The Clinton New Era, 1878-11-07, Page 6a „ llaerie u News Items. Mrs. D. 1, X. Itine died at h6rfather's, residence, 1fcl .eespot't, Pa., last Wed- nesday.nigbt, ' A Texas mother was frightened to deathby. two dogs fighting over her twin babies. New York is wooing for a.,.W orld'e Fair in. 1800 -tie centennial of Wash- ington's 'inauguration. A bakery of Albany, N. "Y., Sends4,000 Cans of cakes to Bombay,- India, the first of every month. Farmers•whti: allow Canada thistlesto grow on their land are being prosecuted in the: northernconnties of Pennsylvania. .John liiley, car -driver, reLesed to pay for a drink in a saloon at New York, on-Vbursday when the bar -keeper fatal- ly shot him A Detroit telegram-says-thern,is great excitement 'there over a discovery thata gang of grave robbers are cra1'illlg on their#,ghoulish operations in that oity, Hermann Rosser, iL.• boy of fifteen year, residing near Blairstown, Ia., hanged -•.-bitusel because.-laic-fatli:ee-mnae- him stay at home, andsaw Wood instead of allowing hila to accompany him to. town.- '\ On Wednesday, at. Como, 11lies,, a train on the ]'Mississippi Central Rail- road was boardedby. about 100 tramps.- They ramps.They beat the conductor, and ran the train for a considerable 'distance. When they diserted it. Mrs Sergeant Noonan, Iaundr.ees,ett A man was crushed by a heavy wag- on Life is held cheap in Connecticut: t andimp I om r dais. the girls in the. factory �wopt. when�lic; was led away A 3yren, Genesee County. N. lt'., apiarist, luta tali;en 206 pounds of honey from one hive during the past summer. A Case of marrying in haste to repent at leisure comes from Traverse, Ming. gun; where Miss Nary Stalfa stepped - on a loose floorboard and feu through into the" rooms below, where sat a young man, who had ;.lever' seen her before, He instantly fell in love with and Mar- ried her, but ,divorced her within.. two. months, Horse raising has become a large busi- ness Qtr the Western plains. Some of the herders on the Yellowstone ' have from, 500 to"1,500 head, and are making fortunes by selling the three-year olds at $50 to $100 each. No grain is fen and no stabling is provided,. abundant grass and'rough sheds sufficing, The business is exceedingly laborious and. risky, an entire 'herd „being sometimes lost itt 'a night by Scattering or by an Indian raid, Ferdinand, Randall,. although only. 10 years old,, is a' remarkable desperado. He. escapedff;om the jail in Zanesville,: Ohio, and hid in a Cellar. The police soon found him. ' and 'ordered him to ao•In out; bet he: barricaded himself behind the grated door instead, and 'de- fied them. He bad• four' loaded revel-. vers, and these. he laid out for 1iundy use. • During' half a day the, siege was maintained ; at the end •of that. time _Randall had fired off all his ainmunition wpundecd'two officers, itud''been hit. twice Then he was taken. atll '.;heli :ii,ud; ort .TtCinq. Tilers has been a slight snow fall . hi 'London, .ng an . ort Lincoln, D tk,, and wife of a mems n of the Seventh C4calry, now iii the end, died on'`.1°hursday, when it was re F i d eared that she was a umn, ;She had y o been married three times; H tl h E fraud d theft. 