HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-11-14, Page 1,
VOL- 13, No. 43.
111111101019 —*LAO Per Annum, In ikovance,
:ANO. CEiNTRE, -.14"11AOL,,GX,NER.A:1.-4
" •
ouNcroN, CoNT,ARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEM13ER 14, 1878.
New gkottatovistento.
Norian is hereby given that undersigned will
not be responsible for any debts contraoted hhi$
name, Wilmot his written order, tnceept by his Wife:
W. COLOLO Rau, sr,
Goderieh Townghip, Nov. '7, 1876.
Jrouriy avi Food Store,
Huron Street., clIntou.
St. Louis, Pearl Homini
PATENT PROCESS OATMEAL. made froin pure White
B«rley; Oats, Peas, Oor'n, and
delivered to (LAW part of town,
A largo and solid stook e MOMS
A py.A.raON HAAT),
CORN. CORN. cartN..
Corn sold t Panners in large tote of 30 to 100 In:sh-
ell:, at very low Ohm& Alec:, Corn delivered hy• the
Car lead, to, any Metier cn the O. T. or 4. W. Roads.
Clinton, Nov , 14, 1878.
The -Dominion (introverted lilleotion Act.1814..
Edeetio,i•of a member forthe; House of Com-
- azoni, for the Electoral Eivisioit 0.* the
SWIM Riding o:f the County of Htiroit,
holden on the Tenth and Seventeenth flap
. of Ssptember, •D , 1878,.
nomtmell er et14.t1)A, ) ?ling PETITION of David
Province of Ontario, Hood Ritchie, of the Townz
To wit : ) ship of Stanley, in the Bloater -
el District of the South Riding of the Connty of Huron,
in the Province of Ontario, 'Esquire, wholie marne•is
Nebseribed,.shows as followe • , •
1. Tour Potitioner is n person, who Wise duly qualified
to vote at the above electionand haws right to petition
within Section Seven', of the Donrinion Contror rtod
Elections Aot, 1874.
2. Tour Petitioner ita!es that the eleetion wan bold&
on the Tenth tin a tieveoteenth days of September, A.D.
1876, when Malcolm Colin Cameron and Wilma -Porter;
were candidater,, and the Returning Offieerhrorreturne.d
the eal.d.m.leetes Pelt . On mrynn ne hehm_dul,v efecfea
ANTED, a good general servant, Apply at this
Clinton, Nov.7,1878.
-17(TANTED. 111 Rec. 10th. a good generaLaerva
Y • Apply to .
.ClilitOn) Nov. 7, 1878,
fillIAT very convCniently sitnatea house on Rattan.
bury street, at present in the ocenPatten ot Mn•
Watts. Possession given about • the middle of NOrein.
ber, Per further particulars apply at Gib; eMee.
Clinton, NON 7, 1878.
hfedieine iv for sale at 3. 11. Combo's, Clinton,
and mlinufactered at 209, Wellington Street) tondon,
Onb. This meaicipo is highly spot& of and reeorn-,
mended for Ellie& and Liver Complainte, and it, has
Oleo Fovea highly beneficial for Ilhoumationi.
• The subseriber being about to move from tov.n,
offers lots No. 625 and egoovotaer a 11011 and Maple
,etreets, for sale, on which there is ago& VI no Dwell.
log and Stable. ROREIV.0 'MARLOW.
Winton Oct 21st 1878 •
FARi'FOR SALE -In the ToWnehiP
Ooderich. The undersigned offers for sale a Sarni
ou the 14th ooncessibn of tioderich T,nwnship, consist.
lug of part et tote 58 and 84, being 68 acres, more or
ices. about 69 acres are °leaved, the balance timber
land. On the place is a log 'house, frame barn, stable
and shed, and about Revell aonee of fall Wheat. Will bo
aold on reasonable terms. Apply personally, or by
letter, to wirad.sat JENHINS, ilOntitntsvitnit P. Q.
