HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-10-17, Page 5OcTaBB17,188. &I I.1 ' 123Is1273RDEIIC. 4 GREAT, .E.XXHIBIT,' I]L A O7C+" . '. rUALILA}Z -r . - --ANIS -T 0IIT . WI 1_414 J31 L I1 irV" .i(-+_" ..• Xrli�,. iic5iDc -i e & CLINTON, Oct 10, 1878. MsNTRI .cit—asrmea AL II 0 ii While announcing our stock complete. for the Fall, we wish to call attention to the •fact that itis .now on a larger scale and .much more complete than ever before, in the. LATEST NOVELTIES, . NEWEST. GOODS;; L'EAlI)ING' STA a LES Bought at a time when the Dry Goods market was suffering 'under the severest depression,.sothat our .customers can buy new goods from us at frog.. 5 to `17+ per lower than if they Were buying old goods: o . IN DRESS This is specially noticeable, our assortment of New (goods in .this (lepar•tnient' beim nequalled in Huron to -clay. The -novelties -for Witt. fieasol •in SOULA3i0ES, BAUR TTAS, GRANITES, 1DEBAGES, CASHMERES ,DES TNDES; FRENCH*SERGEs,. CAME Irma CLOTHS, circ.• (almost all rough surface goods). are What, to Wear for this fall. . • IN OUR sr 1 BLACK GOODS 'DEPARTMENT • TUE CLINTON -NEW ERA Great Reduction Sale �r1Ii,:800th :p FOR C ASI•Y ONL'V ANI) ITS. IQUtYALE;NT, On account of ouo of the members of the firm being about to retire from hotness, we have determined to bell oft t11 our Boots Shoes °Hickory, and (41assware, and in order to carry *"r` OFFER A DISCOUNT OF i0. PER CENT OFF GOONS PURCHASED FOR GASH. out ibis Ivo will, from .slate;. As the ,entire stock• is'ne14', and,.Waspurchased trout first-class' wholesale houses, the nubile may 10ok out lei' bargains.. ALL x?rUN1J LA GOODS WILD BF SOLI) OUT. A'1' COST: is is a Genuine �I .:..STOCX MUST BE -SOLD., Atldttl1otefo: o• will oiler great inducements ,tektiu rob asere, LADIES and Ge:.atleinen.. 110\ THEMSELVES A'N . INJUSTICE EFORE SEEING .OU rw, STOOK., Our DO :NOT FAIL. TO COME ANI) 5111 OS. Cone One; .Come All, and .Secure the argains. As we intimated sometime age that we would render all aecounte ltpwto „illeeils.t of •.Qtitobtir, itis thio having been done, we !lope all parties indebted will call' and gable the same once. ( Tinton,' Oct: 17, 187S. ` 7Ta o.MPSON & SWrv:ZEL.. Word Tuffs been passed. around by the Con- servativo- leadni-that aLietinous:efforts-must;- be madeto get possession of .all, the nlunieipa1 councils in Ontario at the. coining January elections; with „a view to next year's general election for the Local•Legislattire, The idea is' to get Consor$ative nmjorities on the 13oartls of Works, etc., Se as to have little jobs in the • wards to give out toyoters •; and to, get and retails hold of waterworks and all other such undertakings; with i view to political inllu• slice.--ton(lo}t. els atrtis r, tU.LIili'i'O1' 7I�IEIi1AlIS. .0.otober 17,.,1878. 1V heat, fall, red,1,rl,ush; $0 73 a 0 i;0 t heat,fal1, white, • 0 80 a 0"85 Spring, _ - 0 70. a 0 S0 ` • 0 80 a 0.80 city; 0•24 it O :f0 - 11 50 a 0.75:. 054 .a 050 =• 4 50 e 5 00 - . 0 45 • a:.. 