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The Clinton New Era, 1878-10-31, Page 6
6 TIE CLINTON NEW ERA. OCTU$ll: $L, 1.878. A,meiicaa News Items.. Ninety thousand bushels of peanuts: will be produced iii North .Carolina. thus year; The eteim tt of money annually paid • to: the United States .press for advettie- ing is $400,000,000. X,evei heads there,. Buck English, of San .Quentin, CAL, after listening to a sermon three-Iuar^ tern of an hour long, can reeeat it word for word°, Dr, J. P, Quigley, of Dubuque, Ia,,. bad no money to give a poor, forlorn - looking Mendicant who accosted hint on the street, and so pulled Wins goat and gave that. An uukiaow;i man asked for bread at a house onl . fifty-second- street, New York, on 'rlltlraday, butwas refused, when he staggered' away crying and tell dead of starvation, A complimentary address to the Prine- ese Louise on her €trravtyl'n Canada, with the Marquis of Lorne will wry probab- ly be presented by the British residents of the United States: ; F !- Tile little (laughter of Mr;. Deweese, of Cartersville, Ga., aged nine, wouldn't divide hot candy'. with. her brother, aged ten, so he got a shot -un and diet her in the hip. She may recover.. A lad Uf cousiclei•€ible local celebrity. at Augusta,, `Ga.,' is a one=arn eti boy. named- Theodore:Johnson, who, though he has but one ttrrn, is 'an expert • swjmmer, and has fiered. four . persons from' drowning. . Iowa, Nebraska and Mallear, advices indicate prairie fires raging. and destroy- ing grain, bridges, • barns, fences, and. other property. • Mail v per sons perish- ed in the flames, A report 'prevailed: in Lincoln, Neb., that , ,'bion, Boone, Co., a town of 250 inhabitants;,.lead been utterly. destroyed: Miss Linkman, a respectable young lady, of Lumberton, N:C., called on'Ed. Hartwell.,a commercial traveller from Baltimore, on Thursdily-,, and: while shaking hands drew 'a pistol and, shot him fatally in the bowels, exclaiming, "You have ruined' rue :'and ,I'11. ruin you." ` it is -stated that Hartnhatt seduc- ed her under ca promise of Marriage. A. New York >telegram( says.:;—Miss. Mary. Stagg. is dying• of consumption at, the Newark jail.' She was:the• daughter of wealthy parents, and • formerly .the belle of Newark, Her ;husband secured. a. divorce because of. her intemperance, when she hnd a yo%nger sister began to lead depraved lives. -Her younger.,sis. ter is now •a. waiter girl in a New York:: saloon.' • At a'•political' gathering in. Buffalo the other day, where a iargenumber of smokers were together, °lie gentleman remarked that it Was no pleasure to ),him to smoke in the dark., the discus— sion spreading, it was discovered.: that nobody had ever been heard of who did enjoy a pipe or cigar when be couldn't see the smoke. 'is this universal 'ex perience 2 Those poisoned. 'arrows from South America, in the•Southampton Institute at Washington, are .dangerous things to fool with. - The points are tipped with ▪ wooraura, a moat deadly poison, which' seeaus never to lose its Venin. ' .4 short time ago some experiments ;were niade. on rats, and theuglf the point of the or - ..row only pricked the hind legs,: they. died within five'ininutes;after the ap. plication Was made: .,a . Probably no, titan ever stood closer against a, wall than did four, Miners, who, working iu the shaft of a Nevada' mine, heard the hoisting oar break fr©tn its fastenings fart above their lieads. They knew that :there would be just a foot of space between the falling car and the wall, but they were,not.so sure about their own thickness; end there was no time for calculation.' They made themselve its flat as possible, chid escaped injury; althtauli :'a shirt of one • w.as torn off. An express company at :Pittsburg re- cently made e-centlymade a clean sweep of