Goderich tesinship Oct 14 1878 "nt
F-xn ENGINF011 SALE, the
COrparation of Clinton has Prireirmied A Store aare
engine, they offer a email hand engine for male, spitable.
tor small villages., mills or factorms. DI be sold
cheap.. Apply to H. 500TT4hairman Vire rand Water
tllinion,'Oet. 3, 1878,
- - -
Nalco is hereby given that the nortneralaip hereto
fere en:isting be.tween (*master: & Ouronnoirefer, has
thio day been dissolved by mutual coneeut. Mr. Chas.
Cauminghamo has assumed. the payment of all debts
contracted by the Bald Linn of Grata:10k & Cunlungbalne,
and will also colleet all Ino the same, as well as continue
the business. '
. Witness: CHAS. GRASS/CR.
Josue CusiNINOILUSe. " 0„-0TINITMITAIr/4,
• • noted at 011oton, 006.14, 1878. • • ' •
F A It hi F R i4 Al, ,
vomanutra New$ items.
• Aroabel township, 'Prime county, has
voted $40;000 te the Stratford & Huron
Railway. •'
Holliston will,on the is of Jantiary,
1879, throw off her Mantle as it Village
arid rise to the dignity of a towo. • .
' mios .Foote, of Mitolmfl, hee been en -
&aged AS assistant teacher of -the LiStow7
el High SChool,'At eaittry of $400. •
A. number of immigrants from France
have le,Oly token up land in the eastern
toSenships and commenced faAing. 4
The sinker -ale, Allan Line will pto-
&Ably- soil from Daltieiore this. winter.
• Tho last ship, leaVea.Qtiebec on the 23ri1
inst. `1,
A hy-Liar foe the repeal of the Din) -
.kin Aet s to be submitted to the pepu-.
lar vote in Peterboroogh on MoOdttY,
.Decet'4er. 9th. .• •,
• The: ballet boX stufferb. in the Jacqrie
Cartier election have been fined in sums
ranoino from $200 to $50 with itripris-
. c, , •
onMent-in default of payment. ,
'Doing the past season over ono awn
sand people have beea sent from the
Ottawa, Valley to Manitoba, 'by, .the
:went ef the. Grund Trunk in "Ottawa.
Mrv• -.Joseph ..Mviethall, of London
tewriship;.sold 1 three-Veart...(31d sleer the
: -
other. day.. it weighed 1,980 pounds,
and is intended. fee , he Old Country.
market. ••.
Wareen Godfrey, son of the postmes,
ter at. :Mountain Grove, county 'of Ad-
dingtoe„ ,was tirrestecl on Friday, on a -
O t:barge of stealing 280..froln a poet let-
ter 011 the Vat 'ult. •
' 'A 131 311 lammed' ReWeen w o ktlled in
dleuceSter; ...on Friday, Whilst working -a
!threshing mill. He got entangled in
1:110 machinerY, and was literallyinasbed
• • • .
betOre the:mill could be 'stopped:: • ,
• TWO steirneim of the Allan line
'Moravian -And Phamician—oollJded_ on
Saturday merning'in ,the St. •Lawronee,
• between. Quebec and 'Montreal. The
Plannielan was tnjttttl to snch an ex-
f,ent that , she, was' run CD' reeks-te
prevent li et: 'tinny
The1 1120115 lodges of Oratige Vein%
on 'a new basis, 'adopting an obligation
'of :total abstinence from intoxicating
drink iiil ystem.;of 'benefit to the
needy.and afflicted among, the mem erg,.
.;e3 two leadino fratares in the secieti,.
" Mr3Stockford; et wallacovine,
7 • -
threshed on the • 22nd October, for Mr.
H., hillier, one imndred and ninety two.
haehele of :eats; in one hour and forty-
five nihnites, including a stop of ten or
ilfteen minutes to xepair i break: • That
is,'sny one hundred' and twentY WI -she -As
• an hony. .Beat that, who eat? -
'The subscriber offers Oat:conveniently slimateil and
_desirable farm It 84 7th. eon. Mullett, for sale, 100
hens, 80 cleared, remainder good hardwood bnah,•There
are two fixtme -barns and two frame sheath dwelling
house, splendid well good orehard; very good grazing
farm, and only tour Liles from Clinton, 'where there are
two iniiroads. POSSOBei011 given immediately.
