HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-10-17, Page 899. L. , A• TrnotiNlioST N'Ew ERA,. 0011010113, 171 1878. CLINTON NEW ERA, • pm% litrdttrO. Zocat Notices, Attention le directed to the advertisement er Thaw, son do fivatoor, V020 1:VO 11.13QU. eissolvinginuanorship. Mr. Q nooporas pow coming an tho bakery *toy m1- (3%40414, ddr, diloToonon, nod the 110)41110c1. AB he do a good token he win. doubtless reoelvo a fair satire elostronegot • . • Town Vonneil„ A. speeiel meeting of the Council was held on Saturday evening.The Mayor in the chair; Absent Messrs. hot:rester, „Smoot, IwsrEeTtox,--On inursday 7 caution, Smart, Gibbings, Shepperd and i\fr, john J. Tilley, one 9f the nte,- •OnAsrnE„..--lfle, Swartz assumed pee, P.eats`no AnotnEssi.-31r, John .Theic- pession of the Prince of Wales hotel on son, cabinet maker, Paisley, late a this Monday morning, Mr. ROSS reirlOVing to town, was so utifortanate last week is Roehester in a few days. . • . to lose two or three fingers by their ch- ing in contact 'with a (Amulet's • Tun mayor and treasurer of the town, on Friday, wrote their mimes two lulu. A.ue'rxox SA/M.—At Mr Ei Stevens' dred and forty-six times, eigning the fire side on Tuesday, cows brought $28.each; engiL4e debentures, ainl coupetfeattaclied., two-year old steers, $22; maelear suirmun ot, 0.47,m4_014.9tiesday $17, and horses mad implements 1.ether evenin„0. Mr. W. McLean, 'of Goderieh, 1)51°`v i'lrm" rates. .130diel; Was not shipped, per the G.W.R.B., front •this bilsk• place, 200 head of very good looking Sr4ows.---It is only a short time cattleQte Walker's distillery, Windscir, pilule there were only about half -a -dozen of these little birds in town, but their munhei. has se increased that thm.e is .110w quite,* large flook. Their. rendez- vous is the brit* block on Albert street, jacksou, The Finance, Committee's account was read and adopted, •reconnuending the • payment of the following :--Jas„ Fergu- eon.,:teaming, $13.; J; A. Nelles, quar- ter's salary, Stationary, Ste., PIA ; M. Racey, coal and cartage, (Fire ,En- gine triar,) $1:6729-; R, .M. 'Remy, 'bal- ance in for in hose $4.06 ; Oeoper Mckenzie, Shingles and 1911113er, $8.90; -W. Whittingtote work in, St, George's Ward, $1,00; Geo:, Carter, • work in Cometer,y, $2250; W. Foster and 3. For, work on tanks, Lim, $44.87; Geo. Rentgen, work oo streets, $83.48 ;• Cook, on account of excavating tank, ,$0; Fas. Fair, • lumber for streets, $10.731 H. talker, work on engine, 0.80; G. Pickett, •Work on • streets, ' 18,50 • Harland Brosl, •nails, $3,64 ; del school inspectore, - visited the model eoleiol jri Clinton, SeVeral-of the mem- bora of the beard were also present. Ile spent a good. deal of time examining a class of model school pupils end expres- sed himself very well pleasea,with their proficiency, and the general management �f the school, • b WITAT WAS N'EEDED,,The Mayor bat laid befei e the 'Council a by-laW for the abet:bigot' that nuisance we have sel frequently -callecl. attendee to, •the' eot• deeting and loitering on the corners of "streets, of a, lot ef irartily and insulting paths, and, alsoto prevent the, danger - pus practices of ball throwing, lacrosse playing, &c., on the. streets. It will come upfor diseossion at the next Sit- ting of Council: ' • W. S.,Ptiisley, cash pai.d for freight, &c., Monday night $4443, W. 0. Searle, selecting' Jurors, this'phme and neighbOthoodwas visited $4, The account of W. Betray,' balance by one of those heavy thunder storms in full On tank, '$311, and jas; izzerd, Which have been se common this yeai..