HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-10-24, Page 8u1ioLiNTON NEW ERA: ...cLiwrox NUW.ERA. • . • TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS. Purina the Plat year We hare waked very hard in, the endearor to make the Nsisw En& a piper worthy the support ,of all, bolie/e that We WEI succeeded in making it second to 11011t). But to do this we hive been put to considerable utpenue, and thus far tire returna. laelis not been in proportion to the outlay. We do not like to bo continUally coking our subsgribere to pay up, and would tnuolvrather net !lo it but AB we ver7 zAttAh mod, ;neva to enable ue to carry on our bUliine811v WO, 211:10. WO harmony hundred dollars of subseriptions on our hooksvand aa we, oply auk for that which la pro. perly our rara,%we trust our subsoritora w1t oned tho urgency d Our ease, dna pay up, '1'he harvest being over, andlartners being :jaw ha position to eeil their grain, w bope those who aro indebted to us will leave a portion -of their proceeds with Mu _ foal( *Otto, '4-444 ..4444 Two yen Wilde. of lambs Vete shipped front here on Saturday, by Mears, Spoener, Hearn4 Co., foe Duffel°. SPOUTSMENin town a% putting up quite a bit of money on the trotting race to come off here Ii4xt week. Soeoeto Gaterrett.---Mr. John Irving has in his garden a rose bush in bloom and filled with burls,- that lied previoue- bloomed this year,' berms. Indian surilmer WOOD Wanted, at this. office, .• .tini quarterly services, of the Bible: Christian. Chereh:Were held on Sonday last. 'FARMERS have commenced killing their cattle and retailing the meat in town. • ONE of the undertakers in'. tAwn at- . 'tended no less than five *morals _last eveek. • •• • • " CARSON HLOCK" is the 'name .oesiveu the fine buildings erected by the ledy of that name, on King street. • . • Fox OA PTURED;---=Least Week M. Dayidson, while out huntino; manages) to track and capture a fineofex„ A evirirox is in circulation at Lon- don -East, asking that'le.rie Geo.' Chidley PIRA CO.—All persons interested in the formation of a Fire Brigade aro re- quested to meet at the domicil Room on Tuesday evenieg next, at half -pat - Shies OP TnetteltANeee —A. meeting delegates Of the • Sons,. of Temper,. awe, willtake place in this -town on Wednesday, the 80th inst., ler the pute pose of formixig a County Di.yision. Xn the evening*. public meeting will be held -it the town -hall:- ,, • ' 'NURSERY TREES.-111,eSS1;S. Stone 06 Wellington, of Teeonto, have been de- liveriogfruiterces and other nursery trees. •and Aral,. in this town this week. Those who have received them speek highly of them as being well rooted, good stock, and in good condi- tion, and recommend them to others who are in want of planting otrt stook. • A Goon DAIS WORH.—The TiMOV of a recent issue, stated that about•sixty.five yards of plaeterhig• was •a fair.day's work; itrinay be for a Hci. Milton man, but from 150 to 200 yards is considered a. good day's work up here, This, however-, has been surpassed by Miejolin Croll, plasterer, of this. town, who put on 300 yards, and straightened it. out, in oig•lit heure and a half. If be appointed pedometer. Georao only any one 0:Wheat this, John • woeild like • recently moved there from Clintk •el to bear of lime • • , e THE sidewalk in front of thee Briek Block, (just where . there should bo good one) is about the worst itt teem, being very uneven and , occasionally sprimgy. . JAIL BREAKING.--7The • Other day ,,ie couple Of vagrants were arrested and pleased in the lockup, but theye '• we • ' ) • he did' briefly ina.very. happy manner, " insecurely secured,'" as they reaheg,ed . After e few, remarks .fe-oni the °lair; to raise a window -and escape,. • , • Mr.' Henderson proceeded with his ., lee - Gem bill , hide printed. 'They will. ture,• which Accopied about Un hour, the ge.' vitly facilitate the' frequent rendering. 