HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-11-07, Page 1ei • 'VERSO -7 1•5*P 9 NO9 4•11„ unum, U n4vonee., AND CENTRE HURON CrENERAL .ADVRTISER. "OLINTON, 0–N—Ti-itTio: TEEMSIXAT, 1.4 nOtagEfc..gitioNti rianti,isAiteme, - -,••• ' Ali (41.* 101011.1i0, -SEItla ' WANTt D. AnSpi iVd0041.. 0 4 Strvallt4 4-ritiY At tiliB, '.0400••• • • • • ••0-.,• ' ' • ..qaetpe+.1,:isfa. .. , ., . .. , .. • . • ANTED, . A liouse-mMil; at the 11-410;• • annum, ost. Mstilins. .1. . M. GLAD*TONIt• ON IMRE Tti.ADN„ . • ,--.,-. • - •x,,ram the sawbarah.saatialaa4. . .., Has Free Trade benefitted the °minty/ ? It might be supposed that snob a gnestp,_n Wilt altogether unnecessary, for it woela oe alffidUlt to. iind anybody advocating P. re• , , . • • . . , •• . .• . • _ motion. Ise a prmeip.m upon wince Der C°01 - • 0, mer mi skiitern should be.plared: But ne' .eart hal to oborve•that :eyery now. and thou ; and more freeeenily as trade 1e 1111.40 • depressed:a. r °tee. is heard crying out for something. which is• not Free. Trade. Th.e ' . ' " . litteet. case is' that of. they ivorkman oaid to have written from .0oreetry to a4tIvh% be •Gladstone." Tholetter ,May.pr. May . • It 1009 the production of IP wort:num , more like an at . tempt on the part nf some- C t ) eV trot the eft-PM:4111Hr into eventual= an . i 1 ) ,. • . , c ; ,- - 1 h ;. , ku n I' ttempt eouid may ea el‘e) • - Y a e x a • . . . • . , .1?Le. 11111116 b'. a,•,,er7.,011,mq,o, e perso,,c,.,st.na„.1:11 - wis case U 18 aLngetneriulawc°83°4- • '4,, TT . .Gladstone simply avews his faith in 1 lee Tr,aq?, and.Z.eclares:that he belteies it luta • ,-'inereasea soy 30 Per ffonb, et Abe' are"g1 inedtile of the Workmen cif this cow titry;' He' might -.1mve gone further And still kept : • • . . - . within. the truth ; h0t. his 8054 4.1 though it ia sloth:factory and c(invincing, '<lees' x!otioil..harms 4i4eet• the complaint •iii the -letter addretiSecli :Whoa:letter cOmplained of the de 0113 of Dotti. lar trades in consequence of Y - _ -• • . - . Free Trade; end the 'writer said•that ivoik- • men whoseindestries wore affeoted 14 yree. Trade Were .likely to Atm their. feeling at -141•4•••Of a general election. - It wenicl,be wrong,•in -vie ‘ of ice t Ministerial avowals to•don- - . w. r n • ' • f h . Such utterances 1114 1)51(14 evidence o t e • ignorance or prejudice of a plass. When the' Martinis'of Hartington wcia in Rain. • ' ' ' ' - ". -' . b'urgh, lis pointed out that the Goveenmea' had rioted qien the plan 'cif making things pleasant an rou*nd. • Instead of asking what Nita for the 'good: of • the nition they had ,solight to.propitiate classes by conceSsions which were, in •inaey.oases, iniMical.t6;the, • puhlic- deed.. , Not .long afterwards .Loid BeaCons'deld replied that this wes.noesense, • . for that if tlie Government. pleased.all claii-• 1 ' ' '. - t. f li - t' • 'cl b ' "•- se., t ley must ea is y t a na ion an . one . fi t. it. :' NelUidyeauld ha' kw' •liketY to: De . . . 'Nearing plenty of food,.. There were,. •of . cgtiCtle, several •deVelopMent? of the.pliinci- • . ple ; hut Ahem° were; theh chief r.in.t.s. • , rt was..00ntended that, wit no ree notion on ' the 'supply. of food, and with no tramMels on trade ) etnployment would be more gen-. .40,1 . ag'ea wo.nid he higher, and the•P0Pe- f 7 . . . . . 'lotion 'would be better fad and generally.in ' better conditiOn. 'term searcelY be•denied that oleo ob• •Iih b an 4.0,10E4 The • ekportii. of British , an4 .Ineli /Reduce in 1851 when lerou Trade had been establish-. ) - . , .. 1:74'448•722 • in 1877 they were,. 211.'0811303 Q0e antd'..tlia' t wee ConaiderablY below the Omonnt in 1872. and 1873, . Can . • b d do bt that this means vre4Y i1f•• any boc1, u . . .. .., .. . .... ; . . creased ercployment ? Then as to .food SuppoSe that Free "Trade had mit been ix op ei , an • la e p,o . . . . d t I • d tl t th • pulation t ad still • d tb t t• • i. t ,eril.„ incresse to °same ex eu as in. a, e , , how .would•the nee* hamve h_e_en fe._r1,1 dOtz. farmers ftto*at' high pressure new to.pro all tbey can, and-they,dOnet suptily. us with: more than half Die .eotii .that. we coh, surnerlo Thsy cannot . find us in Meat, arid we rely upon other:countries for many articles of a.eoseity In 1.877 we thus trick for co». e . . • . . . ... sumption 8104 Ib..Per bead of foreign bacon. ; 5. 3 lb. 'of foreign:butter ;• and .5,37 rh; •of for-eign pheese. r ,, . W0e 0. soli. con:. 