HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-10-17, Page 44r: 4 ounoN NM ERA, OCTOBER, 17, 1,87,se, NEW, ,ADVERTISE1WF,NTS. Card -Miss Gillespie. -Stray Cow -B. Moore. Reduction in Price -W. 1,00, Farn4 fOr Salo-Mts. 'Tooklos. Voter' e List-Jewes Braithwaite, Diesolution--Gressich A.; Cunningham, Great itiattottia-Thernifeon or Switzer.' The Keenest Competition -3% C. Gilroy. Advertiser & Liberal -J„ tieentroa Ladiee end Gentlearen-R, Callender & oo. Thoroughbred Sheep for Sale -J. Calming.. earmearessesseseases, copies orte-asy's NEW ARA niay nail AS tee Boor store or Arany& 7i1R, A. Yaill and .T, Nottqa Atbart. Strut. Vile° 5 canto par copy, (glinton Jetv oFFICnAI., . • THURSDAY, OCT. cENTitie. tiono;t4 lin:pawn :CoXVENtriopt .A. large meeting of Referm delegates. from the Centre lUjthg ef Huron took place at Seaforth on Thursday :last, for , the purpose ot taking into considnration: the• proposition of Mr. Herten to resign and make way fur the eleetion of Mr,. Cartwright. In 'the absenceOf Mr. chairman ef •the associatien, *D. D. Wilson was balled-.-Ife who briefly explained the object ._.for which .the meeting WAS Iforton made a full .4ad clear 'statement of tho whele-situallon, asserting' that his resignatien was not enlyVoluntety bnt entirely free. from artything. that Would savor savor of a eorrupt transaction. His object was solely to give gr. Cartwright an opportunity Of getting a seat in the. House that lie •might look .after tho financial affairs of the country, With . . Which be was 80 intimately Acquainted. Mr. M. C. Oarnerent .,also, addressed . . the delegates, freely expressing the views he held in the matter.',andhiaknOW- _ ledge of what had transpieed, eulogizing." IN1r. Horton 'for so -freely offeting to resign in favor of, Cartwright, . . • . _After a further brief Convention among the delegates the resign:ea= of Mr. - • Horton wa.s. accepted, and it .wahnimens nomination tendered to Mr. Clartwrigyati which was 'stibsequenly 'accepted by that .gentleinan. A large number of false. etunora and . • stitements have be= made anent tithe affair, which have been started end , echoed CO and fro by the:.enetnies, .oe - mem,. Horton and Cartwright.,. Tho, resignation of the foiener to O•ive :the latter a: seat ii the House is neither.' a new thing or anything corrupt Or `wrong _ about it. It is frequently done,' both I this country and England, *and was net a jubilant statement made se soojt as it was known that•JOhn A. 'was. de - feasted in Kingston, that there wer,!),a large number of constituencies ready ta.' • be thrown open for him, and did .not two candidates yield in his &ten. fit* Manitoba.. , . 7 To get an election m. the-Centee Rid- ing before the meeting of Parliament, it was necessary that the seat should become vacant by the acceptance of.offiee by Mr. I-Torton, the lulfilment ofthe Jaw in this respect was done by appoint- ing hirn to a clerkship in Ottawn,. which * 'he-Corild hiddlor a few hours and then resign, as he had net tlie .Stightest iu tention of holding it, Mr. Patterson, M. P. el' SoutirDnint, wee at the convention, and gave an Co, • vent and forcible address, giving a few. logical and sensible arguments upon the.. absurdity ei• the National 'Policy Inure: tion. On the following day.. th.e....CorraelVas. tives met in &invention and nominated again their previous. candidate, Mr. S. . Platt, who appears to take. defeat very philosophically, fully preying his states ment, that he was used to if, , - The two candidates are now before the electors, and their Verdict will heve • to be givea on the 2nd proximo, the no. mination taking place do. the 2pth inst. Notwithstatding all the cabiteny