HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-11-14, Page 2• •,.. !:••••• i••••• , THE GUNTON NEW ERA: 'Mt vIDTOnS• enter door, with his bead inclined te- 'ggoa inLentiODS of tloo %treint0 ',eke maoketwe Ana coreteriou, us, asif he WaS tryino' to overheat' speedily dissolved. I didn't go hank to • 0 the aloe I first notieed him. knew oty cer g g, .1 n g., it front the little 'start .di Svpriao he oil along, that. Thursday Would he an uncommon 'day, with' Me, With two gave his eyes Met mino. Re _WAS all aor his inirpeise -in .4 corpses and $86;0°0 in epeoie in my ear. Toinote, for ile clrel his face down to an The money was. aafely deposited in xpression , el the utmost unconcern, the ear an hour before the time inf. the and came boldly forward to the win- ,tralu to leave on Thursday morning. It dow Of the office thrOtigh whi.ch the lvtla securely kicked in two strong, iron.. agent aletys transacted any business bound ()bests, and then they were aim - 1 lie-migh.t have with persons without. ed away in the large safe, and the heavy ' He Was a very fair -appearing man tors inade fast. I thought everything apparently about ferty, though be might was pretty well fixed, A few minutes have been a little-older.-e--11-0-wareiress.- -before we pilled out, ow:Ir.-waggons pas. ad in black and wearing a high kit. sed by the oar; one of tbetn centained He might have passed very well for ; two coffins, and the other six men, who one of the toloth if impose hadn't been a trifle Itureinoss. Another peculiarity I noticed about the noins was that 116 bad a queer SOTt Of a recl-looking eye. ",Beaten," they say, 44, tont driven out ' "Frera POweri wherein allemea delight. "5 Standing Condemned in all men's sight, ' And mark for Many a jeer find flout," Beaten .-.they seem to Me to stand. The enly vieters 'in the lend. Tor where tbey stood before the fray, - They fitand, true hearts, still undisinaye Though changes that the day his made Rave swept the 'Mats of their array. Their feedees faces front the foes ;.-- Nerhas_the battle seen its dose. 'Often, to mereenaty hands, Truth's citadel has seemed to fall, But still her flag flew over all, Upheld by honorable hands. • And, when she seemed to suffer most Behold, her few have grownsa boat ! ;For some'Whe eaw herfieg in front While yet they marched. aminaher foes. Deemed, that froniof4eir, own rants kt*rede ; And some, who elitam to bear the brunt Of.its defence, yet gathered. round' • • . Before the banner trailed. tliThound, ilphold3it yet, good Mon and true - For, though the day may seein o'er long To you, who face the shriekiug throng-- 13ethink they know not what they do !. Ere nightfall shall they feel the ruth Oflinowing what they cursed Nies truth, * • Beaten I from what? Their livea dative A ruling principle in each ; Have they once ainclikl from what they teach 'Or feared what cofisequences were ? Is vigtery a gain a place; Or proud defiance of diagra0c•?._ BONZI.E. Monteal, Nov. 1st, 1S78. •orrsorrooremosom • ••• THE MI WITH THE RED EYE About elght years ago, when bad _.-..nktrailroaded it' as long as I have now I was employed as a messenger on. a western railway. don't know as it is necessary for me to say svhat line it was, but I will call it the B. T. G. R. R., to save myself the trouble of pronounc- ing the whole name. I had not been on the ran more than -a month previous lo the date of the .on- - currence of whichwi am going to' tell you. had been running on a branch route for more than a year, and I might Our couvereation, ease me -about the eey bet aimed . 