„, for eXcavating tanks, $361 ; Were hot but which seemed to be. the Most violent recommended to be paid in :Finance of:the lot. - For.over an hour -the ale- Coonnittee's repore., • ' Monts raged.withterrifia fur-V,:the light Moved by Roun. Menzies,' see. by Meg ilashel following; each 'other • with Coun. Cooper, that the iietition. of W. Doherty and 56 ()Wert, praying for a grant Of $390.4e aid in opening road across the Maitland River at Holmes- ville, be granted, and thrit a hy•leiv-lie Ati'o*iirgit• (MD Sworrion, Gown. Among our deathirtices will he found that of MI'S, :Copeland, This old lady - emigrated to this :goontry, with -her husband, jarees Copelatd, from Ireland, in .1§32„ and -eettled near Toronto, then Little- York; and the follewing 'Year they purchased 100 aortal of bush •on the -London Road„ from the Centraa COMpany,.to 'which they at once remov- ed,' although, there :was only a blazed path through the' bush to it, mid re:emitt- ed thereon for .nearly fOrty yeere. After hev heshand'e death, a few years' -ego, she removed, with her son, te•Clintom. Two years. ago her sonperchased ,peo- ,perty contiguous to the town, in Stan- ley„ • Where she resided till her !loath: Heraelf and l•uslatied Were, at one- time living in the family .of• the,celebrated Lady Blessington. •,She'was of a very genial and einultable disposition, ,enjoy-, ing the friendshipof 'all With whom she Came in contact.. Her death, which took place °ale :lath' confidence'. In her Saviourlosa to • us startling suddenness, the peals. of limn- but gem. to her, ; • • ..• • dee being deafpeing; arid...vain and 1i i1 Clitntoti Oti**Aiwn SubinAY Soileen desoendiog in iterrents. , 00 xy,ENTIoN;LA. very; largely . attended TaOrenso .314'reit.--A;trotting Match Convent*. of •the Clergy: end Snodey hat been arranged betwtien Mi Genre() School* deleoates feMa the Conercortions •passed granting' the 'Saidie, in terms of Whitely., ef.Seafortlii"and Mr. A'. Innes; of the blinrehof 'Eughtocl, in the -county . . the potition.--Carried. ..', .' • of' :Stanley, to trot their stud horses, : of Hurdle was held in' St. Paul's church, MoVecl:by Cone. Scat, pea, .. un. ' Renforth . and 4Soirel Cloud, m hal- on: tiesday an • WednesdPY of. last ; Smith, that -the ' acconnts of j. izia,)'il hes; for $1100 a. side, in' heats- of one e;ork, : ,. .1.• Gillespie, Esq., Superinten- dent of St. Vales' Sunday schooli-To- rento, rad . the Rev. Me, : Oarthichael were also 1 eesent. The chair .wes oceii- Cloud" is advertised' to heve dee° a mile pied by'Rural Dean Davis of Wiitelortni. balance.to he paid when tanks. are.satia- -in 2:40.. '. • : . ' . . ' .,., ' .- , • ' . • The ,•dity..seSsions 7 Were taken' ;up 'with .Awits:-- n atm( ay last ;' ' ' i t ti 0 'li asSio S '1..; I tiig t ..S n gres ns, t .se n e a ri o un- . .. . factory.--Oarried. , ... ,, . , • ..;Fir4si 1' - ' " 0. 8 . ' L . . Several: comniunications .- were" : left' - over until a .' sobseqoent 'Meeting, ',.a ed Council then .adjournect • . • ' and W. Bowey be Moved hi amendment. by ()bun. Men- zies, sec. by Corm. Ohidley, that 75 per, cesnt of these two iMeounts be paid, mile, beat: oat.of five. The match come off on the • Clinton Driving Park; on the 29th' of this Month. ";S•orrel tbe..sto: am ..61e wigiie. , vas -put -0,gigeti day:school . management and extentipn„ in:filling some of the • tanks, .Colincilloi I A, public ...ineetiegt was 'held on Tuesday -Scott .aeting as, ,engineer. The. tank .at I "ening, 'W. hick wasf• ftdaressed by Build - 'one at Blyth, held •on. Priday,• being the through. . Stlilxletede..fnroinimnRdalieisoi ...Dean Da -1,:i., 1-10,8.. .w..., vCampbell . SWitzer's-cerner being' Tim fall show seadon is now over, the ford s pond; ' and J. Robinson, and:j. Gillespie; Este feet of hose, and; the one at 3.1eLaren's ,,A,children't Priblia theetiog Was held. on last of' the season. - . ' . ' ' • . cor,ner.Was alao filled.. If was elso used ' ''''' ednesdaY dternOoll ;2 'addreases. by BUTTER .. tOR -LIPERP001,:: -On TueS- . . •The togin6 worked. as well as 'COUld ha G. Matthew, The follciwing were eairi.on Montlav for seine of the othe Rem James Carthiehael M.A and O. ; • day Mr. II. Plunisteel shipped .5•4 kegs • • - ' • • ' TURNDElaRr. • FIR—On TWonday night the light- ning Week the barns of Mr, Jas. Hen- ning, Councillor, in this township, and destroyed them witit the outbuildings surroundiog. He loses his crept and machinery, a whiob h had a large geantity. No insurance. of butter to Liverpool. • • • , I among the subjects discussed : "-Sunday • • SEVERAL teams, with drivers, haveN•• School Hymnology," by John Gillespie, ow To BUstliEss.