Ifallett, Sept, 1,0, 187d. . • .
• - • .
3. At the said eleeti in the sahl Malcom Colin Came -
ren was by himself, and ether person, on his behalf,
guilty of bribery,. troatinfra and undue influence,. and
hiring of teams and personation, and other illegal ant
prohibited acts, i reference to eleettens, as donned by
Acts of the Parliament of Canada,'fitil by'the (Ammon
Law of Pa:Semen .
4. At the said election the said Altildolni Colin Came-
ron wax by himself, end other persons on hie behalf,
guilty.of briberntreating, and undirly-inatieneing per -
eons who voted at such election, to a larger number
than' the majority of votes polled or caet Inc the said
'Malcolm Colin Cameron, over and above those polled or
easglim the saia Robert Porter.; and your petitio mr
elating that the said Robert Porter was duly elected at . ,
such eleeklen tie member of the House of Commons or
'The undor.igned,o gem fOi elite a beanilfur arm, elm -
tabling 83 acres, 44 cleared and in a good etato Of Culti-
.vation. Never -failing spring creek running across the
centre; ihcre is oleo a Hplendid well, orchard, buildinge,
de., on the place. It is eituated, being lot 15131
con. (rodent& Township, and is only half a nule•from
tho corporation of the Town of Clinton, and has a find
view of the entire town. For farther partionlaro apply
to ' ' VAL GORDON',
' At Gordon & Sitar:yet:We- Grocery', Store.
Clint011, July 11, 1878. •
CildriaiTor the said Electoral District, anti be so
declared to be.
5. At the said election tho said Afeleohn Colin Came- A
ten was by hinwelf, and other persona 011 his behalf, ..
tained and employed for reward, for (ho purpose of fetch
election, as agents, elerke, and other otoployntenta, per-
sons viho voted at 'moll citation to a larger nmpber
than the majority of vote!! polled.or card for the said.
Malcolm Colin Cameron, over end lope thee:spelled for
the said Robert Porter; and your pditioner Matins that
the said Robert Porter was duly elected as member of
the House ef Commons of Canada at on& election, fOr
the eabl Electoral Muria, ana should be so deelarea
to be.
6. That the said Malcolm Colin Cainoren, by hatred
of the acta aforesaid, and by reason- of his using the
above mane er einue of them, -to procure his 'election,
was, and ix, incapable of being a candidate, or Of being
elected or returned to the present Parliament of Celle -
da; and the said. election and return of the sraidOita•
colm Colin Carmen were, and are void, • '
Wherefore, yew, potitioner pimp, that it in), be de-
termined and adjudged that the said °Malcolm Colin.
Cameron was not duly elect& or returned at the 'said
election; but that the said Rol(Ort Porter was dnly elect-
ed, and should have been returned at the Kahl electien,
no the member of the Home of Commons of Canada for
mid Electoral District, and that it mav he determined
and adinfiged that the_saidIdalcolto Velin ..Clunoronlada-
been personally gnilty of corrapt practices within the
meaning of the Acts of the Parliament of Canada, and
the Common Law of Parliament, and is Lyra/slat there,
of Ineapable Of beings candidate, or of being elected, Or
yeturneel to a sitting in.the prevent Porliantent of Oran a.
da, or for neven years after Ma being forind .gniity•:of
an& oorrupt practices; and that .thti. said Malcolm Co-.
lin Cameron may be ordered to Pay to Your Petitimier
the costs of thiraretition.
• (Sighed), DIAL- IIITOHIE.
T ELA-VE- -Soy amount -of money td terat..00 doo!
improved farina only, at 8 per cent ; charges very
email: Sum no objeot if fieenrity oniple. I do not
lend Money for any Compel:1y.
