HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-10-24, Page 3'l.'O131aty. 24, 1876. narl1oa1rs ° These bre pilling tinges- -stove piping The best time on record -Lunch tante• It's a mighty ignorant horse that doesn't know fts owll fodder: Ladies batss will be felt this season' says an exchange. So wilt the hills,. It bee been asked, when rain fells, does it ever get up again ? Of course it does in dew tiumo, A. bachelor friend says he dislikes young married couples because they are apt to give themselves heirs.' Joking about her nose, a young lady said, ' I had nothing to do with shape ing it. It was a birthday present. ' I ddn't like that cat. : It's got spun-' ters in its feet 1' was alas'' exouse of the t four-year-old for throwing : the• kitten away. Inhere is one tiniep lore. ,than an.: other that a man tells a ,downright lie, it is when be tanks this sign on his door ' Will return in a few Minutes.' An Albany clergyman. was recently telling a marvellous story, when :hie little girl said :.''Now, pop, 'is that' really true, or is it j>tst preaohing Backward, turn backward, 011. 'Time,, in your flight; and let me remember: when last I was tight. Wife .at the window, her ma at the cdoor ; you all know how it is who. have •:.been there before. A woman savesher old • love letters 'ant to' see what a fool her husband. made of himself,_ There's no use of .tr man doing this -he can see, it every day he lives, without reading over any, letters. A man may - elude' a disagreeable, - creditor for a long while sometimes, but there is one thing in this uncertain, vale of tears he can't `dodge. 'When 'a. .sneeze has business with a fellow it al- ways finds him at home: A young man who was engaged as a clerk was told by his employer that all the clerks slept' in the house, -and that it was closed punctually at ten o'clock. •' Oh, don't apologize !' said. the youth, ' I don'tcare what time it's; closed;'if it's only opened soon enough, ,in • they morning ' A recent advertisement contains the' following : ' if the gentleanan keeps shoe shop with -redhead will . re- turn the umbrella of a young lady, with whalebone ribs and an .iron' handle to the slate -roofed grocer's slap; ..he will hear of something to his advantage, as; the same' is the gift of a deceased •mo -.ther now no more with the name en- graved upon it.' ' • , • 'Wimp,' asks a young reader=•'when is the time to travel 4' :When you hear her father's foot upon the third. step, young man, is about as•good a time as any to start, and you can prolong the tour to suit .your. own convenience -and • the length of the old man's cane. ' From the innocence with which yon ask :tlie= question. we suppose you didn't travel, until be was clear into the parlor.' 'Served you -right. •' Tell. us not in -mournful numbers that. this life is but a dream, when a girl that weighs one hundred gets :outside of .a, quart of cream and torn wants •more.= Elmira Gazette. L• ife is real, life is ear- nest, and the girls know what they need, but on cream they are tied durndest set to show their grit and greed: -No en- core.