--As tile' fall glow F rfaT I • n. e- o•one from here werk on the London waterworks excavations. . _ REV MR. STE. ART of 1.2intoo _And Rev. Mr. Loughead, of Londesboro, ehanged pulpits on Seaulay last. THE tem) presented a busy scene on Saturday last, many farmers ,being town for the transaction of bnsiness. • PERSONAL.—Mr. W. Pay, manager of the Welland R. R., and wife; of St. Catharines, spent 8411day-in-town, with their son. • . • • ' „ Fcor *hoot hbys of Berlin und.,Clinton will piny a match, game of foot ball in Stratford on Sa- turday. . • DisbEttve Satur ay last leer youths named john arm, ' joint Hillen,'John 'Walker an Coctraile were tried before t and J. McGarva, for disord on the street, and were and costs. A MURDERED JY don has been me* who removed f braskkalsout sequently t ago nitir robbed Thi'y-1 Jaraat e Mayor y conduct.. ach fined $1' • NEuxs;—,Tnfortna- ed that Mr. W.Laing, in Wastranosh toNe- velve years ago, and sub - antes, was.* slim:LI:him red by Indians, his lieuse children:outraged; and his fa - riven from home. . • season is over, the farmers' attention , -weeks is -usually -to Rural Dean Davis • " .of Sup'erintendents,!..' i•ev. 0. R. Mat. • . , Ilowtlrould-Teachers--Prepai turned -to disposing of the year's crop, the Lesson," by Rev:. W.F. Campbeli. and in sPite of the low prices largo gram- Several of the lay delegetes also took tides of grain may be expected in town durino• the next few weeks. Our mer- part in the above diseusiions. The singing at all 'the services lay the Sun. chant: are fully prepared for business, day.school :children was very appropri- and cell give goodyalue for all the money ate. ana sohited., Revs.. W. F. camp. farmers or ethers have to spend -for goods. 'bell and It. Hicks- were appointed a We hope to see -this fall a 'lively. one for, business Men; PH9T6Eo„-1h1ie ether day it small, butvdctive boy, was found behind ix store, inside a sugar barrel, indus- triously getting outside of all the sac- charine matter he could serape ofr His' eletlies tattered, .but Well; szigared, and Itis face well smeared. A. gentlerinin offered to have his pietere taken if he would sit, and be consented. The pie-. -hire ;wag taken, but has not yet Made its appearance outside the door, However, ,"Dave" • conoles himself • whilethe thought that being photographed, cost- ing.bim notliiu& is sotnethiog tobe had Arr. remembrance. Tho_st BILLS AGAIN, "A Rate- payer" writs-is-iletter in reference tril Thw remarks about those bills that had been stuck up about town; and takes ex- ception to that statement therein con- tained that Mr. Diehl was "it' faithful eduncillorand estimable( citizen," and the letter closes With the remark that if we de not, correct this statement some other means of doing if, will be found. We only make • what liatements we believe to be 'true, Rnd as. we believe him to be all we said, the unproved assettions of Ratepayer to the contrary notwithstand- ing, we cannot take back what we have said; What we mainly referred to in our paragraph': of lest week, was the meanness of attablcing it person (no mat- ter who he is or what he has done) in. Snell a way, and the writer of the letter before us slioivehimself capable of being just hs Mean. A number of ;statements and charges are made in the letter, 'which, if true, and could, be proven, the Write need have oo fear of openly exposing, but instead of coaling out openly and aboveboard, he attacks Mr Diehl