4, n in Aurora, Nev., anti left writhing n agony, ^ Ws companion, i'easouing " that he could not recover canci: that it g l ould be moiciful to end.his' ufl'ering, deliberately shot him through the Tiiidvt. p rosy-cheeked, fair-bglrecl boy, fires• ed in girl's clotdling;, has for. the last 1S months been running' a loom in °S- wap,' Ys h G Bank. wog Y Falls (N.Y.) factory,, and living n the girl's boarding-house. He has made himself such a favorite that :Half 1 1 Oita_ 1 d h n that State recently one man killed pother for trying to hinder .him from King Dating his wife, and his sentence was b fine of .$10q and imprisonment for 18 The corporation of Liverpool intend months. Another man; a liquor dealer, th' 11f and Marchioness f -who kinked a customer so that he died he next day, wt's sentenced to a finoof is en'o•G0. Canada. , t is: uOtbina uncommon .to heal' of There was a'diffelence of opinion in n children being born ..on shipboardrand he Stager family of Polk County, 7.0x= _ . . �, - s, as to the proper painisljtnent of chit- instances :have been know of infants. coming-into-4lrenvorld-vdthin�the-wai of ti.theatre,,in a chinch in fj railway r y. car,a cab, or even an; omnibus; but a child was recently actually and literally born " up in a balloon." AA young nrar- 'ried woman made an' ascent in' the'cap- tive balloon at the Pari Exhibition, and while in. the air .was taken ill; ' With, the assistance of a doctor,'who happened to be a passenger in the balloon; the lady, whose husband is'the' son: of R. leading Manchester manufacturer, wassafely de-' �livered,of a•frno boy before the air• -ship• touched the .ground, The .happy father presented the doctor with 500 francs. f b field, v b 0 i t would s 6 i t I a b a X000 t f t a The at et .advocated- b n i 1 h e h re. .Tet whip, i p, and one clay . declared his intention' of using it on his 'daughter, aged • ten., His son adhering•to his:mother's views, said that the girl should.; not be whip- ped. The father began the whipping, and the son shot him dead. The largest plow in the world, singii laxly enough, is one' just built,. not for • a large farmer, but for a railway coni• puny. The Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Company have ordered it to use in ditching for railway construction iu Iowa, and it is to t e,drawn neither by horse, ox, nor mule, but by a locomotive. It will cut a. furrow thirty-seven inches wide.. paper The directors of the Cit of Glasgow. l3ank leave been Committed for trial on the charges O an Indian Princes are offering their as- sistance to England in' the event of war with 'Afghanistan, The native :troops_ are eagoi` to advance, Private subse:ri tions to •tale •atiieunt of £150,000" have been: made . in. Glas- gow for the relief of the shareholders of the lasgnw Among the Most remarkable inven- tions represented at the recent a er oxhibitiotr'nt Rerl vcre- pap -teeth Tliey are said to.be singularly: 'durable: The ,Minister of 'the .:Italian • War recently. resigned because t �e° refused to have a soldier. shot. after conviction of criminalinsu ordination. presenting a : congratulatory address to e arquis•' arc ioness o Lorne prior to their embaikatigi, at that port or, ant a. Romance of ]3attle, Creek, Mich. :- A, handsome young fellow in California saw the picture of a girl whom he learned to be a resident of the Michigan Town, wrote to ber, liked her answering letter and began a correspondence which ended in their betrothal. A week ago ho came East to marry her, made certaindis- coveries as to her character, and an hour later was en. voute -fo' r -California -again., alone. ` There was a tinge of romance in