81)1)1041 24.45 fo ei0n eggs , 20. .8 lb. of. for , eign potatoes •• and 093 L2Cre lb' 'of forefini.. , - ' • '' ' . • • .0 wheat hnd wheat .flour• ,Besides these wo each'took 54.00 lb. of:raw sugar and 10,90 . . . . • refined sugar, to say nothing. or lea, • Coffee • rice and other articles. ' •Vhat ahould • • - b ' • d ' .'ili t 11 thisbaciin• butter, we av6 °II° ‘s1 °n• a• - •* • ' . and corn ? • 'Yet if Protection 'had prevailed ..we. could mot hare ,got it, . or litther we should have rrot Only a snuill-nort of it, and • • " '" • that at al unich higher Cost. The Coventry. letfer writer ivould „not 8443' that W43shouki. . . , have been better in these respects' 'under .Proteetion ;. but .what might Seine fanners 'say ,'.? 1( 111513' were as' ,sh.ortreighted Sia be 'seems. to be, Ilie.Y. Would. unquestionably • talk as lie .talki ; and they would 'hove as :muoh juetification; No doubt; in the ch ait- ges which must take ' lacelerith.untrammel. - '-•• - a - :- . P., „ __ _ . ., . ed tra o,, sonic) classes may slider tor a time „ but the co ni m o nity' ia benefited,. and Ewen -1 • • .1 ff - d d t t• k 'to en. t 1089 II. 10 911 er are in uce • o a o p, • i• . • h 1 ' ' tl beneficial pui,s w..ie I are. more permanen .y to 'th.e• m• T.Jegis'lat•ioin, to be p481 can-nioyt be for (daiiesIfthe watch trade to which .Cavaidian News ItOrns, ' : ' . , . . : A. Mau, intine• iniknownb.;va4litoledrtaint ...-milmville, on Monday- '.01i: br feeinbt cais 'at" Le statiowthere . " b . : • • ' - - • • ' a't9Oltittiti)lie':1:titeltilfi.ztet .1V.NEVaini i: IiI40°11:06 provide a'. generid illurnination;I: of the. eitv The Parliainent Buildings WIII.130 • . . . • . .. illinninuted hY eliendeal lights, • . .... • • A. patehtvork: 'quirt ex.hiblted it BI . . sitard,,itiir attraeted no. little attention . . TM w" c°111PO4ed tif V r . ' II bl k I , -• , _. e,y . sant, . on , SI, U1( was male by a, lady 97. years of :age, .named Wiles. . no hos never worn, • ' . . . . . glasses iind her e e lre114-• 14 .1 1 '• cc t, ,,,, 141 ' ' 'Y .6 r,- ' .• • 8t 1 `!„; .• _ 1"`'• e .' ' . . • • . - • ,Oltif',Titstiee Ilarrispupetiiit 1.!oron. to oil ' Friday morning.- J_ 1. was •45 years' of no•e and Wag iirst - ,callecl tO: _ a /..,, . .. the „Par la 1.8,5o,. „He! was (.L( 14.011 • a el ii . •• •.. Q. _.. 1 wq7 , elected a Berteher•• itt . .1871, ritad WAS. elevated .fe the .Beuch• in: 1 87.5' .. • ' •'• .. ' • .' , •, • ''• . '. 'The. Stile of lhorou li - 1 •t. , - ' • ' j3Pw. Ptirk, .aii-Tinli'SdO.V/. wer11,-.01r-ve17' .. • soisfact'orily:,.... The., 1.p :11 'i.si:ie.ittli.:,.. : :ils:c.:04dt of fisrmers present t 'mu all sections'. of • Ontario,- and .it goodly -number from' the • st, t w. 1 .6. time, • . a es. • .• At 1 tri ing• excrcp , , , the ninety 'iota offered nrere 'ill ' IOW sari • • • • • • ' • " the prices,. conAidering the tinies.,--. were • v v onod. . . • . . - • ` . . • .!1••• .'''' • ' - • • ' . WWI - ( ' .1 ' = i e a eain belOna.pg to Mr. (flare .• ,„••,..._ . • , , . . 0. - , : • • .-, , • 014 of ..rtvAtop; was. being Al rive ii With .ti,,I,Dad T t 't. ' El ' .' • f ' ' - 'I . • ' o s. oyes e Taira a ew, r ays. ago, .one . of the_herses• acoidentally brek-eli is lag. The teamster drove' the .el ippleci animal' • • iii this condition. fivin (lonesto0 • . . 1 . oe .te.• • Elmira. : .0n .arriying at the.latt - plac • .. sa _ e • . ibe.11430 WitS : Di t ill the '''t •ble whey . . . . L•-• . • :, i' 4 . ,- . e. f still lies -unable to be Tomoved • • ' 1.- ,' _ ' .. ..,. . , •• .,, . .... -...• • - li ' S 1 it • ' r • .' - k ' • ' r. moue' , arms, „wing near ....trat• . kokt lost 'I. '4- 110,31114 . horse. on Sunda , • , . Y . morning.- rhe anin1a1 'wea.turixecl Ont.' ' • t • • • t ' • • 'tli • ' • ' a - 1, 1 '• 3 pas me. Wi a love tie aronin, us - hi tnut,with S10)136-°-'. Ilirepolid iii-thia-awkwardnotedeemedbyoemriw ea•tn1•.s' , . _ . e` , 1 . . — • • jolp . 13nuysiii . k.,e,epa a *hotel , near Guelph,....This islet the orignroi trait, . ' ' • .' .., • " • The 1.110 be.1.1001 Baud of .Diti.t414ii have 'mongagoa- ' 4r, J. ;01ifre as 11414, teacher lil the ord. salary, $900.. • • ' ., ' • - . - There is no likelihood thavilady Dui:, • • • ferin will visit Clitnada thiS •tv Inter, • as stated i4 some 01 . the. newepoors. . . P110 Amu:, .1. I., . .1 c .s...inneri, • ,. , , Ti b • ' fii ‘'.• 0- ' 11, I'' . . l'Ith conr„ East.:Williaths, Wete destroyed by n .. 0 , , . , fii0 00 ThiclilY 4i"11.t• :I: esa• beal7 " . . . , • There is one Minister - in Toronto for • - ,, •,. 1'06 f th' - ' • I t' - ' ' ,e‘ el•Y• i 0 . e P01111.a. 1011s 0100, w0•• • . . . . . . ., . , . men and children, and -yet. it is ;t7e a . • pious eltYr"..- . : • .. .. . ,,,,, . A la t ht , er ris" •• B •• n ' .1•4 1- 1 . , . c y .. ins . . ,ak ia tto ,. las • shipped' one thous 1w1 • harreb• iif /copies •the English 1)1 111 tho dutuipli, and . this is only., wilt of the crci i ' •• • - . . . - e . 