anony- mously. • Throughput, the letter is sto- diously disguised, and an effort is made t� make it appear that the wtiter's early educatioa had been Sadly neglected, but there are features iliit that, to an expe- rienced eye.'reveals move than the writer inteeded. We have a pretty stroog sus- picion who the author • is. If Mr. Diehl's course has not met with the ap- proval of the ratepayers, they have the remedy in their own hands'and he will, no doubt, be very glad to allove any one else to (weepy the unenviable position of Cotincillor. THAXESOIVING. —.Bewley, the 13th. "- inst., having been appointed by the Bishop of the Diocese of Huron te be set apart as a, day of speeial thanksgiving for the late abundant harvest, and -for the blessings' of peace and tontincted im- munity from plague and pestilence, "ser- vices in keeping therewith, were held on that day, in the Episcopal Chrtich, LECTURE. --A lecture will be giveo in the town hall here, on Tuesday' evening, 22nd inst., by the WV. W. 0, Hender- son of Sarnia, 'Subject, "Cotirtship and: Marriage," The lecturer is well spoken of by the press, end as the pro- ceeds are for the benefit of the -United Temperanet Association, it is hoped there will be a full house'especially as the subjects is ono that intereats so large a: class of the tommunity. . DRAMATIO,—An effort is.being made to re -organize the Clinton Dramatic So- ciety, V/411 a titaiv ef providing enter- tainmene..during the winter months, Some of the best male and female thea- trical talent in town have promised their co-operation, and 'the company will, doubtless meet with a cordial reception frotn theAownspeople. Tire first enter- tainnient to be given will be ,for the benefit of the yellow fever sufferers in the Soutli, We may here state that the eole object in getting up the 'society, is to provide amusement, and not for the pecuniary gain of the iedividual mem- hers of" the Society. • , • dominitteeto draft:a repent -embodying the -results �f tho Convention, which was, presented. anol adopted at the clos- ing session, on Wednesday evening. In addition to the clergyman above Men- tioned, the following were also present ancl took part in the &SO:Mali:Ms : IleV4 Areltdeacoa Elwood, " Goderich ; Beira, Henderson,' Myth, and Forbes, Bayfield. MeKILLOP.• FINGER 'AMPUTATED.—Mr: John Bur - lard, of 11-IpKi1lop, had the forefinger of his left hand amputated last Saturday. 'It, seem that whilstlie. and a young men by the naMe Of. Menzies were celebrat, ingthe Qaecin's birthday in a hotel in Wallow, a tight ensued, in :which Men. 'dos bit 1.1.erfingerin ffiteio a Manner as to calls% stiffness of the joints, and eon, - sequently °necessary amputaticm • QODEIt1CIII TOWNSHIP. Faux Sonn.—Mr, James Baker has sold his 100'aore farm, west.half of lot 6, Bayfield, north' 4for 800; nod pm.- Abased of Mr. Ies,llth con„ G,odericlt township, 80 mew, for 4200, StninEte DEITzt.—On Monday last a young man named Hicks, who yes/clod on the lltit con. of Goderich township, died very suddenly front soma unknown muse. He was at his Work as Usual -late as Saturday evening, Ho was highly esteemed by thoSe who knew. him. GORRIE. Ho:wen:tn.—On Tuesday of last week a cabinet maker named MeKilligari, Went int()T. Sharpin's tailor shop and an -altercation took place betWefirt Mc- Killigan and. Sliarpm. During the quarrel the latter struck oft the side of the head with a: lap board, McKilhigati was taken lionie insensible, in which state lie remained until Wed- nesday night when death ensued, Sitar; pin has been arrested. , a 1 SEAFORT,11. - .11,1,---Mr.:Thonms Foster, one of our most respected hotel keepers, is at pre- sent confined to his bed. EltlISENiATION,.