and slanders heaped upon Ur. Cartwright tve believe him to bo 'oee of the best. --FinaireirMidiaterAlinttritroveridtakan our faith in hint is strengthened. by the countenance- and support he ' received from Sir Francie gineks, ono efthe best financiere iiCatteda,. and late rittaneo Minister of joint. Mt administration, His knewledge and. acqueintance with the ,finatices of the eottetry.ttre Coo vein. able to be lost, and, every elector Slieuld be glad •of thleopper'citnity of putting him inee positioh to utilize his abilities for &cod of elle country. • - • • THU UUSIVNATION 00 THU. ' OOVERNSIENT. , Tito resignation 'of Mr. Maolcenzie and his colleagues Was • formally, tender- ed to the' Governor-General on Wedttes day .of litst week. Bad they chosen to follow the 'usual consafittional praetice they might hove retained office nail the new Parliament inet, hitt the ,eottfse they have taken Will emmeend itself as :trio More fitting One ;ruttier the eircutu- stances: vale voice of the- country 'has: been 'eler and positive and they have only .delayed itkignation a heiticient time to clear off tho arrearageo. of Work which accumultited-dm.ing.tlie .election cant - As only Awed weeks elapsed lietween pollihg day aud the: 'date Of thole resignation, it will be seen, that on their part no muttasessarY dblay weltered. 'They have accepted the Verdiet prompt- ly, and they go out of °Aloe withent win upon their: persouel or. political 'Character..The -Liberal patty .lirt jut cense feekpreud of. the cenclitet of its lktders .1,1,011114e day theYtneeepted office until the (ley they eetired,,and -the time will CoMe When justice 'shell be' derie. to Mete. Joint,A. Meedonold has now the longed -for opportenity. to .banish hard times and • make: everybody eiele and if oneere. in his. professions 'Parlia- ment will be summoned for 40 earl. y.day. rint4iNpsts telte..4 PEPTS. • . Altitotigh .for 80.100 past,..Canada, with many other - Countries . . has been .euffeeing 'front a Stagnation of business, • there are indications that the • !coining. Winter Will be still .tnere strin- gent, .anti: .0.14 nearly altkinds Of bnai-• . . .nesa* In England ena- .Seetland -thee° has hope a numberof Very heavy failures, and th.ey will fti'ise feeling of .suspicion es to the solvency of otany others as well as obsteuct..busi- ness. 'Wages in.atinost all departments are going :dektni',' and Still the' deMend for labor -is not bask. • For England if is a goOttaring that the peke, of produce ,has fallen to snob 5 low point, but It is °the opposite for America,in this country' will realize that their in. Come has beeti-tnaterially etit'doWn by the fall in prices, and this will :seriously affect dealers and others in towns.' The remedy for this state of thirigteis Cuttailtnent- of expenditure; .and, the practice of ti More ..stringent •eponoply' than bas been done for korne-timepak. This. lessening of busineas Will tend to drive Some out of it, and to the cultit,* ,tion of . the soil,which is the .Onlys-re‘ Source left Open. :.There are numbersin different towns that ere scarcely makine , a living', bui if they Were to go and. t7rIcc. up' land and expend .their labor and judgment .4= it, they would- .be)tble to lay: something up for arainy day. If 'many of these parties wi1 not do it citrLshojae.,_we • expect to seo:,thon drivenlirth hy7the force of eircinustene,. es. •This winter will he likely to try. titen'S condition' and ciretunstanoes, And it .beltoves all to prepare for a tiere of contraction.' . POLITICAL NOTES. • ••••••••••••••• • 4 protest against Me. A.rkell, AI, P. (Conservative) for East.Elp,irt, is decided on: . • Lord Dtaerin will be entertained at