-Neiv York .News. Lot us then bs up and doing, with a heart for any fate ; but never let us go a -wooing girls that want a second plate. How's that 4 -Newsboy. Dust thou art a ' fool in hoarding, it's the road to honeymoons, love is life's'ice main, or leastways, but a matter of two spoons.. Ironical -laugh- ter, -Cincinnati Commercial.: ' • .:.. At a recent trial of a liquor ease' the witness on the stand was under exam- ination as to what he had seen in the d'efendant's domicile, which he .said he had visited a number of •tines,' ' Did you ever see any, spirits there, or . any- thing you regarded as spirits T. asked the presiding justice. ' Why, yes --T• don't know but I have,' was the' reply of the witness. ' Do you know What kind of spirits 'f'' Yea.' ' low do you .know ? ' I kinder smelt it.' now,'. said the judge, straightening him- self for the convicting answer which •he' supposed would be given, ' will yon please tell me what kind .of spirits it was 2' ' Spirits o' turpentine.l.' At a certain hotel they were one day short of a waiter, when a newly- arrival Hibernian was hastily made to supply the place of a more expert 118nul. '' Now Barney,' said the thine host, 'mind you eewe every man with soup anyhow,' • Bedad., I'll do that SWOP,' said the alei t Barney. The souls carie on, and Bar- ney, after helping all but one ghost, came upon the last one. ' Soup, sip,'' said Bai ney. ' No soup for me,' said the gent, ' But you must have it,' said Barney ; ' We the rules of the liouse.' Hang the hero,' exaloined: the guest, highly exasperated, 'when I iion't want scalp I won't'hat its -net alongwith you,' Well,' said Bunny, with olemnit 'rill I can just say is jest this; its the regulations of the house, all(l- divll a drop else yell get till ye finish the soup!' The traveller then gave in, and the soup was gobbled. Itui Vale to Lonaea. We struck into Hounds•liteb, 'ilaesed the narrow street of St. 11ry-Axe on the right, and it few steps further we came to a harrow opening on the left, into which. (although it was early yet) a stream of igen and woolen were flow- i'ng.The policeman pointed it out.and continued, his walk, We stopped ,and took a survey. The hole in the Contin- uous front of 'rather respectable Hounds - ditch shops was about six feet wide 'and ten -feet high: ' Inside there seemed" toy' be a, dense plass of human beings, and the: strt3azn.'was steadily increasing. .It was neither' dark nor light, but a sort of twilight pervaded the place. ,Before plunging in we scanned.' the orawd. It waaa not an intelligent look ing throng, neither was it clean or sa- very. ' The filthiest, and the vilest of London were eviiclently at home in this place. Men and . women, they came shambling ,along nlnuials. Few were the faces•i of bearing the Itemp of gross excess in the use of liquor;' many` alsoo showed the bruises of recent and the sears of early strife. • It was sad to see •tlilit,the Women wcire far worse look- ing than the men. Not, only had they suffered more -•,=•as was natural, being the weaker -but 'their faces. 'showed such a combination of inherited and acgaired brutality as made them ;eem.', almost like the,fieiids Dore has reprise-.', sented in his illustrations of "Dante's' Inferno." Sodden white: flesh,infianied. s 'ends and purple noses were the coin- monfeatures , of the display. > ' 'And children wer'e'plentiful, socnecarried in arms and'others dragged. along like en- larged dolls by the gland. Their shi'tilk 'eh faces,' pallid lips, half deformed lining and almost idiotically vacant stare showed, bow largely alcohol diad been;, their nourishment, • This