0 50 5 50 'a ` G 00 • 5.50 a '6. 60 Q.10.•a'01i5 010•a 011` • 7 00• a .8 00•. 4 50 a 0 00 , • 0 35 a• 0 50' •J 'd'0 a 4 00 • 1 G0 a 2.'25 • `(4iINTo ` icru SC: TOOL• ESTABLISHED IN 1880, ROAR)) Or frItUSi'RE19- 1678. • W. W, F'AITLIAN, Esq ex -Mayor of Clinton, Clot ninon. A WORTHINGTON; M.D.,,Searettup,ftrtd Tress. Ifo HALE Esq. ALA., Il 1tACEY, Esq.. ;TOM IENVE(114,e1,1U1),I A E'1LSI(ER,f.rq:.. T13Af IIYNFI STAFF. TAMES TtURNI3ULL;B.' A., Scholar in (flanks and Gold Medallist in Modern Languages, Toronto U nr vorsity, Head iUoster. • • . Classics, Modern Languages, antiliigber English. ' SOIIN T, 1111TANT, B-. A.,' Gold Medallist iry,bIathe- waticN,(reronto•Univerelty; •. 1' mentematics, Naturae Sotgnco, and T_nslrsii.• . ' . .TOLTN' 1'..11AL1'01.1t, Undergraduate, Toronto Untvor- Fife; .Oats, Barley, Peas, Flour, ' Potatoes, - Pork,-"". Beef, }.atter): gigs, • Hay, - S1100119kins Clover Timothy 11oUsl`, A.Ap rag 1•.7' c».�. f-4.81 A (0 0 01) ()111 A BB That .well-built two-story dwelling, containing twelve roerns, on lot 72Spencer street, with t;oqll garden stn•+ ble, shop -building, well, 42c., now' oecupted by .1. W. Yeo, will be sold on vcry.easy 'terms. Payment,takdia in monthly instalfnonts, if desired. Apply to the owner, Mr. Rise',h.lowed, or to i ' II. T\L1}. Clinton, Sept. 4, 18714. p 41.3. K� Ie. O T. • IP 9 R S..1:1, E. The ehoieo Burk Lot ou trio :street, Clinton, eolnpi1- niag over ten acres, now hold by 70.in 11g1hiesen,18 of- fered for sale on moderate terms. , • ' . .ld, HALT. I Clinton, Sept. '2,18 78. We have no hesitation in saying we have the Bost Values and Largest Selection • in Western Ontario, consisting of BLACIt SILKS, ELA.CK CASHMERES, SCOTCii CASHMERES, 17ERINOES, PAnAMATTAS,..PERSIAN CORDS; WOOL: SEROES, 'BALMORAi;.CRAPES ilncl LUSTRES; NOTE. Second arrival of out celebrated. Star :Brand of 13tA('l( firwrits.'.. FLANNELS. In this department oar assortment is -:surpassed by nolle, anti having bought Specially Cheap, we can undersell any house in Ontario. • S COTTONS. COTTONS. TTO N COTTONS. `�'JCONS. We sell all our well known elands at mill in•ices-=•whioh means -ti m 10 per cent, lower than you can buy any where. else. ' Carpets and. Hp use, c��se F" u�rni hi , S ngS. Our stockis large and coluj)lcste, at prices that insure sales. SPECIAL—OW: t( . T' : s ti all a I• L. t tel t week,. •,.•,,. ,, •, .a 1111.��s,.sel (. •,. sine. .11U11_..1J,1t_(. .tl.t dS4etttTlellt,. every intending buyer should. see, from the cheapest (;t'ovlw f etts,'at $2;00, to the finest lift(, front l5 to. $50 iter sett, and finest' Socru Ritt SI:A>i•,kSetts, at a `.I 1,00, iifl0,O(► and $05.00 PCP Sett. • w GENTLEMEN ()ur ordered and Ready.11ale (;lotlzing 1)oprtrtlnenti under ISHI.:4i.._l+'1S HEl . is practically closing up all opposition in this line, .elutblin'+ 115 to kt'ep oil blain al. assortment of 1{' \(LISA r ,ter • • • 1 ,. splendid, SaoTc1l, slid. (..�:�;1rilA;r: lil.l.i,r)s, 7. rti.