a banquet at Belfast on his ;return t Ireland.. , A. Montreal evening paper aeserts that Hon. Thos. Ryan is to be appointed Lt. Gov: of Quebec vice Letellior. • Conserwitive organe aro • admitting Mr."Mitchenzie's henest and utiselfieh- fiess. Why were tney lees honestbefore the elections • • • . • It is definitely underatond that Mr. titmice • will resign irr. West buthere and make way for the Hon. Edward Blake, whose return. to Parliament will please -the entire people of the. conntry.. Stephen .M.. Clhandler, eldest son of the Lieutenant -Governor of New 1310113 - wick stumbled over rut enthankinent on •Thursday and-brokehie neek„, wee • a well-known besiness man,' an highly tatemned. • Says the Ottawa Free has It is J)101) that the Premier Mr.'Arrteken- ,zitc,;-,111 remain in Ottawauntil the Spehnt, at least. There is said to be some iikeithood of his then reiturving to Toronto." • Tho elections which come of in Now. foundland next month will be almost entirely ren onporsonal iSSUCS. Ther0 is very little excitement ever them, but much indifference and inaction' eornpar- ed with,former elections in that. colony. • The Governor General, last week, honored:61r.. Maeltenzie by aceepting an invitation to the other Min- isters being also present. It is not con- sidered etiquette for the Governor to ao. apt such invitations, but the exception in the preseut instance goes to slimy the very high esteem in 'whieh Mr. 'Mao. kengle is held by :Ifis Excellency, twItTell1PS RATION. eoatillInvrs O1f TUS IntUSS witnat,MN. We are glad that Mei- Horton is to receive no moot-01)0)1Se, ;for itgives the Re theca to the sneers thet ' the Conte*: vative vegatut;Arejt.WWw-indulging'in atthe expense of that gentlemen, who, beyond it doubt, has 'been actuated by. the highest and most honorable motives; for Which he „deserves the -Appreciation. of whole party. Now that Mr. Her. ton Juts mettle way for Mr. .0retwright and he hes been accepted, :it hemmer/ the, duty . or ate. Refortners of Centre -Hu eon to .see that -he is elected„ and, if possible, by the thonsanel majaritY Qattrerthe' predicted,While the coin - pip .procectlinp; it' will tax watched with deep interest:by the .Whole party, whae thanks tbo. electors' shall have if' they Succeed in carrying. Aft, Cartwrit,,ht ti vietork„ of wnieb Meet) can be• no Mr. ;Horace gertoit 'has peiforeteri.n. highly creditable a0 ill ottbrine hisiteat as :metribee for Centeo Heron to Hon, - Me. Cartwright at •the present juncture. When the resieriatien • of Mr. Horton was , first mooted, 'the Opposition press. combined • in a genet al' howl of rage. Mr. Iforten Q1Ne, 400$0d: Or peSitiori. for • a collectorship,. and he was warned by Sir John MactIontild's :chief organ that any appeintittent Which he Might. receive Woulkt be cancelled by the ingot/40g Administration. ; TbeSe Outbut-Sta Of anger and ...hate had their Origin in thedreadof Mr, Cartwright's tx.timmteikt1 .catio felt'by ir :Ian and hisfellowee's, 'They had•bent every energy and used 'evety.• exertion . to keep him out ofTerlictinent, Arid had 'temporarily', .:sueeeeded. :It ...Wee ',more than their etfutim--.1int5 could:bear to see: him, 'when they, thotight 'ti10.. down, placed l5 1 position. to hafile their sohemee; andin. their .distippoIntrtioet they gave utterance to threats that we have,no donbt they: wOtth.i pow gladly' .recall.. .Mr. tio.rtonie beyond' the'rettch. of their spite. •The'facts of his reaigna- tiett slei).v.. that it WItli neVer voutetenlitt- 'ed te totiard him 1y tii appointment.; that. hill resigeidieu was infleeriailsri1- ly by. -party and to give.... the country'. the. benefit .of Mr. CaetWright's services.. ti.t. a time