court was de- voted solely ••. to old clothes Such a collection of worn-out garments' 1 had never before seen. They were heaped. in immense, piles, according' to style. Thousands of dress, coats flanked- ma- jestically. the right.'hand of a°passage way, and an .equally large, monument, sof :frock coats' stood` on the 1'eft.. We 'could buy .'clothing in all the 'stagbs of wear, from the good as 1:27rw: dress coat to the thread bear overalls: Prices ,va. vied;from the egnivalenf of •24 cents to 5 for coats, and from_ 20 cents to $2 for trousers.;, shoes, in every style rang-: ed from 24 c, to V1; shirts:,•undershirts; all. kinds of underclothing, (male 'and female), jewellery, perfumery, toilet ware,.,aearfa, ties, dresses;. ,uuifolm's, musical instruments,, saddles, spurs, pianos, bergs,..swords,•fireariias, houee- hold uter sits=•-iu fact, las:. the' fellow boasted, nearly everything •conceitfeble,' to be •found .anywhere can he had' in Rag Fair •or 'the 'adjoining shops. The ;'Fair. occupies a large Humber of contiguous courts, and to -detail the :ya- rieties of people and articles there. ex- posed wwonld• take it book. "H.ow nlucii .for. that overcoat 4" ' 'u Twenty shillings?' "Toe•lnucln" " Well • •.I'll say t'in'htoen=•-tiftoen ' 2 ''; Yon want roe to give it, to you..? Call it thirteen' I Want to take; in some .money to_d'ay.-su,v twelve. No 4 How Much then4 , Make an offer. • 111 take' anything you.say"` - S3 'Ve11; two. shli'lingS "• "Done. •Tem,• band the. gentleman. the coat." ' The fellow had -fairly caught.me, for. he kne v'I woulcln'titc ucb the coat With a ten -font pole and T hitcl to pay a shil- ling to get off. ° There is little doubt that the' bulk of the: articles' sold in Rag Vairare stolen goods. One can take anything. there and sell it with '' no questions aslted." There are quantities., of underclothing there which has been filched from clothes line4 being dished but -not ironed. ' Ct' affords. inexbaustible opportunities for dishonest. servants to pilfer from the Wardrobes oftlleir employers. Coares. pon(leI1Ce Cincinnati. Conionerciall. ' Germany has sent' over 87,000 for. the yellow fever sufferers.' Fifteen villages•ha'e been swept away' by the overflow.ot the Nile, 1n consequence of 1148101.401.13 luo e- inents of the Russian army it not im- probable the British fleet' will soon re- CRITIC its position near tiie, .Bosphorais. A shoemaker in Stirling, ,who from humble eirouwstituces hacl elevated himself •to• a prosperous position, was appointed treasnee, or' chamberlain, of that burgh; Owing to defective train- ing;he was ie3 ignorant of account -keep- ing as lie was unfamiliar with Ilse of the pen. But, native ingenuity ea100 to his aid, Disliensiu; altogathet with tho ordinaly ledger, be suspended n pair bf olil (toots .one each .side of his parlor chimney, lung erne ,of which; he deposited the miming of his receipts,. while" the other WAS . the receptacle o his vouchers of elisbW'Sement. The i'eopte tv'nttt'l•t•t►on lltete is no inedi ne prescribers by'physi clans et sold by rlrriggista, that carrios;suclt ,evidenceSof Its success amus inita:rior virtue as S IIIaE.S GERMAN SYIttJl: for severer Coughs, Colds 'settled on the Breast, Con- sumption, or atiy ;4isuaCo of the.throat and lungs, A proof of that fact is tht any person afflicted can' got a Sample Dottie for 10 'cents and try its superior oiled before belying the regular size at 76 cents. it has lately; been introduced in this country from fIeriitany, and its wonderful euros are astonishing every one that tigc, it. Throe dosos will rolievo any I ease. ' Try it. Sad by 3. It. Combo, THE CLINTON NEW ERA. TREASURER'S .LE OF rIANDS COUNTY OF I1E.rl1ON, : TQ WIT ; ...