—Mr. Robert SUMS - den, of this town, returned on Satarday, the 12th inst., and oh the evening of the 15th hist., his, brother teachers- in the Presbytei•ian Sabbath School, toot at the house of Mr.: D. D. Wilson, and pre- sented Mr, Lumsden with a beautiful chair and seartd.as a token of how they valued him as a Sabbath School worker. young man in thid neighborhood having got into Ft quarrel with another person, had pecasion to strike him..violontly over the head, itt doing which he broke the outer bone of his right hand; tho other man survived. The wounded hand was attended to by one of our WWII. StirgeenS, and the unfor- tratate young fellow is now a sadderand a wiser man . 71E-PIT,LTACITT!9, • *BMW'S BP.S:STSD, -- During Difonda'Y night's storm, the barn and outbuildingt of Mr, Jas. Cottle., on. the Base Line, a short distance mirth of ClintOn, were struck by light and, with their eon; 'tents, totally destroyed. • They contain-• ecl every bit of Oils' year's crop arida fow iniPleinents. Ile had au meurance' of about $250 .on the barn and conteuts, which will be verrrit from covering hisloss. HO it not beert4er the rain, • other places in theviclifiteionild have been burnt; as the burning shingles -were blown,on adjacent.straw stack. '00R11210PONDIINOE. We wiab, it to be distinetly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible tor the opinions ex. itrossatel by oar t orrespondents P.,441:4 SHO 1114171.0a. To thesBaitOr of the Clinton .1Vzo Era. in :—Any person who has attended the different agricultural shows held in the county this fall, will know that nearly every one has turned out a faiihre, and none More so than the one held in Olititon under the anapices of the Ilellett Branch Agricultural Society. It has been a matter of surprise e great many neople thet nearly all the fairshelcl in ourtown hive uot been as well patronized as other plaoes ; but when I see 'how the business of the impiety ut inana"ed it is not to be wondered' at. This fall,for a reason 1 cannot at all raiderstand, the di. rectors, saw fit to remeve from the old ahow ground, takilig the race course for the -out- side eliow, ancl,the town hall for the inside, and the miserable exhibition Which attend- ed the affair showed what, a bungle they made of it. In removing to the rade course the; so- ciety' pay a rental of $100 per Year, besides having to erect a new building, wed incur a great many other expenses incidental to rnovin,,,a,"and in taking it such a distance frornthe centre of thelown`,1 do poi think they will draw near as large a; crowd, as if the situation' were more central. . .,1,..understara_the old ground was offered to the directors for :$140 per year, they wfiifotihlliacottuiwtia, yls df ertbi vee usafi rib:14 the itehte. _am; • • • Oat Editor of the kelo Era. Sit':—Allew me, through your columns,' to call the attention of the ratepayers to the matter of shade trees. Almost allarts aware that during.the past few years a great degree of interesthas been taken in the planting and protection of shade and orna- mental trees on our streets and that a larife ' ,amount of time and money has been pended thereon, aed it;.therefere becomes: duty, as well as the interest' of every one, to see that these trees, that ao so far . towards beautifying our Cowp,-and enhan. • 'clown° value of our property, should he : preserved from. destrugtion. During .the,. past sunnier, and.up to the:present titne,, , I have noticed that a member of theis trees are in the Way of beingdestroyed from one of the means that is used to protect them. Sitree the box was placed around them to guard thein frotn .injury, they have grown 80 biishy at thetop that the wind has forced them on to the tap of the boxes, and chafed' them ao much thfit they haie become weak- ene.d, and'at. lest bioltnn off, t would urge all, oho hare trees contigeoaa to their lota, to either retrieve the boxes When such in- . jury. is beteg, d.One,-;>r stay, them in the, centre of the box by attaps,'• 'If all weiild take a little:. intereet in :attending to this matter, D3 rniy,valnable trees would be saved. Some are under the impression that the ' council should attehd to this ;natter; but. this cannot well be done, as the*-councir have already demands upon them sufficieet to exhaust all their fluids and energies. . • • • W. 0: SEARLE. CLomes, Oet..15,i878, - • tiONDESIBOlt0., . •I`TAititow EseArn. 