its oflieiala,' the general superintendent, 'tho .local agent, the auditor, all the rotate: agents but one (Mr. Thomas Hudson, who ;was made General Superintendent,) and al- most every station agent in the Com- pany's employ being .found •to' have tc borrowed" money 'from its funds to speculate with, The defaleatiolis range from $2,000 ttp to $20,000. , Seine of • the officials had been a quarter of a century in the business, and were llogh- ly esteemed citizens.. L violent tornado, originating itt the Gulf a)f Mexico, swept over the Eastern States and aa, portion of Canada on •Wed- nesday, and, carried with it widespread destruction, The weight of the stomp. seems to have fallen upon • the easterly districts of New York and Pennsylva- nia. Scares of churches in these States were demolished ,and unslired; hotels factories, and other buildings were blown down ; several vessels, were wreaked.; railway traffie was itr sonic places stop- ped ; and a number of people were kill- ed. The steamer Empress, of Bahl. more, hound for the Potomac,. was, caught at sea in the great storm atld de- ,stroyed. It is estimated that twenty persons found a grave in the waters. Claptain Marker and.a few Drily' of hie passengers and crew ware savtid. A. slumber of other serious 'eaaualties are reported from the coast., The earliest snow fall .in sixteen years' occurred in Kansas on Saturday, The Manhattan Bank, New York,; was entered Saturday night by (masked igen who obtained from the janitor the combination of the safe and vault, ad stole, nearly three millions' worth of aeeuaities and $1.1,000 in money. AIr>, Wto. Christian and his lovely young wife, of 'Hanover Cy., , Pa., were seated together in their parlor, • The air was damp and chill•, and the hos- band suggeated that a fire be 'made. There bad been no. Ore in tlie parlor? hearth since lest spring, but in a few minutes the hack logs were piled up and a cheerful blaze went up the chimney, and n few minutes latera terrific explo sion took place. 111.rs.Christian was instantly enveloped in flames and fatal- ly burned. Ur.. Obviation was also se- riously bellied,. but .traayrepover.-• He now remembers that last summer he laid a bundle of powder, in the lire place land. forgot to take it out, English and Forel gn'litems. The price of wheat is so low in Eng- land that an agricultural paper .advises farmelis.'to feed it. (wetted and allowed to fernlnt) to.stock. A tine per cent. reduction of wages, tai;; is j,lace in the north o£:l+ uglet41 iron, distriet ori November 30th, and a gene - rill strike will possibly follow. George .Lewis, a London lawyer, bas such an extensive business that his stall' of clerks 'end employees uurM er'. 250 and his receipts are $250,000 a year. great part of the town of..Lar;in, .tiore, France, was .destroyed by the Overflow of the Biver'Ligne. The' wa- ter� rose twenty metres .(over 05 feet!) in one hour:' One hundred and .'twenty . square. miles of territory, including twenty 'oil. lages, ere submerged' by the Waters' of the over -flowing Nile;: Tt is not irpro-• .bable 1,000 lives have been lost • . Lord d Salisbury .bras written' a sharp remonstrance to the Washington Gov- arninent.for perinittirrg citizens of. the United States, to furnish .Russia with war ship's and munitions. of war. The oldest minister in the woi;ld is believed "to, be Rev, 'Dr. Ingram, of Uist :Free .Church, Scotland "He. is .over' otte"hu'ndred years old. He has always been: a total abstinence man; and is said, never -to heave tasted intoxicating drink; Ile has a son who gas been' forty years in the ministry, An aesa:±siu fireda pistol at Kinn Al- efonso of Spain,' on Thursday, us 1iis was driving through the city -of 11Leciiid. The ball' missed its mark, but the would- be• murderer.. speedily .locked up.. The