when they • were .inost needisd,. and that the iappoittment ite. was to receive • was ' 'mere. formality,being the 'only...mode by. which he could Vacate his.seat :defer° the .assernbling of parliament :and the election of n Speaker. We. have ne .7leubt that :the I,iberalS. of. Centre Huron will show their , appreeintien Of; Mr. CereWrieltt's abilities by (rhino him as large a majority ....as Was over polled in "tittd:0;eioliteit4rsn. ittetertnicy.e.foeany . .,.On'Teesiley Mr. H. Sntton, i was conning front the Lake when: bis . • ab- 'I'Iie tpirit shown by the Reformeie of tonti9r1 . WAS 'dii'eete4 to it 'on a. Centre Htfrou end. the :gentleman they .fetice, 'Where it'had been',ehttsed by. A .so ' eeeently :oniced of the !ram which Was pitstueine ort thehigh- Whilfr Was tardng • tile. child., Poll is .wertify ..of ail. commendation. Horton is to.d,y,t,ocemtig. no mho from. the 41.m.se the animal saw a woman portion ofeonannely at thebandsolthe mon the road a short distance off, :and •.preg% .eo wits .1mmediately started off in the direetion FECTRON IT4IV/S. • has rivaled a lodge of the In- dependent TemPeranee 'Ox -der, Mr" Pearson, Wingham, has sold out his floursand. feed business to j, Elliott, - Mr -Dy mond. of Wept, Witwenesh, has sold out, and returns shortly oo St. • The rate in AleKillop this year is 51 mils on the dollar for county and town- ship purposes, ' • Mr: W. A.rtnstrong,, of-Ashilek11.--has eela his fru= and lot/Se property and goes west shortly. • • Mr. Wm. McFarlaue, of the .f2nd eon. Stanley, bas on bis font an apple tree whieh is new ia bleesom fer,the second time this...season. . . A few days neo4. james WestcOtt, of LTsborne; thoW m lusplace to the market inExeter, '100 bushels .of barley at one lead.. This; load was drawn by st, man of.tin•ee year old colts.• . 'Last Week 'Me, Jolla Dunn, StlinleY.; delivered to Messrs. Clarke, of •Blake, ,$,T,• bushels of pears, besides keeping about 21- • beshels at. home, • Thew:, .wero of good -quality and all cd front one tree,. . The*.B. C. Church at Hensall was ro- Opeeed fee divine serviee on Sturdily :13th inst. --On Strbbath at 10:30 Rey. rt, Thomas, of Clinton, preached ; and on. Monday a fruit festival was: held, • after whieh.addresses were delivered, • The Mortis Drench 'Plowing Mitch' • will be held on the fart)) of John jack -ewe -south half of lot 10, con. 8, , Morris, on. Tuesday, Oct. :?,2nti, There will loothetre .elaisess--two_fer me8. and one for boys under. .seyeeteen ye:043 of ittot„ The questioe •of sopa/slang the exist - amen. between the FordWich and NitroXeter Presbyterian churches. has, at last, :Assumed a distinct forni, .A.• vote. 'Of this congregation was -taken last Sab- bath to itacertain the feeling of the mein: herein this matter: • . . ' . , ' •on If11d4 last ,11.1r . -W. tlyndinan'S buggy 'traserint into by a heavy waggon driven. by Ale. D'Nonne, while it short -distance out of Exeter„and considerabfy stneshect up, one wheel being • a total • wreck. Mi.. D'Isiontiewas overhauled by Constable Gill, and paid the datneges. Winglutinhas been proclaimed a .town by the Lieett.-Governor in accordance with the Municipal Act,, to take .effect next January, no R.art of Lower.Wing ham being taken au, but, instead), the village to be extended eestward toward the junetion. • Tlte Times Speaks 'very. iedignantly ot the.:way the change has been made.. News Items. •. Use's distillery, Windsor, was totally destroyed by tire on Monday eiterneon. The sixth fire since spring devasteted an important pot tion 9f Port Dalhousie, on Wednesday night, Seven hendred and forty head Of !rat- tle and 4,200 sheep were shipped to England from lliontreed-last