Nov. 5, 1878. Stlyourn,
. •
A slx prow old blown MARE, eplendid driver, and.
four year ola bay 11011E1E, both sound IA wind and
Iltob, are offered for sale on reaounable terms. Enquire
at Nnw EPA °Moo.
. Clinton, Nov. 7, 1878.
d' 'SAME into the mentises of the artbseriber, fut AD
Bayfield concession, Goderich ToWnship, about
the middle of September, threo year old greyish
Steer, with a It:bite marl; &rose its ahoulder. The
owner is hereby notified to prove promrty, pay ehergeo,
and rake it away.
.101111 MAO/TALL.
Gederich townehip, Nov. 2, 1878.
lame 13)to premieeti of the stibeerlber, lot 20,
kJ 15131 concession, Oolleriel: Township, talent the
iniddle of °oafs?, a two 7051 018 red mid white Steer,
Tb*. owner is: hereby notified to prove property, pay
chareop, (snit take It away.
Ooderieh townehip, Nov. 1, 1878.
'Notice le hereby given that the Partnership berate -
f ere elleting betweun tne inidereigned, ae greinaoar,
ere In the town of Clinton, has been this day diettobted
by mntual convent.
, Clinton, pct. 26, Ifi28.
. The undersigned, while than/imr. his Cu:denim fe
the liberal patronage extended Mai, would. hairnet
that he, )150 yiee,itieel on redutizig Ere price of bread
which hi will henceforth soli at TEN CENTS lox
lash ; or TWELVE CENTS erodlt,
• . ' war. rxE,
Virderia Rakety, mit to hinting Office
Clinton. Och. 17, I Syg.00 u
wee Semi -Annual 11:rang-lotion of can:Mates tor
Public School Teanehera' Second -Class Certificates, will
be male thp-Torm of Godmieli; commencing on • •
Szeientsx1t, tne DPOnetnEn xittcltv.
O . At 1,00 I). In.
O Forma. of the notice to be previously given by the
Candidates orau bo obtained OA applleat1011 t0 the Seer&
Lary, and nst be returned to him, properly mita up,
Candidat iire redmirNI to forward to the gerreTryi
not later th n the 10th Noyemben next, .
the necessary certificates of stamen in teachln,g an o
240101 ahltr"tel'ETEIt ADAMSON, See, Iloard Ezra.
• Gederieh, ect. esue ism
'Violators of the Dtioltin Act in the
county of York are being' vigorously
proseoeted. ' ,
The Roman Catholic School -at Cha-
thanl WaS burnt down, on. Tueidayt -
'418 itir°u'i2r°°n.a.ine; Oro- w 'ley, of 1)oren,
with his team, was drowned in. Ottona.
bee river, on Tuesday.
Alaree party of Campbelle and Fro
sergare goin from Qnebeo to Halifax
to weleome the Marquis of Lorne.
. Mr, Henri Smith, of Welter's
killed a, pig, seven months old, which
weighed, ethen dresseq, 187•?; lbs,
O Mr. G. Webster, a prominent
Chancel", lawyer of the county of Drant,
died suddenly of heart disense, at Paris,
on ,Th nrsday.
,During his :Ally laird :Duffel -in gave
'Ore than •five hundre-cl gold,.silVer and
bronze medals "to Various ,societies,' re-
ligieus institntions, and, eduCational
;fan • .Arnistrong,.• a shoemaker; of
Paisley:, eomniitteri Feticide on 'Monday,
He took twO doses of .sitryelinine to ac-
complish hit. :purpose: . Intoxicating
drioka.led to the crime.
rather. clever •yout man in con-
nection with the Y.31:0•A., Montreal,
is missing'. from' the, City, '.;tritl it is. feat
td he -has Dillen into f 'dissipated habits
from. whieli he had been rescued.
it IS rumored atilt Mr. Brydgpa.iii not
Unlikely to assiime control of the Pro-
Vincial Railway system, frona QUebee to
Ottawa, and that...Mr. Spicer; of the
G.T., raliyhe placed the head of the
In tercolunial ilway. • . • .
