HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-11-14, Page 51 »i y Q t',Egarat, : /4,. 1,878, & R-.# • 13 rr .,-4i..J i.l,r:1 '' geg 1 The best in the known world, in the following colors at TiOD GINS :$ store —Scarlet, .Q ze i aa, Bine, :Biwa].;Blue; Amber, Light Grey, 'Seal Brown, Black, White, and Ruby. The quality of the 'above. is beautiful; We have also a fullrange of colors in the next quality to Bald; tin's. Please call- and make your selections, they will please you. HODGIN S & PAY. PSLES Under Clothing, 1711;Ess G1-0(.3-121$ WIT'aChY JUIN 1(,• • 8.1L ��► 4G -cods, or1„3 ,0?'! .,,•' — - And :t general assortmentin all that pevtaini to the Lev Goods Trade,. AT LOresiseztr:r rs+WEST' PRICES, lt�ma+w ... ,A,C7T� ',,r •..goP•+r�Cr IN'S . PA, r. Hay, Hides, Sheepskins Clover Titnotlty .' . ONLY O)tt PRICE CLINTON, Oct 24, 18,78. `lel la„ 1.!i 4 i t. NEW BUFFALO' RUBES, RTJGS, HORSE BLANKETS, &c. THD SUBSCRIBER HAS JUT MEWED A SPLENDID ASSORt7'ivllaN .' OP Indian tanned Buffalo Lobes, from the Northwest, which Are of exceileot Anality; ant offered at very low rates.. Ho ;las also on hand BUGS, BLANKETS, &c., of all kinds. QAi.1, ADD ..LN,S'EoT TiiEM. HOOTS aad 360 TQI. TIM !&LL add Wl9'ff� In this department. of his..basiness• lie. has mord than realized his a ntioipatinnr:,. and at. tributeshis success to koe ting a woll.a,94orted stock, and selling at low. rates: He host laid in a good stock of BOOTS and SHOES far ;;'all and Winter wear, • which lie will sell at very reasonable rates, His stook consists of ' Lad eS a1zc1. ,Misses &tees, Q•A'ildr(sta's „Boots and Sloes, and del( snit Bovs Boots,,, Sloes afl(l Gaiters. HARNESS of'all kinds, TRUNKS, VALISES, &e. First andsecond-class Sl3XNGL1';S, from 40 cents, per bpnoh; ,Rooms to lot in the Hat above shop; 'Victoria Block.' ABL GOODS -WARRANTED. VICTORIA BLQQK Sii0 w.S'1'o11.r;' (moon, P.m, 7, 1878• JAMES ,T'WITCHEI.L.. • c lawrox ma, Ramo; • November' 14, .1878 ., • Wheat, fail,: red; ,bush; 8Q 75 a 0 82 Wheat, fall, white, - 0 80 a ,0 85 Spgring,' 0 70, a • Q`80 lr'ife, - 4./81 a '0' 88 M -Oats, - 0 25 a , 0 28 Barley, 0 50 a 0 66 . Peas,- • 0 54 n 0 56 Flour,. • 4 00 a 4-'50 ' Potatoes, •0 45::_a 0:.50 Pork, - 4 00 a 4 25 - Beef-,... • • 5, 50 . a 6 60 ' Butter, ' • 0 12 'a 0 15 Eggs, 0 12 . a - '0 13 . = 7 00 a . 8.00• ' 4.50 a 6 00. - .0' 25 . a 0 50 8 50 .a 4 00• •,: 1.60 a 2.25 O N T R U A stonier. While announcing. • our stock complete 'for-. the Fall,• 'we wish to call attention to the fact that it -is ' now on a larger scale and much more complete than oxei before, in the. T0 NOVELTIES, LATEST, NEWEST GOODS f LEADING._•:STAPLES Bought at a time when rhe•IJryo(Rl5•: lual'ket •.wlis :suffering Tinder the severest. depression, sci that' o' u ':customers .can buy lieu- goods from its at from 5 • 65.17 .percent lowor•'than'if they were buyil g °Td goods. IN DI- ESS 'COO s •: . iltis is specially noticeable, our ;tsitot'tlitent of l'.esv foods in this dej>artnlent -being unequalled in Huron to -day. The novelties for .this ° s:isou:in $QUtANUEs, BAURETTAS, GRANITES, DA RArA:8', - CASHMERES DES 'IN1)iS','••'FRENCH Surf,*S, -CAMEL. HAlrt CLOTHS, M.c., (atltiiost all