'step toward 1 Ib appeared fixed and staring, and as he strange that he should be absent at came, near I concluded it was glass. It such a dine, bnt I forgot all abont'l in •was so strange and unnatural in its ex..., a moment; . preesion that 1 thought I should know I ' The coffins were placed in one end of it if'i should 5ee it peering at me ovee 1 the ear, anti after it had been arranged , the wall of China, * I ‘Is there a small package here for Isaae G. Van Scoter V he asked in a husiness.like way, in answer Co the eu. „ Turing glance of tueagent. . quiring ' The agent referred to one or the big registers on the clesl., and anNwered in the negative. ' - .3 4Qheer,' said the man with the rea eye, .' It. ought' to have • cOme yester- day.. I -la Ye Si.ot read the Evening Chronicler - ' 44 ' And after this abrupt interrogation the. stranger -.Steudtta-nioiienless, eyeink the agent intently for as much were evidently 'acting as pall -bearers. I looked around for the bereaved brother with the peculiar ere,. but .he was no- where to bo.se. I thought it a little as, a in inu te. • • We both answered 4 The man took ,ft paper out of hi pocket, and, spreading it before us, pat one of his lerid'er forefin,gerE; upon the following pitVitgrapli't • FATAL after/100D, that-one.ot the -men:should come into the car mid take look at the bodies when. we arrived at RedWood, he:shook hen& with the others and entered: one el the 9,etialtes. . A8 ' the 'doers elosed upon him, the bells 'prig ga we' wont stedirling away. ' . It was pretty busy few on hour or More, and we had passed two or three sthtl�tis befiirol had. t•iiire than 4 chattel glance telyard the evict passengers, at the end of. the car. :Bur after a little, When bad leisore, im- controllable wish 'took possession of me. ,trilonk at the faces: of :the two dead Wen. It wasn't mere morbid mirloSity, and -I can't &Or& it in any way bet. ler-Mien to...say.ft" Wei a sort of a *ague desire Which could not •unite WithOnt eatistiog it, ' • that he should be disturbed on mach a solOtan mission. But 'it was DO go, He was handdiffed,. in less than ItWe mihntee 504 ITutr011ed 011t on the plat-, form. . • • 'It was au, easy matter to seetire the two quondam dead' men. They Were taken greatly at a disadvantage., and wore deprived of all power to resist al- most before they became aware how their nice little scheme had terminated, All three had been well maned. Bound and guarded, the threo mie- oreante were taken to IledWood and lodged in the county iail. " Before I left I took a look at them through the grated doors of their cell: When I paid my respects to tbe Man with the red CO, -he Wiled find reffiark- ed* patronizingly : • IT'ou're .1 'pretty smart yoong man. It takes a middlieg, keen boy to outwit us. , 'Permit tee to sympathize 'with yoe in your sonow at tho loss cif your dear brothee, jest a, lit:le ' I replied : , ' . ebteni 14015: DA, APPrASTON.- Orn04 •-•• at DA( tiro* Anil- ' NXOTIT time- The noinexerct the 5toegi Cunningham° da.dikenliead-the Scpitire,01114on. Clinton, Do o. 0011$17. ,. 1)1totitfvEcti'iTli'lg.cift1411=°atieOlitc2VAlfeP). AI,L7-atea414aPtligt,P,i,!7,7.' cH4,!°. 4: 0........1.1W...,,,t * 4...,,, . ,..,... ,• • .... .. .............• 6.11 1911.lifillf IOLIdeBbOTO. 0 . • 1. Mgmeilligt7t4)tErib/Y8t100ioart.elln Ito ntille&Ow.ternt4pAoldraeullecOp' to-nr,ro, io.n,, misantraan or treaorrf4 n":se:::B'tijuituya,aita:D' 1.1'4.TB or THE MEDICAL ....IF, . violjarly000Pe4sutrat:wenntotiollti(Vailesctitrin: DipisIpvcernasiatyri,e'itONre:wtelc, °fort; Coroplor.VCeurtty Of Unroll, Barrialm, Ont. „ otlf.T 4 P ko a, . Ed , .....----..:____. ......._ _ ..,. „_.. ...,,...