week, • Bailey's eatrittg.e shops' in Ingersoll, with it large 'quantity offinished and unfinished stook, were burned • oh Mon- • dayTllaieigtiti•atilic returns of the Grand Trunk • Railway for laSt week show a decrease .of $28,981 from tite corresponding week of laet year. •• The death is annototeerlat Sitneoe, of the Bee. j.:11.yerson, the 79th j,ear of hiS age and tin- Of his ministry, Ho was it brother of the Rev,.Dr, Ryerson. In Toronto a boy named CI-lease/a was instantly killed on Thursday, by beim" pierced. :through ,the body ,by aolra shaft- While endettvoring to conteols the horse he was deving. • • • A hey named Robinson fell inion cistern, at Str•Oathat'ines,..08 Satprday, his mothee;in running to his assistance, fell and broke herlee. .but man/teed. to se reach tbe cistern and draw the little fel-: low Out, " • , J., P. Wise, AI. P., of Preseeti, was in .Allsa Craig oh Thursday last; and superintended ,the shipment. of 14, 0111 105(13 leads of finesteers purchased by hira from farmers rind droeiirs in North MiAtiltSliester'gaifo. last 'w.eek Messrs; Afewat de on bought a fair . sample of red chaff wheat at:50 emits:per btiSliels. It is 'used for making a flour known as "spring extra,". and is usually sold in .the eastern market, retied to have his eye orthe Celleetor- 111 which". sli"e 15115, f611(wed 1'3-1\1" 5;,.. ship ol ,Godetich, and was .warned. Mitt w•110 readied the spot juet tts the ram if. he uooptod .that office in 01,,jor to 'WAS abeut to make an attack- on the lady. peovide 0, eeat.for Mr. Cartwright me ap- Staking hint on the fore .logs With hi4 pointmpt would be promptly cancelled . whip stock ;11ir. S. knocked- .him. down, .110iV lle ts charged with having procured.' 311(1 finanY4.suceeeded In °Qnluering lam' fee himself'as the price of his resignation The 'plastering of the: English church "5 swig berthworth $2,200.per annetn." • is being hastened ferward 1, Mesais. Pt. One story was as good as the other, and, Hotted, of Illyth; and 1C1r. Pattersoh, both have been effectually disposed of by of Clinton, if is only necessary to men- the' event. 'Mr'. Horton has, stithent tion their names to convince all that the 'any consideration whatever, given up Work will be performed in a first classnien- the seat he had SO honorably filled since nor. Mes,sre Young.k .Crien have. the the geueral election of 18r2. ia order that contract for seating the same, and at the eaeliest moment, the prosenee of they carry °et their centred as satiatite- Mr. ..(Ittetweight fa the now .Tfonee 'of 'tartly as they did irithe construction of. Commons may beassured. As the only ,theionilding our EnglisleOlthech friends method by which ite:can voluntarily set -will be able to beast of ono of ihe Pea - cote the seat at the present time: is by tiest little churches in the tonnty. Mr, accepting 1111 office under the Crown, Ire H. W. Eitele of :Witeghatn, the areld- has been appointed to. tt Goi•etannent teat, •deseives great .Prtifse for his taste fl drawing'the Review.- olerkship 'that happens to be vocal() 81111 will no dotibt in it few days. place the sit:Adieu at the astiosill of the Ad- ministration, : Tts emoluments rind pro. fits will be to him or no more value than those attaehihg to the Stewarship' of -the Chiltern Ifundreda,•whicti tbAse British M.int frequently fall back upon who desire to be relieved front their position without Awaiting the dissolittion of Parliament...la is, we daroseY, hoed- ly uecessary fOi. its to caution thellefer. rams of Centre Huroit in their preseet. mood against the danger of over-confi. (k)1ee, At the late Conventibn the strongest assuranette of seceess wore held out.