HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-10-24, Page 5Q0,'onEit 240878. TAIL: ULYN"1'ON :KEW d., Ai„ ', 8,A►.T DWES\T'S. in g • t r, The best in theknowworld, in the following colors at HODGINS & PA'Y'S store :—Scarlet, B:uzeliiia, Blue, Royal Blue, ,Amber, Light Grey, Seal Brown, Black, White, and Ruby. Thequalityof the above is beautiful. We have also a full range of 'colors in the next quality to Baldwin's. Please call and . make. your selections, they will please you. HODGIN S & PAY. Great W•, � wale Sale Graiiriu,. 1oo4 aid Shod, .•.4ar10ry, G1 nati, Eta, FOR CAS -11 ONIX AND I`GS b:QUITAT,ENT. fueiheero t -Of one of-tile.Me-Mbar; attire ftxm -ltgra isll'out'"to rater Trow tatsloess,-ryv(r have:' determined to .sell .off all oar Boots, Shoes, Croc ory, and Graasware, and, in order to own odtthis, we will; .from flare,• OFFEO A,OISCOUJ NT OF 10 PGR CENT OFF. GOOKS PURCNASED'FOR CASH. MtlasANIK Ua'6. TJ der °1VC.. .►,URLs, SHAWLS, u WINLESS, DRESS GOOD, . •i_als- o NS, 13IAA_Ckt E -oods, CCorraloiNTS, . And a general assortnnent in all, that pertains to the'Dry Goods 'Cla•.;L AT iCWEST PRICES.: ONLY ONE PRICE; 1-ToEiGaws & @LINTON, Oct 24, I878. As the 'entire stock ill uew, and was' nrsltaned from Aro-altos wholesale houses, the public play look out•for bargains: ALL1?i FNELLA Go0Ds WILL BL SOLD mg AT .COST, 4 (ober', 1.$7$ While announcing our 'stock complete fox `,tire : Fall, we 'wish to call • attention .to the fact that—it is. now on a larger scale and much more complete than ever before, in the','' •� r� �rr� w�vtt�� T �r•�i m/�1 ��''t1 _ , l A1ES 11 �.�•-LI11IES • EWESZ• u G ons „LEADING . STAPLES, Bought at a time when .the Dry . (rood ' mark -et � s t,•et tiviis.'sufl'eri>tlg under the severest _depression, so that our Customers can buy new goods front us at from -5 .to 17.1 per cent lower than if they were buying old goocls; IN DRESS GOODS This is specially noticeable, one assortmerit of`New Goods, in this 'depart -merit being unequalled in Huron to -day. .The novelties for this�t•�seaso•rnin SOuLANGES, .BAURETrAS, GRANITES, DEi'AGES', .CAsmivaiEs DES I DEs; FRENCH' ,SERGES, CAMEL HAIR CLOTHS, &e., (almost all rough'surface goods) are what. to wear for this fall. IN OUR I BLACK GOODS, DEPARTMENT We have no hesitation in saying we have the Best Values. and Largest Selection in Western Ontario, consisting 'of BLACK SILKS, .DI.Ai1l: '; iltmoit CASHMERES, SCOTCH CASHMERES, MERINOES, .PARAMATTAS, PERSIAN CORDS, . WOOL . ST:uctuS, BATMORAL 0RAr1.'s and DTJSTRF.S. . NOTE. ---Second arrival of •our celebrated Star 13ra1t(1 of 13r,ncx GT.sTR1 s. ! FLANNELS .Bolt Ends and Nuts for Bridges, &c. his S a Genuine e. - THE. STOCK MUST 8E SOL1D, • Aud thorsforq. w U oflei treat tn(lticements to putchasers. . D0.N1T FAH, TO CONTE ASL: SES US. • Core Orae, Come A]1 .'anU• Secure :the Bargains. As we intimated. Some time ago that we would render all account's up to the 1st of'Outober, .and this haling ,been dime, we'hope all'parties indebted will call and nettle-thesame-at once. flhinton, Oct. 17, 1878. THOMPSON & : SW.ITZER. Local Malawi. BREAD AND CAKES.