�(.lt tTllfl ENGLiSi1 SQRSTEDS, Tl•TIOAT)S, D01i5, VEN1:TIANS, .t ut CJVT;1t#'Oii'r1N(IAy'at prices which defy competition, Hoping all will give us an earl "raft y + We t>i'('I yottl's.rospartfnilN.,. y FISH I~Fi , CRAiM, & OO .J Vinton, Oct. 10, 1 878. 1o:itlnds, Nuts,. Ete., Fi,ireI' & :Downs, :C;iigl,ton, °'hra.sufllilging; as sonar rover:, Bolt Ends and Nuts 'for Bridges, &c.. Tram 16 Melt downwttrets, and' any length required. Thole: I:oif"('altar performs She work in . the best manner. • 'riSUER d DOW\S. •Clinton, ituy+2s, iri74e. .. k () l S 14.,Y 5 r� (1 11. J, A 1. l i .. • Lc tunbasigrrcd ober:+ ftrr,aaia 111*, 1a0rattperinrtw.i• ROM( frac, dwo.Gug•honee., on Erie :Sfteet. nut far from (i. W. It. irr Station i 1• deuce containing Sitting moot dhring-roomu. Gita ehen, mutfour b'edrismns; good stable, rroodslle(i, pump, nt.+l Mutton with fruit trees. ,, 2, [louse ronGlinhrg-pitting tow»r, dtainp•rotni, kft•- ohm antj three Lrdrooia', with good modem and fruit trees 31* bears ,Torma moiler( credit it isv luftad. A 1r]y ltr.RHale, or'1410481g1.01 c'• n It ets1(41.01 ori the'premises. , 1,.%1 i) C'trNNT,LL. Clinton, Sept.., itt7d1. - +ATS 1:3T11'I'E FOP. SALI, 1. Farm Int No. 31 in the First, t) ter+rlotr trtln•an Mad) t r r.ass.nr,d Ibad}Tuct,ertrnith;(oti contains durst about two -miles front o:linten. hoard tenth itt (rant. d•I4,i hardwood timber. 11ay be made a superior dairy farm. ' fi. Wye, Tial. of Lot 1;i;ht in the Elrventh (:one(N-. Sion at'(innberry, fifty ccre a,gond wlleatiaud, sit ini,e5 front Winghatu add ono mile trdun The (ilenannnn 8tei, ti,ia of the Toronto, (trey and i!ruee T1411way. A small clearance on the front, balsam! lisrdwnoi..flmbor. Whina soil cheap for cash, r r exetr•rn'-t' for town peeper. tyrfn C'ilnton. Apply to the owner, Cho nlelThrower,01 Paled 11llle,Clinton, ortothe nedersigned, , 4. The largo and convenient Tlth } 'Stow, in the Al - 'Sort Street Mock, now (wawa by01r,.Tat1.iti.l,nrhatnb .. • G, LntSl) ou Victoria strut.l:linteo noljoinln4the' Queen's 11oto11,with twa•..tney Omer, hedge :tea garden, 8, Int alt} ..*oars Street , 8.,trlou Estt tc• H 1(rr.•s l tr}I.1! 6 -memo,. c Xi, good' weir and garden. Apoly '1. r Tas. ilTetan(1Pr n11 the premises, or to rLe nnderai:;ntel. 7.Vto hive factory building and lot.li•ijoinne.t tlr{•, Grand Trunk '•tatir:n, formerly aeras Ifs by T. 1 . Md. try, with engine rtt.T biller. Premises Weir anth•tl for m(tlrnfaettlrin , purposes, pork'packinlr, Ce. • 8. tot 0, ort l ictoria Street, i Clnrdon nnprey); it (*boioo building lot,between r11r O T. Railway eta the'iliver !calf etteeti, planted with tr•u 0, 403',Alt, Sto, If. irALF. . Clinton; lone 4,1078. Sul)se il)e for Cha Noir Era f Assistant in Mathotiiaties Mei English. MISS Al oNJ'ILL', .Tgnior]iasis+h 1'ren'eh and German, • This School. prepares, 'pupils for the lfniver- sides and for entering, upon the study of.any of t}e professions. Special attcntion.is given to thestudies- required for Public School Teachers 'As one' of• the (ronuty. Model' • SL A'YV•1.hp_. 