1 . 1 . • . . • . Building operations have been hi pro- gress in the eitY 0.t Toronto 'durinm the, , present year to the Value of 'niore.than • , one. and altalf milliOn 'Of dollars, . • . . _N..1 ' 1511. .r • - - ' wavy .. 0 , an0w..000a2Ted in tile. „ i. • Mit 1 ounc nig conntry near Three .11iYers, the „past • Tew . days,' sii. ffielen. t for' for& Winter sleighing, winter: vehicles. brim& ;„ e ei-d live •• • - ' -",••••°1! '.., - .'•. . • • . . • . • The Grand Trunk 11•111Way• is &lino' . • . • f ' tl ..‘• I • ' • ' up ii.,,ear or le • aecOnimor a -1On t of the. mew 0 overnor-General- lind his • wife ' '1)1 ' • . " ' ' their, passage, fi•oni Halifax • to. Ottawa.. ,No .oxpe. nse is being spared '•eirit'... :. : ..-• Sag, Wrioht . Sentenced te ten - eel'. • • . y s .n. the penitential y tried to e'soapb from 1-. .. • , . , ' Lonclonjail rith .Saturd.ay, bY eutting the. bars On ids -cell window. :lie...WAS .diS- :covered. at work 'when, nearly ready to' ' • • .. • • . • . • ..• • .,... , ,• . , , Voe 't I^ 1 ; T1 ' a " , mg oo ,. p ace •Oil ., Airs ay on the Canada Tenv)erence ..A,Ct at .Freder. . . _ _ , , _ 4 ,. . , .. . icton ..1\T B h t e tem erotica then will - • / .. .i. P . • . .„-• .ga,.c'tly.- 44134134413413 g• the Cl.ay• . b.ybs 1v402minet.:,whe_A4f_00110.thro o• to t. il(.,• -• AMA FOR' 8ALE-In .the Tewnsbip of 0.440d„1,. rho tiadersignea offers ler Sale a fu,rrn,. rov,,,,tap, on the 10400114sta= of t. 13n1 wn'. ing of "part of lots 63 and 64, beim; 63 acrea, Mere M lees. About. 60 Berea are cleared, ti o baialmo timber lend. On the place is a log. Uouso, Irmo° bull', stable, , , fold god, 14111 11)10 seven aerosol fall Wheat. .1.Vta ue sold orr reasonable terms. (lOpq persoualli, or bY letter, to WIDTJAM. ,11117B4118, TIOLislitfivir'?,IL P!.0. . Goderich township, 00.14, .1.878, • fel . .•'•' SEIWA.1q,'J, ANTP,D. . , ' • ' - ----,••._ •, • 0 h -viTA.DITD, by Dec..'16.04 a 004 soors. "" 1 ' V V ' .Apply'to .. •,. ,, . • - • , .. - , . • • .11.ns.., o.w. natt.TON. ali*il"•14.914 7'. 31316.' - ?". ''' . . .: ' . . • . . .. ., 4 . - - — • ip .1-LINLSotSio°eL. U'Ti" °Frit 1:AthitToNrtEnleaHl r-st- la hereby given . a 0 F . .. P tus tiatwoesluriesw, sower/ a worocinates hag oda car 170021(11901Ved by mutual consent. litr 11. A, Worthing. thopaylnent of all debts contracted by said iirm of SOgles 4 Worthingt00. . A.1.00, ho ia t0 ocuflot the time!' . • . . w L %mum. ' . Wit110S9: • , 1: . ' . .. ... ' • • •• • .,t; WoRITUNOTON. ) " El, A. 11 oatur NOOK. • ,, ' Dated atClinton; this 3th day of 9ctobor,1878. . •e,Crla•-c,"tr coci.'"; c;•,,,---1-,- utty41.1I+ .1. ' -LW , ..11.12i2.1 J..". ., ' ' -3-- nAvE.ear • asconst,..0/ )110iler . to leurt,, Qs good "ante .1- improved farm only, at Illter cent ; 111(1 Ch Tory sliiaii. S'Irua .no (31 4. it 11 .1411'. 10111)10. 1 AO 220t ieec, money tor a34y Compa.by, . .••• • • ' • Joniy 8. songs, .. itoy..'5, 1878. -• • Ssaruima.'.... . . ' 1SSOLUTION ,011' :13411TNERSIiIP.- Nolo to 13001)y:giyen that sho *partnership I.Jentri• fOrg existing betvieen•Gunssrox & cusxmo %imp, has Ole (lei been diesolved bymnitual consent. Olin, • • la las has assnmed the ,paraeat aflaIiri• Cdalittl; con.urlantgm4y the said.hrm of GrassMk &Cunning/Arno, and win she el:01001ln due ihe salroor -ad well Ile +Munn& tba business. • ' , • ,• • • • ' . , ,.., , , Witness:. .• •0113;8. 01i ‘Aii.DeN. . Join/ Outorterfofi, 0, 0010/tN0 !UNE.. :Data tit Clinton, Oet.,14,J,376.• . ' , . . • c --••••-',•------•- .. • ITORUS FOR A.LE. :A.Fnx year olii brown.idARE-, epligitt'dri.V411 told ‘I' .,..43. tam i,ear 014 baolousD, tmth Bound in willa and kirob, aro effered for sale on reasonable terma, Enquire aa'1•Nat'Elta (4110e... ' ._. ' • ' ..„ Clixit.aa, NOV. 7,1878. ' • ..,.....- STBAY. STEETti :• ... . . — . . 1A11:1?eniat°001/2110;slistmet,B.POnealderleunt arsiltrei,'. rbto2. the middle of September, a three year Old greyish • Steor, with a -white mark across its shoulder.. The owner is hereby notified to prove 101 11 17173 charges, and take it away. • • Tow%), NIA 11811ALL • - - -- • • • • Goderich towas4ii), Nov. 2, 1878. .. . • .• .. . • • .: Y. E- i: 8- S ' 8.11. A- 1C. .1i •°. N.- ''••••• . , . v Milli itliiTABLE. DRI:$8_01AiriEn, , 7 . . . , . e Es Sittated On gm eorneti of Albert and Princess S tr' e' . ; •"- We Mill A can respeettnliy solicited. • opposite 1 e . , , . , . • . - onaton, oat ss, itivs.. ,..., - ., , , - : • . , ., - • . • .. , . STRA.Y STEER.. . ' , • — . flot.,11E into tho promises of tho subscriber, 796 . ;IP, . NJ 1.5th concession, -Goderich Townstup, about the ratasue ot October, 'a two yeat old redAnd white Steer.. • - ••••° -0 "/ • ''''' ThOi*irtigli..151. e(t CotswOlds' . . . ' ' . .. . • • ",demn .F.6 R S .43 T.; 1.1 , . .. .. ___ ,rho.,,03,,e,ibero-02,0 • - ' ' s- for oice.romosiabs:Ewe lambs, ma 4,,e4p..;,,yee', of the Cotswold ;breed, at. prices to suit 'the tiMes.. .. • .