'clueeneetheeeetos witleevIlich it WR'S in - of accounts which is entirely necessary. terepersed, -causing nitch. ,inirtli.. As for Abe transaction of safe . and. sarisfac- lectures are dways expected to prodrice tory business.. • , . 'some result, thegentleinan who OCetipieS LOAFERS.—Is there any tolvu iti On- tbe room adjoining tho town hall; will . LEornit--.L•The attenclanCe at • the lecture " Ocairtship encl.., Marriage,' On: Tuesday evening; .Wee eoinewhilt Magee' Thosnwho were not Present 1BiaSed 'very oninsing Ond entertaining ALSO:mese. The Chair beteg occupied by Rev. Mr. FOWler; .wlin called neon Res Mr. Themes to, oddress the Midterm°, Wiiich STIANLEIre $EV'Enee—Ur. Duncan 'Walker of the 2n4 con. of Stanley, is very low from a cancel: in the face, . 1V,Er. Waeker has the full sympathy of the entire neigh- borhood, in hia the most severe a ali afflictions. ' HITLLETT. LEO HROKEN, —Oa Wednesday•of last week, ceman named W. liesks, tlie 8th. eon., net with. a serious acci- dent. • While working A gravel pit, it caved in on him, breaking hie leg. " • GOOD PRICES,—At the sale of Mr. J, Brownlee's stock, Otli *cm of Ilidlett, .last week; cows brought as •high as $33, ond•yearling steers, $18. . tavio ahead of Galt for street loaferS on Sunday ?--Galt Reforiner... [1idinir atom. ever got as far west as Goderich; it would not ask thiS question.] . . . ENeneNen Exeigneaneesee-;By advere tisemeet it will be. seen :that the De- cember examination for admission td • Mo-clintor • II on the 17th and '18th ofDeeember hext., TIIE foundation* of the new temper-. ance hall, corner of -Huron and Orange Streets, has !leen laid, and the main structure Wit sorM be up. •• Messrs. Mean Wee ; Thrempsonattelorveethe-- contract. PRIZE .LIST OORRECTIONS,In. the' and Carries off firstprizes at agrieultitral 60ToBvit 1 .ToivashipCouneitIvieetings .00pEition TovmstuP. ouuacil Wet at,Uolmeriville, tho 14th inst, pureuant to adjournment.' Mem- bers all presont. , Minutes a loot meeting react and passed. Wio, Collins, indigent, heving eeneoved to the town of Goderieb, his case came up far oonoideeationi Otter ansiderable discussion it was agreed to give Mr.. 'Williams, of Goderich, $60 for 'keeping Oollios for one year, payment made quarterly in advauce. A large de. potation frcim Clinton waited on the eon-. oil, relating to•the making of a road from, lielmeoville to the Maitland river. Mr, Bair stated. that $300 had bail sobscribed by Colborne farmers in the vicinity to.. weeds the road; Clinton deputation statod that 'Clinton council hadtranted"$300 to the game object, and asked Goderiah town.. iihip vermeil . to grant a Bum equal.t&tbe to preceding, tosvards the road). e• Col- borne eenneil being officiallyindifferent to the matter,. occeeioned surprise and caused sortie of the Goderioh .township membere to be a trifle lukewarm. Those who as. Filmed the leadership Of the Clinton depu- tation .became a 'trifle dicerterial, but as Ode' made .no remarkable impression on the township council, it was dropped aid after along discussion, it cvas moved sea, onded and carried, that; council do grant $300 to said road, to be .po,id when enished,' according to the survey and pro-. file of Mr. -Bay, .now shown. Ur: BraY, iudigent, was granted $10; Saab Miller, indigent, was. ',granted' $12.20. The foie lerving accounis, were Jae. Ger, don and others, turnpiking, &a., on Bay- field con,„ $18; S. Jehtieton and, -other* gravelling, gtading„ Ate., $64; R. McIlyain, gravelling and repairing culvert, let con.,, 00.28 • John. Ihrolop; egeedinee on side aid, Li con., $8 01 R. Elliott,' cleaning out ditch, 3rd con., 412 e W. McAllister, gravelling on lst con.„ $7.26„ ''S, Johnston; grading and gravelling On. 3rd con, $28 George Cox repairing side rade:near 4th an., $4 ;.David Cox, repairs on Gth $i.90; Francis, repairs on Gth corn , $0 cis.; David Cox, culvert. en Centre road, $5; Jos, Proctor; filling grave16 Angus lVfoLeod, repair e off Heron road, $2; John Weir, repairing bridge on 10th 'con". ' New Eire., for prititiog, $3; Morley Se13 .