1oT.A.1\71' .,MS_. A.RE ALL NICE GOODS, AND • CHEAP:. fry. our and you'll rise no other. 3 3 . e 50 CANT TSA 01tntgq;.Oct:.16, 1878. • Schools. is now established in Clinton, :teach _ 'ere of thethird class can complete their pro`= feseiotlal course in this totvit. Students pas• sing. the Intermediate', Examination' are en•; titled, on teaching one. year anti attending the Norms1 School for .0110 session;. to a Second, alasa.2roviueiitl_clrtifiotte; f1r11s1tz Ir' r___ An excellent chemical laboratory has been oroviiled; and it: is believed that the course in.»atiiin1 scteirce lots. be of great benefit to thane who intend.to follow, farming pursuits Book-keeping and the other .branches -of a. sooa mercauttloetteation are also taught,' • 1Jy the latest ollicial:report of the Iilsped; tors, tt'1ii h'.divides the 1.14 liSchooli:of the t'tovince }oto eight classes, -the Clinton School 3s placed in the seoond.elass, only six Schools (Collegiate: Institutes in cities'and Large towns) being placed in the class Shove it. Since that report was made, the teaching.stall. of the School has been increased:1nd improved, new :apparatus procured, anti a commodious brick building has been cotnploted for the school, at a cost to .the town of $5,000 ts,curvATioN.-The 'isxaalivationsfor ad- mission are Held' at the Olintoit.,godel School (Central school Building) half yearly in Juno and Decemb:.r. Noticeof tiro exact time. will be duly given itt the County papers, 'The following•are the requirements ; septi tea.-i•ourthlteoding noel, to p. 210 and :spew, Ing &look. IVnrrtso.--Neatly. and legibly. Aurrrt)ZE- irr,• •Ft3ncipiva of Arabic. and Reiman notation; vul- gar fractions; decimal: tractions' simple proportion( with rtlasonsot.rat a•.toonfal arithmetic. GxA,ualan, Principal graminatiea'lforms enicEdel}uitions; analy. NW Of simple Neotenool; parsing silnple sentences. Cosnro,t'rlos,--tiiinplo an,l complex sentences, orally e1' iuwriting; grammaticalehangr!.soiconstrttction; ishort narrative irr description : twitter letters: GCoo ttA1'ilY. —Maps of America, Europe, Asia,, and Africa • maim of Canada and Ontario. Ln stn DIRrvtxo.-• Outline of =elm; common objects on paper. I]isxottr.- Candi. dates will be examined le the lending facts of English ..!store. The questions Set will. n •t deiutttil n minute knowledge of oetnias;bnt will be Ntrirtll•.MOW to Cho outlines of the anble t. it* salts Candidates will bti examined, nn lwretofore+,.in rending front She Fourth hustler, i.p. 1•-1116; but they will, tit addition, Le eX• putted to Auer that they tnidersia,441 the meaning of these leading tonsoos. They will llkewisit be pxolmtned more minutely on the tokrtione enumerated in tbofol• they Instil • list,and flat will bo p re rt ufired t•o reduce the n e /fast eo of one ormnrecif Thoth 10their nw latidoage. ▪ -(1.) Th Norwegian Colinas' In t5rcoolitud.-5oore,.. by i2) The founding of the 1 m -11t Atnerr l n Colonies. ,IPedrell, in.) 