rough surface goo(ls)'nre wlntt to WOar for this fall: IN OUR BLACK GOODS'' DEPARTMENT _,. We trate no hesitation in saying we have the Best 'Vtilues itnd Largest .Selection in Western Ontario, consisting of. BLACTt rS`w1Cs,-. LAOfi FRFINCu• CASHMERES', SCOTCH CASIIHERES, MERINOES, •PAItAMATTAS, P1i:RIMAN CORDS, WOO', .8811tt':ES, BALMORAL GRAPES and LJSTRES. X()TH.. Second arrival of ou r celebrated Star )3r tul of }}I,gtil: f.t:n'ntus. F In this delutrt tent our assortment is surpassed by ;lone, and llttving...boiunllt' . Specially ('heap, we can undersell any house in Ontario. , 9 - • r. COTTONS. COTTONS. 'COTTONS.' w bra.nr : at-, i moans 5 �1'e sell till mu: well known i'i mill prices-- which nu,itls .) to t'I1 per cent. -' lover tknn yon ram buy Any where else. Carpets and . House Furnishings 41111• stock is large and complete, at.prices .tilat'insore alt;(+a. . FURS. SPECIAL—Our Funs illi to hand Inst w.eek,''and now have an aasertiu&ltb every intending bnyer should sec, from the cheapest Qom Setts, at V2.00, tb the finest MINK, from $15 to $150 per sett, and finest Sottrir SIJ: '.SJr;►,'t,'S1:tts, int. ' ;ylie.(lo, :;5810.0(),° and. "~i i.00 per sett. . ENT our orde),ed and Iig;iciy Un(le Clot111ng 'Department,: ender AIM M.:.1 iSUIiER, is practically closing up all opposition in this line, enabling" us to keep on hand a splendid assortment of ENOLrsit•r,Omen, and U 0...s. IA1 Mims, s, i ilaetr and FNOr.isl( WOrisTrns, BROADS, DOES. V.r.,Nr else§ tli'1(T t.l'a t itr'Lf,1T1:vI 8, At to ieet 4 which defy competition. Hoping 1111 will ;ire us an early can, We hrt-, 8`0111'8+ respectfully, FISHER, iRAIS & {;Tinton, (Jet. i0, 187R. —n-+.��..+,..:4a.e_�.__._.1. v.•...evs+w.anx.w..s,.�a.cew-�.w.., - I'i K. ° 1'; Cl 7' . F n lt' ' S 'A..14 Y The'oboioe Park. . Lot on Erie Street, Clinton, oompri. sing over ton aeras, now hoot by tofio 11Iathleson, is of- fered for sale on Moderate terms, • H. HALE. Clinton, Sept. 9,1878 „ `' • .��:AMINAm'IO.T�' 'F•Cl�'. Entrains to the High School; Cli to The December examination for admission.. to. the Clin- ton' High School, will he helri- 4D. t'). in the Central Sohool, Clinton, ou TueNdaly: the 17th, and Wednesday, the YStli lieCembi'r, — Commenting en Tnesdavi'at 0 a. m. Candidates must, if possible, notify AS. '.CUANnuLL, Esq., B. A., Head blaster, of the High. School. not later than the 5th November, of their intention tq present themselves for esamiuetion. - AROHIL DEWAI , L P. S. • Soatorth, 19t1.i .October 1878 •• OUSJ AND LOT FO S' SALE. w. 0o0:0 That"roll built two story dwclhnrx, containing twelve rooms, on lot 724 Spencer street with Apti garden, eta-, bio, shop -building, well, Sm., now oceu ltd by J.'w Too, ivill.be sold on sort'•eays, terms. Payment taken In monthly inetaltnenta, if desired, Apply to the owner, RIr. Joseph Rowell, or to ' ' Ir HALT,. • Clinton, Sept. 4; 1878. Rolt Ends, Fisher '�R DoWf , Cil, sten,`. Arc'snpplyinki, ork .8ito.u'r Shirai:, • Bolt, Ends and. flits for Bridges,:&c. loran 14.inoh downwards, and•eny .length required.. Their holt Cutter perforins the work; in the boat FISHER. .C' DOWNS'. Ciiriton,Aiay28,1878. G1�if1�'�`iDii1 I IQ � SCHOOL,. ESTABLISHED IN 1868.. BO t% L t►1F' it lir7iS'I'EES-.l$7+ .' W. W. I? 