-- . •• • • ' ' ' . '' . .. • • • • • . 4. MIMING.. . ',-'- . • • • _ Lot.22, lath C01). ,i•ajlett. • 'Ianiaotaiara "P. 0.i•Oct.16., 1678. . - - , . .olM(1 o proVprone The' owner is hereby nAt t -e xtYr•P47 , allergen, aud take it away. : ••• • • . . • . . . ROBBRT HUCK: • Goderieli townehtm•Nov., 1, 1878, , • ' • , . „ . HQUS8 TO :LET OR: FOR 'S. -.ALE. - •.' riatti .• MUTAT' very conveniently situated house op n . .9- bury atreet, at gresent• ia the .oecupation of riir, Watts. Possession given about the middle of Nevem- ber. ' ror further partioujars apply at this. aim . • Clinton, Nov. 7, isi8.. ' • . . . • ' • Titi• A R AI .F .0.11, 8, 1,-.1. . . • . . ,.-'. ..'"'• • ' %Lae undersigned offers for. solo his farm of .100 mina; being soutlidiallot lot se, 3net oop. of East \'i 141 8/141.1es cleared,Minainder good hardwood bugh: ‘Praine barn 86:60, frame' halite, outbuildiogs, goer/veil, acre and a•half first -plies =hard. Situate about Ili miles • • •Ii ge ntitlyth Farm. is v/ell fended, and hi' from tbo •vi a , . . . . n ifedstate, Of cultivation! ...,.... .1 • . , • . .- • . . • • ..• . .. 3011.14.Lt ,0 BA . hG- LI ..• v..c11 '31.11 / .• .•-,o' •• , . POUNDKEEPER'S 'NOTICE. •.. , - • '• ' • --,,... , • T.TAs been impounded on Lot 4P, Otll C071. Gederich xi_ Tomcods, en aged MAIM ubmk,brosvu o.• chest- tar onforolmad11! 11,110,1 nil !r.,31 ,.t If bypublicmettoe r ' Oth-, .thlo.ck.,nr. . . .• • .• NGEM ACOOPERPotudkeeper Towsiaipblo;:7,/878 , --„, i -.--c‘ . ,_ .. 8.1 1 /answer than the'rre": ' 1(1. 40(1 . oy sec 1.. . , , . . . . h'i elf ••-•1) t there ' was • enough •of trnet i riS , • 11 . . • , . sop• lhi• stry• . 4 111 • I• t..to -de• w, i ("gibness it Vine to ft certainestent ne ye some pe-op-ea'n"d •',. CMfilrhe-fallisylrivolvad inftTea7 be underatood hyo conSideratioz)of the enyi plaint ofIgrGladstone a correspond nt o says, in efect, tat ret. Trade enitsed decayof the CoVentry ribbon trader /I• a •i .• c• i. ng , -fi0• decay of, •thwetch tradartlicrefgreFreeTra4rnust-1)e,rgthcw11616ornreOnity •• , -!-..--.-. --. -.-, -.--.. • • -, - •..:. • • -.-- - , A It X.LQTF 0 71 8 AL -'•1.._.... onErie SteClintonemm sing over :AM acres, now hold bY.' J01111 .s.-lInf--,lle/10•• 13,.. ii. .. tedforsaoonmm---H!t"4141. • ,w_, ,h -m -s ..fo.•o•• •go•t" e Coventry mana ludas, can on y e ept•into operation iii Manxtpredicament NMisrid amend tilheonSa . •O - '. ,.hItec' I.c..mcu. ..y' alivebyProtection;istheretnyrreaion why llnoe llictflbeot ant so inu/aetos -. , itshould nothe allowed to die Protecton noitlyaer four oeoefoTusdq11 tahisie'ul t 4 cittbQ(,ii1C1 " to it may mean eniPlOYment ii A naturallmorning two freihttraina collidedn,,,,_,l,.The0,ParkLt "thl• unrentinierativecallng for a feiv hundrOdstireGrancTrunk:Railwayaboutamilevls'1?1°,0K- f--'veas d aer-: e ae -1les fo ep-1. bui"t r .an, .o.w.e•st,...o'f ' .. prolate,. T1te•n. • . Ile•ss'ei't•a.ry .1,sp.•ec.1 ne '• O-ntr.•es ,.. . " „_, • , ,Nat EonWe • . . • r - . .„... r. . ' Igbtgirmknran , • - . • •J lk. 'S -.1T.. • - iii• . 14 -I T MERCR• • '' - ' , AISTT • TAILOR, • .. lio.ciac 0330001 vet a .0./0e 0s • ' ' . ", 9 . •• ' ' 'Ire ' . un • Huron •b etl: ..... Om, And procured a VitELL -ASSORTED ST0010 OF' GOODS suitable for his Wetness, will be pleased to • lhldalleng nee el ie oCuatrimerti and 1111 many mew *nee 111 party favor him with their patronage. • . .- • 3, ,'- l t1878 .EeTeeriies i•onf aLsoorrdt :o-Bfeivaacyonmsfialeoldts'sou.pnrgoPtohsoitcfoonn• . lila. Lordship says, 'if yoit benolit a cities 3c,00 benent the ostiOn4MrGIRdstone's w)oatiozident says that if a:ctiSs suffers the i. Wilo/0 nation.soffera.- • Both of them stand Upon the -game, ground,•and nothing can be 'il f 1 ' 1 f 0 ' t . billt °le not e uall OW o MO 0, 0 Veil. ry . ... . (I. 7 applicable 1 to the Premier. • . • . .. • • • ... , Siippnge.-that, when. railroads ;were pro- ''. • d ' the cries' of the Postinasters and pose ? • • . preprietorts of cOaelteS.andland.loras Of.way, side • inns had. boon taken as 'a guido•to a- , , . • . . . •decision•abont•the. propriety of makingrail- .tvayS; Whet W(111 Id have been the result 7 No class ever had ft begot case than those . .