the crimp which lett to the hanging of T ich- ard T. Isaacs at I-Tarrisonville Missouri, last week. He was in hive with a girl, named Allis Chilson, and Allie express- ed her willingness to marry him as soon as he shouicl be worth. $1,000. In or; der to raise the 'money Isaacs cdeliber« ately murdered a drover, shipped the murdered man's cattle to St..Lottis,.and sold theta. He was arrested before he had an opportunity to wed his eweet- heart, and confessed his crime as coolly. as he had committed it Buthis self- possession deserted him when Ile spoke of the girl for whose sake he had risked the gallows. Isaacs was executed az- _ cording to law, an incident rare` in that region, of '1tTissri. A letter from Denver gives a -detail- ed accountof the awful raid of Chey- enne Indians iia Appa Valley on Sept. 29th and 30th, During -that time they Massacred fourteen.lge, nd left twee- ty familia in utter' destitution by burn- ing ranches and orops• and stealing horses and cattle. The outrages com- mitted on young gills and women are too ;horrible to recount. After devas- tating Appa Valley they went. to Bea- ver River and RepubliturriValley, Where they killed sixteen more risen and tem - ratted snore awful outrages. The set - tiers state that . Capt. Blank with his troops, comprising the pursuing party, encamped on the night of Octoberlet onlythree italics from the c of the Indtma, and 11e alltwed the fiends to. escape the military authorities there. Curious Facts. Tho Bedouins eat locusts fried in butter Salted rats are actually exported from India to China, as an article of fetid. They have at the 'University of Ley- den an oyster shell which 'weighs 130. pounds. • • ' Vessels 11116110 4n°. i'razer, River bring up in the, mud on the flukes fine gold _dust- . _,__ _ _ When the tulipornania raged in Hol- land yenr's ago, as high as $2,000 -was raid for a single bulb.• ' Itis not little curium that Ilindoe idols are :manufactured .at Birmingham, Pnglt:nd; for exportation. • . A ' French metal -Worker• at Paris lately found that his hair! had turned permanently green, from some chemical cause to him unknown. • - -, To Genii -any, where everybody drinks beer, tea is told by the druggists; and the demand for it leads toanxious in- quiries about your health,' " The Egyptians were certainly aegain ted with the art of brass -;waking. ..;Beads have often been found in : the mummy - cases with the preserved bodies:' The Duke de Richelieu ittyente'd the fashion`6f powdering the hair to hide the fact or Ms grey hairs, '1t was a moat odious custom, but prevailed for nearly fifty years, young and., charming women being compelled: to adopt, its Many animais enjoy music. The fondness of the camel for -music is a well attested fact, and when the Arabs -wish to get extra Work. OM of these animals, they play upon some favorite instru- menu bright and cheerful airs. Blows areof no avail, hilt music entire 'the animal to exertion. ' itncliden4a Arnica Snlve. Tho best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, 'Fetter, . Chapped hands Chilblains Corns` Anil all kinds of skin Eruptions,' tions.' This 'Salve is guaranteed to give Perfect satisfaction in every case or Moneyre• funded. Price til cents per box. ]for sale by it Comas, CLINTON NEW ERA. NOVA MB 1 7, i$7 SOLUTI OF PARTNEaSHIP, C `To be cleared out by January .1st, 1.879, and will be i= Sold. at :(y':!ost.forX.aes:..li. 0I3SER'VE