•ros., cedar for cavorts, $4,50';. Johnejohristero repairieg culvert also new; culvert, BaYtield .con.„ KO; John Gorrell, elating. hill and repairiog road on Base Line, $12,; Henry:. Youpg,•••culvent; 'turn-. &c., $9,50; John elleCiretney, piking eon., $3; Jared White- ly, ditching.; on Base Lino $; J . Middle - ten; eulvert, othand 10th' cone:VS.50-, A, Kennedy, tise of .house •fot •j Ogee ceort 'of appeal on voters' list of 1878, $5. Conncii adjourned tonieet again on the first Mon. dayin NoVeliiber." • - • • . •Jailiss Pl'xres:401erlc •WEST WA.WANOSIL • BRITS$_ELS. 11,onoeive,—The jewelry etore of T. Fleteher was entered bY lareglirS last Friday.night between. 12 an 1 o'clock, Entrance was obtaireol by boring holes through the door, thus removing the fastenings of the lock. There was over 1.00 watches and a. quentity:of valuable jewelry stolen,, also $7_90 in money. NA dee as yet to the depredators. The express office and Settle's bookstore are in the same balding. IVTr. Fletcher had his money and jewelry in a Taylor safe, with double door e amecombinationlock. Tbe burgles opened the safe in the esual may, Welk:ding a familiarity With the combination, and forced the lock off the iron-till-insicle. The safe in the ex - is office ceetained r-"Trrrile* amount of Money, but was unmolested, Tra 1.vagriN0.—To-naorrow :(Friday) afternoon a tea meetinewill be held in the. EbeneZer.thurck, Maitland, Con. be,served at 5 o',e1Oek ; Proceeds are te be fpr the benefit of the Sunday School Connected theroWithe • SeNoureat.---.A. certain pOrsOn•reeiding not o great distance from noltheeville, alwirys noted for eccentricities, has:gone further than is this'year; by not Cute ing any part -of his cropS: He had a. splendid field of fall 'wheat, and, other grains, but for seine einknown ream they were not -touched, and be terne;t1 hie cattle into graze thereon : . . . HvAvv Los S BY FtstE,—A destructiee• tire•encufred . on Oundity • Morning: by which'Mr. P, Mantoele, of the 4th con. Goilorich township,doet ale his with implements 'Mid hie entii.e' be glad to lend his Assistance to rill pare Thero were iii the buildings at the time ties W,h0 WiSh to give a practical Q. X. - , 9;h0lIt 1,000 lalalleiS Of iranir--20-tOlifl‘.-0f• eMplifielltidn Of tlio lecture. • : • ' hay, now reaperehorse power of thresh- . ...... . .reoveNcree • VLOWLNo' , Mkroo.--BY ing machine, fanning:mill; two ploughs,. advertisement in' another columfl it will harrows, 'throe you- .Veluable .horses, 43-0 seen that the plowin,g match already: 'worth $150 eaoh; livc. sets of harness; sPokee of *ill ;take pleeeeon the 31st two sleighs, cater, ete.•• The Whole loss • 1•443:4-t--01#1.. ke-leaS phlr13.4,1 tiguous to this town. It will • be seen $900'insararice, The cause of :the .fire that 'several of our townsmen ,offer good which occurred at 8 a. Me is. unkuowne prizes, and that, the suen OW of Prizes it P3 eopjeetured that.soine tramps. may amounts to argued sum.. The 'articles have been in the barns and'set them on offered are the bested their kind. The fire in some waye--as on: other occasions fanning of Messes "Al. AleTaggnat pei..sona...have_taket,i shelter in them. du r- &••• Co. stands high in favor with farmers ing. the night. , • Morris Branch show list Of prizes, pub shewee • The setne,cen be said of Messrs,: & Tedford's plow, and I. TiP- Hilda hareow has carried tirst prizo this fall .wheroVer shown and that has been ae the Provincial,' Western, Walkettere ond all the local shows iu ttel-neighboes• hoed, Arrangements have been -made witlethe railroads to got reduced fares on'that day. The ground is so eonveni- ent. to both reliwaystations that We 'May expea • a large• gathering., • The land to be plowed is splendid for the purpose, being of a sufficientlyeenaious •ebarecteto make a &OM looking flirt cmv, end not toe heavy for a span of. horges