-... • • • • . • „ „ _ win) were interested in .coaclies. They 00tliti (how that if the.railways 'were made, • . . _ . . the trathe wonId be,cilverted froin-them ana they must be ruined, or haye to ttirn them- solves to it/teething !else. • AS a featter oE fact that was .whathappened. Great, and valuable Innis .h.ad to be closertheapPlied ' heacelised to run,. -to another nurnose • coaches . - • - .-- „2 , , . . . . postmasters . 4,o,, - too COind lint let' their vehicles - • ' tea 4. - d '' a nobody wan them. ,.. n in ris- 7. - , ° wh° Were'. try, in 6 10C , ye , an , . .. 1 . i. t 4001 d d tho4 engaged in.irauffered. . Upon the prong) e. comiumrio Lerd Beaconsfield and the man of.Coventr , this WAS a national evil which T r-i-fell-quielr-and-killed-toombed require/ ogle a ion. ori &proven wii.. .,iii,, as Free Trade has lessened the demand for Coventry . ribbons; railways lessened -the. demand for coaches and posting inns, But . .. . . that . • - ,..• would it be contended theretors ran. vi'RX0.were wrong and an injury t.01.1i0..:00itri-.,.. ----la tr '. ? • and if it would not is there any reason Y. on the groun a given, w y e ene tna d. ' h th. b g i. affectslif Pree Trade should be doubted I Those who proposed railwayssaid that they W0iiid facilitate locomotion, and thereby • - ro ortion ati.'• increase trade i and that in p p they increased trade they would benefit the ,... Mt, , . ' • h f jaii d nag,Ion. These promises have . eeti U e , .andrailwaya aro now ir.disponsable.. Would • . anybody dream of listening to a .yet siit' VI U; ving coach • proprietor who, hecause ,...s trade hid euffemd, demanded rev:insider- • • th ation of e question whether miltvays were of advantage to the nation, Ile would, no doubt, be answered in tho spirit in which i • . Mr. Gladstone haw answered his Coven ry correspondent: ...Ile. would ,perhaps be re. mindetl of the amount of capital itivastbd . • • 'T/10 an raxlwa3 a, Ile would. bet told •that be,' .tween 500,000;000 end 600,000,00 of. nes- • senora. travel ,yerirly 'WI railWaye; thia more than .433,000,000 a year is spent in w. A 4_ -a ages and other 'working expenses, an that the- total traffic receipts are ever Anti,- 000,000 Then he would be asked how tbia COnvare'd With 00 state of things w ; hen be WAS in palmy eirennistalicer, and whether he or anybody conldbelieve that it was de. sirable to Igo back to that taste of things .l. . 04 c°"14 make no silMalant• aasWee; and . his difileuity is that *Idols intuit meet ell li h t h F - . t One Iv o pti see tines ions a OU tee .Troicie as are pnt by the Coventry Utter. writer. - . . . it nI6,y be said that there is uo possibility of demonstrating the good effects. of Free Trade as clearly as-thoae.ofmailways can bo demonstrated. There is only as much truth . in this as can be faun c d in the fact that . while you can tee 6 railway, andthe work it actually doetif you cannot see the priew pie of Ftee Thule. Itut yon.can see its re- alikta, .. The 004 of these whattauglat it and succeeded in procuring its adoption by r the Countrypwas tohetter the condition 0. ..., ..„.... ,..„....._ .......,..,. _.. • .• .....,..-....:r ,...'i TLo' and ital)ntreans twhheiclohS-sco•too ltdhebieeo'purnotfirtyarbelyp.reeisnepniteeydebcty, Jtiaebinogr , bestowed. oo a•trade net strong enotigh to iivobyitse3f,.ra•ealyig this it is assomed • that the Coventry letter writer'a .litatement about the u'atch, trade. is eerrect 1 but the ar urnent is' the 'same to matter to *what., - g ''•- ld.• Th ' •t, t ' b kept trade 1115 app, le . . e• -poi o e,has in mind by the poblic is; that in$xneh lettere& ddre t• as thaka., ...,ssed.to ?Ir. Gladstene a grea . and beneficial • principle ia'assailed. under . • - • 13ever or sy vapathy for ei class. ' The sync- pathy ia, their due-all.sliffering deserves le oreatest ha intim of sympathy :;* bUt ,t1 , 0. , ., ' • iber i ' he object hch Incthe :greatest -nun $ t 3 wi law•inakers and ti10130iiii0 lima resolutely . . , , . . .keep inorietiv, , . • . . -7 .. •„_,...,,,,,0‘,„_ •i' oI. gmeswna-completelywreckedand four iii•a 101)011totiotlty Beardf Health,Cirna .f o• cor•-• .t'sa' •1ier1.- . .' . 'klkeaas-ays. - I '.4. 41 l. 't • 'l i•rG••••i' n• c're' as' e. • a •nal , . , , • , , . , . . ned Still waS sovekly sealdorl • The 'in the nuinber or' 4caths • by, sniall-pox. • Wattle of .the,accident 'would...sem: to (11(1 the )preedhieg SOSSE01 (14. Parli• a0 - .., real. betareen :the- opeiiitOr • at . Csyleton. 'merit I' wOuld respeetfnlIV stibgest that ... . . and. 'the train despakther in lOCOnto; t110 BOMA Ot Health should Itt once pre- Ti . f . .1 been''. . - ed. ' St'll • lie a bill concer liriei «.( 11011(011, in . m oi Mei las. ,ai.i es e i p. . . . 