THE REDUCTION IN iiI'ICES; 11.i;A'Va fl i,:AN'x i. ,Si n r1No-Price •:11EkYY GREY FLANNELS, tr HEAVY GREY • ]i X. aNNFLs, y/ \VI.b CI:XS, • NXNCEYS, Wi cn a, 'l FYI ilii, • 7:1vlinns., HOLIANDS, TIDELANDS, i IIvCL� 511 it:l•i t\ti x, FELT SItIRTs, • COPanVAia, 3 PLY .13Acls, • • S GUERNSEY :SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, 40 ' (Imes; 85 014. and upward. :BOOTS rt-., t,• • 40, uta.. ' Reduced 'ta 33 etc 40 • cis. tt 33 ctv. 371 rr t30 ets J) ets, ..; . tt 80054 e1v5. I5 Cts, X2, cis: • ti . . 1,6 cts. 4f: 80 ets,. a.' 70 cts. 55 ets. : 20 qts... `c 15 Cts: •. rc -;t7_cts: . Ct9.', " 00 eta. .50 " S3, 00 • cis. and upgra `d, -Or-0 ms. AND WOOL Aim Snots at prides much reduced, -coo.'• 85 . 'eta, . . 75 ets.' 2,5 ,ets.' ' 20 ets, 25 cis. tt $x D f'lassent a'large. ttutnber of people with the cash to • a-. c CI-ILIR•C -Z' Ta buy .Fleavy Comfortable warm goods to keep out the cold: We have: ceceived eta THIRD SIIIPMENT of • GENTS " .UN•DER- : LL THING,. REDUCED I''RICE Ta. 13 i,eta, and upward, . 'RAISINS, 5 cts per pound. aOuititANrlat 0 ets. per.'pound. Suaus, 10, 11, 13, pounds for i dollar. 5oAi, 25 bars .t'oltt dollar, 'W6 utn fot here give a complete list of prices, but pan inspec tien of stock will :assure you, that you dill save '1,5 per cent by purchasing from us. Tt uiri !Joocl ,IxcrtIe. , purchasing large quantities, We wilt take thew Note, at tleree; itot th:r, otherwise no floods will be Charged cuter date ALL ACCOUNTS MUST OE PAID SAT ONCE, TO.SAVE, COSTS' T,O,NDtSisoRoUG11:. Ugt.flirt; DVS, Tho "National. Sconrr;e.. • , .It is ;estimated that the am -final damages -caused by the ravages of:'insects' and worms exceed. $156,000,0.00 lathe United States alone. 'Truly-an-cnorrnqu insignificance when compared with the ravages of .that most.: terrible scourge, Consumption, which annually sweeps hundreds of tho'asands. Of human souls into. eternity. The causes Of consumption are various, aus denan 'r n in every for thedevelopment of te disease .upon the scrofulousdiathesis, or temperament of the victim. That consumption can be cured by proper treatment will bo readily perceived when the exact nature of. the •disease is intro- duced, viz., the accumulation and deposition' of -scrofulous matter (tubercles) in the lungs,' Obyiensly, the principal remediesrequired are (1) a powerful alterative, or blcocl-purifier,-to. arrest the accumulations and also cleanse the blood of the scrofulous matter, and (2) a niild cathartic to expel the .diseased matter from the system Dr. fierce :s Golden Medical Dia-• coVeryand Pleasant Purgative Pellets are the best alterative and cathartic rethedies heforo the public, and have been alone used in thou- sands of cases of consumption with the most Waked efficacy, ' • Tho Moors consider iron a great pro- tection' against, demons and evil spirits, and•plaee it piece under their .pillows at night. • In Germany 50,000 acres of land are de= voted to raising tobacco. The ,Govern - mens derives about $850,000 revenue•a year_ "from this product, the tieing -about 50 ,cents per hundredweight. The duty of $3 per hupdredtveibht on tobacco imported in the leaf, $8.25 on that imported in other fortes, and 615 on imported cigars yields .LLACE. •Viz.. C '.CHJi1; Sc tt sh Commercial •tiro In ur - o s ance Co., about 83,000,000, `+ ECO X) *VV'' L E. ,'T ,IPIAS Afi1, , TIIE SILVER CHAFF; 3 VICTOR, AND T.HE. CLAWSON, itlso, .71imotlt,, Seed .and Rye, At bis Store, 1lainiltoa Street, ' CsC'�I7 +7 R.1ci Ali 311,1878. • I r.