• . By virtu of a Warrant, issued ander the hand of the Vapion of the G'o rat of Huron, and the Corporate Seal of the said County, Tearing date the Fourth day of July, A. D., 1878, to me directed, for the collection of arrears of, taxes due on the un- dermentioned lands, I hereby, give notice,. that unless the said-taxe, together with all lawful costs and charges, be sooner paid; I will, on Wednesday, :the' Fourth' day of December; next; AT SHE' HOUR OF ONE' O'CLOCK, P. M,, - AT THE Court House u,the. Town of Code rich; :by ,. ,• Prooeerl to sell' Public Auction the said 'lands, or. so ruck thereof as 1c34',. --be• suffeient to discharge such arrears•of taxes and -the charges thereon,. d Naine Lot er part of ,Acres, Concession or treat. Lot . Patented or Amount iYnpatented. of Taxes Costs • Cont..- . Total. • mission. TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD.. P pt ot 11 t " , 1st E 1)ivlsiotr . 50 Patented , N pt 1 • , , , Std W Division 40 Patented N }. 4 , , , . 13th W Divislitn 100 Unpatente0. ?TOWNSHIP OF GODERIOH. sluts W. Collins. ,... Part 3 Isaac U.Kthg•,... Part 3 Wm.brilier ',;,, Part J. W. Colhn>f , . ,'. Part 100, • James Craig fart 100 1.. W. Collins ; 7 Part .10T John Clifton Part 107 F part, Wpart5 27 24. 2O . Maitland „ Maitland Maitland • Maitland ' Maitland lllaitland Maitland Bayfield Reynold TOWNSHIP OF GREY. 10c ?genial 4• • Patented Patented . >, ,. i Patented • R• Patented Patented .. Patented •:,; Patented to .. . 43 • Patented .. 42' Patented • ,, 13th 13th ' 14th 150 .. . 100 Unpatented 20 01 1 00 • 30.81' 100 . Unpatented. • 29.01.80* 1.80- - *30 81 100 ,- Unpatented, 31 37.' . ' 1.88 ..33 46 100 Patented 32 00 1 ps 34 S$ 328 72 ' 01 80 830 52 22 08• r03 23=71• , 40 08 . 2 3 111.41 4 98 1. 9 C 18 150 113 260 1456 1.13 2 69, 319. .118 ' 431 88 GS' 11S• 480 6:30 1'5 761. 0 38 • I' 25 7 oil 3.73 1;18 4 91 24 30 1.'70 26.00 21 04..2'U4, TOWNSHIP ,OF • HAY. V}5 • ., 16th' ' . 50 •:Patented 7 32' 1'33 • •106y rat :N 1 3) , .; 7Lake:13028 last '' 112.1 1Latented .. ' 13'05 , ;1 49 14 45 VILLAGE OF..ZURIOH,°•IN•.HAY . • linen's Survey '1.5 Lui5eated ' 76 110.. 111 0 ,r ,'•3.5..Patented 73. 110 1.80 311-- -- _.• ", _,.,,' 1-5 Patented , . • "3 8;t 1.15 it E. 4,a d r--iPatont011,., 5 34 4 52 r1 . '. , 1-5 5,. ,Pu tented +3 34 1. 18 • ,1 52 45 1 terated . 53 Ol •.. 11'5 , 4 10 40 " .' 1.5 Patented ,h :e 04 ', 1:13" 4.10•. TOWNSHIP OF HOWIQK. Part, 30 Jrd 1 Patented 3 76 I, 18 4 94 19 . d ' ..., 103 Patented 37 $0 2 03 VILLAGE_ OF GORI31E, Ih1'TOWNSHIP OF .HOWIOK. 215 t• Patented 1-83 1 13 ` • 2's8 VILLAGE...'OF. MANOHESTER,•IN TOWNSHIP' OR' I'fULLETT • • . ,, . .1;5 Patonted.,. 014 1 10 2OS TOWNSHIP, OF INCKILLOP.. K par a 50 ..Patented .. 0 01 1 33 . :10' 94 TOWNSHIP: OF. STANLEY: $01101 fart.. ,... ;Bayfield Road North 7:,' Patented 47'44 '. ' 2 28 49 7.. VILLAGE OF' EGMONDVILLE, IN TOWNSHIP 'OF. TUOKERSMITH; 30.42 10.:.. :First St „ • VILLAGE .Off HARRURHEY, 23) Lou i8 incl Oalt's 24 . -. Survey 2r;1 1 1'atmtted ..'2 a1. • 1` 15 5 06 IN TUOKERSMITH..' 