'AItht,1N,iaq.. ex -Mayor Of Clinton,,C1,ele7on. A. WORTHINGTON, Ilea., M.D., Secretary and Trees.. H. BALE Esq 1tI,A., •I R. RACE?, Esq. .TOJLN DEE t li Esq,,:lli D J A;'b I''ISHERR, BM. • TE43fli$it tear* r,. — . JAbIES TURNBULL,13: A:, Scholar in Classics and Gold Mcdnillat in:Modorn Languages, Toronto Uni- vers1ty,Item! Master. Classics, Modern Languages, and Higher English. JOAN E. BRYA T, B. A., Gold Medallist in Slnthe- matics,'Toronto University; :`. Mathematics, Natural Soionce,-and:English._ , • /0111S P. B4T,Y OUR; ' iadergradnate Thai airar-. airy ; Assistant to lrattjcraattca andl;ng(161i. MISS M. O'NEILL junior -I' nghsh, lrecocb and Gentian. • This School prepares pupils: for ,the Culver. sities•,and for entering upon :tlio study of any :of the,professions. Special attention is given to the. studies required for• Public School Teahors. As one, of the, County •illedel Sch4ela'la',netv.establiished in Clinton, teach- ers..dd1 the third class can Complete their pro.' fessional course in this town. Students pas- sing the 'Intermediate :Examination are. en- titled,ou teaching one year ;and attending the 'Normal School for ono session, to a Second Class Prarincial Certificate,' Grade B.• An excellent' chemical laboratory 'has been nrovided,; and it is believedthatthe Course in natural apience wilt bo of groat benefit to those who intend to toilets- farming pursuits. }3ook,keepiug, anti -the. other branches of a' good mercantile education are also taught, U TT S F S 'I! Cl Ft s' A ;(a 1: Ily-thc latest otfieial report of the lnspec The inMerntgnedinfler4.tlt bale his two ail, prior two- story framb dwelling-hoeses, on. I:rie..'treet, not far from G. W_ R. Station, viz: ' 1. House containing sittiog;r om: tlininu-i our, 7cit- ohen, andfour bedrooms; ' goodn able,woodrhacl, pump; and garden with fruit trees. tors, .which divides the High Schools `ofthe Province into eight classes, the Clinton School. is pla(ed in the second:class;:only siic Schools (Colloiiiito Institutes in cities and large towns) being placed in the class above- it, Since that ropott was made, theteaching.-staff of the School has been 'increased andimproved, aonee containing sittirm.robnt, dining-room,l:it- naw Apparatus procured, and a egmmodious ohen and three, btrdfoomv, with good garden, and unit brick building has been completed for .the school, 'at a cost to the town of $:t,0Qt1• trees In bearing ' • Torino" moderatecsy';' part credit if requited . ApiJy to Mr. H: Hale, or to the undersigned on the premises. • • r$ AYID CON ELL, Clinton, SWAMI'S. . M255 HANN°IS',. I'rlfinio tftt.l►Lis IlIU8S% ISOMER. Situated on the dottier of Albert and Princess Streets, opposite Vafr'o gild. A call respectfully solicited. Clinton, Oot. 24,1878. Thorough - bred Cotsw •' • v o . ,AJ T,bi, TheenblorileioSoratursale Rain. (midis, b a, i:wo Jambe,' and aged Ewes, of the Cotswold bread, at pricesto ?mit 'the timaq ,lls cuarlxc •;, Lot !Ply Con. TI allett. Londasbmo p D., rri't:16,1678. M lovic IICO.ti ate WAT'S01V, • • BARRISTERS. (Ce„ • r11./NT()?.; AND GObL 1tXCIf; 087161; A. WiciSn , 4.blIitnnasoa, Charon _ 18,1[ AfoAnn1•tr, Elf A;AXl A1iON.