•�Vrin- Cru.y'a $PeCific•IVIed1cirte THE GREAT English Remedy is especially re. dommended as Sti nafaiiing aero for Seminal Weak. tiers, Sparmatorr f hea, . Impotoney,. �: r and ail dfeoae8a that follow 'ea a Before TO1iinP�"'sequence. of Self- After 7 aliing+ Abuse, as Loss of Itiemory, tinfversalLesaitnde,Painin the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature old Age, and many other diseasee that lead to Insanity or Conealrip- tion, and a Premature' Grave, all of which as a rule are first Caned by deviating from the path of nature and orer•Indnlgcabs, The Speckle medicine is the result of a' life Andy and many yearaof experience in treating thele special diseases:., Pamphlet ' free by. mail. The Specific Medieineieooldb all Drog iatsfit$1 et pack. agorsix ppaokageefor $5 or 1.111 be sent by mail on receipt of the ntonoy,by addressing WK. GRAY & Ce. windsor,Ont. Sold inClinton by J,11.Combe,andall alIdrugptetoevoxytrAaro. • THAT MAKES 'THE 1.'EOPLT TALL LA.DIES LADIES LADIES LADIES `LADIES LADIES LADIES. LADIES -LADIES LADIES .: LADIES LADIES ONIX 10. CENTS. MUFFS . MUFFS, 11itUFFS. MUFFS. MITTS; . MI''TS MITTS, MITTS.; SKIRTS. .SKIRTS,• .SKIRTS, SKIRTS. Clinton, Nov.' ' 7,187&, moria; IiliJOItllt .LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES' LADIES LADIES L,rADIES LA.DIES :LADIES LADIES FUR CAPS. FUR CAPS, 'FUR CAPS., • FUR CAPS. MANTLES. MANTLES. MANTLES." MANTLES. SH AWLS. SHAWLS. SHAWLS. SHATLS: /a1iab1o. l��ro�cin�u�s for 18:1 LSGO W M .• • . a iso •• -- a1,,1,7 7.\(S'L'UR CRS-- 017..,- . CLIIVIAX '°THRESHING•: - • IVIACHIN• ESg VL13}IA'i'UEt T11:f3; SIING112AC7HINCS, ',•, PITT'S IaiPItOVI4D:TIOi.SE 1'o1KElt44, , AGRICULTUIEATJ STEAM LNGIN.V For the priming season we are introducing . many new aud'valtiable improvements; wh`cli. will • .'. plane our machines FAR IN ,i'DVArrci of any others inanufactiired in the Dominion. Wo es- ecially call the attention of thresheze to•otil• CLIMAX SEPAlf ,TOit with ,r End pp, . ... .,.;, .as., theNruLn Shake Shoe, which, for smoothness of running, capacity and erfection of oleanin far sur- • P r",. passes anything yet produced. It has been thoroughly: Masted, has.proved a ,complete, ' sucoess, and is folly warranted. R A:a TT3F FQf-.L'0W IN•0 •TSTZ<Mo] rx4 L' • Bwi;oi. pili • May 11, 1878. It is with pleasure' I • testify to the' superiorityef. yourNew Bun Sitxn CLn,nLx SEPARATon.' 1 tlioroughly.tested it last season, and cam say that' it i•un5 the smoothest and, lightest, has ilio largeat, capacity for separating and cleaning, and doen'tlie hest work of any' machine I have yet seen,. • It is quite unnecessary to brace the machine; ''All that id required. - is to set it in place, when it is ready: for work, and it will run without jar or Boise: "1 would not have: al,y other than the Naw Ein, SiL to s Otrai'x: . " :JOkil'.`1---A.