A Man in the vieinity of Walter's
Falls •SoSved on his farm .80 .bushols of
'Wheat end when he threshed, all his
tr.'f-111 1 .304, '1 b
.gwthaoiant,. as; ie lac ) ele of
. , .„.
:buy. inatnencum,tann . Leo
what fold lie yield was 1 .
• • • .
.. 11-r, John May, a fat met near Wid:.
der 'Was iristantaneensly killed by being
P1113 over, by it. freight train,ot Thedford
statiore the G.T.}1., 011 TUflSrlay Of
IftSt-=Weelc., H18 body was alinost iLei
ally opt tO,:Pieces. , '
. Da -Sad Sqiiire, of Walter's Falts,•while
after: a, neitvfilioe's tjtreshitt,
broke his lag, Ltrul,.10 Misfortunes. neyer
tioine single, onSenday evening tin ex
belongieg to -his father' broke into a tun.'
nip field; vind the.-mornin,q wns fOund
dead.. . •
English oaestnan, IIawden, to row over
Iranian has been •matcheil against the
the Tyne, next May, „. , We have net been over-1Inxiotn3 ebooli
Colleotor Coven, of Stratford, on the wave of ruinous error which hue passed
over our land in the form of the protection
mania. It has come too late io 00 day to
accoMplielt the aril it might once have)
den°. .We have been hitherto Ire.tradera
as a people, because the, country from
paratus.0 winch WS (114^,10, onr origin has grasped the
- The total imaiber of deaths in Mon- ft,rioerol4radtoe 101.)913trio-nxe.;Wriitelil:ceti:ynit:•itit‘Y il4g0cDort:
treal in October was 271,11e -erre ,t,tr9olneio.srcle
The peoPte of the United States, probably
than in October,: 1877.
v cause they histed English Ideas,
deaths from stuall-pox-•-• 17 More than in have ben equally wedded 11 tho pretee„
the previous menths_, awl .•6.8 in ox6ese ton theory. • It, was perhaps not to be
of Oetober, 1377. Only four Of these wondered at that with to censactines form -
Who died' fiaftni small -pox were Protes- ed ont•of our Om experience there should
tants. Seventy were French . Clantidi• cOeanatt'id'oraen1119:11alhAt Totirritrioi flpoinon into
ens; and only seven. hed been vacjinated.
• , ion ii'aei 811,414 yield iitalet,'pressrinteciteoP rtro'
A •swindler named ;fames Smith Iits momentary convietion that our dectrine
was ale wrong ono end their's the right
:tine. It is only, however, in one sense
correct to- say that .protectionism 114. the ,
doctrine of tho American Repnblic, for at,
though,tho pee*, generally still hold to it
as they do to the Declaration of•Inclepen.
donee, their thinkers have given it np, and,
et/en-the leading papers of. what has always
been the great protectionist party, hare
pronounced strongly *Must it. The same
change for the better la spreading down-
ward among those MOO interested in the
study ef the quostioro--tbe mazinfiteturing
tiSed la the Sacrament of the Lord's classes themselves. • Tile operatives have
Wednesday seized a span of horses and
a waggon from Alex., White, of the
township, of -Greenock., for having been
•engaged in hauling illicit
, been , travelling throurte-h the. eastern
townships, as 11, nntl collecting
O money on account of the $tar and Wit-
nee8 newspapers.' The proprietor.s Of
,these journals employed a -detective to
follow hine and be Wile -captured • at
. Marbletoit and committed to stand • MS
trial at 84i:breaks,:
Says an Owen Sound. paper :.---;AY0
Wore pleased. to notice Jest Sabbath, at
. the 111eth.bdist church,, that the wine
A.. boy named Thompson, fourteen
-years of tige, has been limited at Ham-
ilton, for having in his possession $150
of Atnericiiit money.. He is held oa
suspicion of having stolen it. He spates
that he found .$700 in a parse on the
railway track- near .Syraeuse, 11.Y., and
has been. havino a good time with it.
He was romancre&for eight days.