„, .,.,..._ _ TIOWSLET & GIBSON, PEITSICIANS, BYE ell., GtONS AC gouclAcultsoh. Oftiee, Allutre Street opposite Pa'ir's mins. "3.), n. Dowsr.t.1.1M. D. A, M. Grusoti, M. I) Clinton, May 10, 1877, . ... flit. WORTIIINGTON, PIDXSIOIAN SURGE'ON, 0 ,./-Aueoueltenr,Lioontiatt of the eollego'of Phygoians an& Surgeons f ate and Coma% rLf:‘: cg. rattil:yatialP. rtruVr't'," a ter istid residonce,-Tho building I ormerly occupied by Mr. ThWaites, Huron street. Clinton, an, 10, 1871. Arnica Salve. The best Salvo in the world for duts, Bruises, Sores, View, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains; °erne, and all kinds of $kin. Bruptiene. This Salve is guaranteed to give Perfect satisfaction in eyery case or Money re- funded, Price •tents per box. Vor sale ne J. If. 0031135. "". • REM:10118 $TaENGT11. prevent or conquer disease is re of the grandest attainments over einledat.by mull; and "r`33ryan's Pulmonic fere" will as sure cure coughs; colds, tickling the throat and piihnonary complaints, as war and pestilence will destroy, Severb polds.if not attended to sooner or later lead to incurable consumption, and the strength of the strongest' soon fails if nerrlected The reedit* and best means known for the cure of these complaints is Bryau's Pulmonic Wafers," which have been thoroughly tried for the last twenty years, ;mil have never been' known to fall. ;Falpgers wed public speakers will also 'derive t.,ret benefit from the utle of them. Said by, all medicine dealers, at 25 cents per box. r. • • NOVEMBER i4, 1,8U. °ON 8014IDATED BANK, OZ.:CANADA. CAPITAL, $4,000,000.. 014 I IsT T 0 N G NOY. latereat from Four to Five pet cent allowed ... on Deposits. . . . M. LOUGH. Agent. Dilater, April, 4870. ': . Notice of ReaRoval. inrellanerats itartio. r , .c, . • .. i..-c4saoy TO LEND, IN/ARCM on sOIALliSONS, -. • 911e,.1°4....in°rtii"So oecull•in at Moderate rattle of 3.nterest. lo5t UAW:. ' Clinton, Aug11550t1i,180(f. • 7-tf • , nnAimns.e. rnovinatienann sun. Ariount,Vallitdor, and:Laud Agent. 051 :---JOse- phine street, Wingham. .Winghara,,Aug, 2,287-7- - ----------------- - • ARRIA.GE LICENSE'S. ANfojOERTIFICATES.- .1.11. Apply at the Town 110, or Itt the residence of tho subecriber, near the London., •Thiren & Bruce Dummy station. . JAMES SCOTT,. ' Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Clinton, April 27th, 1570. • . 114A/LWAT CLINTON, ONT. THEABOY4 %Ler Souse situated close to the station, and is thor- oughly renovated throughout, and now allords.good ac- commodation for the travelling pubile. Large stabling nd good hostlers in attendance, Choicest Honors iu the bar, .1lnoa. Lana, Proprietor. • 15 J. BIDDLECOMI-.3E, WM .ad Clock Maker JBWBLLEB; &e„ • . . would respectfully announce to his customers and the . • politic generally, that since the late disatttronatro, he • , hes secured tho ' , Store lati31y oCcupie4 byytiessra q. Fallioer 0o., N\ ere he vas, lieop •tin. hand a select assortment et •• Matches, Jewelry. and Silverwere of all kinds, _ .'t.,Vhich he -will troll at reasonable rates. Repairing of . every description promptly' attended to. • , sr, eininatconen.-,emoese seamier.. on awe se,a .14, 1878. - • NEW TIME CARD. - t. ,41:12 ' 47,)114,1Mra 4 LItrtl"'' - ofes• iGR4ND TRITIIIC ItALWAA.'. ' t..ON AND AFTEli, MOND LT MA,Y 27TII ' s / • . • / Passenger Trains -will leaVe Carrion elation as follow/ Gorse Derir.-Express, 1150 p...:M. tlsil..-7. 27 R. ' ni„ 10 a.. M., 4.55 p. so. • . • , , Goitre Wesr.--E;71or ;..XixecI, IltfO‘i 'I" C. .111o/NTOSII: DAYFIELD, ISSUED,. 01' ,Trof among the Chshirest I d .11 • Lice se under the now tat Commission. ' ' noticed that the lids were not fas- n A • tened down.' • INTY next disCOvery • was CoteLAND's Swioir 0,,isrou equally anit HoS Of III1TOtt and Bruce, Convesmoing "cli - ' • 1 or tor takine'AillWits'in the Queen's lieu* for Conn. Saturday EXCURSION. tiokets- , • Lenees, Bonds, C'ontracts,, Ails, Deeds, and Mortgages. ' London, editorial and' Stratford, good to. . Fees mall, Residence -opposite I olloet s Dote'. • return on Monday, tit reduced rates. ' 110:N.ST ADVX.S0 DID ON 1113Art 1f STATZ. . , • as two men, named respectively Henry that the Screws were gone. This struck Van Seater and O. -IL Griggs, were at me as strange, for I was sura I• had no - work chopping timber in the. vineries' tieed them when the coffinl