-1 ENHLAD;. MANf UTl3Lil I1IPI OVEME•,,TS, such as lowering the front (or Cybndor end of • rnaclline, -adding a tigbtenei' pulley to Penning Mill Belt, windlass for raising•the: Straw Carriers, improved, ".Concave Adjuster," eto.,'.have been made, which will add•lrgely to the worth of nfachlne,. : y OVA PITY'S• 1?OWEItS have b€tih improved in rarinus ways, still farther adding to r Copt tut, ...' .Two DIUIIions S,titling. Assets, - - 51.500,000. Irscotne, - 1,009,000. ! PROTINCH oat i)N Ando 'B RAND , Head' Office `-•-7 Toronto Street, TORONTO'. JLc�'x�I1L+ .'BOATED or DIIRECTORS.:: Joino L.BrAntrn,Esq., Chairman, Preside'it Canailw' Landed CroditGontpanl. JOHN 5. Prexinrn,,Esq., of nrypt, Me:lturrich ,t Co.' W,ir.r.IASr Armicaunlirt, 1:sq., •Vicp•Eresident Federal Dank of Canada • - INSPECTCIE-hoBEn'r sicLEA:1. I.RSfDENT SECRETARY = LAMM1 :NCDJ Blf GHAN. • Deposited .with:the GatertlrnentetOttawa,.fasem. xityof Canadian Paley holders,5100,000. , This Company issues Policies o! Insurance. against loss or damage by fire or lightning, on snercantfle, man- ufacturing, farm and household risks', at current rater. Policies, are issued from and losses, settled directly by the Toronto 00101, without delay. All Premiums taken in this conntry pre invested in Canadian securities, • • •° JOHN RXDOUT, AGENT FOR CelINTON •Anu .VIOfNI'l'Y' Clinton, July 12,1877. • their durability, convenience; and ease of ranninb, ALL. MACHINERY IS MIN AND OAREFULLY TESTED BEFORE LEAVEN TEE FACTORY. lfr{' solicit ins leetim of our machines Wore ore urchasint elsewhere, purchasing •'GLASGOW MACPHERSON 8g:- CO. CCroios .tonicCravit.LL =on.144,- a3, 1.878.• . Ilig.-11111.10N.0.1141ANS-:lYI&UFACTllINI • OF ST.RA.TF'ORD, INC,OR1aOR'ATED 1874. Successors to Thomson & Williams, of Mitchell, c Agricultural �.ricultural :En ine Works • • . DIRECTORS 11OI37atT '1I1O1'.XSON, PltertmesT • A. E. WILLIAMS, vicr•Pitrs. ; ALEX. GRANT,. • Sso.-TaeAs, ; J. REDFORD, W. MOWAT, c7: COIZCOR.AN,'W. 11ARSHAI,L. DERE' _ A• K_E R ,i [7 17C :i-tireCIfU VII, .. I •°^ --A Unfit: sTOdri o3"-•• Caskets, Coi(iits, .Coffin Trimmifgs,• Robes ETC., ETC. Fatties supplied with the above at shortest notice, And • at the'i'i11tY LOWEST IfA'ri S. • J i; a food lEARSER Sappliea. Remeniber trig Place -VICTORIA Street •.GROR:Gl• DIt HL Oltnton,:4ept 0,1877. . THE ALLAN LINA. • SHUlv7'•nST SEA PASSAGE: Cable, Intermediate and Steerage Trek• ets at Lowest States. Every Saturday from Quebec. Catuirr litres train Qliebec 1 tither Re - deiced, Itoravtan Otlr Nov Pornviarr r...........AGtb `" Sardinian. (last Iron( Quebec) ....•........... .,.,,2$rd 'r STEERAGE TWEETS'Ta Xit'erpool, I,'ondonderryl, tlasdaw, Queend- tofon, Belfast, i,ontion, Bristol, Cardiff, Por through ticket!: and every information apply to A. bTRAXTON,.0, T. It., Agent, Clinton. Clinton, Slay 80, 1978. - MA-NUEAC•7.!I KERS-0111--".-w,.... .�.._ �. , Johnston ,harvesters- Single Bea ers ' Mowers and Gombmed.. Machines Bioadcast Seeders; Seed Drills, Horse Powers, Sawing Machines, Grain Crushers, Straw cutters; Plows, Gang Plows, &c.. Buitlders. of Steam Engines, and Boilers, al) sixes, ivAT rt WHEELS AND ALL KINDS OF MIlk 71ACHINEBY, 'Contractari far Grist and Saw 1Iil'ls ccntplete. « .Eltoaa /or. Water llrorki for cities, towns (O :" villages, on the Hay System. J" Cheese Factory Machinery a Specialty. ' Address, IfiltiIIROINT .L 1Vlic1 Lt.i%S, 1f[anufacl,marl na Co:, Siva flora, Drat: • ]. . t.b. (i, 1810. anu fac t uring C_ amp . a. Boilers, 1 iigines. and lirfl11 iI'Iacitiliiei'y of Latest Styles. Middlings Purifiers., of Improves. Grids. • AGRICULTVRAL. i STOVES of ''various, kinds. Brass and Iron Casting's. .RlfFiL S 'PJWEP21.6Y 4 J"EENDRD TO. 13'O111:BALE 011111AP-Second-hand Engines and Boners of 10, 20. tilt; 3 .,•_., D`orse Power ; also, Steve Mac.rhine; Shingle and Reading ilfaehine, and 1Teitding .Ginter and Plainer..:. aonattn n, ,Pell, 1; 1$77. •