The union ploughing filatell held roue
miles east of Stvatford, on the Rankin
farm, 'in North Easthope, on Friday,
was the largest affair that ever -took
place in that part of the country.. Thero
were fifty -ono ploughmen, divided into
fcrar tilos* and the ploughing, as a rule,
was exoellent, The first prize, in the
Arst•class, was wen by John Marquis, of
Goderich township. •
An action hos been entered against
two hotel keoperdin Canningten for.
ing liquor to it minor after they had
beenLforbiddi to do Sfl hi.emothe&
Tho damages are laid at $200 against
each defendant, and the case is expected
to come..up for trial. at the next assizes
at Lindsay, :it is the first case of the
kind that has come tinder our notice
and will be watched .with interest.
CLOTHES.' WitiMiERS: One benefit, at least, Canada will re-
ceive frorn thi3 advent of the new Gover-
nor, and that is that it. will . probably
secure an extenslie , advertising. All
the principal English papers are send-
ing out special correep,ondents and art-
ists with the 3Iarquis. The worst fea-
ture- will be that coming in the winter
-seandirt" their letters and illustrations
will lin Very apt to assist in the keeping
O IMPORTER 0 t'••••• up the delusion that Oinada is n, land
• of snow and ice.
Nathaniel Hammond, hotel -keeper,
b ..A. itz a pi 0 ..1,,,T, , Toronto, was clutiged by Henry J'ackson
with having received $150 and two
stoves from him, under &Ise pretences.,
On complainant being placed in the wit -
toss box, ho stated he WAS 11 1VIehantree-
tan, and the cese was then adjoirned in
- order that a Xeran might be got for the
- b
NI Al. :no I:VW A. itt 31M PtirPOSO Of SW Oaring him.- .This is the
,, . 6 first aiipearance of a follower of Mahn.
..I• . ,
met in the Toronto Police Court, The
0 L I.N, T 0 N.., . tuan,..although bearing MI English name,
Vey it .20,106. ' is a CireasSian,
M. RACElft
Supper was the 'pure unfermented juice found that, however Much high duties •
may seem to preteet,,he profits: of the
Manufacturer, Mel? tiffiird n6 pretedtion
to labor, and that they have resulted in
largely replacing the -native operatives '
with tinskilh% onpattiotie and ignorant '
„foreigners who work cheaper and who vote
• The Elora Ezpiese says* - that 'Mr. "tugaitionogufntthr'ey, in;stieorroos,t,sveari,n1 the
s tvi teirtytiemottinuof. . ,.
Thos, Thorne, formerly. of Guelph, -is
the father -er a -hey aixteol tames_ ehl ficterers. Arlie luisii..alw0A...heen the agita- '
. . ,. . , , , . . . tors for protection) end in' whose iuterest
who lies a, pair or snle-Whisams the SIZe I all protection measures were enacted,. are ..
of which a..si_s:.teen•year old boy wool(1 I largely •eoming to the conclusion that they- ' •
fig,ht hard to aspire to, and; moreover, 1, are not 'gainers by the proCess. .; A Mon- .
which gents at.twenty Conidn't begin renrierchant recetttly visiting it maett.' '
t° 1.t_arectui of woollen &oda in the United '
•raise, The boy is healthy -looking, • and f
seems to 'etijeV having his Whiskers tell,. i Staths, asked hini if e called, himself it '
. free trader or protec moist. The other
led to see if there is any cleceinien , .
. •-• , .01. always been 41,, Protectionist. Our friend
. • ,
. •
. .