••••-Tl>:0 examinations for `nil- mission aroheld at the Clinton Model School (Central' School Building) half yearly in. Juno' and December. Notice of the exact time will bo duly given.in tlio County papers. The following are the requirements: est,MNur%onrailteading Book top. 246 and 4011- leg look. Wnrrx n.. --Neatly and legibly. Aarxr(MME rzc.-nrinciples of Arabic and Boman notation; vttl•, gar /motions; fleofmal fractions; simple proportion, With reasons of rules; mental arithmetic. Cfitaararin. • .Principal grammatical forms and definitions; analy,. efeof shank -.Aentence@;_pb;ging _slmpla_'AontonceS.- ComeoalTloN.-Simplo and complex sentences, orally or inviting; gramrnaticalehangesof construction; short ndatkrrativeordcseription; fnmiiiarlottete Gi oc.xamir. -Maps of America, Europe, Asia, and Africa; reaps of Canada and Ontarlo. LINEAR DBAWINr •- Cntlfne of reap$ common objeots.on paper. lirs'ioni.; •Candi• Weil 'will be etaminedin the leading facts of English History. Thu questione set'will n^t demand a minute knowledge of details, but will bo strictly I belted. te. the outlines of the subject. RneniN(.r-Cdnd(datca will bo examined, as heretofore, in reading from the rodrth Bauder, pp. 1-24C; but they win, in addition, bo ex - rooted to snow that they understand the meaning of therm reading lessens: They will llketr im be examined more minutely on the selections enurnerated'fu tho lowinglifit,iivid1To-rtridlred to r'eprodnee•.the substanc6 of one or mons of thane in their own immerge. bfr.lfaheomaan0Tiitbe to C'lintcnwver,'.Friday, -.(1,) Thr. Norwegian Colonies in Greenb,nd,•.Scores. Iv. (2) The founding of the North An(,Srican°Colonien. .a • . NEIN' • Pe.firs (6.) The'Yo)nge of the Golden Hind brit - a tilt id)tierin (.4r, (1.1 Tim iiilscovery,of Ainoriee.-1ioberl• can: (6.) The Death of blantcaho Ilmrkinr,*(6,j laclriynes Cartier at Itnehebcga,•-Hawkins. 37.1 Cortex it1 filaxico.'--eaur r Paper. (8.) Tho Uueenneers, Tice Sea. (6.) Toe Earthquakeoftlaraceas. Ilnnibntdf. (10.3 The Conquest of Peru. • rfnsok elRomantic ,drlren. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. hire.(11.) The CnnquestofWeIce.--iV77ita'sLcaalnatr s. Hermann, the Deliverer of Germany. -,Truer, • SNIT l t (111.) Thellurnhtgof Moscow.--AegursMorro/ire. (14.) 0 ij' 8 r 1 L l 5 The Battle of Tharinopyhe.-Itoleteh, (1&) The De- atrnction of Potnpoif.-•DGrpetztne �t h•L .'(14.7 The Takingof(rlbraltar. •4verlandlloole ilI.IERCEANT TAILOR, ,cantlidatea for the totern'8erliat t' xaniin- 81'X)1 and for Second Ohms Certiacate"s'. are 1)avini( crania ear is ab„ j• r.t, o tanlinerl,Iti the i2igh.:ieltnol Building in July x301 'member, usually ift the last week of Huron- e,aclr tr rnr, 1[1111't)1l t. -'greet, ,6i1.nto11i T,i.Lats .tyir V.tckriosis.-.r.'1'here 8788 note three terns estakllehed by law, the first cam- Antiprocured a WEIZ,et.SSunTP•'I' STfti;'1ti 'p1'' 'tnUneing (50Ianuary 7th, and (;urging on the. 0001`88 suitable for his business, x911 be pleased to Thursday before Distil.; the seeoatl cern. See An his old Oustonmrs sed: t, many new ones ((Id'•nieneinj;'nti the drat T,e9Aay after t'astei<y tr(encinll;