- These -were no doubt exectedingly well founded, but let not tiny One be begniled thereby into a condition of in activity, If these in whose Whale the rtorttinatiott has been made will billy • worCwith it will, kid as though Mt the rndtvicluat exettions of each onedepend. ea the igsue of the tray. not'only is tory eettain, but a majority may ' predictbd that will have a meted ellbct on the public mind of the wholeconntry. There fa not aim loyal -hearted Iteformer itt the Dereinien who will net welcome Air, Cartwright's election, 4101 hail his happy forerunner of many more by: whieh recent reverses willbe retrieved, andiothers Whose temporary exclusion is'nosv regretted be. enabled to join hint in again' doing good servico 08 member Of the House of Commons.-Glabe. It is reported that Lody Maori!): wil1 retarit to Vane& with the PrinctM Louise. • Salkeld, Sr., one of the oldest set- tlers in this vicinity', who died Oct„ 8th' at his late residence', Bey -field Real, Gdelerich Township, The deceNeed gen. tlenttin came heee from Cumberland, ' Eng., in 183d. He settled near Godo - on the' 1.1;tyfield Road, on the fain liONV occupied by i‘le ffeath.! He was a -first class farther mod tr pioneer 'in' in- trodueing thbrhughbred stack. here. Was a prominent and active inen‘ber of the first agricultural association Rimed in •Hurop. His immediate tteseendantS "will number 83 Caldren; grand -children 011(1 groat-gettrid children; whilsthis re- latives -by 'marriage will peer/al/Ty the hundreda. Ott l'uesday as Arr. D. Purvis. of Goderieli township, was driving home front, Croderich with a young' span of horses bitched in a Inutile], waren, the whifiletree bolt °tune out and th% hoeses at once bolted off at a Anions pace. Mr. Porvis had taken up two travellers Who 11,03'e going to 'Clinton, One named C. Plunkitt, an Ahierican cabinet maker from Boston, and the other Mr. Renaud a Frenchman, both in quest of employ- Inent. As soon 89 the horses .started oll all three ittraped, out, Mr. Purvis esoaped withont mjur,y, but the otitors were injured. Plunkitt lied a kg bre-. ken 00ar,tito ankle joint-, besklea some bruises. It may be necessary to ampu- tate the ieg. Reiland received a cat on the forehead &tending oVee the eye. brows and into the skull "bone, but both - big serious is‘.ariticipated. While ,'seine forty cattle wore being driven d0W0 liSr the Market Hell at Levis, on Thursday nunning, the whar- fage in front of: the hall, facing the river, gave way. The whole lot were preci- pitated •inte.the and five were drowned, the Others being hauled -AO by ropes. with ninoh difficulty. • . • The average rainfall, per Month in Ontario is •leas then 8 niches, hitt „in SepteMber WS year 7?: inehes fell at Galt. and it little over 17 inches at Guelph. Besides the.' ektraordinary depth Of the Guelph'reintall, • the difibr, ence etnearly ten inches between it and Galt, only 1•0, miles distant,: is Very 'retest', tl A brakestean named • A. "Hogg. who runs between Ilitmilterrand Kincardine, on the Wellington, GeV & Bruce way, Rail - was accidentally kiIled ott Wed- nesday evening by being Amok on the .head When. .passing under the railway bridge between. Gait and Preston, while walkingon the top of the cars. . • . Jima L. Moss, a trader in Montreal, had*a terantity 'of watches„atel jewellery seized by. Castera 44Qt1.00.'efficers 08 Stus., day last. , Ho escapect.the officers at the boundary line by keeping 'these -eostly' artictes in Mk valiaei„but he Vas detect 'cid .upda reaching Montreal by tvain. atternpted to bribe• the Ctistotris trill - ger, but failed. J. Scherbert, Logan, 111 the employ of Me. G. Hennicke,:went to feed it bull belonging to the latter on Tee,sclity of last 