......_... ; been of ad vantaget htliiinself. " Well, ne',."- '
:of, the. zrittpe, The. substittatton of this
-foe the wine fortnerly used,- was: reeem,
mended to: alP Methodist churches in
Canada, by the General Conference held
lately in ile,:lontreal. • .•./ • '
I'VittnitObts .-then asked him- bloutly.if .Protection had
Litki ' he replied, we atl) to() touch protected
tot tetixtsi8. 1 e'"tig 111,N)VoOtlihrteree 1%71 rfulettu°Iit'li:n.stiri for -:1-16;
•over snpply
00)-iti:;iet 14., of the :IL iteeld i We are carrying o0. our business now orgy—
" • because alltheso villages are depending on
complete( ,
int aged -pensioner, resid-
ing at ,Elora, -who served• through the
Peninsular war, andAttle present at the
battle Cf Waterloo, died at: Harriston
of heart .cliseaee, on 'Wednesday. , He
haa, drawn liiS •pcnsiou regularly for
nearly siktY years;
• OM) day last week a valuable horse
belonging to :Mr. Colin McNeo, llth
con.,-isTieSouti, dropped deadayltile draw-
ing the steam. engine of a,,tlireshiiT
chine. Tho Cause was frik,dtt occasioned
by turning off the steam while the tam
was removing the,engine. .
• An application was made to the lilt-
perier (iotirt, at "MOntreatzen. Friday,
by a son of SirIiugh
A lien, named
Andrew Allan, to have hisname chang-
ed to Hug13.-hrontagne couseqUence
of, his having a cough?, cif the same name
• and confusion arising in correspondence,
trhe tinquest into the • cause of the
tleath ef FrederieleStill, who died, from
injuries sustained on the occasion of the
reient collision on ate Grand *Tvunk%
near Toronto, resulted on Friday it an
openve1dc -O Alex. Hay, the despatch-
er, who had been arrested on susptcion,
was consequently discharged,
The Victeria, 13. C. Coioniat of the
.21t1I-ult. veporte,the luurder---of,Dennis-
lin4ight and his wife at Scow Day, near
Port TOwnsend. Haight WitS Shot in
the:stable,and his wifo betsveen thestable
and the lionse. Afterwards he. throat
was cut from ear to ear, The
drett of the Murdered couple, one tt boy
three year old and the, other an infant
only a few nrionths of age, were in the
hotted some thirty hours alone with tilde'
dead parents before the crime was dis-
covered, Ib was at Prst 0100016 that _
the Indians had done the deed, and the
sheriff of Port - Townsend visited, a
neighboring tribe an('rnatle enquiries
among them, but they protested their
innocence. ,The faet-that the hotiso had
net been robbed told in their favor also,
It V; AB proposed thAt the eye of the:vic-
tints should be taken out and aithroittecl
for microscopic- examination. to 1)r.
Vincent; all old army surgeon. This
wee done, and " °nth() retina of the eye
of' tho WODISIt was found imprinted the
face mid bust of a man in Ms shirt -sleeves
arid wearing a full beard. Be was re-
cognized as a neighbor." The sheeiff,
the Coionist says, pursued this man, who
had fled, and raii blin down, and held
him for examination, It is not. neces-
eery for the reader to bolievw-the whole
of thiS story,.
t if. hut shouldthings got any stzerga mnitt
The Mennonites have -applied to place [stop; ainl ne,so .neoplo. will bot. all throirp
their sehoole under the 130ard ee Eduea. out of :work.' On the same journey tins .
-amt.' ' ' ' , ' • . enquirer met ati English' manufacturer Of
. . . steel: HIS ,A.ni orican acquaintances ' had
The assemblies foe the season opened asked him why ho ilitr tot -oven Works in
at Winnipeg,•en•Thrtisday, With a lira- 1 the United •States, anvMake advantage of
lint rat al, . the American t;;riff Mr the simply at least
. , •
Thof his American customers. • His reply we;
e .I‘fethodists of Emei%son, 1SOrth that he had &Midi n the States many mann- :
Walt, aro gofer? to build a. church which factut:erp already 'established, and none of .