King went on his way to the palace 'amid the ao.ol+tolcitions of his.leyal sub= jests. ley al ,the T' ur'is'Expositioe..there is an elegant. casbwere shawl,..to whiohmtl e gi medal. of boiler is to be awarded. •A. little story is eo>nected with this shawl. A wealtliy French eduntess, adiniring it greatly, offered the manufacturers s.a laf•ge suit for, it .on condition that they would€'gree never to.xnake or cause to :be,mado another' shawl .of subtler pat= tern. At first theyfefused,-but such `.large Indui:etnents were offered that they consented, and: the. countess: wl]l.enjoy tbe'possession of a shawl 1tq= like any other in the world. It maybe interesting to', mention , in. •this connec- tion that, while, formerly, when these elegant shawls, were solely. made by hand, it was utivai to have only two of the.sanie pattern, now, since the intro- duction of the Jacquard loom, many may be manufactured of similar•pettern, APIl • and GeMiethen . DO T,HEMSELITBS . AN =JUSTICE •- wiIo BUY TEMB---- EFORE SEEING $;UR STOC S . ..WI S. 1. t IVIA.INTITZO S. SICIIRMS. RE ALL 'NICE GOODS, AND CHEM:' 1'j oilz,: and you'll use no atlht;r 0CENTTA • R. Curious Facts. • • • In the reign of Seines,.1606, &lbie of.'a shilling was. imposed, by act of Parliament,on every person abst:nting himself front church on Sunday, The old, Enflecott pear tree at Dan- vers, Mass.,. set ' out by Gov, , Endeco`tt 24J years, ago, still flourishes, and this .year borne two busiieis of fruit, Old sailors tell lis of frequent fights l,ptween whales and sword ashes, 80 inveterate- re they that both oiteri float dead epee. the,.atlrface of the sea itftor the conflict... ' Montaigne tells us that .'an anion* n• a planted close to a rosebush will itiipai;t to the latter a heightened or refined fla= • ver. It is a matter which can he very easily tried, but we think Most pardons would prefer the rose flavor minus that of the onion. in one liotir €isolan goose will eat iris fewer than fourteen fnll'grown herrings; and, as there are millions of salmi geese,, all of which,' no ;doubt, indulge in a herring diet, soma idea may be formed of be number offish destroyed'by these voracious birds. A. single plant of corn, either wheat, barley or oats, by Wine allowed proper time and ample space for the full devela °poment of its roots, leaves and brandies, hi capable of producing eighty ears,or four tlt'vusatttl fold, aecerding ta:Iardy's Essay on the Cultivation of Coro. The eggs of the frog are different fiotn those of the hen. ',Chet' have no shell,. and are enclosed in a gelatinous matter,• and, instead of being in at nest well -lin- ed with hay dr straw, and, brooded over by the mother, they are ,placed in the water, and no taore attention is paid to there. C1 »toil, •Dot. ] Cr, : t$7& General SEW1NG.:MICH1 A' splendid asSortnieut pf first•c1a s SEWING. 'MACHINES always on band. NEIs.DL1:S • and everyfurnishing kept in stook. • � S_ O. 'E•P. , I I- Seiving Machines of every make repaired; and new la rtd kept en hand. Having engaged practical maelonist, all work done here is warranted to give good satisfaction. " Charges moderate: : H. NORSWO&THY. [wren Street, one door west of tt.e Commercial noteI, (Mutter'. Ont. 7ttcc Poople,WantTrrooil 'rhorc..is:ato Medicine presoribco by phybi• clangor sold by druggists, that carries such evidence of its success and superior virtue as t3OSCHEE'S 'GERMAN ,SYBCP for. severe Coughs, ()olds settled nn the Breast, Con: sunhption, or any disease -et .the threat and lungs. ,,A pi oof ofthat foot is that any person . afiiicte.d can, get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and tjry its superior eflett before buyingthe regular size'et 76 cents. ' It has lately been introduced in this country from Germany,. and its wonderful cures are astonishing every one that uses it. • 'Three doses will relieve any case, Try it.. Sold by.d. Ti. Combe. In Alabama, some farmers think that the telegraph' vires cause drought, and TWA. to destroy them, Talk of iv norauce and superstition among the In. diens after that !'