7-- One night last week..the'stere or Mosses, IL Wallace & •Co, at Londesboro, bad a nerrow escape front destractien-by fire. 'The itore was. .closed ia the evening as aped; every - thin being quite At ithappened, one of -the firin was -Out to Climton that. .night, and , re'turoing tit.a late ,hour„,,en- tered the store. for the piirpptletiv-. ing impoitant . Message .WIth one 'of the clerk'S ,Whie,wae sleeping .up -stairs, When. he 'srapriaed t� find, it ;foil of smoke. Groin ighis way. aloog, to lin& out where it Canny:Item, he' opened • the C 'PIXAT flISAZIOE. • MPATTAI To tho Orlitor of. New Era'. Stu :—In year last week's Lame 00ado munication appears frote a person who signs himself " Sufferer ;" but who has not iniminea us; whether the, chtease, feta wi iietsh nlipetuisrer gs,atids Tseuatelorofr8rimgainhaorwy irto,i1.0":ht%otoroavigi.or:gaatgeavigobtthi; walrlQrttgulydolge eerner of Fisher, Crait, 4 -tee's store," antl iseslttllaeurenpayreectprebybatbilly9 Ins aatnnYe emthaetrtser0:17 hare • this Maas of offering an explaaation, which thiet—Our commit has nut as yet passed a bylaw, waking such cendwit an offence, • consequently my orilypettnii for putting it down, is to bring culprits before the Mayor, and as that Worthy refuses to ac- cept such information, I am left pqwerless • to remedy, the grievamie. Only last week I applied to onr mayer .for the purpose of laying information against four pemons for similar offences ; but as I can prove by. • ample evidence he refused to act on the case. If " Sufferer " or any one else will put the means within my roach for sup- pressing such conduet, I will be most happy to do so: .Till then, let the saddle be laid. en• itnilfeurttail.elt, 111 otrhsien.k' ally one. Writing as did "Sufferer," should be Manly enough to • sign his name. • Respectfully yoursT—WT.-PAISLMr, esnioN, 0et.16,187e, in of the ground s for pasturaoe and other purpoteconakes the rent exactly,theatame as what they are paying for the race course. In consequence of the society leaving the old grounds they.have now hem, offered for sale, add . will, most probably, be Sold if something ii not done to tetain them to the town for regular she w purposes. They are the only central groands to be'obtainetl in the place, and the time le not far distant When we shall have a county fair, the same asotber eountiei •aronnd us are doing, and the want of proper grounds will he a serious drawback: ()Linton possesses railway and.. other facilities to give us a ,,splendid. show, and it ii tithe -that theli-fratiidialiien' of the place should take an interest, arid Ooente, nanee no. such societz,who are onlyputting money in their own 'wickets, and damaging the reputatien Pf thejown.' • -.: , 1 understand that when the printing of the different ticketa for the show was tco- _dered for, a son of one of the directora learned the price, and then offered 'to'. do ed the clerk, and proceeding to the lefty who; having a small hand cellar iloor, when a sheet of flame met then' cheaPer, him, " Hastily closine it an•ain int tirous- t, ‘ ones, hut the larger be got done in Seaforth. oxri The job ?pi.' building pens and stalls INAS 01.16711...nee' of the. collar, discovered, tat a dmie in the same naanner, and'it'seems the lire was binming brightly at th . read of ,whole work is done to benefit a'prominent the 'cellar staira.,;, This was ickly ex- member of the society who, When arranging .tnilnegnitiuni.11iallr i;,;rii-tiiido tobies,Qbt tiiftei'Nivrbmiii.od: ..lhe-Prize list, so it is said; wanted 1118 name' .iiiit down for a special prize. Of $10, and af. place. Hoy: it origushitod isli .m.yetei,y. otisieuram ha,Ve been: impossible to have Saved the 'terwards Withdrew it.,••lirtt the good sense of we mo rise % veentollud hallowee such thing. . g to destroy any so- , • ' ciety. 