Will cost $5,000.. .....-, - them ineking money. Hard 8,8*.Iini0 were
Th6. Rev. mr„ skinner, ,, niiaien.ary in England heitad no ambition to bachenge .
of the Methodist Church of Canada, was them for those in the United States. The
tern logie of fabts is thuil rapidly teaching
accidentally killed by the discharge of .
the Americans rvliat they woulo never have
Jus gen on the journey between Carle- learned from their eeighbors. Their ac
1911 anti Fort Pitt. - ' ' knowledgments of Grier will necessarily be
The local branch of the bank et Mon: the death -1510w to Protection in this coun-
try, if it is not destroyed gooner by the ne-
treat in Winnipeg, Min changed the ,
combination:of theirs af4tmlhave.beencessaryd failromiure, of this Government to fulfil -
the wilpses which bore it into power.
unable to open it for a whole week,
An expeet Went there from Sr, "Paul to 'reasonable etfuat amity.
We ban, therefore, await the result with •
remedy the matter,
A :private leiter from Emerson states'
in a very 'short time the Anieelean
read Will have rettolied that point. It
is 'probable that conneation will be had
at Emerson before the Canadian'section
is completed to St. Boniface. ,
Mr. -31e.Call, the Inspector of Indlim
Agencies, .returned on Thuriday from a
tour orinspection to all the agencies
within the Manitoba Superintendency.
He reports that theindians are content-
ed, and are making great improvements
in house building and villages.
Hattleford despatch- says That re-
iieble couriers -front the platns reports
an out -break of war between the Ag-
siniboities and the Sioux, Eigyt Of the
latter were 'killed.. The Asemilmines
alse stele ft band of horses from the
Madded and killed a Blackfeet chief.
Last week there 1.vere two hundred,
and fifty ions of freight for Winnipeg on
the steamer Dqcota frozen in at Pembina.
Arrangetnents we're made to have the
goods sent in by Canadian teams, which
were permitted by the tr. S. Cuatoma
authorities to cross the boundary for
that purpose, • •
A Pembina despatch says that it Tsai -
an detective met one of the notorious;
Texan trarn robbers irr the Post Ofne6
at that place on Friday. A fight ensued,
during which both were shot dead with-
in five seconde. There are two others
of these robbers who are mipposeti to be
in Dakota or letinitoba, •
The mass meeting lesbThurselay night
on the totestion of a tailwa,y bridge at
Winnipeg and tt railway westward was
it gat affair. A resolution was passed
calling upon the City Council to submit
a by-law granting it bonne of $300,000
by a voto Of about tee t6 four, a large
majoisity of the meeting abstainieg from
M '
. .
'r. Tilley; Finance Minister, Liares for
England on Saturday, '
• Mr. j. T. Change', M. P. 1.,has been
re -nominated b) the Conservatives of Len.
nog for the Local. ,
The C'onservativea of Bast, Middlesex
have re -nominated Mr, Tooley, for .
the Local Heine,
A protest has been entered against 'the
return of 'Hon. D. A. Smith for Selkirk.
Theleatis claimed for -Morris. —
The election of Mr. IVIeGuaig, Conserve•
tive, for Prince Edward,is protested on
the ground of personal bribery..
The Conservative -party -at- Ottawa is dau
termined to-canteet, the approaching
uicipnl elections 911 political grounds.
'Hon. L. S. Huntington will take up his
residence in. Montreal in the spring, and it
iN said will assume the editorship bf the
' Hen. Edward Blake arrived itt Quebee
on Saturday from England, and on his ar-
rival at Toronto was treated to a magi.
:veitgliiiniext lot; waagitilic he thrtghet brreitbuerrny,OftroDart
-ingond urilie influence by the Doctor and
The British 'Columbia elections for the
Dominion Parliament are over, and ill the
members from that"Provinee are said to be
supporters of the Government. '
The election of Hon. Mr. Tilley, for St.
John, has beenipiotested on the ground of
personal bribery, bribery by ,agents and
other corrupt practiced, Mr. De Veber ,
Treee• PreSS announces that
Mr. lOhrt Morgan, ex -Reeve of Adelaide,
will probably run as an Independent can-
didate for North Middlesex at th$ next
11alitere.leaertei°w111*.isperis that Mr. Haggar4
M. P.) of South Lanark, is to receive it Go-
vernment Appointment, and -make way for
prospectivefriCaobrriltise't n iwho issiterre, 8:lard:awhile° tett
very popular in that riding,
• V