. . The Greeks held garlic in snel€ ab- horrence that those' who partook of it were rerarcled its profane. The Romans,. on thb conte try, gave it to their soldiers, with an 'idea that it .excited their eon), and to their laborers, t strengthen there. linciclen's Arnica 'Salve* .. • The best Salva; iii theworld for' Cuts, Bruises ,Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheutn, .Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain, Corns, and all kinds of Skin Bra/Alone. This Salve is' guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money re- funded, Price 25 cents per box. . For sale by J411, Certs, , • Via:J : + P. w:LL.a.A..T likNAIIt HAS THE SILVER CHS FF'; VIQP0 1 • a AND TitE CLAWSON`, • rllao, 2'i,xotliy Seed and Rye, ... Al his store,:''amnion direct, ' GU R.YC .. Aug.• . 82, 1878. • • • ' 9[AI,COD[f:1OL ac: WATSON,. CLITTON.A1i5 (IODEBTCxt. Meront.'•: A. WArsot, 8. MALeottsan, Clinton, W. U. Aic'PAnneit fladerich, Iltr.itialemoson.allthe Ia t:itnton every Aida)... THE ALLAN LINE t v. ` iTO12:TEST. SEA . PASSAG>a» tlabin, tnterataediateOdd $teeraageTtcty Ole et LoWest Rates.. Every . Saturday from • lrl!'obecf Cabin' k tres.4`voriaa truwce(' r. ebeuriltcr tae. s D I E UNDERTAKER . tr ra.1 c:Zi"Varn°!t.), idirstu .a,rocie nr-� w�' i ter , il'� .� Caskets Co'Erts . Cof lin rill iii a Ito cs ! E5 f 1tTc., ETC. ` 'iii s ai f+Ileo with tho obeyed aborted notice and at the Vx:1WWi-LOWEST TcATL"S. ' Also,. a . tle�!!All$E sa Rea+ Remember the grace--$TOTOl#TA. Street • CEORG'rli DXImLr Olfetoe,Sept ti',t877.. SATdrkrUr4 :. . 2601 " Ctl1odgSIA1Y .,, .... ..«.Nov: 2nd STt•;Llalo7s TICIn,aTB''.Co . i ireipool, funnlonrleri•l/, Glasgow,' Queens- town, Belfast, London, Prislat, Card(• jf; ror throe ti ket an* caw me 'l"" through c M e � o y i rmat on apply to A. STItA1TON,, C. T.Z., Agent, Clinton, Cltn'ton, May se, 1878, TSr. Wrn. C ;t4t.yrwei Spoeife 111edicizie TIIE G1t AT linglish named, Is especially re- oornmendod its arc unfailing ogre for Seailtrnl Weak• nese, Spernfaterr hog, lmpotottey, :ly •1 and all dieeasoe �, mss\ before 'akin ,that feller ag a After waking. g Aoalneraae of sen b' Ono, as Loss of Alxamory, Vntvoreaitaaeltude, Vats the Deek,Dimneae of ,bion, 1lrotnstnre Old Age, ltd m9ttyotherdtsaas5A dna lototto Inbanityor Coaanmp- ttan,and aPremature Orrare, all of which mi Mile are net canoed by dot•tattng from the path of nature and oter•indalg8enoe, The SpaciRoiltadictn8 to theresultef is lite atndy and rnAtty yoareof ezperienae in treating these spanned dienseo. Pamphlet free by marl. The 8peelil Medicine la sold by ell Driveling at $1. perpaok. age, or six paelcages for $6, or trill no Ment by nail' oft receipt of the monby,by addressingWEf.• 0114 k 00. , Man tor, Ont. Sold in Clinton by S,If.Ootabi,iandalm ;aildntggisteereryithere. • • We DEFYthe COLD wEAT$ER BECAUSE WE n,'K " The ,. Necessary . Protection , Against the Storm. We have splendid .ALL WOO', BLANKETS to keep you warm, " Good heavy ALL WOOL PULL CLOTHS AND TWEEDS, to keep out the eoitd,. wind, sold at :a alight advance on original coat. HEAVY WOOL SHAWLS:,.very low price, to wrap yourself in, Very. 'pretty heavy :BEAVER :,41141) PILOT MANTLES, ion ,and well trimmed, R.. very cheap, %Th ;are selling. splendid HOOTS` AND SEIOES,.new,. stook, at cost, as we aro going out of that line of goods. P liple tell us' we have. the CHEAPEST i7.sTDERQLUTRINCI' IIV T01VN. Coale. and tee va . IN CLOTHING, * both ' Ordered .and ReadyiYlade, We stall.::do large trade, and hive tho best satisfaction,. 