1 •;., 1. , - ' since died... .' '. .. , .. order that a system may ho obUilued, as • --- • • • • . o On as -possible • founded LI [10/1 t110. best ' --•'' A. day or two ago the iniPrudence OA. " . •" •' , .. . . . . .. . . vssible.lsisi ." • • • - . ' a yoUng Man was very • nearly produe-. 1 • • • . . • • . • title Of serious injury • tci it Te81100table. ,.-.A. .qUartette et •roiy foolish girls. .ad - ,fainily in Atontreal.. •Behirr desireus of ,Vertise as fellows' 'tinder assnnied nameS: • • • • . • • i . , 6' . . .. - • .. , working a 1 Lie neseated toll= (r. E forl • • - . d 1 t•th , __ , . : _ onr., . tan ').olina amsels so lei e • - - - - by a friend,' he had a stearn.boiler in. tin ootreepOndence • of 'fem. li,..0ible ' .1. ung - ' • • t)'•- • ° •-- - mann aetnre . . o mat t is . oi er - 0 bachelors. On. • tile popular sultject of • thOughtlessl,y placed. it in .the. Oven of it ' 4 Emir lgarlis.ges 'or Eternal Punish- . • 'atoY.0 and, in, a' .Tow ., minutes . afterwards /neut.' - Letters may be. sent to the V11- .. ... it: exploded. • . Smashing- •the . seine to soribtu% P.O,, tliICITOSSetl. to the •nuder- pieees 'and Scattering the fragments' signed,', • - ' . . The 'girls...Probably:Ira:tin uoth- .• • , , ,Foittinately no one was dwelt-- g bt t 1 at th -- s'i • " f - : "!' b t - . PY . •,• . , • • - . . • their tion is excessiye y silly.. •-• 'On 'Thursday, al horse belonging to. . • • 1 ,k , firma Wei 8 ago,: a 31011t401.IC). ' r. u 0 , , c on on, me 1 s ea • . . . D • T ff rd f L • CI t 1 d th • • • • named Rivet • with two •• companions,- • ' * ' 1 • • ti ' A Irian was xe , • - -' • in 6 snigu ar. Ina zun, • . . e t left that City to try their luck ha Mani - cising the animal in a, said, and _near .a. :olio, By sante means - Rivet 31118901.1sed well it. Suddenly reared, . and, stepping. 1 • . , - , ..., . . . ., . ,,, _ .„ ,_ , _ us coinraues, aim WAS •iett- lumina at • • . / on-sue-covetingr-caroste 11--a . .. r A.. -Pet • .• P• 0 R• ..-. .8 A -L E , . ... . •. ,•.,.. . . .. . . . he lserbrotror4 that oonviotY stuated -desirable ifano .lot 34 .7th' eon. -Theillnoa, i for etde,, 100 aorta, SO cleared, remainder good hardwood bush, There iro two, ftamo 'barns iind• two' frame sheds, dwell -frig verY Uwd gre7lug .farti, ,rol only four ratios fitest Chntou, whore there aro tworalinnuls. Tossession sinai.immediutely. • ' • • . - •• NV:51. BIN 01.14•31. • . Iluilett, Sept, 12, 1878. . " ' • ' • • . —'-----•'"------ - . • - ri :11,••it•'I-(Y-P • '.$ A L.E , ' , ' • . • • . noi robseriber offers that cenvententlyeituated and' -valuable farm,' lot 15„ Dose F..ine. Goderieh 'POwnekip, containing _SU tierce, •on whIcIt Uwe are a log. helms, frame barn and stable, geed orehard, Vell watered, 60 acres olemed;remainder .goOd hardwood.- -Setioolhouee • •iaseto.ocoftrm About font race from Clinton. ,L • ' . . • - . Vitt 'WAIT= • • A•1041- to ... • • „ . • • • . Lollowsboto. Londesboro, Sept:A ism ' * • .rei CLOTH1N.G MADE ex SPORT NO. CH.. . AND AT Raaa0Nanta IlaTta.. .• ' . A TRIAL ItESP1kM171.11.1.1!, tiOTACCI'A10. ---Acx.-,-......... . e , ..0ower • of • a. illtnerhs -Seperstitioa. . . . . . . _A. • 111 ' with • 'Id re orter was ta mg an. 0 . ,•P . ... ..around, h ' I' • 1 Miner .a few days -ago, .w. o imp mit y believed that na death ever took pleas) a . . . . .. . ., ,. in the manes VitnOtii a warning of some % ' '0' ' - . ' : - kind. ." You see be said " death haver -• '' a ' - • • ' ‘. 1 cora.s of a sti clen upon .the men in 1 e „•,,,Ine9 )3 ..Yoll : reporters Write .up &tool, "" dents and how. something gaVe way op . . , . , , . . r „this ain't so. . There's alwayt some warn- " * . big. Virlien.T see. My Jentern 'begin, to . Wird. low 'down tuia blue I. know that ', . • . . s • . . • , thernis 'danger ahead. - ,11.., A . keeps on - f .. . . . - - • it- few days Ana than b„ , to waver • •T fr • ,,, . ., and . flicker,: 1 11" watch'. ittc. , .0 to see , ., . .. Li t • Now oitiiii.ay set Me Yr er,e it porn s. y - , . i. up for a fool, but what, Ilia tellin' you it the:gospel truth, When the lame kilns over 1 w (at 1 it ' as being' Worked b • , y a , blow -pipe) w p'p ) and 'pOints ito• * man death 0 - 3 13 . , 2 has marked him.. SoMe yeareago wh0n ..,.. . . 13111 Hendricks WAS killed in the Savage, „ ,, , ,, . . A' • ' Old fittitie of m la ' tern %raft right toreturning1) y 11 P . him for over an hour, -and when he moved . .,.. jhe natne•wOUld turn just,* -if 13111 was . a loadstone . and the flame wits 31 marl- 7 di . / kb veil ..s1 Et -on e and riot s neP ee 6 0 a g told him to be careful about the blast- • 1 - t 'd I, he go t hrough all right an got As Wfl Ot 11 the candle op • the Cage. 4, . g P . . ept.noting.strangely,...and aLtimea.the flame, would stretch Out long and thin toward Bill, . At 'length it gitVe a end den r 1_ fli cker and Bill reeled to one side. and was eat% . In 6 un er . ear e • dreadful cry as lie disappeared down the . . . ,„ .