to go through comfortably,' It is pro- bable that a prize, will he offered for tho best oroomed- horse, and the best kept that should be snopressed, What think ilunes' lished last week, for two year oldheifer Mr. E. Manning shoulcl luiVe been credited with first prize instead of Jas, Mach ; and a second for one year old' heifer, instead of,EI. Cottle.' • . AN anctimieer writes to an exchange as follows, tegardino a nuiseech that should be abated ine to sug- gest to the consideration of•the Council; theepropriay of passing a by-law pro- hibiting the oustom of ringing a boll uporl the streets for sales. It mot rem- nant of an age existent, previous to the facility of printer's ink, but in a civiliz- e ed community, where no difficulty ex- ists for customary advertising, facilities; it is arr imiemice, mid ono• our Council on that 'matter 7- • • . SPORTS A ND AMUSE.111a718, . Burnie—Remaly elle or two of the mercheas hero, have appended to e • • BASE .BiLf,. • the,bottom of their *advertisements • the Below will be found tho record. of the Words "ito buttertaken, on account. Dauntless Base Ban Club, Which consists after -the 1st of October," leiteene firm ef oti sehtory and ono defeat. The mall now go further and say " Wo .will not •number of games' played is accounted for take butter in payment of accounts nor by tb° •ditti°"14•in aaranging gals "4th exchange goods for it, and no.'donbt .2:3'tocisttilutilteh:xcpoottlitsict, f tiidgainory linal their example will bo followed by others. Tho reasoa for these steps is thdt butter is suchen unsatisfactory aptielo to. han- dle that they aro desirouscof getting; out of it,altogether, some builineso enen in town having lost considerable on this • article during the past season, 'We are informed that. tub butter, held over all. summer, is not unfreqeently worked up into rolls in the fall and offered for sale as fresh butter. Of monoliths is not and often leads to unpleasantness --Adieu-detected.. If.the,.practice of tak- ing butter in exchange for goods, dry goods expecially, was entirely, done away with, it wooki result in the mak- ing of better butter, because then' the article repaid be purchased on its merits. As it is there is little, if any, diserimi- nation used in its purcliaiii now. It would also appear as if some other way f inducing the making of good butter were required, as the present appears far front eatiefactory. Geed butter will always command a good price, in cash— in fact higher Mag. generally allowed in trade, pita itevery one would chitheir Wiriest in the production of a good are tide the nano, "Western Canada But- ter;" would indicate something n the ifglisit market far different to What ft delta at Present. • Owey from home. •In the batting list L. Horton stands* iirat, with' 32. rune .and 1 eat, ; T. Pinsky, eecond, 9 runs awl 4 pots; McTaggart, third, 5 runs and 8 outs • ' 'VIOTOttit. * • Dauntieilslis. Stars of Londoe.. 26 to • it ' OW EAT. Clippers of Brussels vs. Dauntless 38 to 35 . cermet, • , The record rif the Brucetiold Cricket Club stands3 victories'audl defeat for the sea. mon of 1878. The clubs beaten were tim, don, Goderich, and Bayfield, and the one lost was by Clinton. FOOTBALL • CLINTON' HIGH SOITOOL v 1.1ERLIN Ititl 11 Sonoot,..-.The football clubof tho Clinton and Berlin Iligh Schools met lialf-way in' Stratford, on Saturday last, and had a friendly set-to on the old fair ground. At - ter an exeiting and interesting econest, tho mat& terminated in favor of Berlin by2 goals to 0 "The Clintotrboye, in this their first inateh, played a very strong game, ami gave their opponente hard work.to add another victory to their reeord, pushing them so hard on'one occasion as to force Doering (ei back) to foul the ball, when all bat thronghjin order to save the goat A free -kick, 6f course, was taken, but the Berlin boyo, who had apparently been caught napping, shook themseleed togetheri andpluckilysaved their goal. Berlin play- ed with seven of the 'Usual eleven. . • , • cartwogist/s. , . • Eon. Po T. 