were lifted have stayed there a good deal longer if near Scranton, a tree -fell oport.thein, intothe car. .1 renienrbered that I had I had not been chosen to take l'axtnn's 'killing Van 6'eoter instantly, anAin- given the attendants permission. to ar, place. when he went off. Yon see, two flicting injuries Upon ,the person Of ranae the caskets to their ownsatisfae- or three attempts had been made to rob Griggs from which he dieli in less than the express car, and at lash at the end an hour. -They'are posh/enter of of a long run Paxtou was found dead and -it iwunderstooC1 their remains...Till in the car, with a bullet hole 'in his 'be taken there for . head. But the safe was closed. 'tight • -` henry. Van Seoter Was My. anlY and seam, though an attempt had been brother.--cov twin brother -who, re- made to blow it open; which proved in. sembles meVery, hied), and Cherley lid of the coffin nearest rn.e, and took a effectual. But the strangest Part of all Griggswas my Sister's husband. It's long -look at the Vibe of the oeenpant. was that the hey was missing from -Paxa sad blow ! -a sad -blow I " I don't Ile Was a young man, With a ft311 face aga squire features. His cheeks were not sunken, and 'he had a decidedly fresh appeeiance for a; young. Man who had been, dead iiearly two days, T tion, and drat they lied been along timo doing it. If they hadreznoved screws observed at the time, what pea; sible objece could they have hid in do- ing so With ibis ;pestles, in my mied, raised the upper portion of thR ton's pocket, and it was not found till a good six weeks afterward. 'Then it.wee discovered at the side of the track, -with •i ten know how my peer-eister Terri -Wet. It's about this -sad-affair that'I came here 'Itvant to send the two bodies tbrough to by eXpress on ay, :and by the 11.• r}u that robbers' were in the car, and he Imre able • for children :and aclult1 .Endersed by -fiver 600 clootorii in ...Palmas: • The .difficulty of administering, flan:ruins medicine's; - and We de, sirability.of having them .pleariant-te. thetaste, Maimed T. Copland • to,. undertake- tesliarches• whielt):esultea.iti the•dicOvery of .-0.:Sw..ciet.Cat,'.. tor Oil, perfectly palatable, bf the. satue strength - and medical qualities he the . ordinary -Castor 011; .and, while equally safe and harmless, . yet • ectiug with more nertainty, and Prodlicinif nei- ther nausea. nor griping.. Soule Abildren. say it is honey.; •others t syrup -they tilt say they. like it. • One patent says-". Aly•childrimilliank Wilke water ;" •ffmither7,-.`' We had., to hide. the .i bottle or they Would. have. finished -it rig,bt off.- ;" another My little lni.s token - it • tviuc.e • Without arty trouble, and'does - not. know. what: itis, though She hates- tho. ordinary, eastor,Oil, and•We never. ctliild get)'or to take it Without ot..; fight .;" 'yet: :a -nether t-•" 1 'wish :You • snecess of I your $wirsr..0A.M)13. ; it is a.. splendid tiring .1 to tithe. the place .of all the common I The extrziarditary. dereand•for this nmirOve- 'moot �t -ie staple hen:561101d lias brought frandulent irnitationo into the market; lint the pubilo can gnard theinsely es .ftgainst milistitutes ri led • ies are attempting to • HICK4011, °Dora' mr. hayfield, Sept.14, 1875. . • d.,. STRAIT. ON, Agent at Clinton. Clinton, may 28,1878. • lor LIVINGSTON, L.,s.TE CHICit.00, 11.1,,VING 4..5.11-5; purchased the liarr Dressing business lately car- ried on by Mr.'Dobudo, degree to intimate to the pub. ii that he will, continue -the Snitul at ilia old eland, and hopes to receive*, continnation of the pabrouageaccord- ea his predecessor.' Ladies Hair Work a .speeialty. Clinton, tug. 8, OM, '. • • • • • . , AfasoN a: Aubsom, AScetnitants; Ailatigneers, .L Fire suar.dentsitreaee and General CoulmieSion 5kg0nfS. inklUilitiOe two -third. cheaper than ordinary eost, and ihet.class Stock and. Mutual Companies repro- Hsennt:.aMto. nog to loan, anti all kinds of property botignt Kohl, • ':Xfoderate charges. Oface.IIINO ST Jena .111Asorl, Josnen linnsmt, Commissioner and:issue/. ConveYancer. Msniage Lit:enacts., . 