1Do. not buy your Clothing at: al) .` other home., till yd'u eeeCASH. oaf,• Iargo stock, variety, and low prices FOR Our trade hugs .increased. full& 20 per. cent 's'inge we ' adopted the Casb..System,. and let ucopie. sec• .whatgaping by pa in,g the casIa COME 'EVERY ONE OF 'KW AND BEE, US. Clinton, not. 31,'1878. c. rda.xx4iEt•cirv•. tpthiit acid Vaiiiablfr hipiov�meo • it 18i S G0 Tyr ' iVA'•CPijERSzV Q 'ni:�irut'AOTahzrtq hi M 4 OLP >'''H� ,4AC U. ES VI. I•I3Rt rroR'T EstitaTG iv/44o INNS, IarrAtiv..'80. onR' P powEno, ;•AY,inrilu rintil, STE I'EN 1NI.S. •• For the coming season we aria introducing many new and vainable improvements, wliioh,will vlaoe our machines' FAIT is ntitrA.icn of any others manufacturedin the Dominion, We es- - pecially call the attention of-throsbers to ,our CLIMAX. SJ PARATUi1, .with rho: 3Veii End. Shake Shoe, which, for.srnogthncas of running,capacity' and perfection of eleaning, far sur-. 'passes anything yet produced. - It . has been' thoroughly tested, .has. proved a complete , ' . •c... . stteceas;and, is ,fully warranted,.' ' 33Fa`3;7 • 7;H '!OI,,X.OWT:N'G • i3Quc1FIrtD, May •11; 1878 It Is: with pleasure X testify''to the superiority of your Nilly ;AO) .StrAi.r Cramer SIIPAitiTe1i.: T thoroughly tested it last season, and can say rat it rads' the •sritaothest andl:', lightest, has the: largest capacity fon separating and cleaning, and tides the best,vcork of any . maebine I. have Yet seen. It.is quite unnecessary to brant: the machine. All.that is required • is to act it in placer. when it is ready "for worl:,',tnd it will run svithout jar or noise. I:would not Havre any other than the Nnw Eti"n SirAta,.Gtinta. a'011N at1l%EiCHEAD __MANY.-o'1'Til it INII'IIOVhi*EN•x`S, such as Iowering the:front• (or Cylinder) end of machine, adding a tightener pulley to Fanning Mill Belt, windlass for.raising the Straw Carriers, improved " Concave Adjuster,". eta., have been made, "*hich'hill •gild largely to t!ie:. worthof machine, ' • OITA PU'T'S POWERS been inn rored iu various i+'ays still furtbor adding to their durability, convenience, and ease of'ruuining,, ALL MACix1pi. Y. id Rue AND `OAEEremot TESTED Bproan THE FACTORY. )lrr solicit inspection of our machines. bej'oi•e'x,,nrc7cs. ng elsetelit h, e' GLASGOW, 3ACPHARSON Bic CO.`. Ct.ikTnra ;Atsuluvi,TUn;ti. 1Yoiue, lliay, 1878'. TflZ:Tll�S�&wnLtaMs AUFACTURIG� QF STRATFORD • INOORPORATED 1$74,: Successors to ThatFison & Willie me, of Mitchell, • A rioultural E....... in � �.g a world DIREOTOIIS; I.tO73ERT THOMSON, piteneltliT 1 A. 11. WILi,1AMS "Vila-Pu'as. ; ALF'Vi- -GY, 1''t', SEo.-TREAS. J. HEDFORD,1ir, MOWAT, J. COl{CORA1, '►V. MA1ISJfAZL. 1VIA TUX''ACr-ti'n 71tS OF Johnsion harvesters :Single Reapers, Mowers and Combined Machines Broadcast Seederst SeedDrillsi Horse Powers; Sawing ... machines,. Oram Crttshere, Straw Cutters, Plows, Clang Plows, &n.. Duildelrs of Steam. Engines and Boilers, al) ,sixes, i,V, rrEXt WHE1iLS AND ..AL7, T:XNX)S OF MILL MACIfZ1V`T;Ii,Y. Cantrectora ar Grist and ,S'aii3 dills cont ph*, Also or Water llrorkt or cities, louwm a ,d villa e8 ost ad- Hotly d' storm, l Cheese Factory Machinery seri u Specialty, ci ` J � „ to- o U AI c s J ' Address, TJKOM SON .ie WHILLIA ts, d1atitaiiteturinr:.Co.. Stretford. Shit. 1'eb, 0, 1816. ODER1CH FOtM)RY a afaoturI '].g 0 om nyy • a .11: .+IC1 K . 0 'i tip Boilers/. Engines. and Hill Machinery nery or Latest Style, Middlings Purifiers.. of Improved 1122(ll�t. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEIVIENTS STOVES of Various kinds: Brass and Iron Castings.. JlllPAX.li,S rico Pd'L1' AT2931VD.Eal • 'C, • .CCB. SALE CHEAP—Second-hazed Engines and Boilers of 10, 20 and 30 Horse Power deur Stave Machine, Shingle and Heading Machine, and Reading .reinter and Plainer, GoTszu.xclt, I±'eb, 1, 1877, ° .