'Cartwright will:address' the electors -of 'Centre Reran' at .the folldwing. places : At Bell's teihool. /louse '• Taker - smith, on Monday, October '28th, at 2 Volock p.m.; at the' Red .School Howse, Tualrersenith, on the same day,at 7,o'cloak. at Broeclfoot's &heel House, Tuck- -orsinith, on Tuesday, Oetober 20th, at 2' o'clock'at Kinburn, Hullett, on the same day, trt 7. O'clak .pen. e at Londes-", boro,. on W.edriesday, (Monet. 800, at 7 -o'elook p.m.; at • Spriing's School Haase, IWO Line, Hulletti on Thorsday, October 31st, at r. o'clock p.m. Other Meetings will bo held in these townships which have not yot been arranged for, but of which ...notice will be given. .The tionithation will takeplace at Seaforth on Saturday, Oc. tober.2011. ••2s.t the close of the nomina- tion a public meeting , addresses will be. delivpred by Hone Mr. Cartwright aud others. It it desirable that all ehese moetings should be as large- ly attended as -possible.• _......,_, Presbytery of Unroll. •, ---- The Presbytery heicl a regular meeting on Tuesday last at Wingham. It was re- soled to separat14.the congregation of Fordwich from that of Wroxeter, the lat. ter to, be self-sustainiego The appliatien from Gerrie tor organization was granted, raid Fordwich and Gerrie were milted to form one pastoraPebaroo. Moderetione in alls were granted to the congregations of Seaforth, E,greondville,' Thema Read, do, A call woo taken up from Bluevale dud Eadie( infavor of Rev. Mr. Bryant, of Glenallan, betas it had not been eigned by a inajOrity of' tho members of said con- gregations, tho Presbytery set it aide. A. letter was toad from the Rev. D. McCrae, of Grand Bond, teriderieg the retignation •of his °burgeon account of ill health. The congregation having been cited, appeared by delegate, and the Presbytery agreed to accept, of the resignation. A eomnuttee was appoie te el, eonsieting of Messrs. Thom. son, Cameron and McCrea, to draft it suit. able minute anent Mr, McCrae's reeigna- time It tiers agreed to organise Vordyee into a mission station, Mr. Leitch being appointed to attend to this matter at hie earliest eonvenienee. Mr. Leask read a; report on flimsier,' and etatisties, Setting forth the average contributions of tongro- gations, Ste. It was agreed to print.the report and circulate copies of if; among tlie people. Deputations wore appointed to visit congregations in 'ateliers, with the view of having said arrears removed. A committee was appointed to arrange for holding it Peesbyterian Sabbath &heel Qprivention, to be held at Blyth lo the imonth of liebrOary„ .,L dotifereneo on the state of religion witleld during the even- ing mederunt. Next meeting to be held. in Clinton, dn the 14th of January, 1870, ., • , HURON ITEMS, .„ Mr, F. A. Meyer, or Seaforth, has. been re -appointed D. D. IL 0,1. for the county of ituron foi the Independent Order of Forester, ' Brusselcheese factory closed for the settle') on '.ruesday last, The season ha been very sueeeseful, and the oheese manufaotered of a good (polity. Mr. 47, W. MeLaren, for some time mail clerk on. the Welland Railway, hs •been. transferred.te• the London, Huron & Bruce, with headquarters at Wing - ham. Mr, Alex, Murehie, of Winthrop, aaTile lage five miles north of Seaforth, got his barns, stables, and „outhouses consumed by fire. Mr. Murchie's Jos § will be heavy, probably $3,000. . While a young man named StieetnO was examining a pistol . at•Exeter last week, ho " didn't know it Was leaded" and snapped it, .when it sent a bullet into the leg of a john lDyer. ' Mr. 11/1cNeil, of Grey, is the (miner a a lien which has hatched out and raised the present summer two broods of 23 chickens and is now bringing through another 'brood of eleven, while one of her April Pullets has recently hatched oUt a brood of ten chiekens. The -re-opening Of the