—For good bread, cakes; Sac., go to .Cooper's, who 'you will find a f r:st-cless'•baker. Wedeling and otlieifancy`cakes made. to. order. ,Brea, delivers ill any part of the town te- llernber the place, Huron Street; nest to. Cole's'hotel:. CLINTON _11I4IkliETS . October 24,, 1;878:, Considerable produce is coming In, nott. withstanding the low rates Puling ; but as there its very little prospect of pre oes..being ;better, farmers' are: wise to sell. Poultry is beginning to conte. in,'and'. finds ready sale. Wheat, fall, red,•%bush, $0 15 . a ,0 '$0. Wheat, fall, white, - 0 80 a 0 85' `Spring; - , . - - 0 70 a -. 0, 80 lfife, . 0' 78 a 0 88 Oats, Barley, Peas, _, flour,; Potatoes., Pork;. ; Beef, Butter,:. Eggs, •' • .Hay, - Hides, Sheepskins ! Clover - - 'Timothy • 0 25 a' 0 28. 0 60..0 "0.75 054'a'056' •. 400' a,450 ••' 0 45 a• 0',50.' .5 50 a '6 00- 5.50 • a 6.50.' 0 12 'a 0 15+ 0 12 a ;0:12 7 00 • .a ; 8 00 4 50' a •;G (10 0-25 , a 0.50. .850 a 400 +. 1 80•' a 2 25 911.8 F. AND ,LOT :OR ;SALE. A. GOOD ,UI1<ANCui . • . That well•buitt two•, tory dwelling; containing tlieIve rooms, on lot -'i24 Spencer street, with good garden, sta- ble, shop -building, well, R2:: noir occupied b§ 'J: W. Too, will be sold one very easy' tonne. Payment taken in inonthly instalments, if deemed. Apply to the owner; Mr..Tosepa Rowell, or to • • E. 11A1:E. Clinton, Sept, 4,1878• • , pAItH i111J ' 4c,.. SA.r', • The oholee.Park Lot ott Erle Street, Clinton, dempri• • Ring ovor ten soros, now held by John Mathieadn, is of. bred for halo on moderato terms. ,• .11. HALE. Clinton,Sept.Ii,,1818 , . BoltEnds,Nutc, Eta., Ate.. • twit!. .1tor & •' downs, . Clinton, re supplying, mv snore cermet, In this, department our. assortment is surpassed by hoist, mid having ltought. Specially Cheap, we can un(lersekany llo•use in Ontario, • COTTONS. COTTONS COTTONS We sell all Mir well known brands at twill prices,-whirtli til€ans 5 to 10 per cent. • Anwar than you. can biry any where Carpets and. House Furn�shin s• • Our stock is Targe anti complete, at prices that insure sales, FVR,S. ••UR.. . SPECIAL—Our Fti1 tris to Band last s-eek,alai' now leave an assortment every intending buyer'should* see, front the clieopett CovEi Betts, at $2.00, to the finest Mimi:, from $Y5 to $50 per: sett, and finest SOUTif SSA. 4tLt .!Setts; a.t :*•111.00, $00.00, and $05,00 per sett.• Our ordered aii(1 l� tdy Made Clothing Detiitrtllient, under AtIl:. M. 1t'IS(JT•II(3I1, is practically cit sing tip all opposition in this line, enabling us to keep oil hand ld a splendid assortment of ti:GLs1f, Srorrl,'and GrAilAIrAN Tvrl.:us, I,RNClt and Eor.0 rt WO1STilDS, T3R0AD5, Dots, yyM4.IANSp and Ovirnr oATTN(ts. at prices which defy competition,. - Hoping ull will give tis an :early' cal!, . Arc are, yours r:'especti illy. 'FISHER, CRAM &....Ga C'inton, Oot, 10, 1S7R. Econ, 11 inch downwards, and any •length required. Their Beit Cutter perforans the Fork in the best , . manner.. . • rl3HElt & UowNS. 