1-5. Patented , 1.18 1 13 2 31 1.5 Patented „ 34 : ..1 10 • .1 6k'. . 1.5 - Patented • 54. 1' 10 1 04 A GREAT CLEARING SALE. Ravin • det'ernlined to g•4 out of the. Book and Stationery . Businesa, 1 will• offer MONTH- - TRE WHOLE STOCK OF ,31 1 �+ W.H L a T A i `►�9, :•:J ' ' .; . EJEL & Irlir T ':Rooliss, •. .h' _ISCJ L4X 4A.. _ ► T.. 113. o! - �- . �T.']� VSs : , a.. ..$IJA T T 11300• 1 ,, Y- . 2v Y' ° • :5�.�0►.,�.` C3+.. Eke. A .D..FANQ GOO.pS „cosT AND D .N ®ER. x A ' lteiueuaber' 1 he Sale will onl• •. be : eolntinued, for . once outh� DON'T . IViISS TRW. CHANCE. Tse- - oods must be old: as ainpositivelyala out of that :branch,;of business, Note 'tl a Stand- -- Cal lander Next door to R. 1 1i ()Raton, Sept,19, VILLAGE OF BLUEVALE; IN TOWNSHIP OF'TURN'BERRY, • 11 , . f antelon's Surrey ' Patented . . 3 17 1 IS. 4 35 433, :: Uiutean's;9urve}'. „ .3• Patented ., 00 110. 00 VILLAGE OF WINGHAM, IN -TOWNSHIP 'OF, TURNBERRY, • • Palk. 37 „• ',1 Patentee ' •1"3 77 1 Village' 152 1' Patented :. 4'47 • 't Village 167 ? •Patented '• 10 74_.,' 1 Village 171 , Patontod .. 7.03 I Village 41172:,.. •: r .' Patented ,. .. •1 01 .-1 7 Village 233' , .. ,. , Patented „ (3 74 +1 Village 315 Patented . .. 93 I. Village 11 ....Fisher'sSucrey 1.5 Patented ..4 76. 1 TOWNSHIP. OF' EASY. WAWANOSH, 33 • 7th , ,• 103). Patented 5tt 89 TOWNSHIP OF "WEST WAWANOSH. lr•.310. ,.. 1st • 100. Patented 10 39 ;1 as • at 17. I:: 1. .... 13th 100 • Patented .. 18 35 1 ,7S' 10 00 VILLAGE .OF DUN • Sl. :.`5 cMalh'a SurveyI Patented • • 1 17 ) lit L 30 xx CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. STOCIi:;UI! TO • 20:820,.82 y : 3,• CLOTHING ri' r r':r�'` 3:. 1•.09.. DRY GOODS, .1vE+ A DY -MADE CLOT HIN-G, .--TWEEDS EEDS `2S s 39• ...'. HATS . Join CAPS,- GROCERIES, BOOTS , .. 1r3.. � la 2.i 752 28 7 09 10 2 03, • 2 41 36 301 ;rem, SHOES, .FURS,,, ETC 8 ^-P who wi pP y . . . It: will !1e err the lirsysntn e••of orsons wish to su 1 themselves with° cheap geode • to call and sae. my stook before purchasing. . • 2'lee reason ivla� I sell 90ods so rrluclo ,lower' than other- stores' • J �' x is T do a 7�eailjpa business; and anz enabled to : pay. Cas AWAN OSH. . y C�tAfiiNON; IN 'WEST w_ p'7' my Goods; zvlicTs,'I b421.144016. cltect� ilzai l co�cicl.zlo a„�' f tl th 174 • 231 03 :314 . ;1,, . .,y, 403 670 711 701 771 77, �8 741• . VILLAGE OF B'AYFIELD. Patiinttti , 1 0t 1 } Patented :3 tit 1 1 '1'atontotl• .. 59 1. ,,. } Patented .. 3. " 1 } 1',ttented',.. 2 (t1 I ..,. : l:•ttcntcd •. «6 1 , i Pctcttterl .. '2:) 1 ! Patented 23 1 1 Patented 13 1 i • Patented ,. 9.18' 7. '' Patented 2:t 1 ' '3 • Patented, .. 1 92' 1 r., Patented .,. 1.92 t 1.• Patented 1 92... 1 7r. ...II 1}. L'atentod 23 1 • l . Patentedt „ 2a 1 ..,. , Patented .. 28 1 '� .... J' t. Patented , .. , 1 'SiI'ttented .. 22.::)1 1 wt _ 3• P'atcntcd . , "' 3 78.' .., Pntatitett 1 1 Z's 1• part . Haase' i' 3' 1'atetttt d 28 1 A , port ; ,..., 4 Patented 1r1 1 • 57 • 113 318 I: had to buy ttteim On : time,. I can .sell pods 'with pro fit . that credit. stores Oct, mado , a •paying business. 3 • X 71 1 , 1. 4 16 , ,:.. :. 10 1 11 A ok31--from intending purebasororespectfuliq solicited. No trouble. to show goods.' 14 • 1 .9 1:i 3.14 10 •1 3:3. 1(3 1.83 I , 10 1 33 : 10 C 33 cru on Sept U, 1875, 15 33'l 10 13 In 3:33 10 4 :11 10.' 1all- 10 1 a3 10 1 33 10 It 33 10' . 