6nd the•quicker it is kneeked On the -1L7.:1-!:Iii-g!!!I . ormieoll000t.15,1878. • , • ' - • - ' 1.I.A D.. ... . head.the better. Trusting I have not en- . Rtorrria44,-- Dill is ender- el'oachetl . , .. too nitwit en your space, -- . roiled. conSiderable repairs ond will soon I remein, yours truly, , RusixEsa, • press, was enabled to. print the. smaller. be "as good as new." . - ineoesensnissessowasesees. ' . . „ . .. fixaTiwo It/qt.—An effort it bsing . . made by several parties to run a skat- ...•. . 1878: . ,.. .. . • 1878 -irig-rink here this -winter. . . - ' =- ' - -' •''..,• . . , 0nArar.l3maxo..--There•is talk of Mr, . . • . •. • e Armitage, of I. ea ort 1, an o tors, sen .• oo t, y2 ing repreentatives to p here during the Winter. . ‘,:-...'.,•-,., snrchese gi ran , TUE NEW Bit inc•E. --4.1..r., 't./ ordain, of Clinton, with a large' staff of men, is pushing forward the . roadway and tip - preaches to the now bridge across the river, The Mani structure:of the bridge, is. nearly: complete, andabout all that remains to be done to it, is to lay the ME3CAXTILI.1 FAILintE.--A short titne since this usually elpliet plaee had a great sensation in the very unexpected and hasty deperture of ono of itsiner ehants---11. W. 1301mm—who had ap- parently been carrying on it profitable -4usiness. Recently be offered his cre- ditors 50 cents, on the $, but they would not accept,it„ he therefore raised all the ready eaili he could, and' departed for the States. ` 'Liabilities, $3,090.;-assett,. about $800. • ATTEMPTED ROBSERV..--On.Thursday night last nn attempt was made to rob the store ef, Ni. T. 3Iarks by it man named Sheppard but the robber was discovered by settle parties 'who were out late that night, and the alarm be,- ing given, Mt•Merks, iyith t number Of menourroutuled the place, 'with the in - tendon of capturing hitn. On enter -- jilt; Mr. Marks Was fired at, the ball grazing his cheek, but he 'suceeeded in striking his assailant with a stick. Sheppard, hoWever, •again fired, and merle his escape, but he ,was closely,pur- sued, and several. Acts were exchanged betkVeen. him and Mr, Robinson, Mr, Rutledge headed , the pureeing partyt and notwithstanding the feet that seve- nil balls came very near hitting eentanued at Shoppard'e heels and got up with him, just as a lad wiled John- son, who deserves great praise for his - bra -very, grepped him and held on:, 'al- though Sheppard put a revolver to his breast and twice pulled the trigger, but fortunately withont dolog any harm, as it missed fire. On being secured, two revolvers' were' found upon Sheppard and 'aide the key of Mr. Marks' safe, width was stoke frot hint about five iveeks ago.. His trnnIce were searched, and in them were found two'inote re- volvers, , tte was taken berme W. W. Connor, j.P., on Friday and committed for trial. Two others were arrested on suspicion of being ponneeted with him, but riothing being proved against them, they wore discharged. Sheppard it said to hail from tho neighborhood of Park- hill, but has been around hero for about it year, and is said to be engaged to AD estimable young lady in Goderich town- ship. ' ' • • . , • . . (;)%()T1:31ING 1111_ROIIA,T. ...• .17 :CLINT . . . . 11STABLISIIED 1854. ' ITTS0 Por the cold weather We show a v'erylargo range of goods rn the above department; comprising i art • . • • • km.-GL-97vg.:C4.1)E GLOVES, BUCK. GLOVES,' DOESKIN GLOVES, CLOTH GLOVES,' AN'T) AiLTITE NEW GLOVES, , • 13 In Underclothing we have a, very ktrge stook of ENGLISH, SCOTCH and CANADIAN MAKES, Silkl:IVIerino,. Cotton, Balbriggan, Lisle Thread and Wool.. AN INSPECTION OF OUR LARGE STOCK IS SOLICITED; grx-xos. 3-.A.oTtsomt eil(TXTON, Oct.:10, 113,78..