18 irsir Inman, WIAUTON, ONT., jOLLEY S: -Lb Delmore, ;proprietors, This hotel has been en- lefged and newly furnished. and nbw Offers Ant -close accommodation for tho general travelling public. tiers tor rooms by letter or telegram carefully attended •to. Good Satrap! r \vs t t b ti We atre.aoiling 3 His. good $1.011i Red ROCERIES, 1HEOHHEAD lls.N:e en hand large elk 55011-0.1010(1. Aubok , of GENERAL.. GAR 0 R. it S. , • . • " As ever oftered 111 • . I N. N • . A S CUSTOMERS • • 'Aro paittetilarli inviteti to INSPECT OUD eTOCE, end campare•prioes before purchasirm . .0,54 . ,o,11 on. the repute.tion 0 ar y se8tie, 'new WM. been eareffilly 'selected. he • °use 01_ in. 00 ...and the eite of this • other 'goods in proportion,. - refused to give up 'the key. fle *as . 'The charge will he. twenty- five dol. the other cofdn. Here new.' tta-both wrapper and directien label, • and'hy tourists, eportsmen;and families i . . expected they would murder him if leo What will be -the charges r . . . a3 11 at t name opt.,AAD .bwg CASTOit fiss, tended to. 'shindy a want long felt by the travelling iinplacine the lid, •I p;resed- t h ' C • • . true to the last. Well, yeti may sup. pose that I felt jast the least bit squeam- ish about accepting such an uninviting berth; but the superintendent gave me lam,' answered the agent. Tire stranger. only ilowed solemnly in recognition of the reply. Then he was silent foe a minute or two,•durine which orders- and 1 meant to, do ink duty, time he appeared to Zoe strugeline *ith 0 0 however disagreeable it might he, Then his grief; • • : the pay was larger than •I bad ever re- 'The bodies will be Isere ThiirsdaY ceived before; and t was aCquitinted morning,' be Said. 'I hcnie you will with a good girl who was ready to help make all anunseinents to prevent any me inhabit a house whenever. ,1 should delay. Iguess my package won't come be able to oWn one, and that as duite this week, an object terfife, I can mere you, -------------.The agent assured him thaLthere Well, everything passed.off smoothly would be no delay, and he might de- e- enough for several weeks and I had be- pend on haviiig, the bodies go through .come accustbnied to the route, and made brOckery and Glassware a specialty: . ' cinernoarliore.a Aixiirsunin a dozen or so of very plesant acquaint- . ances and I was growing to be pretty well contented 'With my life, 1, had al- -most begun to think the robber, who- ever they Might he; hact given iip all thoughts of ever making anything out. of my car and had Relight another field of operations. One day I Was informed by the agent 11,5 -7 -that sometime within a week I would have to take charge of about $80,000 in opecie on ite transit over our road. The officers of the express com- pany had been advised of this intended important shipment, in order that they might .eiercise redoubled vigilance in view of the great risk incurred in the transportation of sneh a valuable cOn- signruent. :- The evening after my conversation with the agent, he called into the office, and toldniorthe'species was to go over the road the next, 'day but 'one. Ile precluded an envelope Mid handed le to me saying as he did so: • ' There, Bill, are your orders, direct from the superintendent, with hie own signature, attached. tend them taro. fully and obey them to the lettee, for a: little mismove might cause a greaeloss to the company and cost you your iv- bition.' I shall do my duty the very let- ter," I replied. • I am sure you mean to do so,' said the agent, 'but you cannot he too care- ful. Some of the members of thelight- fingered profession are sinarf as