North Street Methodist ,church, Goderiell; 'has. been unavoidablrpost,poned until Sunday, Oct. 27th, when sernOna Will he preach• ed, in the morning by Rev. Mr., Graham, and ie the afternoon by • Hell. W. Maxwell, of St Catharines.: . DeTteeritilepthey%Diorillw apffeEwxedte4ew:gnot ton: had seven putts of water taken from the vicinity of his lunge. The water press- etragainst the lung, seriously injured it and causing ehortness of breath, A few, dayeage a. mower with double. tree and sin,gletree waststolen from nee* Cassidy 'near Manohester. The mower belongs to Mr, Weir, of Clinton, who loft it :with Mrs. Cassidy, in. order that it might be thoroughly tested. Mr. Robt. Tindall, of Greye has ee.. turned from, his tour to 1VIanitaba, Re speaks vety highly, of the gieut agrieul- tural prodectiveriess of' the oprentry, paially the valley of the,Saskatelmwan, the only drawback being went Of rail - Way facilities. Having taken. tip land • he purposes returning next spring, Master Gramm of Brussels, had a bad smash up with'hiamilk 'wag- gon on Tuesday , morning. He had un- loaded his milk at the factorh and was • • fasteoing on his cans to return home, 1 when one fell on the hersetsolleels, caus- • ing it to kick' vigiirously. The cans and • waggon were badly demolished':ityas tho last trip of the sooson, eathe factOry closed Om that day. ` Mr: 3ohns, P. Me .Exeter, has the floor of his now building laid with white ash: This, steaneee to • say, -damp weather, or, w•lions the weather preludes aelampness,_ shrieks in the length, re- taining its tele width. On some occ sions it is the most. difficult matter to open the dom... leading into the cellar; while on albino there is about half an inch of spnee between it and the jam: Mr, Johns calla this his complete bate. meter. • in Milne's sew milli_ He wife engaged' a painful accident lyednesclay morning isnawa.byitesili?s in shoft pieces to be used when Mr. John Lamont, of Geey,ture.lyetdivilitel,i. NviDawl, caught his left band, tak- , 1.1E.D/CATT) d. 5? LIVIXO:T014:413: fog ofttriltri; ee7laiWtt; of ia glebe! e• it'll (11) the next one And moods tilbnie story, 1:144St,e1.111)d On ." thlevt.atsn:119. citithor rweivteired a'ore vita, ) • • 7 el ose to. he 11,e.,‘,.;.,isa-:1;ws;a:Yelluinii:tnwtrrygi;I:00:hnlfixciirbh. jbaaLso:it:orisdalt::::71. Tho liaylasnoaclu..t.:1Tube tiecoodafingee°11 igeutico: rjot;og. se:101st,, ,.laiv\ti: 1;3g:1:01,1;1,g t4n.,Itta:1 ce;::b .aata n?„;,11:3:;:idnractinlii:0:lasbilieelit: 17.tsolliklo-itwrai-lifthi.hti.atIrti!ittak.i'tjAhle:;:teet:-yis:lonit.s,:::::::tiEagebi;riela.:110:1:tiv:e,:;.51'.ul. ibe avia 0, 11 o reaping clover, Ho trying ithe e %ill atgucltel ' • 71 hope that like' aspirants it yu?I'Il And the bolls he" d 11 ' dity pitcher bet* the bat 1.401.t brotlbt:n 'anbi8of'vlit t the lines ,Tilee7 dead as a dta'r nafl (11Nd: Re"Av36 :qv w roe N. c 011 ruteerbeioa.seetll'eisulna'nhai °b5rataw-agri g'utt loge. Findibs: uoacned his mouth, where the blolotdi'w-a°seeHiroanriug: , t he e his re,. a opped Ilia teeth, a, con hoisulckl 11.bl; otheewiso4iv 10 took ' dr . infe and: suedered 7the lines thns' 'Let tly received. a "red hot liner • amity tho linos . from Ins lee before. • he aest above the spoil:here his,vletuals land. at the: council hall, on 'Clio 2nd inst.. All le 04in lame, w esee"woo,•andpartinZEITevivefarin;; .. • chair,- Minutes Of last -meeting -read. and. t I I4CL 00 . What ho faintly, spakelais*,coturades hearl, • r hallor, e e o a 4 iitehing watil,),Ifeaortinroowi.:.finerr -to figured that •eeing the team ; but he had fo eut se ha laiacea himself with ball in hand, Council met, according adjonrnmont, tho nromhers present, the Reeve in the c.