'week. The brute 'turned en him, geeing an eye: out and disfiguang his face, and breaking his ribs, The poor fellowlingered in great pain until thio next day, when death released him frpra bis sufferings,. • In Making a raid on it house of ill - fame, at Montreal, the 'policefound a number of school children of both sexes in the house. The trial disclosed facts of the most 'revolting liature. Some of theso found were from 9 to 12 years of age, and of, respectable parents, and Were eta , Parents who were present at the trial wore deeply affected at the depravity of their children. A. shocking occurrence took place in the township of E...eppell, ott 'Sunday morning, in 431 attempt at le -Maier of a youtig man fumed James Arnold, by his brother, Isaac Arnold. The perpe- trator or the deed laid itt waiting for his brotber on tt road That they latter Wag to trass and shot hint 1/1 the back, 'The woanded man is not, expected to recover, 1Satte was sturimarily tiled before the Magistrates at Oxenclair, and committed, to Owen Sound jail ioirtwait hiS. We have to record ond "t_d the% riloit horrible aecidents possible to 'conceive of, by whieleit•boy about sixteen yea)* of age lost las life ill a moat fearful manner on Tueqlay. last. The lad's mune was Kimaryand he iivo with his father bt Ifumbersterie, the ttecle1cut ocearrine• at Mr. John Deterlitto's place in trier township. The troalt was standing on the machine,lielpingnubind, when ha unfortunately glippild o thA his leg wa3 caught by the cylinder. The machine was being dtivett by ten horse power et the thee, arid the Inger- tunate victim wee. at 04.100 drawn in bodily, being disembowelect and mate s,,led ottt of all betrian shape, and, hor- rible to relate, some parts of, the body actually passing through the machine Although, so badly mished, lifto was observable after*he wag got out, •Init, of Course'may:. for it few- mituttee. The conenssreito•Ilifttachine was so greet that the stakes of the horse -power .vtero actually torn out of the grotthel;" Wet, trout Tratow. • . • • The Oenteal Presbyterian. Unveil. of Detroit, has extended a call te the Bev, iiv, Geo, f•D, St2ittsbvil.e°yY, ;yang...farmer from fouoi Frederi4sbargii, was, Qa„ satuoay, aamiaated ftir the Lewd . .1fonse by the Liberals of Lennex, . The Nova, Scotian Ministry resigned On _Teesday...afternoon,-- -..The-task formitig a new Administration for the. Provinee was eetrusted to Simon IL itolmes. The Gertild Teti nyttrIthisu.,' ear carried over 29,000 ekoorstordstsi exclusive of those going to tlie. various exhibitions, • and the recelpialrom that Source haye:: added considerably to the r•evenue of the e°1311)eallY:W: eelt,.: ,1•1tuni 1,siltort,l'a. pLtsterer ' relined Steinman made a bet .be.. email plastee: a 'tom, rneasuuiig siktY-g"ix" yards, in ono helm. . He tocoMplished khe feat, in fiftyfitar tnieutes,. -'Jjiis it simply wenderful, yards"h,e.ing. almost a day's work. • -.A.-mosttlietresshigaocitlent took: dii Sktitleci?"yrh , ,b namedhttle boy j*erai . with another child, attresine theinsekos- lighting matches, set fire tO''his clethieg. 11,11c1 burnt MS breast,nook, hands. Anti ,p.30aentii.ioi,,rn.: hie :looda..mest ' feraful . The latest Swindle 'in the. rund .dis:-.. • ' tricts, says an :eyeeln:tnge, is tot two: oily fellows to. Call upon a farther),:ostensibly for art:agricultural, paper or bureau. "They.. stay to dinner, or0ver4tight, antlinsist. itig on paying for. their accominotlations, shove a 'counterfeit bill on the farmer in :exeliange:. forgeed money/ , 'In the Algomit.eleotitin ALTHawsen,. Reform, . has been ejected ..by niajoritysoVer. Air: Rankin. Atelegram... fee& Sault Ste..Marie ofthe 9thi