light. ning. The plans they can't devise ain't worth thinking of, and they are aa fer- tile in expedients ais the evil one him- self. I thought I'd just put-ylid 012 your guard in a friendly wily, sound at the door. 4 the depot hadret been deserted ,by every one exeept us twO, and the switch engine hadn't been up at the endofthei Vatd, where we could hear its inceseant puffing, X don't believe we could hive heard the sound it all. But We both noticed It at Mite and as I. looked out of the office into the large room beyond, 1 saw a man standing Just inside the to G— with the grcateet possible ex- pedition.. . The 'man bowed again ,politely, then he said: • Is the telegraph office /mai, b I tnust break the sorrowful neves to my poor sister, I suppose, though it's anything but a pleasant duty,' - X told how to reacb the place he sought, and with a polite thank you,' the sad Man with the red eye walked out of the office, and in a couple. of mi- nutes the sound of his footsteps died away in the dioiance, ,A queer aert of a chap,' said L A. little odd,' answered the agent. ; '1 wonder if he heard us talking about the specie V I queried. He seems' honest enough.' - Yee,' aaid I; but I'm sure, he was 'listening to our talk oben I first sew "Are you certain of it 2' • the egent asked eagerly. no,' I replied; not altogether. certaie beyond all miatakefianot itloole"; ea mightily like it, Ton toll you,' Suppose you go to the telegraph officeand See what kind 6f a Message he sends,' suggested the agent. ' No sooner said than done. ' Iffisston- ed around to tbe telegraph office and as I wont in the man Caine out. ne didn't seem t� recognize mee-at least he didn't look at me --and I thought it prudent not to notice him, 'Did that preacherlooking fellow send 11 message to 0— f I asked of the operator, when I bad gone in and closed the door after me, Yes. Why do you ask r 0, only Out of curiosity,' , replied. 'Wes it anything of importance The Man said that hie brother-in-law Were both killed this afternoon.' , The operator- took thn copy of the message from ths's file on the table end lag it before MO, It *as addressed to 11. Griggs, and signed balm G. Yen Seoter. It ,oad: Heorrand Chitties aro, both dead. They will he sent home Chitties - Everything seemed oboi3istoot, and any doubts had entertained �f the the comn wa naafi in I T , , a , purehased Afestirs 'fl• I 4- NORTIIIZOP dr. fiN MAN, 'Toronto. Gop an it (lo's interest in the &eve pr'epal - p.easan,sueuuer rescat. . tea= daily. • s the man whom had rittimi, aro now n 3 anufaeturing .11 from tile oil-. Was staring Straight. at me; and I I Ask for 00mA:ewe' Stvgg'T (1‘S*TOR. - Ob. seen in the express office. Thnred eve ! gi"alreell'e• 'startling Surprise met me. The - The tinaereined h • • • not mistaken 1 iror a fhOlDSIlt my con- serve the name., -Do not 1)0'dt:caved, t)old by sternation..was, WO great for words; I all metlidiee dettlers. 3. leo, 2t .ento. COuld 'not Wive utteeed a sound had my ei 0 .r. I • life &needed on it, • !..4r1103fAs' ECI,T11.10-10 Of It! • Worm t I Do oW A -TTII VD This:man, ;elle' Was alive after •the! GI'4111) 1S .r41, OF 1T ? _V __OT, 1T. X4.17f _ accident, which • the paper sold.. eansed Pain . • . . the deeth of Va S bottle haseured portatmn o their ' noscarrer et o. S 01' tue B UM 0 arrangement f comnion S " ul made' ------------- 1.0110 • 'eull's and Grigge, -chersimart 'Medne Ott . oun InstoAr cannot 'stay' where it is used. ;tie the • n cotes. and who had 1 ins was Stanfill% , . s. north I e ' now 'here in this ffi rema ;19"1'. ured an 01d co n, to all appearance CiONPAr Tamilif,EN ; ix to eases of pmv; iny, or two bottles our6s bad be! caved dead streneer had Sal& tillt N"A3 I) eHlt anPlicrik a 14 I remeMbere c that the „x so.na cures any cs-se of Ex° nen . Thenn,o ; ane b Weir's E0;. -DigHL na curia emu back of eleht years' t • q, s an iirr. D, But two brothers are no apt to have er bottle of your OIL which effected a dead brother resenabled him very closely*, Plank? of Brookfield, i says went 30 wotris, efeeif Cooked Limb. by six appli• years, says " E have half of a 150 cent bottle left. and .S100 would not buy it if T could get no more." Rufus Robinson of nimbi, N. says: "One small bottle of your Eclectric Oil restored the voice where the -person had not spoken above a tvhisper in five years." Rev. *.T. 11.fallory, of Wyoming, Y., writes: "Your nolectrus 011 cured inc of Bronehitis in one week." ' • • It is composed of Six oif Tut ntsr Ons Ann asowx. It bi as good for internal as for exte rnal use, and is believed to be frame:tame* ably 'superior to 'anything -ever made. Witi save you much suffering and many dollars of expense. . leotrle that the eigniture of S; N. T110 -131A. S, IDAVann ImItArimet.-Ask for Dr. Thelma EC - is on the wrapper, and the name of Nontnnor & Lv, --MAN blown in the bottle, arid TAKE NO OTHER. 'SW by all medicine dealers, Price 05 cents. Northrop es Lyman; Tofonto, proprietors tor the Dominion. NoTz,- Belectrio-Selectedand Blecttized. red glass eyes. Stich a coincidence as ca IVA ier io has had Asthma for this was beyond the pale of reasonable probabilities. . 'While yet I gazed' at the tupposed corpse, the other eye opened a little and I was sure that be was looking at me. I was convinced that there WAS a fraud here, but to show that I had dis- oovered it might cost me my•life. Sol very ouietlY replaced the lid of the coffin and took a moment's time to think the matter over. I remembered my conversation with the express agent, wIsich. we feared had been overheard by the eleeical-loolcing stranget, and could only come to the aticlution that the whole thing was a deliberate plan to niurder,me and gain posspeeion of the $80,000 in my charge. There was no delaying that the man ' With the red 'eye was alive mid I had Hc; doubt that.the other man was also. Kneeling clewn, placed my ear close to the side' of the coffin, and could hear him breathe quite distitetly, .1 re. membeneLthatthe attendant who had boarded the trainintended to enter the ear at Redwood, ostensibly for the min, pose of seeing the bodies-; and I could not doubt that the three men intended to ittteckemo after the train pulled, out from the station, and rob the car before our arrival sit the next stopping place.' There -was ' hut one station between .ns and Itedwerel, nna I knew Ivo would be there in ten minutes More. I had no time for hesitatien. Instant aotiois was my only cheime foe safety. If I eould Homo myself against attack mitil we reached the next station, 1 fele that ell would be well. In_ one instant 1 lira decided IIDOD tt plan of action. As quickly sapessible I piled several heavy boxes Of merchandise on top of the two eoffins, and theri knew' 1 was We. Scarcely was this "isceoinplished when we ran into the station. , immediately fotmd two or three officers. Virg. the Man in the coach was secured. Ire was highly indignatit • '11RE GREAT FEMALE ItEMEIYL JOH 111081111 PERIODICAM 011,41.15 This weliknown triedreite is no impositioe buts oats mid sato remedy for Venial° Dun. culties and Obstructions, from any eausewhat, aver; and although a peWerfttlreniedri it oon. -tainsnothing hurtful to the constitution. TO MABRIED *LADIF,S It IS pecaliarly suited. It will, in a ehorttira e bring on the monthly period with regularity. Itt ailonsaa of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pa1ii0j fhe Back and timbp, Heaviness, blatigne on elightexertion, Palpitation of the heart. Hysterics,- Sick Heielaehee, Whites, andallthopainful diSefigeg Oecasioned by a 6h:ordered trystena, these Pine will effect keens when all othernmanshave failed. • , Thee° Pills have never bean known ta fail where the directions on the 2nd, page