• „ ... • - , , .. ., .. shait, and Waite ne was bounding nom side tO side, dashing int his -brains and scattering his flesh down to the bottom, my lighrtstent 'out., I.. never lit that i , , . . ' antern again. It hangs up in my cabin 24 .i. 4 .it. pr, , .. la 8 more in a a"- u. 4Livils will. •IL. . ere , • - think. I'd candle- 'flame than people . . . rather .see a Cooked revolver pomted at me than a candle flame ; a revolver 'Oometimie miasee; lint a candle flame is ante to kilt when it starts towlici a alba.. v• .- . • al (14- ) cA te --- o Visa sl, se. • route . - - • MILL . PROPERTY .. FOR SALE, , , , . , • f.--"" 11111-1 lemerdor the ttallit :Nod lor row I er • Clinton,. X0v. 7, 1878, ' • • • i. , ThS subscribers niter that rateable tail co:woolen. 11 i ' 1 • Mated in' the Township Of in loPertY f.r 8-, 4 . - • Stanley, near Varna, on the Baydeld River. „There.is a Steam aria Mill of cwo rimed stones, and A SIM Mill and Shingle SAW. With. the mill there are fifteen acres or land. With new house and binek berm - For furthet YEa.tieuttas•9114 0 -stnimttl mina.. . . ,2 • vote, sept. 5) 1878, --" ' ' ' - - " DtsOLUTION or' PARTNE11,11IP,' - • .. ,, _ • ' , • „.-- . wetice it hereby giren. that the Partherelilp hereto., fore existing between -us, the undersigned, as grain deal; cgs IA via toward (.18100, hes been this. day diesOlved by mutilaliOneent.. . - •-• . ... .., WILLIAM PLtINISTEEb. ' ALEXANDER SCOTT, ••• • mitten, n4°,26,1978. , • • • ALI/ Al3IJE 1 11414 -14 It SAI E 2/---- - -'•-)-- ----4-' • ,. ....• • . -... • :. ••-- .. ' The undemigued often for sele's,beautifill farm con. tabling 83 acres,: 45 elcaredandin a good (date of dalti• ration. Never -failing sprinffereek tanning across the oostre; there ie aleo aapiendia well, milord, buildings, 40.0 On theylace. ..lt la well situated, beingibt 85,15th* con. Modena Township, ana. is only half a *le from ale corporation. of the Torntrolclipront sluices a line wn, I I rt srti Isre apply view stills entire to ° to ' ' W M.u0011.1%N , • Al a0hlint & rinlAY0011.0 0."tert 8t°"' Clinton, 4411, 137t1, .. ;" '.. ' - ' " ' • • • .... . , . • . -. , ,...., / ti , In 3 on) eavore) te o ..41I1 ' ten inter. tne water twiny I et , 6 - '''ierlea 1,.` warlff but, was unsuccesyfol. • tie soon " '•' ' It & TO e - , Assistance *Se obtained, .6 ti 1 .) "became penniless, and then like the : , passed round. ;Abe ..aiiiinags wither and• , d• 1, . i . . . .„ • . • . • • .,, . , .. • pro Ica son, t iougnt or returning nome, 'fere Jegb. The4nte by this 'neaps was. Uti secreted .-Iiiinsele in ,t f '0' ht • •.• • • • .• • .k,..ev. • ' . , • .). ig eat raised to isithin,at," feet .ot the siti- 1. _A ,f , -11. .,. , i , Li. , .., i 1...„i .• . ',. ,, - • . .. . . . Willie, An ...1e1,01141. ea I, tifle...11% tri wow= 111. face; omen the rope elipped, and the „ Re had to fast about three days, and .2 . • 1. n Is Triti it Ina, _el - _rea____g '__s neck and dying • c • - • k . .. r• _ . when. tee ear was tuiloe ed. yesterday, -instantone.ously. .. , ,., . . • • he discoyered"that he was ii • Point gt. A.n unmarried Woman nanied Miry C44 I ti •' - • : ` ' ar • 0 „ ,, . . , C . " - li • .. , .0 sou about 36.yeau of age was kil ., Consola ) . One. of the. lunafice at Inc •Lenden r 1 t .T. .. ' 'a Cie 'n • two tt 1 ' . et a anneson ssi g, ..• • 1...1 ,.es Asylum named 'Alca-iiihona eame by Me . east of Grafton.; . on Wednesuay. xne ,1,.1,,,' i .2, T,, .t1 I e14 -1 ' . solvate Lti a aorrm.he mariner on nes ay • • deceased Wait 6 binge teacher, and while - .. . . , . 4 .' • . . . • • ititern0011. it seems a man aite dant fr igiving1 stan s She . . • n . .0Me on e). ) had hoe giving huh, a bath, and feeatt. paused upon. the tailway crossing, facing t' • 1 1 ft th' b th • f •• ' t tho east, ,A, freight .train at this 1)107 while the .k.ey ‚.4313 01,„ the cock of ow.. went coniug from. the -west' eaVried her h . ,L,„ lunatic , th ot-water i a un re • yar s own 0 rac , ro •- ppe, . e tuella e h witer On tobiniself and was so horribly ' I r lit less ' bed into the diteh- ' • • • ' . • ing ie • e 7 . . .. scalded that . he died in a short time. . ';vasWe The train ';vas stopped, und the body attendant teas at oncesuspend d • • - - • he arossino.' where it e , hroughthack to t •. ., ' but thejury exonelated•hini frOta blame I , . as talon cluirge. of by her •fitimids,...