inst. itunounces, tivtt Mr.. R. A. Lyon, Reform : :eantli.date; lni8. been elected to the Lecallio••• nseor b Algot Lyenis a.brother of Mr, W. Lyon, 71‘1,' PP. foe Halton, and is• staunch •Re forni-.. . That celebrated election 'whee,lbaprovt 4Y. wager . between ' t!WIZI SmithiWaterlori",.' Was -cenSitinplated 011 &Whiny afternoon; the *forme irig Lis man intci Aye from Cedar Ceeek,„ and completing the job at. half -past five Tim TIM occupant of: the :Athicite datTiecl.tii otitsReed pinbrella over lila head as an erablent 'of peetectionand needed The ;pale were Mri. Reid (Grit), and, Sandy 'Mills, (Torn.. • , ' . It Is 'a -settled fad •that'Sie John Mac. tionald15 going o-,to resign. his seat :fee. -. Maequette andacceOt a nornination in. Victoria, „British Columbia,. ;British Coitrinbia papers of the 301h tilt, contain Sie. 'John's declaration by 'telegraph,' dated London, 5eptem1ee*28, that lte i‘ prefers- to At feeVieteria."." Plie Ottawa organ of .the .perty makes ,similar:alytounfcemteiritt,. /cll.:m.13c; we.:.nry accept it as,a'Act,, ta tt 3o.rn gore, to desert Alarqttetto and bestow his po- ' litieal.riffectiOns upon yjtotia, • .4•13,115( The farmer Who expects ,toijet ferly dol. , lars more for his horse as Seen as Sir John g,ot into office; is .anxiously waiting anti watching for the ineorriing of the new • Government. He has an abiding faith in • the ability a Sir 'Mtn to change not only the Canadiali • tariff, but to abolish the United States duties on Canadian products goina into the States.. Ile has been 'care- fully educated to believe that Sir .Toltn passessesthat newer; and with the calm. confidence of Anoodonco.ho is waiting to see hint use it, This 'IS' no fancy sketch. 'There are thousands of farmers .who were beguiled in this way to support the Opp9- sition, candidates at the election.. • It is • . hardly likely they will be cenett with 80011 chaff ae„ain.-Lenrioli itarertiivr: • • - •Sale ItegiSter- Firm stock, &c.. of Ur. A. Grant; lot as,,con. If, Goderich on the 22•Eut inst„ at amiaismawasewelawNO„ inwriasiw*remereseiti evav —111 (1181011, the ;he 10th Inst., wife of Ur. Jas, Ferguson, of.a. daughter.. mewnemr.-rri mitten, en the too, inat9 4 Arm 3. ltlowbray, of'a $011. • • Itonmsmsr.`z-In• Clinton, on ihe Ilth Mat, tho wife of i\IP. John Robinson, of a.so)1, 13rucedeld, on the kit fest., . .Mrs. Dr. fruriburt, cIA daughtei.. ittotr,--"Itt txete,roort the 7th not., the Wife. Capt, George Kemp!, of a on.. • . , • • • MIAMI [Et). t3vonnir--PnAnt,---At the manse, myth, as . the 9111 inst„ by, the' Ile, A. McLean, __...'msninaLhtotey, toorsabella.'Phair• bltil af McKillatt • . Oeem.nestes -.Jos ES. ---At the residence of, Mrs, `f. Welts, Stanley, on Oot. 7, by Rev. Willialn-Oshalde.$ten; to--' Miss Mttry A. Jones, both of'Stauley. liaituroito ()dutch, 411,the ' • itith inst.., by the Vertereble .Aroluldacon ° Elwood, W..1. Bradford to Miss Efizabedi • Sutton, beth of the township of Ashfield. Tt1ou8otittattann...-:On Oct. 10th, at the residettes of the bride's father, by thc-itev. Jas. rreeton, Mr. Jetnea C., Time/soh, of tondesbere. to Nibs :&larY A, Kirkbride, of • Grideria, • .Diem • stanley, ou the llith entlicritie(fampbelf, ecliCt of the late Jatues . Copeland, Tom/81y a Stanley, and mother of N1r. Johtt Copeland, ot:Oljnten. - 11ttt.tts.-In Newtonvillo,,on Wednesday, eth Oak, Mrs-. John Ui11en,eged 77 years, cktuy,-.hr mentep, on the )211i inst, Ocorge Gray, brother of Rey. 3, Grey, of Winton, : • aged antyeare. litaxnee.-Inteigrave, on itfotulay, 7111 inst., Mr...lames Brandon, aged )4 years., 8Alalailli:ali1Oodorieti awn tiltip, eiTaittu147,, 061. 8,, john SalkeRI, hour, aged SO vats ' Anal month.