01tnlon,0lay 28, 1872, • uO•V S RS V01.1 .gtl.,lYPi, 'fihn utulereigncd (deers for side' Ida two superior two. story' frame dwelI(ug•houaes, etz brio Street,, Thi( far. from Ck.IV. R. Station, viz: 1, House containing sttt(ng.roomdiniug•rooto,, kit- chon, and four bedrooms; good stable, woodshed, pump, and garden with fruit trees. 2, nodes containing sittrng•rootu, dining ro.un, kit- ehan and; three ittdtdonis, with good (Orden, and fruit. trees in bearing." Terms moderato; part credit if required. Aptly to Mr. rf.Melo, or to the undersigned oa the premises, DAVID' 001' 51L1i: Clinton, Sept, 8,1818. ra r; ESTA.TF FOR SAT,T:, -b_ 1. rearm Lot No. 81 to the Viva (,"onceseiou' (intron Mond) Tttckoramith, contains 98 acres of iirst•eiese rand -about two.tnilne from Canto, hoard fence la front, goof{ hardwoodtiwbor. May be made a superior dairy fern'. '2, West lltlif sI -bit Eight is the Eleventh (;onces• slop of Tnrnharry,. fifty $10.001, good wheat laud, eft Jul es lroin•Wingham and ono mile from the Glonant int Sta. (ion of the Toronto, (trey and Bruce Railway. A small clearance on the front, balance hardwood timber. Would sell clamp for bassi, nroxchitngo for 00,015 propor- ty in Ciinfou. Apply to the owner, Samuel Theotvm','at l'air's Mills, Clinton,Ot to the ttedarai(tued. 4. The largo and convenient Thick .torr, in ilia AT. bo treetB ook t r c fie, n i t res 1 t, c ed 3 fi b. v Ur. 1 dd ode, i h rirr a, i , ( p y 5, Let 288 onvietoria Street,Ciinton (adloining.the Qneert'sl'Iotel)with two.rtoryframe house° and, garden. tl. tot 88, %lames Street (Gordon Estate Snrvcyl with 6•roomed cottage, ,coed woti and garden,, A my to Jap, Alexamter on the promises, or to the undersigned. 7, The large foolery building and lot edictal*, the Grand Tont; Station, formerly occupied by J. H. Del" f;y, veith'ongine and holier. Promisee :troll ettlied tot mane trieturingpurposes, pork-packnt5' Ra: 1111 S. tot 8, on Vittoria Street. ((Jordon 5urvoy)tae amide p guiding lot, between the (F, T, Railway and tree River t well•tansed. Planted with trues, g us,l aoil,,'ti. Ir. IrAr,.'. Cfteton, lnno4,up, CLINTON.: .11'611 SCHOOL. ESTA$31SBED IN ISM: 15110ARit Or TRIT$TEEs-•1s7s;•-. W. W. IMARBAN, Esqex.-Mayor 4f Clinton. Chairnts,,. A. WORTHINGTON slag., M.D., Ecoretary and Tress. 11. HALE, 'Esq., DI A.,R. ItAOEY, E. JOHli1W VE.Esq.,1YI.i) J A S,FISl1TI;,Esq,, TEAcIax,M1 -.8,954122 JA1.1E5 TURNBULL, B. A., Scholar, in Chomios and • Gold Mentalist in Modern Langnagirs, Toronto oJni. varsity, 'road Makter. Classics, Modern Langusgos, and, Uighor Etigllsii,. ” JOHN E ORYANT R''A ' Gold Medallist in MACAO- mattes, Toronto�Univeisity, Mathematics, Natural Science, and English: OHA' P. ]IALF0171t,'Undergraduate, Torontq tluiver- 014'; : Assistant inMathemalt.,ti and English MISS M.0'NEILL, • Jnnior74ug1aah,lioneh.and dertusn This. School prepare's pupils for the trniver. cities and. for entering ,upon the study of anq of the professions. Special attention is given to .the studies required for • Public •School •Teachers. As one of the County Model Schools is now established in Cliuton,ioach- ars of the •third class can complete their -pro fessioaial course in this town. Students pas- sing the Intermediate Examination areen- titled, on teaching one year and attending the Hormel .School fol :one session, to a Secea.d CI'ass. Provincial Certificate, Grade An excellent chemical laboratory has_bcon provided, ' and it is believed that tho course natural scieuce will bo of; great benefit to those who intend.to follow farming pursuits. BoolOteevng..and the other.