R 81 3 81 3 81 3 qt 81 ..d A. M. ROSS, c Treasltrer,. County of Huron. Which la aeeon& to none ill the to 0n. Having parchaeed o largo- Ana now etoekof Cotilue,Casketa Robed gild Txtrtnninge, of every description, and fitted rtp 11 naw - .nnd elegant IIEAh8s, wo ate' prepared to do Undertaking at the lWet t',enumerative-posse. ellemembertheplaeb-77 Albert.• ' Street, next door to 11r. 1t..3t. Rancp'a ]iardivato stor0 business they N.80 the ANTI-SBF2'IC L'LUI1? all offensive odors,' and pre11 init; , contagion• front cleeccl bodies,. MONEY' TO x �1 N NEY' .- ON EASY TERMS, illy vttttch the pr`tkelpal cakit be repaid lin' part or allt at ' way lime' dining title term O. CAlUa1.P 1/1/'Et OCAR'tWRX(IXIT, Olr sTRATr'ORT3 WILL lilt. e a't"tho Commercial notel,0liaton, the Met Thera• day ani li ridgy of every mopth. Teeth inletted in the tatdat 81710 Tootii with expeaed nervc8 treµted, lllloi and made as good a9 sound tiles. Canada Company Marcie: ot'"Loan --,_ pptv R!" LIEIT 1 e, Anne r1 11t?1t0 4 Ii 01:t aI,. i • , AtheMoeda(larkpany+napbdeeenatthe Oglee Of 111 RiAXi]'r, ' a1N a W r JC ,.S91;JG4JCi,A' . Cih11.06, Marob.1870. Cliintert aau.t7,1971.