'the Voyage of the °olden llind :...IIr td. t it s alorfr t r. (-l.! l ho 51 '4(4000('of Anwriea ladbert- son ta.l Tbo heath of :llontenlin. -ilnn„ urs.—(0.) Tnc;nev earner at-tlooheinga. 7fturIrins. (14 Cortez In Maslen. (n :Cpl's Paprr•. •iii4 The linrentteera ---, The Son. 484 7;nc] trthgniitcotearnecna.•-Ifunthetat. i1U.) rho Conquest of Porn. .drrnats ot•llotrtn,tlie 'hive He. fief 11i.0 Taccrimiiie,toftraloa 1t71ftebTntolutail.x: (1' r• Herniating the Deliverer *4 (lernllnV-y,ferrrr. (1(1.1 The Ournin ref ),Irorow..-Seteir'sNam iiee. (14.) 1 cs tt le of I'bern3obyIe..—It ferle Mt This De. e :1(1101 r41 pfeoflrli U,tt,a»Lae x1,.irl.-.t1(l.i -'Lite T,,sini; ortili,raltar. ftrrrtnn'(11,r2,!., . ,. 1.'tu.Thlttes for the Iriteriuediate E:+amin- akimz and tar Glass.Certfficates are e xamined in the High .School 'Building in hayandT)ocr tt)her, usually in the last • week of each tr.rrn. - .. ' . Thome ANlr VA --•'ritere are 116w three t,irlli s ostab)iihed 1.1.;c• law, the first ecru- lncnsir,nJl "t h, tn rhr ng on the 'natality before 1'rtster the second com- melufiug air the 0rot 'frac d'ley afttir :baster, nod ourlinll o1) July l:lth ; and the third coin. nlelieillrf on Sepik;niher 'I gi, and ending nn I)ecember.111t11. it.iss .t"girnblc that pupils rhrluh. tomer at the Aet;inninf, either of the hrst or of the. third terra. (,rod heard eau he obtailtetl in respectable families at front 51 to •$.'per Creek. Pupils can haw nece,. a tr the 'large and valuable li beery and %V)I1. rnepltlied rea{dlrig rerun of the Clinton *1ot11Ianies' tostilulee, (open -lice even* il)gs in the west) at the moderate' fee of $1 a year, or at that rat,* for' a le•ot period: .. farther information 10111 be given on appli- ,eating to the Secretary,.ni: Lite Heal, Master. Clhlton.3larctr;28,1878,, . FALL AND WINTER GLI ". "T*O'1�l" t`xtraordiit1u'y • Bar ains to pIoln4lt and Cask Paying - Buyers. Goods of .411 kinds were neves as eheap as. theyare to -da. and qualities never better. .Our • Y� � Pala And Winter-impowtations are now- ` all th dekai, tinents of our business, . , i. :OL It STOCK* COMP11I$5, 'VERY LATEST 1 I TSEs1N • BLACK .and COLORED SILKS.- : FANC'Y DRESS GOODS,. BLACK and COLORED CASHMERES MILLINERY.and.• MANTLES; ES RIDVy MADE CLOTHING,HATS and CAPS, FUR�,HoaTS and SHOES, GENT'S FURNISHINGS, ENGLISH and ,CANADIAN TWEEDS, FANCY GOODS, GROCERIES,, &c., &c. • rv; WHAT WE. RECOMMEND we' believe that (;Foods 'of all : kinds have x;eached the bottom prices. and we advise otir customers to baby,.,. • costly, as we think by so doing. they will find it to tlleir4 aalvantaae. We have, bought melt app. Immense line of n 'ods this seasons at •podia. I.ow yriees as will A. >30 � 1 p permit of us selling them as s c...t prices as will daefy r1' )nitietlttiost. • So retire. rtlettlt, %ire avant your ;trade and the want yeti 10'tentio With us. No trouble to sliest itoeiis no Ti1C UI.i ,('le'e#IIIA . smite no Gat H. `WRIGHT 484..a CO C;.Li4'1C,N, 41et,10,1818.