•branches of a 'goo'd inor ,utile education are also:tauglit.'.' 13y the latest official report, of the I•na niic• tors, 4fhioh divides ;the High' Schools of .the Province into eight classes, the Clintoif School is placed in the second 'class, only six. Schools, (Collegiate Institutes' in cities and large towns) being .'placed in the class above it.' Since that report was made, the teaching staff of • the Schooliias been: increased and improved, new apparatus procured, and a commodious brick ,building. has bean complotcd,;for the school; 'at a Cost, to the town of.$5,000 • Exmciskrlo,t.•-The examinations for at1- mission aro held as the 'Clinton lllodcl' School (Central School Building) half yearly:in Juno and December•. Notice of tete exact time will be duty given iu the County papers. Tho following'are the requirements: • • 4r'ilimasW.-Fourth Rodding Look to p 216.and•Spen- Ing Look. 'tV.hrrtrio.-•-Neatly .and legibly. Attrruaze- Tlw-Principles• of Arabic and "Oman notation; vol, gar fractions; decimal •fraotions) etmple proportion, -withleasons pi rules.t....raeutat-atithntocir i41tAMMAa,: •-1',rindipal grammatical forme and detlnitions( only- Os ualy cis of ample sentences; parsing• ehaplo sor)tencee. CO3fros Ztofl.-Simple and compioe sentences, orally or inwriting ; grammatical changes ofconstruction; short narrative or description; familiarlottere. OnontnAhnY. --Maps of America, Fhirope, Asia, and Africa.; maps of 'Canada and Ontario. LINEAR llncwlnu,--Outline of maps; common objects on paper. lire'tortw.-••Candi- dates wilt bo examined in- the• leading Isets of Engl1Klt History: The queetions Set will n, t demand a minute knowledge of details, but will be strietly Welted to the outlines of thesubject.. ItttanI\o.,-Candidates willbe examined, na heretofore, in reading from tbel'otirtit header;; p. 1-240; but tkoy, will, in addition, be eg. pec(ed to chow that they understand ilii, rpeanin of these readinglessouv. Tbovwilt Uketrise•be examined more Minutely on the selections entttiiwttted in. the mi• lowing list, and (boy wilt be required to repritl'itde the subttaneo of one or more'of them in theirowulauaaagd. —(1.) The Xnrwogfan Colonies itt (ireetildnd.•=8eorrs- by. ,(24 Tho footling pi tilt North American Colonies, - Prdtrl/ (8.), the Voyage of the ("olden hind.--Jlrit. ralr.Enferprise. (4.1 The disoovoryof America.-ltobert- son. •(5,) Tito Death of Montruln.-• Ilatitkina.-(64. taeques Cattier at lloebolega • llatek(na (74.Oditez in etloxi.o. C'oatert Paper, (8.) The Buseeneera ..., Vie gm. (8.) Tnd Lertbquake of Oaraccaa.-lxrtmbettit. (1(1.) 