of pam* phlet, aro well observed. For £ullpartieulare, gat apae11phlet,froo, of agent, 3-0B 110SP,S,NEW YOBICSonx-PneriasTen... $1.00 and 12i cents for postage, enclosed to Sorthrop cfa' layman, ,Toronto, Ont., general agents for tire Dominion, will insure w bottle containing over 50 pills by return null', Sold iii3Olinton by 3'.11. Oeinbe and George Obieley; E. Plieksoneand 1., unladen, Sea - forth; 1.Kidd, oatiotbreloht,Parker & Cattle and F. Ionian, Goderielt; H. Cameron Bay tibiai7as.13ontbren,Hodgerville:and a 'fined'. einedeaters. P. G. LAME, Auctioneer and Appraleer for Huron; !louse an .Ztottl,.....4gent„ Covivalsioner, Cenrooneer, : . • 114701ILD BESPECTP ULM INTIMATE TO TI1E clatilje=i0sfeginliPte'„11"51t;i4nItS' thl" b"ing Victoria Street, Clinton • /fhairriowint-i»ind a. large oral seloot steak of A L OP ?IT 'TUE Studios Chairs, Tables, Ded:romn Sets, Loom/NOV/3st Noi s, Of good Material, elephant workmanship and finish, anti 'which he will sell at the owestremtincrative rates, ‘. E.E71431./k0 •PrOotpiN 4Y".Q.:21.DED TO • • . ' CANE MAIM DESEATED, AS GOOD AS NNW r- 1:513.1011.: 0 'NIA Iternernber ate ?lace VICTORIA-gT! tfiletol;,narch 6,1817 - • • Ann ea of Brass Counter Scales for stioy... Clinton, Only 18, 1878 TUB ROYAL BALM is a more certain mine. fly for pain, in a wider range of ciSses, and a more agreeable Medicine than any other now offered to the public ; even thmigh we de say for it what no other:matinfaCtUrer will dare to say of his preparation, :-It absolutely will not cure everything from a corn On the toe to a dislocated neck. It needs no highly eXaggeratecl puffing, being one of the few tbing which sell on, their oWn merits. 4. " It is a pnrely vigeiable production; and is perfectly safe for au infant of any agd. It is a per/at specific for Dysentery. It. cures Cflintry, Dicerated,Sore Throat and - Diphtheria, Nervous lieadathe, Neuralgia, Tieclolorena, and Sciatica, Cholera; Cramps and pains in the stomach and bowele, Diflaramation' Wands, Druisett, Spraine, Burns , Scalds, Froat-bi tee, Ser. Vale°, 25 cents. . . 3r. IL (103111E .1)rugoist smix AGENT, cratarrqic. 104 Clocks, Watches, jeivellery, &c • hie eineerothank Dtocehiriess3tutonircetrum o friends and costa mers,fortheliber olshareofpetronz ag.ethatlehtutre ' • tervedwhileearr . Mg or Deduced in Clinton,sedhopee by a Shia Rhea - tion to hneinesa, and wing ovary etfortto,meetthe firal :1u:der:et ft: 6mtniein: tif lfe Pb -Ile would also take thin opportunity of atiattitn6"g tbst 50 has taken his aim into partnership, and that the butt - 'twee will be conducted, in future under tiro style of 8, ' 1'OWLET4 it SON, The tIrni will keep op band • Watches, Clocks, Jeivellely, Bpebtaeles, S. FOWLER euitscnieratiMOSLBAvIl To STA'rn -a• to the 'midi(' that he IteOpil Oantif Antlq' en heed a large e nd sueerlorelassef COFFINS,, CASItETS, CoflIn Trimmings and Robes, , With a Wan& 11EAESPI. Vrom 0031,15S always on heed. Vertlea can be supplied ip one hope, et any timerat TEWPEi CENT LESS Thah can be procured tI ttsy otter A full stock of IrtNITIIRE 0.k1w0315on hand. ,orimon;14 10,1671,TEOS. STEVENSON, And all other artieles In their line All kinds of Pipes Reieireil and Mounted. ne,Parl,1,M, '0(.111111M, P., ;lona otr short notice, in a • WOrAtatt111110 manner, nud on reasonable tonne. A 1,01ilir 81'13DET, 'LORIN 01' Clinton,Dec. 0,1877. ' • ' BLACKSMIIITING. • hernatuVer that the pistol) to got ;stork done is et ' 110;)WELL% OLD STAND, HURON' STBEBT, CLINTON. JfOfl&I$110VINO A S'PEOIAL,TY, told' " dote 0,1 legeat geterisooy prtnelpia, na1ngtegagad T. x. enonomen, V.81 etutoni.n, W111 hive the benefit ot his abide, in ell cases, free or charge. All kinds of Gliklitml, Annie* clout prinnptly and on reasonable Oaring wecared it 9Air 1f.th1L&7fl Ja» prepared te tie anytithaly ut Mk lea, , AinVntiv 04t1llANDBIL, Meter, M410,1018 .