343 133 0 X103 3(1 '1 00 1.313 -05 3 01 :1 05 VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS. 5 • Patented,. :1 30 " 1 8:1 16 e9 . „ Patented . 43 30 1 34 •9 66 Patented' .. 13 130 1 •1,3 ' • 15.69 VILLAGE. OF EXETER, .. 1Y lsrt 31 " .. it. Taylors Survey 1• Patented :t 5:. 1.17 4 73 17 . 'Vrancentotcri t(rrrray.. :. Patentee('.. 3 29 1 18 •l 47 VILLAGE OF WROXETER. 7• ... 1rowick-Street,. East«:., ; T ` i':stented11.57 ' VILLAGE OF WINGHANI: Park 5 . ., , ;toseph3no threat ' •:,.. 9 ' P;ttrnte,l .. 0 17 Park • 8 • „. Lem. Railway purthei.... Patented'' tr9 dill iteserve - .,,. 7 l'attntet .. .1 65 V0 (age Lot 369. .., (,overernrtnt•:mrvr,i -... I Patented ,. 7 015 • - 1,21 Sit uttaStreet •,,, 1 Patentto .• . 2 00aN;r . ravels Street c 1'uteiet.d o,. 3 4:3 i - 15 • ,. 1.. Satller'v Survey .,.. „ 1.r. Patented . - 2 u6 ,... 331311h31ratinrvef ..-!.. Patented ,. ' 31 on ; 30 -" " • 1 Patented ,. , .13 e36 '7 '. .' I L,atonttit,,.. 2 tot i ,its, i S r'� 1' „. Patented .. . `2' 1350 ,. 1 13 0 ".. " , 1 Patented .913, 1 "1.4 to " •,•. r` .' - •I. Patented . ,t 3131. 1 15 1.1 " 3. 1'313011 ed 2 415 1 15 i 001111tyYTreasurer's (Iflice, ' f:tntlerich, dilly 4th, ISLA, f 1 ,;: ,y 41 1 - 11 I7 1211 580 1 tri' 9127 1 t5 4 oK 113 2 M .1 15 :3 81 t15 :381. t t:r :t .at 3 81 .3131• 381 AM.' ROSS, . Treasurer', County ol',1lnron. H .PLU'MSTEEL, mum BLOOJC CLTNI�ON .PITRN TUBE WAREN/0 fl: :1O.. 77 ALiii1RT STItTiZ I31t1Ch BLOCK. ,BROADFOOT &• BOX, OP SEAT`ORTH, : - lleg.leave to state to the inhab• Rants of Clinton and Burrnund- - fog country that they have start- ed a branehbuslnoas in the place lately occupied 1 Mr:x tvla 41 iVititino, and tronid r.',j netfal- lysolioit the taiblle to call and, es3tnlne their rated/, which is complete in every. department. Our Parlor Sc Bedroom ,Soto are. sodend to urine in theeounttyfor 'design and 9t,islt. liming even Improvement in the lino of new ra,tohinery, .we ratans 3103112e our own good30ndcan sell 'tbo,n of prices that will astonish tvey out whoa aWronrod Cath those crtnerly paid for sante goods,- 3' Wewould gall spec141 atteutioa: 11t-oonnethoatint c 1,!433'voi(Znrtczkiny brzsiltess'tfaei ttsethe 114til.11 Jire43'))5443 the ' 'hotly, (tesl1•03/8 all 0(/rr3zsire odors, arising jiotrt• clot-14'1)otliee; Clinton, :one 15;.1378. • a S.tA. O N E :8, TO LOAN) ,. • ON EASY TERM,• fay width the pr'irreipatt drat be• , ep Ch1 lir ,pirtlrt or an (rt tiny ilroedoming! Clea teslrtn of heater. A PL' 1111 i�YW lu JC Altit.t71 'Nd• (;fnton, M3reh„I94s. , Vndmrta'king Depart:ma ' - %teh is second to none in the town. Raving. purchased n large? • 12 bnow etookof Cotiinx,Osakets• o es and Trinam(ngn, of 0very description, and fitted up a now; and elegant. irnAnsn, we are prepared to do' Undertaking' et the lowest remunerative prices„ Rental 1101' Cho placo--77 A1berb7.. Street, next door to Dir. 30.3!. ltacey's as wale Store... A V 7'/ S'EPZ'l( FLUID and plrevent* contagion. O. CART V• EIGirr • �•Y CAIITWRUGIIT 01 $Ti i'1SOum, Wein •8* V* at the (lorotterelel1Lote1,Cllnton,the 11186Thdra• bay and Friday' pf-every montb, Tooth inserted in Cha latest style Teeth with exposed nerves treated, rolled and ma40 as good a8 Sound ones. .O ,na;da. Con4pany. Lauda. . Mali oli 1,71t3D9 Ifo 1usno3. b'Cit S A . M - the Canada efonpahyraaybeaeon atAtha oftloe of '>lt ataterelgnod. Cllnton,7an.37vi81X,. It F1A11'. -