'rho Conquest of Peru, —.lauds or Rom a.nUtt afdsrlt• fort, ti 1.) The CompostofWales--Whfo'sJarrtnario (12.), Ilet'rnantt, the nelivater of Germany--J'rrrer Ott) TholfurningofHoscow,•-•tRrp!tr's'Norrotit' ,, (14 l The Mettle, of 7'hermopy1,e, IInfr1pfr (1 51 , The Do streetiou of Pompefl irsis.ine of -Art. (16.1 Taking ofr+tbtnitar •-o,•rrtirn,f.ltottlr.. Candidates for tiro leter'tnetdiate :tamin- 'lion and for Second Clays Certificates ars exatn_ iited in the 7ilgh School Building in July nt:d December, ei;aally in the last tveolc of eat h t(ret. I.1,(taiat ANI, cxrroNa.---fhero are 'tow • three terms established by law, the first cern. wenciu;; on ,Tauuartt 7th, Mut ending, on the Thursday before Bost€, ; the eeoottil 1)001. meeting on the first 'I'ite,rdity after Laster, and ending mi July 12th ; and the third COM. maiming onSeptemberlot, and ending on December 1 r 1 eosin 2 ut . It is desirable that u 1 tint i r e is • oh(uld enter at the •beginning gither nI �h'e I)ret or of the' third' term. Good board can. bo obteinetd.in re. specfahla families at from $2 to $3 per .week. d'ttpils Mitt have access to the large end va)uthle It - braxy and well•supplie4 reading -room ret the Clinton Meeltauitts' Institute, (npeu file "en' thee .in the week) at the moderate fee of SI a year, er at that into fora less peritftl' Further information wilt he cit en.nn appli- cation to the Secretary or the 11, a'I Mester. Oilatou,t►rardblia,1.878. • rL lg79� -I 47]'• {7ryTf 'FALL AND WINTER (Ct., CO, C—.- �,,.Qn-.—'----^ Extia,o.rdinary Baig lids lto llirompt and 'Casli Paying- . 'Buyers. Goods 'of` all hinds were. `.(even• a. ' cheat as' they are • to.day, .and qualities',. never better.; Ouf1r Poi! . and Winter, •importatllon's are lti4W complete in: all the `departments °four busilness, OUP STOCK, COMPRISES, IN PART. 'SHE VIEW I.ATES'J NOVELTIES BLACK and COLORED SILKS, FANCY DRESS'• S BLACK And COLORED: GOOD , � � aCASHMERES,, and ' MANTLES, �NTLES MILLINERY A ., READY . �VIADE 'CLOTHING, HATSand, CAPS, LOT .. APS. FU S • ° BOOTS R � OOTS and SHOES, GENT'S FURNISHINGS, ENGLISH and ; CANADIAN %TWEEDS, _ FANCY GOODS,.. GROCERIES, &c. &c. .--•-----coo--• HAT WE • RECOMMEND-- . We believe •that. Goods of' -all kinds have reached', the bottom prices, and we' advise•onr 'customers to ,buy, salt y, as we think by dol so .. ng. they ;'will And it 'to thei>tr advantage. We have bought such an immense pile of goods this season at such low_ ziees •as. will` peritni of us selling ;them as such rices as will' l P defy .competition.. f3U : cone : Along,. 'eve want' your 'strode add we Brant you. to trade' with ns.. No troubIo to.... . • who•�v goods at (I'IIE. li1tEAT 'CTILAP liTOltl,, OR We. will not take after this'.date ..Butter inpay- ment a ment of accounts,'' nor exchange goods for its G. H. WRIGHT & CO. CLINTON, Oct. 24, 18MS,''' elltlemen DO :THEMSELVES AN INJUSTICE TIO .BUY •THEIR k , BEFORE -SEEING OUR ;STOCK.: Our DRtrEISS Q OO]DS, • MAN rD s_ - , ' AVO - 1 ARE ALL NICE GOODS," :AND CHEAP. r r , , 1tl Ott'lY use. 1 0 Ot}1 i l our al 1 50 CENT TEA . R. A ■.... rJLA'Nfl E• R & , Clinton, 41et..iGr 113x", a'