°111d.8°'-- 1111iLale‘14Ind °Varna alprive bond adopted. ' Petition from. Aloe. Maloolni anti:II-majority of the freeholders and liouieholclers of that part of U.'S. section, No. 34, West Wawa,nosh, to transfer.the ancl X W S Of lot 44 jp telt n 4 , con, of West Waiidnosh, from V.5; settion Welt Wawanosh to 1.1.8.'seceen INT•o. 9, Kinloss. Moved by G aunt, Sec, by 0. Derain, that.the petition of A. Mal - 'corn for the N and N W of lot 24, con. 14, be traniferred from...U.5.S. No. 11 to No; 9, Kinloss, and beelow be_ rea , a first time,—;Carried. Moved by D. Mc - Main, sec. by NV: Kmahan; Oat by-law No 5 transferriee tho N1 and N W of 14 24;.,con. 147efrora SS. No, 'le.; •ti.) 9; Kinloss; be read p, second and third time and Passed. --Carried; Mrivecl by,C.,purnin, sec: byeWre. Einahan, that by-law No. 4, levying 3 mills' on the.$, for county rate, .1 mill for roads and bridgei, and 1 mill for township expenses and the several school rates be read a second:Said Third One and passed. --Carried. The following aements were ordered to be paid: Thomas Hays, job between lots 24 and 25, con 13 F:30.49 .L Lciddy for a O'Brian, , charity, $15, with instructions to provide her with necesaaries to enter the Convent in London, and pay her fare there, not to exceed $30; Bernard Blethrbe,'diain across 6th and 7th con. line, $3 50 ; Star, print- ing Auditor& Alia-fent, $6. The council adjourned till Friday, loth Ishii:ember. RorireeIVIrrentevenerk._ litILLETT. A meeting of the ernincil of tintlett was held at leindesboro; 611 the 18th inst. .All the members present. Minutes of former meetieg were react and confirmed. Moved by I. „Lashant, sec. by J. Mason, that the following accounts be paid; viz : .T. Mills, gravel and damages teerop, $11S0, J. A. IlonaI - township teal and otatianary, $0.• 49; John Thompson, Wewitnosh, gravel, $2.60 ;John Sprung, luinher;, $1L28; S. Westsoott, grading and feneing ot :ding - hare's .bridge, $46; John Lawson, gravel, $3,20; John Jacksou, gravel, $8.85 Walkinshaw, gravel, $6.56.; Wm. Aikene, gravel, $2,20, Jas. Mains, , pathreasteri oxtra servicee, $1; G. Sprung. eating hill, BaseLine, con. 14, $18; O. Witte, plank and spikes,t repairingenlvert, Londesboro, 61.50.7 -Carried, Moved by J. Britton see. by J. Howson, that J. Mason get hill graded and gravelled on con. road 6 7, h 21, as Said hill is utisafe for traiel.--Cer; rind. Meved by j. Ilowson, ode. WI; Lasham,ethat the, Clerk notify 0. McDon- ald to build bridge on side road 25.26, e0E, 0, ak Otiee.,—Carriect Moved by J. Lashani, sec. by 3.•Moson, that the Clerk and Reeve be authorized to enter an aotion in court, againat john 1VIcLellatal, con- tractor. and his two sureties, 'Charles Me - Donald and R. Weston, for the sum of $84,50, asdamages sustamod by this town- ship in ainsequence of the said J'. McLel- land faile, to build a bridge over the river.Maithind, and on con. road 6,7, op. poaito lot 2, in the said township of Iliil- lett, according to contract in the year 1876; and the Clerk be authorized to employ a lawyer to defend the.suit ineourte—Car. ried. Moved by .T. Britton, see, by j. Howson, that the by.law now read for the purpose of stopping up road leading, froth con. road 8.9, to Melvilre mill, be now passed.—Carried. Tho by-law was then passed. The cerrecil then adjourned' to meet again at Loildeshoro, on the 16th day of December next. JAtes13ftairtivisfrE, Clerk. that his leg WM broken and the ankle joio t somewhat injured. bat, poe dislo- 'oetede 1..hat her beautiful base balllines I read, . Ands roll nut the I heard a yaws. . They raised him u1-poor 1878. - ealusiumme • • . . ALL 000 1878, CLOTHING MERCHANT, VICIPOIRIA. BLOCK,' 'km STAIIIISFIgD. 1854: • CLINTON, For the cold weather we show it very largo range .of goods in • . tho above department, comprising ' ar& KID GLOVESi_CAPE . GLOVES, MICK GLOVES, DOESKIN GLOVES CLOTH ,GLOVES . AND ALIA THM. XI.3W GLOM DR CL 0 T I--I-I 1\1- 0- , • in Underclothing we have a, veryJarge stock of , ENGLISH, SCOTCH. and CANAMAN: 'MAKES, in Silk, Merino, Cotton, Zalbriggan, Lisle Thread and Wool. - AN INSPECTION OF 01111 LARGE STOCK IS SOLICITED. .yr Ixos. 0-A.0= cr.T.: CLINTON, Oct. 10; 18781.