---4-. - . - ,... - - ,,,. mid he was re -instated. . Tho fads of the ease are stick as to lead . • • to the supposition that ..the unfortunate - At the inqnest . en Monday on the woumn. premeditated the net. • body of Frederiek .Still, the Grand (> . ' . . ' • %tug from London 'Trunk. brakestruM, lined • at the . late ; Mr. lifcCullooh, wri , . - E .,, • collision near Toronto • some medical g ta the Hamilton Spectator, sav , . , . ..t. . 2 .. ._ . --3:, must confess that my . Canadian Students were. summoned to serVe on - - . . - - . On assewbung in the Court DAde has not been flattered by My so- tile .i114. h.. . .t N4ere i hare ioom they beluvred in it disgraceful . .1 urn in t ni Oottn IT. icli i . i _I (I •da is at manner., and the Cormier had to threaten ise,ty oeen,•ana AM. tuitv, ,,ina • - most an liilkilOWri land to the general and lititnisS them find summoned • an . , , , , . , , „. .. .. _ . . , other iir biome of the 0110 men public. I hear of America quite fie- J Y`.. , Y g ' . - • • .-- . - . • - 01.13 drunk and theirconduct w quently, and immediately after being w I, . . as all introduced as a Canadian ,I am . often the Mere ttlieeeealY frete the teet that , the deceased's father WAS in the inquiry. asked how lontrit hisince I left America ' h. tb• • •• .tc A- -- - • t • bub room weeping bitterly over the body oiv mimeo is i mama, e c. • AL. .Y * ..1 ' LI " • f his 900, and the attendance of the • Scarcely, tver0, Oanitun nieritioNu Int, 0 • cOri+AratitiOn" '• by an Englishman ; and operator, Alexander My, *lin wits also with its' history, its poutiog or ttit ro: terribly distressed at the awful poaitiOn sources X have not met an gegiisInnan : in which he tonna himself, . but these ' who la familiar unlesa he has travelled. educated brutes: "opt up their niiii4, ' in Canada., Thetto are not pleasant and ers6104 unseemely Jokes ia. *pito of ,, • .. . ..,A 41 1..1, .. . t. 4,•All. . .., . . rdItiqf 4,.fru rilinh _ • it . t riv aims IA A. • ' • • . .. pugLic sonoor, TEAOHERS' .....• . , • „Ecac41.4,a,„4.r1/„„1-.A.,,,,....,.-........ .. 4.4t,'''''`J • — • . • T4e Semi -Annum Exiinination ot eindidatio TOr Public Scheel Teekoliereflecond•Clast Oontideotee, VAR be held frt the Town Of .Goderiali, commeneinit 072 11t0NbAY, the illtit 1117E.M1111E1It ATICTi • At Las p. al. " Forma of the -notice to he previously &Net 14 tho Candidates can be obtaingd on applioatlen to the hear& tary, and must he 11AM-flea t'o hire, properly filleCttp, not later than, the 10th Novonbor next. 13anabletes are reottired 10 /Orval to the Sberatioi the 1100011141477Oral:Matta of succesa in teaching and of `-±cond,plisrattol., ' • . . l 'ETElt ADAMSON, Set. Board Erre. Oederioh, Oet.P.Stb,1878. , . . ., ,. JUST itiE.-0,1EIVE.Dt. . • ,.• . ' • . • ' ' . .' .. • • • . ' . • p o . • . - -7. ' '' ' liEST IN TAB • • • • • .. - . • • • , • '''str ' • OLOTIIES W RINGIcips ' • ' . i' -w -a. • 4 w ' . ' , rlifil, A.uWES1'IN6M AP tn. ANDBILIOUS as. saw:non) it tor sale. Ot J. •II; Corabee, 01Intono wact intosracterec at 209,,Waitigton street,. London, °At' nig 1"1141124% i'' h'ghlY ookon of "a r6dorn• molded for Unica% atul Illvet Complaints, arta 41 1,84 Rao proved bights beneficial tor ithenmetirpte la amp AND TWO LOTS P074. SALE,- Ai. ThO otthootibeftelog .iboot to move from town, ottao lots No. 6:13 ona.62th caner of MB and Maple streets; for sale, On.whiell,therc lee rdEritnia 11%•ccit. lag and Stable.' ROBERT MARIA) , .1:- - ' Canto), 04,21Ot, 1378. • •,s ,0 , • . . , ' ' • • I . .1 . . • - , . •-• 110011'1'11fl 11V ' ' .. ' „ 0 . MLA. 1;Zi I 1:6- .. . - 9' min 0 . ,. .:. ,. ..,...... .,,......- . „*.io* .A. 49—.9. .91,....... Ali .Pik., lrA, IL. Vv -EA, Jec"..110-44 • • ' a , • • - . . • C!.I NTON. 4/6 , IVES hICO-Illt.S11.8. --,--,its the „I: COrporetion of CiiiitOn hes phroliased a atearndre • engine, they offer a Malin hand engine for sale, Huitable het entail Villogie, nag or faeforieti• Will be tois sato. Apply to n. searr..-Cliairman Fire Mid Water asimatta.• Mitten,. Ocit. 90878, , RttoVOTICilq IN rItICE, . • • . • , ,.„ • • A IlinilLE ‘,‘. jN ° IMEAD. %id. tiaohood,t, *taw thataiii4 Ado auto,' eto, to, l'h*Nb*O1 ligrls' 4/4<in`bla hitht'Onngtalmete that he ha/14601de .onireduclitit the ptioe of hiesil, 'Whirl he Will White otth Sell OVEN' ezzl,t0 & last' ett011.or Twenvsi oAsTs• maw, ,,• LEE, , • Vidthtle BakdrY,. next te Pasting Otos. 'c i sm.. '..I •.,,.ri ma . ..-:..............v. ijr- „i • .A., MAO ill Santa Barbarti •Contity0 . I California's making a living by clear- •, I it farm' ' f sant reli at len'eents' MI n- „. (11 - , r ,, i ., dist.% 'nova ftheat4211•11.20 ... v771015126 t ttriu,,t.